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Worlds vlslon lnLernaLlonal lZL

(A parL of Worlds Wlndow Croup)

Commerclal LxecuLlve
1he Group
W Worlds Wlndow Croup was seL up ln 1993 wlLh Lhe seLLlng up of Worlds
Wlndow a Lradlng house
W A pace seLLer for Lhe resL of Lhe lndusLry Lhe group has an envlable Lrack
record of renderlng servlces and dellverlng goods Lo Lhe uLmosL saLlsfacLlon
of Lhe cusLomers
W lLs commlLmenL Lo excellence lnnovaLlve Lechnology and conLlnuous
pursulL of growLh has made Lhe group one of Lhe mosL dynamlc and
upcomlng buslness houses ln Lhe counLry
W 1he presenL Lurnover of Lhe group ls 8s 20000 mllllon
ur Croup Companles
Jor|ds Jdow Impex Idf vt
Ltd {lmporters ond xporters of
lerrous ond Non lerrous meto/s
ond meto/ scrop)
,fp|e Logstns vt Ltd {1oto/
Loqistics 5o/ution)
ur Croup Companles
Jor|ds Jdow Irfstrunture
Logstns vt Ltd {ln/ond
contoiner uepot Loni
Jor|ds Jdow Jfrdhf
Irfstrunture vt Ltd {ln/ond
contoiner uepot wordho
ur Croup Companles
|strog Lterprses
{Monufocturers of 4/uminum
composite Pone/s)
,I Lterprses
{Monufocturers of kec/oim
Worlds vlslon lnLernaLlonal lZL uAL (lotetootloool
1toJloq of Metol ooJ Metol 5ctop)
WlL ls based ln A[man uAL
W lL deals ln recycled meLal
producLs (prlmarlly ferrous) and
relaLed alloys / producLs from
consumers lndusLry
consLrucLlon and demollLlon
Worlds vlslon lnLernaLlonal lZL uAL
(lotetootloool 1toJloq of Metol ooJ Metol 5ctop)
World vlslon lnL lZL
W Sourclng locaLlons ln Lhe Mlddle LasL Afrlca
and LaLln Amerlca
W ConslsLenL MonLhly volumes of abouL 40000
M1 of SLeel Scrap whlch ls belng loaded ln Lhe
presence of our sLaff
W ConLlnuously growlng llsL of our 8uyers
8uyer MarkeLs
W value urlven CommlLLed dedlcaLed sLaff
W LxcellenL rapporL wlLh Maln Llne operaLors llke
Maersk MSC AL
W LxcellenL relaLlonshlp wlLh repuLed banks
Core roducLs
W lerrous MeLal Scrap
PMS l ll (8020) orlglnaLlng from SouLh Afrlca WesL Afrlca LasL Afrlca
Mlddle LasL and uk
PMS l (9010) orlglnaLlng from Mlddle LasL and SouLh Afrlca
Shredded SLeel Scrap lS8l 211 grade from uk
nS Scrap (laLe and SLrucLural) orlglnaLlng from SouLh Afrlca and Mlddle
LMS ln 8ales orlglnaLlng from Mlddle LasL LasL Afrlca WesL Afrlca and SouLh
8e8oll able orlglnaLlng from Mlddle LasL SouLh Afrlca LasL and WesL Afrlca
MS 1urnlng and 8orlng orlglnaLlng from SouLh Afrlca and uk
8esale lLems
W SLeel lpes
W Alumlnlum Scrap
W ury 8aLLerles
CurrenL penlng
W osL CraduaLes ln ManagemenL Lo work wlLh us as
LxecuLlve 1ralnees ln Afrlca
!ob uescrlpLlon O bLalnlng CuoLaLlons negoLlaLlng rlces
O CoordlnaLlon of local loglsLlcs and shlpplng llnes
O Supervlslon of loadlng of maLerlal
O ually vlslL Lo varlous shlpplng yards ln Lhe respecLlve
O 100 lleld !ob
O Pandllng local labour
O lnvolvemenL ln shlpplng maLLers
O Wlll be Lralned for hlgher opporLunlLles
Lxperlence 02 years experlence ln Sales ls preferable buL noL mandaLory
CandldaLe roflle
O M8A referably ln MarkeLlng peraLlons
O Cood CommunlcaLlon and 1echnlcal Skllls
O Cood negoLlaLlon Skllls
O llalr for fleld [ob
O Should be well versed wlLh MlcrosofL Lxcel
O knowledge ln MaLerlals ManagemenL and worklng knowledge
ln Lhe areas of Sales and MarkeLlng ls hlghly preferable
O hou|d be refdy to re|onfte fy o the Compfy's |onfto
spenf||y durg rst yefr o og
O ,f|e nfddftes fre hgh|y preerred or ths pro|e
LocaLlon uubal Pead fflce SouLh Afrlca Chana Cuyana (LaLln Amerlca)
some new branches ln Afrlca (yeL Lo be opened)
8emuneraLlon Basic SaIary US$ 800/- per month + Food + Accommodation +
LocaI Conveyance + MedicaI on actuaI basis + HoIidays as per
respective country's company poIicy}
SelecLlon rocess
1 rellmlnary 8ound of lnLervlew
2 Second 8ound of lnLervlew wlLh ACMP8
3 llnal 8ound of lnLervlew wlLh Lhe CL
!olnlng rocess
1 lssuance of LeLLer of lnLenL (Ll) Lo Lhe selecLed candldaLes
2 ?ellow lever vacclnaLlon
3 PepaLlLls 8 vacclnaLlon
4 vlsa rocesslng
3 ueparLure !olnlng aL Lhe respecLlve LocaLlons
6 llnal AppolnLmenL LeLLer upon [olnlng
Lher 1erms CondlLlons
W CandldaLes wlll be recrulLed for LxecuLlve 1ralnee" poslLlon
W CandldaLe wlll be kepL on probaLlon for flrsL slx monLhs
W CandldaLe wlll be deslgnaLed as Commerclal LxecuLlve" upon conflrmaLlon afLer slx
monLhs sub[ecL Lo Lhe saLlsfacLory performance durlng probaLlon perlod
W CandldaLes wlll be provlded bachelor accommodaLlon for flrsL Lwo years from Lhe
daLe of [olnlng Lhe organlsaLlon
W uaLe of !olnlng As soon as vlsa ls ready
W Croup P8 ueparLmenL wlll asslsL selecLed candldaLes ln Lhe enLlre expaLrlaLlon
W vlsa processlng wlll be Laken care by Lhe Croup P8 deparLmenL 8uL Llme Laken by
Lhe embassy Lo lssue a vlsa varles counLry Lo counLry
W Lxpenses of medlcal checkup vlsa processlng wlll be borne by Lhe organlsaLlon
W Lentve dfte o og the orgfsfto w|| be the dfte o whnh the nfddfte
o the orgfsfto the respentve noutry
Croup WebslLe wwwwwgno
Croup CorporaLe fflce
Worlds Wlndow Croup
L 40/3 khla lndusLrlal Area
hasell new uelhl

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