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The New Land of Opportunity

u Did

you know that

Sydney has the deepest natural harbor in the world with 504,000 mega liters of water?

The New Land of Opportunity

ImPRINT Australia: The New Land of Opportunity: January 2011 Edition Copyright 2011 AUSFIS Organization All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, AUSFIS Press.

Ausfis Inc. Level 27, 101 Collins Street Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia +61-3-9001-5905

The New Land of Opportunity

Table of Contents

The New Land of Opportunity

Australia: The New Land of Opportunity is a snapshot into why people are now considering moving to this country to become financially successful and some of the legal ways to move to Australia. While it does not replace the expertise of immigration lawyers, it does provide the individual with the background of what is involved in the skilled worker visa and latest information about Australias prosperity. The information contained in this guide should not be considered as legal advice. Although the publishers believe the information in this book to be accurate on the date of its publication, the reader should be aware that immigration laws, regulations and procedures are constantly changing. It is up to the reader to make sure that the information is accurate and up to date. The publishers shall not be held liable for any damage suffered directly or indirectly due to the use of this guide.

u Did

you know that

Sydney has the deepest natural harbor in the world with 504,000 mega liters of water?


The New Land of Opportunity

Congratulations! You are taking the first step to improving your life. Australia: The New Land of Opportunity is more than just a title describing the country called the Land Down Under, but a guide in achieving your dreams. From the 110 countries around the world, Australia made the top five as one of the happiest places to live, according to the premiere international business website Australia gives its residents the opportunity to be financially successful; making enough money to buy the house, car, nice clothes, and enjoy life. Australia is more than a place where one can make it, but a country that prides itself on the idea of freedom with the ability to speak your mind without fear, to worship the God of your choosing, and to feel safe and secure in your own home. It encourages people to get an education and become entrepreneurs.


The New Land of Opportunity

You realize that your life needs improvement and youre searching for other opportunities. From where you are standing, the grass is greener on the other side. If you are planning to make a move outside your home country, Australia should be on the top of your list as a place to make your dreams a reality. Before you can begin this new journey, the first question you should ask yourself is do I deserve to have a better life? Your mind is saying yes, but your fears are stopping you from making this happen. Most people in the world do not reach their fullest potential. The greatest obstacle to financial freedom or happiness is you. For arguments sake, you are granted a visa tomorrow, can you wrap your head around the idea of moving to another country and starting all over? Remember, Australia is not rolling out the Red Carpet so you can prance around and have the paparazzi take photos of you entering the country. Only Nicole Kidman receives that kind of VIP treatment. We are creatures of habit! Moving or changing your circumstances in life is literally going against the laws of nature. There is a certain comfort of staying put. While your job may not be the greatest, at least it pays the bills. The neighborhood is not the safest, but its nearby the shopping area. A college degree would make me more marketable; however, it would take away time from my friends and family. The word but always is lurking around the corner when an idea of change pops in your head. The but is your fear. It is that voice that says you do not deserve a better life. Right now, the idea of changing your life is still swirling in your head. However, you need to realize this decision of improving your lot in life is a mental, emotional and educational process. Australia: The New Land of Opportunity is handbook to not only equip you with vital information about what is needed to make a move to Australia, but to give you the psychological foundation to make it all happen. u Did

you know that

Perth has more cafes per capita than any other city in the world?


The New Land of Opportunity

Today is your new page on life. This is the start to your exceptional life! You do not have to be exceptionally gifted, talented, or creative to be successful, but you will need to educate yourself in gathering the fundamentals of what it means to make a move to another country and make it there. The information does not fall from the sky, but requires research. Remember, you are not the first person who immigrated to another country. Millions before you have done it. You are not climbing Mount Everest for the first time. What this means to you is that a precedent of success has already been achieved; making your decision to leave your country an easier one. It is true that in the past, people have immigrated to other countries due to war and civil unrest. However, in the last few decades, countries are opening their borders to import the best people to enhance the economy. Governments understand that immigrants possess a drive like no other; it is a will to succeed at all costs. It is the mentality that declares just give me a chance and I will make it happen. Employers understand that to succeed in business, they need to attract skilled workers. Businesses cannot always find the right person locally and therefore, they seek people from other countries to fill the void. The symbiotic need for both business and government to attract people to make their markets stronger gives a person like you an opportunity of a lifetime. Most people are acquainted with the biblical story of Abraham who is asked by God to leave his country to become the forefather of Monotheism. Go from your country, your birthplace and your fathers household to the land I will show you (The Book of Genesis, Chapter 12). At the age of 75, Abraham is asked to leave it all behind. Not an easy call, leaving everything that is familiar - your country, your relatives, your roots. But Most people are acquainted with the biblical story of Abraham who is asked by God to leave his country to become the forefather of Monotheism. Go from your country, your birthplace and your fathers household to the land I will show you (The Book of Genesis, Chapter 12). 07

The New Land of Opportunity

But with that first step, Abraham became the most successful person in biblical history with people today recalling his life.

