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Anastasis Ntinopoulos Unit 1- Resubmission (This document contains some information about my animal and the stages of my final


Final Piece:

My Animal:

Petromyzon Marinus or Sea Lamprey

Influence Map:


Some Photoshop ideas that didnt come out

Poses and expressions I took myself to figure out the anatomy and the expression my animal will have:

Stages of my final piece:

As I said thumbnails and anatomy drawings will be handed because I didnt have time to scan them and put them in this document. I didnt produce many thumbnails because I was focusing on my Photoshop work.
*Guidance, Photoshop "tutorials", good techniques and help for the last week have been given to me from my course mate Paris. He showed me techniques and he guided me through the process of my piece.

He gave me really good ideas and really helpful advice and i really thank him.

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