You are on page 1of 8

1 Assure you have [ust started a mob||e store ou se|| mob||e sets and currenc|es of

0ebtors 6ash Cap|la| Cred|lors
set vouchers
3larled ous|ress W|lr casr 10000 10000
purcrased ro||a rardsels 25000 -25000
purcrased 83NL ard Re||arce recrarge voucrers 5000 -5000
so|d a rardsel lor 000 cosl|rg 5850 -5850 000 150
3o|d recrarge voucrers ol 1500 prol|l -1500 1590 90
Pucrased a secord rard ce|| or crerd|l 3000 3000
so|d a rardsel lor 10000 cosl|rg 9150 -9150 10000 850
Repa|r Wor| ol lre secord rard sel -1000 -1000
3o|d lre rard sel lor 5000 -3000 5000 2000
3o|d a rard sel or cred|l lor 10000 cosl|rg 9500 or
cred|l -9500 10000 500
Rea||sed Z0 lror lre cuslorer -Z000 Z000
Cuslorer oecare oad deol -3000 -3000
500 3500 0 38590 39590 3000
12590 12590

2 L|st the account|ng Standards as |ssued by ICAI Wr|te short note on IIkS
Account|ng Standards (ASs)
AS 1 ulsclosure of AccounLlng ollcles
AS 2 valuaLlon of lnvenLorles
AS 3 Cash llow SLaLemenLs
AS 4 ConLlngencles and LvenLs Cccurrlng afLer Lhe 8alance SheeL uaLe
AS S neL roflL or Loss for Lhe perlod rlor erlod lLems and Changes ln AccounLlng ollcles
AS 6 uepreclaLlon AccounLlng
AS 7 ConsLrucLlon ConLracLs (revlsed 2002)
AS 8 AccounLlng for 8esearch and uevelopmenL
AS 9 8evenue 8ecognlLlon
AS 10 AccounLlng for llxed AsseLs
AS 11 1he LffecLs of Changes ln lorelgn Lxchange 8aLes (revlsed 2003)
AS 12 AccounLlng for CovernmenL CranLs
AS 13 AccounLlng for lnvesLmenLs
AS 14 AccounLlng for AmalgamaLlons
AS 1S (revlsed 2003) Lmployee 8eneflLs LlmlLed 8evlslon Lo AccounLlng SLandard (AS) 13 Lmployee 8eneflLs (revlsed
AS 1S (lssued 1993) AccounLlng for 8eLlremenL 8eneflLs ln Lhe llnanclal SLaLemenL of Lmployers
AS 16 8orrowlng CosLs
AS 17 SegmenL 8eporLlng
AS 18 8elaLed arLy ulsclosures
AS 19 Leases
AS 20 Larnlngs er Share
AS 21 ConsolldaLed llnanclal SLaLemenLs
AS 22 AccounLlng for 1axes on lncome
AS 23 AccounLlng for lnvesLmenLs ln AssoclaLes ln ConsolldaLed llnanclal SLaLemenLs
AS 24 ulsconLlnulng CperaLlons
AS 2S lnLerlm llnanclal 8eporLlng
AS 26 lnLanglble AsseLs
AS 27 llnanclal 8eporLlng of lnLeresLs ln !olnL venLures
AS 28 lmpalrmenL of AsseLs
AS 29 rovlslonsConLlngenL` LlablllLles and ConLlngenL AsseLs
AS 30 llnanclal lnsLrumenLs 8ecognlLlon and MeasuremenL and LlmlLed 8evlslons Lo AS 2 AS 11 (revlsed 2003) AS 21
AS 23 AS 26 AS 27 AS 28 and AS 29
AS 31 llnanclal lnsLrumenLs resenLaLlon
AccounLlng SLandard (AS) 32 llnanclal lnsLrumenLs ulsclosures and llmlLed revlslon Lo AccounLlng SLandard (AS) 19
1he ll8S loundaLlon ls an lndependenL noLforproflL prlvaLe secLor organlsaLlon worklng ln Lhe publlc lnLeresL lLs
prlnclpal ob[ecLlves are
Lo develop a slngle seL of hlgh quallLy undersLandable enforceable and globally accepLed lnLernaLlonal flnanclal
reporLlng sLandards (ll8Ss) Lhrough lLs sLandardseLLlng body Lhe lAS8
Lo promoLe Lhe use and rlgorous appllcaLlon of Lhose sLandards
Lo Lake accounL of Lhe flnanclal reporLlng needs of emerglng economles and small and medlumslzed enLlLles
(SMLs) and
Lo brlng abouL convergence of naLlonal accounLlng sLandards and ll8Ss Lo hlgh quallLy soluLlons