At the beginning, God never revealed Abraham of his destination. At least, you are contemplating a place considered the happiest in the world. Its never too late to change the direction of your life. Abraham could have decided to retire and live off his social security, but he decided to begin again. Your age, financial situation, or family circumstances should not deter you from what you wish to achieve.

u Did

you know that

approximately 200,000 camels roam Australias deserts representing the largest herd of wild camels on earth?


The New Land of Opportunity


Did you know that Australia is one of the most multicultural countries in the world? At least 25% of its population was born overseas and around 40% have one parent born from a foreign country. What does this mean to you? Australia invests in people regardless of race, ethnicity or religion. They are looking for individuals to make Australia great. There are opportunities for people to come and work in their country legally through a skilled workers visa or other types of employment visas. Often, we have a preconceived notion that when a country accepts immigrants it is due to poor refugees who have been dislocated from their homes. Fortunately, this is not the case anymore. Through Australias migration programs over 100,000 people last year came to its shores to build up the economy. What is truly amazing about Australia is that through a global recession they pretty much remain untouched by it all. In fact, the Australian dollar has gone up and has more buying power than most currencies in the world. You may think that Australia is looking for doctors or people within the high tech world, but what are my chances as a professional plumber or electrician? This country is looking for skilled workers in all sorts of professions, including bricklayers, social workers, mechanics, and even a locksmith. Experts predict that Australia will be facing worker shortage of nearly 200,000 people. In the next year or two people will be retiring and there is not enough people to fill these positions. Every business sector is affected by this shortfall especially those industries relating to mining and manufacturing. With an aging population retiring combined with an insufficient skilled workforce, Australia is looking outside its borders to fill the shortage of workers. Imagine that!

u Did

you know that

Australia is the only continent on Earth occupied by only one nation?


The New Land of Opportunity


Capital Largest city Governor-General Prime Minister Legislature Upper House Lower House Area Total

Canberra Sydney Quentin Bryce Julia Gillard Parliament Senate House of Representatives 7,617,930 km 2,941,299 sq mi Population 22,548,995 Australian dollar (AUD) variousN3 (UTC+8 to +10.5) variousN3 (UTC+8 to +11.5) left .au +61

2011 estimate Currency Time zone Summer (DST) Drives on the Internet TLD Calling code

u Did

you know that

Australia is surrounded by 3 oceans; Pacific, Indian and Southern?


The New Land of Opportunity


Ranking as number 13 in the largest economies of the world, Australia in the last two decades has experienced positive reforms that have boosted its economy and raised its standard of living. Did you know that the Australian economy has avoided a recession for the last 19 years? Indeed! While other nations have experienced severe financial setbacks since the global meltdown in 2008, Australia has managed to survive and thrive. As of 2009, Australias Gross Domestic Product was estimated to be $920 billion. It has a western-style market economy with the services sector accounting for 71% of the GDP. While the agricultural and mining sectors are small, 4.7% of GDP combined, they contribute approximately 65% of exports. Both a country and a continent, Australia has enormous amounts of natural resources and beautiful coastlines with huge deposits of gold, iron, bauxite, iron, manganese, opals and sapphires along with natural gas deposits.


The New Land of Opportunity

According to some rankings for the Australian economy include:

Second in the United Nations 2009 Human Development Index First in Legatums 2008 Prosperity Index Sixth in The Economist worldwide Quality-of-Life Index for 2005 Melbourne was listed 2nd in The Economists 2008 Worlds Most Livable Cities list (Perth was 4th, Adelaide was 7th and Sydney was 9th) As of 2010, the Australian Securities Exchanges ranks 9th in the world, following the 2006 merger of the Sydney Futures Exchange and the Australian Stock Exchange.

According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, the largest trade credit insurers in the world, Coface, rated Australia as one of the 10 strongest economies in the world. This despite the recent floods Australia has faced. Coface projects that the Australias economic growth will be 3.4 per cent in 2011, compared to 3.2 per cent in 2010. Most European economies have growth of 2.9 per cent. With rising raw material prices and the demand of China for it, Australia is in a very good position. Cofaces gave Australia the highest A1 rating along with advanced economies Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and emerging economies such as Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

u Did

you know that

Australia has about one million different native species of flora and fauna?


