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TIe IurgesL Iood brund In ndIu und worId's urgesL
PoucIed MIIk Brund 'AmuI` Is u brund nume munuged
by GujuruL Co-operuLIve MIIk MurkeLIng ederuLIon Ld.
TIIs nume Ius ILs orIgIn In LIe SunskrIL word "AmooIyu,"
(meunIng PrIceIess) und wus ucLuuIIy suggesLed by un
empIoyee oI GujuruL Co-operuLIve MIIk MurkeLIng
ederuLIon Ld. (GCMM)
TIe GujuruL CooperuLIve MIIk MurkeLIng ederuLIon
Ld, Anund (GCMM) Is LIe IurgesL Iood producLs
murkeLIng orgunIsuLIon oI ndIu und Is LIe upex
orgunIzuLIon oI LIe DuIry CooperuLIves oI GujuruL.
WILI u Lurnover oI NR 6;.11 bIIIIon GCMM Ius
creuLed un economIc neLwork LIuL IInks :
W mIIIIons oI consumers In ndIu und ubroud,
W z.8 mIIIIon vIIIuge mIIk producers,
W u cooperuLIve sysLem LIuL IncIudes 1,1q1 VIIIuge DuIry
CooperuLIve SocIeLIes (VDCS) uL LIe vIIIuge IeveI,
W IurLIer uIIIIIuLed Lo 1 DIsLrIcL CooperuLIve MIIk
Producers` UnIons uL LIe DIsLrIcL IeveI und GCMM uL
LIe SLuLe IeveI.
W CondILIon oI duIry Iurmers
W PIeu oI duIry Iurmers und roIe oI Surdur VuIIubI BIuI PuLeI
W ormuLIon oI IIrsL DIsLrIcL Co-operuLIve 'KuIru`
W ormuLIon oI 'GCMM`
CondILIon oI duIry Iurmers
TIere wus expIoILuLIon oI murgInuI mIIk producers
by Lruders or ugenLs oI exIsLIng duIrIes In LIe smuII
Lown numed Anund (In KuIru DIsLrIcL oI GujuruL) und
PoIson DuIry .
OLIer probIems Iuced by duIry Iurmers In GujruL.
RoIe oI Surdur VuIIubI BIuI PuLeI
W UnIuIr Lrude prucLIces und mInImuI reLurns ungered
duIry Iurmers.
W So under LIe IeudersIIp oI TrIbIuvundus PuLeI duIry
Iurmers upproucIed Surdur VuIIubI BIuI PuLeI Ior u
ormuLIon oI DIsLrIcL Co-operuLIve
W TIus LIe IIrsL DIsLrIcL CooperuLIve wus esLubIIsIed Lo
coIIecL und process mIIk In LIe DIsLrIcL oI KuIru In 1qq6.
W MIIk coIIecLIon wus uIso decenLruIIzed und vIIIuge IeveI
cooperuLIves were esLubIIsIed Lo orgunIze LIe murgInuI
mIIk producers In eucI oI LIese vIIIuges.
W TIe brund Amol wus IormuIIy regIsLered on December
, 1qq6
ormuLIon oI 'GCMM`
W uLer on wILI LIe IeIp oI Dr. VergIese KurIen und
SIrI M DuIuyu LIIs revoIuLIon spreud Lo mosL oI
LIe dIsLrIcLs In GujruL.
W TIus GCMM cume InLo beIng In LIe yeur 1q;.
W nILIuIIy, LIe brund nume AmuI wus wILI KuIru
dIsLrIcL duIry cooperuLIve, buL IuLer LIey decIded Lo
uLIer oI WIILe RevoIuLIon
TIe IuLIer oI LIe WIILe RevoIuLIon, Dr. VergIese
KurIen und LIe WorId ood PrIze & LIe Mugsuysuy
Awurd wInner, Is responsIbIe Ior LIe grund success oI
brund 'AmuI`.
BusIness ModeI
ln u recenL survey,
GCMMF runked umongsL Lhe top ten lMCC
flrms ln Lhe counLry
MUL ruLed Lhe _econd mosL recognlzed brund
ln lndlu umongsL ull lndlun und MNC offerlngs
huL mukes AMUL successful???
