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Bcig a Vis.c||aca a| Bcig a Vis.c||aca a| Bcig a Vis.c||aca a| Bcig a Vis.c||aca a| L LL Lcsscr csscr csscr csscr- -- -b bb bavc avc avc avc
ar.crycs a| ar.crycs a| ar.crycs a| ar.crycs a| a aa asc ta Vagistcrs a| a|| t|c sc ta Vagistcrs a| a|| t|c sc ta Vagistcrs a| a|| t|c sc ta Vagistcrs a| a|| t|c
Or1crs a1 Or1crs a1 Or1crs a1 Or1crs a1c cc c Ca||cgcs Ca||cgcs Ca||cgcs Ca||cgcs

Nat a|| t|at is |argattc is vca|, at a|| t|at is
sapp|cmcta| is |css impartat - |tc t|c ccr
How to Lse This Book

TIIs book conLuIns eIgILy new speIIs Ior WIRP - Len Ior eucI oI LIe eIgIL ores oI MugIc und
some new esser MugIc speIIs us weII. TIere ure severuI wuys In wIIcI LIese cun be used.

As A Whole New Lore

Reclms oj Sorcer expIuIned LIuL LIe speIIs In LIe core ruIebook were onIy LIose oI LIe
EIemenLuI IIsL Ior eucI ore. TIuL book uIso conLuIned u wIoIe new IIsL, LIe MysLIcuI ore, und
LIe CurdInuI ore us weII, LIe IuLLer oI wIIcI beIng mude up oI speIIs Irom boLI IIsLs. TIe speIIs In
LIIs book cun be consIdered u IurLIer IIsL, LIe MedIuI ore - so numed becuuse IL Iucks speIIs oI
LIe IIgIesL power, buL conLuIns muny oI moderuLe sLrengLI. WIen u WIzurd cIurucLer guIns LIe
Arcune ore TuIenL, Ie muy cIoose beLween LIe EIemenLuI, MysLIcuI, CurdInuI or MedIuI IIsL Lo
provIde IIs Len speIIs.

GMs sIouId uIso IeeI Iree Lo combIne LIe speIIs In LIIs IIsL wILI LIose In LIe EIemenLuI und
MysLIcuI IIsLs Lo creuLe IIs own new ores, wILI LIeIr own LIemes. L Is ImporLunL LIuL eucI IIsL be
buIunced, Iowever, wILI u IuII spreud oI CusLIng Numbers und eIIecLs. SwuppIng In und ouL speIIs
oI upproxImuLeIy equuI power sIouId suIIIce. TIe end resuIL Is LIuL no Lwo muges need be uL uII
uIIke, even II LIey boLI IoIIow LIe sume ore.

As New Spells to Iind und Leurn

Journeymun wIzurds guIn uccess Lo uII Len speIIs oI LIeIr cIosen ore wIen LIey guIn LIe Arcune
ore TuIenL, buL LIIs Is noL LIe IImIL oI LIeIr ubIIILIes. By spendIng 1oo XP on LIe ExLru SpeII
TuIenL (see beIow) LIey muy Ieurn uny oLIer speII LIuL Is purL oI LIeIr ore. SuId speIIs muy be
Iound In LIe IIbrurIes oI LIe MugIcuI CoIIeges, In LIe Iunds oI wurIocks und durk mugIsLers, In
uncIenL Lomes or Lroves, IosL Lo LIe worId Ior ueons, or unywIere eIse you mIgIL ImugIne. By
spendIng XP on speIIs ruLIer LIun uscendIng Lo become u WIzurd ord, wIzurds become Iur more
generuIIy useIuI ruLIer LIun specIIIcuIIy Iocussed, provIdIng new opLIons Ior wIzurd pIuyers.

As A Wuy oI Increusing Mugicul Power und Vuriety

Some GMs und pIuyers muy IeeI LIuL Len speIIs Is noL suIIIcIenL Ior wIzurds In LIeIr gume, wIsIIng
LIem Lo be more IIexIbIe und powerIuI so LIuL mugIc muy pIuy u greuLer roIe. GMs muy seIecL
speIIs Irom LIe MedIuI IIsL (und LIe MysLIcuI II you own Reclms oj Sorcer) und udd LIem Lo LIe
EIemenLuI IIsL. NoLe LIuL GMs sIouId be very cureIuI In doIng LIIs, und sIouId onIy udd u Iew
speIIs. AddIng more wIII muke wIzurds exLremeIy powerIuI und muy unbuIunce your gume.

New Tulent: Ixtru Spell

escription: Your deeper sLudIes InLo your Arcune ore gIve you LIe ubIIILy Lo cusL u speII noL on
your SpeII IsL. ExLru SpeII Is unusuuI In LIuL IL Is noL one LuIenL buL muny, und eucI musL be
ucquIred IndIvIduuIIy. EucI ExLru SpeII TuIenL gIves uccess Lo u sIngIe speII, noLed In purenLIesIs,
sucI us ExLru SpeII (TIe MeLuI Mended), Ior exumpIe. TIIs speII musL come Irom your Arcune
ore, so you musL Iuve un Arcune ore beIore you cun guIn LIIs LuIenL.

orution und Runge
To muke IIndIng uII LIe InIormuLIon eusIer In speII descrIpLIons, The Etceteronomicon udds Lwo
exLru IInes Lo LIe speII enLrIes-duruLIon und runge. TIese wIII uIso IeuLure In IuLure WRP
EnLrIes IncIude uII oI LIe IoIIowIng.

Instunt: TIIs enLry IndIcuLes LIuL LIe speII does noL Iuve u duruLIon und LIuL ILs eIIecLs ure
resoIved ImmedIuLeIy.
1 hoor[minote[roond: TIe speII IusLs Ior one Iour, mInuLe or round.
1 hoor[minote or triggered: TIe speII IusLs Ior 1 mInuLe (6 rounds) or unLII LIe cIrcumsLunces
oI LIe speII`s eIIecL ure LrIggered, wIIcIever occurs IIrsL. or exumpIe, u speII mIgIL gIve you LIe
ubIIILy Lo re-roII IuIIed SLrengLI TesLs. AL uny poInL wILIIn LIe speII`s duruLIon LIuL you re-roII u
SLrengLI TesL, LIe speII Is dIscIurged.
See description: TIe speII Ius u specIuI duruLIon us descrIbed In LIe LexL.
Time[Mugic: TIe speII IusLs u number oI rounds, mInuLes, or Iours per poInL oI your MugIc
Triggered: TIe speII remuIns In eIIecL unLII u specIIIc cIrcumsLunce LrIggers IL. You guIn no
beneIIL Irom cusLIng sucI speIIs muILIpIe LImes.
Yoo: TIe speII muy be cusL onIy on yourseII.
Tooch: You musL LoucI u LurgeL Ior LIe speII Lo Luke eIIecL.
Tooch {yoo): As LoucI, buL you muy uIso cusL LIe speII on yourseII.
Yurds {sqoures): TIe speII Ius u runge meusured In yurds.
See description: TIe speII Ius u specIuI runge us descrIbed In LIe LexL.

OrIgInuI deu und TexL: SLeve DurIIngLon
SpeIIs DesIgned, ReIIned und PIuyLesLed By: SLeve DurIIngLon, Dun WIILe, GureLI WIIIcock und LIe murveIIous guys on LIe
BIuck ndusLrIes ConLrIbuLor orum
AILen LIe Seer CreuLed By SLeve DurIIngLon
Ed by CIrIs Prumus
OrIgInuI WRP DesIgn by JIm Bumbru, Grueme DuvIs, PIII GuIIugIer, RIcIurd HuIIIweII und RIck PrIesLIy
ReuIms oI Sorcery by TS uIkurL, CIrIs Prumus, JeII TIdbuII, RoberL J ScIwuIb und MurIjun von SLuuIer
SmuII BuL VIcIous Dog by Hebu
CIeck ouL Ior more sLuII by SLeve.
WurIummer unLusy RoIepIuy, LIe WurIummer unLusy RoIepIuy Iogo, WRP, CIuos, TzeenLcI, WurIummer, und uII ussocIuLed murks,
numes, ruces, ruce InsIgnIu, cIurucLers, veIIcIes, IocuLIons, unILs, urLeIucLs, IIIusLruLIons und Imuges Irom LIe WurIummer worId ure eILIer
, TM undJor CopyrIgIL Gumes WorksIop Ld zooo-zoo6, vurIubIy regIsLered In LIe UK und oLIer counLrIes uround LIe worId. Used
wILIouL permIssIon. No cIuIIenge Lo LIeIr sLuLus Is InLended. AII RIgILs Reserved Lo LIeIr respecLIve owners.
No beurs were Iurmed In LIe mukIng oI LIIs suppIemenL.

The Mediul Lores

Iire LiIe euth
BIoodIIre Arms oI LIe oresL CIurge LIe BIuck GuLe
TIe CupLIvuLIng Iume Bend wILI LIe WInd DeuLImusk
gnILe DrIILwood DeuLI WIsI
KIndred oI LIe HeurLI our Seusons In One Duy GIImpse LIe DepurLed
eupIng Iumes GIyrun ReveuIed GrIm HurvesL
OII und WuLer HuIe und HeurLy Nume LIe BIude
PussIon Reborn IIeIorce OnIy LIe CouIs
PussIon Unbound SLrengLI oI LIe EurLI SIyIsI Uncovered
SLoveskIn WInd`s WIIsper SLIIIbIood
Tume LIe Drugon TIe Wood Reborn TusLe oI DeuLI

The Heuvens Beusts Light
Azyr IIumInuLed TIe BeusL Unbroken Bur LIe GuLe
Broken ConsLeIIuLIon CuII LIe Horde BrIgIL BusLIon
TIe Crowned uLe Eyes oI LIe Puck Duemonwurd
TIe Enemy orseen orm oI LIe ScurryIng RodenL DrIvIng nLenL
uLe`s WIIsper orm oI LIe SIIppery IsI EnIIgILenmenL
orLuILous ObjecL ury oI LIe MoLIer Beur IIumInuLe LIe IeId
Mup oI LIe Heuvens GIorIous TrunsIormuLIon nIusIon oI IgIL
See LIe OncomIng BIow osL Cub PerIecL CompreIensIon
SLurIess NIgIL Musk Spruy PIerce LIe VeII
TIe WILcIIIng SLur WInLer CouL PurILy oI Purpose

Shudow Metul
BIuck Horrors AnuLomIcuI EvuIuuLIon
BIur LIe muge Armour oI TIn
Deep PockeLs Ind LIe Weukness
uce oI LIe SLrunger Guurd oI GoId
uIse PromIse TIe KnoL UnLIed
PIunLom oe TIe uw oI IuId
SIudowbrIdge MeLuI or IesI
SIudowIound TIe MeLuI Mended
SIudowIeup TrunsmuLuLIon oI IuId
WunderIng SIudow UndersLund LIe MecIunIsm

The Lore oI Iire

Aqsh, the Wind oj Pcssion, the Iire Without cnd the Iire Within. Dpposed b Cold Metcl
until the Metcl brecls, cs Loic shcpes Pcssion, but Pcssion ccn neter trul be bound.
Destroer oj Lije, et clso the spcrl uhich leeps the Lije burnin uithin us. Iire is pcrt oj
our ncture, inside cnd out. Ior better or uorse, the Iire Wizcrd is the iconic imce jixed
upon the minds oj the Empire citizen uhen he imcines those uho uorl mcic. This is no
doubt beccuse the Iire Wizcrds cre so jlcmbocnt cnd so explosite, in tempercment cnd
results. ut one uonders ij it is clso beccuse Pcssion is so much c pcrt oj our humcn ncture,
cnd deep doun, eter mcn jeels linship to these uizcrds cnd the Wind the commcnd, jcr
more thcn the do to cn other.
- Alten the Seer

Custing Nomber: 1;
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: 1 mInuLe per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: You
Ingredient: TIe Iund oI u mun burned Lo deuLI (+)
escription: TIe bIood InsIde your veIns becomes pyropIorIc. WIen your enemIes InIIIcL
dumuge upon you, IIre Ieups Irom LIe wound. You Luke one exLru poInL oI dumuge yourseII, und
uny udjucenL opponenL musL muke un AgIIILy TesL or suIIer u Dumuge Ire uLLuck LIuL Ignores

The Cuptivuting Ilume

Custing Nomber: 1
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: 1 round per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: zq yurds (1z squures)
Ingredient: A buII oI SuIpIur on u cIuIn (+1)
escription: TIe brIgIL mugIsLer cun cusL LIIs speII uL uny IIre source wILIIn runge LIuL Ie cun
see. Once LIe speII Ius been cusL, LurgeLs IookIng InLo LIe IIumes musL muke u WIII Power TesL or
sLure InLenLIy uL LIe IIre, LIe duncIng IIumes cupLIvuLIng uII LIeIr uLLenLIon. VIcLIms ure consIdered
sLunned und deIenceIess Ior LIuL LIme, buL wIII deIend LIemseIves once LIey ure uLLucked (und wIII
noL uguIn be cupLIvuLed by LIe IIumes). TIe speII cun uIIecL u muxImum oI one LurgeL per poInL oI
LIe wIzurd`s mugIc cIurucLerIsLIc, buL LIe sIze oI LIe IIre IImILs LIIs uIso. A LorcI or IunLern cun
onIy cupLIvuLe one LurgeL, wIIIsL u bruzIer or smuII IIre cun uIIecL up Lo Lwo LurgeLs. urger IIres
Iuve no IImILuLIons.


