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Russians Put New Satan Nuke Into Play

Russia, frustrated with anti-nuke talks with the United states has decided to put an end to the talks and move forward with its plans to upgrade its nuclear defensive and offensive systems, including the construction on a new and more powerful Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM). Nicknamed Satan by Western intelligence, the new missile carries a 100-ton warhead. This giant ICBM will take its place at the head of an already impressive missile arsenal which includes the Yars, Topol-M and Bulava-class ballistic missiles sometime in 2015. This announcement come on the heels of a US announcement that its last B-53 nuclear weapon has been dismantled. The B-53 was the largest bomb in the US arsenal. Russian president Dimitri Medvedev walked out of talks with the United States back in November over US plans to set up a missile defense system in Europe. The European Phased Adaptive Approach plan is a intricate array of sea and land based missiles which were designed to be used against a missile attack from Iran. The US says that cooperation from Moscow is needed to help the shield work. Moscow on the other hand claims the talks were useless because the US refused to guarantee the missiles would not be aimed at Russia. At that point, Moscow decided to end their particiaption in the talks and shortly after announced it plans to build the Satan Nuke. Washington claims that the real bone of contention was that Russia wanted access to the secret systems designs and locations, a huge problem for the US. The US legitimately feels that if they give the Russians access to the information, it will make its way to Iran rendering the system useless. The only positive being that both the US and Russia are still in contact and have both announced their desire to see the negotiations through. Should Russia be given access to the US Missile Shield? Read more - %2F&title=Russians%20Put%20New%20%E2%80%9CSatan%E2%80%9D%20Nuke %20Into%20Play&sharer=copypaste


by J. R. Nyquist AUG 27 2007
Since 1998 I have publicly warned of Russias war preparations. The idea of preparing for nuclear war is absurd for most Americans, because the idea of nuclear war makes no sense in a consumer society.

However that may be, Russias war preparations were as undeniable then as they are today. And Russia is not a consumer society. In the late 1990s Russia was refurbishing huge nuclear war bunkers and building underground cities. The only purpose such bunkers and cities could serve is in relation to a future nuclear war. For a country that was supposedly broke to be spending its precious resources on something so expensive, so far out of the way of normal expectations, seemed inexplicable. Oh well, people would shrug. The Russians are used to doing this sort of thing. It gives them psychological comfort. Let them do what they want. It neednt trouble us. The public missed the fact, however, that Russia was continuing to violate arms control agreements. It was not admitting to all the nuclear warheads it possessed, and was not reliably disposing of them. It was developing new, deadly, biological and chemical weapons. Why in the midst of peace, a few short years after the end of the Cold War, were the Russians adhering to this insane path? Were they anticipating a future war? The answer must be yes. And the answer continues to be yes. In the 1990s Russia forged an alliance with China that involved a growing series of joint military exercises. Why would the Russians do this? Why would they seek to develop a joint military capability that would link Russian missile power with Chinese manpower? For over a decade the Russians have been providing the Chinese with technology and weapons. This is not merely a commercial transaction, as some would insist. These transactions are carefully considered strategic steps. Since the mid-1990s, Russia and China have initiated joint-armaments programs that further solidified their military partnership. It is obsolete thinking to suppose Russia and China are enemies. It must be understood, as a practical matter, that Russia and China are underdog powers locked in a struggle for primacy with the United States. The only sensible strategy, if Russia and China expect to emerge on top, is to unite against the Americans.

And that is what the two countries have been doing for the past decade. A week ago today, on August 17, the Russians and Chinese conducted joint military exercises on Russian soil, in the southern Ural Mountains. These coincided with strategic air operations involving Russian nuclear bombers. The combination of ground exercises with nuclear bomber exercises is a characteristic of Soviet nuclear war theory, which holds that troops must be used to follow up nuclear strikes. President Putin and Chinas President Hu Jintao watched the exercises while holding a summit in Bishkek (the capital of former Soviet Kyrgyzstan). While China and Russia insist that their preparations arent aimed at any specific power, only a simpleton would believe them. (I am sad to acknowledge that many Americans, in this regard, are simpletons.) Last week, in an obvious upgrading of nuclear war readiness, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the resumption of long-range nuclear bomber patrols that had previously been suspended in 1992. I made the decision to restore flights of Russian strategic bombers on a permanent basis, said Putin. Combat duty has begun. For some reason, Americans cannot digest Putins statement or his decision to resume bomber patrols. Why is this happening? Well, we say to ourselves, there is no reason other than the peculiar psychology of the Russians. President Bush has not put U.S. strategic bombers on patrol. And why should he? Russia isnt our enemy. We are all friends. We are all economic partners and allies in the war against terror. In Washington the State Department spokesman, Sean McCormack, responded to the Russian announcement of permanent strategic bomber patrols by saying, Its interesting. We certainly are not in the kind of posture we were with what used to be the Soviet Union. Its a different era. If Russia feels as though they want to take some of these old aircraft out of mothballs and get them flying again, thats their decision. Its as if the Russian military had resumed stamp collecting or archery. There is no strategic alarm, no threat, no difficulty and no discomfiture. Let them play with their obsolete toys. We are living in a new era, and these activities no longer trouble us. The Cold War ended and the animosity between the great powers is gone.

Say good-bye to it. Any evidence to the contrary is not evidence. Were living in a different era. Anyone who doesnt know this, even if they are the president of the Russian Federation, is out-of-step. One might imagine Washingtons reaction to a Russian missile strike against U.S. targets. Its interesting, the State Department would purr. This is not the sort of missile strike we would have expected from the Soviet Union. Of course, its a different era. If Russia feels that they want to launch some old, useless missiles, thats their decision. Our lack of imagination, our inability to grasp our enemys thought process, leads us to dismiss what is obvious. The Russians are getting ready. Why isnt the American side responding? Why arent the Americans getting ready? We have been seduced by a series of comforting illusions. We are also absorbed in a struggle against Islamic terrorism (only we are at pains to admit the Islamic aspect of it). The American shopping mall regime produces stupefaction and complacency. The regime is predicated on economic optimism and entertainment. This optimism is about to be shattered. The Russians know this is going to happen, and they are preparing even as we fail to prepare.

Experts: U. S. unprepared for nuclear terror attack

"...attempting to evacuate could "put you on a crowded freeway where you'll be stuck in traffic and get the maximum radiation exposure." Yet, "...the only choice for most people would be to flee" because they are unprepared! By Greg Gordon McClatchy Newspapers Thu, Mar. 01, 2007 WASHINGTON - Although the Bush administration has warned repeatedly about the threat of a terrorist nuclear attack and spent more than $300 billion to protect the homeland, the government remains ill-prepared to respond to a nuclear catastrophe.

Experts and government documents suggest that, absent a major preparedness push, the U. S. response to a mushroom cloud could be worse than the debacle after Hurricane Katrina, possibly contributing to civil disorder and costing thousands of lives. "The United States is unprepared to mitigate the consequences of a nuclear attack," Pentagon analyst John Brinkerhoff concluded in a July 31, 2005, draft of a confidential memo to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. "We were unable to find any group or office with a coherent approach to this very important aspect of homeland security. ... "This is a bad situation. The threat of a nuclear attack is real, and action is needed now to learn how to deal with one." Col. Jill Morgenthaler, Illinois' director of homeland security, said there's a "disconnect" between President Bush's and Vice President Dick Cheney's nuclear threat talk and the administration's actions. "I don't see money being focused on actual response and mitigation to a nuclear threat," she said. Interviews by McClatchy Newspapers with more than 15 radiation and emergency preparedness experts and a review of internal documents revealed: The government has yet to launch an educational program, akin to the Cold War-era civil defense campaign promoting fallout shelters, to teach Americans how to shield themselves from radiation, especially from the fallout plume, which could deposit deadly particles up to 100 miles from ground zero. Analysts estimate that as many as 300,000 emergency workers would be needed after a nuclear attack, but predict that the radiation would scare many of them away from the disaster site. Hospital emergency rooms wouldn't be able to handle the surge of people who were irradiated or the many more who feared they were. Medical teams would have to improvise to treat what could be tens of thousands of burn victims because most cities have only one or two available burn-unit beds. Cham Dallas, director of the University of Georgia's Center for Mass Destruction Defense, called the predicament "the worst link in our health care wall." Several drugs are in development and one is especially promising, but

the government hasn't acquired any significant new medicine to counteract radiation's devastating effects on victims' blood-forming bone marrow. Over the last three years, several federal agencies have taken some steps in nuclear disaster planning. The Department of Health and Human Services has drawn up "playbooks" for a range of attack scenarios and created a Web site to instruct emergency responders in treating radiation victims. The Energy Department's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is geared to use real-time weather data, within minutes of a bombing, to create a computer model that charts the likely path of a radioactive fallout plume so that the government can warn affected people to take shelter or evacuate. The government also has modeled likely effects in blast zones. Capt. Ann Knebel, the U. S. Public Health Service's deputy preparedness chief, said her agency is using the models to understand how many people in different zones would suffer from blast injuries, burns or radiation sickness "and to begin to match our resources to the types of injuries." No matter how great the government's response, a nuclear bomb's toll would be staggering. The government's National Planning Scenario, which isn't public, projects that a relatively small, improvised 10-kiloton bomb could kill hundreds of thousands of people in a medium-sized city and cause hundreds of billions of dollars in economic losses. The document, last updated in April 2005, projects that a bomb denoted at ground level in Washington, D. C., would kill as many as 204,600 people, including many government officials, and would injure or sicken 90,800. Another 24,580 victims would die of radiation-related cancer in ensuing years. Radioactive debris would contaminate a 3,000-square-mile area, requiring years-long cleanup, it said. Brinkerhoff, author of the confidential memo for the Joint Chiefs, estimated that nearly 300,000 National Guardsmen, military reservists and civil emergency personnel would be needed to rescue, decontaminate, process and manage the 1.5 million evacuees. The job would include cordoning off the blast zone and manning a 200mile perimeter around the fallout area to process and decontaminate victims, to turn others away from the danger and to maintain order.

Brinkerhoff estimated that the military would need to provide 140,000 of the 300,000 responders, but doubted that the Pentagon would have that many. And the Public Health Service's Knebel cited studies suggesting that the "fear factor" would reduce civil emergency responders by more than 30 percent. Planning for an attack seems to evoke a sense of resignation among some officials. "We are concerned about the catastrophic threats and are trying to improve our abilities for disasters," said Gerald Parker, a deputy assistant secretary in Health and Human Services' new Office of Preparedness and Response. "But you have to look at what's pragmatic as well." Dr. Andrew Garrett of Columbia University's National Center for Disaster Preparedness, put it this way: "People are just very intimidated to take on the problem" because "there may not be apparent solutions right now." The U. S. intelligence community considers it a "fairly remote" possibility that terrorists will obtain weapons-grade plutonium or highly enriched uranium, which is more accessible, to build a nuclear weapon, said a senior intelligence official who requested anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the information. The official said intelligence agencies worry mainly about a makeshift, radioactive "dirty bomb" that would kill at most a few hundred people, contaminate part of a city and spread panic. But concerns about a larger nuclear attack are increasing at a time when North Korea is testing atomic weapons and Iran is believed to be pursuing them. Al-Qaida's worldwide network of terrorists also reportedly has been reconstituted. The 9/11 Commission's 2004 report rated a nuclear bombing as the most consequential threat facing the nation. "We called for a maximum effort against the threat," Lee Hamilton, the panel's vice chairman, told McClatchy Newspapers. "My impression is that we've got a long ways to go. ... I just think it would overwhelm us." Dr. Ira Helfand, a Massachusetts emergency care doctor who coauthored a report on nuclear preparedness last year by the Physicians for Social Responsibility, chided the administration for trying "to create a climate of fear rather than to identify a problem and address it." The doctors' group found the government "dangerously unprepared" for a

nuclear attack. Government officials say they have drafted playbooks for every sort of radioactive attack, from a "dirty bomb" to a large, sophisticated device. But radiation experts and government memos emphasize the chaos that a bigger bomb could create. Emergency responders could face power outages, leaking gas lines, buckled bridges and tunnels, disrupted communications from the blast's electromagnetic pulse and streets clogged by vehicle crashes because motorists could be blinded by the bright flash accompanying detonation. No equipment exists to shield rescue teams from radiation, and survivors would face similar risks if they tried to walk to safety. Defense analyst Brinkerhoff proposed having troops gradually tighten the ring around the blast zone as the radiation diminished, but warned that the government lacks the hundreds of radiation meters needed to ensure that they wouldn't endanger themselves. He said those making rescue forays would need dosimeters to monitor their exposure. Emergency teams would have no quick test to determine the extent of survivors' radiation exposure. They would have to rely on tests for white blood cell declines or quiz people about their whereabouts during the blast and whether they had vomited. For those with potentially lethal acute radiation sickness, only limited medication is available, said Richard Hatchett, who's overseeing nearly $100 million in research on radiation countermeasures for the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases. The Department of Health and Human Services might commit to a limited purchase of one promising drug as early as this month. But currently federal health officials plan to fly victims of acute radiation sickness to hospitals across the country for bone marrow transplants. The National Planning Scenario expressed concern that uninformed survivors of an attack could be lethally exposed to radiation because they failed to seek shelter, preferably in a sealed basement, for three to four days while radioactive debris decayed. Another big problem: Only a small percentage of Americans store bottled water, canned food and other essentials for an ordeal in a shelter. Helfand said it would be too late to help most people near the blast, but that advance education could save many people in the path of the

fallout. Education is critical, he said, because attempting to evacuate could "put you on a crowded freeway where you'll be stuck in traffic and get the maximum radiation exposure." California's emergency services chief, Henry Renteria, said it might be time "to re-establish an urban area radiation shelter program." Brinkerhoff wrote that people could build their own radiation-proof shelters if the government engaged in "large-scale civil defense planning" and gave them meters and dosimeters to monitor the radiation. Since there hasn't been "any enthusiasm to address this kind of preparedness," Brinkerhoff concluded, the only choice for most people would be to flee.

Medvedev: Russia may target missile defense sites

AP Wed, Nov 23, 2011

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev speaks at an award ceremony in the Gorki residence MOSCOW (AP) Russia will deploy new missiles aimed at U.S. missile defense sites in Europe if Washington goes ahead with the planned shield despite Russia's concerns, President Dmitry Medvedev said Wednesday. Russia will station missiles in its westernmost Kaliningrad region and other areas if Russia and NATO fail to reach a deal on the U.S.-led missile defense plans, he said in a tough statement that seemed to be aimed at rallying domestic support.

Russia considers the plans for missile shields in Europe, including in Romania and Poland, to be a threat to its nuclear forces, but the Obama administration insists they are meant to fend off a potential threat from Iran. Moscow has agreed to consider NATO's proposal last fall to cooperate on the missile shield, but the talks have been deadlocked over how the system should operate. Russia has insisted that the system should be run jointly, which NATO has rejected. Medvedev also warned that Moscow may opt out of the New START arms control deal with the United States and halt other arms control talks if the U.S. proceeds. The Americans had hoped that the treaty would stimulate progress further ambitious arms control efforts, but such talks have stalled over tension on the missile plans. "The United States and its NATO partners as of now aren't going to take our concerns about the European missile defense into account," a stern Medvedev said, adding that if the alliance continues to "stonewall" Russia it will take retaliatory action. The U.S. plan calls for placing land- and sea-based radars and interceptors in European locations over the next decade and upgrading them over time. Medvedev warned that Russia will deploy short-range Iskander missiles in Kaliningrad, a Baltic Sea exclave bordering Poland, and place weapons in other areas in Russia's west and south to target U.S. missile defense sites. Medvedev added that prospective Russian strategic nuclear missiles will be fitted with systems that would allow them to penetrate prospective missile defenses. He and other Russian leaders have made similar threats in the past, and the latest statement appears to be aimed at domestic audience ahead of Dec. 4 parliamentary elections. Medvedev, who is set to step down to allow Prime Minister Vladimir Putin reclaim the presidency in March's elections, leads the ruling United Russia party list in the parliamentary vote. A sterm warning to the U.S. and NATO issued by Medvedev seems to be directed at rallying nationalist votes in the polls.

Putin not able to track all nukes

By The Washington Times Tuesday, May 1, 2007 Russian President Vladimir Putin told President Bush he could not account for all of Moscows nuclear weapons at the same time al Qaeda was seeking to purchase three Russian nuclear devices on the black market, former CIA Director George J. Tenet said. In his new book, Mr. Tenet states that shortly after the September 11 attacks, Mr. Bush briefed Mr. Putin about a Pakistani nongovernmental group, Umma Tameer-e-Nau. The group, whose members included extremist nuclear scientists, was helping the Taliban and al Qaeda develop nuclear arms. The president asked Putin point blank if Russia could account for all of its [nuclear] material, he states in his book, At the Center of the Storm. Choosing his words carefully, the Russian president said he was confident he could account for everything under his watch, Mr. Tenet stated, noting that the deliberately ambiguous response tended to confirm reports of nuclear smuggling shortly after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union. Mr. Tenet said the CIA informed Russian intelligence about former Soviet nuclear scientists who were working with al Qaeda. Russian officials refused to delve into any matters related to the security of their nuclear facilities and nuclear weapons, including reports sourced to Russian officials concerning possible theft of Russian suitcase nukes, Mr. Tenet stated. The comments contradict Russian government claims for the past 16 years that no nuclear arms were missing. Alexander Lebed, a former Russian national security adviser, stated in 1997 that Russia could not account for about 80 portable nuclear weapons, a claim later denied by Moscow. Mr. Tenet disclosed the presidential exchange in explaining detailed intelligence reports from late 2002 to spring 2003 stating that senior al Qaeda leaders were negotiating for the purchase of three Russian nuclear devices. The former CIA chief identified the al Qaeda nuclear procurement group as including No. 2 leader Ayman al-Zawahri and Abdel al-Aziz al-Masri, who is described as the nuclear chief for the terrorist group. The disclosures in Mr. Tenets book are generating criticism from people who say some meetings and dates described in the book are inaccurate.

Kenneth deGraffenreid, a former senior intelligence official, said the book cannot be gauged for accuracy because the CIA continues to withhold a critical inspector-general report on the agencys pre-September 11 activities. Michelle Van Cleave, a former high-ranking counterintelligence coordinator, said Mr. Tenets book and its kiss and tell format are more than bad manners. Insights into how decisions are made the thought processes and confidences and personal traits of our senior leaders are real intelligence jewels, she said. Our enemies hunger for these kinds of insights. Of all people, George Tenet knows that. He at least could have waited until the president was out of office before baring his soul. Intelligence officials said the book inaccurately quoted Defense Intelligence Agency analyst Tina Shelton during an August 2002 meeting at the CIA, falsely claiming that Miss Shelton said connections between Iraq and al Qaeda were an open-and-shut case. Officials who were present at the meeting said the statement was never made. CIA spokesman Mark Mansfield praised the book as an accurate depiction of Mr. Tenets service and leadership at the CIA during a time of great intensity and challenge.


Top police officer warns that nuclear attack is inevitable

Scotland must prepare for absolute terror

Rob Edwards, Environment Editor


A nuclear attack by terrorists causing widespread panic, chaos and death is inevitable and will happen soon, a senior Scottish police officer has warned. Efforts to prevent terrorist groups from obtaining materials that could be made into radioactive dirty bombs - or even crude nuclear explosives - are bound to fail, he said. And the result will be horror on an unprecedented scale. "These materials are undoubtedly out there, and undoubtedly will end up in terrorists' hands, and undoubtedly will be used by terrorists some time soon," he declared. "We must plan for failure and prepare for absolute terror."

Dickinson is assistant chief constable with Lothian and Borders Police, and has responsibility through the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland for protecting Scotland from chemical and nuclear attacks. He has been closely involved in coordinating the country's counter-terrorism response. He said: "An incident will continue for days and all the public will see is people dying without reason. What will we do when our children come home from school with blisters on their skin and their parents don't know what to do? "What happens if 10 deaths, 50 deaths, 100 deaths start occurring in an unconnected and random way all over the country? The public will be rightly and understandably terrified." Casualties caused by radiation, which most people don't understand, would trigger widespread "panic and fear", said Dickinson. And the response of the emergency services "would be chaotic" because of a shortage of resources. The police capability for dealing with the chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threat - known as CBRN - needs to be increased, he argued. "I haven't got as many officers with protective equipment as I would like," he added. "We must prepare for the worst." Dickinson delivered his dire warnings to an international conference in Edinburgh last week. More than 300 experts from 70 countries were taking part in a high-level meeting organised by the UN International Atomic Energy Agency on the risks of nuclear terrorism. The police response to a CBRN incident when it happened would have a "profound effect on our communities which should not be underestimated", he said. The protective clothing that officers would have to wear would look "terrifying". As Dickinson made the point in his speech on Wednesday, one of his fellow police officers appeared dramatically on the stage dressed head to toe in a regulation black protection suit. With his face completely obscured by a gas mask, the officer then walked slowly through the delegates seated in the Edinburgh International Conference Centre. Decontamination after a radiation attack would be an "enormous cost", Dickinson contended. It would far exceed the multi-million pound bill for cleaning up the 50 premises contaminated with polonium-210 after the poisoning of the former KGB agent, Alexander Litvinenko, in London last year. There would also be a huge drain on resources from having to reassure many people who were unharmed but worried. The additional monitoring and clean-up work would be "a major problem", he said.

