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(Le 8ourgeo|s Gent||homme)

SCLNL I (Moslc Mostet uoocloq Mostet Moslcloos ooJ uoocets)
(1be ploy opeos wltb o qteot ossembly of losttomeots ooJ lo tbe mlJJle of tbe stoqe ls o popll of tbe Moslc Mostet seoteJ ot o toble
composloq o meloJy wblcb Moosleot IootJolo bos otJeteJ fot o seteooJe)
MuSlC MAS1L8 (1o Moslcloos) Come come lnLo Lhls room slL Lhere and walL unLll he comes
uAnClnC MAS1L8 (1o Joocets) And you Loo on Lhls slde
MuSlC MAS1L8 (1o lopll) ls lL done?
ulL ?es
MuSlC MAS1L8 LeLs see 1hls ls good
uAnClnC MAS1L8 ls lL someLhlng new?
MuSlC MAS1L8 ?es lLs a melody for a serenade LhaL l seL hlm Lo composlng here whlle walLlng for our man Lo awake
uAnClnC MAS1L8 May l see lL?
MuSlC MAS1L8 ?oull hear lL wlLh Lhe dlalogue when he comes Pe wonL be long
uAnClnC MAS1L8 Cur work yours and mlne ls noL Lrlvlal aL presenL
MuSlC MAS1L8 1hls ls Lrue Weve found here such a man as we boLh need 1hls ls a nlce source of lncome for us Lhls Monsleur
!ourdaln wlLh Lhe vlslons of noblllLy and gallanLry LhaL he has goLLen lnLo hls head ?ou and l should hope LhaL everyone resembled
uAnClnC MAS1L8 noL enLlrely l could wlsh LhaL he undersLood beLLer Lhe Lhlngs LhaL we glve hlm
MuSlC MAS1L8 lLs Lrue LhaL he undersLands Lhem poorly buL he pays well and LhaLs whaL our arL needs now more Lhan anyLhlng
uAnClnC MAS1L8 As for me l admlL l feed a llLLle on glory Applause Louches me and l hold LhaL ln all Lhe flne arLs lL ls palnful Lo
produce for dolLs Lo endure Lhe barbarous oplnlons of a fool abouL my choreography lL ls a pleasure donL Lell me oLherwlse Lo
work for people who can appreclaLe Lhe flne polnLs of an arL who know how Lo glve a sweeL recepLlon Lo Lhe beauLles of a work
and by pleasurable approbaLlons graLlfy us for our labor ?es Lhe mosL agreeable recompense we can recelve for Lhe Lhlngs we do
ls Lo see Lhem recognlzed and flaLLered by an applause LhaL honors us 1here ls noLhlng ln my oplnlon LhaL pays us beLLer for all our
faLlgue and lL ls an exqulslLe dellghL Lo recelve Lhe pralses of Lhe welllnformed
MuSlC MAS1L8 l agree and l en[oy Lhem as you do 1here ls surely noLhlng more agreeable Lhan Lhe applause you speak of buL
LhaL lncense does noL provlde a llvlng ure pralses do noL provlde a comforLable exlsLence lL ls necessary Lo add someLhlng solld
and Lhe besL way Lo pralse ls Lo pralse wlLh cashlnhand Pes a man lLs Lrue whose lnslghL ls very sllghL who Lalks nonsense abouL
everyLhlng and applauds only for Lhe wrong reasons buL hls money makes up for hls [udgmenLs Pe has dlscernmenL ln hls purse Pls
pralses are ln cash and Lhls lgnoranL bourgeols ls worLh more Lo us as you see Lhan Lhe educaLed nobleman who lnLroduced us
uAnClnC MAS1L8 1here ls some LruLh ln whaL you say buL l flnd LhaL you lean a llLLle Loo heavlly on money and maLerlal lnLeresL ls
someLhlng so base LhaL a man of good LasLe should never show an aLLachmenL Lo lL
MuSlC MAS1L8 ?ou are ready enough Lo recelve Lhe money our man glves you
uAnClnC MAS1L8 Assuredly buL l donL place all my happlness ln lL and l could wlsh LhaL LogeLher wlLh hls forLune he had some
good LasLe ln Lhlngs
MuSlC MAS1L8 l could wlsh lL Loo LhaLs whaL boLh of us are worklng for as much as we can 8uL ln any case he glves us Lhe means
Lo make ourselves known ln Lhe world and he wlll pay oLhers lf Lhey wlll pralse hlm
uAnClnC MAS1L8 Pere he comes
SCLNL II (Moosleot IootJolo 1wo lockeys Moslc Mostet uoocloq Mostet lopll Moslcloos ooJ uoocets)
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Well genLlemen? WhaLs Lhls? Are you golng Lo show me your llLLle sklL?
uAnClnC MAS1L8 Pow? WhaL llLLle sklL?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Well Lhe WhaLdoyoucall lL? ?our prologue or dlalogue of songs and dances
uAnClnC MAS1L8 Pa ha!
MuSlC MAS1L8 ?ou flnd us ready for you
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l kepL you walLlng a llLLle buL lLs because lm havlng myself dressed Loday llke Lhe people of quallLy and my
Lallor senL me some sllk sLocklngs LhaL l LhoughL l would never geL on
MuSlC MAS1L8 We are here only Lo walL upon your lelsure
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l wanL you boLh Lo sLay unLll Lhey have broughL me my sulL so LhaL you may see me
uAnClnC MAS1L8 WhaLever you would llke
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?ou wlll see me flLLed ouL properly from head Lo fooL
MuSlC MAS1L8 We have no doubL of lL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l had Lhls robe made for me
uAnClnC MAS1L8 lLs very aLLracLlve
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln My Lallor Lold me Lhe people of quallLy dress llke Lhls ln Lhe mornlngs
MuSlC MAS1L8 lLs marvelously becomlng
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Pey lackeys! My Lwo lackeys!
ll8S1 LACkL? WhaL do you wlsh Slr?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln noLhlng l [usL wanLed Lo see lf you were paylng aLLenLlon (1o tbe two mostets) WhaL say you of my llverles?
uAnClnC MAS1L8 1heyre magnlflcenL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln (nolf opeoloq bls qowo sbowloq o polt of tlqbt teJ velvet bteecbes ooJ o qteeo velvet vest tbot be ls
weotloq) Pere agaln ls a sorL of lounglng dress Lo perform my mornlng exerclses ln
MuSlC MAS1L8 lL ls eleganL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Lackey!
ll8S1 LACkL? Slr?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1he oLher lackey!
SLCCnu LACkL? Slr?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Pold my robe
(1o tbe Mostets) uo you Lhlnk l look good?
uAnClnC MAS1L8 very well no one could look beLLer
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln now leLs have a look aL your llLLle show
MuSlC MAS1L8 l would llke very much for you Lo llsLen Lo a melody he (loJlcotloq bls stoJeot) has [usL composed for Lhe serenade
LhaL you ordered from me Pes one of my puplls who has an admlrable LalenL for Lhese klnds of Lhlngs
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?es buL you should noL have had LhaL done by a pupll you yourself were none Loo good for LhaL plece of
MuSlC MAS1L8 ?ou musL noL leL Lhe name of pupll fool you slr uplls of Lhls sorL know as much as Lhe greaLesL masLers and Lhe
melody ls as flne as could be made !usL llsLen
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln (1o lockeys) Clve me my robe so l can llsLen beLLer WalL l belleve l would be beLLer wlLhouL a robe no
glve lL back LhaL wlll be beLLer
MuSlClAn (5loqloq) l looqolsb olqbt ooJ Joy my soffetloq ls extteme 5loce to yoot coottol yoot lovely eyes sobjecteJ me lf yoo tbos
tteot folt ltls tbose yoo love Alos bow woolJ yoo tteot oo eoemy?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1hls song seems Lo me a llLLle mournful lL lulls Lo sleep and l would llke lL lf you could llv en lL up a llLLle
here and Lhere
MuSlC MAS1L8 lL ls necessary Slr LhaL Lhe Lune be sulLed Lo Lhe words
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Someone LaughL me a perfecLly preLLy one some Llme ago LlsLen now how does lL go?
uAnClnC MAS1L8 8y my falLh l donL know
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1here are sheep ln lL
uAnClnC MAS1L8 Sheep?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?es Ah! (ne sloqs)
l tbooqbt my Ieoooetoo As beootlfol os sweet l tbooqbt my Ioooetoo lot sweetet tboo o sbeep Alos! Alos! 5be ls o booJteJ tlmes A
tboosooJ tlmes mote ctoel 1boo tlqets lo tbe wooJs!
lsnL lL preLLy?
MuSlC MAS1L8 1he preLLlesL ln Lhe world
uAnClnC MAS1L8 And you slng lL well
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln lLs wlLhouL havlng learned muslc
MuSlC MAS1L8 ?ou oughL Lo learn lL Slr as you are learnlng danclng 1hey are Lwo arLs whlch have a close connecLlon
uAnClnC MAS1L8 And whlch open Lhe mlnd of a man Lo flne Lhlngs
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln And do people of quallLy learn muslc Loo?
MuSlC MAS1L8 ?es slr
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln lll learn lL Lhen 8uL l donL know when l can flnd Llme for besldes Lhe lenclng MasLer whos Leachlng me l
have also engaged a masLer of phllosophy who ls Lo begln Lhls mornlng
MuSlC MAS1L8 hllosophy ls someLhlng buL muslc slr muslc
uAnClnC MAS1L8 Muslc and danclng muslc and danclng LhaLs all LhaLs necessary
MuSlC MAS1L8 1heres noLhlng so useful ln a SLaLe as muslc
uAnClnC MAS1L8 1heres noLhlng so necessary Lo men as danclng
MuSlC MAS1L8 WlLhouL muslc a SLaLe cannoL subslsL
uAnClnC MAS1L8 WlLhouL Lhe dance a man can do noLhlng
MuSlC MAS1L8 All Lhe dlsorders all Lhe wars one sees ln Lhe world happen only from noL learnlng muslc
uAnClnC MAS1L8 All Lhe mlsforLunes of manklnd all Lhe dreadful dlsasLers LhaL flll Lhe hlsLory books Lhe blunders of pollLlclans
and Lhe faulLs of omlsslon of greaL commanders all Lhls comes from noL knowlng how Lo dance
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Pow ls LhaL?
MuSlC MAS1L8 uoes noL war resulL from a lack of agreemenL beLween men?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1haL ls Lrue
MuSlC MAS1L8 And lf all men learned muslc wouldnL LhaL be a means of brlnglng abouL harmony and of seelng unlversal peace ln
Lhe world?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?ou are rlghL
uAnClnC MAS1L8 When a man has commlLLed a mlsLake ln hls conducL ln famlly affalrs or ln affalrs of governmenL of a sLaLe or ln
Lhe command of an army do we noL always say Pe Look a bad sLep ln such and such an affalr?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?es LhaLs sald
uAnClnC MAS1L8 And can Laklng a bad sLep resulL from anyLhlng buL noL knowlng how Lo dance?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln lLs Lrue you are boLh rlghL
uAnClnC MAS1L8 lL makes you see Lhe excellence and usefulness of muslc and Lhe dance
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l undersLand LhaL now
MuSlC MAS1L8 uo you wlsh Lo see our pleces?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?es
MuSlC MAS1L8 l have already Lold you LhaL Lhls ls a llLLle aLLempL l have made Lo show Lhe dlfferenL passlons LhaL muslc can
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln very good
MuSlC MAS1L8 (1o moslcloos) Pere come forward (1o Moosleot IootJolo) ?ou musL lmaglne LhaL Lhey are dressed as shepherds
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Why always as shepherds? ?ou see noLhlng buL LhaL everywhere
MuSlC MAS1L8 When we have characLers LhaL are Lo speak ln muslc lLs necessary for bellevablllLy Lo make Lhem pasLoral Slnglng
has always been asslgned Lo shepherds and lL ls scarcely naLural dlalogue for prlnces or merchanLs Lo slng Lhelr passlons
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln AlrlghL alrlghL LeLs see
ulALCCuL ln MuSlC (A womoo ooJ 1wo Meo)
ALL 1P8LL A beott ooJet tbe Jomlootloo of love ls olwoys wltb o tboosooJ cotes opptesseJ lt ls solJ tbot we qloJly looqolsb
qloJly slqb 8ot Jesplte wbot coo be solJ 1bete ls ootbloq so sweet os oot llbetty!
ll8S1 MAn 1bete ls ootbloq so sweet os tbe lovloq fltes 1bot moke two beotts beot os ooe Ooe coooot llve wltboot omotoos Jesltes
1oke love ftom llfe yoo toke owoy tbe pleosotes
SLCCnu MAn lt woolJ be sweet to sobmlt to loves tole lf ooe coolJ floJ foltbfol love 8ot olos! ob ctoel tole! No foltbfol
sbepbetJess ls to be seeo AoJ tbot locoostoot sex mocb too oowottby Most teooooce love etetoolly
ll8S1 MAn lleosloq otJot!
WCMAn noppy llbetty!
SLCCnu MAn ueceltfol womoo!
ll8S1 MAn now ptecloos yoo ote to me!
WCMAn now yoo pleose my beott!
SLCCnu MAn now bottlble yoo ote to me!
ll8S1 MAn Ab leove fot love tbot mottol bote!
WCMAn we coo we coo sbow yoo o foltbfol sbepbetJess!
SLCCnu MAn Alos! wbete to floJ bet?
WCMAn lo otJet to JefeoJ oot tepototloo l woot to offet yoo my beott!
ll8S1 MAn 8ot sbepbetJess coo l belleve 1bot lt wlll oot be Jeceltfol?
WCMAn well see tbtooqb expetleoce wbo of tbe two loves best
SLCCnu MAn wbo locks coostoocy Moy tbe qoJs Jesttoy!
ALL 1P8LL wltb otJots so beootlfol let os be loflomeJ! Ab bow sweet lt ls to love wbeo two beotts ote foltbfol!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ls LhaL all?
MuSlC MAS1L8 ?es
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l flnd lL welldone and Lhere are some preLLy enough saylngs ln lL
uAnClnC MAS1L8 Pere for my presenLaLlon ls a llLLle dlsplay of Lhe lovellesL movemenLs and Lhe mosL beauLlful aLLlLudes wlLh
whlch a dance can posslbly be varled
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Are Lhese shepherds Loo?
uAnClnC MAS1L8 1heyre whaLever you please LeLs go!
(loot Joocets execote oll tbe Jlffeteot movemeots ooJ oll tbe kloJs of steps tbot tbe uoocloq Mostet commooJs ooJ tbls Jooce
mokes tbe lltst lotetloJe)

SCLnL l (Moosleot IootJolo Moslc Mostet uoocloq Mostet lockeys)
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1haLs noL all LhaL bad and Lhose people Lhere hop around well
MuSlC MAS1L8 When Lhe dance ls comblned wlLh Lhe muslc lL wlll have even beLLer effecL and you wlll see someLhlng qulLe good
ln Lhe llLLle balleL we have prepared for you
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1haLs for laLer when Lhe person l ordered all Lhls for ls Lo do me Lhe honor of comlng here Lo dlne
uAnClnC MAS1L8 LveryLhlng ls ready
MuSlC MAS1L8 Powever slr Lhls ls noL enough A person llke you who llves magnlflcenLly and who are lncllned Lowards flne
Lhlngs should have a concerL of muslc here every Wednesday or every 1hursday
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ls LhaL whaL people of quallLy do?
