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A Book Report about Nine Lives Of Montezuma Author: Michael Morpurgo

By : Lachlan 6CB 21/9/11

The subject of the book is about Matthews father drowning all baby cats in a pond, but one still lives, Montezuma. He always narrowly escapes being killed, from his birth to his old tom cat days.

It is set on an old farm

Main Characters
Montezuma, he is ginger cat who normally gets into trouble. Montezuma normally survives attacks until one day he dies.

Montezuma is loved a lot, even by strangers. Matthew loves Monty, unlike his dad in the beginning. Matthews mum likes Monty too. Their dog always loves to chase Monty around the garden.

They find Montezuma He has nine lives Everyone thought he was dead When they found out the dead cat wasnt Montezuma When he really died

Turning Point
They thought Monty died but they found he hadnt. It was another cat who they thought was Monty, but then they found Montezuma.

Your Thoughts
I would recommend this book to Y5 & 6 I thought before that the 9 lives story was a myth. In the beginning it didnt catch my attention but when I started to read it more I enjoyed it. In the beginning I loved Monty and how he survived a drowning attack. At times it was slow and at other times it was fast paced.

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