The New Land of Opportunity


The Australian dollar entered the world of currencies in 1965, replacing Britains sterling pounds. However, reaching a consensus of calling the Australian moneydollars was a much more interesting process. Names such as emu, diggers and australs were suggested. At the last hour, the name of the currency was settled as the royal, but it was dropped, ending up with the Australian dollar. The actual Australian dollar coin was not introduced until the 1980s. Before that Australian dollars were made of paper. The excitement of a new currency did not translate well on the international market scene and often would find itself well behind the U.S. dollar. In December of 1983, things really changed when the Australian dollar was floated. Its value then rose and fell along with other international currencies. The lowest value of the Australian dollar was in April of 2001 when it sank to 47.75 US. However, in todays market, the Australian dollar has seen a complete resurrection. While the United States of America has been facing a devaluation of its money, the Australian dollar (AUD) on the other hand has just hit a 26-month high.


The New Land of Opportunity

For decades Australias reliance upon commodities such as mineral & farm exports has seen the Australian dollar rally in global booms, and fall when mineral prices slumped or when domestic spending overshadowed export earnings outlook. The currencys high unpredictable nature has made the AUD one of the most traded currencies in the world. According to the Bank for International Settlements Triennial Central Bank Survey released in September of 2010, the Australian dollar has passed the Swiss franc to become the worlds fifth mosttraded currency. Australia takes it currency very seriously and ensures that people do not have the ability to reproduce it for counterfeit purposes. It is the first country in the world to have a complete system of bank notes made from plastic (polymer), providing greater security against counterfeiting. They were first introduced in 1988 with the issue of a commemorative $10 note. Australias notes are printed by Note Printing Australia and they print polymer notes for a growing number of other countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and others.

u Did

you know that

the worlds largest cattle ranch is in Australia; it is the size of the country Belgium?


The New Land of Opportunity


There is an argument as to who actually said the above quote: Winston Churchill, Oscar Wilde or George Bernard Shaw; however, the message is the same just because the United States and England speak words that are from a common language does not mean they are speaking English. This quote can also apply to Australia. An Aussie walking in the streets of New York and entering a hardware store to find a torch would create quite a reaction. Americans think of a torch as wooden stick of fire. The images of the Mummy movie would pop into their head and wonder if this person is on some archeological excavation in Manhattan or does he wish to burn down someones house. It would take a while for someone to realize that the Aussie is looking for a flashlight. Another scenario that would receive humorous laughter after deciphering the meaning of the word is when an Aussie is looking at the New York Times crossword puzzle and notices that he made a mistake. Asking the person next to him for a rubber, the individual slowly moves away from the Aussie. He is wondering why this total stranger is asking me for a condom. Realizing the awkwardness of the moment, the Australian says he needs it to erase the mistake he made in the crossword puzzle. Oh, why didnt you say so from the beginning that all you needed was an eraser, a sigh of relief is expressed by the individual. Imagine youre from the United States and on a family vacation in Australia. Your baby drops her pacifier. A native of Australia comes over and picks it up and says here it is, dummy. Insulted, you wonder why the woman just called you an idiot. Of course, an exchange of nasty words soon follows and finally it hits you - a pacifier in Australia is called a dummy. A move to Australia is more than just finding a house, job, and best locations to eat and have fun, it also learning the way they speak. Australian English has its own lingo and rhythm. It is worth investing some time in learning the Australian expressions. On the next page, I provided some the essential terms you need to know. u Did 15

you know that

Australians celebrate Australia Day on January 26?

The New Land of Opportunity


Ants pants real good Apples, shell be it will be okay A sparrows fart dawn Awning over the toy shop- a mans beer belly Bad trot- a period of bad luck Barbie- barbecue Barney-fight Beavering-working hard Billy- a pot used on open fire to boil water Boot-car trunk Bugger Off- go away Burl- to try Cane it- drive fast Car park- parking lot Chalk and cheese- no comparison Cherrio- goodbye Chukas- good luck Coldie a cold beer Corker- really good Cozzie- swimsuit Cuppa- cup of coffee or tea Dad & Dave to shave Digger- Australian soldier Dummy a baby pacifier Dunny roll- toilet paper Easy on calm down Flat-apartment Good oil (adjective) useful idea Hooroo- goodbye Im stuffed Im tired Jimjams- pajamas 16 Kip- to nap Lift- elevator Like a two-bob watch something unreliable Lippy- lipstick Lob- unannounced visit Loo- toilet Mail- gossip Mystery bag sausage No object no problem On the nose- bad smelling Pasty- a meat pie Porky a lie Prang- car accident Prawn- shrimp Pusher childs stroller Rage- to party Rattle your dags- ride your bike Return- round trip Roo- kangaroo Sarvo this afternoon Slate- to criticize Snog- to kiss Steamer- one piece wet suit Suit hire- tuxedo rental Swish- look good Tat- tattoo Tea dinner Telly- television Up the duff pregnant Wanker arrogant person Yank- An American