1he governance and overslghL of Lhe acLlvlLles underLaken by Lhe ll8S loundaLlon and lLs sLandardseLLlng body resLs
wlLh lLs 1rusLees who are also responslble for safeguardlng Lhe lndependence of Lhe lAS8 and ensurlng Lhe flnanclng of
Lhe organlsaLlon 1he 1rusLees are publlcly accounLable Lo a MonlLorlng 8oard of publlc auLhorlLles
@he IAS8 (Internat|ona| Account|ng Standards 8oard)
1he lAS8 ls Lhe lndependenL sLandardseLLlng body of Lhe ll8S loundaLlon lLs members (currenLly 13 fullLlme
members) are responslble for Lhe developmenL and publlcaLlon of ll8Ss lncludlng Lhe ll8S for SMLs and for approvlng
lnLerpreLaLlons of ll8Ss as developed by Lhe ll8S lnLerpreLaLlons CommlLLee (formerly called Lhe ll8lC) All meeLlngs of
Lhe lAS8 are held ln publlc and webcasL ln fulfllllng lLs sLandardseLLlng duLles Lhe lAS8 follows a Lhorough open and
LransparenL due process of whlch Lhe publlcaLlon of consulLaLlve documenLs such as dlscusslon papers and exposure
drafLs for publlc commenL ls an lmporLanL componenL 1he lAS8 engages closely wlLh sLakeholders around Lhe world
lncludlng lnvesLors analysLs regulaLors buslness leaders accounLlng sLandardseLLers and Lhe accounLancy professlon
@he IIkS Interpretat|ons Comm|ttee
1he ll8S lnLerpreLaLlons CommlLLee (formerly called Lhe ll8lC) ls Lhe lnLerpreLaLlve body of Lhe lAS8 1he lnLerpreLaLlons
CommlLLee comprlses 14 voLlng members appolnLed by Lhe 1rusLees and drawn from a varleLy of counLrles and
professlonal backgrounds 1he mandaLe of Lhe lnLerpreLaLlons CommlLLee ls Lo revlew on a Llmely basls wldespread
accounLlng lssues LhaL have arlsen wlLhln Lhe conLexL of currenL ll8Ss and Lo provlde auLhorlLaLlve guldance (ll8lCs) on
Lhose lssues lnLerpreLaLlon CommlLLee meeLlngs are open Lo Lhe publlc and webcasL ln developlng lnLerpreLaLlons Lhe
lnLerpreLaLlons CommlLLee works closely wlLh slmllar naLlonal commlLLees and follows a LransparenL Lhorough and
open due process

3 Cash 8ook

r lr lre ooo|s ol V/s Tug|a|& Co. 6ash ook Cr
ale Parlr|cu|ars LF vN Casr 8ar| |sc ale Parlr|cu|ars LF vN Casr 8ar| |sc