BusIness ModeI
b|ecLlve :
Lellver roflLuble und equlLuble reLurns Lo u lurge
number of furmers for u long erlod of Llme
AddlLlonul ob|ecLlve
Levelo Lhe suller over Lhe long Lerm Lhrough
soclul chunge.
uw mllk
->Ghee, butter, cream
Packaged Mi|k
->Ice cream and
ried Mi|k
->5kimmed mi|k
Amu|'s Supp|y cha|n |s one of the most comp||cated |n the wor|d
Success depends on
lgh collecLlon ruLe of mllk
equlred lncreuslng membershl wlLh more vllluge socleLles
eLLer CuLLle munugemenL- eLLer mllk yleld
nsure cosL Lo furmers und hlgh quullLy Lo cusLomer uL low
DeveIopIng Demund
Consumers- LlmlLed Purchuslng ower
ModesL consumLlon levels of mllk
Low cosL rlce sLruLegy
ProducLs ufforduble 8 uLLrucLlve
DIsLrIbuLIon NeLwork
Lry und cold wurehouses Lo buffer lnvenLory
1runsucLlons on un udvunce demund drufL
1usL-ln-Llme lnvenLory sLruLegy lmroves
deulers reLurn on lnvesLmenL (l)
All brunches -dedlcuLed vehlcle oeruLlons.
Lmbrellu brund
Common brund for mosL roducL cuLegorles
roduced by vurlous unlons: llquld mllk, mllk
owders, buLLer, ghee, cheese, cocou roducLs,
sweeLs, lce-creum und condensed mllk
Avolded lnLer-unlon confllcLs
orLunlLy for Lhe unlon members Lo
cooeruLe ln develolng roducLs.
TIIrd PurLy ServIce ProvIders
Union_ core activity -mllk rocesslng und Lhe
roducLlon of dulry roducLs.
MurkeLlng efforLs , brund develomenL - y GCMMF
LoglsLlcs of mllk collecLlon, dlsLrlbuLlon of dulry
roducLs, sule of roducLs Lhrough deulers und reLull
sLores, rovlslon of unlmul feed, und veLerlnury servlces
y Third Partie_
Lurge number of orgunlsuLlons und enLlLles ln Lhe suly chuln
CCMMl und Lhe unlons luy u mu|or role ln uchlevlng conLrol
lnLerlocklng conLrol - 1he bourd ls druwn from Lhe heuds of ull
Lhe unlons, und Lhe bourds of Lhe unlons comrlse of furmers
elecLed Lhrough vllluge socleLles
1he federuLlon hundles Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of end roducLs und
coordlnuLlon wlLh reLullers und Lhe deulers.
1he unlons coordlnuLe Lhe suly slde ucLlvlLles.
est pructices
mull grou ucLlvlLles or quullLy clrcles uL Lhe federuLlon
1OM rogrum uL Lhe unlons
lmrovemenL rogrums ucross Lo u lurge number of members
und Lhe lmlemenLuLlon ruLe ls conslsLenLly hlgh
lor exumle, every lrlduy, MeeLlng wlLhouL full, beLween
. u.m. und . u.m Lo dlscuss quullLy concerns
vllluge socleLles becomlng lndlvlduul lmrovemenL cenLres
reAmu| Lra
Cver flve decades ago Lhe llfe of a farmer ln
kalra ulsLrlcL was very much llke LhaL of hls counLerparL anywhere
else ln lndla
Pls lncome was derlved almosL enLlrely from seasonal
Mllk dlsLrlbuLlon was by prlvaLe Lraders As mllk ls perlshable
farmers were compelled Lo sell lL for whaLever Lhey were offered
CfLen Lhey had Lo sell cream and ghee aL Lhrowaway prlces ln Lhls
slLuaLlon Lhe one who galned was Lhe prlvaLe Lrader
Cnly one company a 8rlLlsh company(olson) exlsLed and lL
explolLed Lhe farmers
Amol Revolotion - Impuct
@he @urnaround
Warmer's reallzaLlon LhaL Lhey had Lo markeL mllk Lhemselves
Lo earn beLLer ls whaL led Lo Lhe esLabllshmenL of Lhe kalra
ulsLrlcL CooperaLlve Mllk roducers unlon LlmlLed (popularly known as Amul)
WAn assured markeL proved a greaL lncenLlve Lo Lhe mllk producers of Lhe
dlsLrlcL 8y Lhe end of 1948 more Lhan 400 farmers [olned ln more
vlllage socleLles and Lhe quanLlLy of mllk handled by one unlon
lncreased from 230 Lo 3000 llLers a day