MuSlC MAS1L8 ?es Slr
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1hen lll have Lhem Wlll lL be flne?
MuSlC MAS1L8 WlLhouL doubL ?ou musL have Lhree volces a Lenor a soprano and a bass who wlll be accompanled by a bass
vlol a Lheorbo and a clavecln for Lhe chords wlLh Lwo vlollns Lo play Lhe rlLournelles
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?ou musL also add a LrumpeL marlne 1he LrumpeL marlne ls an lnsLrumenL LhaL pleases me and lLs
MuSlC MAS1L8 Leave lL Lo us Lo manage Lhlngs
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln AL leasL donL forgeL Lo send Lhe muslclans Lo slng aL Lable
MuSlC MAS1L8 ?ou wlll have everyLhlng you should have
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 8uL above all leL Lhe balleL be flne
MuSlC MAS1L8 ?ou wlll be pleased wlLh lL and among oLher Lhlngs wlLh cerLaln mlnueLs you wlll flnd ln lL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Ah! MlnueLs are my dance and l would llke you Lo see me dance Lhem Come my uanclng MasLer
uAnClnC MAS1L8 A haL slr lf you please La la la la La la la la ln cadence please La la la la ?our rlghL leg La la la la uonL
move your shoulders so La la la la ?our arms are wrong La la la la 8alse your head 1urn Lhe Loe ouL La la la la SLralghLen
your body up
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Pow was LhaL? (8teotblessly)
MuSlC MAS1L8 1he besL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 8y Lhe way Leach me how Lo bow Lo saluLe a marchloness l shall need Lo know soon
uAnClnC MAS1L8 Pow you musL bow Lo saluLe a marchloness?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?es a marchloness named uorlmene
uAnClnC MAS1L8 Clve me your hand
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln no ?ou only have Lo do lL lll remember lL well
uAnClnC MAS1L8 lf you wanL Lo saluLe her wlLh a greaL deal of respecL you musL flrsL bow and sLep back Lhen bow Lhree Llmes as
you walk Lowards her and aL Lhe lasL one bow down Lo her knees
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln (Aftet tbe uoocloq Mostet bos lllosttoteJ) uo lL some Cood!
LACkL? Slr your lenclng MasLer ls here
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1ell hlm Lo come ln here for my lesson l wanL you Lo see me perform
SCLnL ll (leocloq Mostet Moslc Mostet uoocloq Mostet Mooslet IootJolo o lockey)
lLnClnC MAS1L8 (Aftet qlvloq o foll to Moosleot IootJolo) Come slr Lhe saluLe ?our body sLralghL A llLLle lncllned upon Lhe lefL
Lhlgh ?our legs noL so wlde aparL ?our feeL boLh ln a llne ?our wrlsL opposlLe your hlp 1he polnL of your sword even wlLh your
shoulder 1he arm noL so much exLended 1he lefL hand aL Lhe level of Lhe eye 1he lefL shoulder more squared 1he head up 1he
expresslon bold Advance 1he body sLeady 8eaL carLe and LhrusL Cne Lwo 8ecover Agaln wlLh Lhe fooL flrm Leap back When
you make a pass Slr you musL flrsL dlsengage and your body musL be well Lurned Cne Lwo Come beaL Llerce and LhrusL Advance
SLop Lhere Cne Lwo 8ecover 8epeaL Leap back Cn guard Slr on guard (1be feocloq mostet toocbes blm two ot tbtee tlmes wltb
tbe foll wblle soyloq Oo qootJ )
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Pow was LhaL? (8teotblessly)
MuSlC MAS1L8 ?ou dld marvelously!
lLnClnC MAS1L8 As l have Lold you Lhe enLlre secreL of fenclng lles ln Lwo Lhlngs Lo glve and noL Lo recelve and as l demonsLraLed
Lo you Lhe oLher day lL ls lmposslble for you Lo recelve lf you know how Lo Lurn your opponenLs sword from Lhe llne of your body
1hls depends solely on a sllghL movemenL of Lhe wrlsL elLher lnward or ouLward
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ln Lhls way Lhen a man wlLhouL courage ls sure Lo klll hls man and noL be kllled hlmself?
lLnClnC MAS1L8 WlLhouL doubL uldnL you see Lhe demonsLraLlon?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?es
lLnClnC MAS1L8 And Lhus you have seen how men llke me should be consldered by Lhe SLaLe and how Lhe sclence of fenclng ls
more lmporLanL Lhan all Lhe oLher useless sclences such as danclng muslc
uAnClnC MAS1L8 Careful Lhere Monsleur swordsman! Speak of Lhe dance only wlLh respecL
MuSlC MAS1L8 l beg you Lo speak beLLer of Lhe excellence of muslc
lLnClnC MAS1L8 ?ou are amuslng fellows Lo wanL Lo compare your sclences wlLh mlne!
MuSlC MAS1L8 See Lhe selflmporLance of Lhe man!
lLnClnC MAS1L8 My llLLle uanclng MasLer lll make you dance as you oughL And you my llLLle muslclan lll make you slng ln a
preLLy way
uAnClnC MAS1L8 Monsleur Clangeroflron lll Leach you your Lrade
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln (1o tbe uoocloq Mostet) Are you crazy Lo quarrel wlLh hlm who knows Llerce and quarLe and who can klll a
man by demonsLraLlon?
uAnClnC MAS1L8 l dlsdaln hls demonsLraLlons and hls Llerce and hls quarLe
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Careful l Lell you
lLnClnC MAS1L8 WhaL? ?ou llLLle lmperLlnenL!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Ch! My lenclng MasLer
uAnClnC MAS1L8 WhaL? ?ou blg workhorse!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Ch! My uanclng MasLer
lLnClnC MAS1L8 lf l Lhrow myself on you
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Careful
uAnClnC MAS1L8 lf l geL my hands on you
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 8e nlce!
lLnClnC MAS1L8 lll go over you wlLh a currycomb ln such a way
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Mercy!
uAnClnC MAS1L8 lll glve you a beaLlng such as
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l beg of you!
MuSlC MAS1L8 LeL us Leach hlm a llLLle how Lo Lalk!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Ch Lord! SLop
SCLnL lll (lbllosopby Mostet Moslc Mostet uoocloq Mostet leocloq Mostet Moosleot IootJolo lockeys)
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Aha! Monsleur hllosopher you come [usL ln Llme wlLh your phllosophy Come make a llLLle peace among
Lhese people
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 WhaLs happenlng? WhaLs Lhe maLLer genLlemen
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1hey have goL lnLo a rage over Lhe superlorlLy of Lhelr professlons Lo Lhe polnL of ln[urlous words and of
wanLlng Lo come Lo blows
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 WhaL! CenLlemen musL you acL Lhls way? PavenL you read Lhe learned LreaLlse LhaL Seneca composed on
anger? ls Lhere anyLhlng more base and more shameful Lhan Lhls passlon whlch Lurns a man lnLo a savage beasL? And shouldnL
reason be Lhe mlsLress of all our acLlvlLles?
uAnClnC MAS1L8 Well! Slr he has [usL abused boLh of us by desplslng Lhe dance whlch l pracLlce and muslc whlch ls hls
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 A wlse man ls above all Lhe lnsulLs LhaL can be spoken Lo hlm and Lhe grand reply one should make Lo such
ouLrages ls moderaLlon and paLlence
lLnClnC MAS1L8 1hey boLh had Lhe audaclLy of Lrylng Lo compare Lhelr professlons wlLh mlne
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 Should LhaL dlsLurb you? Men should noL dlspuLe amongsL Lhemselves abouL valnglory and rank LhaL whlch
perfecLly dlsLlngulshes one from Lhe oLher ls wlsdom and vlrLue
uAnClnC MAS1L8 l lnslsL Lo hlm LhaL dance ls a sclence Lo whlch one cannoL do enough honor
MuSlC MAS1L8 And l LhaL muslc ls someLhlng LhaL all Lhe ages have revered
lLnClnC MAS1L8 And l lnslsL Lo Lhem LhaL Lhe sclence of fenclng ls Lhe flnesL and Lhe mosL necessary of all sclences
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 And where Lhen wlll phllosophy be? l flnd you all very lmperLlnenL Lo speak wlLh Lhls arrogance ln fronL of me
and lmpudenLly Lo glve Lhe name of sclence Lo Lhlngs LhaL one should noL even honor wlLh Lhe name of arL and LhaL cannoL be
classlfled excepL under Lhe name of mlserable gladlaLor slnger and buffoon!
lLnClnC MAS1L8 CeL ouL you dog of a phllosopher!
MuSlC MAS1L8 CeL ouL you worLhless pedanL!
uAnClnC MAS1L8 CeL ouL you lllmannered cur!
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 WhaL! 8ascals LhaL you are (1be pbllosopbet flloqs blmself ot tbem ooJ oll tbtee qo oot flqbtloq)
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Monsleur hllosopher!
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 8ogues! Scoundrels! lnsolenL dogs!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Monsleur hllosopher!
lLnClnC MAS1L8 A pox on Lhe beasL!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln CenLlemen!
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 lmpudenL rogues!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Monsleur hllosopher!
uAnClnC MAS1L8 1he devll Lake Lhe [ackass!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln CenLlemen!
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 vlllalns!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Monsleur hllosopher!
MuSlC MAS1L8 1o Lhe devll wlLh Lhe lmperLlnenL fellow!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln CenLlemen!
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 8ascals! 8eggars! 1ralLors! lmposLors! (1bey leove)
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Monsleur hllosopher CenLlemen! Monsleur hllosopher! CenLlemen! Monsleur hllosopher! Ch! llghL as
much as you llke l donL know whaL Lo do and lll noL spoll my robe Lo separaLe you l would be a fool Lo go among Lhem and recelve
some damaglng blow
SCLnL lv (lbllosopby Mostet Moosleot IootJolo)
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 (5ttolqbteoloq tbe collot tbot loJlcotes be ls o lbllosopbet) now Lo our lesson
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Ch! Slr l am dlsLressed by Lhe blows Lhey gave you
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 lLs noLhlng A phllosopher knows how Lo Lake Lhese Lhlngs and lll compose a saLlre agalnsL Lhem ln Lhe sLyle
of !uvenal whlch wlll flx Lhem nlcely LeL lL be WhaL would you llke Lo learn?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln LveryLhlng l can for l have every deslre ln Lhe world Lo be educaLed and lm furlous LhaL my faLher and
moLher dld noL make me sLudy all Lhe sclences when l was young
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 1hls ls a reasonable senLlmenL nam slne docLrlna vlLa esL quasl morLls lmago ?ou undersLand LhaL and you
doubLless know LaLln?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?es buL acL as lf l dld noL know lL 1ell me whaL lL says
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 lL says LhaL wlLhouL sclence llfe ls almosL an lmage of deaLh
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1haL LaLln ls rlghL
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 uonL you know some prlnclples some baslcs of Lhe sclences?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Ch yes! l can read and wrlLe
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 Where would lL please you for us Lo begln? Would you llke me Lo Leach you loglc?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WhaL ls Lhls loglc?
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 lL ls LhaL whlch Leaches Lhe Lhree operaLlons of Lhe mlnd
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WhaL are Lhese Lhree operaLlons of Lhe mlnd?
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 1he flrsL Lhe second and Lhe Lhlrd 1he flrsL ls Lo concelve well by means of Lhe unlversals Lhe second ls Lo
[udge well by means of Lhe caLegorles and Lhe Lhlrd ls Lo draw well a concluslon by means of flgures 8arbara CelarenL uarll lerlo
8arallpLon eLc
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1hose words are Loo ugly 1hls loglc doesnL sulL me aL all LeLs learn someLhlng else LhaLs preLLler
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 Would you llke Lo learn morallLy?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln MorallLy?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WhaL does lL say Lhls morallLy?
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 lL LreaLs of happlness Leaches men Lo moderaLe Lhelr passlons and
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln no leLs leave LhaL lm as cholerlc as all Lhe devlls and Lheres no morallLy LhaL sLlcks l wanL Lo be as full of
anger as l wanL whenever l llke
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 Would you llke Lo learn physlcs?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WhaLs lL abouL Lhls physlcs?
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 hyslcs explalns Lhe prlnclples of naLural Lhlngs and Lhe properLles of Lhe maLerlal world lL dlscourses on Lhe
naLure of Lhe elemenLs of meLals mlnerals of sLones of planLs and anlmals and Leaches Lhe causes of all Lhe meLeors Lhe ralnbow
Lhe wlll o Lhe wlsps Lhe comeLs llghLnlng Lhunder LhunderbolLs raln snow hall wlnds and whlrlwlnds
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1heres Loo much commoLlon ln lL Loo much confuslon
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 1hen whaL do you wanL me Lo Leach you?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1each me how Lo spell
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 very gladly
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln AfLerwards you may Leach me Lhe almanack Lo know when Lhere ls a moon and when noL
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 So be lL lollowlng your LhoughL and LreaLlng Lhls maLLer as a phllosopher lL ls necessary Lo begln accordlng
Lo Lhe order of Lhlngs by an exacL knowledge of Lhe naLure of leLLers and Lhe dlfferenL ways of pronounclng Lhem all And Lhereupon
l musL Lell you leLLers are dlvlded lnLo vowels called vowels because Lhey express Lhe volce and lnLo consonanLs because Lhey
sound wlLh Lhe vowels and only mark Lhe dlverse arLlculaLlons of Lhe volce 1here are flve vowels or volces A L l C u
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l undersLand all LhaL
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 1he vowel A ls formed by openlng Lhe mouLh wldely A lLs vowels are Lo be glven Lhe sounds used ln
vocallzlng Ahayeeeoou
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln A A ?es
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 1he vowel L ls formed by approachlng Lhe lower [aw Lo Lhe upper A L
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln A L A L 8y my falLh yes Ah! Pow flne!
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 And Lhe vowel l by brlnglng Lhe [aws sLlll nearer each oLher and sLreLchlng Lhe Lwo corners of Lhe mouLh
Lowards Lhe ears A L l
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln A L l l l l 1haLs Lrue Long llve sclence!
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 1he vowel C ls formed by openlng Lhe [aws and drawlng LogeLher Lhe Lwo corners of Lhe llps upper and
lower C
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln C C 1heres noLhlng Lruer A L l Cl C 1haLs admlrable! l C l C
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 1he openlng of Lhe mouLh happens Lo make a llLLle clrcle whlch represenLs an C
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln C C C ?ou are rlghL! C Ah! WhaL a flne Lhlng lL ls Lo know someLhlng!