Worldwide efforts to stem the spread of radioactive materials by the governments represented at the conference were vital, Dickinson concluded. "But the sad fact is that your work will fail." Dickinson's nightmare analysis was backed up by Dr Frank Barnaby, a nuclear consultant who used to work at the Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment in Berkshire. "The amazing thing is that this hasn't happened already," he told the Sunday Herald. "We should expect it any minute. It's an obvious thing for a terrorist to do. A primitive nuclear explosion would simply eliminate the centre of a city like Glasgow or Edinburgh." The Edinburgh conference heard a series of other warnings about the risks of radioactive materials being stolen and used to cause devastation. "As the terrorists look for the next spectacular attack, we know that al-Qaeda in Iraq is calling on nuclear scientists to join in the jihad," said William Nye, director of counterterrorism and intelligence at the Home Office in London. Richard Hoskins, from the International Atomic Energy Agency's Office of Nuclear Security in Vienna, revealed that there had been 1266 confirmed incidents in which radioactive materials had been stolen or lost around the world since 1993. Most involved radiation sources that could be made into dirty bombs, although in 18 instances small amounts of bombs-grade uranium or plutonium had been seized.

Russia to deploy monsterous Satan nuclear weapon in arsenal

Posted on December 21, 2011 by The Extinction Protocol

December 21, 2011 MOSCOW Russia, frustrated with anti-nuke talks with the United States has decided to put an end to the talks and move forward with its plans to upgrade its nuclear defensive and offensive systems, including the construction on a new and more powerful

Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM). Nicknamed Satan by Western intelligence, the new missile carries a 100-ton warhead. This giant ICBM will take its place at the head of an already impressive missile arsenal which includes the Yars, Topol-M and Bulava-class ballistic missiles sometime in 2015. This announcement comes on the heels of a US announcement that its last B53 nuclear weapon has been dismantled. The B-53 was the largest bomb in the U.S. arsenal. Russian president Dimitri Medvedev walked out of talks with the United States back in November over U.S. plans to set up a missile defense system in Europe. The European Phased Adaptive Approach plan is an intricate array of sea and land based missiles which were designed to be used against a missile attack from Iran. The U.S. says that cooperation from Moscow is needed to help the shield work. Moscow on the other hand claims the talks were useless because the U.S. refused to guarantee the missiles would not be aimed at Russia. At that point, Moscow decided to end their participation in the talks and shortly after announced it plans to build the Satan Nuke. Inquisitor

Russia upgrading nuclear arsenal with new 'Satan' ICBM

By JohnThomas Didymus Dec 21, 2011 in World 1 comment By JohnThomas Didymus.

Moscow - Russia has reacted to what it says is the security threat the new U.S. defense system in Europe poses. Russia says it's upgrading the old RS-36 Voyevoda ICBM, known in the West as the "Satan missile," by building a new 100ton ICBM. According to the English Pravda, Sergei Karakaev, commander of the missile troops said: "The decision about the creation of the new silo-based missile system with a liquid-fuel heavy missile has been made. The complex will have increased

possibilities in overcoming the prospective missile defense system of the United States." Pravda reports further that the new missile will go into service in 2015. The Russian government said it was building the new ballistic missile to "preserve parity in the field." Business Insider reports that Russia's Strategic Missile Forces (SMF) will be renovating their Topol-M and Yars RS-24 missile systems and constructing an enormous new 100-ton ballistic missile. According to the official Russian Pravda, "Russia does not stand against the US missile defense system. Russia stands against the creation of the missile defense system, which would be directly aimed against Russia to potentially reduce the possibilities of the Russian nuclear containment forces." Analyst see the latest move by Russia as in protest of the European Missile Defense Shield being built by the U.S. Digital Journal reported in November that the, "Russian President threatened that if the U.S. proceeds with the planned European missile shield system, Russia will deploy Iskander missiles in the Kaliningrad border area between Poland and Lithuania to strike against the system." The Russian president , according to Digital Journal, said that: "I have given the armed forces the task of drawing up plans to destroy the information and command and control systems of the (US/NATO) anti-missile shield...Our NATO partners are not for now showing any readiness to take our concerns about the architecture of the European missile shield into account, something which convinces us that their plans are aimed at Russia." The Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, also said that Russia may pull out of any disarmament treaties it has made with the U.S. Business Insider reports that the Russian Ria Novosti said the Russians have successfully carried out short-range interceptor missile test and are developing their own missile defense shield. The Inquisitr reports that the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, abandoned talks with the U.S. in November over its new European missile defense system. The Russians abandoned the talks after they accused the U.S. of refusing to guarantee that the defense system will not be used against Russia. The U.S., however, alleged that Moscow's demand was to access the secret system's designs and locations, which it cannot allow. The U.S. says that the Russians may share the information with Iran against which the U.S.missile defense system is being deployed.

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SS-18 Mod 4
Country: Russian Federation Alternate Name: Satan, RS-20V Class: ICBM Basing: Silo Based Length: 34.30 m Diameter: 3.00 m Launch Weight: 211,100 kg Payload: 10 MIRV warheads Warhead: Nuclear 500 kT (x10 MIRV) Propulsion: 2-stage liquid Range: 11000 km Status: Operational In Service: 1982-?

Russian Designation: RS-20V The SS-18 is an intercontinental-range, silo-based, liquid propellant ballistic missile deployed by the Soviet Union. It is the largest of the fourth generation Soviet intercontinental-range missile and the only heavy missile allowed under the second Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT II). A total of six versions are known to exist. The SS-18 was extremely similar in design to its predecessor, the SS-9. The SS-18 Mod 4 is an extremely powerful strategic weapon. It carries Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicle (MIRV) warheads, each with a nuclear yield greater than that of many contemporary missiles. It has range such that all major targets within the continental United States could be attacked. The SS-18 Mod 4 is simply an upgraded version of the SS-18 Mod 3. The Mod 3 may have been insufficient for an effective antisilo attack, but the upgrades for the Mod 4 make the missile a likely candidate for an attack against hardened targets. An SS-18 Mod 4 warhead has a decent chance at destroying a US silo and the probability of a successful strike can be significantly increased by aiming multiple MIRV at a single silo. The MIRV warheads could also be used to destroy population centers, making the SS-18 Mod 4 a viable asset for countervalue targets. The SS-18 Mod 3 and 4 have the same general design; the only difference is MIRV accuracy. Whether the Mod 4 brought accuracy to 650 m CEP or improved upon this accuracy is unclear. The missile uses an inertial navigation system with digital computer guidance and control. The missile is a massive 211,100 kg, with a length of 34.3 m and a

3.0 m diameter. It uses a two-stage liquid propellant engine.The SS-18 Mod 4 can deploy its 10 MIRV warheads up to a range of 11,000 km. Each MIRV warhead has a yield of 500 kT. The SS-18 entered development in 1969 as a replacement for the SS-9 missile. It was essentially a redesigned, modernized SS-9. The flight tests started in 1973 and the Mod 1 version of the missile was first deployed operationally in 1975 within converted SS-9 missile silos and launch complexes. The SS-18 Mod 2 entered service in 1978, with the Mod 3 and Mod 4 entering service in 1980 and 1982 respectively. By 1991, there were 308 SS-18 missiles in silos grouped among six major launch sites. The first Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I) required the number of SS-18 missiles to be reduced to 154 by 2003. As a result, the early versions of the SS-18 were removed from service to maintain the more advanced models; all Mod 1 missiles were removed by 1994 while the Mod 2 missiles were removed by 2001. The requirement of the START I has been fulfilled, as only 145 SS-18 missiles remained in service by the end of 2002. This was accomplished by destroying or converting the missiles into satellite launch vehicles. There were believed to be about 58 Mod 4 missiles still in service in 2001. As the project to deconstruct SS-18 missiles is still underway, it is believed that only 70 of the missiles were operational in July 2008. The Mod 5 and 6 missiles were first launched in 1988. These models have improved accuracy, a similar first and second stage motor, similar accuracy and a similar payload. Due to an extended life program they will be in service until 2020.(1)

1. Janes Strategic Weapons Systems, Issue 50, ed. Duncan Lennox, (Surrey: Janes Information Group, January 2009), 167-69.

Russia Developing a New ICBM

January 20, 2011 :: The Telegraph :: News The head of Russian General Engineering (Rosobshemash), a Russian military contractor, has told the ITAR-TASS news agency that a replacement for the mainstay of Russia's ICBM nuclear deterrent, the SS-18, may be completed as early as 2017.

The SS-18, the only 'heavy' (she weighs well over 200 tons) ICBM allowed to Russia under the original Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, has a range (depending on modifications) of 11,000-16,000 km, putting all of the continental United States easily within range. The replacement now under development, brags the head of Rosobshemash, will be unstoppable by either U.S. missile defenses or the NATO missile shield now being developed for Europe. (Article, Link) Missile details: SS-18 Mod 4

New RS-24 Missiles to Replace Older Russian Systems

June 12, 2007 :: Interfax :: News At a press conference, Commander Colonel-General Nikolai Solovtsov confirmed that Russia's new RS-24 intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) will replace older missiles as they are retired over the coming years, Interfax-AVN reported on June 12. Specifically, the RS-24s will replace the RS-18s (SS-19, Stiletto) and the RS-20s (SS-18, Satan), which carry six and ten warheads respectively. (Article, Link) More stories on: Russia Missile details: SS-18 Mod 3, SS-18 Mod 4, SS-19 Mod 2

Russias Strategic Missile Troops Holding War Game

March 16, 2006 :: RIA-Novosti :: News Russias Strategic Missile Troops are conducting wargames that include the deployment of mobile ground-based missile systems, according to Russian news sources. Over 2,000 troops and 400 pieces of equipment are taking part in the exercise, which will include the deployment of SS-25 Sickle missile systems and SS-18 Satan heavy missiles. According to the SMT, the purpose of the exercise is to improve cooperation between command and

control elements while fighting off an enemy attack. The wargames will run from March 14 through 18. (Article, Link) More stories on: Russia Missile details: SS-18 Mod 4, SS-N-5

Russia Tests SS-18

December 22, 2004 :: Itar-Tass :: News Russia today tested its SS-18 intercontinental ballistic missile, which it test fired from the Dombarovsky missile base in the Odenberg region of Russia, traveling some 6,000km to the Kura testing ground on the far eastern Kamchatka peninsula. This was the first test of a missile being launched from within Russia proper since 1991, reports Interfaxmost test launches of the SS-18 take place from Kazakhstan. The missile in question was described as the RS-20V (R-36M2) Voyevoda, which has been in service for some 16 years, and which will remain in service for another ten or 15 years. It is known as the SS-18 or as Satan in the West. Of the two versions or modifications of SS-18s currently deployed, this was probably the SS-18 Mod 4. Russia reportedly has about 40-50 of these missiles currently in service. Russia is expected to test one more missile in 2004, the Topol-M, this Friday, December 24. (More ) RIA Novosti on SS-18, upcoming Topol-M, tests Podvig on SS-18 launch More stories on: Russia, Testing - Foreign Missile details: SS-18 Mod 3, SS-18 Mod 4

Two More Russian Missile Tests in 2004

November 9, 2004 :: Interfax :: News Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov announced today, during a meeting with Russian President Putin, that Russia will conduct an additional two launches of ballistic missiles in 2004, of the silo-launched SS-18 (RS-20) heavy missile, and of the mobile Topol-M, the last test of the Topol-M before it is more fully adopted for service. At the meeting, Ivanov apparently referred to the SS-18 by its Western name, Satan, prompting Putin to call the missiles by the Russian name, saying, Please use our own names, there is no need to say Satan and the like, and Let those people over there who have objections use the NATO terminology, according to press reports. (Article, Link)

More stories on: Russia Missile details: SS-18 Mod 4, SS-27

Status of Russian Strategic Forces

October 20, 2004 :: News Pavel Podvig, editor of Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces, reports that exchange data under the START Treaty was released earlier this month, updating the number and type of Russias deployed ballistic missiles and nuclear warheads. Currently, Russia is said to have some 874 delivery platforms, fielding some 3885 large, strategic, nuclear warheads. Some 315 SS-25 (Topol) road-mobile missiles are now deployed, though their numbers will be diminishing. Some 15 SS-24 rail-mobile missiles are said to have been decommissioned in the past year, as well as a few heavy SS-18s. While the older missiles are phased out, newer ones replace them. Most importantly the new and advanced SS-27 (Topol-M) missiles continue to be deployed in silos. Four SS-27s are expected to be deployed in December 2004, and an additional ten in 20052006. (Article, Link) More stories on: Russia Missile details: SS-18 Mod 4, SS-24, SS-25, SS-27

Russia Tests SS-N-23 and SS-18 Ballistic Missiles

June 29, 2004 :: Express India :: News Russia today successfully tested a submarine launched RSM-54 (SS-N-23 or Skiff) ballistic missile from the Yekaterinburg Delta IV-class missile submarine submerged in the Barents Sea. The missile traveled some 7,000 km before reaching its target, the Kura testing ground on the Kamchatka Peninsula, located on Russias Pacific coast. The missiles flight across Russia lasted only some 28 minutes. The SS-N-23 missile tested today was the same type as those which failed to launch during naval exercises attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin in February. In addition, Russia also launched an SS-18, or RS-20, intercontinental ballistic missile. The SS-18 or Satan missile was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. (Article, Link) More stories on: Russia, Testing - Foreign Missile details: SS-18 Mod 4, SS-N-23

Russia Extending Life of ICBMs

May 6, 2004 :: Itar-Tass :: News Speaking to journalists, Russian Strategic Missile Troops commander Col.-Gen. Nikolay Solovtsov said that the service life of Russian ICBMs would be extended an additional 10-15 years, for a total of 25-30 years, reports ITAR TASS. Though Solovtsov did not specify which missiles were being extended, he was likely referring to SS-18 and SS-19s. He attributed the extension of the missiles usability to good maintenance. Equally relevant, however, is the cash-strapped nature of the advanced Topol-M (SS-27) missile deployment, which continues to proceed but is currently behind schedule in producing replacing older ICBMs. Solovtsov seemed to indicate that the Topol-M deployments would be largely complete in 10 years: After 2015, the mainstay of the SMT group will be the Topol-M missile systems, both silo-based and mobiles ones, with various armaments. (Article, Link) More stories on: Russia Missile details: SS-18 Mod 4, SS-19 Mod 2, SS-27 Home :: Missiles of the World

R-36 (missile)
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R-36; NATO reporting name: SS-18 Satan

Type Place of origin

Intercontinental ballistic missile


Service history

In service Used by

1967 - Present Soviet and Russian Strategic

Rocket Forces

Production history
Manufacturer Yuzhny Machine-Building Plant

Weight Length Diameter 209,600 kg (462,000 lb) 32.2 m (106 ft) 3.05 m (10.0 ft)

Warhead Detonation mechanism

Three stage fission-fusionfission, over 20 Mt of TNT Airburst

Engine Operational range Speed Guidance system Accuracy

Two-stage liquid propellant 10,20016,000 km (depending on R-36M missile variants) up to 7.9 km/s Inertial, autonomous 220700 m CEP (depending on R-36M missile variants)

Launch platform


The R-36, (Russian: -36) is a family of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and space launch vehicles designed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The original R36 was produced under the Soviet industry designation 8K67 and was given the NATO reporting name SS-9 Scarp. The later version, the R-36M was produced under the GRAU designations 15A14 and 15A18 and was given the NATO reporting name SS-18 Satan. This missile was viewed by certain U.S. analysts as giving the Soviet Union first

strike advantage over the U.S., particularly because of its very heavy throw weight and extremely large number of re-entry vehicles. Some versions of the R-36M were deployed with 10 warheads and up to 40 penetration aids and the missile's high throw-weight made it theoretically capable of carrying more warheads or penetration aids. Contemporary U.S. missiles, such as the Minuteman III, carried up to three warheads at most.


1 Description 2 R-36M (SS-18) variants o 2.1 Deployed variants of R-36M missiles[2][3] 3 Development 4 Multiple warheads 5 Deployment 6 R-36ORB 7 Elimination 8 Derivatives 9 Operators 10 See also 11 References 12 External links

The R-36 (SS-9) is a two-stage rocket powered by a liquid bipropellant, with UDMH as fuel and nitrogen tetroxide as an oxidizer. It carries one of three types of re-entry vehicles (RVs) developed especially for this missile: The Mod 1 and Mod 2 carried single nuclear warheads of 18 and 25 megatons (mt) of TNT yield respectively. The Mod 4 carried three multiple independently targeted re-entry vehicles (MIRV).

An additional version, the Mod 3, was proposed (it was to be a Fractional Orbital Bombardment System (FOBS), a missile that travels through space in a low-earth orbit), but was not adopted due to the Outer Space Treaty. The R-36P missile was developed to carry the Mod 4 warhead, while the R-36O (the letter O) was to be for the Mod 3 FOBS. R-36 and R-36P missiles were hot launched from their silos. The R-36M (SS-18) is similar to the R-36 in design, but has the capacity to mount a MIRV payload of 10 warheads, each with a 550750 kt yield, or a single warhead of up to 20 mt. Throw-weight of the missile is 8,800 kg. This makes the Soviet R-36 the

world's heaviest ICBM; for comparison, the heaviest US ICBM (the retired LGM-118 Peacekeeper, that carried 10 warheads of 300 kT each) had less than a half of this at 4,000 kg. The R-36M has two stages. The first is a 460,000 kgf (4.5 MN) thrust motor with four combustion chambers and nozzles. The second stage is a single-chamber 77,000 kgf (755 kN) thrust motor.

R-36M (SS-18) variants

R-36M (SS-18 Mod 1): The SS-18 Mod 1 carried a single large reentry vehicle, with a warhead yield of 18-25 MT, a distance of about 6000 nm. In January 1971, cold-launch tests began during which the mortar launch was perfected. The actual flight tests for the single-RV Mod 1 began on 21 February 1973, though some sources suggest that testing began in October 1972. The testing phase of the R-36M with various different types of warheads was finished in October 1975 and on 30 December 1975 deployment began (though some Western sources suggest that an initial operational capability was reached in early 1975). A total of 56 were deployed by 1977, though all were replaced by Mod 3 or Mod 4 missiles by 1984. These highyield weapons were assessed in the West as possibly developed to attack American Minuteman ICBM launch control centers. Tom Clancy described this potential tasking as the ability to 'turn Cheyenne Mountain into Cheyenne Lake.'[1]

R-36M (SS-18 Mod 2): The SS-18 Mod 2 included a post-boost vehicle and up to eight reentry vehicles, each with a warhead yield estimated at between 0.5 to 1.5 MT, with a range capability of about 5500 nm. The MIRVs were placed in pairs, and a post boost vehicle with a command structure and a propulsion system were contained in the nose cone of the R-36M. The flight tests of the MIRVed Mod 2 began in September 1973 (though some Western sources suggest that the initial flight test of the Mod 2 MIRV version occurred in August 1973), with IOC in 1975. Approximately 132 were deployed by 1978, but the post-boost vehicle design was seriously flawed, and the Mod 2 missiles were all replaced by the Mod 4 variant by 1983.

R-36M (SS-18 Mod 3): The SS-18 Mod 3 carried a single large reentry vehicle that was an improved version of the SS-18 Mod 1. On 16 August 1976, a few months after the R-36M entered service, the development of an improved modification of the R-36M (15A14) was approved. This missile subsequently received the designation R36MUTTh (15A18) and was developed by KB Yuzhnoye (OKB-586) through December 1976. The R-36MUTTh was capable of carrying two different nose cones. On 29 November 1979, deployment of the improved R-36M with a single reentry vehicle carrying a 18-25 MT warhead (SS-18 Mod 3) began.

R-36MUTTh (SS-18 Mod 4): The SS-18 Mod 4 was probably designed to attack and destroy ICBMs and other hardened targets in the US. Its increasing accuracy made it possible to reduce the yield of the warheads and allowed an increase in the number of warheads from 8 to 10. According to some Western estimates, evidence suggested that the Mod 4 may be capable of carrying as many as 14 RVs (this may

reflect observation of the deployment of countermeasures intended to overcome a ballistic missile defense, or to confuse American attack characterization systems). The flight-design tests of the R-36MUTTh began on 31 October 1977 and in November 1979 the flight tests of the MIRVed missile were completed. The first three regiments were put on alert on 18 September 1979. During 1980 a total of 120 SS-18 Mod 4 missiles were deployed, replacing the last remaining R-36 (SS-9) missiles. In 19821983 the remaining R-36M missiles were also replaced with the new R-36MUTTh and the total number of deployed missiles reached the maximum 308 ceiling established in the SALT-1 treaty. The SS-18 Mod 4 force had the estimated capability to destroy 65 to 80 percent of US ICBM silos using two nuclear warheads against each. Even after this type of attack, it was estimated that more than 1000 SS-18 warheads would be available for further strikes against targets in the US. After 2009, the SS-18 Mod 4s were all eliminated in favor of the newer SS-18 Mod 5. R-36M2 Voivode (SS-18 Mod 5): The newer, more accurate SS-18 Mod 5 version placed in converted silos allowed the SS-18 to remain the bulwark of the SRF's hard-target-kill capability. The Mod 5 carries 10 MIRVs, each having a higher yield than the Mod 4 warheads. The Mod 5 warheads have nearly twice the yield of the Mod 4 (approximately 750 KT to 1 MT) according to Western estimates, though Russian sources suggest a yield of 550-750 KT each. The increase in the Mod 5's warhead yield, along with improved accuracy, would, under the START treaty, help allow the Russians to maintain their hard-target-kill wartime requirements even with the 50 percent cut in heavy ICBMs the START agreement required. The technical proposals to build a modernized heavy ICBM were made in June 1979. The missile subsequently received the designation R-36M2 Voivode and the industrial index number 15A18M. The design of the R-36 M2 Voivode was completed in June 1982. The R-36M2 consisted of a series of new engineering features. The engine of the second stage is completely built in the fuel tank (earlier this was only used on SLBMs) and the design of the transport-launching canister was altered. Unlike the R36M, the 10 warheads on the post-boost vehicle are located on a special frame in two circles. The flight tests of the R-36M2 equipped with 10 MIRVs began in March 1986 and were completed in March 1988. The first regiment with these missiles was put on alert on 30 July 1988 and was deployed on 11 August 1988.

