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Introduction to physiology

What do we mean by physiology???!

Physiology is a lovely subject, if you want to define physiology in general Its the science that is concerned with the function of the living organism and its parts, and of the physical and chemical processes involved. So physiology deals with the origin of the living creature, the development of that creature, and also with the progression of that creature.

The Human Body - A Complex Society of Differentiated Cells

Cells : the basic structural and functional unit of the body (~ 100 trillion) But there are differences between the cells through the body. Tissues: (e.g. muscles, epithelial, nervous ) connection of cells => Tissues Organs: (e.g. kidney, heart, liver, pancreas) connection of tissues => Organs Organ systems: (e.g. cardiovascular, urinary) Connection of organs => the Body

Each part of the body maintain general homeostasis The human physiology affected by environment.

Regulation and Integration

Exists at all levels of organization Cells : e.g., genes, repressor proteins, transcription factors, membrane transport Tissues Organ systems: e.g., nervous and endocrine systems Human physiology : is a science which analyzes the body functions and their interaction with the environment. Humans are influenced by the external environment in which they live.
Functional relationships of body systems

Because the chart of Functional relationships of body isnt very clear here you can go back to slide #6 1- Environmental : -Physical : Heat, light, sound, motion and radiation -Chemical : Food,water,O2, CO2,drugs -Biological : Microorganisms -Psychosocial environment 2- Contact Systems : -Sensory organs -Skin -Respiratory -system Digestive system 3- Control -Nervous system: somatic and autonomic -Endocrine system (hormones) 4- Internal environment -Homeostasis -Metabolism -Blood pH -Fluids and electrolytes

5- Functional outputs -Physiological adaptation - Physical work -Mental work

-Reproduction -Psychosocial adaptation

Internal environment

when we talk about stable homeostasis

We have three compartment inside the body : 1- Intercellular => inside the cell stable no change on the percentage of gazes and nutrients 2- Extracellular => outside the cell -interstitial -extra vascular the changes happen within these parts. Human body interacts with the external environment through contact systems. Examples:  Respiratory system with atmospheric air  Digestive system with food and drink  Skin with the external temperature  Sensory organs with smell , taste or sounds


Homeostasis its the stable environment extracellular (( between the blood vessels and the extracellular fluid )) The maintenance of a stable milieu interieur
Claude Bernard (1813 - 1878)

General Organization of the Circulatory System

Exchange Between the Capillaries and Interstitial Fluid

Between the Arteriole and the Venule we have Capillaries which the are stable for in connection of gazes and nutrients

Capillaries the part of the body that is responsible for changing in gazes and nutrients.

Internal environment and homeostasis

The cells of the body live in a fluid environment which is tissue fluid (interstitial fluid) which represents the internal environment.

The functions of all the organ systems of the body is to ensure that the physical and chemical characteristics of the tissue fluid.

Example if you see a lion what will happen ?!?! the sympathetic nervous system will be stimulated which stimulate other parts of the body . (( will stimulate the heart and the muscles so you have to run )) and when someone is afraid he : 1- His face is yellow because he isnt in need blood for the skins he need the blood for the muscles. 2- The pupils are dilated to be able to see more. Homeostasis state of equilibrium of the body in the internal environment .

Respiratory & Renal the most important systems in maintenance the PH of the body which regulate role in the maintenance in the homeostasis. Normal PH 7.35 7.45

More than 7.45 alkaloses less than 7.35 acidosis PH = -log[H+]


you will study this later in details.

Respiratory system taking hormones and Oxygen and give carbon dioxide Renal disposal of the wastes such as urea and uric acid (( accumulation of urea leading to Gout )) The accumulation of these products materials in the body leads to the gene abnormal situations which needs pathophysiology
Internal environment Extracellular fluid

Homeostasis refers to the constancy or steady state of the internal environment

Homeostatic mechanisms refer to all the automatic physiological ((out of control )) processes which occur in response to changes in the external or internal environments and which tend to correct all deviations from the normal Physiological processes called homeostatic mechanisms precisely regulate the temperature, pH and the concentration of chemical components of the internal environment

Each system in the body interact with environment in its own way Each system perform specific function.