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 1he vowel u ls formed by brlnglng Lhe LeeLh nearly LogeLher wlLhouL compleLely [olnlng Lhem and LhrusLlng
Lhe Lwo llps ouLward also brlnglng Lhem nearly LogeLher wlLhouL compleLely [olnlng Lhem u
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln u u 1heres noLhlng Lruer u
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 ?our Lwo llps LhrusL ouL as lf you were maklng a face whence lL resulLs LhaL lf you wanL Lo make a face aL
someone and mock hlm you have only Lo say Lo hlm u
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln u u 1haLs Lrue Ah! Why dldnL l sLudy sooner ln order Lo know all LhaL!
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 1omorrow we shall look aL Lhe oLher leLLers whlch are Lhe consonanLs
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Are Lhere Lhlngs as curlous abouL Lhem as abouL Lhese?
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 WlLhouL a doubL 1he consonanL u for example ls pronounced by clapplng Lhe Longue above Lhe upper
LeeLh u
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln u u ?es Ah! WhaL flne Lhlngs! llne Lhlngs!
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 1he l by presslng Lhe upper LeeLh agalnsL Lhe lower llp l
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l l 1haLs Lhe LruLh Ah! My faLher and my moLher how l wlsh you lll!
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 And Lhe 8 by carrylng Lhe Llp of Lhe Longue Lo Lhe Lop of Lhe palaLe so LhaL belng grazed by Lhe alr LhaL
comes ouL wlLh force lL ylelds Lo lL and comes back always Lo Lhe same place maklng a klnd of Lrlll 8 A8
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 8 8 A8 8 8 8 8 8 8A 1haLs Lrue Ah! WhaL a clever man you are! And how l have losL Llme! 8 8 8 A8
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 lll explaln Lo you all Lhese sLrange Lhlngs Lo Lhelr very depLhs
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln lease do 8uL now l musL conflde ln you lm ln love wlLh a lady of greaL quallLy and l wlsh LhaL you would
help me wrlLe someLhlng Lo her ln a llLLle noLe LhaL l wlll leL fall aL her feeL
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 very well
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1haL wlll be gallanL yes?
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 WlLhouL doubL ls lL verse LhaL you wlsh Lo wrlLe her?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln no no no verse
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 uo you wanL only prose?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln no l donL wanL elLher prose or verse
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 lL musL be one or Lhe oLher
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Why?
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 8ecause slr Lhere ls no oLher way Lo express oneself Lhan wlLh prose or verse
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1here ls noLhlng buL prose or verse?
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 no slr everyLhlng LhaL ls noL prose ls verse and everyLhlng LhaL ls noL verse ls prose
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln And when one speaks whaL ls LhaL Lhen?
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 rose
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WhaL! When l say nlcole brlng me my sllppers and glve me my nlghLcap LhaLs prose?
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 ?es Slr
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 8y my falLh! lor more Lhan forLy years l have been speaklng prose wlLhouL knowlng anyLhlng abouL lL and l
am much obllged Lo you for havlng LaughL me LhaL l would llke Lhen Lo puL lnLo a noLe Lo her 8eauLlful marchloness your lovely
eyes make me dle of love buL l wanL LhaL puL ln a gallanL manner and be nlcely Lurned
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 uL lL LhaL Lhe flres of her eyes reduce your hearL Lo clnders LhaL you suffer nlghL and day for her Lhe
LormenLs of a
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln no no no l wanL none of LhaL l only wanL you Lo say 8eauLlful marchloness your lovely eyes make me dle
of love
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 1he Lhlng requlres a llLLle lengLhenlng
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln no l Lell you l wanL only Lhose words ln Lhe noLe buL Lurned sLyllshly well arranged as ls necessary lease
Lell me [usL Lo see Lhe dlverse ways Lhey could be puL
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 Cne could puL Lhem flrsL of all as you sald Lhem 8eauLlful marchloness your lovely eyes make me dle of
love Cr else Cf love Lo dle make me beauLlful marchloness your beauLlful eyes Cr else ?our lovely eyes of love make me
beauLlful marchloness dle Cr else ule your lovely eyes beauLlful marchloness of love make me Cr else Me make your lovely
eyes dle beauLlful marchloness of love
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 8uL of all Lhose ways whlch ls Lhe besL?
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 1he way you sald lL 8eauLlful marchloness your lovely eyes make me dle of love
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l never sLudled and yeL l made Lhe whole Lhlng up aL Lhe flrsL Lry l Lhank you wlLh all my hearL and l ask you
Lo come Lomorrow early
PlLCSCP? MAS1L8 l shall noL fall Lo do so (ne leoves)
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WhaL? PasnL my sulL come yeL?
1PL LACkL? no Slr
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1haL cursed Lallor makes me walL all day when l have so much Lo do! lm enraged May Lhe quarLan fever
shake LhaL LormenLor of a Lallor! 1o Lhe devll wlLh Lhe Lallor! May Lhe plague choke Lhe Lallor! lf l had hlm here now LhaL deLesLable
Lallor LhaL dog of a Lallor LhaL LralLor of a Lallor l
SCLNL V {Moster 1oi/or 4pprentice 1oi/or corryinq suit Monsieur lourdoin Lockeys)
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Ah! ?oure here! l was geLLlng lnLo a rage agalnsL you
MAS1L8 1AlLC8 l could noL come sooner and l puL LwenLy men Lo work on your sulL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?ou senL me some sllk hose so small LhaL l had all Lhe dlfflculLy ln Lhe world puLLlng Lhem on and already
Lhere are Lwo broken sLlLches
MAS1L8 1AlLC8 1hey geL blgger Loo much so
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?es lf l always break Lhe sLlLches ?ou also had made for me a palr of shoes LhaL plnch furlously
MAS1L8 1AlLC8 noL aL all slr
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Pow noL aL all!
MAS1L8 1AlLC8 no Lhey donL plnch you aL all
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l Lell you Lhey plnch me
MAS1L8 1AlLC8 ?ou lmaglne LhaL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l lmaglne lL because l feel lL 1haLs a good reason for you!
MAS1L8 1AlLC8 WalL here ls Lhe flnesL courLsulL and Lhe besL maLched lLs a masLerplece Lo have lnvenLed a serlous sulL LhaL ls
noL black And l glve slx aLLempLs Lo Lhe besL Lallors Lo equal lL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WhaLs Lhls? ?ouve puL Lhe flowers upslde down
MAS1L8 1AlLC8 ?ou dldnL Lell me you wanLed Lhem rlghL slde up
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln uld l have Lo Lell you LhaL?
MAS1L8 1AlLC8 ?es surely All Lhe people of quallLy wear Lhem Lhls way
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1he people of quallLy wear Lhe flowers upslde down?
MAS1L8 1AlLC8 ?es Slr
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Ch! lLs alrlghL Lhen
MAS1L8 1AlLC8 lf you llke lll puL Lhem rlghL slde up
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln no no
MAS1L8 1AlLC8 ?ou have only Lo say so
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln no l Lell you ?ouve made lL very well uo you Lhlnk Lhe sulL ls golng Lo look good on me?
MAS1L8 1AlLC8 WhaL a quesLlon! l defy a palnLer wlLh hls brush Lo do anyLhlng LhaL would flL you beLLer l have a worker ln my
place who ls Lhe greaLesL genlus ln Lhe world aL mounLlng a rhlnegrave and anoLher who ls Lhe hero of Lhe age aL assembllng a
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1he perruque and Lhe plumes are Lhey correcL?
MAS1L8 1AlLC8 LveryLhlngs good
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln (lookloq ot tbe tollots solt) Ah! Ah! Monsleur 1allor heres Lhe maLerlal from Lhe lasL sulL you made for me l
know lL well
MAS1L8 1AlLC8 ?ou see Lhe maLerlal seemed so flne LhaL l wanLed a sulL made of lL for myself
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?es buL you should noL have cuL lL ouL of mlne
MAS1L8 1AlLC8 uo you wanL Lo puL on your sulL?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?es glve lL Lo me
MAS1L8 1AlLC8 WalL 1haLs noL Lhe way lLs done l have broughL men Lo dress you ln a cadence Lhese klnds of sulLs are puL on
wlLh ceremony Pey Lhere! Come ln you! uL Lhls sulL on Lhe genLleman Lhe way you do wlLh people of quallLy
(loot AllkN1lc 1AllOk5 eotet two of tbem poll off Moosleot IootJolos bteecbes moJe fot bls motoloq exetclses ooJ two otbets
poll off bls wolstcoot tbeo tbey pot oo bls oew solt Moosleot IootJolo ptomeooJes omooq tbem ooJ sbows tbem bls solt fot tbelt
opptovol All tbls to tbe coJeoce of losttomeotol moslc)
A8Ln1lCL 1AlLC8 My dear genLleman please Lo glve Lhe apprenLlces a small Llp
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WhaL dld you call me?
A8Ln1lCL 1AlLC8 My dear genLleman
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln My dear genLleman! 1haLs whaL lL ls Lo dress llke people of quallLy! Co all your llfe dressed llke a bourgeols
and Lheyll never call you My dear genLleman Pere Lake Lhls for Lhe My dear genLleman
A8Ln1lCL 1AlLC8 My Lord we are very much obllged Lo you
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln My Lord! Ch! Ch! My Lord! WalL my frlend My Lord deserves someLhlng and lLs noL a llLLle word Lhls
My Lord 1ake Lhls 1haLs whaL My Lord glves you
A8Ln1lCL 1AlLC8 My Lord we wlll drlnk Lo Lhe healLh of ?our Crace
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?our Crace! Ch! Ch! Ch! WalL donL go 1o me ?our Crace! My falLh lf he goes as far as Plghness he
wlll have all my purse WalL 1haLs for My Crace
A8Ln1lCL 1AlLC8 My Lord we Lhank you very humbly for your llberallLy
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Pe dld well l was golng Lo glve hlm everyLhlng
(1be foot Appteotlce 1ollots celebtote wltb o Jooce wblcb comptlses tbe 5ecooJ lotetloJe)

AC1 1nkLL
SCLNL I {Monsieur lourdoin ond his two Lockeys)
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln lollow me l am golng Lo show off my cloLhes a llLLle abouL Lown And above all boLh of you Lake care Lo walk
close aL my heels so people can see LhaL you are wlLh me
LACkL?S ?es Slr
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Call n lcole for me so l can glve her some orders uonL boLher Lhere she ls
SCLNL II {Nico/e Monsieur lourdoin two Lockeys)
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln nlcole!
nlCCLL ?es slr?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln LlsLen
nlCCLL Pe he he he he!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WhaL are you laughlng abouL?
nlCCLL Pe he he he he he!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WhaL does Lhe hussy mean by Lhls?
nlCCLL Pe he he! Ch how you are goL up! Pe he he!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Pows LhaL?
nlCCLL Ah! Ah! Ch Lord! Pe he he he he!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WhaL klnd of llLLle baggage ls Lhls? Are you mocklng me?
nlCCLL CerLalnly noL slr l should be very sorry Lo do so Pe he he he he!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln lll glve you a smack on Lhe nose lf you go on laughlng
nlCCLL Slr l canL help lL Pe he he he he he!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?ou are noL golng Lo sLop?
nlCCLL Slr l beg pardon 8uL you are so funny LhaL l couldnL help laughlng Pe he he!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WhaL lnsolence!
nlCCLL ?oure so funny llke LhaL Pe he!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln lll
nlCCLL lease excuse me Pe he he he!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln LlsLen lf you go on laughlng Lhe leasL blL l swear lll glve you Lhe blggesL slap ever glven
nlCCLL AlrlghL slr lLs done l wonL laugh any more
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1ake good care noL Lo resenLly you musL clean
nlCCLL Pe he!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?ou musL clean
nlCCLL Pe he!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?ou musL l say clean Lhe room and
nlCCLL Pe he!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Agaln!
nlCCLL (lollloq Jowo wltb looqbtet) 1hen beaL me slr and leL me have my laugh ouL lL wlll do me more good Pe he he he he!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln lm furlous
nlCCLL Pave mercy slr! l beg you Lo leL me laugh Pe he he!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln lf l caLch you
nlCCLL Slr! l shall bursL Ch! lf l donL laugh Pe he he!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 8uL dld anyone ever see such a hussy as LhaL who laughs ln my face lnsLead of recelvlng my orders?
nlCCLL WhaL would you have me do slr?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1haL you conslder geLLlng my house ready for Lhe company LhaLs comlng soon you hussy
nlCCLL Ah by my falLh l donL feel llke laughlng any more All your guesLs make such a dlsorder here LhaL Lhe word company ls
enough Lo puL me ln a bad humor
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Why should l shuL my door Lo everyone for your sake?
nlCCLL ?ou should aL leasL shuL lL Lo some people
SCLNL III {Modome lourdoin Monsieur lourdoin Nico/e Lockeys)
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Ah ah! Peres a new sLory! WhaLs Lhls whaLs Lhls husband Lhls ouLflL you have on Lhere? uonL you care
whaL people Lhlnk of you when you are goL up llke LhaL? And do you wanL yourself laughed aL everywhere?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln none buL fools and dolLs wlll laugh aL me wlfe
MAuAML !Cu8uAln 1ruly Lhey havenL walLed unLll now your anLlcs have long glven a laugh Lo everyone
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Whos everyone lf you please?
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Lveryone ls everyone who ls rlghL and who ls wlser Lhan you lor my parL l am scandallzed aL Lhe llfe you lead
l no longer recognlze our house Cne would say lLs Lhe beglnnlng of Carnlval here every day and beglnnlng early ln Lhe mornlng so
lL wonL be forgoLLen one hears noLhlng buL Lhe rackeL of flddles and slngers whlch dlsLurbs Lhe whole nelghborhood
nlCCLL Madame speaks well lll never be able Lo geL my housework done properly wlLh LhaL gang you have come here 1hey have
feeL LhaL hunL for mud ln every parL of Lown Lo brlng lL here and poor lranolse almosL has her LeeLh on Lhe floor scrubblng Lhe
boards LhaL your flne masLers come Lo dlrLy up every day
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WhaL our servanL nlcole you have qulLe a Longue for a peasanL
MAuAML !Cu8uAln nlcole ls rlghL and she has more sense Lhan you ld llke Lo know whaL you Lhlnk youre golng Lo do wlLh a
uanclng MasLer aL your age?
nlCCLL And wlLh a hulklng lenclng MasLer who comes sLamplng hls feeL shaklng Lhe whole house and Learlng up all Lhe
floorboards ln our drawlngroom
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 8e quleL boLh servanL and wlfe!
MAuAML !Cu8uAln ls lL LhaL youre learnlng Lo dance for Lhe Llme when youll have no legs Lo dance on?
nlCCLL uo you wanL Lo klll someone?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln CuleL l Lell you! ?ou are lgnoranL women boLh of you and you donL know Lhe advanLages of all Lhls
MAuAML !Cu8uAln ?ou should lnsLead be Lhlnklng of marrylng off your daughLer who ls of an age Lo be provlded for
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln lll Lhlnk of marrylng off my daughLer when a sulLable maLch comes along buL l also wanL Lo learn abouL flne
nlCCLL l heard sald Madame LhaL Loday he Look a hllosophy MasLer Lo Lhlcken Lhe soup!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln very well l have a wlsh Lo have wlL and Lo reason abouL Lhlngs wlLh decenL people
MAuAML !Cu8uAln uonL you lnLend one of Lhese days Lo go Lo school and have yourself whlpped aL your age?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Why noL? Would Lo Cod l were whlpped Lhls mlnuLe ln fronL of everyone lf l only knew whaL Lhey learn aL
nlCCLL ?es my falLh! 1haL would geL you lnLo beLLer shape
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WlLhouL doubL
MAuAML !Cu8uAln All Lhls ls very lmporLanL Lo Lhe managemenL of your house
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Assuredly ?ou boLh Lalk llke beasLs and lm ashamed of your lgnorance lor example do you know whaL are
you speaklng [usL now?
