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8elow tbe lloe (81l) motketloq ls mote
effectlve tboo Above tbe lloe (A1l)
motketloq lo coosomet motket

A Jlssettotloo pteseoteJ lo pott cooslJetotloo of lCuM cootse

~.. ..

1able of ConLenLs

Content age No
Acknow|edgement 3
Introduct|on 4
Cb[ect|ve 7
Scope 8
Methodo|ogy 9


An underLaklng of Lhls Lype ls a resulL of conLrlbuLlon recelved from a number
of people 1hls reporL cannoL be clalmed as my lndlvldual efforL 1hls ls Lo
acknowledge all Lhe people who have provlded me wlLh Lhe lnsplraLlon
guldance help durlng Lhe preparaLlon of Lhe pro[ecL 1herefore l exLend my
deep sense of graLlLude Lowards Lhem
Cur college menLor rof ka[|v S|kka should be commended for Lhe guldance
guldance supporL and wealLh of ldeas he provlded ln order Lo see Lhls work
1hanks a loL Lo all Lhe unnamed people who responded Lo Lhe quesLlonnalres
especlally our frlends ln college



1here was a Llme when Sales as a concepL and pracLlce goL belng consldered
lneffecLlve and lnsufflclenL 1he concepL wlLh longer relaLlonshlp wlLh
cusLomer galned Lhe lmporLance 1hus goL Lhe MarkeLlng concepL lLs belng
Slowly Lhls became Lhe lnLegral and mosL lmporLanL parL of Lhe sLraLegy and
Lhe prlme Lool whlle devlslng a plan for revenue generaLlon 1he lncrease ln
compeLlLlon Lhe globallzaLlon economlc growLh and recesslon all has played
lLs role and made Lhe process rlcher and complexer each day Among Lhe
mulLlple faceLs LhaL form Lhe wlngs of Lhls approach brand promoLlon ls one
LhaL Loo has grown ln Lhe ways of lmplemenLaLlon and has seen forLuned
WlLh Lhe advenL of Lhe presenL cenLury Lhe exlsLlng Lug of war
beLween adverLlslng and sales promoLlon Look a new shape and came Lhe
concepLs Above 1he Llne and 8elow 1he Llne acLlvlLles (A1L and 81L)
wldenlng boLh scope and lnLenslLy of Lhls war
1he A1L or aboveLhellne propagaLed LradlLlonal markeLlng channels LhaL
sLrlved Lo reach a mass audlence wlLh messages LhaL relnforce a brand
communlcaLe general producL lnformaLlon or lnsplre an emoLlonal response

le A1L focuses on
Mass 8each
lL creaLes 8rand Awareness
And has no dlrecL consumer lnvolvemenL

lL Lhus has Lhe vehlcles llke rlnL AdverLlslng Poardlngs LlecLronlc Channels
and Lhe 8adlos
Whlle Lhe 8elowLhellne" lnlLlaLlves by comparlson acLed llke LradlLlonal
dlrecL markeLlng efforLs Lhey asplred Lo esLabllsh LargeLed relaLlonshlps
beLween markeLers and lndlvldual consumers and offer comparable ease ln

le 81L
ls consumer deflned
lL generaLes 1rlal
and has dlrecL consumer lnvolvemenL

