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Captain, You may be surprised to see the Chimaera here rather than the Judicator. Well, my other plans have come to fruition more quickly than I expected so I am taking the reins for the main assault on Mount Tantiss. The Judicator has already landed its men, and I will do the same in mere moments. Your role is quite different than the rest of the Military. Steer your ship towards Wayland, I shall explain.

Wayland should be cloaked, but judging by the large number of crash landed starships, the cloaking device must have at some point been disabled, maybe for some nefarious purpose. As such, I have deployed AT-ATs, AT-STs, and AT-PTs to the surface and pod dropped several squads of commandoes to investigate the crash sites. It seems they were pulled from the sky , but the ground investigation should find the rest of the information we need. In the meantime, your mission.

You will land at the top of the mountain right after the main assault begins. From there, you will cut through the blast doors and proceed downward. I will send you the archived floor plans, though do not be surprised if the layout is different since the Emperor was not one to be truthful, even to himself. From the inside, you will proceed downward; the cloaking device should be past the upper vaults and the security stations in the Main Computer Core.

Once you secure the room, proceed to decouple it and remove it from the greater device, since the smaller one is what truly generates the cloak while the larger is merely an standardized amplifier that can be purchased from Sienar Fleet Systems. Afterward, proceed back up and east, to the Cloning Chamber. Once more, secure the room with custom descriptor keys and seal all the blast doors. Hopefully by this time, the dark Jedi is subdued. If not, try to lure him away from the main structures that you needed to secure.

If the worst should happen and you must retreat, retreat to the large lower Hanger Bay that the main force will assault. I have a plan that will disable the Dark Jedi, though hopefully he can be properly convinced to join our side. Good luck, Captain, you will find some ysalamir in your hold, may they prove as useful to you as they did to me.

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