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Assemblyman Felix Ortiz 51st A.D.

Albany Office Room 826, Legislative Office Building Albany, New York 12248 518-455-3821 District Office 404 55th Street Brooklyn, New York 11220 718-492-6334

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 13, 2011 Phone: (518) 455-3821

National Transportation Safety Board Calls for Ban on Cell Phone Use While Driving
Assemblyman Ortiz is pleased to learn that the National Transportation Safety Board has come to this important and potentially lifesaving conclusion. (Albany, NY) Assemblyman Felix W. Ortiz (Brooklyn) was pleased to learn that the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has recently called for a nationwide ban on the use of all personal electronic devices while driving. The Assemblyman has been working to end all forms of distracted driving since 1996. Ortiz was the first elected official in the United States to call for a ban on cell phone use. He has successfully passed legislation in New York State and vows to continue to battle distracted driving. Assemblyman Ortiz said I applaud the National Transportation Safety Board for taking such a strong stance against the use of cell phones while driving. NTSB is an authority in administering safety recommendations; and I am hopeful that this call to action will not be ignored. Texting, talking, or surfing the internet while driving is a deadly habit that puts the driver, their passengers, and others sharing the roadways at risk. I will continue to push for stronger laws against all forms of distracted driving. Ortiz has been active in publicizing the threats associated with distracted driving as well. I have lost several members of my community to reckless and inattentive drivers. We have a responsibility to our constituents to keep our roadways safe. Harsher punishments and enforcement of current laws are key in ending distracted driving and the senseless accidents and deaths, said Ortiz. -- 30 --

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