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My Paradise apple

Here I am..How did it happen that I am sitting here frustrated writing to the open night before the last day of 2011 dont know. Its a long story, with a single unique circumstances which come to lives of separate people all over the world. We are all lonely in this global network of chaos and craziness. We are all mentally ill. My story in this space started on the 24th of December, when I was brought to life by a young woman of 26, who was newly divorced as she and her beloved one living together for a year or so, understood they were waiting different things in life. O. was dreaming of family comfort, calm evening with her hubby, children all rushing here and there, M. wanted to live his life like a firelight, caring only of himself, without any child at all as he considered himself to be too young for things like that. The statistics and my observation show that most couples are divorced firstly because of their different expectations from marriage life. We are blind when we love and we cannot take the right decisions in this state. We are run by emotions not by brains which is the most needed criteria of common coexistence in marriage. So, soon after official reunition my mother understood that that man, who turned out to be my father by genomes and law, broke up. My mother was giving a birth to her baby-girl alone in the hospital, along with other women who were fortuned to give birth to their newly-borns on that cold winter before Christmas Day. I wont be describing you the whole process as I dont remember quite well myself, but according to the words of participants it was difficult and felt like a bliss when it all ended.

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