Soc|oLconom|c Impact
W@he yearly elecLlons of Lhe managemenL commlLLee and lLs chalrman by Lhe
members are maklng Lhe parLlclpanLs aware of Lhelr rlghLs and educaLlng Lhem
abouL Lhe democraLlc process
WvolunLary mlx of Lhe varlous eLhnlc and soclal groups for common causes and
muLual beLLermenL has resulLed ln erodlng many soclal lnequlllbrla @he rlch
and Lhe poor Lhe ellLe and Lhe ordlnary come LogeLher Lo cooperaLe for a
common cause
WLlve exposure Lo varlous modern Lechnologles and Lhelr appllcaLlon
ln dayLoday llfe has noL only made Lhem aware of Lhese
developmenLs buL also made lL easler for Lhem Lo adopL Lhese
very processes for Lhelr own beLLermenL
WMore Lhan 900 vlllage cooperaLlves have creaLed [obs for nearly
3000 people ln Lhelr own vlllages wlLhouL dlsLurblng Lhe socloagro
sysLem and Lhereby Lhe exodus from Lhe rural areas has been
arresLed Lo a greaL exLenL
W8esldes women who are Lhe ma[or parLlclpanLs now have a say ln Lhe home
economy lnlLlaLed Mahlla ashupalan @allm karyakram" for women resource
persons of Lhe member unlons
W48 per cenL of Lhe lncome of Lhe rural household ln kalra ulsLrlcL ls belng derlved
from dalrylng Slnce dalrylng ls a subsldalry occupaLlon for Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe
rural populaLlon Lhls lncome ls helplng Lhese people noL only Lo llberaLe
Lhemselves from Lhe sLronghold of poverLy buL also Lo elevaLe Lhelr soclal sLaLus
WCS8 senslLlve organlzaLlonal sLrucLure Lhe 3 Ller model from
vlllage socleLles Lo sLaLe cooperaLlves ensures accumulaLlon of
human caplLal whlch ln lLself leads Lo developmenL of socleLy and
Lhe economy
WAmul 8ellef @rusL formed ln 2001 by CCMM under Lhe Chalrmanshlp of ur
v kurlen
W@he @rusL reconsLrucLed 6 schools damaged by Lhe 2001 earLhquake
aL a cosL of 8s 411 mllllons ln kuLch area
|pp|e Lffects
WAnand aLLern exLended Lo oLher dlsLrlcLs ln Cu[araL Mehsana SabarkanLha
8anaskanLha 8aroda and SuraL where farmers easlly adopLed Amul's
W@he Plmalayan CooperaLlve Mllk roducers' unlon LlmlLed (PlMuL) was
formed aL Lhe fooL of Lhe Plmalayas ln WesL 8engal ln 1973 on Lhe same llnes
as AmullL lncludes boLh dalry and nondalry
WAL a laLer sLage ollseeds frulL and vegeLables salL and Lree secLors also
beneflLed from lLs success
Institotion oilding
W@he naLlonal ualry uevelopmenL 8oard (nuu8) was creaLed ln
1963 fulfllllng Lhe deslre of Lhe laLe Lal 8ahadur ShasLrl Lo exLend Lhe success
of Lhe kalra CooperaLlve Mllk roducers unlon (Amul) Lo oLher parLs of lndla
Wounded by ur verghese kurlen and ur AmrlLa aLel ls Lhe currenL Chalrman
of Lhe naLlonal ualry uevelopmenL 8oard Anand
W96000 cooperaLlves have been lnLegraLed by Lhls Lo daLe
W@o promoLe Lhe developmenL of cooperaLlves nuu8 has seL up separaLe unlLs
and works ln close assoclaLlon wlLh a number of naLlonal level lnsLlLuLlons
SabarmaLl Ashram Caushala (SAC) 8lda[ Anlmal 8reedlng CenLre (A8C) Salon
lnsLlLuLe of 8ural ManagemenL Anand (l8MA) naLlonal CooperaLlve ualry
ederaLlon of lndla (nCul) Anand and oundaLlon for Lcologlcal SecurlLy
(LS) Anand MoLher ulary uelhl
WlnsLlLuLe Cf 8ural ManagemenL formed ln 1979 wlLh Swlss Agency for
uevelopmenL CoordlnaLlon and CovL of Cu[araL Lo develop people Lhrough
managemenL educaLlon
MurkeLIng und AdverLIsIng SLruLegIes
W No brand can survive long iI it`s quality is not equal or exceed
customer expectations.
