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DotA Allstars 6.53 AI+ 1.

52 Revision 04
This is a port of RGB's AI+ v1.52 (originally written for DotA Allstars 6.48b).

It behaves the same as the original AI, and has only been updated to account for
balance changes, new item recipes, and most new features. As such, some new
content does not work fully with the AI yet.



Known bugs with AI:

-Pathing on the top Sentinel lane is still the same as in 6.48b
-AI don't properly react to -nb, -nm and -nt modes
-Some exploits that should have been fixed are still in the game...just don't use
them. If you really want to cheat against AI, just use -test
-Lanaya may crash your game if you use her, depending on how lucky you are
-Repicking Invoker will cause the game to lock up if you do it during the
preloading process; wait about 20 seconds after getting the hero before repicking

Some commands have yet to be implemented properly:

-rd (the new one in 6.53, -rd is in the game but done the same way pre-6.53)

Additionally, I have added a Fun Tavern in the lower right corner. Currently
includes eight legacy heroes (possibly more in the future): Old Invoker (6.12b),
Old Lifestealer (6.48b), Old Silencer (6.12b), Gambler (6.06), Old Morphling
(5.84b), Old Stealth Assassin (5.84b), Void Demon (3.0d), and Rider (5.72).

To access the fun tavern, type -fun within the first 15 seconds of the game.

Rev. 04
-Changed item dropping mechanism on AI so that they no longer appear at the
fountain, which will hopefully reduce the chances of AI bots not completing their
-Slightly modified the AI to check gold before dropping items to prevent AI from
prematurely selling them
-Redid the script for Power Cogs
-Redid the positioning for neutral creeps
-Fixed test command -lvlupfor
-Fixed Hookshot to properly detect marked units (goes through Power Cogs, dummy
-Fixed overhead text tags from showing through fog of war (as in 6.52)
-Fixed consumable count on final scoreboard for human players
-Fixed the timing on neutrals spawning
-Implemented -rickroll command (as in 6.53)
-Updated Doppelwalk illusion behaviour (as in 6.53)
-Updated Magic Missile cast animation (as in 6.53)
-Updated Old Morphling's Spellsteal ability to steal from Fun Tavern heroes
-Fixed Blink animation on Old Morphling and Old Stealth Assassin
-Added Void Demon (3.0d) to Fun Tavern
-Added Rider (5.72) to Fun Tavern
-Removed the word "Old" in front of the old heroes' names (i.e. "Nortrom, the Old
Silencer" instead of "Old Nortrom, the Old Silencer")
-Changed AI item builds for Spectre, Tiny, Chaos Knight, Enigma, Leshrac,
Morphling, Juggernaut, Treant, Weaver, Dragon Knight, and Panda

Rev. 03
-Fixed Invoker from breaking the game when picked
-Redid all of Lanaya's triggers using 6.53 script, hopefully this makes her stop
crashing the game (if she still does I don't know what else to try)
-AI Sand King can now properly use Epicenter
-Fixed Clockwerk Goblin being unable to attack his own Power Cogs
-Fixed Rearm
-Fixed Essence Aura
-Fixed icons on Gambler's skills
-AI players that die with a Bloodstone will no longer be renamed "Bloodrune"
-Single player test command -powerup now properly spawns runes
-Added a warning message for when the AI randoms Lanaya, N'aix, Invoker or
-Removed the "undroppable on cooldown" system for items (as in 6.53)
-Added the "$" symbol above creep kills on replays and for observers (as in 6.53)
-Changed AI item builds for Terrorblade (Overflow_GR) and Rattletrap
-Updated Old Morphling's spell database to allow stealing Rattletrap's skills

Rev. 02
-Changed the item consumeable code to an updated version of the original AI+ one
that makes use of the new item system, which should fix the "return to fountain"
bug with AI bots
-Made Clockwerk Goblin unpickable by AI
-Fixed Mana Void animation and damage

Rev. 01
-First update to 6.53
-New item system implemented, so all item builds for AI heroes have been changed
-Disabled all AI scripts pertaining to Lanaya, hopefully this should allow players
to choose her without crashing the game
-Updated AI Lycan to use new Howl ability
-Fixed timing on AI going to lanes in -rd
-It is now possible to pick heroes from the Fun Tavern when repicking or
-Test command -lvlupall can have a number after it to have all heroes level up
faster (i.e. "-lvlupall 25")
-Fixed a bug with Viscous Nasal Goo that made it unstackable when cast on AI
-Changed the way gold distribution is coded to hopefully prevent crashes
-AI also get the same gold bonuses as human players in -em now if using -ng
-Updated -unstuck to use the implementation in 6.52
-Changed Eclipse implementation to that of 6.50 (no ministun)
-Changed Wild Axes implementation to that of 6.50
-Changed Land Mines implementation to that of 6.50 (detect floating heroes)
-Changed AI item routine for Deathmatch
-Fixed a small bug with Puck respawning with a slightly smaller model size after
dying (heh)

6.53 Port of AI+ and -fun content by BuffMePlz.

Special thanks:
Tenshinhan DN

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