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Amino acids Assimilation in liver y Amino acids have to pass through liver before reach blood circulatory system

Liver synthesizes plasma proteins frm amino acids Plasma proteins = for blood clotting, osmoregulation

Glucose Glucose in liver for respiration Glucose glycogen (in liver)

Lipids Lipids enter heart thru subclavian veins transported in the bloodstream to body cells

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When blood sugar level falls, body needs energy : glycogen glucose Once glycogen store in liver is full (excess glucose lipids )by liver

When short supply of glucose& glycogen occurs, liver converts amino acids glucose Excess amino acids cannot be stored in body, broken down in liver deamination Urea produced and transported to kidneys to be excreted Amino acids enter cells for synthesis of new protoplasm & repair of damaged tissues Important building block synthesis enzymes and hormones A.acids synthesis proteins of plasma membranes

Assimilation in the cells

Glucose molecules reach body cells oxidised release energy during cellular respiration -energy for muscle contraction, synthesis of proteins Excess glucose stored as glycogen in muscles

Lipids e.g phospholipids, cholesterol major components of plasma membranes -Fats stored around organs for protection -body lacks glucose , fat oxidized to release energy

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