R-36M2 Voivode (SS-18 Mod 6): The flight tests of the R-36M2 missile carrying a single warhead (SS-18 Mod 6) with a yield of 20 MT were completed in September 1989 and deployment began in August 1991. Ten Mod 6 missiles were deployed. One intended use of these large warheads was high altitude detonation to incapacitate electronics and communications through a very large electromagnetic pulse. The SS18 Mod 6 missiles were all decommissioned by late 2009.

At full deployment, before the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, 308 SS-18 launch silos were operational. After the breakup of the USSR, 204 of these were located on the territory of the Russian Federation and 104 on the territory of newly independent Kazakhstan. The dismantling of 104 launchers located in Kazakhstan was completed in

September 1996. The START II treaty was to eliminate all SS-18 missiles but it did not enter into force and the missiles remained on duty. Russia has steadily decreased the number of operational SS-18s and by July 2009, only 59 (all of the 10 MIRV Mod 5 version) remain. About 40 missiles will have their service lives extended so that they remain in service until about 2020. With the retirement of the 20 megaton SS-18 Mod 6 warheads, the highest yield weapon in service with any nation is the estimated 5 MT Chinese Dong Feng 5 (DF-5) ICBM (CSS-4) warhead. All R-36 variants were designed to be launched from silos in dispersed and hardened locations. The R-36M is placed into its 39 m deep silo in a tubular storage/launch container. Upon launch the missile is shot out of the tube, mortar-fashion, by a piston, driven by the expansion of gases from a slow-burning black powder charge inside the piston. The missile's main engine is ignited tens of metres above the ground, preventing any damage to the internal equipment of the silo itself from the rocket engine's fiery efflux.[citation needed]

Deployed variants of R-36M missiles[2][3]

System: Treatydesignation: GRAUdesignation: NATOdesignation: Deployment: Maximum deployed number: Length: Diameter: Launch weight: Number of warheads: Warhead yield: Range: CEP: R-36M RS-20A 15A14 SS-18 Satan Mod 1 1974 1983 148 32.6 m 3.00 m 209,600 k g 8 4 x 1.0 MT + 4 x 0.4 MT 11,200 k m 700 m R-36M RS-20A1 15A14 SS-18 Satan Mod 2 1976 1980 10 32.6 m 3.00 m 209,600 k g 10 0.4 MT 10,200 k m 700 m R-36M RS-20A2 15A14 SS-18 Satan Mod 3 1976 1986 30 32.6 m 3.00 m 210,000 k g 1 20 MT 16,000 k m 700 m R36MUTT H RS-20B 15A18 SS-18 Satan Mod 4 1979 2005 278 36.3 m 3.00 m 211,100 k g 10 0.5 MT R36MUTT H RS-20B 15A18 SS-18 Satan Mod 5 1986 2009 30 36.3 m 3.00 m 211,100 k g 1 20 MT R-36M2 RS-20V 15A18M SS-18 Satan Mod 6 1988 Present 58 34.3 m 3.00 m 211,100 k g 10 0.8 MT 11,000 k m 220 m

11,000 km 16,000 km 370 m 370 m


Rocket nozzles of SS-9 Scarp R-36 Development of the R-36 was begun by OKB-586 (Yuzhnoye) in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine in 1962, and built upon the work of the R-16 program. The Chief Designer was Mikhail Yangel. Initial development was of light, heavy, and orbital versions, with flight testing from 1962 through 1966, at which time initial operational capability was achieved. News of the development of the orbital version caused alarm in the West with the possibility that the Soviets would be able to launch a large number of nuclear weapons into orbit where there was no capability to intercept them. The prospect of orbital nuclear weapons led both sides to agree a treaty banning the use of weapons of mass destruction in space. In 1970, development of a fourth version, capable of delivering multiple warheads, was developed, and test flown the next year. Further improvement of the R-36 led to the design of the R-36M, which provided a theoretical first-strike capabilitythe ability to destroy the United States' LGM-30 Minuteman ICBM silos and launch control centers before they could retaliate. However, neither the Soviet Union nor the Russian Federation have ever publicly delineated the missile's particular role in their arsenal. The initial design of the R-36M called for a single massive 12-Mt warhead to be delivered over a range of 10,600 km. The missile was first tested in 1973 but this test ended in failure. After several delays the R-36M was deployed in December of 1975. This Mod-1 design was delivered with a single 1820 Mt warhead and a range of just over 11,000 km. This new version was given a new identity by NATO: SS-18 Satan. The SS-18 has gone through six separate modifications, with the first modification (Mod1) being phased out by 1984. The final modification (Mod-6) designated R-36M-2 Voevoda was deployed in August of 1988. This missile could deliver the same 1820 Mt warhead 16,000 km. Modifications prior to Mod-6 mainly introduced MIRV (Multiple independent reentry vehicles) warheads. These missiles (Mods-2, 4, and 5) surpassed their western counterpart the US LGM-118 Peacekeeper in terms of megatons delivered, range, and survivability, but were inferior in terms of accuracy (CEP). Control system for this rocket was designed at NPO "Electropribor"[4] (Kharkiv, Ukraine).

Multiple warheads
Missiles of the R-36M/SS-18 family have never been deployed with more than ten warheads, but given their large throw-weight (8.8 tonnes as specified in START), they have the capacity to carry considerably more detonation power. Among the projects that

the Soviet Union considered in the mid-1970s was that of a 15A17 missilea follow-on to the R-36MUTTH (15A18).[5] The missile would have had an even greater throwweight9.5 tonnesand would be able to carry a very large number of warheads. Five different versions of the missile were considered. Three of these versions would carry regular warheads38 250 kt yield, 24 500 kt yield, or 1517 1 Mt yield. Two modifications were supposed to carry guided warheads (upravlyaemaya golovnaya chast)28 250 kt or 19 500 kt.[5] However, none of these upgraded models were ever developed. The SALT II Treaty, signed in 1979, prohibited increasing the number of warheads ICBMs could carry. Equally, from a strategic point of view, concentrating so many warheads on silo-based missiles was not seen as desirable, since it would have made a large proportion of the USSR's warheads vulnerable to a counterforce strike. The operational deployment of the R36M/SS-18 consisted of the R-36MUTTH, which carried ten 500 kt warheads, and its follow-on, the R-36M2 (15A18M), which carried ten 800 kt warheads (single-warhead versions with either 8.3 Mt or 20 Mt warhead also existed at some point). To partially circumvent the treaty, the missile was equipped with 40 heavy decoys to utilize the capacity left unused due to the 10-warhead limitation,.[6] These decoys would appear as warheads to any defensive system, making each missile as hard to intercept as 50 single warheads, rendering potential anti-ballistic defense ineffective.


Dnepr inside silo At full deployment, before the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, 308 R-36M launch silos were operational. After the breakup of the USSR, 204 of these were located on the territory of the Russian Federation and 104 on the territory of newly independent Kazakhstan. Part of the missiles in Kazakhstan (54 of them) were under the 57th Rocket Division at Zhangiz-Tobe (Solnechnyy), Semipalatinsk Oblast.[7] The other R-36 establishment in Kazakhstan was the 38th Rocket Division at Derzhavinsk, Turgay Oblast.[8] In the next few years Russia reduced the number of R-36M launch silos to 154 to conform with the START I treaty. The missiles in Kazakhstan were all deactivated by 1995. The subsequent START II treaty was to eliminate all R-36M missiles but it did not enter into force and the missiles remained on duty.

The development of the R-36 missile complex for use with the 869 fractional-orbit missile ("FOBS") began on April 16, 1962. Such a missile provides some advantages over a conventional ICBM. The range is limited only by the parameters of the orbit that the re-entry vehicle has been placed into, and the re-entry vehicle may come from either direction, compelling the enemy to build considerably more expensive anti-missile systems. Due to the possibility of placing the warhead in orbit and keeping it there for

some time, it is possible to reduce the time required to strike to just a few minutes. It is also much more difficult to predict where the warhead will land, since while the re-entry vehicle is on orbit, it is a very small object with few distinguishing marks and is hard to detect; moreover, since the warhead can be commanded to land anywhere along the orbit's ground track, even detecting the warhead on orbit does not allow accurate prediction of its intended target. The structure and design of the fractional-orbit bombardment system were similar to a conventional P-36 ICBM system. A two-stage rocket was equipped by the liquid rocket engines using storable propellants. The silo launcher and command point were hardened against a nuclear explosion. The basic difference from a conventional ICBM consists of the design of the re-entry vehicle, which is fitted with a single 2.4Mt warhead, de-orbit engine and control block. The control system uses independent inertial navigation and radar-based altimeter which measures orbit parameters twicein the beginning of an orbital path and just before de-orbiting engine firing. Flight testing consisted of 15 successful launches and four failures. During test launch #17, the warhead was retrieved with a parachute. Flight tests of a rocket have been completed by May 20, 1968 and on November 19 of the same year it entered service. The first (and the only) regiment with 18 launchers was deployed on August 25, 1969. The R-36orbs (869) were retired from service in January, 1983 as a part of SALT II treaty (they were considered "space-based" nuclear weapons). The Tsyklon series of civilian space launchers is based on the R-36orb (869) design.


Senator Richard Lugar inspects an SS-18 ICBM being readied for decommission under the Nunn-Lugar Program In the last decade Russian armed forces have been steadily reducing the number of R36M missiles in service, withdrawing those that age past their designed operational lifetime. About 40 missiles of the most modern variant R-36M2 (or RS-20V) will remain

in service until 2019[9] and will be then replaced by newer MIRV version of Topol-M.[10] In March 2006 Russia made an agreement with Ukraine that will regulate cooperation between the two countries on maintaining the R-36M2 missiles. It was reported that the cooperation with Ukraine will allow Russia to extend the service life of the R-36M2 missiles by at least ten to 28 years.[11] In December 2008 Strategic Rocket Forces had 75 R-36MUTTH/R-36M2 operational missiles. The commander of the Strategic Rocket Forces Lt. Gen. Andrei Shvaichenko announced on December 16, 2009, that Russia planned to "develop a new liquid-propellant ICBM to replace the Voyevoda (SS-18 Satan), capable of carrying 10 warheads, by 2016."[12]

Several remaining SS-18 missiles have been modified for surface launch and now carry lightweight satellites to Low Earth Orbit (LEO), including many foreign payloads.

Soviet Union and Russia The Strategic Rocket Forces have been the only operator of the R-36. 57th Rocket Division at Zhangiz-Tobe (Solnechnyy), Semipalatinsk Oblast; 38th Rocket Division at Derzhavinsk, Turgay Oblast other Rocket Divisions

See also

List of missiles List of military rockets

1. ^ Clancy, Tom (1991). The Sum of All Fears. Putnam. ISBN 0-399-13615-0. 2. ^ Pavel Podvig: The Window of Vulnerability That Wasn't: Soviet Military
Buildup in the 1970s--A Research Note. International Security, Summer 2008, Vol. 33, No. 1: 118138 3. ^ Nuclear Notebook: U.S. and Soviet/Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles, 19592008 4. ^ Krivonosov, Khartron: Computers for rocket guidance systems 5. ^ a b Multiple (as in up to 38) warheads - Blog - Russian strategic nuclear forces 6. ^ "Moscow extends life of 144 cold war ballistic missiles". The Guardian (London). 2002-08-20.,2763,777379,00.html. Retrieved 2006-1024.

7. ^ "57th Missile Division".

Retrieved 2011-09-26. 8. ^ "38th Missile Division". Retrieved 2011-09-26. 9. ^ "Russia to test launch 14 ICBMs in 2009 - missile forces chief | Russia | RIA Novosti". Retrieved 2011-09-26. 10. ^ "New RS-24 Missiles to Replace Older Russian Systems". MissileThreat. 2007-06-12. Retrieved 2011-09-26. 11. ^ Russia and Ukraine will maintain R-36M2 missiles - Blog - Russian strategic nuclear forces 12. ^ Russia says destroyed 9 ICBMs in 2009 under START 1 arms pact, by RIAN

Podvig, Pavel (2001). Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to: R-36 [1] [2] [3] [4] Russia's nuclear forces - 2006, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, March/April 2006 Yuzhnoe Design BureauEnglish-language home page Strategic Rocket ForcesRussian strategic nuclear forces R-36Federation of American Scientists Strategic Missile Forces museum (photos)

Strategic Missile Forces museum is a former central battle front position missile. There are many exhibits related to nuclear weapon, underground postern, missile engines, protection facilities, underground unified command post.


Tanks on the museum grounds

Special car for refueling of missle

Specialised car to transport container with a missile and its load in silos

Automotive equipment, Silo-launcher facility and Warhead of missile SS-24 'Scalpel'

omplex of protective structures

Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) SS-18 'Satan'

Ukrainian military bus Blue Bird

The place of chief officer on duty squad


Samples of missile engines


Strategic Rocket Forces

Strategic Rocket Forces is a separate branch of the Russia's Armed Forces, subordinated directly to the General Staff. The Strategic Rocket Forces were demoted to this status from the status of a separate service of the Armed Forces by a presidential decree of 24 March 2001. The current commander of the Strategic Rocket Forces -Lt.-General Sergei Karakayev -- was appointed to this post by a presidential decree of 22 June 2010. At the end of 2010, the Strategic Rocket Forces were estimated to have 375 operational missile systems of four different types. Intercontinental ballistic missiles of these systems could carry 1259 warheads.
Number of systems Missile system Total warheads Deployment


R-36MUTTH/R-36M2 (SS18) UR-100NUTTH (SS-19) Topol (SS-25)

58 70 171

10 6 1

580 420 171

Dombarovsky, Uzhur Kozelsk, Tatishchevo Yoshkar-Ola, Nizhniy Tagil, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Barnaul, Vypolzovo Tatishchevo Teykovo Teykovo

Topol-M silo (SS-27) Topol-M mobile (SS-27) RS-24 mobile Total

52 18 6 375

1 1 3

52 18 18 1259

Strategic Rocket Forces units

Strategic Rocket Forces include three missile armies: the 27th Guards Missile Army (headquarters in Vladimir), the 31st Missile Army (Orenburg), the 33rd Guards Missile Army (Omsk). The 53rd Missile Army (Chita) was disbanded in 2002. It appears that the 31st Missile Army (Orenburg) will be liquidated by 2016. As of the end of 2010, the missile armies included 11 missile divisions with operational ICBMs.
Number of missiles Missile division 27th Guards Missile Army (Vladimir) Tatishchevo: 60th MD (Tatishchevo-5, Svetlyy) Kozelsk: 28th GMD Vypolzovo: 7th GMD (Ozernyy, Bologoye4) Teykovo: 54th GMD (Krasnyye Sosenki) Yoshkar-Ola: 14th MD 31st Missile Army (Rostoshi, Orenburg) Dombarovsky: 13th MD (Yasnyy) Nizhniy Tagil: 42nd MD (Verkhnyaya Salda, Nizhniy Tagil-41, Svobodnyy) 30 27 R-36MUTTH/R-36M2 (SS18) Topol (SS-25) 41 52 29 18 6 18 27 UR-100NUTTH (SS-19) Topol-M silo (SS-27) UR-100NUTTH (SS-19) Topol (SS-25) RS-24 mobile Topol-M mobile (SS-27) Topol (SS-25) Missile system

33rd Guards Missile Army (Omsk) Uzhur: 62nd MD (Uzhur-4, Solnechnyy) Novosibirsk: 39th GMD (Novosibirsk-95, Pashino, Gvardeiskiy) Irkutsk: 51st GMD (Zelenyy) 28 36 27 R-36MUTTH/R-36M2 (SS18) Topol (SS-25) Topol (SS-25) Topol (SS-25)

Barnaul: 35th MD (Sibirskiy-2) 36 MD - Missile Division, GMD - Guards Missile Division

Missile systems
R-36MUTTH (also known as RS-20B and SS-18) and R-36M2 (RS20V, SS-18) missiles were developed by the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine). R-36MUTTH missiles were deployed in 1979-1983, R-36M2 -- in 1988-1992. The missiles were produced by the Yuzhnyy Machine-Building Plant (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine). The missiles have two liquid-fuel stages and can carry 10 warheads. The Strategic Rocket Forces plans to keep all R-36M2 missiles in service. With service lives extended to 25-30 years as planned, R-36M2 missiles could remain in operation until about 2016-2020. UR-100NUTTH (SS-19) missiles were developed by the MachineBuilding NPO (Reutov, Moscow oblast) and were deployed in 19791984. The missiles were produced by the M. V. Khrunichev Machine Building Plant (Moscow). The missile has two liquid-fuel stages and can carry 6 warheads. A number of missiles have been removed from service, but after a series of test launches service life of the missile was extended to more than 30 years, so some of them could be kept in service. Road-mobile Topol (SS-25) missile system was developed at the Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology. The systems were deployed in 1985-1992. The missile has three solid-propellant stages and carries single warhead. The missiles were produced at the Votkinsk MachineBuilding Plant. The currently deployed missiles are close to the end of their service lives and are being withdrawn from service. Topol-M (SS-27) and RS-24 missile systems have been developed at the Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology. Topol-M exists in two versions -- silo-based and road-mobile. Deployment of the silo-based version began in 1997. The road-mobile version has completed flight tests in December 2004. The first mobile missiles began service in December 2006. The missile has three solid-propellant stages and was initially developed as a single-warhead missile. In 2007 Russia began

tests of a MIRVed version of the Topol-M mobile missile, which was designated RS-24. Deployment of this missile began in 2010.
[April 20, 2011]

After the Second World War new ways were formed on further weapon development with allowance for obtained experience. In the course of the war it became evident that destruction of strategic objects of military and economical potential in the enemy rear is extremely important. These tasks were placed on long-range bombers. Creation of nuclear weapon demonstrated its unique striking capabilities. An aspiration rose to develop a kind of weapon which later would named as a strategic offensive weapon. One of the basic elements of the SOW is a family of various carriers of nuclear charges. The first specimens of this kind were USA bombers B-29, number of which grew rapidly. The threat of new military blocs and plans of attack on the USSR was a reason to take extraordinary measures on defense capacity assurance of the country, and the main goal was - to create the nuclear weapon. In 1953 the nuclear charge was tested in the USSR, and thus the first basic element of the SOW appeared. The next necessary step - creation of NC carriers. The main requirements for them were: long range close to the intercontinental one, weight-lifting capacity of more than one ton, firing accuracy (deviation from the impact point) of no more than several kilometers. These requirements could be met by then bombers except the range. This shortage could be compensated by location of the base aerodromes closer to targets, and it was done by the USA AF. This way was unacceptable for the USSR because of absence of heavy bombers until beginning of fifties and bases for them near borders of possible opponents. Besides, the serious disadvantage of bombers was very long time of target reaching and vulnerability to the AD. So, both the USA and USSR in the first after-war years had come to a decision to create long-range ballistic missiles. During the Second World War the armies of belligerent powers used reactive missiles on smokeless powder. But their main characteristics were lower by one-two orders than requirements for the SOW carriers, therefore it was impossible to create the LRBM on the basis of their improvement. The specialists turned their attention to the fact that utilization of engines burning liquid propellants may considerably increase both speed and range of rockets owing to much higher power potential of liquid propellants. Correspondingly, the rockets with LRE have better mass characteristics. The most intensive investigations and development of LRE and rockets with LRE were conducted in Germany, beginning from the thirties of the last century. Creation of A-4 rocket in the first half of forties was an outstanding achievement on the way of new weapon

development. The single specimen of a rocket from the times of the war ending, which may be evaluated as a prototype of the LRBM was the Germany rocket A-4 known also as V-2. The A-4 rocket used such liquid propellants as ethanol and liquid oxygen (LOX). Both USA and USSR concentrated their attention on this rocket and took measures for acquisition of all available data and materials in order to use an experience of Germany for creation of the LRBM as fully as possible. The soviet specialists began study of the German rocket technology on a territory of the East Europe. This activity was concluded in 1946 by release of the government order on development of the research institutes, design offices, test centers and allocation of experimental plants. These measures allowed creation of all conditions required for development of the new weapon in the USSR in the shortest time.