W Incase oI Iood product hygienic, taste, bacteriological &
organoleptic standard main essence.
)Value for money
W ustomers get more than what they pay.
W Keep price Iair & do best to ensure that retailers don`t gain at
the expense oI customer.
rund uvulluble when und where cusLomers wunL.
Amul hus nuLlon's flnesL dlsLrlbuLlon neLwork.
CommlLLed Lo LoLul quullLy.
!rodoct Scope Strutegy
Pcrscciivc of iIc roduci mi of a comany"
DIIIerenL producLs oI AmuI und
ILs vurIunLs
read _pread_
Amul uLLer
Amul LlLe Low luL reud sreud
Amul Cooklng uLLer
Lellclous Murgurlne
Pure Ghee
Amul hrlkhund 8 Amrukhund
Amul MlLhuee Khoyu Culub|umuun
Amul usundl
Mi|k Powder_
Amul lull Creum Mllk Powder
Amulyu Lulry hlLener
ugur klmmed Mllk Powder
ugur 1eu und Coffee hlLener
5weetened Conden_ed Mi|k
Amul MlLhulmuLe
Fre_h Mi|k
Amul 1uuzu1oned Mllk % fuL
Amul Cold lull Creum Mllk 6% fuL
Amul hukLl Lundurdlsed Mllk .% fuL
Amul llm 8 1rlm Louble 1oned Mllk .% fuL
Amul uuLhl klmmed Mllk % fuL
Amul Cow Mllk
Curd Product_
ogl weeLened lluvoured Luhl (LesserL)
Amul MusLl Luhl (fresh curd)
Amul LlLe Luhl
Amul Prollfe robloLlc Luhl
Amul MusLl lced uLLer Mllk
Amul Lussee
Choco|ate 8 Confectionery
Amul lrulL 8 NuL ChocoluLe
Amul lnduzz
Amul e|olce
Amul kesur
rown everage
NuLrumul MulLed Mllk lood
mu| Ice cream_
vunlllu oyule
oyul 1reuL unge (uLLerscoLch, u|bhog,
Mulul Kulfl)
NuL-o-Munlu unge (Ku|u Lruksh, Kesur PlsLu oyule, lrulL
onunzu, ousLed Almond)
NuLures 1reuL (Alhunso Mungo, lresh LlLchl, huhl An|lr,
lresh Lruwberry, luck CurrunL, unLru MunLru, lresh
undue unge (Mungo, luck CurrunL, undue Muglc, Louble
AssorLed 1reuL (Chocobur, Lollles, lrosLlk, lce Cundles,
1rlcone, Chococrunch, MegublLe, CussuLLu)
ULLerly Lellclous (vunllu, Lruwberry, ChocoluLe, Chocochls,
Cuke Muglc)
Mi|k rink
Amul Kool lluvoured Mllk (Mungo, Lruwberry, uffron,
Curdumom, ose, ChocoluLe, uLLerscoLch)
Amul Kool Cufe
Amul Kool Koko
ea|th everage
Amul hukLl hlLe Mllk lood
!rodoct !ositioning
Pluclng u roducL ln LhuL urL of Lhe murkeL where lL wlll recelve u
fuvoruble receLlon comured Lo comeLlng roducLs.