1-Jar To, 8a|arce 8/d


1-Jar 8y, 8a|arce 8/d

2-Jar To, Casr @


2-Jar 8y, 8ar| @


5-Jar To, Vorar


3-Jar 8y, lar|


-Jar To, 3ryar

Z00 100 1-Jar 8y, Purcrase

1980 20
Z-Jar To, Casr @


Z-Jar 8y, 8ar| @


10-Jar To, lar|


8-Jar 8y, TypeWr|ler


11-Jar To, 3ryar


9-Jar 8y, 3ryar

12-Jar To, 8ar| @ 10000

9-Jar 8y, Crarges

18-Jar To, 8|||s Rece|vao|e


12-Jar 8y, Casr @

28-Jar To, Corr|ss|or


20-Jar 8y, 8|||s Payao|e

29-Jar To, Raresr


22-Jar 8y, raW|rgs


30-Jar To, Loar Repayrerl

2000 3000

21-Jar 8y, Trade Exp


31-Jar To, lrleresl


25-Jar 8y, raW|rgs


2-Jar 8y Vacr|rery


2Z-Jar 8y, lurr|lure


31-Jar 8y, Rerl


31-Jar 8y, 8ar| Crarge

31-Jar To, 8a|arce c/d


31-Jar 8y, 8a|arce c/d


3900 1010 100

3900 1010 20

4 8SC |n Ind|an Company
1aLa MoLors ls Lhe flrsL lndlan company Lo be lnducLed ln Lhe 8alance Scorecard Pall of lame
!olns Lhe LhlrLymember ellLe club of organlsaLlons lncludlng PllLon PoLels 8MW llnanclal Servlces uS Army korea
1elecom norweglan Alr lorce and Lhe clLy of 8rlsbane for achlevlng excellence ln company performance

1he commerclal vehlcle buslness unlL (Cv8u) of 1aLa MoLors lndlas largesL auLomoblle manufacLurer has been
lnducLed ln Lhe excluslve club of organlsaLlons and corporaLe houses recognlsed by Lhe presLlglous 8alanced Scorecard
CollaboraLlve lnc for achlevlng excellence ln overall company performance 1he coveLed SLeuben crysLal 8lslng SLar
Lrophy was presenLed Lo Lhe company aL Lhe 8alanced Scorecard Asla aclflc SummlL held aL Cold CoasL Cueensland
1aLa MoLorsCv8u has been recognlsed for havlng achleved a slgnlflcanL Lurnaround ln lLs overall performance 1he
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe 8alanced Scorecard has enabled greaLer focus on dlfferenL elemenLs of operaLlonal performance
ueflnlng cascadlng and communlcaLlng sLraLegles across Lhe organlsaLlon have broughL abouL Lransparency and
allgnmenL 1he scorecard lncorporaLes SCuCM (safeLy quallLy dellvery cosL and morale) and vMCu8 (volume markeL
share cusLomer saLlsfacLlon dealer saLlsfacLlon and recelvables)
8avl kanL execuLlve dlrecLor Cv8u 1aLa MoLors sald Whlle we were consclous of Lhe beneflLs of Lhe 8alanced
Scorecard when we began lmplemenLlng lL Lhree years back we are exLremely pleased LhaL lL has helped us achleve
slgnlflcanL lmprovemenLs ln our overall performance l am qulLe poslLlve LhaL Lhe 8SC wlll play an lmporLanL parL ln our
ob[ecLlve Lo become a worldclass organlsaLlon
8alanced Scorecard CollaboraLlve presldenL ur uavld norLon sald We creaLed Lhe Pall of lame Lo publlcly
acknowledge Lhe hard work and remarkable resulLs of lmplemenLlng Lhe 8alanced Scorecard Lo creaLe Lhe sLraLegy
focused organlsaLlon 1he 8alanced Scorecard Pall of lame pays LrlbuLe Lo Lhe success LhaL each organlsaLlon has
1aLa MoLors Cv8u shares Lhe honour wlLh Lhe clLy of 8rlsbane and korea 1elecom (k1)
1he 8alanced Scorecard (8SC) concepLcreaLed by ur 8oberL S kaplan and ur uavld norLon ln 1992 has been
lmplemenLed ln Lhousands of corporaLlons organlsaLlons and governmenL agencles worldwlde 8ased on Lhe slmple
premlse LhaL measuremenL moLlvaLes Lhe 8SC puLs sLraLegy aL Lhe cenLre of Lhe managemenL process allowlng
organlsaLlons Lo lmplemenL sLraLegles rapldly and rellably
8alanced Scorecard CollaboraLlve lnc ls a new klnd of professlonal servlces flrm dedlcaLed Lo Lhe worldwlde awareness
use enhancemenL and lnLegrlLy of Lhe 8alanced Scorecard as a valueadded managemenL process
1aLa MoLors range of commerclal vehlcles spans over 133 models and can haul loads ranglng from 2 Lo 40 Lonnes 1he
producL porLfollo also lncludes 12 Lo 60seaLer buses Llppers and LracLorLrallers 1aLa MoLors vehlcles meeL Lhe
sLrlngenL Luro emlsslon norms 1he company currenLly has an exporL base ln mosL parLs of SouLh Asla Afrlca Mlddle
LasL and Lurope 1aLa MoLors recenLly crossed Lhe 3mllllon producLlon mllesLone

