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Approved Publication of California Wing, Civil Air Patrol, Auxillary California Wing Successfully Completes Disaster Relief Exercise Flying some 17,00 alr miles over San Bernadine County — att 1 west and from the Cy ef San Besnarcine as fa north as Baker — arcroft and creas ol the California Wing successfully com peted a saven-hour disaster rele! pro bem in support of the County Offee of Emeramey Services OES Direction Willlam Bethel said athe conclusion of the operation They did a teal fine Job. ‘The CAP was very professional in ils approach, We were especially inpreed with thet communications as well as with thelr a operations — they showed a geal deal 8 expsrienee and exports. "We here in San Bernacdine County, he dled, went to go ahead wit future plan of enoperation. Bob Hill, representing the Calor Gilice “of Emergency Services ir Suexamento, observed the mis the County Emergency Operations Center ane was a is ise fer the CAP pesorie! who performer both athe EOC arid at the main mésior base al Apple Valley Airgort In af 175. CA? membew from allover Southern California took part. A total of 51 CAP alcralt wore used fying some 172 hours. CAP aircraft and crews per Jarmed aerial photo reconnaisiance as wells visual damage assessment, loghs tie support and sions. CAP ako operated iy own munications links. Nol omy ite fit units and the mission base but also betwen the base ond the County EOC Di special interest was to se of carn munications link by sate ple Valey and Son Mest) Courdinator LUC, Franke Burn hhom was oble 4o personally brlef Br. Hill vis the NASA ATS-S satellite pos tioned 20,000 rik over the Canbear set up and cf Kraich of the $ Acraspace Rescue ‘and Recovety Squadon, USATR, from March AFB. The unit“ Rescuo SIX TWO ONE — regilstly supports CAP xl soscus operations In Caer fy svatfying to wo," sald Cotoned Burnham, “that not «aly lid we per fon all the tasks assayed to us by he 1) Bernarcino EOC but swe ci t wit complete saleiy. After all, that Is the rhame of the game.” D. Fox, Jr,, Emergency Operations Cicer for San Ber andino County, especially singled out CAP Groups 18, heacquattered al Nor ton) AFB, for its “outsanding support the EOC { ‘Nie CAP coronal orca haha ne nants dsater proparcdnes exercise ut Apple Valley Aunt. 26 September DARL Winter, 1981 IACE Cadet Returns C/Capt. John MeMullin of Squadron 138, Group 15, tetumed from Egypt on’ August 7ih.' His thee wok International Air Cadet Exchange MACE) took him to Washington DC thew to Germany, From Gertnany, hi wos off to Egypt, whore other from diferent couniies also Wwoiting. His stay In Egypt was an ex perience C/Capt. MeMuallin vill never Fouget He" vsited many areas, including museums and the Great’ Pyramids C/Capt. MeMallin was one of the cailets selected by National Head uerters 10 particpate for this activty ‘The International Ar Cadet Exchange Thole every yoae. 1s tip was pal by Air orce and Chil A Patol All you peed to doh meet che minimum requirements of wecewing the Earhart Awarl, be at ast 17 years old, and be actively Involved fn your unit's ‘cities U Thy around skvion ovr sed i dee! at ‘te relay commana ha fu Mp Kraich ple Valley. Aipoet Mg Wit bre acted en cvereiie Me missan tefl CAWE DA TAGUS RANCH TRUCKING, INC. SPECIALIZING IN AGRICULTURAL HAULING —LOCAL AND STATEWIDE— Proudly Salutes The Lilesaving Work of California's ‘Gilt Air Patrol 9360 Avenue 264 — P.O. Box 3657 (209) 733-9440 Visalia = —— _ GENERAL PRODUCTION, INC. Well Service and Construction 24 HA, Service (805) 768-4327 TAFT ronnta Company Bi Ixpustry by Propucine The Finssr Ix Tor Quatary Corron P.O. Box 1095 ike up the ion af ppreciated Dusiness or pleasure, (209) 693-4342 San Joaquin The CAP emphasis Is now somewhat rmwre towerds the search ond rescue (SAR) arena than towards cadet ac Ahities with the onset of Winter, By the tine ‘his reaches. you we will have akead) risked CAP members and nro party In trying to lceate and save ou fallowsnan. While the “tsk is inevitable Wis important that we spenel the fow ex tn moments required to ensure that its nimived Fiying aplanes fx rot difficult nor is diving a pklup ruck, Performing those acts under the sess of weather, medi lions, or psycholegical factors can trnalcem these eelanvely simple opera Hin ite “hnal acts Weather proMems ate nol new ane ‘uwally they