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food offering Food Offering Meal Chants Before breakfast or lunch We make offerings to the Buddhas.

We make offerings to the Dharma. We make offerings to the Sangha. We make offerings to all sentient beings. I vow to deliver innumerable sentient beings. I vow to cut off endless vexations. I vow to master limitless approaches to Dharma. I vow to attain supreme Buddhahood. Closing The offering (meal) is over, and we wish all sentient beings accomplish liberation, and fulfill all Buddhadharma. The Five Contemplations 1. Considering how much effort has brought us this food, we reflect on its origin. 2. We evaluate our own virtue and practicelacking or completeas we receive this offering. 3. Protecting the mind from the mistakes of greed, hatred, and ignorance is essential. 4. Considering this food as necessary medicine, it will prevent the body from withering away. 5. We receive this food for the sake of accomplishing the Buddha path.

Joy will not last Peringatan kepada Rekan-Rekan Praktisi Hari ini t'lah berlalu. Ajal kita pun kian mendekat. Bak ikan pada genangan air yang mengering, kebahagiaan takkan berlangsung selamanya. Marilah menjalankan praktik dengan tulus.

Menjalankan praktik seolah seperti sedang berusaha memadamkan rambut yang terbakar. Selalu ingat akan ketidakpastian. Waspada akan kemalasan.

CHAN LITURGY Kebaktian Petang Chan Indonesia @Giri: Admonition to the Assembly: This day has passed. ...Our lives, too, are closing. Like fish with little water, Joy will not last. Let us work with pure effort. Work as we would were our heads aflame. Be mindful of impermanence. Be careful of idleness. (Precentor intones the first word) Shi ri yi guo. Ming yi sui jian. Ru shao shui yu, si you he le. Da zhong (precentor intones these two words) Dang qin jing jin ru jiu tou ran. Dan nian wu chang. Shen wu fang yi (ini, dan yang menjelang makan itu (meals offering ?), masih saja mengingatkan situasi waktu bareng teman-teman di hall. kalau sudah sore, mulai muncul suara serangga di pohon-pohon di luar jendela, dan udara makin bertambah dingin, tapi tatap saja terasa hangat suasana di ruang itu.

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