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E E# E E# E BDCA CEAB EGbBC E E# E E# E BDCA CEAB EGbBC E E# E E# E BDCA CEAB ECBA BDCE G higher-FED F higher-EDC E higher-DCB low E higher

E E higher E then repeat :)

As far as I know and have tried this sounds nothing like it, please correct me if i'm wrong but my telephone used to play that tune as it's ringtone! Read more: it's a bit complicated, but start with the right hand...

e, e flat, e, e flat, e, b, d, c, a then the left hand goes (starting 2 octaves below and coming up the keyboard)... a, e, a, c, e, a (ending where your right hand left off) right hand plays.. b while left hand again comes up the keyboard... e, b, e, b, e, b (ending where right hand was) and finally, right hand plays c while left hand comes up the keyboard with

a, e, a, c, e, a (ending near right hand)

then it repeats

this is a simplified version because without notation, it's kind of difficult to explain. hopefully this will at least get you started

i'm a piano teacher

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