A muss murkeL luyer, no remlum offerlngs
UP OuullLy wlLh uffordublllLy
U ugulnsL nlche luyers vulue uddlLlon Lo cusLomers
heer slze und scule of oeruLlon
New offerlngs for heulLh consclous und vlbrunL lndlu
lndlu's llrsL Pro-loLlc ellness lce creum 8
ugur lree LellghLs lor LlubeLlcs.
Low Prlced Amul lce Creums mude KwullLy ulls llfe hell.
llunk ALLuck.. Age lse..
Aug z z,
Amul luunches ChocoluLe mllk under brund
nume of 'Amul Kool Koko'.
1hls ls LurgeLed uL Leenugers und
Nov , z,
Amul ln MulLlnuLlonul Arenu lLh nuck
Luunch: Munch 1lme.
lluvors: Musulu , MlnL und 1omuLo
New ProducL AcLlvlLy.
Nov z6, z,
Amul Luunches lresh Puneer (lree lrom Any urmful
llunk ALLuckxundlng lLs Cheese egmenL.
CurrenL murkeL shure ##
!rodoct Repositioning
New ComeLlLlon
Chunge ln consumer reference
rong orlglnul oslLlonlng
Amul murkeLed boLLled wuLer roducL numed
"JALHARA buL due Lo less oLenLlul ln Lhe murkeL lL
Lurned ouL Lo be blunder.
Now Amul ls ull seL Lo luunch boLLled wuLer "NARMAA
lLuuLlon where comuny decldes Lo comeLe ugulnsL lLs own
Powdered Mllk
eulLh und rlce Consclous
ACA vs Amulyu.
ugur ls ufforduble whlLener for heulLh consclous one.
Cheese reuds
eclflc vs Cenerul
Amul Processed Cheese vs Cheese reud
Cheese sreud ls hlghly ucceLed sreud for regulur use.
Mllk Lrlnks
NuLrumul nergy Lrlnk vs Amul Kool
!rodoct Iliminution
Produci rcacIcs iIc siagc wIcrc coniinucd suori
is no longcr jusiificd wIcrc crformancc is falling
sIori of ccciaiions, ii is dcsirallc io ull iIc
roduci oui of iIc marlci lacc.
Ii climinaicd #" a dccadc ago as Doiilcd
waicr roduci do noi Iavc oicniial cusiomcrs".
orrent Murket Shure
DeIense SLruLegy
Movlng consumers from loose mllk Lo uckuged mllk und
gruduully move Lhem u Lhe vulue chuln (LeLru uck Lo
beveruges, ull uvulluble under Lhe Amul brund)
A sound sLruLegy llkely Lo work.
elng exosed Lo u brund, lL ls nuLurul for u cusLomer Lo Lry
more roducLs
lmrovlng soclo-economlc condlLlon of Lhe cusLomer
unchors Lhe deslre Lo enhunce llfesLyle
LurgesL mllk brund ln Aslu murkeLlng more Lhun dlfferenL
brunds of dulry roducLs llke cheese, lce-creum, condensed
mllk, reudy-Lo-euL lzzu, beveruges eLc.
Amul ls Lhe murkeL leuder ln ghee und buLLer
Amul Kool und Kool Cufe dolng well
Lefendlng ugulnsL numes llke Muhunundu, vl|uy, Mllmu und
oLher co-oeruLlve mllk brunds
Aggresslve moves ugulnsL lMCC und l8 brunds llke
rlLunnlu, NesLle und MoLher Lulry umong oLhers.