lL Lhus has vehlcles llke LvenLs 8oad Shows uealer level acLlvlLles Consumer
conLacLs Moblles eLc SomeLlmes Lhe same vehlcles can acL as boLh 81L and
A1L acLlvlLy complemenLlng each oLher eg uealer 8oard
1he concepL of 81L was however fresh and resulLed Lhough smaller ln slze was
more declpherable lL Lhus sLarLed maklng lLs way ln Lhe brand promoLlon
sLraLegles lL sLarLed eaLlng Lhe budgeLs of Lhe A1L acLlvlLles lrom negllglble
Lo slzeable unLll Lhe mld of 8 where ln Lhe economy of Lhe world was
upbeaL and growLh LrlumphanL Lhls new arena was belng welcomed as a
forward lnLegraLlon of Lhe concepL WlLh lncreased fragmenLaLlons and
demographlcs along wlLh Lhe growlng pressure Lo promoLe effecLlveness of
markeLlng communlcaLlon 81L acLlvlLles was glvlng Lhe apL answers and so lL
sLarLed prosperlng A separaLe budgeL sLarLed belng devoLed Lo lL 1he world
(especlally Lhe growlng economy sLarLed seelng a growLh ln Lhe 81L along wlLh
Lhe A1L budgeLs lL sLarLed complemenLlng Lhe A1L More recenLly agencles
and cllenLs had swlLched Lo an lnLegraLed CommunlcaLlon Approach 81L was
a common Lechnlque used for Louch and feel producLs (consumer lLems
where Lhe cusLomer would rely on lmmedlaLe lnformaLlon raLher Lhan
prevlously researched lLems) 81L Lechnlques ensured recall of Lhe brand whlle
aL Lhe same Llme hlghllghLlng Lhe feaLures of Lhe producL
8uL Lhen came Lhe perlod of recesslon Companles Lrylng Lo cuL on Lhe
expendlLure AmongsL Lhe many heads of budgeL LhaL came lnLo sLrlcL revlslon
Lhe promoLlon Loo sLarLed belng looked as Lhe expendlLure raLher Lhan Lhe
lnvesLmenL And Lhen came Lhe real Lug of war beLween Lhe Lwo Should Lhe
age old A1L be reLalned under Lhese Lough condlLlons or Lhe newer approach
81L be consldered as Lhe new lease of llfe Cbvlously Lhe A1L LhaL
encompasses a hlgher budgeL goL a pause for Lhe Llme belng 1he 81L wlLh
lower per evenL cosL kepL Lhe promoLlonal plan rolllng ln Lhose hours And Lhe
cenLury kepL seelng a sLeady growLh ln Lhe 81L expendlLures over Lhe year 1he
worry among Lhe medla people Lhus was for how long?
no slLuaLlon sLays forever So was Lhe case wlLh recesslon 81L whlch had
been consLanL LhroughouL kepL seelng a sLeady growLh ln expendlLures WlLh
lLs unlque ablllLy Lo personallze and cusLomlze communlcaLlon Lhls form of
communlcaLlon sLarLed peneLraLlng meLros Lo clLles and Lo rural areas 1he
A1L whlch had seen a cuL ln Lhe pasL few monLhs goL a lease of llfe 1he 81L
LhaL had slowly sLarLed replaclng Lhe mass medla adverLlslng agaln sLarLed
seelng lL back among Lhe masses
Such recenL Lrends of fuLure has a common Lerm belng used by savvy medla
sales persons le 1hrough 1he Llne approach whlch accordlng Lo some 8rand
AcLlvaLlon consulLanLs has been around forever buL under a new named

colned for medla men ls called Lhe 11L approach 1he 11L approach ls where a
mlx of Lhe Lwo (A1L+81L) are used Lo lnLegraLe a markeLers efforLs and
opLlmlze reLurns from Lhese separaLe lnvesLmenLs
More recenLly however Lhe 11L approach had shlfLed lLs aLLenLlon wlLh more
welghL shlfLlng Lo Lhe 81L slde of Lhe fulcrum 1he ldea remalned Lo opLlmlze
Lhe 8Cl on markeLlng budgeL spenL by focuslng ones energy on wlnnlng
smaller yeL more cruclal 81L baLLles Lhan A1L wars whlch were belng raged by
Sponsorshlp and logo poslLlonlng crazy blg spenders
ln a nuLshell whlle AboveLheLlne promoLlons are Lallored for a mass
audlence 81L promoLlons are LargeLed aL lndlvlduals accordlng Lo Lhelr needs
or preferences Whlle AboveLheLlne promoLlons can esLabllsh brand ldenLlLy
81L can acLually lead Lo a sale AboveLhellne promoLlons are also somewhaL
lmposslble Lo measure well whlle 81L promoLlons are hlghly measurable
glvlng markeLers valuable lnslghLs lnLo Lhelr reLurnonlnvesLmenL