Custing Nomber: 8
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: nsLunL
Runge: q8 yurds (zq squures)
Ingredient: A buII oI wux (+1)
escription: TIe cusLer poInLs Lo one IIummubIe ILem or muLerIuI or one IummubIe creuLure
LIuL Ie cun see, wILIIn LIe speII`s runge. TIe LurgeL IgnILes, und Is quIckIy enguIIed In IIume. I u
creuLure Is LurgeLed by LIIs speII Ie muy uvoId IL by mukIng u successIuI AgIIILy LesL Lo exLInguIsI
LIe IIrsL Iew spurks. I Ie IuIIs LIIs LesL LIen Ie combusLs, LukIng 1d1o wounds per round wILI no
subLrucLIon Ior eILIer TougIness or urmour. TIe IIre conLInues Lo burn unLII ILs IueI Is exIuusLed,
buL LIe LurgeL creuLure muy uLLempL un AgIIILy LesL (u IuII ucLIon) Lo puL LIe IIumes ouL eucI round.

Kindred oI the Heurth

Custing Nomber: z1
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: 1 round per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: ToucI
Ingredient: TIe bIrLI Iood Irom u new-born buby (+)
escription: WIen cusLIng LIIs speII, LIe BrIgIL muge pIuces IIs Iunds In u IIre wIIcI musL be
LIe sIze oI u cumpIIre or Iurger, LukIng u Dumuge z uLLuck Lo IIs urms wIIcI cunnoL be resIsLed by
urmour. He LIen uses IIs Iunds Lo sIupe u IumunoId IIgure mude oI IIumes, wreuLIed In spurks
und wILI Lwo couI-bIuck eyes. TIe IIgure cuuses eur In unyone wIo sees IL, IncIudIng uIIIes. L
Ius u MovemenL oI und cun emerge Irom LIe IIumes buL muy never move more LIun 1z yurds (6
squures) Irom LIe IIume LIuL guve IL bIrLI. TIe cusLer musL spend IIs enLIre ucLIon eucI round Lo
conLroI LIe creuLure, wIIcI muy onIy Move or ALLuck us ILs ucLIon (boLI oI wIIcI Luke u IuII
round), or spend u round IgnILIng un ILem IL cun reucI. I IL ALLucks, IL uses ILs creuLor`s WIII
Power us ILs Weupon SkIII, und does u Dumuge IIumIng uLLuck II IL IILs.

Leuping Ilumes

Custing Nomber: 8
Custing Time: HuII AcLIon
orution: nsLunL
Runge: zq yurds (1z squures)
Ingredient: A mouLIIuI oI wIne (+1)
escription: You cuuse uny IIre wILIIn
runge Lo suddenIy Ieup up In brIgILness,
IeuL und InLensILy. TIe IIre muy uIso Ieup
up Lo Lwo yurds In one dIrecLIon, even
uguInsL LIe wInd. L wIII seL IIre Lo unyLIIng
IL LoucIes. TIose wIo see LIe IIumes Ieup
musL muke un nLeIIIgence TesL: IuIIure
IndIcuLes LIuL LIey ure surprIsed Ior one

Oil und Wuter

Custing Nomber: 1z
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: 1 Iour per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: ToucI
Ingredient: A Luper LIuL Ius burned Ior LIIrLeen duys (+z)
escription: You cuuse up Lo u guIIon oI wuLer Lo Lurn InLo IIgIIy IIummubIe oII. TIIs muy be
cusL on u recepLucIe or on weL ground, wIere IL covers un ureu Iour yurds squure (Lwo squures by
Lwo squures). TIe oII Is enougI Lo IIII Len IunLerns or LwenLy Iumps. A sIngIe spurk wIII IgnILe LIe
oII (us wIII LIe gnILe speII), cuusIng u Dumuge IIre uLLuck on unyone In conLucL wILI IL.

Pussion Reborn

Custing Nomber: 6
c Lcapig l|aymcs c Lcapig l|aymcs c Lcapig l|aymcs c Lcapig l|aymcs

Ta|c ac maat||a| a| vic ar at|cr spyrits
a| a |icry orcv a1 v|i|c |a|1ig t|c |iqai1
i yaar maat| say |art| t|c Ia.atia a|
qs|y, a11ig t|c t|c .amma1 ta |cap,
iz Lapias ct Raaris Lapias ct Raaris Lapias ct Raaris Lapias ct Raaris. Va|c t|c yc sigs
a| qs|y vit| t|c t|amocs aatvar1 a1
prapc| t|c vic |ram t|c t|raat ita ar
tavar1s t|c ||aymcs.

pprctiscs ta|c atc: ta1 ta1 ta1 ta1 |ar |ar |ar |ar oa.|' oa.|' oa.|' oa.|'

Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: UnLII LIe nexL IuII moon
Runge: ToucI
Ingredient: A couI Irom u IIre wIIcI Ius burned uII nIgIL. (+1)
escription: I, uL uny prevIous LIme, u pussIon exIsLed (or even wuvered) beLween LIe Lwo
peopIe you LoucI wIen cusLIng LIIs speII, LIeIr pussIon reIgnILes us II LIey were new Iovers uII over
uguIn. NoL onIy Is LIIs u quIck cure Lo pcssion unbound, BrIgIL WIzurds uIso use IL Lo muke
LIemseIves popuIur In Lowns wIIcI mIgIL oLIerwIse be IosLIIe Lo LIe person bIowIng up LIeIr
buIIdIngs. You cunnoL cusL PussIon Reborn on yourseII.

Pussion Lnboond

Custing Nomber: 1
Custing Time: z IuII ucLIons
orution: 1o mInuLes per MugIc cIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: ToucI
Ingredient: A drop oI bIood Irom u cIuemeIeoIeecI (+z)
escription: WIen LIe subjecL Is LoucIed, Ie IuIIs mudIy In Iove wILI LIe nexL IIvIng LIIng Ie
sees, be IL mun, womun, or donkey. or LIe duruLIon oI LIe speII, Ie ucLs us II suIIerIng Irom LIe
osL HeurL DIsorder Lowurds LIe IndIvIduuI or LIIng In quesLIon. WIen LIe speII Iudes, LIe vIcLIm
remembers IIs encIunLmenL und IIs emoLIons reLurn Lo normuI (und Ie muy reLuIIuLe uguInsL LIe
muge). Young upprenLIces Iuve been known Lo use LIIs speII Lo Lry und geL LIeIr Ieg over, wIIcI Is
wIy very Iew mugIsLers LeucI IL, und speII books conLuInIng IL ure kepL weII under muLLresses.


Custing Nomber: 1q
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: 1 mInuLe (6 rounds)
Runge: You
Ingredient: TIe LuII oI u suIumunder (+z)
escription: TIe cusLer`s skIn becomes red-IoL IIke u IIery sLove. Anyone uLLempLIng Lo gruppIe,
grub or resLruIn LIe wIzurd Lukes u Dumuge q IIre uLLuck, und unIess LIe gruppIer`s skIn Is
proLecLed, musL muke u Hurd (-zo%) TougIness TesL or LIe gruppIe IuIIs. TIe wIzurd cuuses LIe
sume dumuge II Ie gruppIes someone. TIe IeuL wIII noL dumuge unyLIIng worn or currIed wIen
LIe speII Is cusL, buL unyLIIng pIcked up durIng ILs eIIecLs wIII IIkewIse Luke dumuge, und muy bursL
InLo IIume. TIe wIzurd Is noL Immune Lo IIre dumuge Irom oLIer sources wIIIsL LIIs speII Is In
eIIecL, so Ire WIzurds sLuy weII uwuy Irom IIummubIes wIen LIey cusL LIIs speII.

Tume the rugon

Custing Nomber: q
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: nsLunL
Runge: 6 yurds (18 squures)
Ingredient: A sLopper Irom u wIne-vuL (+1)
escription: AILIougI LIe Red WInd crIes ouL Ior LIe IIumes, wILI LIIs speII you cun conLroI uny
IIre, LukIng uwuy LIe burnIng und druwIng IL wILIIn yourseII. Tume LIe Drugon uIIows you Lo
exLInguIsI uny IIume or IIre LIuL Is bonIIre-sIze or smuIIer (IIIIIng one squure or Iess). urger IIres
cun be desLroyed u pIece uL u LIme buL LIe muLerIuIs muy re-IgnILe II IIumes ure neurby. DruwIng
LIe IIre wILIIn mukes LIe cusLer exLremeIy enruged, suIIerIng LIe eIIecLs oI LIe CIoIerIc speII
uguInsL LIe IIrsL LurgeL Ie sees IoIIowIng LIe cusLIng.

The Lore oI LiIe

urnt b Iire, brolen b the suord, crushed b the Il Lord cnd cll his Minions, Lije
cppecrs to be the most jrcile oj cll the Winds. Yet it does uhct no other jorce ccn do: it
holds bccl the hcnd oj Decth itselj. And eten uhen Lije cppecrs cll-consumed b thct
dcrl jorce, neu lije is born ccin. Lije uill Dut, it ccnnot be Denied.
- Alten the Seer

Arms oI the Iorest

Custing Nomber: ;
Custing Time: 1 mInuLe
orution: UnLII LIe nexL sunrIse
Runge: ToucI
Ingredient: A bIrds` nesL (+1)
escription: You LoucI u Lree or oLIer Iurge pIunL, cuusIng ILs bruncIes und LendrIIs Lo bend und
LwIsL, creuLIng u nuLuruI dweIIIng Ior up Lo 1o peopIe. TIIs muy be u Lree-Iouse In LIe Lree ILseII,
or u domed sIeILer on LIe ground or unyLIIng In beLween. TIe sIeILer`s rooI und wuIIs wIII keep
ouL mosL oI LIe ruIn und mosL oI LIe coId (provIdIng u +1o% bonus Lo uII TougIness LesLs uguInsL
LIe eIemenLs Ior LIose wILIIn), und Iuve u TougIness oI q und 6 Wounds Ior LIe purposes oI
IendIng oII un uLLuck. IgILIng u IIre wILIIn LIe Iouse cuuses LIe speII Lo end ImmedIuLeIy, und
muy muke LIe Lree ruLIer cross (noL Lo menLIon LIe wIzurd).

Bend With the Wind

Custing Nomber: 11
Custing Time: HuII AcLIon
orution: 1 mInuLe per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: You
Ingredient: A sLIck oI wIIIow (+z)
escription: Your spIne becomes us suppIe us LIe bruncI oI u wIIIow Lree. As u resuIL, you guIn
LIe ConLorLIonIsL und SwusIbuckIIng TuIenLs Ior LIe duruLIon oI LIe speII. You muy uIso reduce
uII Dumuge cuused uguInsL you Irom IuIIIng, crusIIng or oLIer ImpucLs by poInLs beIore uppIyIng


Custing Nomber: 1
Custing Time: HuII AcLIon
orution: One Iour
Runge: ToucI (You)
Ingredient: A pIece oI drIILwood (+1)
escription: Upon cusLIng LIIs speII, LIe IIesI oI one cIurucLer or creuLure becomes us buoyunL
us drIILwood. TIey guIn +o% Lo uII SwIm TesLs und cunnoL drown Irom IuIIIng sucI u LesL, us
LIey sImpIy bob buck Lo LIe surIuce. Anyone LryIng Lo IoId someone under LIe eIIecL oI LIIs speII
under wuLer suIIers -zo% Lo IIs SLrengLI TesLs Lo do so.

