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a) ClLaLlon 8ozzo L (2009) Ml rlmer CaLo My llrsL CaL new !

erseyLnslow LlemenLary
b) Summary/SynLhesls 1hls book ls abouL how Lo Lake care and how Lo plck ouL your flrsL caL lL explalns
Lhe dlfferenL lLems on as a caL owner wlll need Synthes|s I th|nk th|s |s a fun book It he|ps me
care for a cat I th|nk |t wou|d he|p me w|th car|ng for another pet ||ke a dog because dogs
and cats are very a||ke It te||s me to go to the vet 1ak|ng pets to the vet |s |mportant because
you want them to be hea|thy
c) Audlence 1hls would be a greaL book for lower level grades l would plck Lhls book and my lesson
plan for 2nd Lo 3rd graders
d) SeLLlng AlLhough Lhls book ls consldered an easy reader l would use lL as a read aloud l would slL my
class ln Lhe readlng maL and read aloud wlLh Lhem l would pause aL key words and ask a dlfferenL
sLudenL each Llme why Lhe key word ls lmporLanL
e) *SLudenLs wlll be able Lo llsL lmporLanL polnLs on how Lo care for a caL (ConLenL ob[ecLlve)
*SLudenLs wlll be able Lo polnL ouL Lhe necesslLles of Lhelr peLs (ConLenL Cb[ecLlve)
* SLudenLs wlll be able Lo demonsLraLe Lhelr comprehenslon level by explalnlng how Lhe key words
(bold) Lle lnLo Lhe senLence sLrucLures and why Lhey are lmporLanL for Lhe paragraph (readlng
comprehenslon ob[ecLlve)
* SLudenLs can speak Lo Lhelr peers and sLaLe Lhe lmporLance levels of Lhe dlfferenL caL cares Lhe book
suggesLs 1hey wlll be able Lo llsL Lhem ln Lerms of lmporLance (8eadlng comprehenslon ob[ecLlve)
f) 8eader 8esponse SLraLegy l wlll read aloud Lo Lhe sLudenLs l wlll ask each sLudenL abouL a key Lerm
and why lL ls lmporLanL Lo show LhaL Lhere ls comprehenslon of Lhe readlng AfLer Lhls ls done l wlll
asslgn a dlfferenL peL Lo each group 1hey wlll recelve a flashcard of Lhe peL as well as pamphleLs
descrlblng how Lo care for Lhese anlmals 1hey wlll be easy Lo read llke Lhe book 1he students w||| a|so
rece|ve the|r port|on of the key words to use as a gu|de to the|r f|na| pro[ect 1he f|na| pro[ect w||| be a
poster board w|th magaz|ne cut outs of the|r pet and the key terms used 1h|s w||| demonstrate the|r
content ob[ect|ve Cn|y the keywords and what the book says w||| be used for th|s poster 1hey cannot
assume that a cat needs anyth|ng e|se but what the book states 1h|s w||| he|p them stay focused on
summar|z|ng the book v|a the poster 1hey w||| then rece|ve a pet cat (a stuffed an|ma|) and w|||
fo||ow what the book states on how to care for a cat 1hey w||| synthes|ze how to care for the cat
1hey w||| take th|s pet cat home w|th them for the weekend 8ased on the|r exper|ence w|th other
an|ma|s they w||| |og when the|r cat was hungry or had to go to the bathroom 1hey w||| a|so state
reasons why the|r cat wou|d have to v|s|t a vet 1hey w||| probab|y use the|r own exper|ence or th|ngs
they heard as to when an|ma|s v|s|t the vet
g) MaLerlals *anlmal flashcards *posLer board *My flrsL caL book and oLher books slmllar Lo *key
Lerms *markers *sclssors *pamphleLs
h) 1lme 1hls asslgnmenL wlll lasL 3 hours Cne hour each day ln Lhe span of Lhree days 1he flrsL day l
wlll read Lhe book sLopplng for Lhlnk alouds and key Lermlnology wlLh each sLudenL 1hls wlll Lake 30
mlnuLes We wlll Lhen break lnLo groups and Lhe sLudenLs wlll recelve Lhelr flashcards 1hey wlll
bralnsLorm and use Lhe key Lerms Lo replace or use or ellmlnaLe Lhe ones needed noL needed 1he
second day Lhey wlll group up and work on Lhelr posLer board 1he Lhlrd day Lhey wlll presenL Lhelr
posLer board
l) Sharlng Cn Lhe Lhlrd day Lhe sLudenLs wlll speak abouL Lhelr posLer board Lo Lhe class Lach one of
Lhem has a llsL of key words Lhey wlll Louch base on LhaL perLaln Lo Lhelr new peL under polnL
[) Assessment]Lva|uat|on * Students w||| take home the|r pet cat over the weekend and wr|te down
|n a chart when the|r pet ate and went to the bathroom 1hey w||| a|so take home a chart that |s
premade that has both Saturday and Sunday and the hours of 6am to 12 am 1here w||| be a ||st of
|tems the cat w||| need]or do 1he students are supposed to check off when they have comp|eted such
|tems for the|r cat 1here w||| be extra s|ots |n wh|ch they can wr|te |tems that they comp|eted but I
d|d not wr|te
*SLudenLs wlll be able Lo llsL lmporLanL polnLs on how Lo care for a caL (ConLenL ob[ecLlve) 1hls wlll be
done aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe lesson Whlle l am readlng l wlll call on a dlfferenL sLudenL when anew key
Lerm pops up l wlll ask Lhem how and why Lhe key Lerm ls lmporLanL lf Lhey cannoL answer l wlll use
Lhe conLexL surroundlng Lhe key Lerm ln hopes LhaL Lhey may beLLer undersLand lL l wlll noL conLlnue Lo
read unLll LhaL sLudenL ls able Lo answer l wlll noL grade Lhls secLlon buL l wlll noL conLlnue unless Lhey
undersLand Lhe concepL
*SLudenLs wlll be able Lo polnL ouL Lhe necesslLles of Lhelr peLs (ConLenL Cb[ecLlve) Whlle ln groups Lhe
sLudenLs wlll wrlLe a one page essay explalnlng Lhe necesslLles of Lhelr peLs 1hey wlll base Lhese on Lhelr
key Lerms Lhls wlll avold Lhe copylng syndrome A paper LhaL ls easy Lo undersLand and holds aL leasL 90
of Lhe key Lerms wlll recelve 3 pLs A paper LhaL ls mlsslng some key polnLs buL makes sense and has
aL leasL 70 of Lhe key Lerms wlll recelve 4 pLs A paper LhaL ls noL easlly undersLood ls off sub[ecL or has
less Lhan 69 of key Lerms
* SLudenLs wlll be able Lo demonsLraLe Lhelr comprehenslon level by explalnlng how Lhe key words
(bold) Lle lnLo Lhe senLence sLrucLures and why Lhey are lmporLanL for Lhe paragraph (readlng
comprehenslon ob[ecLlve) 1hls wlll be ln Lhe essay LhaL Lhey wlll Lurn ln
* Students can speak to the|r peers and state the |mportance |eve|s of the d|fferent cat cares the book
suggests 1hey w||| be ab|e to ||st them |n terms of |mportance (read|ng comprehens|on ob[ect|ve) I
w||| wa|k around the room and ||sten to group conversat|ons 1hey w||| be asked for the|r ||sts of
|mportance w|th a short exp|anat|on of why they chose those as |mportant 1h|s ||st |s based on the|r
synthes|z|ng A ||st of 10 w||| g|ve S po|nts A ||st of 8 w||| g|ve 4 pts A ||st of 7 or |ess w||| g|ve 3 po|nts

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