The main organization on LRBM was NII-88 headed by S.P.Korolyov. Under his management and use of an experience of German experts the A-4 rocket was reconstructed under designation R1. Then R-2 rocket was designed, the first strategic missile R-5 was drafted and its version R-5M as a nuclear ammunition carrier. The propellant which used the liquid oxygen in rockets R-1, R-2 and R-5M was convenient for the first LRBM. The oxygen is a strong oxidizer, and mixing with an efficient fuel it brings a high specific impulse. The propellant LOX+ ethanol is not toxic, and this facilitates development and handling of engines and rockets. Both components are rather inexpensive and mass-produced. These advantages determined propellant selection for the first LRBM and ICBM. However, a well-known disadvantage of this propellant is that the LOX shall be continuously kept at the combat position in the frosted-up steaming tanks. Because of that, an application of the LOX-based propellant is not advisable for military rockets or missiles. The rocket cannot stay for a long time in loaded state, and the ground tanks shall be replenished at an oxygenproduced plant close to the rocket. Consequently, the launch complex becomes cumbersome and hardly camouflaged. The pre-launch processing of such rocket is complicated and protracted. As a result, the wartime readiness of this rocket complex is extremely low. Another disadvantage of R-2, R-5, R-7 and R-9 rockets was utilization of systems of the side radio-correction and range radio-control of a distance which were not protected against external interference. They required disposition of two radars and a station of radio-control at the launch site. Taking all this into account, the Administration of the Head of Jet Armament which was a customer and user of missiles put a requirement that the future missiles would be protected against interferences, be veiled and be ready for a launch to the maximum extent. The studies on possibility to create the LRBM with engines operating on storable hightemperature propellants began. Assimilation of these propellants was quite difficult, but they allowed prolonged stay of the rocket in the loaded state with considerable increase of its wartime readiness. The persistent advocate of the idea to use the storable propellants for missiles was M.K. Yangel, the former Deputy Chief Designer of OKB- 1 in beginning of fifties, and then Director and Chief Engineer of NII-88. Namely in NII-88 an effectiveness of various propellants was investigated in the framework of a special scientific-research program. In that time the first Soviet tactical missile R-11 with a storable propellant was developed. It has the same range as the R-1, but

two times higher operational readiness. Creation of this missile had proved possibility and advisability to develop the LRBM with storable propellants.

During development of the first missiles designed by OKB-586 a possibility became evident to perfect them significantly. In particular, the potential of high-temperature propellant was not used in full measure, the time of stay duration in loaded state did not exceed one month. To bring the missile into the full readiness for a launch some tens of minutes or even hours was required depending on initial state. This is why the OKB-586 made a proposal in the end of fifties to update all the three kinds of its missiles with designations R-22, R-24 and R-26. The first figure indicated the second step in elaboration of these missiles, the second one reflected a continuity of the preceding respective missile. The main new property of each updated missile was an encapsulated design and possibility to stay in the loaded state within up to one year. Besides, the proposed technological and design improvements provided considerable reduction of overall dimensions, lift-off mass and recurring cost. The government was not able to accept this proposal, since at that moment preparation of five plants were in full swing for mass production of missiles R-12, R-14 and R-16. An exception was made for the R-26 missile, elaboration of which was assigned to the OKB-586 in May 1960 for replacement of R-16 missile. But some then events influenced a fate of the R-26 missile. The USA were creating the high-temperature silo-based Titan-2 ICBM that was able to carry a nuclear charge of great power. The USSR was in possession of superpower thermonuclear charge, but there was no corresponding carrier. The missile design offices began elaboration of heavy and superheavy missiles. In the OKB-1 a three-stage global missile GR-1 was designed. The OKB-52, strengthened by design offices of V.M.Myasishchev and S.A.Lavochkin transferred to it jointly with nearby plants and technical documentation from OKB-1 and OKB-586 proposed three types of missiles: UR-100, UR-200 and UR-500. Here the letters "UR" means "Universal Rocket", and figures indicate a range of the missile's lift-off mass. The light class missile UR-100 with the lift-off mass lesser almost by 3 times and with the charge power lesser by 1.5 times in comparison with the R-16 missile was proposed also as an anti-missile weapon. The medium class missile UR-200 was of the same lift-off mass as R-16. The proposal was to use it also for injecting anti-satellite means as well as means of global sea reconnaissance into the Earth orbit. The UR-500 missile of around 600t lift-off mass was able to carry the PU of around 20t mass and also solve some space tasks. In the strategic plan of the country leadership two tasks had been formed: to increase as soon as possible a total number of ICBM (the USA in 1962 had 3 times higher fleet) and to create a missile that could carry the most powerful NC among existing ones, penetrate through the AMD to be developed and stay long time in loaded state at maximum battle readiness. For solution of the first task the UR-100 missile was chosen. It was manufactured under an upto-date technology, intended for a service in an encapsulated state condition inside a TLC, and was able be stored for several years inside a SL of simplified type. Solution of the second task was imposed upon the new R-36 missile under development by

OKB-586 in two versions - ballistic (8K67) and global one (8K69). The super-heavy rockets were transferred into a space category. The further development of R26 and UR-200 was stopped. However, all the innovative technical solutions of the R-26 rocket were used at creation of powerful R-36 missile.

In the end of the sixties - beginning of seventies a qualitative leap occurred in creation of strategic missile complexes. Many research institutes (NII) and design offices (KB) from various branches of industry had developed miniature digital computing devices, command instruments of high accuracy for control and targeting systems, nuclear charges of high specific characteristics, advanced propulsion systems, new schemes of launchers strengthening. A great amount of theoretical and experimental works was performed in the dynamics of rockets. These combined effects was a basis for creating the third generation of ICBM. The leadership of the country took a decision to modernize the missile complexes R-36 and UR-100 that composed the main potential of Strategic Missile Forces. The developers of these complexes were charged with a task to submit their technical proposals on competitive basis. In 1967-1968 a couple of scientific research works was performed with allowance for the latest scientific-technical achievements. As a result, the Yuzhnoye SDO jointly with a number of NII and KB had formulated five basic principles of the impending modernization of strategic missile complexes, implementation of which should provide the qualitative increase of their combat effectiveness: 1. Increase of survival probability of the missile complexes in any conditions of combat actions, including nuclear or non-nuclear attacks, with following launches of missiles for a guaranteed back strike at targets of potential aggressors. 2. Increase of probability to hit the most important objects and economical regions at a territory of potential enemy protected by fortification means, as well as by upgraded CMD system in conditions of both back or preventive strike. 3. Increase of a stay of missile complexes in an autonomous mode both in the menacing time and after non-destructive strike. 4. Reduction of time required to put the MC on duty, as well as reduction of time for performing any service operations at simultaneous reduction of attending personnel for all service phases. 5. Increase of the guaranteed service life and inter-maintenance period. These principles formed the basis of technical proposals for elaboration of three strategic stationary MC with silo-based missiles and high grade of protection against NE factors: - R-36M MC with a liquid missile equipped with the SWH having 10 WHU or monoblock PU with charges of considerably higher power than SWH WHU (2 versions); - MR-UR100 MC with a liquid missile equipped with the SWH having 4 WHU unified with WHU of R-36M MC and monoblock PU with more powerful charge than SWH WHU; - RT-23 MC with a solid propellant missile equipped with 10 WHU The first two complexes were planned to replace existing complexes with heavy missile 8K67 and light missile 8K84. The third complex could be created depending on readiness of production of solid propellant mixture, large-scale blocks from them, shells and nozzle assembly of SRM from polymer composite material. The specificity of combat tasks, conditions of combat application of the ICBM and their massscale deployment required to update such characteristics as: effectiveness of warhead payloads; firing accuracy and battle readiness; protection of launch devices; service properties;

- reliability and guaranteed service life The technical proposals on modernization of liquid MC were submitted by Yuzhnoye SDO in 1968. The improved in 1969 proposals were based on following main principles realized in subsequent designs: - elaboration of autonomous CS on the basis of digital computer, and a complex of command instruments of higher accuracy; - creation of a multi-unit split-up warhead with individual targeting of WHU; - elaboration of a complex of counter-missile defense penetration aids, including fault warheads operationable both outside and inside the atmosphere; - full ampoulization (encapsulation) of the missile's propellant systems; - constant service of the missile inside the transport-launch container, arrangement of all technological equipment and instrumentation necessary for the duty and launch on the TLP; - mortar type launch of the missile out of the TLP installed in the SL; - startup of the 1st stage engines in weightlessness environment after ejection out of the TLC; - principally novel scheme of the missile mounting in the SL - suspending inside the damping system secured in the upper part of the silo; - unification of the LD and CC structural elements. The most principal moment in selection of the MC development way was decision on elaboration of the missile's CS on the basis of an onboard digital computer that in combination with the ground digital instrumentation installed on the TLC is a central control unit solving all mathematical and logical tasks with high accuracy, reliability and speed. Application of the ODC allowed provision of: - solution of the full navigational task and reduction of methodical errors of the CS; - possibility to increase the firing accuracy through determination and account of systematic instrumental errors; - timely remote retargeting of missiles during the duty for any in advance listed objects; - increase of CMC reliability owing to timely reception of information about the battle readiness of the missile, systems of TLC and CD, provision of timely exposure and elimination of malfunctions; - full automatization of a control for all systems of the LD, TLC and missile during duty of the complex and launch of the missile. The azimuthal targeting is provided by the fully automatic CS, without utilization of the ground geodetic network. The targeting system uses an automatic gyrocompass and quantized optical gyrometer, both in the LD. It provides preliminary determination of the azimuth's basic direction at beginning of the duty and its keeping in the course of the duty, including conditions of the nuclear attack against the launch area, as well as restoration of the azimuth's basic direction after attack. The proposals were considered by the Defense Council in August 1969. Their great promise and validity were a foundation for a decision to charge the Yuzhnoye SDO with modernization of both complexes designated as R-36M and MR-UR100 with missiles 15A14 and 15A15, respectively. The conceptual design of 15A14 missile was elaborated in December 1969. The 15A15 missile, conceptual design of which was elaborated in September 1970, was designed and developed under maximum utilization of technical solutions proven already for the 15A14 missile. The high degree of succession promoted an acceleration of 15A15 development. The flight tests of both missiles began practically simultaneously.

Rocket complexes of the fourth generation were created as a basis of strategic nuclear forces to support the military strategic parity for 1990-2000 period and as basic complexes for

creation of the counteraction measures against the propagandized anti-missile defense system (AMDS) with the space-based elements. Operations of further improvement of the technical performances of liquid-propellant intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) and successful completion of the cycles of long research and experimental development works of solidpropellant ICBM (their performances were not worse than the performances of the best world samples) were of the same importance in creation of the above complexes. A basic task was to provide invulnerability in the counteraction to the missiles with very high shooting accuracy. It has led to creation of new directions in the domestic practice: - creation of the missiles that can start directly in the conditions of nuclear attack of the area given; - creation of mobile solid-propellant missiles with such vitality which could be achieved due to their mobility and indefinite location. Both directions have been realized in development works of "Yuzhnoye" SDO. The following new decisions have been realized in practice: - the control system (CS) with a stable element base and with diagram-algorithmic protection which provides working ability in the nuclear burst conditions; - a multifunctional cover along all missile length for protection from harmful and destructive effects; - command devices of continuous operation that provided high combat readiness; - direct guidance methods which provide calculation of the mission during the flight; - thermal regulation systems which are needed at continuous CS operation in the launcher. The following items have been introduced in the solid-propellant missiles of the fourth generation: - new methods of flight control: a chamber gas "blowing" system, a swinging nozzle and deviations of the main section; - probes of the nozzle blocks which are foldable in the initial position; - new types of propellants with unique power and operational performances and with optimum forms of charges on their basis; - optimum designs of cruise solid-propellant rocket engines (SPRE): bodies of a "cocoon" type, central nozzles which are partially submerged; - new structural thermal protective and erosion-resistant materials. Application of the above complexes was a basis for negotiations and achievement of a new agreement for real reduction of the strategic offensive armament (SOA). At present, "Yuzhnoye" SDO provides guarantee maintenance of the above complexes independently of their location and state belonging.

Some Yuzhnoye SDO project proposals and developments of strategic weapon were not embodied in the samples adopted for service by the USSR Strategic Rocket Forces, Navy, and Air Forces. The reasons and phases in which the developments were terminated were different. As mentioned above, the technical proposals on R-22 and R-24 liquid propellant medium range missiles and R-46 heavy ICBM were not accepted. With the purpose of acceleration of development of R-14 and B-16 missiles, is the phase of Preliminary Design, the work on R-15 missile of D-3 system and R-21 missile of D-4 system for equipping the submarine of 639 project was terminated and the design documentation was transferred to SKB-385. Because of inexpediency, the development of military version of R-56 rocket was terminated

after the issue of Preliminary Design. The further development of R-37 light class rocket in the PD phase and R-26 light class rocket before flight testing was stopped as the decision was made to create UR-100 and R-36 rocket complexes. Because of insufficient, by GURVO assessment, combat effectiveness, after the PD issue and mock-up manufacture, the work on small-size one-stage ICBM R-38[8K610] was terminated. The solid-propellant rockets developments encountered big difficulties. In the period since 1966 till 1973, many times, due to insufficient effectiveness of combat equipment and high cost of the rocket complexes, the PD of RT-21 [15Zh41] with three basing options and of RT-22 [15Zh43] with railway and silo types of launch were rejected. Temporary failures during the flight tests were the reason for termination of series production and all the work on RT-20P rocket complex with 8KE9 rocket. All the working documentation, design, methodological, and report materials were transferred to Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering that was developing at that time "Temp-2C" rocket [15Zh42] according to analogous technical requirements. Many times the requirements to RT-23 [15Zh44 and 15Zh52] rocket complex were changed, these rockets were never adopted for service despite the positive results of complete cycle of test development and flight tests. The last unfinished developments of combat rocket complexes of Yuzhnoye SDO were "Krechet", "Kopye-R", and RT-2PM2. In 1991 the initial concepts were developed for the rocket complexes of fifth generation R-36M3 (Ikar) and RT-23M (Ermak), but the talks on START-2 and the break down of the USSR stopped their further development.


Launch of the first artificial Earth satellite October 4, 1957 marked a new space era in the human progress. It boosted the interest in launching the spacecraft worldwide and in Soviet Union alike. The only available Soviet rocket R-7 at that time (two-stage version dubbed Sputnik and three-stage version dubbed Vostok) was quite sophisticated and expensive. Developing another simpler, lighter and cheaper launcher became the question of the day. Yuzhnoye DO suggested transforming the already proven missile into a launcher. The suggestion was supported by industry's decision-makers. Cosmos LV was the first Yuzhnoye launcher developed on the basis of single-stage missile R-12, adding additional stage. It is light class launcher to place up to 450 kg payloads into LEOs. Second stage fuel and dry compartments are similar in structure to those of Stage 1. Tubular interstage truss was used to join stages. Stages were separated in hot state (second stage separates from interstage truss at the same time when first-stage braking solid-fuel rocket engine starts simultaneously with second-stage main liquid propellant engine). Spacecraft was located atop second stage under the fairing, jettisoned after the re-entry. Second stage was fueled with UDMH and liquid oxygen. On March 16, 1962 Cosmos LV successfully delivered first Yuzhnoye-developed satellite DS-2 (Cosmos-1) into low Earth orbit. Until June 18, 1977 Cosmos LV was operated in Kapustin Yar and Plesetsk launch sites. Out of total of 165 launches 143 launches were successful.


Increasing demand for regular orbiting of various-purpose satellites prompted the development of the new launcher. It was either economically unsound or having no sufficient payload capability to use the available performances of R-7 launcher (Sputnik, Vostok, Voskhod) or light class Cosmos launcher. Missile R-14 was transformed into launcher, partially modifying its first stage and developing second stage from scratch. Both stages were fueled with the same self-inflammable fuel components: UDMH and nitric acid. For the first time in Soviet Union , second stage propulsion system featured double burn of the main engine, resulting in lifting spacecraft onto high nearEarth orbits. Specific quality of the launcher was that second-stage engine had three modes of operation. 1 basic mode. This mode featured double-burn of engine in flight. 2 mode of tail rudders operation. Used to stabilize the rocket before, in the process and after the engine burn in mode 1. 3 low thrust mode. Used to orient the rocket and to slightly accelerate it, ensuring engine's second burn in basic mode. Cosmos-2 launch-vehicle allowed launching of multiple satellites weighing total of 1500 kg at one time. Busy with development of R-36 and R-56, Yuzhnoye DO had to shift the completion of Cosmos-2 development onto OKB-10 (Krasnoyarsk). Starting from 1970, PO Polyot (Omsk) has been manufacturing these launch vehicles, though the latest modification of the rocket is referred to as Cosmos-3M. Maiden flight of Cosmos-2 was August 18, 1964. This was the only launcher in the USSR to be operated from three launch sites: Baikonur, Plesetsk and Kapustin Yar. These days Cosmos-3M rocket is launched from Plesetsk and Kapustin Yar. In 2008 more than 700 rockets were launched, orbiting more than 1000 spacecraft, achieving the best result of all USSR-developed launch vehicles.

Russia Ramps Up New 'Satan' Nuke After U.S. Talks Breakdown

By Carlo Munoz
Published: December 19, 2011

WASHINGTON: Russia is pressing ahead with a new nuclear missile which Moscow claims is a part of a renewed effort to bolster the country's missile defense systems. This new intercontinental ballistic missile, nicknamed "Satan" by Western analysts, will sport a 100-ton warhead and replace the Voevoda-class missile in the Russian nuclear arsenal, according to recent news reports. This massive ICBM will take its place alongside the Yars, Topol-M and Bulava-class ballistic missiles sometime in 2015, according to Sergei Karakaev, head of Russia's Strategic Missile Forces. Development of the new ICBM will coincide with plans to revamp the country's missile silo complexes over the next decade, Karakaev told Russian media. Moscow's decision to accelerate work on the new "Satan"-class ICBM was directly tied to recently failed missile defense negotiations between Russia and the United States. Russian president Dimitri Medvedev broke off negotiations with the White House in November on the administration's plan to set up a missile shield in Europe. The European Phased Adaptive Approach plan is a network of sea and land-based missile launchers designed to counter missile strikes from Iran. Cooperation with Russia is integral to making the missile shield work. But Moscow claims the U.S. could not guarantee American missiles would not be used to take out Russian targets. "Russia does not stand against the U.S. missile defense system. Russia stands against the creation of the missile defense system, which would be directly aimed against Russia," Karakaev said. That impasse forced Medvedev to walk away from the deal and begin work on its own super nuke.

But Washington's unwillingness to hand over classified missile defense secrets to their Russian counterparts was the real deal breaker between the former Cold War rivals, according to one key GOP lawmaker. Sen Mark Kirk told AOL Defense last week that Russia

could not be trusted with America's most sensitive missile defense technologies. The country's well-established ties with Iran would virtually guarantee any secrets handed to the Russians would make their way to Tehran, Kirk said. That kind of cooperation would hand Tehran exactly what they need to deter the European missile shield, courtesy of their friends in Moscow. The State Department and the Pentagon remain committed to bringing the Russians back to the negotiating table. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey said the U.S. is determined to find "common ground" with Russia on the proposed missile shield. Dempsey would not comment on what proposals American negotiators were offering to entice Russia back to the negotiating table since those proposals are constantly in flux. The upside to that, he noted, is that negotiators on both sides are in "constant contact" to get a deal done, he said. In this article Topics
gen. martin dempsey missile defense nuclear weapons russia

Russia Is Building A New 100-Ton Monster Ballistic Missile In Response To The Euro Missile Shield
Robert Johnson|December 20, 2011|

(wikipedia commons)

Not content to sit idly by while the U.S. parks a sophisticated missile defense system in Europe, Russia has come out with two interesting announcements. Pravda reports that to "preserve parity in the field," Russia's Strategic Missile Forces (SMF) will be renovating their Topol-M and Yars RS-24 missile systems and constructing an enormous new 100-ton ballistic missile to replace the RS-36 Voyevoda ICBM, known in the west as the Satan missile. "Russia does not stand against the US missile defense system. Russia stands against the creation of the missile defense system, which would be directly aimed against Russia to potentially reduce the possibilities of the Russian nuclear containment forces," one Russian official said. This is only one step in Russia's ongoing protest to the European Missile Defense Shield currently being laid in place by the U.S. In addition, Ria Novosti reports the Russians have successfully carried out short-range interceptor missile test today, to develop their own missile defense shield. The Russian Ministry of Defense posted a video of the launch to its website. Though Russian President Dmitry Medvedev says Russia is under no current threat from the Euro shield, he has implied that Russia may still pull out of any disarmament treaties it currently upholds with the U.S. Read more:

Moscow, eyeing U.S. missile defense plans, announces work on 100-ton monster missile

By Laura Rozen Senior Foreign Affairs Reporter By Laura Rozen | The Envoy Tue, Dec 20, 2011

Russia's Defense Ministry said it tested a missile defense interceptor in Kazakhstan Monday. (Yahoo News still/Russian During campaign season, it never hurts for a presidential candidate facing a frustrated public to display toughness and resolve in the face of an old and familiar adversary. And it also doesn't hurt to throw in some shock-and-awe--say, a ballistic missile nicknamed "Satan." This appears to at least partly explain why on Monday Russia announced that it had successfully tested a short-range interceptor missile; part of its ongoing effort to develop a domestic missile defense system, according to Russia's RIA News Agency. (The Russian Defense Ministry has provided a video of the missile's launch on its website.) Russia also announced it is working on the development of a 100-ton ballistic missile slated for release in 2015, Pravda reports. Russia recently held contested parliamentary polls and is due to hold presidential elections in March. Russia watchers note the political backdrop to the announced plans and their part in the wider narrative agenda: resurgent Russia's determined opposition to American missile defense plans in Eastern Europe. "In connection with the plans of the United States to develop the air defense system in Europe, in close vicinity to Russia's borders, and because of the unwillingness of the U.S. side to provide any guarantees, the Russian Federation continues to take measures to preserve parity in the field," Pravda reports. "Russia does not stand against the U.S. missile defense system," Sergei Karakaev, the Russian Defense Ministry commander of the missile troops, was cited by the paper. "Russia stands against the creation of the missile defense system, which would be

directly aimed against Russia to potentially reduce the possibilities of the Russian nuclear containment forces." The field tests come a month after Russia's outgoing president Dmitry Medvedev declared that he was walking away in protest from U.S.-Russian missile defense negotiations. "The United States is unwilling to provide a written guarantee that the system would not be used against Russian nuclear forces," the Union of Concerned Scientists' Elliot Negin wrote at the Huffington Post Monday. "[Medvedev] warned that, if the United States carries out its plans to build it without such an assurance, Russia would site missiles in its westernmost Kaliningrad region and consider walking away from the New START agreement." (The strategic arms reduction treaty, signed last year, calls for the United States and Russia to reduce their stockpiles of nuclear arms by a third over the next seven years.) Medvedev's throwing down the gauntlet on missile defense talks with the West also played to a delicate moment in Russian domestic politics, analysts say. Medvedev has served since 2008 as the Kremlin-approved placeholder for Russian president Vladimir Putin after the latter served two terms as president and moved over to serve a term as prime minister. However, Putin, a former KGB colonel, announced in September his plans to run for president again in March. But things haven't gone as smoothly as Putin planned. Putin's United Russia party barely claimed a majority in contested Russian parliamentary polls held Dec. 5 that many Russians and international observers believed were rigged. Protests ensued, with another major demonstration scheduled for Dec. 24. "Putin typically has consolidated his power by pursuing campaigns against nefarious foes -- Chechen extremists, Russian oligarchs, and now the West," Anya Schmemann, a Russia watcher at the Council on Foreign Relations, told Yahoo News Tuesday. "This is a time-tested tactic in Russia. The Russian government's threat in November to target missile defense sites fits into this category--blustery talk for a domestic audience. However, the Russian public has become more savvy in recent years and Putin's effort to blame the United States and Clinton for supporting the protests and criticizing the elections was mocked in the streets." "Russia's military establishment is concerned about losing parity with the United States on the number of deployed strategic nuclear warheads that it maintains," the Ploughshare Fund's Joel Rubin told Yahoo News Tuesday. "By developing a new heavy missile, a perverse outcome is taking place, where Russia is attempting to not fall further beneath New START levels in order to satisfy the concerns of its military establishment." Of course, tough-guy posturing on the well-worn grooves of the Cold War axis is not unique to Moscow. On Saturday, President Obama's nominated envoy to Moscow, Michael McFaul, was finally confirmed after Republican Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois lifted a weeks-long hold on the nominee.

