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How Thai Farmers (in general) have been affected by FLOODING

Many Farmers lives have been ruined, their families have separated from them and they have ALL been very BADLY affected. The Thai farmers lost their opportunity to benefit from rising rice prices. All of their crops have been completely damaged, and all their savings- GONE.

About 1.4 MILLION Thai Farmers (alone) have been terribly affected by these Flash Floods. I feel really sorry for them, because now, they have to work 24 x 7 in order to earn enough money for themselves and their children. Still, in all that polluted water, they work day and night which is causing even more diseases and infections.

There has been a total of 72 BILLION baht lost in just crops, plants and nature. The growth forecast for rice has gone down from 3% to 1%, just because of these floods. These Farmers have NO money, half of them have NO job, and most of them have NO family. They are taking loans from the banks- and I wonder how they will repay it?...

This is extremely heartbreaking for them, so there are LOTS AND LOTS of Service Groups, Organizations and People who have, and still are, supporting these flood victims. In NIST alone, we have raised over 1 MILLION baht for just flood relief!!!

There is a bank called BAAC- Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives- who have given 10,000 baht (in cash) to every house-hold of flood-affected farmers (agriculturalists) and they have decided to extend their loan repayment period for 3 more years- how nice!


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