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General Musicianship Questions

This section should be read in conjunction with Syllabus Guide, page 12. There are five General Musicianship Questions in each grade. In Grades 1-5, candidates will be asked to answer four questions immediately after the Phrasing & Dynamics test (see Technical Exercises above). The final question will be asked at the end of the exam after the completion of the last performance piece.

Phrasing & Dynamics

Grade 1 What does 4/4 mean? How long does a h last? What do and mean? Identify a quarter/crotchet note. What do we call a note that lasts for 1 beat?

Final Question
Grade 1 Which song did you enjoy the most today? What did the lyrics tell us? Are the lyrics loud and energetic or personal and reflective?

Grade 2 Explain the term time signature to me. Show me a marking that means quiet (loud). What pitch name is that note? How long is that note worth? What is the value of that rest? Identify an eighth/quaver note. mean? What does

Grade 2 Is this song reflective or energetic? What is being communicated in this song? Which song did you enjoy the most and why?

Grade 3 As for Grades 1 & 2 plus: What is the interval between these two notes (2nd, 3rd)? Show me a step of a second. In bar 4, second beat, what is the pitch name of that note? What does q mean? . Grade 4 As for Grades 1, 2 & 3 plus: Show me an interval of a 3rd/4th/5th in this piece. What interval is that between those two notes? In bar 7, 2nd beat, what is that note and how beats is it held for? . What is the difference between Q and Q Q ?

Grade 3 How does the composer shape this song? How are the words reflected in the music? What are the differences in style between two songs you have sung?

Vocals Companion Guide


Grade 4 What differences in tone are required? What are the similarities/differences in the lyrics? Why did you choose the song you sang from memory?

Grade 5 As for earlier grades plus: Is this interval a major or a minor 3rd? Point to a perfect 4th/5th?

Grade 5 What were you communicating in the songs and how did you achieve it? How did you achieve the differences in tone?


In Grades 6-8, all five questions will be asked at the end of the exam after the completion of the last performance piece. You will notice that in Grades 7 and 8 in particular, the questions require more discursive answers, some of which will be directed at how you manage your voice.

Grade 6 Show me an octave in this bar. Is that interval a major or minor 3rd? How did you achieve a decrescendo in this piece? How did you sing quietly in the upper register? What quality of voice are you using at this point? What were you communicating in this song? What are the similarities in these two songs? What are the differences between these two songs? How did you use the microphone to achieve the effects? Grade 7 As for Grade 6 plus: This passage is very rhythmic: how is this achieved? (Refer to lyrics, syncopation, staccato etc.) How do you achieve an even tone when changing registers? Why did you choose these three songs? How are they (dis)similar? One song was slower/faster than the others. What are the differences in approach? What warm up methods do you use and why are they effective? What physical signs tell you that you are over-straining your voice? Grade 8 As for Grades 6 & 7 plus: What vocal techniques are required to produce effective sustain passages? How may the use of the microphone aid this? What effect does the use of the microphone have on your singing style in general? What difference in microphone techniques are there in a ballad compared to other styles? What steps do you take to care for your voice?


Vocals Companion Guide

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