"Kirk lifted his objections after the White House wrote him a letter assuring him that it will 'not provide Russia with sensitive information about our missile defense systems that would in any way compromise our national security,'" Agence-France Press reported. "Specifically the White House told Kirk that 'under no circumstances' would the United States provide hit-to-kill technology and interceptor telemetry to Russia."

Russian Missiles READY

Targets for those missiles.

RUSSIAN MISSILES NOW READY So that you are aware that all the media hype about peace and safety and the Russians are a bunch of losers, is a bunch of trash, and that the Russians really are getting ready for the surprise attack near Christmas. I will "quote" a San Francisco Examiner article from Today August 30, 1998 says: "Russia has 22,000 Nuclear Weapons, AND 10,000 to 15,000 of them are in storage." So that means about 7,000 of those warheads are available for the attack on the USA sometime near Christmas time. IF, there are 12 Subs in the Pacific, and 12 Subs in the Atlantic and 6 in the Gulf of Mexico; those 30 Subs with 20 missiles X 9 warheads equals 5,400 target hits. On 60 Minutes June 18,1995. Ed Bradley did a story about the 300 Topol that Russia has. He just did not finish the story. Those Topols are the SS-25 "Sickle" missiles. They each carry (1) 550 Kiloton warhead. Thirty Five (35) times "larger" than Hiroshima, that killed 92,000. AND burned and injured 38,000 more, many of whom died shortly after. AND they can fly 6,500 miles to the target. The really "BIG" SS-18 missiles Mod 6, has a 20 Megaton warhead called "Satan." Now a 10 Megaton warhead has a fireball 3 miles across. I dont have any calculations for a 20 Megaton, BUT it would be bigger. A fireball "about 5 miles" across. Everything burnt for about 20 miles out from the target zone. Scorched earth for 40 miles in diameter = "across." The Russians have 1722 delivery systems WITH 7249 warheads, and it looks like this. (What I know) SS-18 "Satan" 180 "missiles", can be fitted with 10 warheads @ 550 kilotons each = 1800 warheads. This missile has the capacity to destroy 65 to 80 percent of USA ICBMs Mod 5 has 10- 750 kiloton warheads. The bigger

warheads are for more hardened US Peacekeeper silos. And Mod 6 has 1,20 Megaton warhead. (Mix and Match, whatever target they want to get.) SS-19 "Stiletto" 160 "missiles" @ 6 warheads, = 960 warheads @ 550 kilotons each. MIRVs (Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicles.) The newer Mod 2 carries 1 warhead in excess of 5 Megatons. SS-25 "Sickle" 369 "missiles" @ 1 warhead @ 550 kilotons. These are the TOPOLS, that 60 Minutes reported about. (AND the Sickle shall reap the earth.) SS-26 "Scalpel" 460 "missiles" @ 1 warhead @ 550 kilotons. These are Railroad mobile, as well as silo based. And can quickly modified to carry 10 warheads. It is comparable in size to the US Peacekeeper missiles. (They can take a few thousand warheads OUT of storage. They have about 15,000 in storage. So they have 3589 "ICBM" warheads now ready to go. "Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles" are ICBMs AND their "Submarine" fleet with missiles looks like this: SLBM's Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles SS-18 "Stingray" 208 missiles @ 3 warheads @ 500 kilotons. = 624 warheads. Submarine launched SS-N-18 Can carry much bigger warheads. SS-20 "Sturgeon" 120 missiles @10 warheads @ 200 kilotons. = 1200 warheads. A Submarine launched SS-N-20 Can fly 3000 miles across USA, coast to coast. What IF one comes from 1000 miles out at sea to your city? How much time do you have to prepare? SS-23 "Skiff" 112 missiles @ 4 warheads @ 100 kilotons. = 448 warheads, each, six (6) times bigger than Hiroshima. SO the Subs have 440 missiles with 2,272 warheads. With 440 SLBM's (submarine launched ballistic missiles) lets see what one missile (1) will do. April 30, 1998 (5 months ago) The New England Journal of Medicine published a report in Volume 338, Number 18. They estimate that an accidental launch of just one (1) SLBM, like I have shown. That 1 missile would cause 6 million immediate deaths, AND more than that in the downwind fallout. They calculate wind speeds blowing the fallout across the

land at 30 MPH. Which puts the 600 Rad levels up to (180) miles downwind. 600 Rads will kill everyone exposed, like it or not! Nobody lives! ONE (1) Submarine launched ballistic missile. Proof/May_11_97_Revelation.htm Read my list of the prophecies by Nostradamus, Quatrain 2:5 where he said that a man in a submarine would start war. That List is on the link here at my site, that has the prophecies of Nostradamus about Nuclear War. The More Proof2 link. For an idea of some critical targets, just look at a USA Highway Map of our interstate highway system. Where interstate highways going east and west, AND north and south, cross at large cities they are targets. I know you are smart enough to click around on a computer, SO see a USA highway map with the Interstate Highways West TO East: I-10 starts in Los Angeles and goes E. across the entire USA. I-20 starts Odessa Texas and goes E. I-40 starts in Barstow, North of LA. 125 miles and goes E. I-70 starts in Utah, near Richfield and goes E. across the USA. I-80 starts near San Francisco and goes E. I-90 starts near Seattle and goes E. You can see 90,80,70,40,20,10, cross the USA west to the East. AND the North -South Interstates begin with I-5 in the West. I-15 the western states N to S. I-25 Wyoming to El Paso. I-35 Deluth Mn. to Dallas. I-55 Up from New Orleans to the N. I-65 up from Mobile to the N. I-75 south and North of Tampa up to Detroit. I-95 from Miami up the east coast to north of Bangor Maine. Just hitting those targets will kill 20 to 30 million people. Airplane Bombers are the: Bear, H6 - 32 Planes with 6 Bombs = 192 Bombs. Bear, H16 - 56 Planes with 16 Bombs = 896 Bombs. Blackjack - 25 Planes with 12 Bombs = 300 Bombs. FOR a total of 113 Planes with 1388 Bombs. (Some really BIG!) That is their 1,722 Delivery systems with 7249 warheads. (That I now know about.) Remember the San Francisco Examiner story August 30,1998, said 7000 warheads, so they were real close to the 7249 that I know of. What if they have some secrets? Things that our Military people are not aware of?

In a research study done at Princeton University they estimate that when 100 Cities are hit in the USA, each with a 1 Megaton warhead, that 36% of the USA will be covered with fallout. With an exchange of 5400 Megatons, estimates are that 160 million people will die. That 7% of the USA will have 450 "R" in 2 days. Any bomb more than 30 kilotons ( a battlefield weapon today) will take the fallout ABOVE the rain clouds. So wherever you are that is east of the Pacific Ocean beaches you will get fallout. The wind blows from the west to the east across those beaches to the whole USA. The farther east you go the worse the fallout will overlap many more times.


These are Targets Target Map -- Click Here (updated October 1st 1998) 2001, May 1st. CBS News Reported that Russia still has 3,444 ICBM's; 2,024 Submarine Nuclear Missiles; 626 Bomber Warheads on alert, and 20,000 Warheads in storage. Utah Targets to be hit. Why have you not been told all this information BY YOUR Church leaders, AND government officials? Can these great leaders be asleep, or not know what God has said in HIStory? AS OF March "1998" there were 36,000 warheads in the 5 arsenals of the U.S.A. Russia, Britain, France, China. The USA has 12,000 weapons in 14 states. 70 percent are in these states, OF New Mexico, Nevada, Georgia, Washington, North Dakota. Some other states with weapons are Wyoming, Missouri, Montana, Texas, Nebraska, California, Colorado, Virginia, Louisiana. The Russians have 22,500 weapons in 90 locations. The names would mean nothing to you, so forget it. People who live near these Air Force Bases need to get some real prayer to know what to do. Barksdale LA. Davis-Monthan AZ. Dyess TX. Ellsworth SD. Hill UT. Kirtland NM. Malstrom MT. McCellan CA. McConnell KS. Minot ND. Mountain Home ID. Newark OH. Offutt NB. Robins GA. Tinker OK. Vandenberg CA. Warren WY. Langley VA. Whiteman MO. Wright-Patterson OH.Nellis NV. Holloman NM.

Other sites sure to be hit are: Hanford Reservation at Richland WA. Ames Laboratory, Ames Iowa; Argonne National Lab. 22 miles SW of Chicago; Bettis Atomic Power at West Miffin PA; Brookhaven National Lab. at Upton Long Island NY; Holston Army Ammunition Plant at Kingsport TN; Idaho National Engineering, at 42 miles NW. of Idaho Falls ID; Kansas City Plant, 12 miles South of downtown Kansas City, MO; Knolls Atomic Power Lab. At Windsor CT; Lawrence Livermore National Lab. At Livermore CA; Los Alamos National Lab. at Los Alamos NM; Nevada Test Site, 65 miles NW of Las Vegas NV; Nuclear Fuel Services at Erwin TN; Oak Ridge Reservation at Oak Ridge TN; Pantex Plant, 17 miles NE. of Amarillo TX; Sandia National Lab. At Kirtland AFB. in Albuquerque NM. Will be gone when the Air Force Base is hit. Savanna River Site, 12 miles S of Aiken, SC; Rocky Flats, 21 miles NW of Denver CO; AND this list can go on into the hundreds of locations. I have just given you the Prime targets. Anybody that lives within 100 miles downwind needs to plan to visit friends somewhere else for a few months from mid December on till next spring. I am telling you now. Without excuses. Remember that winter LOW pressure areas move the storms, north to south. So keep watch on the news to know where the fallout will come from. IF your area is a low pressure area, at the time of the attack, the fallout is headed for you. So watch weather forecast. Since 1991 the USA has reduced the Nuclear stockpile BY MORE than 50 percent. TODAY October 1, 1998, we have NO development programs for Bombers, ICBMs, Submarines, or missiles. You can thank ALL our leaders for that. YET Russia, is developing a new SS-X-27 ICBM. A new SLBM (the SS-NX-28) AND a new "Sub" to fire it. According to the START 2 agreements, Russia STILL has not complied. Oh , they are in such a poor condition the media tells us. You cant make a treaty or pact with the Devil. Amen. Would you believe a prophet from God? ACCIDENTAL NUCLEAR WAR In a report published by the New England Journal of Medicine on April 30, 1998 (5 months ago) Volume 338, Number 18 They estimate that an accidental launch of just one (1) SLBM, like I have shown. That 1 missile would cause 6 million immediate deaths, AND more than that in the downwind fallout. They calculate wind speeds at 30 MPH. Which puts the 600 Rad levels up to 180 miles downwind. 600 Rads will kill everyone exposed, like it or not! Nobody lives! ONE (1) Submarine launched ballistic missile.

Read my list of the prophecies by Nostradamus, Quatrain 2:5 where he said that a man in a submarine would start war. CLICK HERE to see Nostradamus Prophecies For an idea of critical targets, just look at a USA Highway Map of our interstate highway system. Where interstate highways going east and west, AND north and south, cross at large cities they are targets. Just hitting those targets will kill 20 to 30 million people.

Targets Map 100 Million people will die

Targets in the USA each dot is a target. Large dotted areas have many hits.
March 3, 2007 the USA Arsenal is 6000 Warheads. Russia has over 12,000 Warheads. This Map shows the first (1st.) 1600 hits on the USA.

Fallout Map Fallout will kill 100 million people at least.

Fallout Map - By US Goverment at Oak Ridge

Fallout Patterns

Zone A 1000 R Will kill absolutely everyone exposed or unsheltered Zone B 500 R Will Kill more than half the people unsheltered Zone C 300 R Will Cause everyone to be sick and vomit and have diarrhea, many will
die from these symptoms, called radiation poisoning. When they could have prepared at home,and have been prepared to survive. Because some will.

Russia developing a 100-ton missile named Satan

Posted on December 26, 2011 by Dr. Eowyn | 16 Comments

Last year, on April 20, with great ceremony and flourish in Prague Castle, Czech Republic, Obama and Russian President Dmitri Medvedev signed a new START nuclear arms disarmament treaty. Medvedev called the treaty a truly historic event that would open a new page in Russian-American relations. Less than 19 months later, all that has turned to ashes. In November of this year, Medvedev declared he did not rule out a possibility to refuse from the policy of disarmament. Russia could also revise the previous agreements about arms control, he added. A month later, claiming to preserve parity in the field with the United States and because of the unwillingness of the US side to provide any guarantees, Russia is developing what Pravda calls a new intercontinental missile of enormous power a 100-ton monster ballistic missile named Satan. reports, December 19, 2011, that in close vicinity to Russias borders, the Russian Federations Strategic Missile Forces (SMF) will be renovated with the help of state-of-the-art Topol-M and Yars complexes during the upcoming ten years. Sergei Karakaev, the commander of the missile troops said, The decision about the creation of the new silo-based missile system with a liquid-fuel heavy missile has been made. The complex will have increased possibilities in overcoming the prospective missile defense system of the United States. The new missile, the mass of which is going to make up 100 tons, is said to replace the worldknown Voevoda ICBM. In the West, this missile is known as Satan. In the meantime, Russia has already started working to create the middle-class newly equipped missile. The new missile is to be passed into service in 2015, RIA Novosti reports. Russias new Yars, Topol-M and Bulava ICBMs are unvulnerable to the US missile defense system. The commander of the Russian SFM said that it was best for the enemy to destroy the missile during the initial part of its flight, when it gathers speed. The missile separates later, which makes it harder for interceptors to detect the missile in a whole cloud of fake targets. Russias state-of-the-art ballistic missiles have the shortest boost phase of the flight this phase is much shorter than it was with older missiles. Karakaev said:

At this short part of the flight the missiles perform active maneuvers, which makes it impossible for interceptors to plan the attack. We conducted the tests to evaluate and confirm the nuclear safety of Topol warheads. The results of the tests showed that even in case of most complicated breakdowns, fires or explosions, the nuclear explosion of the warhead is excluded. Russias present-day SMF consist of more than 350 missile complexes of six types. Three of them are silo-based and three others are mobile ground-based complexes. The Russian system of nuclear containment forces consists of the Strategic Missile Forces, strategic nuclear submarines and strategic bombers. By the beginning of 2012, there will be 86 launch systems with Topol-M and Yars systems in the structure of the combat group of the SMF. The share of state-of-the-art arms in the SMF will thus grow up to 25%. In 2012, Russia will begin the process to pass Yars missile complexes into service. The range of the system is up to 11,000 kilometers [6,835 miles]. It has a separating warhead with maneuverable and individually guided blocks. The system is highly maneuverable. In 2012, Russia will also complete the introduction of Topol-M missiles, the operational resource of which makes up not less than 20 years. Not less than 96% of all of Russias missile complexes are ready for immediate action every day.

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Russia developing a 100-ton missile named Satan

Posted on December 26, 2011 by Dr. Eowyn | 16 Comments

Last year, on April 20, with great ceremony and flourish in Prague Castle, Czech Republic, Obama and Russian President Dmitri Medvedev signed a new START nuclear arms disarmament treaty. Medvedev called the treaty a truly historic event that would open a new page in Russian-American relations. Less than 19 months later, all that has turned to ashes. In November of this year, Medvedev declared he did not rule out a possibility to refuse from the policy of disarmament. Russia could also revise the previous agreements about arms control, he added. A month later, claiming to preserve parity in the field with the United States and because of the unwillingness of the US side to provide any guarantees, Russia is developing what Pravda calls a new intercontinental missile of enormous power a 100-ton monster ballistic missile named Satan. reports, December 19, 2011, that in close vicinity to Russias borders, the Russian Federations Strategic Missile Forces (SMF) will be renovated with the help of state-of-the-art Topol-M and Yars complexes during the upcoming ten years. Sergei Karakaev, the commander of the missile troops said, The decision about the creation of the new silo-based missile system with a liquid-fuel heavy missile has been made. The complex will have increased possibilities in overcoming the prospective missile defense system of the United States. The new missile, the mass of which is going to make up 100 tons, is said to replace the worldknown Voevoda ICBM. In the West, this missile is known as Satan. In the

meantime, Russia has already started working to create the middle-class newly equipped missile. The new missile is to be passed into service in 2015, RIA Novosti reports. Russias new Yars, Topol-M and Bulava ICBMs are unvulnerable to the US missile defense system. The commander of the Russian SFM said that it was best for the enemy to destroy the missile during the initial part of its flight, when it gathers speed. The missile separates later, which makes it harder for interceptors to detect the missile in a whole cloud of fake targets. Russias state-of-the-art ballistic missiles have the shortest boost phase of the flight this phase is much shorter than it was with older missiles. Karakaev said: At this short part of the flight the missiles perform active maneuvers, which makes it impossible for interceptors to plan the attack. We conducted the tests to evaluate and confirm the nuclear safety of Topol warheads. The results of the tests showed that even in case of most complicated breakdowns, fires or explosions, the nuclear explosion of the warhead is excluded. Russias present-day SMF consist of more than 350 missile complexes of six types. Three of them are silo-based and three others are mobile ground-based complexes. The Russian system of nuclear containment forces consists of the Strategic Missile Forces, strategic nuclear submarines and strategic bombers. By the beginning of 2012, there will be 86 launch systems with Topol-M and Yars systems in the structure of the combat group of the SMF. The share of state-of-the-art arms in the SMF will thus grow up to 25%. In 2012, Russia will begin the process to pass Yars missile complexes into service. The range of the system is up to 11,000 kilometers [6,835 miles]. It has a separating warhead with maneuverable and individually guided blocks. The system is highly maneuverable. In 2012, Russia will also complete the introduction of Topol-M missiles, the operational resource of which makes up not less than 20 years. Not less than 96% of all of Russias missile complexes are ready for immediate action every day. An e-correspondent who is in the business as a consultant, sent me this e-mail comment: Our arms control policy posture (i.e. New START) is accomodating to the inability of Russias industrial base to produce boosters because of the Obama obsession with eliminating (our) nuclear weapons. For the duration of the New START agreement, Russia will be building up its booster inventory while ours must be reduced (and new conventionally armed strategic missiles are treated in the Treaty as equivalent of nuclear systems). FYI, the distance between Moscow, Russia, and Washington, DC, is 4890 air miles.

Russian missile new Satan for old

Posted on Thu, 22 Dec 2011 by Tom Kovach

At the height of the Cold War, there was a legendary story from Soviet Russia about a little old man that sold copies of the Pravda newspaper from a push-cart in Red Square. In the Russian language, the word pravda means truth. But, even inside the Iron Curtain, everyone knew that the old Communist propaganda rag was anything but truth*. So, to sell his newspapers, the little old man would sing out, New lies for old. New lies for old. (* Since the fall of the Soviet regime, the new Pravda is actually a bold newspaper. They even chide the USA for not remaining true to the principles of our own Constitution!) As it was with the old Communist lies, so it is in the modern Russian Federation with regard to missile systems. Six days ago, the Russian news agency Novosti reported that their Strategic Missile Forces chief, Lt. Gen. Sergei Karakayev, announced plans to construct a new strategic nuclear missile. The new missile would replace their aging R-36M2 Voyevoda, which was designed in the 1970s. Now, here is where the confusion begins. The old missile is code-named Satan. So far, global news reports about the new missile (such as this report from United Press International) only echo the original Novosti report. And, of course, the Left-leaning UPI makes no mention of that uncomfortable code name. And, so, neither does anyone else.