The New Land of Opportunity


One of the best ways to live and work in Australia is through skilled migration visas, known as the Australian General Skilled Migration program. These visas are for people who are not sponsored by an employer and who have skills in occupations that Australia needs to fill. The Australia General Skilled Worker Visas are determined by a points system and deal with 6 Australian States & 2 Territories as well as over 40 assessing authorities! It is a process that is time consuming! It also can be potentially very expensive if not done correctly and detrimental if done wrong. The following are two visas that do not need specific people in Australia to sponsor you:

Australian skilled independent migrant visa (subclass 175)

If a person possesses proficient English language skills, is under age 45, and has skills and qualifications that meet the Australian standard for an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL), then such individual can apply for a Subclass 175 visa. Employment skills are based upon the Skilled Occupation List (SOL), a list of skilled occupations that are in need in Australia. These skilled occupations are constantly updated and each occupation listed on the SOL is allocated a points value for use in the visa assessment process. This visa allows you and any secondary applicants included in your visa application to live as permanent residents in Australia and receive the following benefits:


Live and work in Australia on a permanent basis Study in Australia at school, Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector or university Receive subsidized healthcare through Medicare and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) ccess certain social security payments (subject to waiting periods) Be eligible for Australian citizenship (subject to the residency eligibility criteria) Sponsor people for permanent residence.

The New Land of Opportunity

Australian skilled sponsored migrant visa (subclass 176) visa

An individual can apply for a Subclass 176 visa via an eligible relative living in Australia who is willing and able to sponsor you OR a nomination from a participating State or Territory government agency. However, you must possess the following: 1. Proficient English language skills, 2. Under age of 45 3. Skills and qualifications that meet the Australian standard for an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) relevant to that visa and the corresponding lists from each individual State and Territory. These skilled occupations are constantly updated and each occupation listed on the SOL is allocated a points value for use in the visa assessment process. This visa (subclass 176) allows you and any secondary applicants included in your visa application to live as permanent residents in Australia and receive the following benefits:

Live and work in Australia on a permanent basis Study in Australia at school, Vocational Education and Training (VET

sector or university Receive subsidized healthcare through Medicare and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Access certain social security payments (subject to waiting periods) Be eligible for Australian citizenship (subject to the residency eligibility criteria) Sponsor people for permanent residence.

u Did

you know that

the snowy mountains of the Australian Alps receive more snow than Switzerland?


The New Land of Opportunity

Australias immigrant roots began with the convicts of England. It was the only continent colonized by Europeans as a prison. Almost 225 years later, she has become the new land of opportunity with a robust economy and a government determined to import the best citizenry of the world. Here, in Australia, we are all human beings. It is a classless society, a place that began with few people brought together by a common purpose built a prosperous nation in a remarkably short amount of time and against all the odds. Australia has become one of the most powerful and progressive nations in the world. This is nothing short of a miracle. According to the Australias Department of Immigration and Citizenship over 6.9 million people have immigrated Australia since 1945, contributing to the prosperity, culture and the shaping of this country. In 200809, more than 171,000 migrants were granted visas under the Skill and Family Streams of Australias Migration Program and nearly 670,000 people received temporary entry visas to Australia to undertake specific work or business, or to entertain, play sport, have a working holiday or study. In addition, 13,507 humanitarian entrants were granted visas to enable them to live in Australia to rebuild their lives, having fled persecution or suffering. According to a recent article in the Sydney Morning Herald, Australias economy will struggle if the federal government does not increase its temporary skilled migrant intake. By 2015, more Australians will retire than will join the workforce, having a significant impact for economic growth and the government treasury as older Australians move to retirement and labor participation rates drop. Alan Chanesman, Chief Executive of Immigration Strategy for Lipman James firm, last year addressed the World Computer Congress in Brisbane, said the IT industry was vulnerable due to a lack of skilled temporary workers. He pointed out those applications for the 457 business visas have fallen by 20%. Immigration is an essential ingredient in the population growth and one lever the commonwealth can use to moderate or accelerate overall numbers, remarked Chanesman.


The New Land of Opportunity

For those who are searching for places that can change their lives for the better, Australia is definitely that location. The only thing stopping you from making your dreams a reality is not making that Abrahamic step.

u Did

you know that

Tasmania is considered to have the best air in the world?


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