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Mackendrick, Study Guide The Jungle, Eng.


The Jungle, Upton Sinclair (Chaps. 9 thru 11) Chap. 9: Jurgis involvement with the union leads him to learn English and discover politics. The character Mike Scully is introduced, he is the democratic boss of Packingtown. Scully and his crew talks immigrants into becoming naturalized American citizens and registering to vote in the local elections. However, Jurgis and others are shown how to vote and paid to vote for certain democratic candidates. Through Scully and the other elected politicians Jurgis learns of the corruption and graft that goes on in Packingtown. He learns that the examples of corruption he has seen at Brown Company is small compared to the crimes being committed elsewhere.

Chap. 10: Each season brings new problems with it, forcing the family to fight to just barely survive. Jurgis learns that in addition to paying the mortgage and taxes, they must also pay for insurance on their home, forcing everyone to have to work harder. Marija gets involved with the union and as a result loses her job at the factory. She finds an new job, one that she turned down previously, because she considers to be a lowly and disgusting position. Ona is pregnant, this puts even more pressure on Marija to work. Ona discovers that her boss at the factory also operates a brothel, and many decent girls from the factory lose their jobs so the prostitutes can work there. Ona give birth to a son, they name him Antenas after Jurgis father. Jurgis doesnt see much of his new son because of the long hours he works. Ona must return to work after only a week so that she doesnt lose her position. She never really recovers her strength after the pregnancy and suffers the illnesses that many other women working at the factory suffer. Chap. 11: Although Jurgis is always working harder and harder the company he works for is always trying to speed up production. In speeding up the company hires more workers and reduces wages. Therefore, even though he is working more, his is making less money to support the family. Jurgis learns that the owners and managers are conspiring against the workers in what they call the Beef Trust. Marija cares little for this situation and cares only for herself. She opens her own savings account, but doesnt trust the banking system. Panic among the employees at many of the meat-packing companies causes a run on the banks, meaning that people try to withdraw their money. Trying to get her money out of the bank causes her to miss two days of work. She learns that the run on the banks has nothing to do with the banks themselves, but is the cause of insecurity of depositors. Winter returns again and the family is not prepared for the problems the season brings upon them. Jurgis tries to control the situation by leading Ona to work and still carrying Stanislovas on his shoulders. Then Jurgis sprains and ankle and has to miss three weeks of work. Ona, unbeknownest to Jurgis has to take money from their meager savings account just to survive. Jurgis finds solace during this time spending time with his son, Antenas. Two themes become apparent: 1) that accidents determine fate, 2) that hard work isnt always enough.

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