AmuI deIendIng ILs LurI
lde runge of roducL cuLegorles cuLers Lo consumers ucross
ull murkeL segmenLs. lor exumle, Amul Kool ls LurgeLed uL
chlldren, whlle Leenugers refer Kool Cufe, us lL hus u cool
lmugery ussocluLed wlLh lL.
egmenLuLlon ls noL us eusy ln curd und low fuL roducLs,
due Lo mlxed uudlences, vurlous cullnury ullcuLlons , eg.
ghee, buLLer und cheese.
ln lndlu, Lhe mosL used sreud ls ghee, Lhen buLLer, cheese,
low fuL buLLer, murgurlne, cheese sreud und mozzurellu
Chunglng reLull envlronmenL
Lrlklng ouL on lLs own, wlLh Amul uLleLs or urlors Lo
dellver consumers LoLul brund exerlence
Luunched ln zz, Lhere ure now Amul urlors ucross Lhe
counLry, whlch conLrlbuLed % Lo Lhe brund's LoLul Lurnover
lusL yeur.
lgh roflle locuLlons: Amul urlors ure Loduy resenL on
cumuses of lnfosys, lro, llM-A, ll1-, 1emles, MeLro rull
und rullwuy sLuLlons ln Cu|uruL.
Clven Lhls wlde roducL orLfollo, Amul's urouch ls Lo
romoLe lLs brunds ln u roLuLlonul cycle of Lwo Lo Lhree
AfLer lce-creums were luunched ln 6, Lhe cuLegory
wus re-vlslLed ln , ln order Lo lmrove uvullublllLy of
Lhe roducL und muke lL ufforduble.
1he focus shlfLed Lo cheese ln z, Amul MusLl Chuus ln
z- (sules of MusLl duhl grew by z%), NuLrumul und
Kool Kufe ln z6 und Amul Koko cold chocoluLe drlnk
ln z,
Uses u vurleLy of medlu Lo communlcuLe
MosL fumous ls blllbourd cumulgn
1he endeurlng olku dressed glrl und un uL vurlous lssues
lncreused brund's fun followlng.
elow-Lhe-llne ucLlvlLy hus grown Loo such us Lhe Amul
food fesLlvul, whlch hus been held for Lhe lusL four yeur
beLween cLober und Lecember ln ubouL , reLull
1he Chef f lndlu romo lnvlLes hoLel chefs Lo come u wlLh
recles uslng us muny Amul roducLs us osslble, und ls
conducLed uL clLy, sLuLe und nuLlonul level.
TIe IrsL AdverLIsIng SLruLegy
66 sees Lhe creuLlon of Lhe Amul glrl by 5y|ve_ter daCunha of Lhe AP
AdverLlslng ugency us u rlvul Lo Lhe Polson .
ln 6, Lhe flrsL hourdlng wus uL u ln Mumbul wlLh Lhe Amul glrl.
1he Lug llne of Utter|y utter|y e|iciou_ cume ouL ln cLober of 6,.
1he flrsL 1olcul ud cume ouL ln 6 uL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe ure umu ure
Krlshnu movemenL.
ne of Lhe mosL conservuLlve lMCC enLlLles CCMMl sends u mere %
of lLs Lurnover on romoLlons.
Amul buLLer glrl ls one of Lhe longesL run ud cumulgns ln Lhe counLry for
nLered ln Lhe Culnness ook f orld ecords for belng Lhe longesL runnlng
cumulgn ever.
Amul Cyber SLore
Amul ln Soclal neLworklng
Amul lndulges ln Second Llfe markeLlng Advergamlng
DIgILuI AdverLIsIng
Amu| ar|ors
AmuI CompeLILors
aby Iood
a|ry Wh|tener Segment
Ice creams
hoco|ates onfect|onar|es
lzza PuL
nlrulas rozen plzza
MoLher ualry
D|tra n|gh @reated M||k
AmuI CompeLILors
5weet Conden_ed mi|k
Cottage Chee_e(Paneer
Mi|k dditive_
mlLhkllne eechum
F|avored Mi|k
AmuI CompeLILors
PerIod oI dIversIIIcuLIon
ln , M vyus, Munuglng LlrecLor, CCMMl,
commlssloned Lhe lndlun MurkeL eseurch ureuu
(lM) Lo conducL u consumer survey Lo ldenLlfy Lhe
roducLs consumers wunLed from Amul .used on Lhe flndlngs, Amul
enLered lnLo Lhe followlng ureus: lce creum, curd, uneer, cheese, und
condensed mllk.