now when ln near fuLure Lhe markeL ls expecLed Lo sLlll behave beLLer we
expecL Lhe budgeLs belng revlLallzed Lspeclally wlLh a cerLaln sooLhlng of Lhe
ollLlcal condlLlons ln Lhe counLry 1he sLudy reflecLs LhaL 81L now galnlng lLs
lmporLance would surely form an lnLegral parL of Lhe plans buL lnLegraLed and
well coupled wlLh exLenslve A1L plans A proper mlx le 11L and apL uLlllzaLlon
of boLh Lhe vehlcles are expecLed Lo form Lhe successful means of promoLlon
ln Lhe comlng years 8uL Lhls would also mean a consLanL lnnovaLlon and
newness ln Lhe approach and exLenslve bralnsLormlng ln sLore for all



1o analyze Lhe effecLlveness of varlous promoLlonal acLlvlLles whlch are
broadly classlfled as A1L and 81L and Lo prove LhaL 81L acLlvlLles have a
greaLer lmpacL on Lhe markeLlng communlcaLlon LhaL Lhe company ls Lrylng Lo
esLabllsh 1he focus wlll be on Lhe dlfferenLlaLlng facLors beLween boLh A1L
and 81L whlch wlll lnclude Lhe aspecLs of cosLeffecLlveness and 8eLurn on
lnvesLmenL as well
null PypoLhesls

#81l motketloq ooJ A1l motketloq ote epoolly effectlve lo coosomet


So an alLernaLlve hypoLhesls would be

#81l motketloq ls mote effectlve tboo A1l motketloq lo coosomet motket



1hesls wlll lnclude Lhe comparlson beLween boLh Lhe forms of markeLlng and
hlghllghLlng Lhe beneflLs of 81L acLlvlLles over A1L acLlvlLles 1he consumer
behavlour wlll also be analysed on Lhe basls of Lhelr responslveness on boLh
Lhe forms of markeLlng lL wlll also analyse Lhe cosL effecLlveness and reLurn on
lnvesLmenL on Lhe markeLlng pracLlces done for Lhe promoLlon of Lhe producL
1he focus wlll be on Lhe dlfferenLlaLlng facLors beLween boLh A1L and 81L
1ools llke adverLlslng medla klosks ln A1L and promoLlon personal selllng ln
81L wlll be dlscussed abouL along wlLh consumer response Lowards Lhe
sLlmulaLlon creaLed by Lhese 1he pro[ecL wlll be on Lhe llnes of dlfferenLlaLlng
Lhe lmpacL of areas of boLh Lhe acLlvlLles Lhrough a quesLlonnalre devlsed Lo
undersLand whlch are Lhe key sLlmulus whlch aLLracLs Lhe consumer and whaL
ls Lhe lmpacL of each sLlmull on Lhem



1he LargeL populaLlon was people llvlng ln cerLaln areas of une ln Lhe
age group of 18 Lo as Lhey are more exposed Lo Lhe markeLlng
communlcaLlon sLlmulus clrculaLed by Lhe companles
A LargeL sample slze of 1 was declded wlLh 1 sample elemenLs per
;uoLa sampllng Lechnlque was used populaLlon was dlvlded lnLo reglon
Lhe sample elemenL were selecLed based on convenlence or [udgemenL
Snowball sampllng and 'Cnllne sampllng' was used buL Lo a lesser
Cnly prlmary daLa could have served Lhe purpose whlch was collecLed
Lhrough quesLlonnalre
1he fleld work
lL comprlsed of LargeLlng people aL random ln malls cafes
commerclal places markeLs eLc
Pelp of frlends was Laken ln fllllng of quesLlonnalres Lhey also
referred Lo oLhers creaLlng a snowball effecL
Malllng of onllne quesLlonnalres Lo every known emall also helped
Lhe cause Lo a greaL exLenL


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