The code name was developed by NATO, which has to bridge mulitiple language barriers in order to get intelligence information into the hands of its members. So, a simple format was built upon the English language, because most of the member countries are familiar with English. (Given that the USA invented radio, television, airplanes, computers, and the Internet, it seems that other countries had no choice but to learn the American dialect of the English language!) So, the NATO code names for enemy weapons start with the first letter of the type of weapon. For example, bomber code names start with b. Thus, it was only natural that the largest Soviet bomber would be designated the Bear.

USAF F-22 escorts Russian Bear bomber near Alaska. (source: Air Force Magazine online)

In like manner, the NATO code name for all fighters starts with the letter f. Thus, odd-sounding names such as the Fulcrum describe enemy jets. And, strategic missiles are designated with the letter s. Thus, it only makes sense that the largest, most powerful strategic missile in history, in the hands of the old Soviet Union, wouldve been given the code

name Satan. The point is: that is our name for their missile, and not their name for it. Their name for it, Voyevoda, means a dream of the Volga (River), and it comes from an 1868 opera by the famous Russian composer Tchaikovsky. (You can hear a portion of this beautiful music by clicking here.) Given the fact that the Russian military still likes to play around with incursions against our territiory, the fact that their name for the missile is more benign is small comfort. Reading between the lines of the news reports, it appears that the new missile will be only an upgrade of the Voyevoda*, and not an entirely new design. Thus, it really is a new Satan for old.

Russia and weapons of mass destruction

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics/Russian Federation

First nuclear weapon August 29, 1949 test First fusion weapon test Last nuclear test Largest yield test 24 October 1990 50 Mt (210 PJ) (30 October 1961) August 12, 1953

Total tests Peak stockpile Current stockpile Maximum missile range NPT signatory

715 detonations 45,000 warheads (1986) 12,000 total (2010 est.)[1] Intercontinental up to 16.000 kilometers Yes (1968, one of five recognized powers)

Weapons of mass destruction

By type Biological, Chemical, Nuclear, Radiological By country

Albania Algeria Argentina Australia Brazil Bulgaria Burma Canada China France Germany India Iran Iraq Israel Japan

Libya Mexico Netherlands North Korea Pakistan Poland Romania Russia Saudi Arabia South Africa Sweden Syria Taiwan (ROC) Ukraine United Kingdom United States

Biological, Chemical, Nuclear, Missiles Treaties List of treaties



v d e

Russia possesses the largest stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction in the world.[2] The country declared an arsenal of 39,967 tons of chemical weapons in 1997,[3] of which 48% have been destroyed.[4] The Federation of American Scientists, a renowned organization for assessing nuclear weapon stockpiles, claims that Russia has 4,650 active nuclear warheads, while the U.S. has 2,468.[1] Other sources however say that the U.S. has more nuclear warheads and the actual numbers remain a subject of estimations and ongoing constant discussion depending on their respective source. Alexander Khramchikhin, an analyst at the Institute of Political and Military Analysis, for instance said Russia has 3,100 nuclear warheads while the U.S. has some 5,700.[5] The Soviet Union ratified the Geneva Protocol on January 22, 1975 with reservations. The reservations were later dropped on January 18, 2001. According to 2011 data from the New START Treaty Aggregate Numbers of Strategic Offensive Arms facts sheet, the United States has the largest number of deployed nuclear weapons in the world, 300 more than Russia.[6]


1 Nuclear weapons o 1.1 History o 1.2 Nuclear arsenal of Russia o 1.3 Doctrine of limited nuclear war o 1.4 Nuclear proliferation o 1.5 Nuclear sabotage allegations from Russia 2 Biological weapons 3 Chemical weapons o 3.1 Novichok agents 4 See also 5 Example of nuclear weapons 6 References 7 External links

Nuclear weapons
Main article: Soviet atomic bomb project

Nuclear arsenal of Russia

Mid-2007 Russia was estimated to have around 3,281 active strategic nuclear warheads in its arsenal.[7] Russia also has a large but unknown number of tactical nuclear weapons. [8] Strategic nuclear forces of Russia include:[7] 1. Land based Strategic Rocket Forces: 489 missiles carrying up to 1,788 warheads; they employ immobile (silos), like SS-18 Satan, and mobile delivery systems, like SS-27 Topol M. 2. Sea based Strategic Fleet: 12 submarines carrying up to 609 warheads; they should be able to employ, in a near future, delivery systems like SS-N-30 Bulava. 3. Strategic Aviation: 79 bombers carrying up to 884 cruise missiles. As of July 2009, Russia's strategic arsenal reportedly shrunk to 2,723 warheads, including: 367 ICBMs with 1,248 warheads, 13 SSBNs with 591 warheads and 76 bombers with 884 warheads.[9]

Doctrine of limited nuclear war

According to a Russian military doctrine stated in 2003, tactical nuclear weapons of the Strategic Deterrence Forces could be used to "prevent political pressure against Russia and her allies (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan)." Thus, the Russian leadership "is officially contemplating a limited nuclear war".[10]

Nuclear proliferation
After the Korean War, the Soviet Union transferred nuclear technology and weapons to the People's Republic of China as an adversary of the United States and NATO. According to Ion Mihai Pacepa, "Khrushchevs nuclear-proliferation process started with Communist China in April 1955, when the new ruler in the Kremlin consented to supply Beijing a sample atomic bomb and to help with its mass production. Subsequently, the Soviet Union built all the essentials of Chinas new military nuclear industry."[11] Russia is one of the five "Nuclear Weapons States" (NWS) under the Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty (NPT), which Russia ratified (as the Soviet Union) in 1968. Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, a number of Soviet-era nuclear warheads remained on the territories of Belarus, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. Under the terms of the Lisbon Protocol to the NPT, and following the 1995 Trilateral Agreement between Russia, Belarus, and the USA, these were transferred to Russia, leaving Russia as the sole inheritor of the Soviet nuclear arsenal. It is estimated that the USSR had approximately 30,000 nuclear weapons stockpiled at the time of its collapse. The collapse of the Soviet Union allowed for a warming of relations with NATO. Fears of a nuclear holocaust lessened. In September 1997, the former secretary of the Russian Security Council Alexander Lebed claimed 100 "suitcase sized" nuclear weapons were unaccounted for. He said he was attempting to inventory the weapons when he was fired by President Boris Yeltsin in October 1996.[12] In 2005, Sergey Sinchenko, a legislator from the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc, said 250 nuclear weapons were unaccounted for. When comparing documents of nuclear weapons transferred from Ukraine to weapons received by Russia, there was a 250-weapon discrepancy.[13] Indeed, several US politicians have expressed worries and promised legislation addressing the threat.[14] In 2002, the United States and Russia agreed to reduce their stockpiles to not more than 2,200 warheads each in the SORT treaty. In 2003, the US rejected Russian proposals to further reduce each nation's nuclear stockpiles to 1,500. Russia, in turn, refused to discuss reduction of tactical nuclear weapons.[10] Russia is actively producing and developing new nuclear weapons. Since 1997 it manufactures Topol-M (SS-27) ICBMs. There were allegations that Russia contributed to North Korean nuclear program, selling it the equipment for the safe storage and transportation of nuclear materials.[15] Nevertheless, Russia condemned Korean nuclear tests since then.[16] According to high-ranking Russian SVR defector Sergei Tretyakov, a businessman told him that he keeps his own nuclear bomb at his dacha outside Moscow.[17]

Nuclear sabotage allegations from Russia

The highest-ranking GRU defector Stanislav Lunev described alleged Soviet plans for using tactical nuclear weapons for sabotage against the United States in the event of war. He described Soviet-made suitcase nukes identified as RA-115s (or RA-115-01s for submersible weapons) which weigh from fifty to sixty pounds. These portable bombs can last for many years if wired to an electric source. In case there is a loss of power, there is a battery backup. If the battery runs low, the weapon has a transmitter that sends a coded message either by satellite or directly to a GRU post at a Russian embassy or consulate..[18] Lunev was personally looking for hiding places for weapons caches in the Shenandoah Valley area.[18] He said that "it is surprisingly easy to smuggle nuclear weapons into the US" either across the Mexican border or using a small transport missile that can slip though undetected when launched from a Russian airplane.[18] US Congressman Curt Weldon supported claims by Lunev, but "Weldon said later the FBI discredited Lunev, saying that he exaggerated things." [19] Searches of the areas identified by Lunev who admits he never planted any weapons in the US have been conducted, "but lawenforcement officials have never found such weapons caches, with or without portable nuclear weapons." in the US.[20]

Biological weapons
Main article: Soviet program of biological weapons Soviet program of biological weapons was initially developed by the Ministry of Defense of the USSR (between 1945 and 1973).[21] The USSR signed the Biological Weapons Convention on April 10, 1972 and ratified the treaty on March 26, 1975. Since then, the program of Biological weapons was run primarily by the "civilian" Biopreparat agency, although it also included numerous facilities run by the Soviet Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Chemical Industry, Ministry of Health, and Soviet Academy of Sciences.[21] According to Ken Alibek, who was deputy-director of Biopreparat, the Soviet biological weapons agency, and who defected to the USA in 1992, weapons were developed in labs in isolated areas of the Soviet Union including mobilization facilities at Omutininsk, Penza and Pokrov and research facilities at Moscow, Stirzhi and Vladimir. These weapons were tested at several facilities most often at "Rebirth Island" (Vozrozhdeniya) in the Aral Sea by firing the weapons into the air above monkeys tied to posts, the monkeys would then be monitored to determine the effects. According to Alibek, although Soviet offensive program was officially ended in 1992, Russia may be still involved in the activities prohibited by BWC.[21] In 1993, the story about the Sverdlovsk anthrax leak was published in Russia. The incident occurred when spores of anthrax were accidentally released from a military facility in the city of Sverdlovsk (formerly, and now again, Yekaterinburg) 900 miles east

of Moscow on April 2, 1979. The ensuing outbreak of the disease resulted in 94 people becoming infected, 64 of whom died over a period of six weeks.[21]

Chemical weapons
Russia signed the Chemical Weapons Convention on January 13, 1993, and ratified it on November 5, 1997. Russia declared an arsenal of 39,967 tons of chemical weapons in 1997 consisting of:

blister agents: Lewisite, mustard, Lewisite-mustard-mix (HL) nerve agents: Sarin, Soman, VX

Russia met its treaty obligations by destroying 1% of its chemical agents by the Chemical Weapons Convention's 2002 deadline,[22] but requested technical and financial assistance and extensions on the deadlines of 2004 and 2007 due to the environmental challenges of chemical disposal. This extension procedure spelled out in the treaty has been utilized by other countries, including the United States. The extended deadline for complete destruction (April 2012) will not be met.[4] As of July 2010, Russia has destroyed 48% of its stockpile.[4] Russia has stored its chemical weapons (or the required chemicals) which it declared within the CWC at 8 locations: in Gorny (Saratov Oblast) (2.9% of the declared stockpile by mass) and Kambarka (Udmurt Republic) (15.9%) stockpiles already have been destroyed. In Shchuchye (Kurgan Oblast) (13.6%), Maradykovsky (Kirov Oblast) (17.4%) and Leonidovka (Penza Oblast) (17.2%) destruction takes place, while installations are under construction in Pochep (Bryansk Oblast) (18.8%) and Kizner (Udmurt Republic) (14.2%).[3]

Novichok agents
Main article: Novichok agent In addition to the chemical weapons declared under the convention, Russia is expected to be in possession of a series of nerve agents developed in the 1970s and 1980s, some of which are one order of magnitude more lethal (based on LD50 exposure testing) than VX (the agent with the lowest LD50 in the US arsenal).[23] The agents are termed Novichok (newcomer) agents.

See also

Father of all bombs United States and weapons of mass destruction Nuclear weapons and the United States List of Russian weaponry makers Defence industry of Russia

Example of nuclear weapons


1. ^ a b Federation of American Scientists :: Status of World Nuclear Forces 2. ^ "Status of World Nuclear Forces". Federation of American Scientists. July 16, 2009. Retrieved 23 July 2009. 3. ^ a b "Russia profile". 2009. Retrieved 2010-0917. 4. ^ a b c Global Campaign to Destroy Chemical Weapons Passes 60 Percent Mark. OPCW. 8 July 2010 (Accessed 19 August 2010) 5. ^ What the Russian papers say | What Russian papers say | RIA Novosti 6. ^ "U.S. has 'nuclear superiority' over Russia". RIA Novosti. 2011-10-25. 7. ^ a b Russia's nuclear capabilities by Adrian Blomfield, Telegraph, 5 June 2007 8. ^ Russia profile Nuclear Threat Initiative 9. ^ Russian strategic nuclear forces (November 2009) 10. ^ a b Russia's Nuclear Policy in the 21st Century Environment - analysis by Dmitri Trenin, IFRI Proliferation Papers n13, 2005 11. ^ Tyrants and the Bomb - by Ion Mihai Pacepa, National Review, October 17, 2006 12. ^ Russian Officials Deny Claims Of Missing Nuclear Weapons 13. ^ Russian and Ukrainian Officials Deny New Allegations That Nuclear Warheads Were Lost in the 1990s 14. ^ Nuclear Dangers: Fear Increases of Terrorists Getting Hands on 'Loose' Warheads as Security Slips 15. ^ Russia secretly offered North Korea nuclear technology - by a Special Correspondent in Pyongyang and Michael Hirst, Telegraph, September 7, 2006. 16. ^ Russia expresses serious concern over DPRK nuke issue 17. ^ Pete Earley, "Comrade J: The Untold Secrets of Russia's Master Spy in America After the End of the Cold War", Penguin Books, 2007, ISBN 978-0-399-15439-3, pages 114121. 18. ^ a b c Stanislav Lunev. Through the Eyes of the Enemy: The Autobiography of Stanislav Lunev, Regnery Publishing, Inc., 1998. ISBN 0-89526-390-4. 19. ^ Nicholas Horrock, "FBI focusing on portable nuke threat", UPI (20 December 2001). 20. ^ Steve Goldstein and Chris Mondics, "Some Weldon-backed allegations unconfirmed; Among them: A plot to crash planes into a reactor, and missing suitcase-size Soviet atomic weapons." Philadelphia Inquirer (15 March 2006) A7. 21. ^ a b c d Alibek, K. and S. Handelman. Biohazard: The Chilling True Story of the Largest Covert Biological Weapons Program in the World Told from Inside by the Man Who Ran it. Delta (2000) ISBN 0-385-33496-6 22. ^ News[dead link] 23. ^ Tucker, J. B.; War of Nerves; Anchor Books; New York; 2006; pp 232-233.

External links
Video archive of the USSR's Nuclear Testing at New Video: A World Without Nuclear Weapons Abolishing Weapons of Mass Destruction: Addressing Cold War and Other Wartime Legacies in the Twenty-First Century By Mikhail S. Gorbachev Russia's Nuclear Policy in the 21st Century Environment - analysis by Dmitri Trenin, IFRI Proliferation Papers n13, 2005 Nuclear Threat Initiative on Russia by National Journal UK statement on the chemical weapons convention - Link is not available now 1999 Nuclear stockpile estimate Nuclear Notebook: Russian nuclear forces, 2006, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, March/April 2006. Nuclear Current information on nuclear stockpiles in Russia Chemical Weapons in Russia: History, Ecology, Politics by Lev Fedorov, Moscow, Center of Ecological Policy of Russia, 27 July 1994 Russian Nuclear Weapons

Russia to build 100-ton ICBM to penetrate US missile defenses

Topic: U.S. missile shield in Europe

Russia to build 100-ton ICBM to penetrate US missile defenses

RIA Novosti. Michail Fomichev 14:42 16/12/2011

VLASIKHA (Moscow region), December 16 (RIA Novosti)
Tags: Missile Defense, Sergei Karakayev, Iran, United States, Vlasikha, Russia

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Russia's view of European missile shield

Medvedev outlines Russias response to U.S.-backed European missile shield plans Russias position on missile defense in Europe R-36M2 Voyevoda ICBM

Russia will develop a new liquid-propellant intercontinental ballistic missile to overcome the U.S.s prospective missile defense system, Strategic Missile Forces chief Lt. Gen. Sergei Karakayev said on Friday. A decision has been made to create a new silo-launched heavy missile that will have enhanced capability to breach a hypothetical US missile defense system, he said. The new missile will replace the Voyevoda R-36M2 Satan ICBM. Russias solid-propellant ICBMs may be unable to penetrate missile defenses, the general said. He also said the Strategic Missile Forces will test launch 11 ICBMs next year. The United States is building a missile defense system in Europe to protect against possible attack from rogue states such as Iran. Karakayev said Iran has neither technology nor industrial potential to build ballistic missiles. There have been media reports about test launches of Iranian intercontinental ballistic missiles but the SMF doubts these missiles will have the effective range to reach Europe, he said.

List of nuclear weapons

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a list of nuclear weapons listed according to country of origin, and then by type within the states. Nuclear weapons

History Warfare Arms race Design


Effects Delivery Espionage Proliferation


Terrorism Anti-nuclear opposition

Nuclear-armed states
United States Russia United Kingdom France China India Israel Pakistan North Korea South Africa (former)


This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.


1 United States o 1.1 Common nuclear primaries 2 Soviet Union/Russia 3 United Kingdom 4 Canada 5 France 6 China 7 India 8 Israel 9 Pakistan 10 North Korea 11 South Africa 12 See also 13 References o 13.1 Bibliography 14 External links

United States
Main article: United States and weapons of mass destruction Notes: US nuclear weapons of all types (bombs, warheads, shells, and others) are numbered in the same sequence starting with the Mark 1 and (as of March 2006) ending with the W-91 missile warhead (which was canceled prior to introduction into service). All designs which were formally intended to be weapons at some point received a number designation. Pure test units which were experiments (and not intended to be weapons) are not numbered in this sequence. In some cases, such as B53 nuclear bomb and W-53 warhead, and the W54 and Davy Crockett Mk-54, the same core nuclear system was used in multiple applications. This is indicated by the same sequence number for all versions of that nuclear weapon system. In other cases, variants are assigned their own number, such as the B61 nuclear bomb which was the parent design for the W80, W81, and W84.

This list includes weapons which were developed to the point of being assigned a model number (and in many cases, prototypes were test fired), but which were then canceled prior to introduction into military service. Those models as listed as canceled, along with the year or date of cancellation of their program. Cultural references notwithstanding, neither the US nor the Soviet Union have acknowledged development of a true suitcase nuclear device. Bombs designated with Mark ("Mk") numbers until 1968, and with "B" numbers after that. "Test Experimental" bombs designated with "TX". o Mark 1 "Little Boy" gun-type weapon (used against Hiroshima). (13-18 Kt, 19451950) o Mark 2 "Thin Man" plutonium gun designcancelled in 1944 Implosion Mark 2 Another Manhattan Project plutonium implosion weapon, a hollow pit implosion design, was also sometimes referred to as Mark 2. Also cancelled 1944. o Mark 3 "Fat Man" implosion weapon (used against Nagasaki). (21 Kt, 19451950) o Mark 4 Post-war "Fat Man" redesign. Bomb designed with weapon characteristics as the foremost criteria. (19491953) o Mark 5 Significantly smaller high efficiency nuclear bomb. (1-120 Kt, 19521963) o Mark 6 Improved version of Mk-4. (8-160 Kt, 19511962) o Mark 7 Multi-purpose tactical bomb. (8-61 Kt, 19521967) o Mark 8 Gun-assembly, HEU weapon designed for penetrating hardened targets. (25-30 Kt, 19511957) o Mark 10 Improved version of Mk-8 (12-15 Kt, cancelled May 1952). o Mark 11 Re-designed Mk-8. Gun-type (8-30 Kt). o Mark 12 Light-weight bomb to be carried by fighter planes (12-14 Kt). o Mark 13 Improved version of Mk-6 (cancelled August 1954). o TX/Mark 14 First deployable solid-fuel thermonuclear bomb (Castle Union device). Only five produced. (5 Mt) o Mark 15 First "lightweight" thermonuclear weapon. (1.7-3.8 Mt, 1955 1965) o TX/Mark 16 First weaponized thermonuclear weapon (Ivy Mike device). Only cryogenic weapon ever deployed. Only five produced. (6-8 Mt) o Mark 17 High-yield thermonuclear. Heaviest U.S. weapon, second highest yield of any U.S. weapon. Very similar to Mk-24. (10-15 Mt) o Mark 18 Very high yield fission weapon (Ivy King device). o Mark 20 Improved Mark 13 (cancelled 1954) o Mark 21 Re-designed variant of Castle Bravo test o Mark 22 Failed thermonuclear design (Castle Koon device, cancelled April 1954). o Mark 24 High-yield thermonuclear, very similar to Mk-17 but had a different secondary. o Mark 26 Similar design to Mk 21 (cancelled 1956). o Mark 27 Navy nuclear bomb (19581965)

B28 nuclear bomb (Mark 28) (19581991) Mark 36 Strategic nuclear bomb (19561961) 9-10 Mt B39 nuclear bomb (Mark 39) (19571966) B41 nuclear bomb (Mark 41) (19601976); highest yield US nuclear weapon (25 mt). o B43 nuclear bomb (Mark 43) (19611991) o B46 nuclear bomb or (Mark 46); experimental, design evolved into B53 nuclear bomb and W-53 warhead (cancelled 1958) o Mk 101 Lulu o B53 nuclear bomb (19621997; dismantled 2010-2011) o B57 nuclear bomb (19631993) o B61 nuclear bomb (1966-current service) o B77 nuclear bomb (cancelled 1977) o B83 nuclear bomb (1983-current service) o B90 nuclear bomb (cancelled 1991)
o o o o

