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Jerome A.

Abinales| BSN4a1 FETAL PRESENTATION o Denotes the body part that will first contact the cervix or be born first o Determined by a combination of the fetal lie and the degree of fetal flexion o TYPES OF PRESENTATION CEPHALIC PRESENTATION Most frequent type of presentation (95%) Fetal head is the body part that will first contact the cervix TYPES of Cephalic Presentation o Vertex Head sharply flexed, allows the suboccipitobregmatic diameter to present to the cervix o Brow Moderately flexed, brow as the presenting part o Face Head extended, extreme edema and distortion of the face ay occur o Mentum Head completely hyperetended, occipitomental (widest diameter) is presenting BREECH PRESENTATION Either the buttocks or the feet are the first body parts that will contact the cervix Cesarean section may be required although Vaginal birth is often possible TYPES of Breech Presentation o Complete Fetus has thighs tightly flexed on the abdomen both buttocks and the tightly flexed feet present to the cervix o Frank Hips are flexed and knees are extended to the rest of the chest o Footling Neither the thighs nor the lower legs are flexed. Single-footling if one foot presents, Double-footling if both SHOULDER PRESENTATION Fetus lie horizontally in the pelvis, or the arm, back , abdomen, or the side could present If fetus does not rotate spontaneously, cesarean section may be performed FETAL STATION o Refers to the relationship of the presenting part of a fetus to the level of the ischial spine o Station 0 (engaged), -1 to -4 (floating), +1 to +4( presenting part below the ischial spine), +3 to +4 (crowning)

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