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Spesial facts of owl

These nocturnal animals, often regarded as a symbol of wisdom, as well as a symbol of death. behind all the allegations, which is believed owl has existed since ancient times had many secrets privilege. Let us uncover the facts surrounding the mysterious sound of this tunable although looks funny, actually predators predatory owls. zigodaktil shaped legs, two fingers point forward and two backward point fingers, feet like this membuay owl can grip their prey with powerful unique, although a predator, owls have no teeth. but, he has a long and sharp beak. thick hair on the face, make the beak looks tiny owl. part this is what he used to tear its prey owl wings, furnished with hairs that have different levels of softness. feather the edges of its wings rigid, so that it can reduce the noise when the air. while the middle soft, so it can dampen turbulence today, the owl population in Indonesia is almost extinct, valley area, offerings. mostly, this causes the extinction of wild tree felling and eliminate the massive residence owl

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