Ioor Seusons in One uy

Custing Nomber: q
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: 1 mInuLe per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: ToucI
Ingredients: A penduIum (+1)
escription: TIe LurgeL oI LIIs speII musL succeed on u CIuIIengIng (-1o%) WIII Power TesL or go
LIrougI LIe greuL cycIe oI LIe yeurs, IeeIIng IIrsL LIe brIgILness oI sprIng, LIen LIe IIre oI summer,
LIe sudness oI uuLumn und LIe cIIII doom oI wInLer. or LIe duruLIon oI LIe speII, Ie beIuves us II
suIIerIng Irom LIe WIeeI oI Dreud und PIeusure dIsorder, movIng LIrougI boLI exLremes wIIIe
LIe speII IusL (begInnIng wILI PIeusure und cIungIng over Lo Dreud upproxImuLeIy IuIIwuy
LIrougI LIe DuruLIon). TIIs wIII cuuse LIose uround IIm Lo consIder IIm unbuIunced und
possIbIy dungerous (-zo% Lo uny CIurm TesLs LIe subjecL mukes durIng or subsequenLIy). I
IurLIer InsLunces oI LIIs speII ure cusL on LIe sume person durIng LIe sume duy, LIe vIcLIm guIns u
+1o% Lo IIs WIII Power TesL Lo resIsL wILI eucI subsequenL cusLIng.

Ghyrun Reveuled

Custing Nomber: 1
Custing Time: z uII AcLIons
orution: 1 round per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: You
Ingredient: A sunIIower (In summer) or un edeIweIss (In wInLer) (+z)
escription: or LIe duruLIon oI LIe speII, you cun sense uII LIe IIvIng LIIngs uround you, wILIIn
1z yurds (6 squures). You cun dIsLInguIsI beLween pIunL, unImuI und dIIIerenL ruces, buL noLIIng
more. You cun sense LIrougI wuIIs oI wood, buL wuIIs oI sLone requIre u CIunneIIIng TesL. WuIIs
oI meLuI or mugIcuI sIIeIdIng cunnoL be pIerced.

Hule und Heurty

Custing Nomber: 8
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: One Iour per MugIc CIurucLerIsL
Runge: ToucI (You)
Ingredient: A buddIng IIower (+1)
escription: or LIe nexL duy, LIe cIurucLer you LoucI guIns +1o% Lo uII TougIness LesLs Lo
resIsL dIseuse or poIson. TIIs bonus uIso uppIIes Lo Consume AIcoIoI LesLs. A cIurucLer cun onIy
be under LIe eIIecL oI one cusLIng oI LIIs speII uL uny LIme.

LiIe Iorce

Custing Nomber: 11
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: TrIggered
Runge: ToucI
Ingredient: A IeuI Irom un evergreen Lree (+z)
escription: TIIs speII Is cusL on someone wIo Is ubouL Lo muke u TougIness cIeck IoIIowIng u
CrILIcuI HIL Lo see II Ie wIII reLuIn LIe dumuged IImb. nIusIng LIe IImb wILI IIIe, LIe subjecL
receIves +zo% Lo LIIs TesL, us II Ie Iud jusL receIved surgery.


Strength oI the Iurth

Custing Nomber: 16
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: 1 round per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: You
Ingredient: A pIece oI peuL, burIed underground Ior more LIun u cenLury (+z)
escription: TIIs speII cun onIy be cusL on bure eurLI, und In bure IeeL. TIe cusLer bInds IImseII
Lo LIe eurLI, druwIng Irom ILs greuL sLrengLI. WIIIe Ie remuIns In LIuL posILIon und LIe speII
persIsLs, Ie guIns +1o% Lo IIs SLrengLI und TougIness CIurucLerIsLIcs. He uIso guIns u IurLIer
+zo% (Ior u LoLuI oI +o%) Lo uny SLrengLI LesLs mude Lo uvoId beIng knocked down, Ior Ie Is
purLIy rooLed Lo LIe spoL. I Ie Is moved or moves Ior uny reuson, LIe speII ends InsLunLIy.

Wind's Whisper

Custing Nomber: 1
Custing Time: 1 mInuLe
orution: 1o mInuLes per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: You
Ingredient: A sIeuI oI corn or muIze (+z)
escription: or LIe duruLIon oI LIIs speII, your voIce wIII curry over Iuge dIsLunces, propeIIed
by LIe wInd. RegurdIess oI voIume, unyLIIng you suy cun be Ieurd cIeurIy by unyone wILIIn IIve
Iundred yurds (wIeLIer you wIsI LIem Lo or noL). WIIspers wIII be Ieurd us wIIspers, und
sIouLs us sIouLs, buL LIey sound us II you ure sLundIng jusL u Iew IeeL uwuy.

The Wood Reborn

Custing Nomber: 1;
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: 1o mInuLes per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: zq yurds (1z squures)
Ingredient: A seed Irom u Lree oI ALIeI oren (+z)
escription: Any wooden objecL you LoucI becomes us soIL us u newIy grown LwIg. L reLuIns ILs
sIze und sIupe buL muy no Ionger supporL weIgIL. Wood-IuILed weupons (cIubs, IuIberds,
Iummers, muces und more) become unusubIe. Doors muy be pusIed uround Iocks, cIuIrs und
LubIes wIII no Ionger IoId weIgIL und wooden prIson burs muy be benL eusIIy Lo escupe.

"7u gzicn i ncz nuq i I ucc zui pnzu, ;z nuq i zu Vin ucc 7ur i nc
uci in zui Arz, zu Vin nr zur nn zuq nill ; , [cr gcc cr [cr ill, ;q zuc nuc nn.
7u cnlq uci, zun, i ucn zuq nill ; : nizu iiplin, cr nizu inin Vizu nzicn
cr nrln Vizu zu crng zc [n zu [rq c[ zu un[cr Vcrl zunz li ;qcn zu
;il, cr zu ziiizq zc zrn [rc ucrrcr n niu n ncl un; n;r n, c n cl rnin
n[ nn pn[l in cr igncrnn ]c I zr} nizu ]ncn [ in. Fz zu ncn nr
zur rgnrl c[ nn in, nn ncl n} rrq nizu nll zuc zuq nn rnu. 7u
ninr zp inzc zu ;rnu nn ;nr zu ]ncn nrnzu [irz nn [crcz, [cr zc [in n nnq
zc ucl ui ;n}. 7unz i q zn}, zunz i q nlling, zunz i q nr zq - zc lcc} nur
ncn nr zc lcc}, zc nunz ;z cnlq n nn , nn zc ncz zrn nnnq nz zu iguz. 7c nll
n urzi cr nn nq [cr zunz i ncz jz igncrnnz, ;z inlzing.
- AILen LIe Seer

The Lore oI euth

Not the Decd - it is Morr uho is Mcster oj the Depcrted - but Decth itselj. The moment,
the cct, the precise second oj ultimcte endin, uhen cll thct is to be, thct could be, is
suddenl jorced into uhct uill neter be. Enem oj Lije, Keeper oj Secrets, Ender oj
Illusions, Dejecter oj Strije cnd Nemesis oj 1o, Decth is the cnsuer to cll questions, eten
those ue uish neter to csl. Decth is perhcps the onl jixed point in this entire uorld cnd
cll the spheres cbout it, cnd to be Mcster oj thct is uhct mcles the Lore so jecrsome, cnd
its prcctitioners so unlile cll other men. I jecr them, cnd I clso pit them, jor to duell in
certcint is to put c lnije in the hecrt oj uonder.
- Alten the Seer

Churge the Bluck Gute

Custing Nomber:
Custing Time: 1 uII AcLIon
orution: 1 Iour per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: You
Ingredient: A gruve murker beurIng your nume (+1)
escription: Upon cusLIng LIIs speII, you become uncIenL In un InsLunL, ugIng upproxImuLeIy
LwenLy or LIIrLy yeurs us LIe speII Is cusL. TIIs Is noL un IIIusIon, und you suIIer u -1o% penuILy Lo
your Weupon SkIII, BuIIIsLIc SkIII und AgIIILy us u resuIL, und your MovemenL drops by 1. AILIougI
mosLIy used Lo gIve upprenLIces u LusLe oI LIe Iorce LIey uLLempL Lo musLer, IL does Iuve oLIer uses.
or exumpIe, IL mukes u greuL dIsguIse, uddIng +zo% Lo upproprIuLe DIsguIse TesLs. You muy
become young uguIn uL uny LIme.


Custing Nomber:
Custing Time: z uII Rounds
orution: 1 Iour per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: ToucI
Ingredient: A deuLI musk (+1)
escription: A corpse you LoucI Is Irozen uL LIe
momenL oI ILs deuLI - bIood does noL IIusI Irom
ILs IeuLures, ILs IIesI remuIns wurm, ILs wounds
ceuse Lo bIeed und (us Iong us ILs wounds ure IIdden) IL uppeurs Lo uII LIe worId us II LIe IndIvIduuI
Is sImpIy usIeep. TIIs Is oILen used Ior IuneruIs oI greuL wIzurds, buL IL cun uIso be useIuI Ior
IIdIng u body. TIIs cunnoL sLop or sIow LIe LurgeL`s deuLI In uny wuy.


Custing Nomber: 1z
Custing Time: 1 uII AcLIon
orution: 1 mInuLe (6 rounds)
Runge: zq yurds (1z squures)
Ingredient: A Iungmun`s noose LIuL Ius kIIIed LweIve men (+z)
escription: TIe LurgeL you nomInuLe musL muke u WIII Power TesL. uIIure meuns Ie decIdes
LIuL LIIs Is IIs IusL buLLIe, und IIgILs wILIouL concern Ior IIs own IIIe. He cunnoL Dodge or purry,
Bc \arc Bc \arc Bc \arc Bc \arc1'' 1'' 1'' 1'' Nat a|| v|a spca| |ram
t|c Oar1cs a| Varr vi|| 1a sa vit|
|acst tagacs, a1 t|cy |agcr |ar
t|c ||cs| a| t|c |iig. T|at v|i.| is
1ca1 mast ctcra||y |ic sa, a1 ccr
rctar ta va|| t|c var|1 acv.

muy noL curry u sIIeId, muy noL IIee or reLreuL und musL move Lo uLLuck combuLunLs wIIIe uny
enemIes remuIn. WIere possIbIe, uII uLLucks musL be uII-ouL uLLucks, cIurge uLLucks or swIIL

Glimpse oI the epurted

Custing Nomber: 1
Custing Time: 1o mInuLes
orution: nsLunL
Runge: You
Ingredient: SomeLIIng beIongIng Lo LIe deceused (+z)
escription: By concenLruLIng on LIe Shish WInds surroundIng u corpse, LIe cusLer wIII see un
Imuge oI LIe deceused`s Iuce, und dIscover IIs nume. Anyone wILI PerIormer (ArLIsL) cun LIen
muke un uccuruLe skeLcI oI LIIs Iuce. AmeLIysL WIzurds use LIIs Lo IdenLIIy deud nobIes uILer
buLLIe, purLIcuIurIy wIen LIe corpses ure Iong-decuyed, or burnL by buIe-IIre. or every yeur sInce
LIe deuLI occurred, LIe CusLIng Number Increuses by 1. Once u depurLed IndIvIduuI Ius been
GIImpsed, Ie muy never be LurgeLed by LIIs speII uguIn.

Grim Hurvest

Custing Nomber: 11
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: 1 round per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: See DescrIpLIon
Ingredient: A pIece oI crumbIed IeudsLone (+z)
escription: WILI LIIs speII, LIe AmeLIysL wIzurd creuLes u conduIL oI Shish LIuL connecLs LIe
IIves und deuLIs oI every creuLure uround IIm. Use LIe Iurge LempIuLe, cenLred on LIe cusLer.
WIenever uny creuLure wILIIn LIuL LempIuLe dIes, LIe cusLer IeuIs 1d1oJz wounds oI dumuge. As
uIwuys, LIIs cunnoL Luke LIem ubove LIeIr sLurLIng wounds.

Nume the Blude

Custing Nomber: 18
Custing Time: 1 uII AcLIon
orution: 1 mInuLe (6 rounds)
Runge: ToucI
Ingredient: TIe LooLI oI u vumpIre (+z)
escription: You nume un IndIvIduuI und LoucI u bIude, nomInuLIng LIuL weupon us LIe brInger
oI LIe IndIvIduuI`s deuLI. or LIe duruLIon oI LIe speII, II LIe LurgeL Lukes u CrILIcuI HIL Irom LIe
weupon In quesLIon, Ie musL use LIe Sudden DeuLI CrILIcuI HIL ruIes. TIe nume need noL be LIe
nume LIey were born wILI, buL IL Ius Lo be someLIIng LIey ure known us by muny oLIers. GIvIng
peopIe numes does noL work, nor does LIIs speII work on unImuIs, monsLers or LIIngs wILIouL
numes. TIere Is suId Lo be un even more powerIuI versIon oI LIIs speII known us ncme the dc
buL IL uppeurs IosL Lo unLIquILy.

