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Un|t 8ody Image

Grade]Sub[ect 7/8 PealLh Lesson 1op|c ueflnlng 8ody lmage

Lesson Length 30 mln Lesson number 1
rerequ|s|te |earn|ng
CompleLlon and parLlclpaLlon ln carousel bralnsLorm
1|me Set
13 mln 1 Ask sLudenLs whaL Lhey already know abouL Lhe Loplc of body lmage (whaL comes Lo
mlnd) and wrlLe whaL ls sald on Lhe board
2 WaLch vldeo hLLp//wwwschoolLubecom/vldeo/10b6912cf2333ed3a1c0/1LLn
18u1P8Cu?lMACL1raller (where sLudenLs descrlbe Lhelr oplnlon of body lmage)

uSC83 Assess how body lmage
saLlsfacLlon/dlssaLlsfacLlon and overrellance on
appearance as a source of ldenLlLy and selfesLeem
affecLs Lhe quallLy of llfe and self and famlly
a LocaLe and evaluaLe accordlng Lo sLudenL generaLed
crlLerla boLh sources of and lnformaLlon abouL healLhy
welghLs body lmage and self esLeem
l Analyze Lhe relaLlonshlps beLween selfesLeem and
body lmage
4 charL papers
SMA81 board
SLudenLs need Markers enclls
WrlLe headlngs on charL paper
uL vldeo llnk onLo SMA81 board noLebook

1|me Deve|opment
20 mln 1 Lxplaln carousel bralnsLorm acLlvlLy Lo sLudenLs (sLudenLs are puL lnLo groups and
bralnsLorm each Loplc on charL paper whlle belng Llmed) uL sLudenLs lnLo groups of 4
Lach sLaLlon wlll have 4 mlnuLes (puL a Llmer on Lhe SMA81 board)
3 mln 2 Pave sLudenLs go Lhrough all of Lhe lLems LhaL are on Lhe charL paper LhaL Lhey are aL
(Lhe lasL one LhaL Lhey dld) and clrcle 10 of Lhe mosL lmporLanL lLems abouL Lhelr Loplc

1|me C|osure
10 mln 1 Lach group wlll explaln Lo Lhe class whaL Lhey chose for Lhelr Lop 10 lLems of Lhelr
Loplc and why Lhey chose Lhose lLems
uL sLudenLs lnLo groups (raLher Lhan havlng Lhem

C|assroom Management
Lxplaln expecLaLlons durlng bralnsLorm carousel

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