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nerally, patients are asked to wash the surgical site with antibacterial soap before coming in for surgery. If the site is hairy, it might get shaved in the pre-op area, or it might get shaved in the OR. (Legs and bellies might get done ahead of time. Heads, not so much) Some surgeons order another scrub in the pre-op area, especially for total joint replacements. Then it's off to the OR, and you're anesthetized. Then the REAL prep begins. Further shaving, if needed, then the prep. There are different preps. The old way is a betadine scrub followed by betadine paint. Newer preps are alcohol based, and are just swabbed on. Betadine isn't flammable, but the newer preps are (because of the alcohol) so they have to dry thoroughly so they don't catch the patient on fire. There is also a prep called Duraprep which is swabbed on and has to wear off. I've also seen surgeons use chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol as preps. Each surgeon has his or her own preference. There are also bowel preps, vaginal preps, and others, but that's probably more than you want to know. Hope that helps. Source(s):

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