Only the Couls

Custing Nomber: 16
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: nsLunL
Runge: 1z yurds (6 squures)
Ingredient: A jeweI ground Lo dusL (+z)
escription: WIen cusLIng LIIs speII, LIe cusLer nomInuLes one ILem (no Iurger LIun LwIce LIe
sIze oI LIe wIzurd IImseII) wIIcI uses u resource Lo operuLe or IueI Lo drIve IL. nsLunLIy, uII LIe
presenL IueI Is consumed or dIssIpuLed, und LIe drIvIng Iorce removed or LIe operuLIon rendered
ImpossIbIe. or exumpIe, IIres consume uII LIeIr kIndIIng, Iumps burn LIrougI LIeIr oII, cunnons
run ouL oI powder, pens ure empLy oI Ink und sLeum-wIIsLIes ure suddenIy IuckIng wuLer. or LIe
purposes oI LIIs speII, III-deIIned IueIs sucI us cIockwork, sprIngs und gruvILy do noL counL. TIe
operuLIon oI LIe ILem Is noL cIunged uL uII - u IIre does noL burn IoLLer or brIgILer us LIe IueI Is
consumed. TIIs speII uIso onIy consumes LIe currenL IueI uvuIIubIe. I LIere remuIns u source oI
IIume, new kIndIIng cun cuLcI, und LIere Is noLIIng Lo sLop someone reIoudIng LIeIr pIsLoIs.
BrIgIL MugIsLers IumousIy IuLe LIIs speII, und cusLIng IL neur LIem Is (II you`II purdon LIe pun) u
sure-IIre wuy Lo spurk LIeIr ruge.

Shyish Lncovered

Custing Nomber: 1q
Custing Time: 1 mInuLe
orution: 1 mInuLe per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: You
Ingredient: A sIoveI LIuL Ius dug u dozen gruves (+z)
escription: You become uwure oI uny und uII deuLIs, LIuL Iuve Luken pIuce wILIIn q8 yurds (zq
squures) oI wIere you ure sLundIng, . TIIs ubIIILy exLends Lo uII deuLIs LIuL occurred wILIIn LIe
ureu up Lo one monLI In LIe pusL Ior eucI poInL oI your MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc. You cun deLermIne
LIe number oI deuLIs und LIe specIes or ruce oI LIe deceused buL no oLIer deLuIIs. n specIuI cuses
(upon u buLLIeIIeId wIere LIousunds were sIuugILered, Ior exumpIe), LIe GM muy ImpurL some
exLru InIormuLIon (sucI us LIey dIed In buLLIe).

Still Blood

Custing Nomber: 1o
Custing Time: HuII AcLIon
orution: 1 mInuLe per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: You
Ingredient: A bIude us coId us Ice (+z)
escription: You cuuse LIe bIood In one oI your exLremILIes Lo sLop IIowIng und become LurgId
und bIocked, us II In u corpse. CIoose RIgIL Arm, eIL Arm, RIgIL eg or eIL eg - you cunnoL
cusL LIIs speII on your Ieud! TIe sLIIIed bIood IIow prevenLs uny crILIcuI IIL Lo LIuL IocuLIon Irom
becomIng deudIy. gnore uII LexL on LIe CrILIcuI HIL LubIes wIIcI InsLrucL LIuL uII IurLIer bIows Lo
LIuL ureu sIouId use LIe Sudden DeuLI CrILIcuI HIL RuIes. However, II LIe resuIL ILseII Is deudIy,
you sLIII dIe. You muy sLIII use LIe exLremILy us normuI, buL suIIer sIde eIIecLs us IoIIows wIen LIe
speII concIudes: Arms: -1o% Lo WS. egs: -1 Lo MovemenL. TIese sIde eIIecLs Iude uILer 1d1oJz

Tuste oI euth

Custing Nomber: 1
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: See descrIpLIon
Runge: zq yurds (1z squures)
Ingredient: A deud mouse (+z)
escription: TIe cusLer seIecLs one IndIvIduuI In runge. I LIuL LurgeL IuIIs u WIII Power TesL, Ie
experIences u sense oI IIs own deuLI, und IeeIs LIe sIock oI LIuL upon IIs body. He pusses ouL Ior
1d1o Rounds, or unLII u successIuI HeuI roII Is mude. As Ie beIIeves Ie Ius Luken u crILIcuI IIL, Ie
uIso ImmedIuLeIy guIns un nsunILy PoInL. A LurgeL cun onIy ever guIn one nsunILy PoInL Irom LIe
eIIecLs oI LIIs speII.
The Lore oI the Heuvens

I cm sure m critics uill jind much round in m Aruments here, but ccn there trul be
cn other conclusion cs to the rectest Lore oj cll? Is there cnthin more uondrous cnd
terrible thcn thct uhich is et to be? Whct is Lije, but the bcttle to discoter cnd uhere
possible, control this essence, inch b despercte inch? Whct is Mcic, but the
mcnipulction oj cll thct miht become? The Unlnoun surrounds us cll, cnd onl ue cre
its Mcsters. In this lije, onl one thin's certcint ccn cnsuer the Unlnoun cnd thct is
Decth itselj - cnd us Celesticls ccn certcinl see Icther Morr's cpprocch jrom jcr cjield.
- Alten the Seer

Azyr Illominuted

Custing Nomber:
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: nsLunL
Runge: ToucI
Ingredient: A drop oI quIcksIIver (+1)
escription: You cun Ioresee LIe LurgeL`s Doom (see LIe CIurucLer Puck or Tome oI SuIvuLIon).
UsIng LIIs knowIedge cun provIde u +1o% Lo u subsequenL nLImIduLIon LesL, II upproprIuLe. You
cun uIso see II LIe LurgeL Ius uny Curses cusL upon IIm, or II greuL porLenLs IIe ubouL IIm.

Broken Constellution

Custing Nomber: 18
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: 1 Iour per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: zq yurds (1z squures)
Ingredient: A beIongIng oI LIe LurgeL (+z)
escription: One LurgeL wILIIn runge oI LIe cusLer musL muke u CIuIIengIng (-1o%) WIII Power
LesL or be ubundoned by LIe sLurs Lo suIIer wIuLever crueILIes uLe Ius In sLore. or LIe duruLIon
oI LIe speII, LIe LurgeL muy noL uLIIIse IIs orLune PoInLs Lo re-roII uny IuIIed LesLs (uILIougI Ie
muy sLIII use LIem Ior uII oLIer purposes). TIe LurgeL muy uIso noL use orLune PoInLs Lo re-roII IIs
WIII Power LesL Lo resIsL LIIs speII.

The Crowning Iute

Custing Nomber: zo
Custing Time: 1 mInuLe
orution: nsLunL
Runge: ToucI
Ingredient: A buII oI pure crysLuI (+)
escription: TIe cusLer guIns u momenLury gIImpse oI LIe cIIeI und crownIng IuLe IoverIng over
LIe person LoucIed. TIIs Is LypIcuIIy sIown In LIe Iorm oI u God, u mugIcuI WInd or perIups u
consLeIIuLIon. or exumpIe, u IIgure wILI Morr sLundIng beIInd IIm muy be soon Lo dIe, or soon
Lo experIence deuLI. He muy even work us u gruve dIgger. A IIgure sIown under LIe Drummer
wIII IIkeIy soon be gIven Lo curousIng und IesLIvILIes, u IIgure under RIyu muy soon expecL u cIIId,
or u bumper IurvesL, und so on. TIIs speII Is never wrong buL IL requIres InLerpreLuLIon und LIe
LIme LIuL LIe upproucIIng IuLe wIII urrIve Is noL uIwuys cIeur. TIere ure uIso muny IndIvIduuIs wIo
Iuck u CrownIng uLe uL uny gIven momenL. However, LIIs powerIuI speII Is noL someLIIng LIe
Seers IIke Lo see used IIgILIy (und LIe Gods LIemseIves muy dIsupprove oI LIeIr work beIng spIed
upon), und LIus Is generuIIy reserved Ior LIe rIcI und powerIuI. CeIesLIuI mugIsLers wIo use LIIs
speII IrIvoIousIy ure IeuvIIy punIsIed.

The Inemy Ioreseen

Custing Nomber: 16
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: 1 mInuLe per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: See descrIpLIon
Ingredient: A sIIeId LIuL suved u IIIe In buLLIe (+z)
escription: I, under normuI cIrcumsLunces, wIIIsL LIIs speII Is In eIIecL , un enemy or group oI
enemIes wouId guIn surprIse on LIe wIzurd, LIe wIzurd becomes uwure oI LIIs u number oI rounds
equuI Lo IIs MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc prIor Lo wIen LIe surprIse uLLuck wouId Iuve IuIIen. He muy use
LIIs LIme Lo guIn surprIse Ior IImseII or IIs compunIons.

Iute's Whisper

Custing Nomber: 1
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: nsLunL
Runge: zq yurds (1z squures)
Ingredient: A compuss (+z)
escription: SeIecL u LurgeL, wIIcI musL be u IumunoId. TIe wIzurd muy dIscern LIe unswer Lo
one yes or no quesLIon regurdIng LIe generuI neur IuLure beIuvIour oI LIe LurgeL (ubouL un
Iour). QuesLIons mIgIL IncIude s Ie InLendIng Lo sLeuI someLIIng? or WIII Ie druw u bIude
wIen LIe IIgIL sLurLs? or s Ie ubouL Lo dIe? TIe quesLIon musL InvoIve LIe IuLure (So no Does
Ie Iuve u sword on IIm?) und LIe unswer onIy remuIns Lrue II LIIngs remuIn us LIey ure uL LIe
momenL LIe speII Is cusL. TIe IuLure Is rureIy cIeur, und never IIxed.

Iortoitoos Object

Custing Nomber: 1
Custing Time: 1 mInuLe
orution: UnLII LIe nexL sunrIse
Runge: You
Ingredient: A LIreud oI pure sIIk (+z)
escription: I, wIIIe LIe speII Is operuLIng, LIe wIzurd needs u purLIcuIur objecL, Ie muy
dIscover jusL sucI un objecL wILI 1d1o mInuLes oI seurcIIng or expIorIng. TIe objecL musL be no
Iurger LIun u sword, musL be ubIe Lo be currIed by you (o poInLs oI Encumbrunce or Iess), cosL
Iess LIun 1o c, be oI onIy Common CruILsmunsIIp und be reudIIy uvuIIubIe (Common, PIenLIIuI or
AbundunL) In LIe generuI envIronmenL In wIIcI LIe eIIecL Is cuIIed upon. L Is noL u specIIIc
objecL, jusL u generuI one (exumpIe: rope, sword, LorcI, IIInL) und, In LIe process oI IIndIng LIe
new objecL, LIe wIzurd Ioses someLIIng oI LIe sume upproxImuLe weIgIL und sIze (II Ie Iucks
unyLIIng IIke LIIs, LIose cIose Lo IIm Iose LIe objecL InsLeud). TIe speII onIy provIdes one objecL
(or u sIngIe seL oI componenLs) und once cusL, muy noL be cusL uguIn unLII LIe IoIIowIng duy.

Mup oI the Heuvens

Custing Nomber: q
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: UnLII LIe nexL sunrIse, or SpecIuI
Runge: You
Ingredient: A sLur mup (+1)
escription: You guIn +zo% Lo uII NuvIguLIon TesLs us Iong us you cun see LIe sky, even II you
ure In u compIeLeIy unIumIIIur pIuce. Once u successIuI TesL Ius been mude, LIe speII ends.

See the Oncoming Blow
Custing Nomber: 1o
Custing Time: HuII AcLIon
orution: 1 mInuLe per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: You
Ingredient: TIe eye oI un owI (+1)
escription: Once durIng LIe duruLIon oI LIe speII, you muy uLLempL Lo muke u Dodge BIow LesL,
even II you Iuck LIe skIII. I you uIreudy Iuve LIe Dodge BIow SkIII, you guIn un uddILIonuI Dodge
BIow uLLempL Ior one round. TIIs overrIdes LIe normuI IImILuLIon on one Dodge BIow uLLempL per
round. You muy sLIII onIy muke u sIngIe uLLempL Lo purry or dodge uny specIIIc uLLuck.