ln ,, Amul luunched lce creums ufLer lndusLun Lever ucqulred
KwullLy, Mllkfood und Lollos. PoslLloned us Lhe eul lce-creum, Amul
lce creum wus one of Lhe few mllk-bused lce creums ln Lhe murkeL.
ln , Amul luunched brunded yoghurL ln lndlu for Lhe flrsL Llme,
when lL LesL murkeLed MusLl Luhl ln Ahmedubud flrsL und Lhen
lnLroduced lL ull over Lhe counLry
ln 1unuury z, Amul re-enLered Lhe curLon mllk
murkeL wlLh Lhe luunch of Amul 1uuzu ln Mumbul.
Amul 1uuzu wus non-sweeLened, luln, low fuL mllk.
1he roducL wus oslLloned us u llfesLyle us well us funcLlonul roducL.
ln November z, Amul declded Lo romoLe mozzurellu cheese,
whlch wus used ln lzzu. 1he growlng demund for mozzurellu cheese
from lzzu muklng comunles llke Plzzu uL und Lomlnos Plzzu wus
execLed Lo glve Amuls cheese sule un uddlLlonul ush.
ln AugusL z, Amul declded Lo enLer Lhe reudy-Lo-euL sLuffed
uruLhu, cheeseburger, cheese und uneer ukodu, und cheese
sundwlch segmenLs. 1he roducLs were murkeLed under Lhe nowCu
brund. 1he nowCu brund ulso lncluded LomuLo suuce und keLchu.
WIy DIversIIIcuLIon
lLh Lhe llberullzuLlon of Lhe lndlun economy ln Lhe eurly s, und
Lhe subsequenL enLry of new luyers, Lhere wus u chunge ln llfesLyles
und Lhe food LusLes of eole. 1he new Leum LhuL Look over Lhe
munugemenL of Lhe CCMMl ln Lhe mld-s hoed Lo Luke
udvunLuge of Lhe chunge.
Accordlng Lo some unulysLs, Lhls dlverslflcuLlon wus robubly noL
enLlrely demund-drlven. elng u cooeruLlve, CCMMl wus comelled
Lo buy ull Lhe mllk LhuL wus roduced ln Cu|uruL. And wlLh mllk
roducLlon huvlng lncreused slnce Lhe mld s, CCMMl hud Lo muke
use of uddlLlonul mllk, und hence Lhe ressure Lo muke und murkeL
more und more rocessed-mllk roducLs.
Amul hud Lo exund Lhe consumLlon buse of mllk-bused
roducLs ln lndlu. lL lunned Lo muke lLs roducLs (buLLer
und cheese) u urL of Lhe regulur dleL ln mosL households. Amul
luunched lLs new roducLs wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon of lncreuslng Lhe offLuke
of lLs buslc mllk roducLs, lncludlng cheese.
1hls flurry of luunches heled Amul brouden lLs ueul ucross ull
segmenLs. Prlce wus un udvunLuge LhuL Amul en|oyed over lLs
comeLlLors. Amuls roducLs were rlced z- % less Lhun Lhose of
lLs comeLlLors. AnulysLs felL LhuL Amul could rlce lLs roducLs low
becuuse of Lhe economles of scule lL en|oyed.
1he lzzus were execLed Lo lncreuse Lhe sule of lLs cheese. 1he enLry
lnLo Lhe confecLlonerles murkeL wus unoLher uvenue for lncreuslng mllk
Amuls obsesslon wlLh keelng down munower cosLs
und deuler commlsslons udded Lo Lhe sLrengLh . ln lce-creums for
exumle, Amuls reLull commlsslon ln Ahmedubud clLy wus ,.%
whlch wus % lower Lhun whuL comeLlLors offered.
owever, ull suld und done, Amul seemed Lo be ull seL Lo muke sLeudy
rogress ln Lhe comlng yeurs wlLh lLs roducLs huvlng become qulLe
oulur ln boLh rurul und urbun households. uld vyus, eve hundled
llberullzuLlon und globullzuLlon fur beLLer Lhun our LrunsnuLlonul rlvuls.
lL hus mude us flLLer Lhun ever.
