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Spelling Tic-Tac Toe Activities Third Grade Experts

Write the words and how much each word is worth: Example Consonants= 3 points Vowels = 2 points
PRIDE=3+3+2+3+2= 13 Create a cartoon strip using at least 7 spelling words. Illustrate the cartoon strips and be sure they have bubbles with five of the new words. The cartoon must make sense are you will not receive credit for this assignment. Write a story using 7 of your words. It must be at least 20 sentences long and your words must be underlined. The story must make sense. Punctuation and Capitalization

Cut 10 of your spelling words out of a newspaper or a magazine. Glue them on your paper.

Write the words with blue vowels and red consonants.

Create a pyramid using your new spelling words. Example: Ride R Ri Rid Ride

Write each word using an ABC color pattern.

Write each word using a sentence. The word must be underlined. Check for capitalization and punctuation. Sentences must be 6-7 words in length.

Find a picture in a magazine or newspaper. Write as if you recently conducted an interview. Use at least 6 of your spelling words in your article. Underline the words you use. Glue the picture on paper then write your article.

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