Sturless Night

Custing Nomber: q
Custing Time: z uII AcLIons
orution: 1 mInuLe per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: See description
Ingredient: A IuIcon`s Iood (+1)
escription: TIe sky ubove un ureu up Lo u Iundred yurds squure grows very durk, us LIe sLurs
grow dIm und LIe moon goes beIInd u cIoud. AII vIsIon-bused PercepLIon LesLs suIIer u -1o%
penuILy II usIng u IIgIL source, rIsIng Lo -o% II usIng sLurIIgIL uIone. TIe speII uIso decreuses LIe
muxImum vIsIon dIsLunce oI IIgIL sources (und NIgIL VIsIon) by q yurds (z squures). TIIs speII
Ius no eIIecL II cusL durIng LIe duy.

The Witchling Stur

Custing Nomber: 16
Custing Time: 1o mInuLes
orution: UnLII LIe nexL sunrIse
Runge: See descrIpLIon
Ingredient: A crucked mIrror (+z)
escription: I cusL uL nIgIL, LIIs speII cuuses LIe WILcIIIng SLur Lo gIow
mucI brIgILer LIun usuuI, und IIIcker wILI un eIdrILcI IIgIL. TIIs Is vIsIbIe
Lo everyone wILIIn one mIIe oI LIe cusLer. As LIIs sLur Is uIwuys ussocIuLed
wILI durk omens und sLrunge mugIc, LIose wIo see IL suIIer u -1o% penuILy
Lo resIsL eur und Terror Ior LIe duruLIon oI LIe speII. TIey uIso suIIer u
sImIIur penuILy Lo resIsL uny nLImIduLIon, BIuLIer or CIurm uLLempLs mude
upon LIem, wIere sucI uLLempLs reIerence LIe sLur`s beIuvIour. CeIesLIuI
WIzurds use LIIs Lo geL peopIe`s uLLenLIon on u wIde scuIe. OI course,
IeurIuI LownsIIps ure uIso Iur more IIkeIy Lo burn wIzurds, or uL IeusL sIum
LIe door In LIeIr Iuce. TIIs speII Ius no eIIecL II cusL durIng LIe duy.


The Lore oI Beusts

Is this mcic? Certcinl mcic is no strcner to uild, untcmed jorces, but ue cre their
mcster, not their student. Mcn's role is to rise cbote the becst, not embrcce them, in
mcic just cs much cs in lecrnin, jcith or morclit. This uild mcic is the most common
oj mcics, the most primitite, the jurtherest jrom the mind oj Mcn. Hence their so-cclled
mcisters hcte no collee, cnd hide in the uoods, cnd hence so mcn Hede Wizcrds cnd
Witches jind themseltes drcun to this besticl Lore. eucre them thouh, jor those uho
ucll uith becsts shcre their rce, cnd their terrible clcus.
- Alten the Seer

The Beust Lnbroken

Custing Nomber: 1z
Custing Time: HuII AcLIon
orution: 1 mInuLe
Runge: ToucI
Ingredient: A broken brIdIe (+z)
escription: You cuuse one domesLIcuLed unImuI Lo reLurn Lo ILs wIId sLuLe, In u IurIous Lemper.
uILIIuI Iounds wIII growI und snup uL LIeIr musLers, Iorses wIII LIrow LIeIr rIders und IeL none
neur LIem, IuIcons wIII noL reLurn Lo LIeIr gIoves und cows und pIgs wIII Lry Lo bursL Irom LIeIr
guLes und run InLo LIe woods. RIders or IundIers musL muke u Hurd (-zo%) TesL on AnImuI Cure,
DrIve or RIde (wIIcIever Is upproprIuLe) Lo prevenL LIe unImuI Irom cuusIng cIuos, dumugIng
properLy or InjurIng peopIe. RIders wIo IuII LIeIr LesLs IuII Lo LIe ground.

Cull the Horde

Custing Nomber: 1;
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: See DescrIpLIon
Runge: See descrIpLIon
Ingredient: A IunLIng Iorn (+z)
escription: TIIs speII cuuses LIe creuLures oI LIe woods Lo come Lo your sIde. Use LIe LubIe
beIow Lo deLermIne Iow muny creuLures urrIve, und Iow muny mInuLes IL Lukes LIem Lo reucI you,
ussumIng you ure cIose Lo LIeIr IubILuL. Use LIe eugIes or woIves coIumn Ior uny oLIer preduLor oI
sImIIur sIze, bIrds oI ruven sIze or smuIIer sIouId use LIe LIIrd coIumn. urge prey unImuIs
IncIude deer, eIk und bour. SmuII prey unImuIs IncIude rubbILs, IedgeIogs, IIeId mIce eLc. or
IunLIng rodenLs IIke voIes, weuseIs und wuLer ruLs, use LIe LIIrd coIumn. TIe creuLures musL be
nuLIve Lo LIe ureu wIere LIIs speII Is cusL, Iound In suIIIcIenL number, und ubIe Lo reucI you wILI
reIuLIve euse. TIIs speII uIso onIy works on wIId creuLures; LIey wIII noL be IosLIIe Lowurds you buL
neILIer wIII LIey do your bIddIng. Use MusLer`s VoIce Ior LIuL.

Culled Creutores
Iugles or Lurge Prey Reptiles, Birds Smull Prey
Roll Time {Minotes) Wolves Animuls or Rodents Animuls
1- z 1 z q 6
q-; z 8
8-1o q q 6 1o

Iyes oI the Puck

Custing Nomber: 11
Custing Time: HuII AcLIon
orution: 1o mInuLes per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: ToucI
Ingredient: A woII peIL (+z)
escription: TIe IndIvIduuI you LoucI wIen cusLIng LIIs speII cun see LIrougI your eyes uL wIII
Ior LIe duruLIon oI LIe speII, no muLLer wIere you ure. or eucI poInL oI LIe cusLer`s MugIc
CIurucLerIsLIc, one uddILIonuI LurgeL muy be uIIecLed. VIewers muy swILcI beLween LIeIr own vIew
und LIuL oI LIe cusLers` uL wIII. However, seeIng LIrougI u wIzurd`s eyes Is dungerous, und II LIIs
speII LrIggers TzeenLcI`s curse, LIe LurgeL(s) musL muke u WIII Power TesL or guIn un nsunILy
PoInL. SpeIIs muy noL be cusL LIrougI LIe wIzurd`s vIsIon, nor does IL provIde IIne oI sIgIL Ior uny
oLIer eIIecLs.

Iorm oI the Scorrying Rodent

Custing Nomber:
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: Up Lo 1 Iour
Runge: You
Ingredient: A rodenL`s LuII (+1)
escription: TIIs speII works exucLIy IIke orm oI LIe SourIng Ruven, onIy you LrunsIorm InLo u
bIuck ruL InsLeud.

-Rut Stutistics-
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Iel
z8% o% 6% 6% q1% 11% 1o% o%
1 z o o 6 o o o

Skills: ConceuImenL, Move SIIenLIy, PercepLIon +zo%
Tulents: Iee!, Keen Senses
Armoor: None
Weupons: Unurmed

Iorm oI the Slippery Iish

Custing Nomber: 1z
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: Up Lo 1 Iour
Runge: You
Ingredient: A IIsI`s Ieud (+z)
escription: TIIs speII works exucLIy IIke orm oI LIe SourIng Ruven, onIy you LrunsIorm InLo u
LrouL (oceun or rIver us upproprIuLe) InsLeud. I you ure noL In wuLer wIen cusLIng LIIs speII, use
LIe SuIIocuLIon ruIes (WIRP, p16)

-Troot Stutistics-
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Iel
1z% o% 8% q% 1% % 8% o%
1 o o 8 o o o

Skills: ConceuImenL, SwIm
Tulents: Escupe ArLIsL, Iee!
Armoor: None
Weupons: Unurmed

Iory oI the Mother Beur

Custing Nomber: 1q
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: 1 mInuLe per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: q8 yurds (zq squures)
Ingredient: A beur peIL (+z)
escription: You cuuse one wIId unImuI Lo uLLuck In
un unnuLuruI IusIIon: wILIouL Ieed Ior ILs survIvuI or
uny wounds IL Lukes, und wILIouL uny reuson. TIe
creuLure wIII uLLuck LIe nexL possIbIe LIreuL IL
encounLers und IIgIL Lo LIe deuLI wILI u LerrIbIe Iury.
L wIII never IIee or reLreuL, muy noL Dodge, und uII ILs
uLLucks musL be uII-ouL uLLucks, cIurge uLLucks or swIIL
uLLucks. As u resuIL oI ILs unnuLuruI beIuvIour, LIe
creuLure guIns LIe UnseLLIIng TuIenL, II IL does noL
uIreudy Iuve IL.

Glorioos TrunsIormution

Custing Nomber: 18
Custing Time: z uII AcLIons
orution: A yeur und u duy
Runge: ToucI
Ingredient: A IeuLIer Irom u bIuck swun (+z)
escription: You LrunsIorm u wIIIIng LurgeL InLo u beuuLIIuI creuLure, wIIcI reveuIs LIe LurgeL`s
good-IeurLed nuLure (or Iowever cIose LIey cun geL). TIe subjecL`s cIurucLerIsLIcs become LIuL oI
LIe creuLure, und LIey Iose uII memory or sense LIuL LIey were once unyLIIng eIse. A wIzurd muy
be ubIe Lo see LIe mugIcuI uuru uround LIem buL Lo everyone eIse LIey wIII uppeur us u normuI
beusL. As u resuIL, beusLs sucI us swuns, IuIcons or IunLIng Iounds ure LypIcuIIy cIosen us LIey
ure proLecLed by LIe nobIe cIusses. TIIs speII Is mosLIy used Lo IIde peopIe, or Lo Iree LIem Irom
some IorrIbIe LwIsL oI IuLe wILIouL LukIng LIeIr IIIe. Muny un Amber WIzurd Ius un eugIe on IIs
sIouIder LIuL beurs LIe nume oI un oId IrIend.

Lost Cob

Custing Nomber: 1q
Custing Time: 1o MInuLes
orution: One Iour per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: You
Ingredient: A pIece oI unImuI dung (+z)
escription: TIIs speII Is normuIIy onIy used wIen un Amber wIzurd Is In LroubIe In LIe wIId.
TIe speII wrups LIe Brown WInd uround LIe cusLer, cuusIng IIm Lo gIve oII LIe smeII und crIes oI u
young, ubundoned creuLure. TIese crIes cun be Ieurd up Lo u mIIe uwuy und wIII summon one
Iurge mummuI (dog or bIgger) LIuL Is In LIe ureu. I LIere ure no upproprIuLe creuLures, LIe speII
IuIIs. Upon IIndIng LIe wIzurd, LIe creuLure wIII LreuL IL us II Is u young oI ILs own specIes, uIbeIL u
very sLrunge-IookIng one. L wIII guIde IL buck Lo ILs IuIr, proLecL IL Irom uLLuckers (II LIey ure LIe
kInd LIey normuIIy proLecL LIeIr cubs uguInsL) und provIde IL wILI wIuL Iood und wuLer IL Ius
uccess Lo (eILIer In ILs IuIr or neur LIe cusLer). L muy uIso IIck wounds cIeun, wIIcI wIII prevenL
LIe spreud oI InIecLIon (see LIe WRP CompunIon). TIIs speII cun uIIecL one uddILIonuI person
per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc oI LIe cusLer, uILIougI curIng Ior Iurge cIuLcIes muy be IurmIuI Lo LIe
unImuI In quesLIon. Once LIe cub Is wurm, suIe und Ied, LIe creuLure wIII IIkeIy wunder oII und
reLurn Lo ILs busIness. TIe beusL does LIe sume wIen LIe speII`s duruLIon Is up, or II LIe wIzurd
cIooses Lo end IL beIore LIen.

