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coosoltloq Attlcles

keta|| 8ank|ng

8anks should Lake a page from Lop ecommerce players as Lhey pursue Lhe goal of boosLlng supporL
communlLy adapLablllLy and convenlence ulglLlzaLlonLhls comblnaLlon of Lhe lnLerneL
broadband and moblllLy ls a requlremenL for every bank looklng Lo Lhrlve ln Lhe new world

Lnhanced ulsLrlbuLlon vla more branches coperLalve banklng beLLer producLs

-egat|v|ty In Market|ng ne|ps
Suppose you're qulckly searchlng revlews onllne Lo plck a resLauranL for a frlend's blrLhday
Accordlng Lo Lhlspaper when mosL of Lhe revlews are poslLlve abouL lmporLanL Lhlngs llke Lhe food
aLmosphere and prlce one sllghLly negaLlve menLlon of a lesscenLral aspecL a lack of parklng
for lnsLance wlll acLually enhance your lnlLlal poslLlve lmpresslons ln Lhe rlghL clrcumsLances
especlally when consumers are ln a hurry or sllghLly dlsLracLed as Lhey ofLen are when evaluaLlng
onllne adverLlslng people Lhlnk more favorably abouL a producL or buslness lf Lhey 'reserved a llLLle
dose of negaLlve lnformaLlon afLer a large helplng of poslLlve1he analysls showed LhaL parLlclpanLs
ln Lhe lowprocesslng group evaluaLed Lhe booLs more favorably when Lhey recelved lnformaLlon
LhaL was an amalgam of good news followed by sllghLly bad news 1he opposlLe was Lrue forLhe
parLlclpanLs who were more focused on Lhe producL descrlpLlon 1helr vlew was more favorable
when Lheyrecelved only good lnformaLlon
8oLLom Llne
SllghLly dlsLracLed consumers wlll Lhlnk more hlghly of a buslness or producL when Lhey recelve a
small plece ofnegaLlve lnformaLlon afLer hearlng abouL several poslLlve aLLrlbuLes MarkeLers should
embrace raLher LhanflghL negaLlve remarks by lncorporaLlng Lhem lnLo onllne adverLlslng and
oLher seLLlngs LhaL LargeL unfocused consumers

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