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‘aloo tag ai B bat. “the bu cee peas Meahee us public shitemoct. & — Wwrde ro tanler os ti fo pls AL acs Ne Dive oy oo oe Ll Ae Sreis iCaA— UE Debit boefane our tacd th sale aN wW Weshuctho 0c, Lm ~ Xs wonseructine » but fo - i en, Atl we Armstrong Economics * The Dow & The Future T yould like to thank the many people who have been writing from around the world. If is encouraging fo now that there are so many people who are interested fn uncovering the truth. T have also special thanks for So many providing valuable insight Into trends around fhe world from Chine, Soviet Republics, South Africa, Brasil, Australian, and India, I believe we can survive fhe folly of goveriments even if they refuse to listen. the key 1a understanding the nature of events, and that Allows us to correctly sake the decision “to be on the opposite side, I would like to else thank all ny ola friend and former Giients for their support and to know that they fave continued to gather information that serves us all Sn tines of crisie: io are standing on the precipice of a new era in global sovial-cconosies. How we enter this new age is Sf eritical inportance, Coverntent is Incapable to doing Shything for any reform of its ovn abuse of power tz not Gp igor negotiation, Ne must weather the storm, and todo £8 Ne nocd to underetand its mature. Just aa the 19302 Egeat Doproscion set in motion profound changes that were even manifest in geopolitical confrontations, ve have now Eceched such a crossroads, A debt crisis has its tentacles Sseply embedded into every sector right into governneat. Sh Tet the eistinction fom s mere atock market crack, Chat Grorcloveraged and sone hanks are stsll trying to be hedge Zinds and have to cpeculate to make a profit. that is a key warning sign that the worse is yet to cons. conments, Suggestions £ Questions Conments, Suggestions £ Questtons Please mail to: Martin A. Armstrong Ber Fort pix Camp, #12518-050 Po Box 2000 Fort Dix, NJ 08640 PLEASE REGISTER YOUR IRIE, ADDRESS [FOR FUTURE UPORTED NEWS CRITICAL 40 COR SURVIVAL Arastrongicoocmicoaaiail cm ce Gqeiht Metin A Retiees, all Siches emer Ths fopoct nay be forwarded as yeu Like wittout crexpe to indivisuals at govarments aps ts Grelds fn de peovised oa 4 Rede Sones af this tine uchovt cost because of Ue caiticel facts Tee es hone sconenteetly, Tn canes and designe of the aystons are in fact ex Ara rutues Getty grey ecition af 1986 The Greatest Gi Parkst Tn History ese Sock well sour be published on the macs) Htsalf = Tho Geamicy of Timm Tt Ss Si

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