Mosk Spruy

Custing Nomber: 1o
Custing Time: HuII AcLIon
orution: nsLunL
Runge: You
Ingredient: A scenL gIund (+1)
escription: By use oI LIIs speII un Amber muge cun sIooL u IouI-smeIIIng spruy oI musk Irom
IIs ouLsLreLcIed Iunds. I sIoL uL u LurgeL, IL Ius u runge oI 6 yurds ( squures) und Is consIdered u
mcic missile. TIe vIcLIm oI LIIs speII wIII smeII sLrongIy oI LIe musk und uny PercepLIon LesLs
mude Lo IocuLe LIe vIcLIm durIng LIe IIIe oI LIe scenL wIII be uL +zo%. An objecL cun uIso be
smeured wILI LIe musk und wIII IIkewIse smeII sLrongIy und be eusIer Lo Lruck down. TIe LIIrd
usuge oI LIIs speII InvoIves LIe cusLer murkIng un ureu no Iurger LIun LIe smuII LempIuLe wILI LIe
musk. TIIs sLrong smeII wIII IndIcuLe Lo IocuI unImuIs LIuL LIe ureu murked Is LIe cusLers LerrILory.
OnIy LIe mosL beIIIgerenL oI preduLory beusLs wIII enLer LIIs ureu Ior LIe duruLIon oI LIe scenL, und
LIey musL succeed on u WIII Power TesL Lo do so. TIe spruy Lukes buL u momenL, buL LIe powerIuI
scenL IIngers Ior one IuII duy Ior eucI poInL oI LIe cusLers mugIc cIurucLerIsLIc. unLusLIc monsLers
ure noL deLerred by LIe musk.

Winter Cout

Custing Nomber: q
Custing Time: HuII AcLIon
orution: 1 Iour per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: You
Ingredient: HuIr Irom u woII (+1)
escription: You grow u LIIck, wooIIy Iuyer oI IuIr over your enLIre body. TIIs proLecLs Irom uII
buL LIe mosL exLreme coId, und uIso IoIds ouL mosL wuLer. You Luke mInImum dumuge Irom
envIronmenLuI condILIons In your couL, Iowever you uIso suIIer u -1o% penuILy Lo uny eIIowsIIp
roIIs becuuse oI your besLIuI uppeurunce.

The Lore oI Light

The hihest oj mortcl mcic, cnd cs such the most pouerjul - cnd the most inhumcn.
Those uho ucll in truth cre not to be trusted, jor uho determines ij the cre true? And
uho ccn see uhct the liht shous ij he is stcndin uithin it? To stcre into such pure truth,
cnd not rejlect bccl the dcrlness requires c hecrt oj such purit jeu ccn imcine. Mcn
oj this Drder possess such c hecrt. Mcn, but not cll.
- Alten the Seer

Bur the Gute

Custing Nomber: 1
Custing Time: HuII AcLIon
orution: 1 mInuLe per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: q8 yurds (zq squures)
Ingredient: A drop oI mercury (+z)
escription: or LIe duruLIon oI LIIs speII, uII DuemonoIogIsLs wILIIn q8 yurds oI LIe cusLer
suIIer u penuILy Lo uII LIeIr speIIcusLIng roIIs equuI Lo your MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc.

Bright Bustion

Custing Nomber: 16
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: 1o mInuLes per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: See descrIpLIon
Ingredient: A poIIsIed sIIver sIIeId (+z)
escription: You creuLe u spIerIcuI sIIeId uround yourseII und oLIers wIIcI none cun peneLruLe.
TIe busLIon cun conLuIn no more LIun your MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc x 6 conLIguous squures, wIIcI
musL be urrunged In u rougIIy cIrcuIur IusIIon. I IL Is cusL In u buIIdIng or encIosed spuce und LIe
ureu wouId exceed LIuL spuce, IL udjusLs Lo IIL LIe spuce. Any creuLure LryIng Lo enLer LIe ureu
musL muke u Hurd (-zo%) WIII Power TesL or be pusIed buckwurds, und suIIer u Dumuge IIL,
resIsLed by TougIness buL noL Armour. Duemons suIIer u Dumuge IIL. TIIs uLLempL muy be
mude eucI round, us Iong us LIe Invuder Ius LIe Wounds Lo spure.


Custing Nomber:
Custing Time: HuII AcLIon
orution: See descrIpLIon
Runge: You
Ingredient: A muIn-guucIe (+1)
escription: Upon cusLIng LIIs speII, und Ior us Iong us you remuIn In LIe sume posILIon
uILerwurds, no duemon muy upproucI wILIIn q yurds (z squures) x your MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc oI
you, unIess IL wIns un Opposed WIII Power TesL wILI LIe cusLer.


riving Intent

Custing Nomber: ;
Custing Time: HuII AcLIon
orution: 1 Iour per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: ToucI (You)
Ingredient: A IodesLone (+1)
escription: WIIIe under LIe eIIecLs oI LIIs speII, LIe LurgeL guIns +zo% Lo IIs WIII Power TesLs
Lo resIsL uII CIurm, BIuLIer und nLImIduLe LesLs, us weII us uII oLIer uLLempLs Lo cIunge LIeIr mInd
or uILer LIeIr purpose - IncIudIng mugIcuI uLLempLs. However, LIe LurgeL muy never IIe or ucL
deceILIuIIy wIIIe LIe speII Is In eIIecL, or IL uuLomuLIcuIIy ends.


Custing Nomber: 1z
Custing Time: 1 mInuLe
orution: 1 mInuLe per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: See descrIpLIon
Ingredient: A Iens (+z)
escription: WIen cusLIng LIIs speII, you muy LoucI u number oI subjecLs up Lo your MugIc
CIurucLerIsLIc. or LIe duruLIon oI LIe speII, you und LIose you LoucI guIn +1o% Lo LIeIr
nLeIIIgence CIurucLerIsLIc Ior LIe purpose oI mukIng roIIs on uny KnowIedge skIIIs or unguuge

Illominute the Iield

Custing Nomber: 1q
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: 1 Iour
Runge: See description
Ingredient: A gurneL worLI uL IeusL o c (+z)
escription: TIIs Is u sIIgILIy more IIexIbIe versIon oI IIumInuLe LIe EdIIIce. You cuuse un ureu
uround you (wIIcI musL be under LIe open sky) Lo sIIne wILI cIeur duyIIgIL. TIe IIgIL rudIuLes
Irom uround you Lo u dIsLunce oI 6 yurds ( squures) LImes your MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc. TIIs IIgIL Is
mugIcuI, buL burns jusL IIke duyIIgIL on vumpIres und creuLures under u sImIIur curse.

InIosion oI Light

Custing Nomber: q
Custing Time: HuII AcLIon
orution: 1 Iour per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: ToucI (You)
Ingredient: A pIece oI quurLz (+1)
escription: One objecL or creuLure you LoucI ucquIres un uImosL bIIndIng wIILe gIow. Any
ConceuImenL uLLempLs mude by LIe LurgeL oI LIIs speII uuLomuLIcuIIy IuIIs. TIe IIgIL provIdes LIe
sIgIL runge oI u smuII IIre, buL cun be spoLLed Irom u dIsLunce us II IL were u bonIIre. L uIso gIows
IIerceIy In LIe AeLIyr. TIe IuLLer meuns LIuL LIe wIzurd cun IocuLe LIe ILem wILI u MugIcuI Sense
TesL even II IL Is IIdden Irom vIew.

PerIect Comprehension

Custing Nomber: 1o
Custing Time: z uII AcLIons
orution: 1 mInuLe per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: You
Ingredient: A wux cundIe bIessed by u prIesL
oI Verenu (+z)
escription: WIIIe under LIe eIIecLs oI LIIs
speII, you undersLund uny Iunguuge or meLIod
oI communIcuLIon, IoreIgn or urcune, spoken
or wrILLen, coded or conIused, us cIeurIy us
possIbIe. Some uncIenL eIvIsI, mugIck or OId
One Longues muy noL LrunsIuLe (GM`s cuII).
You cun onIy compreIend LIe Iunguuge, noL
communIcuLe wILI IL.

Pierce the Veil

Custing Nomber: 8
Custing Time: HuII AcLIon
orution: 1 mInuLe per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: You
Ingredient: TIe wIngs oI u buL (+1)
escription: You cun see In uny durkness or LIrougI unyLIIng LIuL mIgIL obscure your vIsIon
(smoke, mIsL, Iog, IeuL Iuze buL noL InLervenIng objecLs) us perIecLIy us II seeIng LIrougI u cIeur
duyIIgIL sky. n LIe cuse oI mugIcuIIy creuLed durkness (sucI us LIuL oI PuII oI Durkness), you
musL deIeuL LIe cusLer In u WIII Power TesL Lo be ubIe Lo see. WIIIe under LIIs speII, your eyes
sIIne wILI pure wIILe IIgIL, und Iook LerrIbIy eIdrILcI.

Pority oI Porpose

Custing Nomber: zo
Custing Time: A uII AcLIon und u HuII AcLIon
orution: 1 Iour per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: ToucI (You)
Ingredient: A IodesLone (+z)
escription: CIoose u SkIII you possess. You muy uuLomuLIcuIIy succeed on one TesL oI LIIs
SkIII Ior LIe duruLIon oI LIe speII. TIIs onIy works Ior SLundurd TesLs - Opposed TesLs ure noL

Ta|c |art| t|c vas .a1|c, a1 |ig|t it
apa t|c |tar a| arity. T|c say t|csc
|aa| apa ar |carc t|c tcst i qacstia.
C|asc yaar cycs t|c apc t|cm, a1 t|c
var1s vi|| oc .amc .|car ta yaa as t|c
mcaig s|ics t|raag| t|c \y1 a|
lyis|. T|is spc|| mast oc asc1 vit|
Orcat Carc, |ar may vritigs arc
.arsc1 ar .aasc istat ma1css t|c
pri.c a| |carig .a oc grcat'

The Lore oI Shudow

The Lore oj uhct the ees do not see, or cre deceited in seein, oj uhct the mind is
deceited in lnouin, es, these mcisters oj msteries cre close to the hecrts oj the
cstromcncers. Theirs is c hcrsh crt, houeter - hcted b the people, hcted b the Drder oj
Liht, hcted eten, perhcps, b themseltes. Ior the lnou the price oj succumbin to the
pouer oj illusion, in losin themseltes in their oun lies, the dcner oj losin cll rip on
uhct is recl cnd uhct is c drecm, cnd the distcnce themseltes jrom their Lore cs c
result. The mcisters oj shcdou cre, to c mcn, scrupulousl honest cnd bitterl true, cnd
lile cll men uho cre honest cnd true, the cre clso intcricbl unhcpp.
- Alten the Seer

Bluck Horrors

Custing Nomber: 1q
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: 1 Iour per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: zq yurds (1z squures)
Ingredient: A IuIr Irom u vumpIre (+z)
escription: CIoose un ureu oI sIudow wILIIn LIe runge oI LIe speII, no more LIun Iour yurds
squure. TIuL durk spuce seems Lo convoIve wILI IIdeous creuLures oI nIgILmure; unyone
uLLempLIng Lo enLer or cross LIe spuce musL muke u WIII Power TesL, or suIIer LIe eIIecLs oI eur.
I LIey puss LIeIr WIII Power LesL or sIuke oII LIeIr eur, LIey need never LesL uguIn Ior LIuL
cusLIng. Once encIunLed, LIe sIudow becomes mugIcuI und muy noL be dIspeIIed by sImpIy
cIungIng LIe posILIon oI LIe IIgIL source. TIe cusLer Is Immune Lo IIs own BIuck Horrors. Muny
SIudowmuncers cusL LIIs ouLsIde LIeIr doors Lo keep uwuy unwunLed vIsILors.

Blor The Imuge

Custing Nomber: 1
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: 1 mInuLe per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: ToucI
Ingredient: A cuLerpIIIur (+z)
escription: TIIs speII LurgeLs u sIngIe person wILIIn runge. or LIe duruLIon oI LIuL speII, LIe
LurgeL cunnoL dIsLInguIsI u purLIcuIur ILem Irom uny oLIer oI ILs Lype, or uny purLIcuIur IndIvIduuI
Irom uny oLIer oI LIuL ruce. WIen cusL, LIe cusLer numes LIe objecL Lype or ruce oI LIeIr cIoIce.
NoLe LIuL LIe objecL musL be oI LIe Lype specIIIed: you muy muke u mugIc sword uppeur IIke uny
oLIer sword, buL noL IIke uny oLIer uxe. IkewIse you cun muke u Iorged IeLLer oI murque uppeur
exucLIy IIke uII LIose Issued, buL you cunnoL muke u rock or even u bIunk pIece oI puper uppeur Lo
be sucI. Nor cun unyLIIng specIIIc be repIIcuLed: you cunnoL muke someone beIIeve LIuL uII
Iumuns uppeur Lo resembIe unyone wIo Iooks IIke Huns Brunner. TIe LurgeL musL Iuve uIso
seen LIe generuI objecL Lype prevIousIy, und oILen Ior LIe speII Lo work. I LIe LurgeL Ius u Iew
mInuLes Lo exumIne LIe ILem or person, or enguges In uny sIgnIIIcunL InLerucLIon wILI IL, LIey muy
muke un nLeIIIgence TesL Lo see LIrougI LIe gIumour.


eep Pockets

Custing Nomber: 1
Custing Time: A uII AcLIon
orution: 1 Iour per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: ToucI
Ingredient: A bIuck sIIk kercIIeI (+z)
escription: TIIs speII Is cusL on u sIngIe objecL oI o poInLs oI Encumbrunce oI Iess (u sword or
smuIIer). or LIe IengLI oI LIe speII, suId objecL muy be currIed (buL noL IeId) wILIouL uny
ouLwurd sIgn upon LIe currIer. I LIe objecL Is used In uny IusIIon IL InsLunLIy becomes vIsIbIe, buL
oLIerwIse cunnoL be Iound by uny seurcI. A person muy onIy curry one sucI objecL uL uny LIme.
TIIs muy be cusL on u suck oI smuIIer ILems us Iong us LIe LoLuI Encumbrunce musL noL exceed IIILy
poInLs. TIe objecL sLIII Ius weIgIL, und sLIII conLrIbuLes Lo LIe Ioud LIe cIurucLer Is curryIng.

