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Scientific Name: Origanum vulgare

ommon name: wild marjoram, Spanish thyme, Mountain Mint
MedicinaI Uses: indigestion, bloating, flatulence, coughs, urinary problems, bronchial
problems, headaches, swollen glands, and to promote menstruation. Also used for
fevers, diarrhea, vomiting, and jaundice
How to Prepare:
Boil oregano in water until the color becomes slightly brown. Drop the piece of pandan
leaf and boil for few more minutes. did not mention any proportion because it depends
on your taste preference. Then add brown sugar to sweeten.
Externally, Oregano leaves can be pounded into a paste (add small amounts of hot
water or tea to reach the desired consistency - oatmeal may also be added for
consistency purposes). This paste can then be used for pain from rheumatism,
swelling, itching, aching muscles, and sores. For tired joints and muscles, put a
handful of Oregano leaves in a coffee filter, mesh bag, or cheesecloth bag and run
steaming bath water over it. Allow it to steep in the tub with you as you relax in the
warm, fragrant water.

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