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Organization Backgrounder

The Hope Center in Moscow, Idaho is an inter-denominational Christian ministry that exists to bring hope to the Palouse. For us HOPE is expressed as an acronym and concisely defines our overall mission: Helping Others Pursue Excellence. We work to encourage people towards independence, responsibility, community and Jesus Christ by trusting, listening and assisting them through fair and unbiased exchange. We work with people who are motivated to pursue their own potential and we help guide them to excellence. Participation and measurable improvement is our gauge of success. Our programs and the specific facets of our ministry include the thrift store, our Recovery Program, and our Resource Ministry. The thrift store is open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. It is managed by Steve Otto and is employed by a number of volunteers and various program participants. The store is stocked through donations and proceeds from pay for administration, operating expenses, job training, and help toward Resource Ministry expenses. The Recovery Program, or Celebrate Recovery, is a 12-step program based on the beatitudes of Christ as found in Matthew 5:3-12. Celebrate Recovery emphasizes personal responsibility and utilizes biblical truth in order to facilitate spiritual and emotional growth. The program is unique in that it addresses all types of hurts, habits, and hang-ups. The Resource Ministry is the most expansive part of what we do. At its core this part of our ministry exists to help people get back on their feet. We stand firmly in the belief that every person has limitless worth and value in the eyes of God and is equipped with specific gifts and talents. The Resource Ministry works to reveal peoples worth, to rescue them out of circumstantial hardship, and to ultimately empower them to live better lives. This is done through emergency funding, developmental classes, biblical counseling, job training and occupational partnerships. In all we do our primary goal is to glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:31, Exodus 20:3) by putting our faith into action (James 2:14-17) through serving and loving our neighbors (Matthew 22:39, Matthew 25:3146). For more information visit our website at ###

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