MAuAML !Cu8uAln ?es l know LhaL whaL lm saylng ls well sald and LhaL you oughL Lo be conslderlng llvlng ln anoLher way
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln lm noL Lalklng abouL LhaL lm asklng lf you know whaL Lhe words are LhaL you are saylng here?
MAuAML !Cu8uAln 1hey are words LhaL are very senslble and your conducL ls scarcely so
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln lm noL Lalklng abouL LhaL l Lell you lm asklng you whaL ls lL LhaL lm speaklng Lo you Lhls mlnuLe whaL ls
MAuAML !Cu8uAln nonsense
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln no no! 1haLs noL lL WhaL ls lL we are boLh saylng whaL language ls lL LhaL we are speaklng rlghL now?
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Well?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WhaL ls lL called?
MAuAML !Cu8uAln lLs called whaLever you wanL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln lLs prose you lgnoranL creaLure
MAuAML !Cu8uAln rose?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?es prose LveryLhlng ls prose LhaL ls noL verse and everyLhlng LhaLs noL verse ls prose 1here! 1hls ls whaL
lL ls Lo sLudy! And you (to Nlcole) do you know whaL you musL do Lo say u?
nlCCLL WhaL?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Say u ln order Lo see
nlCCLL Ch Well u
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WhaL do you do?
nlCCLL l say u
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?es buL when you say u whaL do you do?
nlCCLL l do whaL you Lell me Lo
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Ch how sLrange lL ls Lo have Lo deal wlLh morons! ?ou LhrusL your llps ouL and brlng your lower [aw Lo your
upper [aw u see? u uo you see? l make a pouL u
nlCCLL ?es LhaLs beauLlful
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Pow admlrable
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 8uL lLs qulLe anoLher Lhlng lf you have seen C and u u and l l
MAuAML !Cu8uAln WhaL ls all Lhls rlgmarole?
nlCCLL WhaL does all Lhls do for us?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln lL enrages me when l see Lhese lgnoranL women
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Co go you oughL Lo send all Lhose people packlng wlLh Lhelr foollshness
nlCCLL And above all LhaL greaL gawk of a lenclng MasLer who rulns all my work wlLh dusL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Well! 1hls lenclng MasLer seems Lo geL under your skln lll soon show you how lmperLlnenL you are(ne bos
tbe folls btooqbt ooJ qlves ooe to Nlcole) 1here uemonsLraLlon 1he llne of Lhe body When your opponenL LhrusLs ln quarLe you
need only do Lhls and when Lhey LhrusL ln Llerce you need only do Lhls 1haL ls Lhe way never Lo be kllled and lsnL lL flne Lo be
assured of whaL one does when flghLlng agalnsL someone? 1here LhrusL aL me a llLLle Lo see
nlCCLL Well Lhen whaL? (Nlcole tbtosts qlvloq blm sevetol blts)
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Lasy! WalL! Ch! CenLly! uevll Lake Lhe hussy!
nlCCLL ?ou Lold me Lo LhrusL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?es buL you LhrusL ln Llerce before you LhrusL ln quarLe and you dldnL have Lhe paLlence Lo leL me parry
MAuAML !Cu8uAln ?ou are a fool husband wlLh all your fanLasles and Lhls has come Lo you slnce you Look a noLlon Lo assoclaLe
wlLh Lhe noblllLy
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln When l assoclaLe wlLh Lhe noblllLy l show my good [udgmenL and LhaLs beLLer Lhan assoclaLlng wlLh your
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Ch yes Lruly! 1heres a greaL deal Lo galn by consorLlng wlLh your nobles and you dld so well wlLh your flne
CounL you were so Laken wlLh!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln eace! 1hlnk whaL youre saylng ?ou know very well wlfe LhaL you donL know who youre Lalklng abouL
when you Lalk abouL hlm! Pes a more lmporLanL person Lhan you Lhlnk a greaL Lord respecLed aL courL and who Lalks Lo Lhe klng
[usL as l Lalk Lo you ls lL noL a Lhlng whlch does me greaL honor LhaL a person of Lhls quallLy ls seen Lo come so ofLen Lo my house
who calls me hls dear frlend and LreaLs me as lf l were hls equal? Pe has more regard for me Lhan one would ever lmaglne and ln
fronL of everyone he shows me so much affecLlon LhaL l am embarrassed myself
MAuAML !Cu8uAln ?es he has a klndness for you and shows hls affecLlon ut he orrows your money
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln So! lsnL lL an honor for me Lo lend money Lo a man of LhaL condlLlon? And can l do less for a lord who calls
me hls dear frlend?
MAuAML !Cu8uAln And Lhls lord whaL does he do for you?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1hlngs LhaL would asLonlsh you lf you knew Lhem
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Llke whaL?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 8lasL! l cannoL explaln myself lL musL sufflce LhaL lf l have lenL hlm money hell pay lL back fully and before
MAuAML !Cu8uAln ?es ?ou are walLlng for LhaL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Assuredly uldnL he Lell me so?
MAuAML !Cu8uAln ?es yes he wonL fall Lo do lL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Pe swore lL on Lhe falLh of a genLleman
MAuAML !Cu8uAln nonsense!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Well! ?ou are very obsLlnaLe wlfe l Lell you he wlll keep hls word lm sure of lL
MAuAML !Cu8uAln And lm sure he wlll noL and LhaL all hls show of affecLlon ls only Lo flaLLer you
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 8e sLlll Pere he ls
MAuAML !Cu8uAln 1haLs all we needed! Pes come agaln perhaps Lo borrow someLhlng from you 1he very slghL of hlm spolls my
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 8e sLlll l Lell you
SCLNL IV {count uoronte Monsieur lourdoin Modome lourdoin Nico/e)
uC8An1L My dear frlend Monsleur !ourdaln how do you do?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln very well slr Lo render you my small servlces
uC8An1L And Madame !ourdaln Lhere how ls she?
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Madame !ourdaln ls as well as she can be
uC8An1L Well! Monsleur !ourdaln you are excellenLly well dressed!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?ou see
uC8An1L ?ou have a flne alr ln LhaL sulL and we have no young men aL courL who are beLLer made Lhan you
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Well! well!
M4u4M lOuku4lN {4side) ne scrotches him where it itches
uC8An1L 1urn around lLs poslLlvely eleganL
M4u4M lOuku4lN {4side) Yes os biq o foo/ behind os in front
uC8An1L My falLh Monsleur !ourdaln l was sLrangely lmpaLlenL Lo see you ?ou are Lhe man ln Lhe world l esLeem mosL and l was
speaklng of you agaln Lhls mornlng ln Lhe bedchamber of Lhe klng
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?ou do me greaL honor slr (1o MoJome IootJolo) ln Lhe klngs bedchamber!
uC8An1L Come puL on
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Slr l know Lhe respecL l owe you
uC8An1L Peavens! uL on your haL l pray you no ceremony beLween us
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Slr
uC8An1L uL lL on l Lell you Monsleur !ourdaln you are my frlend
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Slr l am your humble servanL
uC8An1L l wonL be covered lf you wonL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln (lottloq oo bls bot) l would raLher be unclvll Lhan Lroublesome
uC8An1L l am ln your debL as you know
MAuAML !Cu8uAln ?es we know lL all Loo well
uC8An1L ?ou have generously lenL me money upon several occaslons and you have obllged me wlLh Lhe besL grace ln Lhe world
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Slr you [esL wlLh me
uC8An1L 8uL l know how Lo repay whaL ls lenL me and Lo acknowledge Lhe favors rendered me
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l have no doubL of lL slr
uo8An1L l wanL Lo seLLle Lhls maLLer wlLh you and l came here Lo make up our accounLs LogeLher
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1here wlfe! ?ou see your lmperLlnence!
uC8An1L l am a man who llkes Lo repay debLs as soon as l can
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln (AslJe to MoJome IootJolo) l Lold you so
uC8An1L LeLs see how much do l owe you
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln (AslJe to MoJome IootJolo) 1here you are wlLh your rldlculous susplclons
uC8An1L uo you remember well all Lhe money you have lenL me?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l belleve so l made a llLLle noLe of lL Pere lL ls Cnce you were glven Lwo hundred louls dor
uC8An1L 1haLs Lrue
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln AnoLher Llme slxscore
uC8An1L ?es
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln And anoLher Llme a hundred and forLy
uC8An1L ?oure rlghL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1hese Lhree lLems make four hundred and slxLy louls dor whlch comes Lo flve Lhousand slxLy llvres
uC8An1L 1he accounL ls qulLe rlghL llve Lhousand slxLy llvres
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Cne Lhousand elghL hundred LhlrLyLwo llvres Lo your plumemaker
uC8An1L LxacLly
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1wo Lhousand seven hundred elghLy llvres Lo your Lallor
uo8An1L lLs Lrue
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln lour Lhousand Lhree hundred sevenLynlne llvres Lwelve sols elghL denlers Lo your Lradesman
uC8An1L CulLe rlghL 1welve sols elghL denlers 1he accounL ls exacL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln And one Lhousand seven hundred forLyelghL llvres seven sols four denlers Lo your saddler
uC8An1L All LhaL ls Lrue WhaL does LhaL come Lo?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Sum LoLal flfLeen Lhousand elghL hundred llvres
uC8An1L 1he sum LoLal ls exacL flfLeen Lhousand elghL hundred llvres 1o whlch add Lwo hundred plsLoles LhaL you are golng Lo
glve me whlch wlll make exacLly elghLeen Lhousand francs whlch l shall pay you aL Lhe flrsL opporLunlLy
MAuAML !Cu8uAln (AslJe) Well dldnL l predlcL lL?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln eace!
uC8An1L Wlll LhaL lnconvenlence you Lo glve me Lhe amounL l say?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Ch no!
MAuAML !Cu8uAln (AslJe) 1haL man ls maklng a mllkcow ouL of you!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 8e quleL!
uo8An1L lf LhaL lnconvenlences you l wlll seek lL somewhere else
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln nC Slr
MAuAML !Cu8uAln (AslJe) Pe wonL be conLenL unLll hes rulned you
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 8e quleL l Lell you
uC8An1L ?ou have only Lo Lell me lf LhaL embarrasses you
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln noL aL all slr
MAuAML !Cu8uAln (AslJe) Pes a real wheedler!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Push
MAuAML !Cu8uAln (AslJe) Pell draln you Lo Lhe lasL sou
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Wlll you be quleL?
uC8An1L l have a number of people who would gladly lend lL Lo me buL slnce you are my besL frlend l belleved l mlghL do you
wrong lf l asked someone else for lL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln lLs Loo greaL an honor slr LhaL you do me lll go geL lL for you
MAuAML !Cu8uAln (AslJe) WhaL! ?oure golng Lo glve lL Lo hlm agaln?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WhaL can l do? uo you wanL me Lo refuse a man of Lhls sLaLlon who spoke abouL me Lhls mornlng ln Lhe
klngs bedchamber?
MAuAML !Cu8uAln (AslJe) Co on youre a Lrue dupe
SCLNL V {uoronte Modome lourdoin Nico/e)
uC8An1L ?ou appear Lo be very melancholy WhaL ls wrong Madame !ourdaln?
MAuAML !Cu8uAln l have a head blgger Lhan my flsL even lf lLs noL swollen
uC8An1L Mademolselle your daughLer where ls she LhaL l donL see her?
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Mademolselle my daughLer ls rlghL where she ls
uC8An1L Pow ls she geLLlng on?
MAuAML !Cu8uAln She geLs on on her Lwo legs
uC8An1L WouldnL you llke Lo come wlLh her one of Lhese days Lo see Lhe balleL and Lhe comedy Lhey are puLLlng on aL courL?
MAuAML !Cu8uAln ?es Lruly we have a greaL deslre Lo laugh a very greaL deslre Lo laugh
uC8An1L l Lhlnk Madame !ourdaln LhaL you musL have had many admlrers ln your youLh beauLlful and good humored as you
MAuAML !Cu8uAln 8y Cur Lady! Slr ls Madame !ourdaln decaylng and does her head already shake wlLh palsy?
uC8An1L Ah! My falLh Madame !ourdaln l beg pardon l dld noL remember LhaL you are young l am ofLen dlsLracLed ray excuse
my lmperLlnence
SCLNL VI {Monsieur lourdoin Modome lourdoin uoronte Nico/e)
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1here are Lwo hundred louls dor
uC8An1L l assure you Monsleur !ourdaln LhaL l am compleLely yours and LhaL l am eager Lo render you a servlce aL courL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln lm much obllged Lo you
uC8An1L lf Madame !ourdaln deslres Lo see Lhe royal enLerLalnmenL l wlll have Lhe besL places ln Lhe ballroom glven Lo her
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Madame !ourdaln klsses your hands buL decllnes
uC8An1L (AslJe to Moosleot IootJolo) Cur beauLlful marchloness as l senL word Lo you ln my noLe wlll come here soon for Lhe
balleL and refreshmenLs l flnally broughL her Lo consenL Lo Lhe enLerLalnmenL you wlsh Lo glve her
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln LeL us move a llLLle farLher away for a cerLaln reason
uC8An1L lL has been elghL days slnce l saw you and l have senL you no news regardlng Lhe dlamond you puL lnLo my hands Lo
presenL Lo her on your behalf buL lLs because l had Lhe greaLesL dlfflculLy ln conquerlng her scruples and lLs only Loday LhaL she
resolved Lo accepL lL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Pow dld she [udge lL?
uC8An1L Marvelous And l am greaLly decelved lf Lhe beauLy of LhaL dlamond does noL produce for you an admlrable effecL on her
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Would Lo Peaven!
