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Where in the WorId?

First Name Jon Santana

Today's Date 11/30/2011
ArticIe Name iPhone Cookie Hits the Spot
ArticIe Source DOGO News
ArticIe Date 1/14/2011
Summary of ArticIe (at Ieast 5 compIete sentences, no more than 10)
The iPhone cookie is quite deIicate. A accessory baked into a cookie. What can be
better? In Japan a woman named Kumiko Kudo, the 44- year-oId owner made a cookie
that resembIed the iPhone. The edibIe iPhone was such a success. The cookie is worth
33 doIIars in the U.S.
PersonaI RefIections (at Ieast 5 compIete sentences, no more than 10)
WeII I have some reaIIy good personaI refIections because everyone in my famiIy has
one, weII at Ieast mom, dad, and I have one. I'm gIad that someone from Japan cares
about the iPhone. I Iike everything about it. If I couId meet the Iady that created this
iPhone cookie I'd be thriIIed. PIus I Iove cookies.
High Tide (Extended) Research (at Ieast 10 sentences, no more than 20)
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