Nuclear artillery shells 16-inch (406 mm) W23 (19561962) Gun-type o 280mm: W9 (19521957) Gun-type W19 (19531956) Gun-type, W9 derivative o 8-inch (203 mm) W33 (1956-1980s) Gun-type W75 (cancelled 1973) W79 (19811992) o 155mm W48 (19631992) W74 (cancelled 1973) W82 (cancelled 1983 (W-82-0 Enhanced Radiation) and 1990 (W82-1 fission only))

o o o o o o

Atomic Demolition Munitions W-7/ADM-B (c.1954-1967) T4 ADM (19571963) Gun-type W30/Tactical Atomic Demolition Munition (19611966) W31/ADM (19601965) W45/Medium Atomic Demolition Munition (19641984) W54/Special Atomic Demolition Munition (19651989)

Missile warheads W4 for SM-62 Snark missile (cancelled 1951) W5 for MGM-1 Matador (19541963) W7 for MGR-1 Honest John (19541960), Corporal SRBM (19551964), Nike Hercules SAM (1958-1960s) o W8 for SSM-N-8 Regulus, Gun-type (cancelled 1955)
o o o

W12 for RIM-8 Talos missile (cancelled 1955) W13 for SM-62 Snark missile and Redstone MRBM (cancelled 1954) W15 for missiles (cancelled 1957) W21 for B-58 bomber, SM-64 Navaho missile (Cancelled 1957) W25 for MB-1 "Ding Dong", later AIR-2 Genie (19571984) W27 for SSM-N-8 Regulus missile (19581965) W28 for AGM-28 Hound Dog missile, MGM-13 Mace missile (1958 1976) o W29 for (cancelled 1955) o W30 for RIM-8 Talos missile (19591979) o W31 for Honest John (19611985), Nike Hercules (1960s-1988) o W34 for Mk101 Lulu nuclear depth charge, Mk44 ASTOR torpedo, Mk105 bomb (19581976) o W35 for Atlas ICBM, Titan I ICBM, Thor IRBM, PGM-19 Jupiter (cancelled 1958) o W37 (cancelled 1956) o W38 for Atlas ICBM and Titan I ICBM (19611965) o W39 for Redstone MRBM (19581964) o W40 for MGM-18 Lacrosse SRBM (19591964) o W41 for (cancelled 1957) o W42 for Air to Air and Surface to Air missiles (cancelled 1961) o W44 for ASROC (19611989)
o o o o o o o

1962 test of an ASROC antisubmarine rocket armed with the W44 W45 for Little John rocket, RIM-2 Terrier and AGM-12 Bullpup missiles, MADM (1961-1969 (some 1988)) o W46 for Redstone, Snark, B-58 (cancelled 1958) o W47 for Polaris SLBM (19601974) o W49 for PGM-19 Jupiter (19591963) and Thor IRBM (19591963) o W50 for MGM-31 Pershing (19601990) o W51 for various (program converted to W54 in 1959)

W52 for MGM-29 Sergeant (19621977) W53 for LGM-25C Titan II (19621987) W54 for Davy Crockett recoilless rifle and AIM-26 Falcon AAM (1961 1972) o W55 for Subroc (19651989) o W56 for Minuteman I and II ICBM (19631993) o W58 for Polaris A-3 SLBM (19641982) o W59 for Minuteman I ICBM and Skybolt missile (19621969) o W60 for Typhon SAM (cancelled 1963) o W62 for Minuteman III ICBM, (19702010) o W63 for Lance SRBM (cancelled 1966) o W64 for Lance SRBM (cancelled 1964) o W65 for Sprint ABM (cancelled 1968) o W66 for Sprint ABM (19701975) o W67 for Poseidon SLBM and Minuteman III ICBM (cancelled 1967) o W68 for Poseidon SLBM (19701991) o W69 for AGM-69 SRAM (19721990) o W70 for Lance SRBM (19731992) o W71 for LIM-49A Spartan ABM (19741975; dismantled 1992) o W72 for AGM-62 Walleye (19701979) o W73 for Condor missile (cancelled 1970) o W76 for Trident I SLBM (1978-current service) o W78 for LGM-30 Minuteman III (1979-current service) o W80 for AGM-86 ALCM, AGM-129 ACM and BGM-109 Tomahawk (1981-current service) o W81 for Standard missile[disambiguation needed ], based on B61 (cancelled 1986) o W84 for BGM-109G Gryphon GLCM (19831991) o W85 for Pershing II IRBM (19831991) o W86 for Pershing II IRBM Earth penetrating warhead option (cancelled 1980) o W87 for Peacekeeper ICBM (19862005) and Minuteman III ICBM (2007-current service) W87-1 for MGM-134 Midgetman ICBM (cancelled 1992) o W88 for Trident II SLBM (1988-current service) o W89 for AGM-131 SRAM II (cancelled 1991) o W91 for SRAM-T (cancelled 1991)
o o o

Ongoing design projects o RNEP (Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator) design program (20012005) o Reliable Replacement Warhead (RRW1) design program (2004-)

See also Enduring Stockpile.

Common nuclear primaries

A number of American weapons designs shared common components between several designs. These include publicly identified models listed below. Common nuclear fission primaries Model Python primary Boa primary Robin primary Tsetse primary Kinglet primary B61 Family Used in these weapons B28 W28 W40 W49 W30 W52 W38 W45 W47 B43 W44 W50 B57 W59 W55 W58 B61 W69 W73 W80 W81 W84 W85 W86

RACER IV primary TX/Mark 14,TX/Mark 16, Mark 17

Soviet Union/Russia
Main article: Russia and weapons of mass destruction At the peak of its arsenal, Russia possessed around 16,000 nuclear weapons in its stockpile, rivaled only by the United States arsenal.

Tests Joe-1 Torpedoes o 53-58 torpedo with 10 kiloton RDS-9 warhead o VA-111 Shkval Bombs o RDS-1, 22 kiloton bomb. Tested 29 August 1949 as "First Light" (Joe 1). Total of 5 stockpiled o RDS-2, 38 kiloton bomb. Tested 24 September 1951 as "Second Light." The RDS-2 was an entirely Russian design, delayed by development of the RDS-1 o RDS-3, 42 kiloton bomb. First Soviet bomb tested in an airdrop on 18 October 1951. First 'mass produced" Soviet bomb o RDS-3I, 62 kiloton bomb. Tested 24 October 1954. The RDS-31 was an improved RDS-3 with external neutron generator o RDS-4, "Tatyana" 42 kiloton bomb. The RDS-4 was smaller and lighter than previous Soviet Bombs. o RDS-6, also known as RDS-6S, or "sloika" or 'layer cake" gaining about 20% of its yield from fusion. RDS-6 was tested on 12 August 1953. Yield 400 kilotons

RDS-7, a backup for the RDS-6, the RDS-7 was a 500 kiloton all fission bomb comparable to the US Mk-18, development dropped after success of the RDS-6S o RDS-27, 250 kiloton bomb, a 'boosted' fission bomb tested 6 November 1955. o RDS-37, 1.6 megaton bomb, the first Soviet two-stage hydrogen bomb, tested 22 November 1955 o RDS-220 Tsar Bomba an extremely large three stage bomb, initially designed as a 100-megaton-bomb, but was scaled down to 50 megatons for testing. ICBM Missiles o RDS-9, 40 kiloton warhead[1] for R-5M MRBM (SS-3) o RDS-37 3 megaton warhead[2] for R7 Semyorka / SS-6 ICBM o RDS-46 5 megaton warhead[2] for R-7A Semyorka / SS-6 ICBM o 8F17 3 megaton[3] warhead for R-16 / SS-7 ICBM o 8F115 and 8F116 5-6 megaton[3] warhead for R-16 / SS-7 ICBM o Unknown model warheads for R-9 / SS-8 Sasin ICBM o 15F42 1.2 megaton warhead for UR 100U / SS-11 Mod 3 Sego ICBM o Unknown model 750 kiloton to 1.0 megaton warhead for RT-2 / SS-13 Mod 1 Savage ICBM o 15F1r 750 kiloton to 1.65 megaton warhead for RT-2 / SS-13 Mod 2 Savage ICBM o Unknown model 466 kiloton warhead for RT-2 / SS-13 Mod 3 Savage ICBM o Unknown model 500 kiloton warhead for RT-20 / SS-15 Scrooge ICBM o Unknown model 1.5 megaton warhead for RT-20 / SS-15 Scrooge ICBM o Unknown model 650 kiloton to 1.5 megaton warheads for RT-21 Temp 2S SS-16 Sinner ICBM o Unknown model 300-750 kiloton warheads for MR-UR-100 Sotka / SS-17 Spanker Mod 1 ICBM o Unknown model 4-6 megaton warhead for MR-UR-100 Sotka / SS-17 Spanker Mod 2 ICBM o 8F675 (Mod2) 20 megaton warhead for R-36M2 / SS-18 Satan ICBM o 8F021 2 or 5 megaton warheads for R-36MP / SS-18 Satan ICBM (3 MIRV warheads) o unknown 550 kiloton warheads for R-36M2 / SS-18 Satan ICBM (10 MIRV warheads) o Unknown model 750 kiloton warheads for R-36M2 / SS-18 Satan ICBM (10 MIRV warheads) o Unknown model 550 kiloton warheads for UR-100N / SS-19 Mod 1 Stilleto ICBM (6 MIRV warheads) o Unknown model 2.5-5 megaton warhead for UR-100N / SS-19 Mod 2 Stilleto ICBM o Unknown model 550 kiloton warheads for RT-23 Molodets / SS-24 Scalpel ICBM (10 MIRV warheads)

Unknown model 550 kiloton warhead for RT-2PM Topol / SS-25 Sickle ICBM o Unknown model 550 kiloton warhead for RT-2UTTH Topol M / SS-27 ICBM Various tactical nuclear weapons including "suitcase bombs"

United Kingdom
Main article: United Kingdom and Weapons of Mass Destruction Blue Steel Yellow Sun productionised air-delivered Thermonuclear bomb casing.

Warheads Blue Danube Tallboy casing with Fission warhead. Red Snow for Yellow Sun Mk.2. Green Grass For Yellow Sun Mk.1. Red Beard, tactical nuclear weapon. WE.177 (also used as a nuclear depth charge). Blue Peacock (nuclear land mine, a.k.a. the "chicken-powered nuclear bomb"). o Blue Bunny - ten-kiloton nuclear mine - later renamed Blue Peacock. It used the Blue Danube physics package. o Blue Cat - nuclear warhead a.k.a. Tony - UK version of US W44, a.k.a. Tsetse. o Blue Fox - kiloton range nuclear weapon, later renamed Indigo Hammer not to be confused with the later Blue Fox radar. o Blue Peacock - buried nuclear weapon (land mine). o Blue Rosette - short-case nuclear weapon bomb casing for reconnaissance bomber to spec R156T, including the Avro 730, Handley Page HP.100, English Electric P10, Vickers SP4 and various others. o Blue Slug - nuclear ship-to-ship missile using Sea Slug launcher. o Blue Water - nuclear tipped surface to surface missile. o Green Bamboo - nuclear weapon. o Green Cheese - nuclear anti-ship missile. o Green Flash - Green Cheese's replacement. o Green Granite - nuclear weapons - Green Granite (small) & Green Granite (large). o Green Grass - nuclear weapon o Indigo Hammer - nuclear weapon o Violet Club - nuclear weapon
o o o o o o

Main article: Canada and weapons of mass destruction Canada has not maintained a stockpile of nuclear weapons since 1984.

Missiles o AIR-2 Genie (19611984) o MGR-1 Honest John

Main articles: France and weapons of mass destruction and Force de Frappe France is said to have an arsenal of 350 nuclear weapons stockpiled as of 2002.
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

Bombs AN 11 AN 22 AN 52 (MR 50 CTC) Warheads (and missiles) MR 31 (S2) MR 41 (M1 and M2) MR 50 CTC (AN 51 CTC and AN 52 CTC) AN 51 CTC (Pluton) AN 52 CTC (AN 52) TN 60 (M20) TN 61 (M20 and S3) TN 70 MIRV (M4) TN 71 MIRV (M4) TN 75 MIRV (M45 and M51) TN 76 MIRV (M5) TN 80 (ASMP) TN 81 (ASMP) TN 90 (Hdes) TNA (ASMP-A) TNO MIRV (M51)

Main article: People's Republic of China and weapons of mass destruction China is believed to possess around 400 nuclear weapons, but has released very little information about the contents of its arsenal.
o o

Tests: 596 (nuclear test) Test No. 6

Ballistic Missiles: o DF-1 o DF-2 o DF-3A

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

DF-4 DF-5 DF-11 DF-15 DF-21 DF-31 DF-41 JL-1 JL-2 B-611 P-12 Cruise Missiles DH-10 CJ-10 HN1 HN2 HN3 CF-2 CF-1 SS-N-2

Main article: India and weapons of mass destruction India is believed to possess between 200-300 nuclear weapons (March 2010 estimate). The specifications of its weapon production are not disclosed to the public.
o o o o o o o o o o o

Tests: Smiling Buddha Operation Shakti Missiles Agni-I Agni-II Agni-III Agni-IV Agni-V Prithvi I Prithvi II Prithvi III Shaurya

Main article: Israel and weapons of mass destruction

Israel is widely believed to possess a substantial arsenal of nuclear weapons and missiles, estimated at 75-130 and 100-200[4] warheads, but refuses officially to confirm or deny whether it has a nuclear weapon program, leaving the details of any such weapons unclear. Mordechai Vanunu, a former nuclear technician for Israel, confirmed the existence of a nuclear weapons program in 1986. Unconfirmed rumors have hinted at tactical nuclear artillery shells, light fission bombs and missile warheads, and perhaps thermonuclear missile warheads.[5] The BBC News Online website published an article[6] on the 28th of May 2008, which quotes former U.S. President Jimmy Carter as stating that Israel has at least 150 nuclear weapons. The article continues to state that this is the second confirmation of Israel's nuclear capability by a U.S. spokesman following comments from U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates at a Senate hearing and had apparently been confirmed a short time later by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.[7]

Main article: Pakistan and weapons of mass destruction As of March 2010, Pakistan is believed to have around 80-120 HEU based nuclear weapons but no thermonuclear weapons as they never conducted a thermonuclear test. While Plutonium based research is also available, the estimated stockpile is not enough to be comparable to Uranium ones, and the specifications of these are not available publicly. The main series for nuclear transportation is Hatf.

Abdali-I (BRBM) Ghaznavi (SRBM) Ghauri (missile) (MRBM) Ghauri-II (MRBM) Ghauri-III (Close ICBM) Hatf-I/IA (BRBM) Shaheen missile (MRBM) Shaheen-II (IRBM) Shaheen-III (IRBM) Babur missile (Cruise Missile) Ra'ad (Air Launched Cruise Missile) Nasr

The first two in the above mentioned series are not confirmed to be capable for nuclear standoff

North Korea
Main article: North Korea and weapons of mass destruction North Korea claims to possess nuclear weapons, however, the specifications of its systems are not public. On 9 October 2006, North Korea carried out an alleged

nuclear test. (See 2006 North Korean nuclear test) Nuclear weapons produced by North Korea are known to have failed. On 25 May 2009, North Korea conducted a second test of nuclear weapons at the same location as the original test (not confirmed). The test weapon was of the same magnitude as the atomic bombs dropped on Japan in the 2nd World War. At the same time of the test, North Korea tested 2 short range ballistic missiles (reported by a South Korean News Network, though not officially confirmed).

South Africa
Main article: South Africa and weapons of mass destruction South Africa built six or seven gun-type weapons. All constructed weapons were verified by International Atomic Energy Agency and other international observers to have been dismantled, along with the complete weapons program, and their highly enriched uranium was reprocessed back into low enriched form unsuitable for weapons.

See also

Lists of nuclear disasters and radioactive incidents Nuclear weapon yield

1. 2. 3. 4.
^ ^ a b ^ a b ^ Normark, Magnus, Anders Lindblad, Anders Norqvist, Bjrn Sandstrm and Louise Waldenstrm. "Israel and WMD: Incentives and Capabilities." Swedish Defence Research Agency FOI-R--1734--SE December 2005 <> 5. ^ The Samson option: Israel's nuclear arsenal and American foreign policy, Hersh, Seymour M., New York, Random House, 1991, ISBN 0-394-57006-5 6. ^ 7. ^ "Israel 'has 150 nuclear weapons'", BBC News Online May 28, 2008

Holloway, David, "Stalin and the Bomb," New Haven & London, Yale University Press, 1994, ISBN 0-300-06056-4. Zaloga, Steven J., "The Kremlin's Nuclear Sword" Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution Press, 2002, ISBN1-58834-007-4. Hansen, Chuck. U.S. Nuclear Weapons. Arlington, Texas, Areofax, Inc., 1988. ISBN 0-517-56740-7.

Gibson, James N. "Nuclear Weapons of the United States," Altglen, PA, Schiffer Publishing, 1996, ISBN 0-7643-0063-0. Cochran, Thomas, Arkin, William, Hoenig, Milton "Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume I, U.S. Nuclear Forces and Capabilities," Cambridge, Massachusetts, Ballinger Pub. Co., 1984, ISBN 0-88410-173-8. Hansen, Chuck, "Swords of Armageddon," Sunnyvale, CA, Chucklea Publications, 1995.

External links
CNS Resources on South Africa's Nuclear Weapons Program indicates that "most international experts conclude that South Africa has completed its nuclear disarmament. South Africa is the first and to date only country to build nuclear weapons and then entirely dismantle its nuclear weapons program."


v d e

Nuclear technology
Science Fuel Chemistry Engineering Physics Atomic nucleus Fission Fusion Radiation

Deuterium Fertile material Fissile Isotope separation Plutonium Thorium Tritium Uranium (enriched depleted) Activation Capture Cross-section Fast Fusion Generator Poison Radiation Reflector Temp Thermal Boiling (BWR ABWR) Heavy (CANDU PHWR SGHWR) WaterNatural (NFR) Pressurized (PWR VVER EPR) Supercritical (SCWR) Advanced gas-cooled (AGR) Magnox Pebble bed (PBMR) FissionCarbonRBMK UHTREX Very high temperature (VHTR) reactors
by moderator

Neutron Reactors

FLiBeMolten salt reactor (MSR) Liquid fluoride thorium reactor (LFTR) Breeder (FBR) Integral (IFR) Liquid-metal-cooled (LMFR) NoneSSTAR Traveling Wave (TWR) (Fast)Generation IV by coolant: (Gas (GFR) Lead (LFR) Sodium (SFR))

Fusion Field-reversed configuration Levitated dipole Reversed field Magnetic reactors pinch Spheromak Stellarator Tokamak


Bubble fusion (acoustic) Fusor (electrostatic) Laser-driven Inertial Magnetized target Z-pinch Dense plasma focus Migma Muon-catalyzed Polywell Other Pyroelectric List of nuclear reactors


Nuclear power plant By country Economics Fusion Isotope thermoelectric (RTG) Propulsion (rocket) Safety Scintigraphy Positron emission (PET) Single photon ImagingGamma cameraemission (SPECT)


by radiation

X-rayProjectional radiography Computed tomography Boron neutron capture (BNCT) Brachytherapy Proton Radiation Tomotherapy



Arms race Delivery Design Explosion (effects) History Proliferation Topics Testing (underground) Warfare Yield (TNTe) ListsPopular culture States Tests Treaties Weapon-free zones Weapons ProductActinide: (Reprocessed uranium Reactor-grade plutonium Minor sactinide) Activation Fission (LLFP)

Waste Disposal Fuel cycle HLW LLW Repository Reprocessing Spent fuel (pool cask) Transmutation


Nuclear power debate Nuclear weapons debate Anti-nuclear movement Uranium mining debate Nuclear power phase-out

PROPHECY Behold- It Is Come!