Schedu|e of change |n work|ng cap|ta|
art|cu|ars 2007 2008
Lffect |n work|ng Cap|ta|
Increase Decrease
Current Assets

Cash 114000 126000 12000
ShorL Lerm lnvesLmenL 20000 42400 22400
debLors 30000 60000 10000
SLock 28000 38000 10000
(A) 212000 266400
Current L|ab|||t|es

CredlLors 30000 40000 10000
8llls ayable 10000 20000 10000
(8) 40000 60000
neL worklng caplLal (A8) 172000 206400
lncrease ln worklng caplLal 34400

206400 206400 34400 34400

Adjusted P/L A/c
Partriculars Rs Partriculars Rs
dividend paid 11600 By balance b/d 130000
Depreciation on building 32000 profit on sale of investment 4800
Depreciation on machinery 20000 Fund from operation 65200
loss on sale of machinery 2000

To, Balance c/d 134400



Fund flow statement
Source Rs Application Rs
Loan taken 100000 increase in working capital 34400
share issued at premium 84000 dividend paid 11600
Sale of investment 20800 purchase of building 192000
sale of machinery 6000 purchase machinery 70000
Fund from operation 65200

Sale of machinery 32000

308000 308000

Cash budgeL ls n esLlmaLlon of Lhe cash lnflows and ouLflows for a buslness or lndlvldual for a speclflc perlod of Llme
Cash budgeLs are ofLen used Lo assess wheLher Lhe enLlLy has sufflclenL cash Lo fulflll regular operaLlons and/or wheLher
Loo much cash ls belng lefL ln unproducLlve capaclLles
A cash budgeL ls exLremely lmporLanL especlally for small buslnesses because lL allows a company Lo deLermlne how
much credlL lL can exLend Lo cusLomers before lL beglns Lo have llquldlLy problems
lor lndlvlduals creaLlng a cash budgeL ls a good meLhod for deLermlnlng where Lhelr cash ls regularly belng spenL 1hls
awareness can be beneflclal because knowlng Lhe value of cerLaln expendlLures can yleld opporLunlLles for addlLlonal
savlngs by cuLLlng unnecessary cosLs
lor example wlLhouL seLLlng a cash budgeL spendlng a dollar a day on a cup of coffee seems falrly unlmpresslve
Powever upon seLLlng a cash budgeL Lo accounL for regular annual cash expendlLures Lhls seemlngly small dally
expendlLure comes ouL Lo an annual LoLal of $363 whlch may be beLLer spenL on oLher Lhlngs lf you frequenLly vlslL
speclalLy coffee shops your annual expendlLure wlll be subsLanLlally more

1he lmporLance of cash budgeL may be summarlzed as follow
(1) ne|pfu| |n |ann|ng Cash budgeL helps plannlng for Lhe mosL efflclenL use of cash lL polnLs ouL cash surplus or
deflclency aL selecLed polnL of Llme and enables Lhe managemenL Lo arrange for Lhe deflclency before Llme or Lo plan for
lnvesLlng Lhe surplus money as proflLable as posslble wlLhouL any LhreaL Lo Lhe llquldlLy
(2) Iorecast|ng the Iuture needs Cash budgeL forecasLs Lhe fuLure needs of funds lLs Llme and Lhe amounL well ln
advance lL Lhus helps plannlng for ralslng Lhe funds Lhrough Lhe mosL proflLable sources aL reasonable Lerms and cosLs
(3) Ma|ntenance of Amp|e cash 8a|ance Cash ls Lhe basls of llquldlLy of Lhe enLerprlse Cash budgeL helps ln malnLalnlng
Lhe llquldlLy lL suggesLs adequaLe cash balance for expecLed requlremenLs and a falr margln for Lhe conLlngencles
(4) Contro|||ng Cash Lxpend|ture Cash budgeL acLs as a conLrolllng devlce 1he expenses of varlous deparLmenLs ln Lhe
flrm can besL be conLrolled so as noL Lo exceed Lhe budgeLed llmlL
(S) Lva|uat|on of erformance Cash budgeL acLs as a sLandard for evaluaLlng Lhe flnanclal performance
(6) @est|ng the Inf|uence of proposed Lxpans|on rogramme Cash budgeL forecasLs Lhe lnflows from a proposed
expanslon or lnvesLmenL programme and LesLlfy lLs lmpacL on cash poslLlon
(7) Sound D|v|dend o||cy Cash budgeL plans for cash dlvldend Lo shareholders conslsLenL wlLh Lhe llquld poslLlon of
Lhe flrm lL helps ln followlng a sound conslsLenL dlvldend pollcy
(8) 8as|s of Longterm |ann|ng and Coord|nat|on Cash budgeL helps ln coordlnaLlng Lhe varlous flnance funcLlons
such as sales credlL lnvesLmenL worklng caplLal eLc lL ls an lmporLanL basls of long Lerm flnanclal plannlng and helpful
ln Lhe sLudy of long Lerm flnanclng wlLh respecL Lo probable amounL Llmlng forms of securlLy and meLhods of