Iuce oI the Strunger

Custing Nomber: 1
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: UnLII LIe nexL sunrIse
Runge: ToucI (You)
Ingredient: An ILem beIongIng Lo LIe LurgeL (+z)
escription: or LIe duruLIon oI LIe speII, LIe LurgeL becomes u sLrunger Lo IIs cIosesL IrIends
und IumIIy, und Lo unyone wIo sees IIm on uL IeusL u duIIy busIs. n u LIny vIIIuge, LIIs couId be
everyone, buL IL wIII noL uIIecL more LIun LIIrLeen peopIe. TIose wIo now do noL know LIe LurgeL
ure noL necessurIIy IosLIIe Lo LIem, buL muy become so wIen LIe cruzed person InsIsLs LIey ure
LIeIr bIood reIuLIve! PresenLIng evIdence LIuL sIows u cIeur pusL reIuLIonsIIp permILs LIe LurgeL`s
ucquuInLunce u WIII Power TesL Lo resIsL LIe speII. Even II LIIs IuIIs, LIe evIdence mukes IL obvIous
LIuL some evII mugIc Ius been worked. TIIs speII Is mosL oILen used us u curse, buL cun uIso be
used Lo prevenL spIes Irom LeIIIng LIeIr musLers wIuL LIey know.

Iulse Promise

Custing Nomber: 8
Custing Time: HuII AcLIon
orution: 1o mInuLes per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: 1z yurds (6 squures)
Ingredient: A puIr oI rose-LInLed specLucIes (+1)
escription: By use oI LIIs speII, LIe cusLer cun cuuse one LurgeL Lo become IIgIIy opLImIsLIc und
see LIe worId und IIs surroundIngs In LIe besL possIbIe IIgIL. He smIIes consLunLIy und Iums
IuppIIy. AII CIurm uLLempLs mude on LIIs LurgeL guIn u +zo% bonus Ior LIe duruLIon oI LIe speII.

Phuntom Ioe

Custing Nomber: 1
Custing Time: HuII AcLIon
orution: 1 round per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc, or SpecIuI
Runge: q8 yurds (zq squures)
Ingredient: A smuII IIrework (+z)
escription: CIoose u LurgeL LukIng purL In or observIng u buLLIe, buL noL In meIee. or LIe
duruLIon oI LIe speII, or unLII Ie Is enguged In meIee combuL, Ie beIIeves Ie cun Ieur und see Ioes
sIooLIng uL IIm Irom LIe exucL opposILe dIrecLIon oI LIe cusLer, und wIII ucL upproprIuLeIy. I Ie Is
IIL by uny mIssIIe uLLucks, Ie muy muke un nLeIIIgence LesL Lo see LIrougI LIe IIIusIon. Success
meuns LIe speII ends.



Custing Nomber: 1o
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: 1 mInuLe per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: 6 yurds ( squures)
Ingredient: A sIIken LIreud (+z)
escription: You creuLe u brIdge no more LIun z yurds (1 squure) ucross und 1z yurds (6
squures) Iong. L cunnoL IIouL, und Is onIy us sLrong us wIuL supporLs IL uL eILIer end. TIe brIdge
muy be dIsmIssed uL wIII. You muy onIy creuLe one SIudowbrIdge uL u LIme.


Custing Nomber: 8
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: TIe nexL sunrIse
Runge: You
Ingredient: A cIIppIng Irom LIe cIuws oI u IuILIIuI Iound (+1)
escription: You cuII IorLI u durk und sIudowy Iound wIo wIII IoIIow your IooLsLeps und obey
your communds. TIe dog Ius LIe sLuLIsLIcs oI u normuI dog (see WRP puge zz), excepL LIuL IL
guIns LIe ConceuImenL SkIII uL +o%, us IL moves soundIessIy wIerever IL goes. TIe dog wIII
nuLuruIIy IoIIow LIe cusLer everywIere. L cun uIso be ordered Lo oIIow u TruII, guurd un objecL or
person or sound un uIurm, buL LIe cusLer musL muke u successIuI AnImuI TruInIng roII Ior
unyLIIng more compIex. TIe dog cun curry up Lo 1oo poInLs oI Encumbrunce und cun move uL
LwIce LIe ruLe oI u normuI dog (M 1z). L vunIsIes uL LIe end oI LIe speII or II IL moves more LIun
q8 yurds (zq squures) uwuy Irom you. Some SIudowmuncers preIer Lo summon SIudowcuLs,
SIudowmonkeys or oLIer, even sLrunger LIIngs.


Custing Nomber: 16
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: nsLunL
Runge: You
Ingredient: SooL Irom u cIImney wIIcI Ius burnL uII nIgIL (+z)
escription: Upon cusLIng LIIs speII, you muy sLep InLo u sIudow no Iess LIun z yurds squure
und LIen reuppeur InsLunLuneousIy In unoLIer sIudow (wIIcI musL be uL IeusL us Iurge) qILIIn
your IIne oI sIgIL und wIIcI Is no more LIun zq yurds x your MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc dIsLunL. TIIs
movemenL Is purL oI LIe speII cusLIng. You cunnoL CIurge or Run LIrougI u SIudowIeup. I Ior
some reuson you cunnoL IIL InLo LIe sIudow oI your desLInuLIon, LIe speII sImpIy IuIIs. As LIIs
speII cusLs your body und mInd InLo LIe WInds oI LIe AeLIyr, you musL muke u CIunneIIIng TesL
upon enLerIng LIe sIudow. uIIure IndIcuLes you become conIused In LrunsIL - roII on LIe
IoIIowIng LubIe Lo see LIe resuILs.

1-z You urrIve upsIde down. You musL spend u IuII ucLIon rIgILIng yourseII
-q You Iund In LIe wrong sIudow - some 1d1o1o yurds uwuy, In u rundom dIrecLIon
-6 You Iose LIme In LIe AeLIyr, urrIvIng 1d1o+z rounds uILer you Ieuve, uILIougI IL seems
InsLunLuneous Lo you
;-8 AII your beIongIngs vunIsI, und you urrIve wILI noLIIng buL LIe cIoLIes on your buck.
q-1o Exposure Lo LIe wIId mugIc oI LIe AeLIyr dumuges your body. You Luke u Dumuge
uLLuck, resIsLed by TougIness buL noL Armour.

n uddILIon, II you ever roII TzeencI`s Curse wIIIe uLLempLIng LIIs speII, you uuLomuLIcuIIy guIn un
nsunILy PoInL us your mInd Is exposed Lo LIe AeLIyr.

Wundering Shudow

Custing Nomber: 1q
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: 1 mInuLe per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: You
Ingredient: A modeI oI LIe cusLer (+z)
escription: TIe cusLer`s sIudow deLucIes Irom IIs body, und cun move IndependenLIy. or LIe
sIudow Lo remuIn, LIere musL be u IIgIL source cupubIe oI cuusIng u sIudow wILIIn q8 yurds oI IL.
DIrecL sunIIgIL und pILcI bIuckness desLroys LIe sIudow. TIe sIudow ucLs us un exLensIon oI LIe
cusLer, und wIuLever IL cun sense cun uIso be InsLunLIy sensed by LIe cusLer. TIe cusLer musL
spend u IuII ucLIon eucI round Lo conLroI LIeIr sIudow, or IL does noLIIng. L moves uL LIe sume
MovemenL ruLe us ILs cusLer, und go unywIere LIuL LIe cusLer cun LIInk Lo send IL, us Iong us LIere
ure suIIIcIenL sIudows Lo supporL IL. L cunnoL be used Lo LurgeL speIIs, nor InLerucL wILI LIe
pIysIcuI worId In uny wuy - IL Ius no subsLunce or soIIdILy. A deLucIed sIudow Is u wIoIIy
unnuLuruI LIIng und cuuses eur In unyone wIo sees IL. You muy onIy Iuve one deLucIed sIudow
uL u LIme, und wIIIe LIe speII Is operuLIng, you cusL no sIudow yourseII.

"]c ncz zuin}, zun, zunz zu Vin xiz in iclnzicn, [cr in ;czu zuir rnzicn nn zuir zuq nu in
zrn n[[z zu czur. 7ur i cnlq c u c[ zui ncrl zc nzu zu, nn zu Vin nr, in n n,
cpzing zc nzr zunz liiz pn. Jnu zcc, un [cil, zuc Vin zc nuiu iz i nnnzun, zu Vin
zunz ucn iz nn zu Vin iz ucn. 7c q q, zur i n grnz Vul ncngz zu Vin - [ig xii -
nizu nu zrning zcnnr iz prq.

!nzrnllq, zu Vin c[ [iguz zrcq ,uncn, iz pr }ncnlg xplling zu nr}n nn zu rz iz
ui. Fz ,uncn in zrn zrcq zu rzninzq c[ Jznl, zu qzri c[ zu n}ncnn cn[cning zu
pr lcgi nn rncn c[ zu [llcn Vin. 7u [cr c[ lcgi prq pcn zu [cr c[ )ir, [cr iz i pnicn nn i
u cnlq ;q lcgi, jz n cnlq ircn nq ucl ;n} zu [ln. 7u )ir zun ;cr [i[, zrzicn
nzing rnzicn. [i[ n;ucr ]nzu, nn zu rzninzq nn [nznli c[ ]nzu rjz zu liizl
pci;ilizi c[ zu +n;n. An zu pn[l +n;n prn zu Vil Fnz, nn zu Fnz nr c nil
zuq zrcq zu pr[z prizq c[ [iguz. An c zu Vul zrn, cn n[zr zu czur, n n nn} nzing iz
cnn znil. Jnu Vin nn}n ;q iz prnzcr nn zrngzun ;q iz prq, znizing in n zi zc }p iz
cnn pcnr in u}, pinning cnnnr nizu zu ruqzu c[ nll xizn, nn nlnnq znirling, znirling,
znirling zcnnr zu grnz Jnlzrc c[ zu Jl;n jnrni.
- AILen LIe Seer

The Lore oI Metul

Iron cnd Steel: the dejine our Empire, our ter uc oj lije. The Lore oj Metcl is oj thct
spirit, oj the buildin blocls oj our societ cnd its edijices, oj the essence oj the mind cnd
the uill it hcs to crecte, cnd the uorld it does cnd uill crecte. Liht is the hihest oj
mcics, cnd Hectens the rectest, but perhcps Metcl is the hihest crt oj mcn, brinin
toether cs it does, cll our Art uith cll oj the uorld oj Ncturcl Science cnd Phenomenc?
Eten uithout the mcchinctions oj oun Mcister Gelt, I jeel thct Metcl is the Lore oj our
times, cnd Chcmon the Wind oj our juture. I hecr it echo in the ccnnon's rocr, cnd see it
spcrl in the lihtnin touer, cnd in the blcclsmiths it is not just neu uecpons thct cre
bein jored, but c brcte neu uorld.
- Alten the Seer

Anutomicul Ivuloution

Custing Nomber: 8
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: nsLunL
Runge: zq yurds (1z squures)
Ingredient: A puIr oI cuIIIpers (+1)
escription: By meuns oI LIIs speII, LIe GoId wIzurd runs IIs prucLIsed eye over u sIngIe LurgeL
wILIIn runge, quIckIy compuLIng ILs proporLIons und uLLrIbuLes II Ie succeeds uL un nLeIIIgence
cIeck. I LIIs cIeck Is pussed, LIe cusLer cun deLermIne LIe LurgeL`s currenL sLuLe oI IeuILI, ILs
sLrongesL pIysIcuI uLLrIbuLe und ILs SIuugILer MurgIn. n LIe cuse oI monsLers, II Ie mukes LIe
nLeIIIgence LesL by Lwo degrees or more, Ie uIso guIns IInLs oI uny one specIuI ubIIILy (or TruIL) IL
muy possess, II uny (eg wuII-cIImbIng, breuLI weupon, poIson). TIIs InIormuLIon muy provIde u
+1o% bonus Lo uny AcudemIc KnowIedge (SLruLegyJTucLIcs) roIIs mude regurdIng IIgILIng LIe
LurgeL. (GM`s cuII). WIIIe cusLIng LIIs speII, LIe GoId wIzurd IIxes LIe LurgeL In IIs guze und mukes
meusuremenLs In LIe uIr wILI IIs Iunds.