MAuAML !Cu8uAln (1o Nlcole) Cnce hes wlLh hlm he cannoL leave hlm
uC8An1L l made her value as she should Lhe rlchness of LhaL presenL and Lhe grandeur of your love
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1hese are slr favors whlch overwhelm me and l am ln Lhe very greaLesL confuslon aL seelng a person of your
quallLy demean hlmself for me as you do
uC8An1L Are you [oklng? Among frlends does one sLop aL Lhese sorLs of scruples? And wouldnL you do Lhe same Lhlng for me lf
Lhe occaslon offered?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Ch! CerLalnly and wlLh all my hearL
MAuAML !Cu8uAln (1o Nlcole) Pls presence welghs me down!
uC8An1L As for me l never mlnd anyLhlng when lL ls necessary Lo serve a frlend and when you conflded ln me abouL Lhe ardenL
passlon you have formed for LhaL dellghLful marchloness wlLh whom l have conLacLs you saw LhaL l volunLeered lmmedlaLely Lo
asslsL your love
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln lLs Lrue Lhese are favors LhaL confound me
MAuAML !Cu8uAln (1o Nlcole) Wlll he never go?
nlCCLL 1hey en[oy belng LogeLher
uC8An1L ?ou Look Lhe rlghL Lrack Lo Louch her hearL Women love above all Lhe expenses we go Lo for Lhem and your frequenL
serenades your conLlnual bouqueLs LhaL superb flreworks for her over Lhe waLer Lhe dlamond she has recelved from you and Lhe
enLerLalnmenL you are preparlng for her all Lhls speaks much beLLer ln favor of your love Lhan all Lhe words you mlghL have spoken
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1here are no expendlLures l would noL make lf by LhaL means l mlghL flnd Lhe road Lo her hearL A woman of
quallLy has ravlshlng charms for me and lLs an honor l would purchase aL any prlce
MAuAML !Cu8uAln (1o Nlcole) WhaL can Lhey Lalk abouL so much? SLeal over and llsLen a llLLle
uC8An1L Soon enough you wlll en[oy aL your ease Lhe pleasure of seelng her and your eyes wlll have a long Llme Lo saLlsfy
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1o be compleLely free l have arranged for my wlfe Lo go Lo dlnner aL her slsLers where shell spend all Lhe
afLerdlnner hours
uC8An1L ?ou have done prudenLly as your wlfe mlghL have embarrassed us l have glven Lhe necessary orders Lo Lhe cook for you
and for Lhe balleL lL ls of my own lnvenLlon and provlded Lhe execuLlon corresponds Lo Lhe ldea l am sure lL wlll be found
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln (5ees tbot Nlcole ls llsteoloq ooJ qlves bet o slop) Say! ?oure very lmperLlnenL! (1o uotoote) LeLs go lf you
SCLNL VII {Modome lourdoin Nico/e)
nlCCLL My falLh Madame curloslLy has cosL me buL l belleve someLhlngs afooL slnce Lhey were Lalklng of some evenL where Lhey
dld noL wanL you Lo be
MAuAML !Cu8uAln 1odays noL Lhe flrsL Llme nlcole LhaL lve had susplclons abouL my husband lm Lhe mosL mlsLaken woman ln
Lhe world or Lheres some loveaffalr ln Lhe maklng 8uL leL us see Lo my daughLer ?ou know Lhe love CleonLe has for her Pes a
man who appeals Lo me and l wanL Lo help hls sulL and glve hlm Luclle lf l can
nlCCLL 1ruly Madame lm Lhe mosL dellghLed creaLure ln Lhe world Lo see LhaL you feel Lhls way slnce lf Lhe masLer appeals Lo
you hls valeL appeals Lo me no less and l could wlsh our marrlage made under Lhe shadow of Lhelrs
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Co speak Lo CleonLe abouL lL for me and Lell hlm Lo come Lo me soon so we can presenL hls requesL Lo my
husband for my daughLer ln marrlage
nlCCLL l hasLen Madame wlLh [oy for l could noL recelve a more agreeable commlsslon (Alooe) l shall l Lhlnk make Lhem very
SCLNL VIII {c/onte covie//e Nico/e)
nlCCLL Ah! lm glad Lo have found you lm an ambassadress of [oy and l come
CLLCn1L CeL ouL LralLor and donL come Lo amuse me wlLh your Lreacherous words
nlCCLL ls Lhls how you recelve me
CLLCn1L CeL ouL l Lell you and go Lell your falLhless mlsLress LhaL she wlll never agaln ln her llfe decelve Lhe Loo LrusLlng CleonLe
nlCCLL WhaL caprlce ls Lhls? My dear Covlelle explaln a llLLle whaL you are Lrylng Lo say
CCvlLLLL ?our dear Covlelle llLLle hussy? Co qulckly ouL of my slghL vlllalness and leave me ln peace
nlCCLL WhaL! ?ou come Lo me Loo
CCvlLLLL CuL of my slghL l Lell you and never speak Lo me agaln
nlCCLL My word! WhaL fly has blLLen Lhose Lwo? LeLs go Lell Lhls preLLy sLory Lo my mlsLress
SCLNL Ik {c/onte covie//e)
CLLCn1L WhaL! 1reaL a lover ln Lhls way? And a lover who ls Lhe mosL falLhful and passlonaLe of lovers?
CCvlLLLL lL ls a frlghLful Lhlng LhaL Lhey have done Lo us boLh
CLLCn1L l show a woman all Lhe ardor and Lenderness LhaL can be lmaglned l love noLhlng ln Lhe world buL her and l have noLhlng
buL her ln my LhoughLs she ls all l care for all my deslre all my [oy l Lalk of noLhlng buL her l Lhlnk of noLhlng buL her l have no
dreams buL of her l breaLhe only because of her my hearL llves wholly ln her and see how so much love ls well repald! l have been
Lwo days wlLhouL seelng her whlch are for me Lwo frlghLful cenLurles l meeL her by chance my hearL aL LhaL slghL ls compleLely
LransporLed my [oy shlnes on my face l fly wlLh ecsLasy Lowards her and Lhe falLhless one averLs her eyes and hurrles by as lf she
had never seen me ln her llfe!
CCvlLLLL l say Lhe same Lhlngs as you
CLLCn1L Covlelle can one see anyLhlng Lo equal Lhls perfldy of Lhe ungraLeful Luclle?
CCvlLLLL And LhaL Monsleur of Lhe Lreacherous nlcole?
CLLCn1L AfLer so many ardenL homages slghs and vows LhaL l have made Lo her charms!
CCvlLLLL AfLer so many asslduous compllmenLs cares and servlces LhaL l rendered her ln Lhe klLchen!
CLLCn1L So many Lears l have shed aL her knees!
CCvlLLLL So many buckeLs of waLer l have drawn for her!
CLLCn1L So much passlon l have shown her ln lovlng her more Lhan myself!
CCvlLLLL So much heaL l have endured ln Lurnlng Lhe splL for her!
CLLCn1L She flles from me ln dlsdaln!
CCvlLLLL She Lurns her back on me!
CLLCn1L lL ls perfldy worLhy of Lhe greaLesL punlshmenLs
CCvlLLLL lL ls Lreachery LhaL merlLs a Lhousand slaps
CLLCn1L uonL Lhlnk l beg you of ever speaklng ln her favor Lo me
CCvlLLLL l slr? Cod forbld!
CLLCn1L never come Lo excuse Lhe acLlon of Lhls falLhless woman
CCvlLLLL Pave no fear
CLLCn1L no you see all your speeches ln her defense wlll serve no purpose
CCvlLLLL Who even Lhlnks of LhaL?
CLLCn1L l wanL Lo conserve my resenLmenL agalnsL her and end all conLacL wlLh her
CCvlLLLL l agree
CLLCn1L 1hls CounL who goes Lo her house ls perhaps pleasanL ln her vlew and her mlnd l well see allows lLself Lo be dazzled by
soclal sLandlng 8uL lL ls necessary for me for my honor Lo prevenL Lhe scandal of her lnconsLancy l wanL Lo break off wlLh her flrsL
and noL leave her all Lhe glory of dumplng me
CCvlLLLL 1haLs very well sald and l agree for my parL wlLh all your feellngs
CLLCn1L SLrengLhen my resenLmenL and ald my resolve agalnsL all Lhe remalns of love LhaL could speak ln her behalf 1ell me l
order you all Lhe bad you can of her make for me a palnLlng of her LhaL wlll render her desplcable and show well ln order Lo
dlsgusL me all Lhe faulLs LhaL you can see ln her
CCvlLLLL Per slr? 1heres a preLLy fool a well made fllrL for you Lo glve so much love! l see only medlocrlLy ln her and you wlll flnd
a hundred women who wlll be more worLhy of you llrsL of all she has small eyes
CLLCn1L 1haLs Lrue she has small eyes buL Lhey are full of flre Lhe brlghLesL Lhe keenesL ln Lhe world Lhe mosL Louchlng eyes
LhaL one can see
CCvlLLLL She has a blg mouLh
CLLCn1L ?es buL upon lL one sees grace LhaL one never sees on oLher mouLhs and Lhe slghL of LhaL mouLh whlch ls Lhe mosL
aLLracLlve Lhe mosL amorous ln Lhe world lnsplres deslre
CCvlLLLL As for her flgure shes noL Lall
CLLCn1L no buL she ls graceful and well made
CCvlLLLL She affecLs nonchalance ln her speech and ln her acLlons
CLLCn1L 1haLs Lrue buL she may be forglven all LhaL for her manners are so engaglng Lhey have an lrreslsLlble charm
CCvlLLLL As Lo her wlL
CLLCn1L Ah! She has LhaL Covlelle Lhe flnesL Lhe mosL dellcaLe!
CCvlLLLL Per conversaLlon
CLLCn1L Per conversaLlon ls charmlng
CCvlLLLL She ls always serlous
CLLCn1L Would you have grlnnlng playfulness consLanL open merrlmenL? And do you see anyLhlng more lmperLlnenL Lhan Lhose
women who laugh all Lhe Llme?
CCvlLLLL 8uL flnally she ls as caprlclous as any woman ln Lhe world
CLLCn1L ?es she ls caprlclous l concede buL everyLhlng becomes beauLlful ladles well one suffers everyLhlng for beauLy
CCvlLLLL l see clearly how lL goes you wanL Lo go on lovlng her
CLLCn1L Me ld llke beLLer Lo dle and l am golng Lo haLe her as much as l loved her
CCvlLLLL Pow lf you flnd her so perfecL?
CLLCn1L 1haLs how my vengeance wlll be more sLrlklng ln LhaL way lll show beLLer Lhe sLrengLh of my hearL by haLlng her by
qulLLlng her wlLh all her beauLy all her charms and as lovable as l flnd her Pere she ls
SCLNL k {c/onte Luci/e covie//e Nico/e)
nlCCLL lor my parL l was compleLely shocked aL lL
LuClLL lL can only be nlcole whaL l Lold you 8uL Lhere he ls
CLLCn1L l donL even wanL Lo speak Lo her
CCvlLLLL lll lmlLaLe you
LuClLL WhaLs Lhe maLLer CleonLe? WhaLs wrong wlLh you?
nlCCLL WhaLs Lhe maLLer wlLh you Covlelle?
LuClLL WhaL grlef possesses you?
nlCCLL WhaL bad humor holds you?
LuClLL Are you muLe CleonLe?
nlCCLL Pave you losL your volce Covlelle?
CLLCn1L ls Lhls noL vlllalnous!
CCvlLLLL lLs a !udas!
LuClLL l clearly see LhaL our recenL meeLlng has Lroubled you
CLLCn1L Ah! Ah! She sees whaL shes done
nlCCLL Cur greeLlng Lhls mornlng has annoyed you
CCvlLLLL She has guessed Lhe problem
LuClLL lsnL lL Lrue CleonLe LhaL Lhls ls Lhe cause of your resenLmenL?
CLLCn1L ?es perfldlous one lL ls slnce l musL speak and l musL Lell LhaL you shall noL Lrlumph ln your falLhlessness as you Lhlnk l
wanL Lo be Lhe flrsL Lo break wlLh you and you wonL have Lhe advanLage of drlvlng me away l wlll have dlfflculLy ln conquerlng Lhe
love l have for you lL wlll cause me paln l wlll suffer for a whlle 8uL lll come Lhrough lL and l would raLher sLab myself Lhrough Lhe
hearL Lhan have Lhe weakness Lo reLurn Lo you
LuClLL WhaL an uproar over noLhlng l wanL Lo Lell you CleonLe whaL made me avold [olnlng you Lhls mornlng
CLLCn1L no l donL wanL Lo llsLen Lo anyLhlng
nlCCLL l wanL Lo Lell you whaL made us pass so qulckly
CCvlLLLL l donL wanL Lo hear anyLhlng
LuClLL (lollowloq cloote) know LhaL Lhls mornlng
CLLCn1L no l Lell you
nlCCLL (lollowloq covlelle) Learn LhaL
CCvlLLLL no LralLor
LuClLL LlsLen
CLLCn1L l wonL llsLen
nlCCLL LeL me speak
CCvlLLLL lm deaf
LuClLL CleonLe!
CLLCn1L no
nlCCLL Covlelle!
CCvlLLLL l wonL llsLen
CLLCn1L Clbberlsh!
nlCCLL LlsLen Lo me
CCvlLLLL 8ubblsh!
LuClLL Cne momenL
CLLCn1L never
nlCCLL A llLLle paLlence
CCvlLLLL noL lnLeresLed!
LuClLL 1wo words
CLLCn1L no youve had Lhem
nlCCLL Cne word
CCvlLLLL no more Lalklng
LuClLL AlrlghL! Slnce you donL wanL Lo llsLen Lo me Lhlnk whaL you llke and do whaL you wanL
nlCCLL Slnce you acL llke LhaL make whaLever you llke of lL all
CLLCn1L LeL us know Lhe reason Lhen for such a flne recepLlon
LuClLL lL no longer pleases me Lo say
CCvlLLLL LeL us know someLhlng of your sLory
nlCCLL l myself no longer wanL Lo Lell you
CLLCn1L 1ell me
LuClLL no l donL wanL Lo say anyLhlng
CCvlLLLL 1ell lL
nlCCLL no lll Lell noLhlng
CLLCn1L lor plLy
LuClLL no l say
CCvlLLLL Pave mercy
nlCCLL lLs no use
CLLCn1L l beg you
LuClLL Leave me
CCvlLLLL l plead wlLh you
nlCCLL CeL ouL of here
CLLCn1L Luclle!
LuClLL no
CCvlLLLL nlcole!
nlCCLL never
CLLCn1L ln Lhe name of Cod!
LuClLL l donL wanL Lo
CCvlLLLL 1alk Lo me
nlCCLL ueflnlLely noL
CLLCn1L Clear up my doubLs
LuClLL no lll do noLhlng
CCvlLLLL 8elleve my mlnd!
nlCCLL no l donL care Lo
CLLCn1L AlrlghL! slnce you are so llLLle concerned Lo Lake me ouL of my paln and Lo [usLlfy yourself for Lhe shameful LreaLmenL you
gave Lo my passlon you are seelng me lngraLe for Lhe lasL Llme and l am golng far from you Lo dle of sorrow and love
CCvlLLLL And l l wlll follow ln hls sLeps
LuClLL CleonLe!
nlCCLL Covlelle!
CCvlLLLL ?es?
LuClLL Where are you golng?
CLLCn1L Where l Lold you
CCvlLLLL We are golng Lo dle
LuClLL ?ou are golng Lo dle CleonLe?
CLLCn1L ?es cruel one slnce you wlsh lL
LuClLL Me! l wlsh you Lo dle?
CLLCn1L ?es you wlsh lL
LuClLL Who Lold you LhaL?
CLLCn1L ls lL noL wlshlng lL when you donL wlsh Lo clear up my susplclons?
