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Official Resume

Name: Leon Battista Alberti Biographical Information: Place/Date of Birth: Genoa, Italy, 1404 n

Lineage: Illegitimate son of Lorenzo Alberti & Bianca Fieschi n Schooling: Gasparino Barzizza in Padua (1414-1418), University of Bologna n Apprenticeships: None Self learned n

Former Employers/Patrons: Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, the

Rucellai family, Pope Nicholas V, Pope Pius II n

Guild Memberships: None

Contributions to the Art World: Istoria (theory of harmony),

Books (including De Pictura, De Statua, De Re Aedificatoria), the comedy Philodoxius, invented the polyalphabetic cipher (for the advancement of cryptography), Sant Andrea in Mantua (1471), Santa Maria Novella in n Firenze (1458), and the Tempio Malatestiano in Rimini (1450-1468) n
Greatest Work: The Roman Aquaduct (Acqua Vergine)

because it was a combination of functionality and beauty.

n n

Katie Thomas & Ryan Kennedy 09/27/09 Block: 4 Alberti Rsum

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