The body fluids

the percentage of the water in the body is 60% of the human weight. Which is in general equal to 42 L 60% * 70

>>> NOW

well know the percentage of water in each compartment of the body Intracellular 2/3 of the (60% of the human weight) 28 L Extracellular 1/3 of the (60% of the human weight ) 14L

Extracellular divided into 2 parts : >>> Interstitial 1/3 of the (60% of human weight) 14L >>>extra vascular

 Interstitial 2/3 of the 14 L (2/3) * 14 = 11L  extra vascular 1/3 of the 14 L (1/3) * 14 = 3 L

Each blood vessels have its own physiological characteristic able to perform physiological functions.



Transport Across The Cell Membrne

*The cell membrane composed of bilayer (lipid) membrane that has proteins embedded in it

*the permeability of the cell membrane ( solubility ) controls what goes inside the cell " enable the materials either to go inside or not " Ex : (Glucose ..H2O halothane ) all these molecules and others can go inside the cell membrane but HALOTHANE goes faster because the lipid bilayer has higher solubility for it than the other molecules



what is halothane ??

Halothane is a gas .. it is anesthetic agent that used in anesthesia And we also can use these compounds as anesthetic agent : Either Incloryne Isofloryne *anesthetic agent

* concentration of ions inside and outside the cell :

PS: the doctor said that we don't have to memories the numbers -inside the cell : K+ . Proteins- .(PO3)-4 -outside the cell : Na+ Cl- HCO3-


We have two types of transport : 1- active transport 2- passive transport

ACTIVE TRANSPORT usese direct sort of energy

.membrane moves molecules uphill :against concentration this energy produced by ATP degradation

1- primary active transport uses direct sort of energy 2- secondary active transport uses the energy created by the primary active transport ex : co-transport ( Na-glucose )

*we have another two types of active transport : co-transport : cooperative between molecules or ions to get into the cell


example when the Na+ inters the cell it carries the glucose with it inside counter current transport : occurs in the proxyle of the kidney to get rid of wastes products

Na+ comes in

H+ Inside the cell



Outside the cell

H+ goes out


PASSIVE TRANSPORT : we have two types of this

transport : 1- simple diffusion : diffusion of matter through the lipid bilayer is determined by its lipid solubility ( O2..N2..CO2 ) moves easily through the membrane . And the molecules moves down concentration gradient

2- facilitated transport : requires interaction of a carrier

protein with the substrate and shuttling the through the membrane ___________________________________________

PROTEINS : they play important role in transporting

through the cell membrane they * provides specifity for the membrane * provides function ( it function as ) : 1- channel proteins 2- carrier proteins

We find that the cell membrane is negatively charged and that


is because its high M.W and high negative charge and it stays inside the cell and does not go out because of its high molecular weight

Regulation of blood pressure: PS : this point wasn't clear so I copied the mechanism from previous transcription for the medicine patch but I will ask the doctor to repeat it next lecture . This is the stolen mechanism : Baroreceptor system: Rapid action: carotid & arch of aorta, stimulation by stretching effect of increasing volume signals to medulla inhibition of vasomotor center decrease impulses through sympathetic s. - decrease pumping of the heart. - dilate peripheral vessels. * Low BP the opposite


Characteristics of control system

Negative feedback and positive feedback wasn't clear for us . We will ask the doctor about them in the next lecture . So wait for them in next TAFREE3' ( to be continued .) PS : I feel that the doctor was jumping from one idea to another . And the ideas were not connected so I tried to put them in order .. so if you don't find the point in the same order that the doctor explained don't worry I didn't miss them :P



The Dr mentioned that lectures are very important sources that Summarize the main ideas in the topic, and he will give information which you cant find in the book so you have to follow him and write down notes.

Note :
The doctor concentrated on Time respecting issue, so you should come on time, well be doctors and the time is a holy thing in your life. The doctor Said: Respect me I will respect you, be in the lecture in the proper time, and listen carefully to my


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