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Components of Personality

Patterns of Behavior
Recognizable order and regularity in behavior. People act the same way or similar way in a variety of situations.

Psychological & Physiological

Personality is a psychological construct. Yet, it is likely to be influenced by worldly things and needs.

Behaviors and actions

How we behave and respond in a particular environment also determines ones personality traits.

Multiple Expressions
Thoughts, feelings, relationships and interactions also reflect as components of personality.

Theories of Personality
Psychological or Psychoanalytic Theory
Sigmund Freud

Phenomenological Theory
Carl Rogers

Cognitive Theory
George A Kelly

A Trait Factor Analytic Approach

Raymond B Cattel

Psycho-social Development Theory


Sigmund Freud


Father of Psychoanalysis; trailblazer of modern day psychology

An Austrian; Graduated in Medicine. Specialized in Nervous Ailments His 1923 work The Ego and the Id brings out a final formulation of his structural theory of the mind. Died in 1939. Today his theory is under criticism. However, his work initiated a

Freuds Structural Model of Mental Health

Personality is composed of three structures

Id, Ego and Super-ego

Id (Latin for IT) It is an inborn component of personality Raw, animalistic, unorganized. Obeys no law, selfish, instinctual. Doesnt recognize fear or anxiety. It is the foundation of unconscious It is the base of libido drives.

Freuds Structural Model of Mental Health

The EGO Ego develops out of the ID because of the necessity for dealing with real world conscious in nature. eps ID in check by delaying and controling the urges of

SuperEgo It is the higher level restraining force the Conscience. It preaches morality the rights and wrongs. It is genetically subconsciously developed by absorbing cultural and ethical values of the social environment.

or a normal personality all the three should be in balanc


Freuds Structural Model of Mental Health

opelling factors of Personality

nstincts are the propelling factors of personality.

hey drive behavior and the direction that behavior take

he real world factors also determine behavior.

However, inborn instincts are stronger than

the real world factors.

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