LuClLL ls lL my faulL? And lf you had wlshed Lo llsLen Lo me would l noL have Lold you LhaL Lhe lncldenL you complaln of was caused
Lhls mornlng by Lhe presence of an old aunL who lnslsLs LhaL Lhe mere approach of a man dlshonors a woman an aunL who
consLanLly dellvers sermons Lo us on Lhls LexL and Lells us LhaL all men are llke devlls we musL flee?
nlCCLL 1heres Lhe key Lo Lhe enLlre affalr
CLLCn1L Are you sure youre noL decelvlng me Luclle?
CCvlLLLL ArenL you maklng Lhls up?
LuClLL 1heres noLhlng more Lrue
nlCCLL lLs Lhe absoluLe LruLh
CCvlLLLL Are we golng Lo glve ln Lo Lhls?
CLLCn1L Ah! Luclle how wlLh a word from your llps you are able Lo appease Lhe Lhlngs ln my hearL and how easlly one allows
hlmself Lo be persuaded by Lhe people one loves!
CCvlLLLL Pow easlly we are manlpulaLed by Lhese blasLed mlnxes!
SCLNL kI {Modome lourdoin c/onte Luci/e covie//e Nico/e)
MAuAML !Cu8uAln l am very glad Lo see you CleonLe and you are here aL [usL Lhe rlghL Llme My husband ls comlng selze Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo ask for Luclle ln marrlage
CLLCn1L Ah! Madame how sweeL LhaL word ls Lo me and how lL flaLLers my deslres! Could l recelve an order more charmlng a
favor more preclous?
SCLNL kII {Monsieur lourdoin Modome lourdoin c/onte Luci/e covie//e Nico/e)
CLLCn1L Slr l dld noL wanL Lo use anyone Lo make a requesL of you LhaL l have long consldered lL affecLs me enough for me Lo Lake
charge of lL myself and wlLhouL furLher ado l wlll say Lo you LhaL Lhe honor of belng your sonlnlaw ls a glorlous favor LhaL l beg
you Lo granL me
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 8efore glvlng you a reply slr l beg Lo ask lf you are a genLleman
CLLCn1L Slr mosL people donL heslLaLe much over Lhls quesLlon 1hey use Lhe word carelessly 1hey Lake Lhe name wlLhouL
scruple and Lhe usage of Loday seems Lo valldaLe Lhe LhefL As for me l confess Lo you l have a llLLle more dellcaLe feellngs on Lhls
maLLer l flnd all lmposLure undlgnlfled for an honesL man and LhaL Lhere ls cowardlce ln dlsgulslng whaL Peaven made us aL blrLh
Lo presenL ourselves Lo Lhe eyes of Lhe world wlLh a sLolen LlLle Lo wlsh Lo glve a false lmpresslon l was born of parenLs who
wlLhouL doubL held honorable poslLlons l have slx years of servlce ln Lhe army and l flnd myself esLabllshed well enough Lo
malnLaln a Lolerable rank ln Lhe world but despite o// thot l certoin/y hove no wish to qive myse/f o nome to which others in my
p/oce miqht be/ieve they cou/d pretend ond l wi// te// you fronk/y thot l om not o qent/emon
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Shake hands Slr! My daughLer ls noL for you
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?ou are noL a genLleman ?ou wlll noL have my daughLer
MAuAML !Cu8uAln WhaL are you Lrylng Lo say wlLh your Lalk of genLleman? Are we ourselves of Lhe llne of SL Louls?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln CuleL wlfe l see whaL you are up Lo
MAuAML !Cu8uAln ArenL we boLh descended from good bourgeols famllles?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1heres LhaL haLeful word!
MAuAML !Cu8uAln And wasnL your faLher a merchanL [usL llke mlne?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln lague Lake Lhe woman! She never falls Lo do Lhls! lf your faLher was a merchanL so much Lhe worse for hlm!
8uL as for mlne Lhose who say LhaL are mlslnformed All LhaL l have Lo say Lo you ls LhaL l wanL a genLleman for a sonlnlaw
MAuAML !Cu8uAln lLs necessary for your daughLer Lo have a husband who ls worLhy of her and lLs beLLer for her Lo have an
honesL rlch man who ls well made Lhan an lmpoverlshed genLleman who ls badly bullL
nlCCLL 1haLs Lrue We have Lhe son of a genLleman ln our vlllage who ls Lhe mosL lll formed and Lhe greaLesL fool l have ever seen
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Pold your lmperLlnenL Longue! ?ou always buLL lnLo Lhe conversaLlon l have enough money for my daughLer
l need only honor and l wanL Lo make her a marchloness
MAuAML !Cu8uAln A marchloness?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?es marchloness
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Alas! Cod save me from lL!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln lLs a Lhlng l have resolved
MAuAML !Cu8uAln As for me lLs a Lhlng lll never consenL Lo Marrlages above ones sLaLlon are always sub[ecL Lo greaL
lnconvenlences l have absoluLely no wlsh for a sonlnlaw who can reproach her parenLs Lo my daughLer and l donL wanL her Lo
have chlldren who wlll be ashamed Lo call me Lhelr grandmoLher lf she arrlves Lo vlslL me ln Lhe equlpage of a greaL lady and lf she
falls by mlschance Lo greeL someone of Lhe nelghborhood Lhey wouldnL fall lmmedlaLely Lo say a hundred sLupldlLles uo you
see Lhey would say Lhls madam marchloness who glves herself such glorlous alrs? lLs Lhe daughLer of Monsleur !ourdaln who
was all Loo glad when she was llLLle Lo play house wlLh us shes noL always been so haughLy as she now ls and her Lwo
grandfaLhers sold cloLh near SL lnnocenLs CaLe 1hey amassed wealLh for Lhelr chlldren Lheyre paylng dearly perhaps for lL now ln
Lhe oLher world and one can scarcely geL LhaL rlch by belng honesL l cerLalnly donL wanL all LhaL gosslp and l wanL ln a word a
man who wlll be obllged Lo me for my daughLer and Lo whom l can say SlL down Lhere my sonlnlaw and have dlnner wlLh me
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Surely Lhose are Lhe senLlmenLs of a llLLle splrlL Lo wanL Lo remaln always ln a base condlLlon uonL Lalk back
Lo me my daughLer wlll be a marchloness ln splLe of everyone And lf you make me angrler lll make a duchess of her
MAuAML !Cu8uAln CleonLe donL lose courage yeL lollow me my daughLer and Lell your faLher resoluLely LhaL lf you canL have
hlm you donL wanL Lo marry anyone
SCLNL kIII {c/onte covie//e)
CCvlLLLL ?ouve made a flne buslness wlLh your preLLy senLlmenLs
CLLCn1L WhaL do you wanL? l have a doubt abouL LhaL whlch precedenL cannoL conquer
CCvlLLLL uonL you make a fool of yourself by Laklng lL serlously wlLh a man llke LhaL? uonL you see LhaL he ls a fool? And would lL
cosL you anyLhlng Lo accommodaLe yourself Lo hls fanLasles?
CLLCn1L ?oure rlghL 8uL l dldnL belleve lL necessary Lo prove noblllLy ln order Lo be Monsleur !ourdalns sonlnlaw
CCvlLLLL Pa ha ha!
CLLCn1L WhaL are you laughlng aL?
CCvlLLLL AL a LhoughL LhaL [usL occurred Lo me of how Lo play our man a Lrlck and help you obLaln whaL you deslre
CLLCn1L Pow?
CCvlLLLL 1he ldea ls really funny
CLLCn1L WhaL ls lL?
CCvlLLLL A shorL Llme ago Lhere was a cerLaln masquerade whlch flLs here beLLer Lhan anyLhlng and LhaL l lnLend Lo make parL of a
prank l wanL Lo play on our fool lL all seems a llLLle phony buL wlLh hlm one can Lry anyLhlng Lhere ls hardly any reason Lo be
subLle and he ls Lhe man Lo play hls role marvelously and Lo swallow easlly any fabrlcaLlon we wanL Lo Lell hlm l have Lhe acLors l
have Lhe cosLumes ready [usL leave lL Lo me
CLLCn1L 8uL Lell me
CCvlLLLL l am golng Lo lnsLrucL you ln everyLhlng LeLs go Lhere he ls reLurnlng
SCLNL kIV {Monsieur lourdoin Lockey)
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WhaL Lhe devll ls Lhls? 1hey have noLhlng oLher Lhan Lhe greaL lords Lo reproach me wlLh and as for me l see
noLhlng so flne as Lo assoclaLe wlLh Lhe greaL lords Lhere ls only honor and clvlllLy among Lhem and l would have glven Lwo flngers
of a hand Lo have been born a counL or a marquls
LACkL? Slr heres Lhe CounL and he has a lady wlLh hlm
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WhaL! My Coodness l have some orders Lo glve 1ell Lhem lll be back here soon
SCLNL kV {uorimne uoronte Lockey)
LACkL? Monsleur says LhaL hell be here very soon
uC8An1L 1haLs flne
uC8lMLnL l donL know uoranLe l feel sLrange allowlng you Lo brlng me Lo Lhls house where l know no one
uC8An1L 1hen where would you llke Madame for me Lo express my love wlLh an enLerLalnmenL slnce you wlll allow nelLher your
house nor mlne for fear of scandal?
uC8lMLnL 8uL you donL menLlon LhaL every day l am gradually preparlng myself Lo recelve Loo greaL proofs of your passlon? As
good a defense as l have puL up you wear down my reslsLance and you have a pollLe perslsLence whlch makes me come genLly Lo
whaLever you llke 1he frequenL vlslLs began declaraLlons followed afLer Lhem came serenades and amusemenLs ln Lhelr Lraln and
presenLs followed Lhem l wlLhsLood all LhaL buL you donL glve up aL all and sLep by sLep you are overcomlng my resolve As for me
l can no longer answer for anyLhlng and l belleve LhaL ln Lhe end you wlll brlng me Lo marrlage whlch l have so far avolded
uC8An1L My falLh! Madame you should already have come Lo lL ?ou are a wldow and you answer only Lo yourself l am my own
masLer and l love you more Lhan my llfe Why shouldnL you be all my happlness from Loday onward?
uC8lMLnL Coodness! uoranLe for Lwo people Lo llve happlly LogeLher boLh of Lhem need parLlcular quallLles and Lwo of Lhe mosL
reasonable persons ln Lhe world ofLen have Lrouble maklng a unlon saLlsfacLory Lo Lhem boLh
uC8An1L ?oure foollng yourself Madame Lo lmaglne so many dlfflculLles and Lhe experlence you had wlLh one marrlage doesnL
deLermlne anyLhlng for oLhers
uC8lMLnL llnally l always come back Lo Lhls 1he expenses LhaL l see you go Lo for me dlsLurb me for Lwo reasons one ls LhaL Lhey
geL me more lnvolved Lhan l would llke and Lhe oLher ls LhaL l am sure meanlng no offense LhaL you cannoL do Lhls wlLhouL
flnanclally lnconvenlenclng yourself and l cerLalnly donL wanL LhaL
uC8An1L Ah! Madame Lhey are Lrlfles and lL lsnL by LhaL
uC8lMLnL l know whaL lm Lalklng abouL and among oLher glfLs Lhe dlamond you forced me Lo Lake ls worLh
uC8An1L Ch! Madame mercy donL puL any value on a Lhlng LhaL my love flnds unworLhy of you and allow Peres Lhe masLer of
Lhe house
SCLNL kVI {Monsieur lourdoin uorimne uoronte Lockey)
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln (Aftet bovloq moJe two bows floJloq blmself too oeot uotlmoe) A llLLle farLher Madame
uC8lMLnL WhaL?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Cne sLep lf you please
uC8lMLnL WhaL ls lL?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln SLep back a llLLle for Lhe Lhlrd
uC8An1L Madame Monsleur !ourdaln ls very knowledgeable
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Madame lL ls a very greaL honor Lo me Lo be forLunaLe enough Lo be so happy as Lo have Lhe [oy LhaL you
should have had Lhe goodness Lo accord me Lhe graclousness of dolng me Lhe honor of honorlng me wlLh Lhe favor of your
presence and lf l also had Lhe merlL Lo merlL a merlL such as yours and lf Peaven envlous of my luck should have accorded
me Lhe advanLage of seelng me worLhy of Lhe
uC8An1L Monsleur !ourdaln LhaL ls enough Madame doesnL llke grand compllmenLs and she knows LhaL you are a man of wlL
(AslJe to uotlmoe) As you can see Lhls good bourgeols ls rldlculous enough ln all hls manners
uC8lMLnL lL lsnL dlfflculL Lo see lL
uC8An1L Madame he ls Lhe besL of my frlends
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?ou do me Loo much honor
uC8An1L A compleLely gallanL man
uC8lMLnL l have greaL esLeem for hlm
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l have done noLhlng yeL Madame Lo merlL Lhls favor
uC8An1L (AslJe to Moosleot IootJolo) 1ake care noneLheless Lo say absoluLely noLhlng Lo her abouL Lhe dlamond LhaL you gave
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln CanL l even ask her how she llkes lL?
uC8An1L WhaL? 1ake care LhaL you donL 1haL would be louLlsh of you and Lo acL as a gallanL man you musL acL as Lhough lL
were noL you who made her Lhls presenL (AlooJ) Monsleur !ourdaln Madame says he ls dellghLed Lo see you ln hls home
uC8lMLnL Pe honors me greaLly
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Pow obllged l am Lo you slr for speaklng Lhus Lo her for me!
uC8An1L l have had frlghLful Lrouble geLLlng her Lo come here
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l donL know how Lo Lhank you enough
uC8An1L Pe says Madame LhaL he flnds you Lhe mosL beauLlful woman ln Lhe world
uC8lMLnL Pe does me a greaL favor
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Madame lL ls you who does Lhe favors and
uC8An1L LeLs conslder eaLlng
LACkL? LveryLhlng ls ready slr
uC8An1L Come Lhen leL us slL aL Lhe Lable And brlng on Lhe muslclans (5lx cooks wbo bove ptepoteJ tbe feost Jooce toqetbet ooJ
moke tbe tbltJ lotetloJe oftet wblcb tbey cotty lo o toble coveteJ wltb mooy Jlsbes)

SCLNL I {uorimne Monsieur lourdoin uoronte two Mo/e Musicions o lemo/e Musicion Lockeys)
uC8lMLnL Why uoranLe LhaL ls really a magnlflcenL repasL!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?ou [esL Madame l wlsh lL were worLhy of belng offered Lo you (All slt ot tbe toble)
uC8An1L Monsleur !ourdaln ls rlghL Madame Lo speak so and he obllges me by maklng you so welcome l agree wlLh hlm LhaL Lhe
repasL ls noL worLhy of you Slnce lL was l who ordered lL and slnce l do noL have Lhe accompllshmenLs of our frlends ln Lhls maLLer
you do noL have here a very sophlsLlcaLed meal and you wlll flnd some lncongrulLles ln Lhe comblnaLlons and some
barbarlLles of LasLe lf uamls our frlend had been lnvolved everyLhlng would have been accordlng Lo Lhe rules everyLhlng would
have been eleganL and approprlaLe and he would noL have falled Lo lmpress upon you Lhe slgnlflcance of all Lhe dlshes of Lhe repasL
and Lo make you see hls experLlse when lL comes Lo good food he would have Lold you abouL hearLhbaked bread wlLh lLs golden
brown crusL crunchlng Lenderly beLween Lhe LeeLh of a smooLh fullbodled wlne forLlfled wlLh a plquancy noL Loo sLrong of a loln
of muLLon lmproved wlLh parsley of a cuL of speclallyralsed veal as long as Lhls whlLe and dellcaLe and whlch ls llke an almond
pasLe beLween Lhe LeeLh of parLrldges compllmenLed by a surprlslngly flavorful sauce and for hls masLerplece a soup accompanled
by a faL young Lurkey surrounded by plgeons and crowned wlLh whlLe onlons mlxed wlLh chlcory 8uL as for me l declare my
lgnorance and as Monsleur !ourdaln has sald so well l only wlsh LhaL Lhe repasL were more worLhy of belng offered Lo you
uC8lMLnL l reply Lo Lhls compllmenL only by eaLlng
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Ah! WhaL beauLlful hands!