are predictable. Where we alow oursdives fo be trapped! is in un consciously minimizing the projectec hazards of nclomont weather by ass BEAR FACTS The Beat Factn ton sll Imogulne publi gnray nthe tive of le nembet of te Caller Wing Qi Ae Patel Hs pullsed ‘Gmeya Comcast in way core wit te Dept men ol the A Fores or Gal At Fal Carpe, Opnme. reed ry pura ates te fee an ter too be coal extes thon y the Gad Ar Patel € be the AL Fame, Toe apport a Divernon he pean ling spplomente 0 ise he Poul Corton ont paFowe ofp MATENAL FOR PUBLICATION SHOULD BE SENT 10: ‘THE EDITOR BEAR FACTS 4023 W. Vos omaee, CA 9508 Col, Edwin W. Lewts, Jt Commande LTC Stwart Hi Diwctor Puli: Relllons CPT Barbera Abels Edie ing perfection on the part ol the nackine fr lis operator. While 9 grabbing rear brake may not bw de-ectable on a dry Pavement it will certainly earn your al tention on snow or ie, CAP Corporate vehi +c solely for emergency ser wees tend fo be diven less thar your ‘own vehicles so such problems ere more Ailficut te idem, Medications are perlups not one ol AP's mote obvious problems. We tsi thal our fellowsmembers are not on drugs or dunking 1p excess. What weed nothave “handle” on isthe use of non: prescuption medications such as_an Uhistamines and the le whieh ten to Induce drowsiness In the user. The ef focts of these potions are maprified by sititide so that sitcrews tel ground ome in the mountains ace panticulatly susceptitle. Pyychological factors involved in operations are as moriy as they ave conn: plex. In the early Hoare of a mision there exists an overwhelming ueyensey 0 “gel the Job tone” — ab whatever the cos). Freavently, this “aress-on, nrdless" attuce i Tac! does cast, Dearly. Lator ina mission the subtle doubts as to the possility of viable sur: ivors inirude. Insiead of “pressing” to hhaed one perhaps becomes somewhat lethargic ancl the rosultiy erners tend Io be af omission rather than commisslans Tow thert are we to conduct our pro per tusiness in nazaidous condilens ‘within the maragement? 1am sue you all have mary ideas: hete are a few of rine: Sep back and take 4 l ft the equipment Ensue that all the ound parts are lr yosel condition and rolaie as they should All olher moving pts should be checked os wel for wear ‘and proper function, The various fluids fond lutricans should pe unas faminated or shoul! be flushed aad changed Check the weather. the weather fs marginal for what you wish ta co, you have ueral choices. change your plan wall for beter weather, or ght it nose onows ‘The ast situation fs usually tundesrale as it fiequently leads 10 broken ‘noses ond bodies, No ome in California is going to bette 4 SAR crew member who deciles the weather unacceptable, sivdhrly there ore m9 heroes among thow who “amost made ° Tako goed look at younell,f yos dae “overweight and -underexercsed Jthaps iis inappropriate for you to 3 fol in the mounains. You eutainy should not be nthe woth any substantial medical problem, ineling 9 head cold It not now wor wl ever be Sigmatie fo worl at 9 SAR base rather than fy ron Inv @ similar manor we need to chee jaar own makewp, People wah a severe personal ers: such as famuly. Inca Mariel ot boyetrand/git:Irend pro ers should not be SAR pariemants The degeee of attention paid Is ht per. sonal protlem might wall be « cites, sight “amount ‘which js required master a suds, ficull problem. ‘The conchsion, fs ineseepable Hf you dont atticpating na SAR snisian T dont wan: yo to gp, in spite of how camtertabls yor fed aller examining all the abewe, leave yourself an “ou. Tithe weather ase tr rain conspite fa leave your e: fof acton as the only on po have not eft eur an "ot Whle you can perhaps view the above in » negative Kuhl or os 9 pempec we involdig excesive caution, such i ny ine. expect yo et the jo done, | expedt you to ake rks to the dlagioe hey re clearly necessary. But, espe them to be intelligent sks. | tka f Ce ew ENRON Ee Attention All Members nk te Listed below are the deadline ates for editarial material for the 1982 ‘of the magazine. In order to meet ar publication dates, i nh perative that we have your matetial by the deadines indicaed! blow Wing Editorial Deadlines February 5, May7 Plezse seri all editoral rrateral to Cui Ar Patol member (designated! by Wing Headquartes) iy Wing cecltorial deadline date. SRE

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