CCMMl ls lndlus lurgesL exorLer of Lulry ProducLs. lL hus
been uccorded u 1rudlng ouse sLuLus. CCMMl hus
recelved Lhe APLA Awurd from CovernmenL of lndlu for xcellence ln Lulry
ProducL xorLs for Lhe lusL yeurs.
Amul exorL Lurnover reglsLered u ercenL lncreuse, over Lhe revlous yeur
ln z. AurL from regulur exorLs of brunded, consumer-ucked dulry
roducLs Lo Lhe U, Perslun Culf und lur usL murkeLs, Lhey exorLed lurge
quunLlLles of sklm und full creum mllk owder. NuLrumul, Amulyu, MlLhulmuLe
und Amul uneer were luunched ln Lhe Culf counLrles.
New murkeLs llke rl Lunku ,Muduguscur, usslu und uudl Arublu ure belng
develoed, bulldlng u sLrong buse for Lhe fuLure.
Amul dulry lunLs huve now recelved l und ACCP cerLlflcuLlon,
hellng lL Lo obLuln Lhe requlred xorL lnsecLlon Agency lunL cerLlflcuLlon
for dulry roducLs.
AMUL' lndlun desserLs ure very well llked ln counLrles llke
lnguore und Muluyslu. Amul hus llsL of roducLs murkeLed Lo
vurlous counLrles few of lLs roducLs ure Amul buLLer, Amul
cooklng buLLer, Amul cheese sreud, Amul lzzu cheese, Amul shrlkhund, Amul
fresh creum eLc.
lndlus lurgesL dulry brund Amul would soon be seen on Lhe shelves of leudlng
lnLernuLlonul sLores llke ul-MurL und MusLufu ln lnguore ufLer lLs successful
foruy lnLo Lhe UnlLed Arub mlruLes (UA).
MIssIon zozo oI AmuI
Amul envlsuges LhuL Lhe dulry cooeruLlves of Cu|uruL wlll
huve u grou Lurnover of s. z, crores by Lhe yeur zz.
1hls wlll be u Lhree-fold lncreuse over lLs currenL grou Lurnover of urox. s.
6 crores. Mllk roducLlon ln mllk shed ureu wlll lncreuse Lo z lukh kg er
duy (z. mllllon kg er duy), uL un unnuul growLh ruLe of %.
Amul wlll creuLe fresh uvenues for growLh by Lulng Lhe rlslng demund for
new vulue-udded roducLs. eclul emhusls wlll be glven Lo sLrengLhenlng
Lhelr resence ln Lhe lurge murkeL for llquld mllk, ln meLroollLun clLles.
Plun Lo double Lo rocesslng cuuclLy of dulry lunLs Lo z., mllllon kg er duy,
by zz. 1hls would lnclude mulLl-fold cuuclLy exunslon for mu|or roducL
cuLegorles lncludlng mllk owders, lce-creum, uneer, cheese, eLhnlc sweeLs,
curd, ghee und oLher dulry roducLs.
SWOT AnuIysIs oI AmuI
WuemaoJ ptof|le
Wllex|b|l|ty of ptoJoct m|x
W1eclo|cal maopowet
W1tost eojoyeJ by |ts ptoJocts
WSttooq coopetat|ve
WlottoJoceJ 1OM
Woq|st|cs of ptocotemeot
WSlott self l|fe of |ts ptoJocts
WCompletely JepeoJeot oo
v|llaqes fot |ts taw matet|al
WSalat|es offeteJ |s less compateJ
to compet|tots
Waloe aJJ|t|oo
Wlxpott poteot|al
WuseJ |otetoet to sell |ts ptoJocts
WlottoJoceJ lybt|J ptoJocts |o
tle matket
Wlxplot|oq fote|qo matkets
WM|lk veoJots, tle oo-otqao|zeJ
WSttooq compet|t|oo ftom MNCs
W Compet|t|oo ftom pt|vate Ja|t|es
aoJ local m|lk soppl|ets
W1le y|elJ of loJ|ao cattle st|ll
mocl lowet tlao otlet Ja|ty
@hank ou

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