Set 2
Year Current Assets
Liabilities Current Ratio
2009 12000 11000 1.090909091
2010 24100 16000 1.50625
Year Quick Assets Quick Liability Quick ratio
2009 6500 11000 0.590909091
2010 12700 16000 0.79375
Year Credit Sales
Debtors Debtors Turn over
2009 43000 4500 9.555555556
2010 69000 6100 11.31147541
Year Year in days
Debt Collection
2009 365 9.555555556 38.19767442
2010 365 11.31147541 32.26811594
Cost of goods
sold Inventory
Stock Turnover
2009 32500 5500 5.909090909
2010 57000 11400 5

!ob CosLlng
1hls ls a producL relaLed classlflcaLlon of cosLlng sysLem 1he cosL ls ascerLalned for each [ob or work order processed
1hls sysLems ls used where mosL of Lhe manufacLurlng acLlvlLles are planned and carrled ouL for dlsLlncL [obs or
cusLomers 1he uLlllLy of Lhls meLhod lncreases when Lhere ls greaL varlablllLy ln naLure of [obs or work orders processed
8aLch CosLlng
1hls meLhod deLermlnes Lhe cosL assoclaLed wlLh each baLch pf producLs manufacLured 1hls dlffers from [ob or work
order cosLlng ln Lhe varlablllLy of Lhe producLlon baLches ln Lhls case Lhe producLlon baLches conslsL of mosLly sLandard
producLs or componenLs WhaL varles ls mosLly Lhe slze of baLches and Lhe Llmlng of Lhelr processlng
rocess CosLlng
ln Lhls meLhod of cosLlng Lhe cosLs are deLermlned for varlous dlfferenL manufacLurlng acLlvlLles or processes 1hese
cosLs are Lhe asslgned Lo dlfferenL producLs on Lhe basls of some crlLerla llke quanLlLy processed or Lhe Llme Laken for
processlng 1hls meLhod of cosLlng ls sulLable for manufacLurlng unlLs LhaL use conLlnuous processes or mass producLlon
Lechnlques 1hls meLhod ls parLlcularly sulLable where Lhere are many dlfferenL producLs and process rouLes where
ouLpuL of one process becomes lnpuL for anoLher
CperaLlon CosLlng
1hls meLhod ls slmllar Lo Lhe process cosLlng Powever Lhe producLs manufacLured have llmlLed varlaLlon lor example a
cemenL planL may use Lhls meLhod
MulLlple cosLlng
MosL of Lhe organlzaLlons use a comblnaLlon of dlfferenL cosLlng meLhod raLher Lhan [usL one meLhod MulLlple cosLlng
refers Lo such comblnaLlons of dlfferenL meLhods

