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Theory of International Politics 160 ne iat BBS = audit % ‘aos 2m by ttn ny Pins Cones, ns Flin oh 39 ‘gerd No uh pbaon may beret. orl ns rerenalten o ‘Rett nn larmarty any ans don me papier oe ape beri epatn oe bene ed Se Aner ‘iad mates Cas Urry Canes Cag Cae Ne Preface “Theory is fundamental scence, and theo ar rooted in ideas, The National Sence Foundation was wiling abet onan dea before could be wel explsne. ‘The following pages, {hope justify the Foundation’s judgment. Other inst thos helped se along the ene road to theory. In ecen! years the Insitute of Invernational Studies andthe Commitee on Research atthe University of Califor Fa, Berkely, beled finance my work, athe Center For ternational Affairs at Favord dl eave. Fellowships fom the Guggeaheim Foundation and from the Insitute forthe Study of World Politics enabled me to complete a draft ofthe tmanuscrpt and alo fo relate problems of international poteal theory to wider [oues inthe pilosopiyof scence, For she later purpose, the philosophy depart trent of the London Scholof Economics povided a exciting an fren env- Robert Jervis and John Rugaie read my nextlast eat with care and in sight that woul amaze anyone unacquainted with tel critical talents, Robert ‘ait and Glena Soyer also made fling comments. John Cavanagh coleted {Quantities of peeliminary dita Stephen Peterson consructed the Tables found in the Appendit; Harey Hanson compiled the bibliography, and Naine Zeliskt ‘experly coped with an unrelenting flow of tapes. Through many discussions, traily with my vile and ith graduate students at Brandeis and Berkeley. a ‘umber of the point { make were develope. ‘Most of Chapters 2 and 3, and some of Chapers and 6, appear in my 1975. cesay they were prt ofthe orginal pan for this book. Here ard there I have “Sonn paseoges from olher essays and from an eater book, These and other Sources appear inthe Bibliography near the ead ofthe book, Because a theary ir never completed, have Been reluctant to declare the rmanuseipt done I do s0 now —vethout a sense of completion, but witha deep Tigh of cele and a deep sense of gratitude tothe many organizations nd individ Cale who helped ne Harborside, Maine KNW, aly 1978 Contents Laws and Theories 1 write this book with thee sims in ind first to examine theories of inter 4 em chapter 5) Pata stcues » I es B smehworin sete Powe 2 Sun futon pales ee hye eno coy see eee sep aed etc ot ony two at ae re eet nada The ast opr eure at chapter 7 sracurtCausesand Bonomi es co ‘Leone of he hy ters theory and nw be early chosen. Whereas to ‘tanto ot tery we for acrpancea snl dfnton of ais wily compre 8 secur Cassand Miliary es m sr echo bree vate, ata eg ee SESS ake alee vl I ten by where a sands for one or more cope J theManagent of ternational Ais » indepen vrais and stan for te dependent anaes Inform thse open stetnent aw ee eto noes a iri he abso spp a lute. If the relation is highly constant, though not invariant, the law would read Biography a TEE mr then b mth robbs Afar based not inp oma elation tae thfarbecn ean bu onan ta on ben found repeat Repetition ie au Web thesapctaton that indie future,theneopecieg probity iia nd bn te natal lps ven robbie contin ton : spun of esti he sal scenes to sy that pons of oped Income vote Democratic wih a certain probably ito mate a loeke state- nent The word ike implies a leer sense o ces. Sil, the statement would st reall kt a lam selene the relation had go often and so reliably been found

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