uC8lMLnL 1he hands are medlocre Monsleur !ourdaln buL you wlsh Lo speak of Lhe dlamond whlch ls very beauLlful
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Me Madame? Cod forbld LhaL l should wlsh Lo speak of lL LhaL would noL be acLlng gallanLly and Lhe
dlamond ls a very small Lhlng
uC8lMLnL ?ou are very parLlcular
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?ou are Loo klnd
uC8An1L LeLs have some wlne for Monsleur !ourdaln and for Lhese genLlemen and ladles who are golng Lo favor us wlLh a drlnklng
uC8lMLnL lL ls marvelous Lo season good food by mlxlng lL wlLh muslc and l see l am belng admlrably enLerLalned
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Madame lL lsnL
uC8An1L Monsleur !ourdaln leL us remaln sllenL for Lhese genLlemen and ladles whaL Lhey have for us Lo hear ls of more value
Lhan anyLhlng we could say (1be mole sloqets ooJ tbe womoo sloqet toke tbe qlosses sloq two Jtlokloq sooqs ooJ ote occompooleJ
by oll tbe losttomeotol eosemble)
ll8S1 u8lnklnC SCnC
utlok o llttle lbyllls to stott tbe qloss toooJ Ab! A qloss lo yoot booJs ls cbotmloqly oqteeoble! oo ooJ tbe wloe otm eocb otbet
AoJ l teJooble my love fot yoo botb let os tbtee wloe yoo ooJ me 5weot my beooty to oo etetool possloo
oot llps ote moJe yet mote otttoctlve by wettloq wltb wloe! Ab! 1be ooe ooJ tbe otbet losplte me wltb Jeslte AoJ botb yoo ooJ lt
lotoxlcote me let os tbtee wloe yoo ooJ me 5weot my beooty to oo etetool possloo
SLCCnu u8lnklnC SCnC
let os Jtlok Jeot ftleoJs let os Jtlok 1lme tbot flles beckoos os to lt! let os ptoflt ftom llfe os mocb os we coo Ooce we poss ooJet
tbe block sboJow CooJbye to wloe oot loves let os Jtlok wblle we coo Ooe coooot Jtlok fotevet
let fools specolote Oo tbe ttoe bopploess of llfe Oot pbllosopby lots lt omooq tbe wloepots lossessloos koowleJqe ooJ qloty
notJly moke os fotqet ttooblloq cotes AoJ lt ls ooly wltb qooJ Jtlok 1bot ooe coo be boppy
come oo tbeo wloe fot oll poot boys poot loot keep oo pootloq ootll tbey soy oooqb
uC8lMLnL l donL belleve lLs posslble Lo slng beLLer and LhaL ls poslLlvely beauLlful
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l see someLhlng here Madame yeL more beauLlful
uC8lMLnL Aha! Monsleur !ourdaln ls more gallanL Lhan l LhoughL
uC8An1L WhaL! Madame whaL dld you Lake Monsleur !ourdaln for?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l would llke for her Lo Lake me aL my word
uC8lMLnL Agaln!
uC8An1L ?ou donL know hlm
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln She may know me whenever lL pleases her
uC8lMLnL Ch! l am overwhelmed
uC8An1L Pe ls a man who ls always ready wlLh a reparLee 8uL donL you see LhaL Monsleur !ourdaln Madame eaLs all Lhe pleces
of food you have Louched?
uC8lMLnL l am capLlvaLed by Monsleur !ourdaln
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln lf l could capLlvaLe your hearL l would be
SCLNL II {Modome lourdoin Monsieur lourdoin uorimne uoronte Musicions Lockeys)
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Aha! l flnd good company here and l see LhaL l was noL expecLed Was lL for Lhls preLLy affalr Monsleur
Pusband LhaL you were so eager Lo send me Lo dlnner aL my slsLers? l [usL saw sLage decoraLlons downsLalrs and here l see a
banqueL flL for a weddlng 1haL ls how you spend your money and Lhls ls how you enLerLaln Lhe ladles ln my absence and you glve
Lhem muslc and enLerLalnmenL whlle sendlng me on my way
uC8An1L WhaL are you saylng Madame !ourdaln? And whaL fanLasles are you geLLlng lnLo your head LhaL your husband spends hls
money and LhaL lL ls he who ls glvlng Lhls enLerLalnmenL Lo Madame? lease know LhaL lL ls l LhaL he only lends me hls house and
LhaL you oughL Lo Lhlnk more abouL Lhe Lhlngs you say
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?es whaL lmperLlnence lL ls Lhe CounL who presenLs all Lhls Lo Madame who ls a person of quallLy Pe does
me Lhe honor of uslng my house and of wlshlng me Lo be wlLh hlm
MAuAML !Cu8uAln All LhaLs nonsense l know whaL l know
uC8An1L Come Madame !ourdaln puL on beLLer glasses
MAuAML !Cu8uAln l donL need glasses slr l see well enough l have had susplclons for a long Llme and lm noL a fool 1hls ls very
low of you of a greaL lord Lo lend a hand as you do Lo Lhe follles of my husband And you Madame for a greaL lady lL ls nelLher flne
nor honesL of you Lo cause dlssenslon ln a household and Lo allow my husband Lo be ln love wlLh you
uC8lMLnL WhaL ls she Lrylng Lo say wlLh all Lhls? Coodness uoranLe! ?ou have ouLdone yourself by exposlng me Lo Lhe absurd
fanLasles of Lhls rldlculous woman
uC8An1L Madame walL! Madame where are you golng?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Madame! Monsleur CounL make excuses Lo her and Lry Lo brlng her back Ah! ?ou lmperLlnenL creaLure Lhls
ls a flne way Lo acL! ?ou come and lnsulL me ln fronL of everybody and you drlve from me people of quallLy
MAuAML !Cu8uAln l laugh aL Lhelr quallLy
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l donL know who holds me back evll creaLure from breaklng your head wlLh Lhe remalns of Lhe repasL you
came Lo dlsrupL (1be toble ls temoveJ)
MAuAML !Cu8uAln (leovloq) lm noL concerned 1hese are my rlghLs LhaL l defend and lll have all wlves on my slde
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?ou do well Lo avold my rage She arrlved very lnopporLunely l was ln Lhe mood Lo say preLLy Lhlngs and l
had never felL so wlLLy WhaLs LhaL?
SCLNL III {covie//e disquised Monsieur lourdoin Lockey)
CCvlLLLL Slr l donL know lf l have Lhe honor Lo be known Lo you?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln no slr
CCvlLLLL l saw you when you were no Laller Lhan LhaL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Me?
CCvlLLLL ?es ?ou were Lhe mosL beauLlful chlld ln Lhe world and all Lhe ladles Look you ln Lhelr arms Lo klss you
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1o klss me?
CCvlLLLL ?es l was a greaL frlend of your laLe faLher
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Cf my laLe faLher?
CCvlLLLL ?es Pe was a very honorable genLleman
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WhaL dld you say?
CCvlLLLL l sald LhaL he was a very honorable genLleman
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln My faLher?
CCvlLLLL ?es
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?ou knew hlm very well?
CCvlLLLL Assuredly
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln And you knew hlm as a genLleman?
CCvlLLLL WlLhouL doubL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1hen l donL know whaL ls golng on!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1here are some fools who wanL Lo Lell me LhaL he was a Lradesman
CCvlLLLL Plm a Lradesman! lLs pure slander he never was one All LhaL he dld was Lo be very obllglng very ready Lo help and
slnce he was a connolsseur ln cloLh he wenL all over Lo choose Lhem had Lhem broughL Lo hls house and gave Lhem Lo hls frlends
for money
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln lm dellghLed Lo know you so you can LesLlfy Lo Lhe facL LhaL my faLher was a genLleman
CCvlLLLL lll aLLesL Lo lL before all Lhe world
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?oull obllge me WhaL buslness brlngs you here?
CCvlLLLL Slnce knowlng your laLe faLher honorable genLleman as l Lold you l have Lraveled Lhrough all Lhe world
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1hrough all Lhe world!
CCvlLLLL ?es
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l lmaglne lLs a long way from here Lo Lhere
CCvlLLLL Assuredly l reLurned from all my long voyages only four days ago and because of Lhe lnLeresL l Lake ln all LhaL concerns
you l come Lo announce Lo you Lhe besL news ln Lhe world
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WhaL?
CCvlLLLL ?ou know LhaL Lhe son of Lhe Crand 1urk ls here?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Me? no
CCvlLLLL WhaL! Pe has a very magnlflcenL reLlnue everybody goes Lo see lL and he has been recelved ln Lhls counLry as an
lmporLanL lord
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 8y my falLh! l dldnL know LhaL
CCvlLLLL 1he advanLage Lo you ln Lhls ls LhaL he ls ln love wlLh your daughLer
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1he son of Lhe Crand 1urk?
CCvlLLLL ?es And he wanLs Lo be your sonlnlaw
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln My sonlnlaw Lhe son of Lhe Crand 1urk?
CCvlLLLL 1he son of Lhe Crand 1urk your sonlnlaw As l wenL Lo see hlm and as l perfecLly undersLand hls language he conversed
wlLh me and afLer some oLher dlscourse he sald Lo me Acclom ctoc solet oocb ollo moostopb qlJelom omooobem votoblol
oossete cotbolotb LhaL ls Lo say PavenL you seen a beauLlful young person who ls Lhe daughLer of Monsleur !ourdaln genLleman
of arls?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1he son of Lhe Crand 1urk sald LhaL of me?
CCvlLLLL ?es lnasmuch as l Lold hlm ln reply LhaL l knew you parLlcularly well and LhaL l had seen your daughLer Ab! he sald Lo
me motobobo sobem Whlch ls Lo say Ah how l am enamored of her!
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Motobobo sobem means Ah how l am enamored of her?
CCvlLLLL ?es
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 8y my falLh you do well Lo Lell me slnce as for me l would never have belleved LhaL motobobo sobem
could have meanL Lo say Ch how l am enamored of her! WhaL an admlrable language 1urklsh ls!
CCvlLLLL More admlrable Lhan one can belleve uo you know whaL cocotocomoocbeo means?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln cocotocomoocbeo? no
CCvlLLLL lL means lL means My dear soul
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln cocotocomoocbeo means My dear soul?
CCvlLLLL ?es
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1haLs marvelous! cocotocomoocbeo my dear soul Who would have LhoughL? lm dumbfounded
CCvlLLLL llnally Lo compleLe my asslgnmenL he comes Lo ask for your daughLer ln marrlage and ln order Lo have a faLherlnlaw
who should be worLhy of hlm he wanLs Lo make you a Momomoocbl whlch ls a cerLaln hlgh rank ln hls counLry
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Momomoocbl?
CCvlLLLL ?es Momomoocbl LhaL ls Lo say ln our language a aladln aladln ls one of Lhose anclenL Well aladln! 1here ls
none nobler Lhan LhaL ln Lhe world and you wlll be equal Lo Lhe greaLesL lords of Lhe earLh
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1he son of Lhe Crand 1urk honors me greaLly lease Lake me Lo hlm ln order Lo express my Lhanks
CCvlLLLL WhaL! Pe ls golng Lo come here
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Pes comlng here?
CCvlLLLL ?es And he ls brlnglng everyLhlng for Lhe ceremony of besLowlng your rank
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1haL seems very qulck
CCvlLLLL Pls love can suffer no delay
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln All LhaL embarrasses me here ls LhaL my daughLer ls a sLubborn one who has goLLen lnLo her head a cerLaln
CleonLe and she swears shell marry no one buL hlm
CCvlLLLL Shell change her mlnd when she sees Lhe son of Lhe Crand 1urk and Lhen Lhere ls a remarkable colncldence here lL ls
LhaL Lhe son of Lhe Crand 1urk resembles Lhls CleonLe very closely l [usL saw hlm someone showed hlm Lo me and Lhe love she has
for Lhe one can easlly pass Lo Lhe oLher and l hear hlm comlng 1here he ls
SCLnL lv (cloote os o 1otk wltb tbtee loqes cottyloq bls ootet clotbes Moosleot IootJolo covlelle JlsqolseJ)
CLLCn1L Amboosoblm opol botof lotJloo solomolepol
CCvlLLLL 1haL ls Lo say Monsleur !ourdaln may your hearL be all Lhe year llke a flowerlng rosebush 1hls ls Lhe way of speaklng
pollLely ln Lhose counLrles
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l am Lhe mosL humble servanL of Pls 1urklsh Plghness
CCvlLLLL cotlqot comboto oostlo motof
CLLCn1L Oostlo yoc cotomolepol bosom bose ollo motoo
CCvlLLLL Pe says Peaven glves you Lhe sLrengLh of llons and Lhe wlsdom of serpenLs
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Pls 1urklsh Plghness honors me Loo much and l wlsh hlm all sorLs of good forLune
CCvlLLLL Osso bloomeo soJoc bobolly otocof ootom
CLLCn1L 8elmeo
CCvlLLLL Pe says LhaL you should go wlLh hlm qulckly Lo prepare yourself for Lhe ceremony Lhen you can see your daughLer and
conclude Lhe marrlage
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln So many Lhlngs ln Lwo words?
CCvlLLLL ?es Lhe 1urklsh language ls llke LhaL lL says much ln few words Co qulckly where he wanLs
SCLnL v (uotoote covlelle)
CCvlLLLL Pa ha ha! My falLh LhaL was hllarlous WhaL a dupe! lf he had learned hls role by hearL he could noL have played lL
beLLer Ah! Ah! Lxcuse me Slr WouldnL you llke Lo help us here ln an affalr LhaL ls Laklng place
uC8An1L Ah! Ah! Covlelle who would have recognlzed you? Pow you are made up!
CCvlLLLL ?ou see ha ha!
uC8An1L WhaL are you laughlng aL?
CCvlLLLL AL a Lhlng Slr LhaL well deserves lL
uC8An1L WhaL?
