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Los Nmeros - 1 : uno - 2 : dos - 3 : tres - 4 : cuatro - 5 : cinco - 6 : seis - 7 : siete - 8 : ocho - 9 : nueve - 10 : diez - 11 : once - 12 : doce - 13 : trece

- 14 : catorce - 15 : quince The Spanish numbers 16 through 19 are actually contractions. For example, the Spanish for 16 - diecisis - literally means ten and six, but is joined together, as shown below: diez y seis = diecisis - 16 : diecisis - 17 : diecisiete - 18 : dieciocho - 19 : diecinueve You will notice that, like the numbers 16 to 19, the Spanish numbers 21 to 29 are also contractions, but this time the Spanish for twenty and one is: veinte y uno = veintiuno - 20 : veinte - 21 : veintiuno - 26 : veintisis - 27: veintisiete

- 22 : veintids - 23 : veintitrs - 24 : veinticuatro - 25 : veinticinco

- 28: veintiocho - 29: veintinueve

The Spanish numbers 30-90 are contractions as well, but the whole number is followed by the letter y and that letter DOES NOT CHANGE to I like it does with the 20s - 30: Treinta - 31: Treinta y uno - 40: Cuarenta - 41: Cuarenta y uno - 50: Cincuenta - 51: Cincuenta y uno - 60: Sesenta - 70: Setenta - 80: Ochenta - 90: Noventa -100: Cien

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