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Boycott of danish products by the Muslim world Jyllands-Posten, a Danish newspaper featured several offensive controversial cartoons of Prophet

Muhammad with a bomb in his turban. last September which has angered Muslims not only in Denmark, but around the world. In retaliation, Muslims boycotted Danish goods, crippling the Danish economy to show displeasure. Now, people have been directed to remove the Danish goods, mostly consisting of dairy products from the shelves. The directive came to us last week from our higher-ups and we acted accordingly," the official told the newspaper. At least 17 Danish newspapers reprinted a cartoon as a demonstration of freedom of expression after police foiled a murder plot against the cartoonist. Media outlets in Jordan and Qatar have launched campaigns to boycott Danish products, and protests have been held across the Muslim world, including in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bahrain, Gaza, Iran and Denmark, which witnessed a week of riots by Danish Muslim youths. A number of Danish embassies were attacked and more than 50 people were killed in rioting across the Middle East, Africa and Asia following the first publication of the cartoons in late 2005, first in the Danish press and subsequently by numerous media outlets around the world. The cartoons caused a massive backlash against Danish companies operating in the region, with supermarkets and retail outlets removing their products from the shelves. Arab regions which Majority of people are Muslims were living with a very important role in international marketing allowing us to trade with different culture and different goods thats why government need to create a quick response to this problem like allowing them again to use variety of goods to prevent the trade war. Because there a will be creation of boundaries the different between races and if the government cannot resolve it immediately it will drive to result a great conflict.The Islam countries holds the largest lands amounting of oil and it is the basic part of todays trade industry realizing without it war will cleanse hatred toward people, and that is the solution.

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