varlable cosLs are cosLs LhaL can be varled flexlbly as condlLlons change ln Lhe !ohn 8aLes Clark model of Lhe flrm LhaL
we are sLudylng labor cosLs are Lhe varlable cosLs llxed cosLs are Lhe cosLs of Lhe lnvesLmenL goods used by Lhe flrm on
Lhe ldea LhaL Lhese reflecL a longLerm commlLmenL LhaL can be recovered only by wearlng Lhem ouL ln Lhe producLlon
of goods and servlces for sale
1he ldea here ls LhaL labor ls a much more flexlble resource Lhan caplLal lnvesLmenL eople can change from one Lask
Lo anoLher flexlbly (wheLher wlLhln Lhe same flrm or ln a new [ob aL anoLher flrm) whlle machlnery Lends Lo be deslgned
for a very speclflc use lf lL lsnL used for LhaL purpose lL canL produce anyLhlng aL all 1hus caplLal lnvesLmenL ls much
more of a commlLmenL Lhan hlrlng ls ln Lhe elghLeenhundreds when !ohn 8aLes Clark was wrlLlng Lhls was preLLy
clearly Lrue Cver Lhe pasL cenLury a) educaLlon and experlence have become more lmporLanL for labor and have made
labor more speclallzed and b) lncreaslng auLomaLlc conLrol has made some machlnery more flexlble So Lhe dlfferences
beLween caplLal and labor are less Lhan Lhey once were buL all Lhe same lL seems labor ls sLlll relaLlvely more flexlble
Lhan caplLal lL ls Lhls (relaLlve) dlfference ln flexlblllLy LhaL ls expressed by Lhe slmpllfled dlsLlncLlon of long and shorL
Cf course producLlvlLy and cosLs are lnversely relaLed so Lhe varlable cosLs wlll change as Lhe producLlvlLy of labor
Pere ls a plcLure of Lhe flxed cosLs (lC) varlable cosLs (vC) and Lhe LoLal of boLh klnds of cosLs (1C) for Lhe producLlvlLy

CuLpuL produced ls measured Loward Lhe rlghL on Lhe horlzonLal axls 1he cosL numbers are on Lhe verLlcal axls noLlce
LhaL Lhe varlable and LoLal cosL curves are parallel slnce Lhe dlsLance beLween Lhem ls a consLanL number Lhe flxed


Sundry debLors 203000
Less 8ad debL 3000
less 8u 20000


Date art|cu|ars LI Dr Cr
8ad debL A/c ur
1o uebLors A/c
/L A/c
1o 8ad debL A/c
/L A/c ur
1o rovlslon for bad debL A/c

Dr Bad Debt A/c Cr
Date Partriculars LF Rs Date Partriculars LF Rs
To P/L A/c

5000 By, Debtors A/c 5000



Dr P/L A/c Cr
Date Partriculars LF Rs Date Partriculars LF Rs
To Bad debt A/c





Balance Sheet
Liability Rs Assets Rs

Sundry debLors 203000

LLSS 8ad debL 3000
LLSS 8u 20000


AccounLlng plays a very lmporLanL role ln all buslnesses buL lL ls noL [usL Lhe buslness lLself LhaL flnds accounLlng
lnformaLlon useful 1here are oLher sLake holders who rely on accounLlng lnformaLlon Lo make declslons 1hese
sLakeholders lnclude
1 Shareholders Shareholders use Lhe balance sheeL and proflL and loss accounL produced by llmlLed companles Lo
declde lf Lhey are golng Lo lncrease or decrease Lhelr holdlng
2 ManagemenL ManagemenL ln every level of Lhe buslness from dlrecLor level Lo supervlsor level rely on accounLlng
lnformaLlon Lo do Lhelr [ob properly 1hey all use Lhe same lnformaLlon for dlfferenL purposes lor example dlrecLors
use lL for sLraLeglc purposes and mlddle managemenL can use lL Lo see lf Lhey are meeLlng Lhelr flnanclal LargeLs
3 Suppllers Along wlLh oLher daLa suppllers wlll look aL a companys balance sheeL and proflL and loss accounL Lo see lf
and how much credlL Lhey are wllllng Lo glve Lo presenL and poLenLlal cusLomers
4 Lenders Slmllar Lo suppllers lenders also need Lo make sure a company ls ln a healLhy flnanclal slLuaLlon before Lhey
sLarL Lo lend money
3 CovernmenL CovernmenLs use Lhe lnformaLlon provlded by a company abouL lLs flnances Lo levy Lax on Lhe proflLs
6 CusLomers 8efore anoLher company becomes a cusLomer or enLers lnLo a [olnL venLure Lhey wlll look aL Lhe
companys flnances Lo make sure Lhe company ls noL ln Lrouble and LhaL Lhelr supplles are noL abouL Lo dry up
7 Lmployees Lmployees also have an lnLeresL ln how well Lhelr employer ls dolng so use flnanclal accounLlng
lnformaLlon for Lhls purpose

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