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"carissaconti" <> My gangstalking article posted on Yahoo groups.... December 25, 2011 7:07:47 PM PST "theoknock" <>

Hi there, I saw hits coming into my web logs from the Yahoo group where you posted a link to my article about Gangstalking. I wanted to pass on that I'm aware of what you note about harassment that happens to little kids, and in the original version of another article that appears on my website, "New Age Love and Light Fallacies," I addressed this very issue. Though when editing and revising that article it was later chopped out to make way for other material that I needed to add in that I felt was more important. But in that article I originally talked about New Agers' penchants towards burying their heads in the sand and ignoring neg harassment, due to their misapplication of the "you create your own reality" belief. I discussed how they mistakenly believe that if you don't ever think about or acknowledge anything negative, ever, then nothing negative will ever happen to you. I countered that fallacy by pointing out childhood abductions and neg entity/"alien" harassment, and how this one example alone flies in the face of what New Agers believe. Little kids are all innocent, and yet, many of them become victims of all sorts of things in this reality, both physical/tangible and paranormal, despite their innocent, happy child personalities. So, how do New Agers explain that, you know? I later rewrote sections of that article and wound up removing that bit in the rewrites as mentioned, so unfortunately you won't find that bit on my site anymore. So yeah, just because I didn't get into this subject in the gangstalking article doesn't mean I'm not aware of it. The gangstalking article was already long enough as it was, and I didn't want to spin even further off track by getting into the whole subject of hyperdimensional/paranormal harassment of little kids. For me, it's a fact that one's personality, ie, frequency, absolutely *does* play a pivotal role in how far "stuff* can breach our realms. However.......when I say this I'm talking about adults with the maturity and awareness and self control that age brings. Not children. An adult has the ability to override fear and paranoia and grab the reigns and take control with their awareness, which children (usually) can't do. In other parts of my website and in one of my books I talk about the way in which this place is a "free will free-for-all zone." From the New Age Love and Light Fallacies article: "And as much as I don't agree with the victim mindset (in the sense of those who use it as a crutch in life for why they won't achieve their fullest potential, wallowing and feeling sorry for themselves) I will say that I also believe that because this realm is a free will free-for-all zone it means that there are many different souls/beings here incarnating from all over, and each with their own agenda....both positive and negative. And what this means is that freewill violations can happen that one's Higher Self didn't micromanage ahead of time, merely because that's the nature of what this realm is. We have freewill to do what we want to do.....but so don't other beings as well, which may involve doing things to us. Or at least trying to, anyway. And that's the risk we take when incarnating here." So yes, childhood victimization absolutely does happen here due to the nature of what this place is, and personal frequency doesn't play a part at that young age. Kids are victimized by neg stuff, both physical and non because they can be, because they're vulnerable. But frequency absolutely does play a part for mature, capable adults who are no longer small, helpless, unaware and vulnerable. I have personal anecdote after anecdote that I could write about which illustrate how and why I came to this conclusion. But in short I will mention one guy named J___ that me and my boyfriend know who became the assistant to a very famous woo-woo author and researcher, and found himself submerged into a world he wasn't prepared for, and due to his low and discombobulated frequency of humorless fear and paranoia his life completely spun wildly out of control. As of this writing J___'s heading straight for the loony bin if he can't pull himself together, that's how far gone he is. It's actually kind of scary to see where he's wound up, considering where he was when we hung out with him in person five years ago. A big part of what he now believes is going on in his life is gangstalking. (bringing things back to the original point of you posting the link.) And I get into this even more in-depth in my book, "Chasing Phantoms." (which is free, btw, as a PDF download for those who don't have the money to buy a hard copy. But you can find my expanded insights on this subject in Part III of the book.) J___ is textbook example of everything I outlined in Part III, where I talk about stuff "breaching our realms," and the way in which it doesn't just go from 0 to all out madness overnight. First stuff has to breach the realm, and from there our own paranoia and fear allow it start gaining a foothold, creating a feedback loop where more and more stuff starts happening, because we're totally feeding into it. Until eventually a person may wind up like J___, who's completely lost his mind. It started out small for J___, but his repeated reactions of bugged out fear and paranoia and overall instability led to more and more stuff happening, and me and my boyfriend watched from the sidelines as he did a downward spiral over a period of only two years. As I wrote in my book, I've had a lot of weird and crazy crap happen to me in life, but by this point my life is very quiet. Nothing of that sort happens anymore. It's stopped. So why did J___, who started out with even less stuff than I did, wind up halfway to the loony bin with an out of control life, meanwhile me and my boyfriend who are knee deep in the weird got 99% of the craziness to stop? What's the difference? Personal frequency. So, those are my thoughts. Normally I don't go around contacting people who post my stuff on the 'net disagreeing with me, but I just wanted you to know that I am very much aware of what you speak of......and to let you know that I do agree with you. I could tell you haven't read the rest of my stuff so you probably never saw where I get into things, so you're mistakenly thinking I'm getting things wrong when I actually agree. Just some food for thought....... Carissa

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