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Sandia, Albuqueque, New Mexico.
Sandia National Laboratories, it gathers data to aid

in computer modeling of nuclear weapons. The largest and strongest X-ray generator.

A large capacitor is discharge producing high electric

current (10 million A/100nanosecond) passing through tungsten wire. Tungsten wire is vaporized into cylindrical plasma curtain. Current density induced a power full magnetic field and creates Lorents force that radially compress the plasma .

Using compressed plasma act as beams that can

created baths of X-ray to target structure. Target structure is place in the hohlraum which is used to created the X-ray. The X-ray hitting the target numorous times causing it to explode and ignite(x-ray shockwave). The explosion resulting rapidly changing electric fields and magnetic fields.

The powerful fluctuation in the magnetic field (an

"electromagnetic pulse") also generates electric current in all of the metallic objects in the room. The power feeding equipment is submerged in concentric chambers of 2 megalitres (2,000 m) of transformer oil and 2.3 megalitres (2,300 m) of deionized water, which act as insulators.



A massive energy produce (290terrawatts) equally to

80 times of world electrical output. The heat produce within 70 nanosecond 3.60 billion Fahrenheit . This energy enough to start a nuclear fusion. Surface of the sun is 10,000 Fahrenheit (5,600 Celsius). Center of the sun is27,000,000 Fahrenheit (15,000,000 Celsius)

Particle Accelerator (Atom Crusher)

Device that uses electromagnetic fields to

propel charged particles to high speeds and to contain them in well-defined beams. Accelerate heavy ions and protons in opposite directions and allow a virtually free choice of colliding positively charged particles. The projectiles typically travel at a speed of 99.995% of the speed of light.

Particle Accelerator (Atom Crusher)

Large Hadron Collider
27 kilometres (17 mi) in circumference. Deep as 175 metres (574 ft) beneath the Franco-Swiss. It was built in collaboration with over 10,000 scientists

and engineers from over 100 countries.

Particle Accelerator (Atom Crusher)

Quarks combine to form composite particles called

hadrons, the most stable of which are protons and neutrons, the components of atomic nuclei. One of collision product is fusion between gluons producing Higgs particle. Higgs particle decay into positron and electron.

Particle Accelerator (Atom Crusher)

Particle Accelerator (Atom Crusher)

Particle Accelerator (Atom Crusher)

Particle accelerations can reached energies

approximately 710^12 eV. But until 2012 only use half energy, full energy acceleration will be conducted in 2014. Temperature measurements for these half energy acceleration experiments of up to 7.2 trillion kelvins.

Creating a black hole because the energy produce is

almost reach the star energy. Creating a big bang when such power is created. The risk of a doomsday scenario as being at least a 1 in 50,000,000 chances. Particle accelerations have reached energies of only approximately 710^12 eV. Cosmic ray collisions have been observed at and beyond energies of 10^18 eV.

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