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l name of pro[ecL Marble Cake

ll C8!LC1lvLS
a) Measure lngredlenLs accuraLely
b) Make a dellclous/nuLrlLlous MA88LL CAkLS
c) CompuLe producLlon cosL correcLly
lll MA1L8lALS / lnC8LulLn1S
CuanLlLy name of
unlL of cosL 1oLal CosL
3 c Cake flour
1 c Cll
3 c 8ef sugar
1 Lsp c 1arLar
14 Lggs
1Lbsp 8 powder
3Lsp vanllla
4 Lbsp ChocolaLe
1 SlfL flour and measure
2 SlfL flour agaln LogeLher w/ b powder and Z of sugar
3 8eaL eggwhlLe w/ cream of LarLar unLll sLlff
4 Cradually puL sugar Lo eggwhlLe and conLlnue beaLlng
3 Comblne egg yolkoll and nuek
6 Make a well aL Lhe cenLer of flour mlxLure
7 our egg yolk mlxLure lnLo Lhe flour mlxLure be sLlr ln 1 dlrecLlon unLll well
8 lold ln beLLer mlxLure lnLo Lhe merlngue
9 our mlxLure lnLo a llned pan
10Swlrl melLed chocolaLe lnLo Lhe mlxLure
118ake for 43 mlnuLes
12unmold cake lnLo a wlre rack
v C8l1L8lA lC8 !uuClnC CCCu lAl8 CC8
1 SllghLly rounded Lop
2 very llghL ln welghL and slze
3 unlform brown golden color
4 WlLh cracks ln surface
3 Small unlform graln w/ Lhln wall
6 1ender feaLher molsL and llke
1exLure noL compacL for soggy
7 leaslngly dellcaLe and unlform
CCCu 12 1S
lAl8 8 1S
CC8 4 1S

vl 8CuuC1lCn CCS1

vll 8LMA8kS

RFt0A v. 0FlA T0RRF

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