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training routine #16

CYCLE: 2 days on, 1 day oII

LEVEL: Intermediate
GOAL: Gain Mass

Barbell Presses
3 sets x 6-10
Dumbbell Presses
3 sets x 8-10
Dumbbell Side Laterals
3 sets x 10
Dumbbell Rear Laterals
2 sets x 12

3 sets x 6-10
Barbell Rows
3 sets x 8-10
Pullups (Wide Grip)
2 sets to Iailure
Pullups (Underhand Close Grip)
2 sets to Iailure

Superset oI Biceps/Triceps
Standing Barbell Curls
4 sets x 10-12
superset with
Skull Crushers
4 sets x 10-12
Hammer Curls
4 sets x 10
superset with
Overhead Tricep Dumbbell Press
4 sets x 10
Wrist Curls
3 sets x 20
Reverse Wrist Curls
3 sets x 20

Flat Bench Press
3 sets x 6-10
Dumbbell Incline Press
3 sets x 8-10
Dumbbell Flyes
3 sets x 12

4 sets x 6-10
Leg Press
3 sets x 10-12
Leg Extensions
3 sets x 12
Seated Leg Curls
3 sets x 12
Lying Leg Curls
3 sets x 12

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