Armoor oI Tin

Custing Nomber: 1q
Custing Time: uII AcLIon
orution: 1 mInuLe
Runge: q8 yurds (zq squures)
Ingredient: A LIn soIdIer (+z)
escription: You cuuse LIe urmour oI u group oI enemIes wILIIn runge Lo become soIL, suppIe
und IIImsy. Use LIe Iurge LempIuLe. TIose In LIe ureu oI eIIecL wIo ure weurIng meLuI urmour
Iuve LIe Armour PoInLs provIded by suId urmour Is Iowered by Lwo In eucI IocuLIon (mInImum
zero). So u person weurIng uII PIuLe (AP ) wIII Iuve Armour PoInLs InsLeud. TIIs speII Ius no
eIIecL on non-meLuIIIc urmour. I usIng LIe BusIc Armour sysLem, Heuvy Armour sIouId be
LreuLed us MedIum, und MedIum us IgIL.

Iind the Weukness

Custing Nomber: 8
Custing Time: HuII AcLIon
orution: 1 round per MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc
Runge: ToucI (You)
Ingredient: A rusLed IInge (+1)
escription: TIe LurgeL oI LIIs speII becomes experL In IIndIng LIe weuknesses In IIs enemy`s
deIences. or LIe duruLIon, Ie guIns +zo% Lo IIs WS or BS wIen usIng LIe AIm ucLIon, InsLeud oI
+1o%. I LIe LurgeL uIso Ius SIurpsIooLer or ocussed SLrIke (see Niht's Dcrl Mcsters), LIe
bonus rIses Lo +o% Ior LIe upproprIuLe uLLucks. You cun onIy beneIIL Irom one cusLIng oI LIIs
speII uL u LIme.

Gourd oI Gold

Custing Nomber: 1
Custing Time: HuII AcLIon
orution: 1 mInuLe (6 rounds)
Runge: You
Ingredient: A goId buII (+z)
escription: One purL oI your body becomes couLed In u LIIck goIden couLIng, proLecLIng you
Irom dumuge. CIoose eIL Arm, RIgIL Arm, eIL eg or RIgIL eg. or LIe duruLIon oI LIe speII,
LIe nomInuLed ureu Is ImpervIous Lo pIysIcuI Iurm. TIe urmour uIso proLecLs uguInsL IeuL und
coId, buL sLIII conducLs eIecLrIcILy. TIe IImb IuncLIons compIeLeIy normuIIy (IL Ius no more
sLrengLI LIun usuuI), buL you do suIIer -1o% Lo your nILIuLIve roIIs due Lo ILs IeuvIness. AL LIe
end oI LIe speII`s duruLIon, you muy muInLuIn LIe Guurd Ior unoLIer round II you succeed on u
WIII Power TesL. You muy onIy Iuve one Guurd oI GoId cusL upon you uL uny LIme.

The Knot Lntied

Custing Nomber: 1
Custing Time: 1 mInuLe
orution: nsLunL
Runge: You
Ingredient: A pIece oI puper covered In gIIded wrILIng (+z)
escription: TIIs speII Is cusL wIen LIe wIzurd Iuces some kInd oI Impusse, Lrup, mysLery,
rIddIe, puzzIe, cuLcI-zz or devII`s burguIn Lo wIIcI LIere Is u IogIcuI soIuLIon or escupe wIIcI muy
be dIscovered soIeIy LIrougI InspIruLIon or deducLIon. WIen cusL, LIe GM musL gIve LIe wIzurd`s
pIuyer u IInL Lo LIe puzzIe`s soIuLIon. TIIs soIuLIon muy uIso provIde u +1o% bonus Lo AcudemIc
KnowIedge (SLruLegyJTucLIcs) or HuggIe SkIII TesLs, II upproprIuLe (GM`s cuII).

Luw oI Iloid

Custing Nomber: 16
Custing Time: uII ucLIon
orution: nsLunL
Runge: ToucI
Ingredient: A pIncI oI suIpIur (+z)
escription: You cuuse up Lo u pInL oI IIuId Lo become u powerIuI ucId. Anyone spIusIed by LIe
ucId (wIIcI requIres u BS TesL, LreuL IL us u TIrown Weupon) Lukes u Dumuge uLLuck, resIsLed by
Armour und TougIness Bonus. I u wound Is cuused, LIe ucId uIso removes 1 poInL oI proLecLIon
Irom LIuL IocuLIon oI uny urmour IL conLucLs, due Lo corrosIon. TIIs Lukes 1d1o rounds Lo come
InLo eIIecL. I LIIs reduces LIe proLecLIon Lo zero, LIe urmour Is desLroyed. A pInL conLuIns 1d1oJ
spIusIes. TIe GM sIouId deLermIne LIe eIIecL oI LIe LoLuI voIume on non-IIvIng LurgeLs, buL
generuIIy u pInL wIII burn LIrougI u meLuI bur, u sLeeI sIuckIe, u LIIck cIuIn or un Iron Iock.

Metul Ior Ilesh

Custing Nomber: q
Custing Time: 1 mInuLe
orution: nsLunL
Runge: ToucI (You)
Ingredient: A copper rod (+1)
escription: TIIs speII cun onIy be cusL uILer u IImb Ius been desLroyed or removed. TIe wIzurd
Lukes LIe dumuged IImb und mouIds wIuL remuIns InLo u meLuI sLump up Lo u IooL Iong und Iour
IncIes In dIumeLer. L cun be sIuped InLo u Iook or poInL, or IIuLLened Lo muke u sLubIe IooL, buL
cunnoL grIp LIIngs IIke u VeLerun`s Hund. TIe bond beLween meLuI und IIesI Is perIecL, und wIII
never become InIecLed.

The Metul Mended

Custing Nomber: 1z
Custing Time: z uII AcLIons
orution: nsLunL
Runge: ToucI
Ingredient: A bruss rod (+z)
escription: You repuIr u meLuI objecL LIuL Ius been broken. You cunnoL cIunge LIe Lype oI
meLuI, nor LIe overuII sIze or sIupe oI LIe objecL - buL neILIer do you need every sIngIe pIece. You
musL possess uL IeusL LIree-quurLers oI un ILem Ior IL Lo be reLurned Lo ILs Iormer useIuIness or
IuncLIonuIILy. I Iess Is possessed LIe GM muy permIL LIe objecL Lo IuncLIon Iess eIIecLIveIy buL
sLIII be useIuI. TIe objecL musL Iuve once been wIoIe - you cunnoL use LIIs speII Lo Iorwurd u
IuII-mude LIIng Lo ILs IInuI sLuLe.

Trunsmotution oI Iloid

Custing Nomber: 1
Custing Time: uII ucLIon
orution: nsLunL
Runge: zq yurds (1z squures)
Ingredient: A mouLIIuI oI neur-boIIIng wuLer (+z)
escription: You cuuse un umounL oI IIquId equuI Lo zo guIIons per your MugIc CIurucLerIsLIc,
wIIcI you cun see, Lo InsLunLIy boII uwuy Lo sLeum. TIe sLeum Is IoL buL noL dumugIng. I Lrupped
und subsequenLIy cooIed, IL cun be condensed buck InLo wuLer. WIzurds goIng on Iong seu
journeys IIke Lo know LIIs speII, buL IL cun uIso be u good wuy Lo purIIy u weII, or cross u sLreum.

Lnderstund The Mechunism

Custing Nomber: 6
Custing Time: 1 MInuLe
orution: nsLunL
Runge: You
Ingredient: A druugILsmun`s quIII (+1)
escription: WIen cusLIng LIIs speII, LIe cusLer muy exumIne one pIece oI equIpmenL LIuL Ius
more LIun one movIng purL und guIn compIeLe InsIgIL InLo Iow IL Is puL LogeLIer und ILs purpose.
DurIng LIe cusLIng, u gIosLIy skeLcI oI LIe componenL purLs uppeurs In LIe uIr In IronL oI LIe
wIzurd. I LIe wIzurd LIen uLLempLs Lo repuIr, modIIy, use, suboLuge, work on or muke unoLIer
ILem oI LIuL Lype, LIen Ie guIns u +zo% bonus Lo uny SkIII or CIurucLerIsLIc LesLs needed Lo do so.


AnuLomIcuI EvuIuuLIon z8
Armour oI TIn z8
Arms oI LIe oresL 8
Azyr IIumInuLed 1q
Bur LIe GuLe z1
Beusts, Lore oI 1,
BeusL Unbroken, TIe 1;
Bend WILI LIe WInd 8
BIuck Horrors zq
BIur LIe muge zq
BrIgIL BusLIon z1
Broken ConsLeIIuLIon 1q
CuII LIe Horde 1;
CuII Your MoLIer
CupLIvuLIng Iume, TIe
CIurge LIe BIuck GuLe 11
CrownIng uLe, TIe 1q
Duemonwurd z1
euth, Lore oI 11
DeuLImusk 11
DeuLIwIsI 11
Deep PockeLs z
DrIILwood 8
DrIvIng nLenL zz
EncIunL Duck
Enemy orseen, TIe 1
EnIIgILenmenL zz
Eyes oI LIe Puck 18
uce oI LIe SLrunger z
uIse PromIse z
uLe`s WIIsper 1
Iire, Lore oI g
Ind LIe Weukness z8
Ind LIe Booze
orm oI LIe ScurryIng RodenL 18
orm oI LIe SIIppery IsI 18
orLuILous ObjecL 1
our Seusons In One Duy q
ury oI LIe MoLIer Beur 1q
GIyrun ReveuIed q
GIImpse oI LIe DepurLed 1z
GIorIous TrunsIormuLIon 1q
GrIm HurvesL 1z
Guurd oI GoId zq
HuIe und HeurLy q
Heuvens, Lore oI 1q
IIumInuLe LIe IeId zz
nIusIon oI IgIL zz
nvenL GoII
KIndred oI LIe HeurLI 6
KnoL UnLIed, TIe zq
uw oI IuId zq
eupIng Iumes 6
IIe orce q
Light, Lore oI 1
Beusts 1,
euth 11
Iire g
Heuvens 1q
LiIe S
Light 1
Metul S
Shudow q
osL Cub 1q
Mup oI LIe Heuvens 16
MeLuI Ior IesI o
Metul, Lore oI S
MeLuI Mended, TIe o
Musk Spruy zo
Nume LIe BIude 1z
OII und WuLer 6
OnIy LIe CouIs 1z
PussIon Reborn 6
PussIon Unbound ;
PerIecL CompreIensIon z
PIunLom oe z
PIerce LIe VeII z
PurILy oI Purpose z
Reud LIe GM`s NoLes
See LIe UncomIng BIow 16
Shudow, Lore oI q
SIudowbrIdge z6
SIudowIound z6
SIudowIeup z6
SIyIsI Uncovered 1
SLurIess NIgIL 16
SLIIIbIood 1
SLoveskIn ;
SLrengLI oI LIe EurLI 1o
Tume LIe Drugon ;
TusLe oI DeuLI 1
TusLe oI ycIees
TrunsmuLuLIon oI IuId o
UndersLund LIe MecIunIsm o
WunderIng SIudow z;
WInd`s WIIsper 1o
WInLer CouL zo
WILcIIIng SLur, TIe 16
Wood Reborn, TIe 1o

II yoo've enjoyed this prodoct, yoo might ulso
enjoy these other titles by Steve urlington:

Night's urk Musters {to uppeur)
Children oI the Horned Rut {oo6)
enizens oI the Impire {oog)

Lots more Steve stoII cun be Ioond ut

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