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School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Department of Electronics Engineering CSE-303

Prerequisite: N.A. Instructor: Office: Dr. M. Murtaza Khan A-218

Signals and Systems

Credit Hours: 3 + 0

BEE 1AB Email: Tel:051-90852127

Course Objective
This is an introductory course to Signals and Systems. The course will provide an insight into how physical processes can be mathematically modeled as signals. The course will also focus on how signals can be represented in time domain and how they can be transformed into other domains. The resultant alternative viewpoint allows more intuitive/ simpler solutions to various engineering problems. We will also learn about analytical techniques that allow us to model the behavior of the system and gain insight into the characteristics of signals. The course will provide skills to model, analyze and design signals and systems in general.

Text Book
Signals and Systems by Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky with S. Hamid Nawab (2nd Edition)

Reference Books
Signals and Systems by Chi-Tsong Chen Fundamentals of Signals and Systems Using the Web and Matlab by Edward W. Kamen & Bonnie S. Heck Weblink: Computer Explorations in Signals and Systems Using Matlab by John R. Buck, M. Daniel Andrew & C.

Main Topics to be Covered 1) Introduction to Signals and Systems Types of Signals and Systems 2) Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems Theory Systems whose properties can be exploited to simplify their modeling, analysis and design. 3) Fourier Series Representation of periodic signals into sum of weighted sinusoids. Sinusoids interact with LTI systems in simple predictable ways leading to tractable modeling, analysis and design of signals and systems. 4) Fourier Transform Representation of aperiodic signals into integral of weighted sinusoids. Sinusoids interact with LTI systems in simple predictable ways leading to tractable modeling, analysis and design of signals and systems. 5) Laplace Transform: Representations of continuous time signals (some of which may not have a fourier transform) as integral of scaled complex exponentials. Complex exponentials interact with LTI systems in simple predictable ways leading to tractable modeling, analysis and design of signals and systems. 6) Z Transform: Representation of discrete time signals (some of which may not have a fourier transform) as sum of scaled complex exponentials. Complex exponentials interact with LTI systems in simple predictable ways leading to tractable modeling, analysis and design of signals and systems.

Quizzes Assignments Project One Hour Tests Final Exam : : : : : 15% 10% 05% 30% 40 %

The quizzes will be unannounced. There shall be two One Hour Tests. Each OHT shall have 15% weightage. The project shall be completed individually using Matlab. The evaluation of Project will be two weeks before the final exam.

Grading Policy
Quiz policy
The quizzes will be un-announced. The questions will be framed in such a way to test the concepts involved in the lectures delivered. At least 5 Quizzes shall be conducted. There is no provision for make-up quiz. However, it is expected that the number of quizzes shall be more than 5 and best 5 shall be selected.

In order to give practice and comprehensive understanding of the subject, a number of home assignments will be given. The students are advised to do the assignment themselves. Copying of assignment is highly discouraged and taken as cheating case and will be forwarded for disciplinary action. Any assignment submitted after due date/time will be graded as zero (Incase of emergency the instructor has the right to allow extra time).

Plagiarism Policy
In order to give practice and comprehensive understanding of the subject, a number of home assignments will be SEECS maintains a strict no tolerance plagiarism policy. While collaboration in this course is highly encouraged, you must ensure that you do claim other peoples work/ idea as your own. Plagiarism occurs when the words, ideas, assertions, theories, figures, images, programming codes of others is presented as your own work. You must cite and acknowledge all sources of information in your assignments. Failing to comply with the SEECS plagiarism policy will lead to strict penalties including zero marks in assignments and report to the academic coordination office.

Tools / Software requirements

Matlab shall be used for hands on practice.

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