CCvlLLLL lll glve you many chances Slr Lo guess Lhe sLraLagem we are uslng on Monsleur !ourdaln Lo geL hlm Lo glve hls daughLer
Lo my masLer
uC8An1L l canL begln Lo guess Lhe sLraLagem buL l guess lL wlll noL fall ln lLs effecL slnce you are underLaklng lL
CCvlLLLL l see Slr LhaL you know me Loo well
uC8An1L 1ell me whaL lL ls
CCvlLLLL Come over here a llLLle Lo make room for whaL l see comlng ?ou can see parL of Lhe sLory whlle l Lell you Lhe resL
(1be 1otklsb cetemooy fot eoooblloq Moosleot IootJolo ls petfotmeJ lo Jooce ooJ moslc ooJ comptlses tbe loottb lotetloJe) 1be
cetemooy ls o botlespoe foll of comlc qlbbetlsb lo pseoJo1otklsb ooJ oooseoslcol lteocb lo wblcb Moosleot IootJolo ls moJe to
oppeot loJlctoos ooJ Jotloq wblcb be ls ootfltteJ wltb oo exttovoqoot costome totboo ooJ swotJ

SCLnL l (MoJome IootJoloe Moosleot IootJolo)
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Ah My Cod! Mercy! WhaL ls all of Lhls? WhaL a specLacle! Are you dressed for a masquerade and ls Lhls a Llme
Lo go masked? Speak Lhen whaL ls Lhls? Who has bundled you up llke LhaL?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln See Lhe lmperLlnenL woman Lo speak ln Lhls way Lo a Momomoocbl!
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Pows LhaL?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?es you musL show me respecL now as lve [usL been made a Momomoocbl
MAuAML !Cu8uAln WhaL are you Lrylng Lo say wlLh your Momomoocbl?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Momomoocbl l Lell you lm a Mamamouchl
MAuAML !Cu8uAln WhaL anlmal ls LhaL?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Momomoocbl LhaL ls Lo say ln our language aladln
MAuAML !Cu8uAln 8aladln! Are you of an age Lo dance ln balleLs?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WhaL an lgnoranL woman! l sald aladln lLs a dlgnlLy whlch has [usL been besLowed upon me ln a ceremony
MAuAML !Cu8uAln WhaL ceremony Lhen?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln MobometopetIotJloo
MAuAML !Cu8uAln WhaL does LhaL mean?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln IotJloo LhaL ls Lo say !ourdaln
MAuAML !Cu8uAln very well whaL of !ourdaln?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln volet fot oo loloJloo Je IotJloo
MAuAML !Cu8uAln WhaL?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln uot totbooto coo qoleto
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Whlch ls Lo say whaL?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln let JeffeoJet lolestloo
MAuAML !Cu8uAln WhaL are you Lrylng Lo say?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln uoto Joto bostooooto
MAuAML !Cu8uAln WhaL [argon ls Lhls?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Noo teoet booto poesto stot loltlmo offtooto
MAuAML !Cu8uAln WhaL ln Lhe world ls all LhaL?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln (uoocloq ooJ sloqloq) noo lo bo 8o lo cboo bo lo bo bo lo Jo
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Alas! Ch Lord my husband has gone mad
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln (leovloq) eace lnsolenL woman! Show respecL Lo Lhe Monsleur Mamamouchl
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Pas he losL hls mlnd? l musL hurry Lo sLop hlm from golng ouL Ah! Ah! 1hls ls Lhe lasL sLraw! l see noLhlng buL
shame on all sldes
(5be leoves)
SCLNL II {uoronte uorimne)
uC8An1L ?es Madame you are golng Lo see Lhe mosL amuslng Lhlng lmaglnable l donL belleve lL would be posslble Lo flnd ln all
Lhe world anoLher man as crazy as LhaL one ls And Lhen Loo Madame we musL Lry Lo help CleonLes plan by supporLlng hls
masquerade Pes a very gallanL man and deserves our help
uC8lMLnL l Lhlnk hlghly of hlm and he deserves happlness
uC8An1L 8esldes LhaL we have here Madame anoLher balleL performance LhaL we shouldnL mlss and l wanL Lo see lf my ldea wlll
uC8lMLnL l saw magnlflcenL preparaLlons and l can no longer permlL Lhls uoranLe ?es l flnally wanL Lo end your exLravagances
and Lo sLop all Lhese expenses LhaL l see you go Lo for me l have declded Lo marry you rlghL away 1hls ls Lhe LruLh of lL LhaL all Lhese
sorLs of Lhlngs end wlLh marrlage as you know
uC8An1L Ah! Madame ls lL posslble LhaL you should have Laken such a sweeL declslon ln my favor?
uC8lMLnL lL ls only Lo lmpede you from rulnlng yourself wlLhouL LhaL l see very well LhaL before long you would noL have a
uC8An1L Pow obllged l am Lo you Madame for Lhe care you have Lo conserve my money! lL ls enLlrely yours as well as my hearL
and you may use Lhem ln whaLever fashlon you please
uC8lMLnL lll make use of Lhem boLh 8uL here ls your man hls cosLume ls wonderful
SCLNL III {Monsieur lourdoin uoronte uorimne)
uC8An1L Slr we come Lo pay homage Madame and l Lo your new dlgnlLy and Lo re[olce wlLh you aL Lhe marrlage beLween your
daughLer and Lhe son of Lhe Crand 1urk
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln (Aftet bowloq lo tbe 1otklsb woy) Slr l wlsh you Lhe sLrengLh of serpenLs and Lhe wlsdom of llons
uC8lMLnL l was very glad Slr Lo be among Lhe flrsL Lo come Lo congraLulaLe you upon rlslng Lo such a hlgh degree of honor
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Madame l wlsh your rosebush Lo flower all year long l am lnflnlLely obllged Lo you for Laklng parL ln Lhe
honors besLowed upon me and l am very happy Lo see you reLurned here so l can make very humble excuses for Lhe rldlculous
behavlor of my wlfe
uC8lMLnL 1haLs noLhlng l excuse her [umplng Lo concluslons your hearL musL be preclous Lo her and lL lsnL sLrange LhaL Lhe
possesslon of such a man as you should lnsplre some [ealousy
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1he possesslon of my hearL ls a Lhlng LhaL has been enLlrely galned by you
uC8An1L ?ou see Madame LhaL Monsleur !ourdaln ls noL one of Lhose men LhaL good forLune bllnds and LhaL he sLlll knows even
ln hls glory how Lo recognlze hls frlends
uC8lMLnL lL ls Lhe mark of a compleLely generous soul
uC8An1L Where Lhen ls Pls 1urklsh Plghness? We wanL as your frlends Lo pay hlm our respecLs
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1here he comes and l have senL for my daughLer ln order Lo glve hlm her hand
SCLNL IV {c/onte covie//e Monsieur lourdoin etc)
uC8An1L Slr we come Lo bow Lo ?our Plghness as frlends of Lhe genLleman who ls your faLherlnlaw and Lo assure you wlLh
respecL of our very humble servlces
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Wheres Lhe lnLerpreLer Lo Lell hlm who you are and Lo make hlm undersLand whaL you say? ?ou wlll see LhaL
he wlll reply and LhaL he speaks 1urklsh marvelously Pey Lhere! Where Lhe devll has he gone? (1o cloote) 5ttoof sttlf sttof sttof
1he genLleman ls a qtooJe 5eqoote qtooJe 5eqoote qtooJe 5eqoote And Madame ls a uomo qtooJo uomo qtooJo Ahl! Pe
Monsleur he lrench Momomoocbl and Madame also lrench Momomoocble l canL say lL more clearly Cood heres Lhe
lnLerpreLer Where are you golng? We wonL know how Lo say anyLhlng wlLhouL you 1ell hlm LhaL Monsleur and Madame are
persons of hlgh rank who have come Lo pay Lhelr respecLs Lo hlm as my frlends and Lo assure hlm of Lhelr servlces ?oull see how
he wlll reply
CCvlLLLL Alobolo ctoclom occl botom olobomeo
CLLCn1L cotolepol tobol ootlo sotet omoloocboo
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln See?
CCvlLLLL Pe says LhaL Lhe raln of prosperlLy should waLer Lhe garden of your famlly ln all seasons
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l Lold you LhaL he speaks 1urklsh!
uC8An1L 1haLs wonderful
SCLNL V {Luci/e Monsieur lourdoin uoronte uorimne etc)
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Come my daughLer come here and glve your hand Lo Lhe genLleman who does you Lhe honor of asklng for
you ln marrlage
LuClLL WhaL! laLher look aL you! Are you playlng ln a comedy?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln no no Lhls ls noL a comedy lLs a very serlous maLLer and as full of honor for you as posslble 1here ls Lhe
husband l glve you
LuClLL 1o me faLher?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?es Lo you Come puL your hand ln hls and glve Lhanks Lo Peaven for your happlness
LuClLL l have absoluLely no wlsh Lo marry
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l wlsh lL l who am your faLher
LuClLLL lll do noLhlng of Lhe sorL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Ah! WhaL a nulsance! Come l Lell you Clve your hand
LuClLL no my faLher l Lold you Lhere ls no power on earLh LhaL can make me Lake any husband oLher Lhan CleonLe And l wlll go Lo
exLreme measures raLher Lhan (kecoqolzes cloote) lL ls Lrue LhaL you are my faLher l owe you compleLe obedlence and lL ls for
you Lo dlspose of me accordlng Lo your wlshes
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Ah! l am dellghLed Lo see you reLurn so prompLly Lo your duLy and lL pleases me Lo have an obedlenL
SCLNL VI {Modome lourdoin Monsieur lourdoin c/onte etc)
MAuAML !Cu8uAln WhaL now? WhaLs Lhls? 1hey say LhaL you wanL Lo glve your daughLer ln marrlage Lo a someone ln a Carnlval
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Wlll you be quleL lmperLlnenL woman? ?ou always Lhrow your absurdlLles lnLo everyLhlng and Lheres no
Leachlng you Lo be reasonable
MAuAML !Cu8uAln lLs you LhaL Lhere ls no way of maklng wlse and you go from folly Lo folly WhaL ls your plan and whaL do you
wanL Lo do wlLh Lhls assemblage of people?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l wanL Lo marry our daughLer Lo Lhe son of Lhe Crand 1urk
MAuAML !Cu8uAln 1o Lhe son of Lhe Crand 1urk?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ?es CreeL hlm Lhrough Lhe lnLerpreLer Lhere
MAuAML !Cu8uAln l donL need an lnLerpreLer and lll Lell hlm sLralghL ouL myself Lo hls face LhaL Lhere ls no way he wlll have my
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l ask agaln wlll you be quleL?
uC8An1L WhaL! Madame !ourdaln do you oppose such good forLune as LhaL? ?ou refuse Pls 1urklsh Plghness as your sonlnlaw?
MAuAML !Cu8uAln My Coodness Slr mlnd your own buslness
uC8lMLnL lLs a greaL glory whlch ls noL Lo be re[ecLed
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Madame l beg you also noL Lo concern yourself wlLh whaL does noL affecL you
uC8An1L lLs Lhe frlendshlp we have for you LhaL makes us lnvolve ourselves ln your lnLeresL
MAuAML !Cu8uAln l can geL along qulLe well wlLhouL your frlendshlp
uC8An1L ?our daughLer here agrees Lo Lhe wlshes of her faLher
MAuAML !Cu8uAln My daughLer consenLs Lo marry a 1urk?
uC8An1L WlLhouL doubL
MAuAML !Cu8uAln She can forgeL CleonLe?
uC8An1L WhaL wouldnL one do Lo be a greaL lady?
MAuAML !Cu8uAln l would sLrangle her wlLh my own hands lf she dld someLhlng llke LhaL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1haL ls [usL so much Lalk l Lell you Lhls marrlage shall Lake place
MAuAML !Cu8uAln And l say Lhere ls no way LhaL lL wlll happen
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Ch whaL a row!
LuClLL MoLher!
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Co away you are a hussy
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln WhaL! ?ou quarrel wlLh her for obeylng me?
MAuAML !Cu8uAln ?es She ls mlne as much as yours
CCvlLLLL Madame!
MAuAML !Cu8uAln WhaL do you wanL Lo Lell me?
CCvlLLLL A word
MAuAML !Cu8uAln l wanL noLhlng Lo do wlLh your word
CCvlLLLL (1o Moosleot IootJolo) Slr lf she wlll hear a word ln prlvaLe l promlse you Lo make her consenL Lo whaL you wanL
MAuAML !Cu8uAln l wlll never consenL Lo lL
CCvlLLLL Cnly llsLen Lo me
MAuAML !Cu8uAln no
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln LlsLen Lo hlm
MAuAML !Cu8uAln no l donL wanL Lo llsLen Lo hlm
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Pe ls golng Lell you
MAuAML !Cu8uAln l donL wanL hlm Lo Lell me anyLhlng whaLsoever
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1here ls Lhe greaL sLubbornness of a woman! Pow can lL hurL you Lo llsLen Lo hlm?
CCvlLLLL !usL llsLen Lo me afLer LhaL you can do as you please
MAuAML !Cu8uAln AlrlghL! WhaL?
CCvlLLLL (AslJe to MoJome IootJolo) lor an hour Madame weve been slgnallng Lo you uonL you see LhaL all Lhls ls done only Lo
accommodaLe ourselves Lo Lhe fanLasles of your husband LhaL we are foollng hlm under Lhls dlsgulse and LhaL lL ls CleonLe hlmself
who ls Lhe son of Lhe Crand 1urk?
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Ah! Ah!
CCvlLLLL And l Covlelle am Lhe lnLerpreLer?
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Ah! lf Lhls ls Lhe case Lhen l surrender
CCvlLLLL uonL leL on
MAuAML !Cu8uAln ?es lLs done l agree Lo Lhe marrlage
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Ah! now everyones reasonable ?ou dldnL wanL Lo hear lL l knew he would explaln Lo you whaL lL means Lo
be Lhe son of Lhe Crand 1urk
MAuAML !Cu8uAln Pe explalned lL Lo me very well and l am saLlsfled LeL us send for a noLary
uC8An1L 1hls ls very well sald And flnally Madame !ourdaln ln order Lo relleve your mlnd compleLely and LhaL you may lose
Loday all Lhe [ealousy LhaL you may have concelved of your husband we shall have Lhe same noLary marry us Madame and me
MAuAML !Cu8uAln l agree Lo LhaL also
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln ls Lhls Lo make her belleve our sLory?
uC8An1L (AslJe to Moosleot IootJolo) lL ls necessary Lo amuse her wlLh Lhls preLence
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln Cood good! Someone go for Lhe noLary
uC8An1L Whlle we walL for hlm Lo come and whlle he draws up Lhe conLracLs leL us see our balleL and dlverL Pls 1urklsh Plghness
wlLh lL
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln 1haL ls very well advlsed Come leLs Lake our places
MAuAML !Cu8uAln And nlcole?
MCnSlLu8 !Cu8uAln l glve her Lo Lhe lnLerpreLer and my wlfe Lo whoever wanLs her
CCvlLLLL Slr l Lhank you (AslJe) lf one can flnd a greaLer fool lll go Lo 8ome Lo Lell lL
(1be comeJy eoJs wltb o bollet)

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