Given by Gwen Shaw on Maundy Thursday during a prayer meeting

Events shall speed up, shall speed up, shall speed up, yea, after the middle of the summer, things shall begin to happen very quickly. The angels of the four corners of the earth are holding back the winds, even the winds of destruction, and when they

release or let them go, the armies will march, the armies will march, the armies will march. Pray, pray, pray, pray, pray that the nuclear armament will not be released, for I say unto thee, there are enough destructive weapons to destroy this whole planet. There is no place to hide them and there is no place to keep them. I say unto thee, this whole planet is in danger of being totally destroyed, annihilated by mankind. It hangs, it hangs, it hangs from a thread. These are terrible days, My children. Yea, this whole planet is on the eve of Gethsemane, the hour of the crucifixion of this world has come. And this whole world is about to be crucified, and I can't find My intercessors who will travail for the redemption of this planet. Oh, My children, the hour is late, madness rules the hearts of men and men are mad. There is no balance in anything. Yea, I say unto thee, cry out, cry out, CRY out! The north, the north, the north, the "Bear" has not had any new ribs to devour, it is looking for more ribs. It is hungry, the "Bear" is hungry. The Bear" is ravenous, the "Bear" says, "I must have more ribs, I must have more ribs." And Iran shall provoke the "Bear" and the "Bear" shall move against Iran. It shall come down, it shall come and join forces and move into Iran and shall already have a welcome ready to meet it in Syria, for yea, they link, they shall link, they shall link. There shall be a linking, there shall be a linking, and Pakistan shall be crushed in the linking, for the linking shall be from Delhi. It shall be from Delhi, it shall be from Delhi, it shall be from Delhi to Afghanistan, for there is a strong link in Kabul, and it shall link all through, yea, Khomeini shall be crushed, Khomeini shall be crushed by the "Bear." Yea, and it shall link all through Iraq, it shall link all through Syria, for the welcome is there also. Turkey yea shall move on, yea, there is even a linking with Greece, with the Lord God. Yea, I say unto thee and the link goes on and on. It links to Yugoslavia, and it links to Romania, it links to Bulgaria, it links to Albania, yea, I say unto thee, it shall link with the red forces, even the Red Brigade of Italy. Yea, it has prepared, it has prepared itself with many, many shelves of armament in storehouses of armament. And it shall link, it shall link with Libya, yea, it shall link, it shall link with Ethiopia, it shall link, it shall link, yea, I say it, I say it, I say it, it shall come, it shall come, it shall come, yea, it shall come even unto Megiddo, yea, prepare,

prepare, prepare, prepare your hearts, prepare your hearts, prepare your hearts, My children! Yea, only intercession can delay it, only travail, only crying out and fasting can hold it back, yea, and I say unto thee, I have not got My harvest in, I have not got My harvest in, I have not got my harvest in. Oh, My children, oh, My children. Oh, there is a big upheaval in the Kremlin. I see the earth breaking up, the earth breaking up, and men in power must get the armies of Russia moving before they have no more power to control those armies. And they must start them marching before another force rises against them, that force that shall take their power from them. Oh, it is the last hour for Russia, it is the last hour for Russia. Oh, it is the last hour, it is the last hour for Gog and Magog, and for Tubal and Meshech it is the last hour indeed. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, pray and weep for the youth of Russia for they shall be slaughtered, they shall be slaughtered as the youth of iron is slaughtered, they shall be slaughtered, they shall be slaughtered, the bodies, the bodies, the bodies! Yea, there shall be piles as cord-wood, as cord-wood, as you see the cord-wood as you go to the airport in Harrison, as you see the cordwood there in the lumberyard, so shall the bodies be stacked up, stacked up in piles, in piles, and they shall be cremated and burned, many shall be cremated and burned. Yea, I say unto thee, I say unto thee, the stench shall fill the air. The stench, the stench, the stench, the stench shall fill the air. Oh, the stench, the stench! Oh, I call thee this night to the garden to pray, yea, I have called thee, thy flesh is so weak, thy flesh is so weak. I have called thee, I have called thee, I have called thee to pray. Yea, thou shalt nest regard the call of man, Spring 1984 The Lord calleth thee this night, the Lord calleth thee this night, the Lord calleth thee this night! Oh, the Lord thy God calleth thee, for the hour is late, the hour is late. Yea, listen, My children, you can hear even now, can you not hear, can you not hear the company of soldiers and guards coming to arrest, oh, they are coming to arrest, they are coming to arrest, they are coming to arrest the body of Christ to be crucified shortly. Oh, they are coming to arrest, they are coming to arrest, the body of Christ shall be crucified. Yea, persecution, persecution, persecution, persecution! Oh, the body is not ready for the nails. The body is

not ready for the nails. Oh, the body, the body is too proud to be stripped naked. The body is too proud to be stripped naked, the body is too proud to bear the shame. It is a proud body, it is a proud body. It is a haughty body. Oh, it is a worldly body. Oh, it is a worldly body, it is an ambitious body, it is an ambitious body, it is a self-edifying body. Oh, it has lifted itself, this body of Mine has lifted itself, it is not willing to be hung up beside Me and be crucified. Oh, My body, oh, My body...Yea, your robe is of fine purple and scarlet trimmed with gold, bedecked with silver, oh, My body My body, My body! Oh, how can you minister to Me in Pilate's Judgment Hall You are not ready, you will deny Me when the stripping comes! You will deny Me! Already you don't want to identify yourselves with Mine who have been stripped and beaten. Already you separate yourselves from those who mourn and are persecuted. Oh, you proud body, you proud body! The Spirit is departing from you, and you don't know it! Given to Sister Gwen in the form of a prophetic vision
"Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the lane of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tu- bal, and prophesy against him, And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee O Gag. . . And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth and all thine army...Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them...Gomer and all his bands...of the north quarters...and many people with thee... And thou shall come up against my people c Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against m land, that the heathen may know me, when shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before the eyes ....And I will call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains, saith the Lord God: every man's sword shall be against his brother ....BEHOLD, IT IS COME, and it is done. saith the Lord God; this is the day whereof (Ezekiel 38:2)

Vision of the End of the World

Sarah Hoffman (David's notes in red) After her suicide in 1979, the Lord sent Sarah back to earth to repent and share a warning of the end of the world with her people, the Mormons. It appears that judgment began with the World Trade Towers falling. God loves a people who are among the Mormons who will come to know Him and come out from among them. She has brought them a message of warning and mercy, which she

delivers to them in seminars. This has happened with many others. Howard Pittman was a lost Baptist preacher who died and was rebuked by the Lord for his lost, sinful life. He came back, repented and is preaching the true Gospel with a warning from heaven of what awaits the sinner-Christians. This panoramic view of the earth came into view and then came closer and closer like I had been out into space and was flying towards it. I knew that this was to help me make my decision to go back to earth, to my terrible life, because part of me wanted to go back to the beautiful spirit world or paradise and part of me felt the need to go back into my body and change my life. It was kind of a tug of war and what I was going to see was to help me understand what I would go through if I went back into my clay body. It played out again just like a video tape in fast forward motion and yet again I could assimilate and see everything clearly and perfectly. As the world zoomed up to me I saw the whole world and then the various countries. I don't know the countries of the world very well, but as I looked at these lands I instinctively knew what countries they were. I was looking at the Middle East and watched as a missile flew from Libya and hit Israel with a big mushroom cloud. I knew that the missile was actually from Iran but people from Iran had been hiding it in Libya and fired it. I knew that it was a nuclear bomb. Almost immediately missiles started flying from one country to another, quickly spreading to all over the world. I also saw that many nuclear explosions did not come from missiles but from ground bombs of some kind. I knew that in the future there would be a nuclear war throughout the world and this is how it would start. Then, my focus changed from the Middle East to America. I understood that I was about to see some of the things that would lead up to the nuclear holocaust I had just witnessed. As I looked upon the continent of North America, I zeroed in on the East Coast and then to New York. I saw New York with all of its buildings and people. Then I saw some tall buildings crashing to the earth with tremendous smoke, debris and dust everywhere (World Trade Towers?). I saw a woman holding a little girls hand, running from the crashing buildings. The lady had long dark hair past her shoulders, curled inward a little. She had on a beige business suit, heels of a slightly darker color, perhaps a tan color. No glasses. The little girl appeared to be about 6-7 years old with short brown hair, below the chin, in a sort of a pageboy haircut. They were holding hands and running together from the falling buildings in the heavy smoke and dust and they were forced to let go of hands and thereby they got separated. The little girl was terrified and I could hear the little girl screaming mommy, mommy over again and again. I don't know if they

lived or died. I can still see the face of the lady clearly and could identify her if I saw a picture...or could describe her to an artist to draw her. I asked if an earthquake caused the buildings to fall down and the impression was no, but I don't know what caused them to fall. The next thing that I felt more than I saw was that shortly after this there was no commerce, no shopping, buying, and was impressed that there was no economy. The economy had almost failed completely and no one had any money. The next thing I saw was people being sick and dying. I saw this particularly in four cities: New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Salt Lake. The disease started by having white blisters, some the size of dimes appear on their hands, arms and face. This quickly developed into white puffy sores and blisters. People would stumble about and fall and then many died within a short time, maybe 24 hours. I also saw other people with blood coming from their nose, mouth, eyes and ears. It started like a flu virus and it spread very quickly, faster than the other white blister disease. The people who had this disease died even faster. This was more wide spread across the entire United States. There were hundreds of thousands of people stricken with these two diseases. I knew that the diseases, and there were several different kinds, but at first primarily these two, came from small containers that had been brought into the United States. These containers were like quart jars and I was impressed that the people carrying them would just drop them on the ground in large crowds of people and the people would become infected without realizing it. In these cities as the disease spread, the people tried to flee from the cities out to the countryside. There was complete chaos in these cities and a breakdown of normal society. There was no electricity in them either, but I don't know why or how that came to be. There were cars piled up everywhere, blocking roadways and most people then had to walk out with nothing. The disease started to spread beyond these initial cities. As these people were fleeing the cities, there were gangs attacking them and killing them. In the cities that were struck with the disease, there was complete chaos, looting, rioting, murdering, a complete breakdown. Many people seemed to go absolutely crazy. I sensed that the electricity had failed everywhere now and that nothing was running, there was no communication or anything anywhere in the country. Nothing worked, no radios or TVs. I watched people throw rocks and break windows to steal TVs which I thought was really crazy because they wouldn't work. Immediately, as I watched this happen in the United States, I jumped back to the Middle East and saw the same thing in Israel, the same sores, and I realized that it was the same types of disease or sickness happening there. I knew somehow

that whatever diseases had been used in the United States were also being used in Israel. This lasted for only an instant and I was back in the United States. There was a tremendously long winter that lasted into summer. It caught everyone by surprise and started the full famine. Actually, I realized that the long winter actually just increased the famine greatly to its full measure, because the famine had already been in progress because of the storms, droughts, floods and other plagues that had been happening over the few years leading up to the long winter. It seemed then that the year following the long winter was when everything started to go down hill very quickly or things piled up one on top of the other without any breaks. The sense of time though was not very clear because I was seeing several things that seemed to happen all at the same time or very close together. During and after the long winter, the disease spread everywhere and increased in severity. The economy was completely gone and the electricity was also gone. There was complete chaos and anarchy all over the United States. There was no government, just a total breakdown. There was no food at all. I saw people trying to get food and were completely panicked because there was no food. I saw people digging in the ground for worms and eating them because they were so hungry. Also, during this time I became aware that there was very little water and that almost all of the water had become poisoned so that if a person drank the water they would get the disease and die. Many did even knowing that they would die, because they were so thirsty. Some of the people seemed to go crazy and went around in gangs killing people just for the sake of killing. Others killed for food or for things but the people who killed just to kill were absolutely terrible. They seemed like beasts, animals completely out of control as they raped, looted, burned and butchered people. I saw them go into people's homes and drag families out who were hiding there and rape them and butcher them. There was such a fear and hatred that came upon the people -- families, wives, husbands -- loving ties no longer mattered; it became survival only. Husbands would kill their wives and children for food or water. Mothers would kill their children. It was absolutely horrible beyond description. The air seemed to be filled with smoke as many buildings and cities burned and no one put them out. As I looked upon the scene of chaos, destruction and smoke, I noticed that there were these little pockets of light scattered all over the United States. There were, I would guess, about twenty or thirty of them. I

noticed that most of these places of light were in the western part of the United States, with only three or four in the East. These places of light seemed to shine through the darkness and caught my attention and so I concentrated on them, asking, "What are these things?" I could then see that they were people who had gathered together and they were on their knees and they were praying. The light was coming from them and I understood that it represented their goodness and love. I understood that they had gathered together for safety and that they cared more for each other than for themselves. Some of the groups were small, with only a hundred people or so, but in other groups there were what seemed several thousand. I realized that somehow many, if not most of these cities of light had been established just before the disease attack and that they were very organized. It was like they had known what was coming and had prepared for it. I didn't see who or what had organized them, but I saw many people struggling to get to them with nothing but what they could carry. These cities of light had food and were sharing their food with those who joined them in their groups. There was peace and safety in the groups. They were living in tents, all kinds of tents, many of which were just blankets covering poles. I noticed that the gangs left these groups alone, choosing to pick on easier targets and unprotected people. They also preyed on the people who were trying to get to the cities of light. Many people in these cities of light had guns to defend themselves with and so the gangs left them alone but it seemed that the gangs just didn't want to come against them. (Since we are warned that "They that take the sword will die by the sword" and "If any man shall kill with the sword, with the sword must he be killed," I would suggest that guns here have a spiritual meaning. The power to kill will be in the saints' words as if they were a gun. The two witnesses kill with their words in Rev.11, indicating the time of grace is up for the wicked.) I realized that these cities of light, which is what I began to think of them, were only for a short time and then the people in them would go somewhere else; however, I don't know where they went but I seem to think that they gathered to the mountains, to the high places. As I was looking at the cities of light, I then saw missiles coming and hitting some cities and mushroom clouds started happening all over the United States. Some were from missiles that I knew came from Russia and others were not from missiles, but were from bombs that were already in the United States. They were hidden in trucks and in cars and were exploded. I specifically saw Los Angeles, Las Vegas and New York hit with bombs. New York was hit with a missile, but I think that Los Angeles was hit by a truck bomb

or actually several, because I didn't see any missile. I also saw north of Salt Lake City have a mushroom cloud, a small one, but no missile. In the darkness I also saw little fireballs. I don't know if this happened just before or during the mushroom clouds, but there were millions falling everywhere. They were very hot, of different sizes with most about the size of golf balls. As they fell from the sky they left a streak of flame and smoke behind them. Whatever they touched they started on fire: people, buildings, trees, grass, it didn't matter. I didn't ask what they were or where they came from, because by this time I was getting sick of the whole scene and so I just observed and didn't ask many questions. Almost right on top of these mushroom clouds I saw Russian troops invading the United States. I saw them parachuting into a lot of places, primarily from the East Coast. I saw them parachute into Salt Lake City. I also saw Chinese troops invade from the West Coast, near Los Angeles. The people who were still alive started fighting them with their own guns. I didn't see any military. This was the nuclear war that I had seen earlier and I knew that it was also happening all over the world like I had seen previously. I did not see much of this war, but I was impressed that it was not very long and the Russians and Chinese lose, but I don't know how exactly. Now the smoke turned to a very thick, heavy dark smoke. Just as things appeared to be as bad as it could get, then the earthquakes happened. This happened during a winter. It seemed that this was the winter following the very long one and so the chaos had been almost for a full year. The earthquakes seemed to start in the West, around Idaho and Wyoming, and then quickly spread everywhere. I saw a huge earthquake strike Utah and then California. There were earthquakes all over California, but were especially devastating in the Los Angeles and San Francisco areas. These earthquakes triggered volcanoes all over the West. They started spewing a tremendous amount of ash and smoke into the air and the air became very dark and dirty. The sun was darkened even more because of the smoke and the ash that started raining down everywhere. I also saw huge waves of water sweep over the West Coast and then I realized that it was happening all over the coastal cities of the entire world. Los Angeles was almost swept completely away. The waves were huge. I saw a big wall of water, taller than many of the buildings, perhaps as high as 20 feet, sweep over Salt Lake City. I thought this was strange because it was so far from the ocean and I wondered how a wave from the ocean could travel all the

way to Salt Lake City. I was impressed that it was not from the ocean but from the ground. I quickly saw great cracks in the earth around Salt Lake City open up and water just shoot out of the ground. I felt that under the ground, very deep, there was a tremendous amount of water in the ground and the earthquakes forced it up to the surface. When the water swept over the city, there weren't very many buildings left, in fact there was a tremendous destruction with hardly anything left at all, just a few buildings. The water went from Idaho down to near Cedar City and was very bad. In the cities there was great destruction, and most of the buildings had been destroyed and there was a lot of rubble. Though the earthquakes, disease, floods, volcanoes and tidal waves killed a lot of people, most people died because of the gangs and everyone killing each other, not from the terrible devastations. As I thought a moment about it, it seemed that the earth itself had become sickened at the terrible things that were happening upon it and was finally reacting. I was impressed that the earth wanted to cleanse itself of the terrible chaos and evil that had engulfed the people. Because of the volcanoes erupting everywhere, there was now ash mixed with the heavy smoke. Ash was falling and it was almost complete darkness everywhere. The diseases had become very bad. I saw people literally die on their feet. There was another disease I saw. People had these red blotches on them and then they quickly started bleeding everywhere, from every opening. Then, they literally disintegrated or melted into unrecognizable masses of flesh and bone. I cannot even begin to describe what I saw. The dead were everywhere After this terrible winter, I saw the survivors pile up the dead into huge piles and burn them. The smell was absolutely terrible. I could smell it just a little and the smell itself would make you sick. This burning of bodies had happened a little during the chaos, but not much because people were so worried about surviving that they just ignored the dead. I then saw four more things. I saw a huge earthquake in the middle of the United States. It was tremendous and seemed to split the United States in half about where the Mississippi River is. The crack in the earth that resulted was huge and that area totally sank. It was miles wide and it opened up and the earth fell down. It seemed to swallow everything. Then water flowed in from the Gulf of Mexico all the way up to the Great Lakes, only they weren't lakes anymore, they became all part of a big inland sea.

I then saw a series of tremendous earthquakes all over the world. But it wasn't lots of separate earthquakes, it was all part of one huge, gigantic earthquake that shook the entire earth. Because of this earthquake, water came upon the land all over the world. Huge walls of water along all of the coasts. This earthquake and the walls of water made the earlier ones seem small by comparison. I don't know if the earthquake that split the United States into two parts was part of this worldwide quake or not. I then saw a tremendous wind come upon the earth. As the wind hit I saw people go into caves and into the cracks of rocks to escape it. It was tremendous and it blew trees and everything away. It appeared to be stronger than any hurricane or tornado. It seemed like everything was blown away. I understood, without asking, that the great worldwide earthquake and the wind were somehow caused by a huge object, like a planet or something, that had come very close by the earth and disrupted everything and that it was near the end that this happened. I then was back into space viewing the entire earth from a distance. I saw this huge fireball, two or three times bigger than the earth, approach the earth. It was extremely bright red and gold in color and then engulfed the entire earth. When I saw this, because it was so different than everything else, I asked what it was. I was impressed that it was the burning of the earth that is described in the scriptures. I understood that just before it came Jesus had appeared to the earth and the good people that I had seen earlier had left the earth with Him and were no longer on the earth. The only people left were the few wicked who had survived the devastations earlier, but there were not many.

Nuclear Attack on America and The Lord's Army

David Kocurek July 3, 2005 Nuclear Attack on America In this dream/vision it was not visual, but rather audio. It was as if I were listening to a radio broadcast with a lady reporting a news flash. She said some US cities were nuked. I listened as she named coastal cities from Alaska to southern California. I started to count and remember the cities' names as she named them. But then I awoke and sat up in bed, still hearing her speak on the radio. I was shocked to still hear her while I was awake. The TV was off, and I have no radio in my room (?). This startled me and I forgot my count and couldn't remember all the cities' names she mentioned. It was about 9-14 - all coastal

cities; then it faded off. I couldn't hear it any more. I remembered a few, though, like Los Angeles, Anchorage, Santiago, San Francisco, Seattle, Vancouver etc... all coastal cities. Dumitru Duduman's prophecy's come to mind (?). But also, the fact that after the cold war both Russia and America divulged their nuclear plans to one another, or MAD Mutually Assured Destruction. In case of an attack on Russia, the Russian plans were to hit all coastal cities with ICBMs while detonating some other ICBMs a few hundred miles above America, releasing an electromagnetic pulse to silence all communications and electricity from within America. This is no secret and can be looked up on the internet. The Lord's Army in Preparation I dreamed I was on a white horse. I was in a line with many others on their white horses. We all wore armor and had swords, yet no two were dressed alike. The line was three lines deep. We all faced east. Their was one lone horseman out front of us all; he was down a ways from were I was. Though I couldnt see Him very well, I knew it to be Jesus on His horse, because He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. I looked down on my white horse and noticed it was dressed up in silver all over very elaborately, yet seemed old with carvings. Each rider was distinctly dressed for battle but all had armor and silver on us and our horses. I noticed some little silver bells braded in to my horse's reins. I thought 'this can't be very stealthy' (?), even though they looked nice with hand carvings on them. I looked over my right shoulder, third row back, and saw a man I once saw teaching on Bible prophecy years ago. I can't remember his name, but I remember his face. There were some on foot helping him prepare his armor and horse for battle. I looked around and we were on some fast grassy plain with small rolling hills. The three lines of the Lord's army went as far as I could see in either direction. Then I remembered somewhere in the bible were it says, "A triple braded rope is not easily broken." The time for the Lord's return is drawing near. It was a great sight to see. I wondered about those bells that were on my horse, so while praying I asked the Lord why there were bells on my horse. This was the reply I got: "I put those there so I'll always know at all times where you are on the battle field." Wow, I thought. They are bells of love. It's true, those who put their trust in the Lord will never be disappointed.

Dreams of Missile Attacks on U.S.

Erin from Chile 6/21/05

Just 2 weeks ago I had 2 dreams about missiles hitting the US. In the first dream I was just in a completely dark place and I was looking towards the United States (I'm in Chile). In front of me I saw a great city, (I thought NY at the time but who knows...). All of a sudden I saw a light streaking across the sky and go down into the city. Then there was a huge explosion and the entire city was flattened. Just gone, nothing remaining. In the second dream, in the same week, I dreamed again about a similar event. This time I was again in a dark place but looking at a large map of the world on a wall. It covered the entire wall and reminded me of something that you might see in a NASA building or something (like a giant computer screen but on a wall). I was standing there looking at this map when I saw 3 missiles going toward the US again. I stood there and watched as 2 hit cities on the east coast and one went out to the west somewhere. I was certain that one city was NY but the other east coast city I wasn't sure -- but it was to the south. Also, in that same week of the missile dreams, I dreamed twice (again twice) about terrible earthquakes. As you know, last week there was a devastating earthquake here in the north of Chile, followed by another one the next day in the south of Chile and then 2 or 3 in California, Alaska and Japan. In my dream, I knew that the earthquake would be here in Chile. I thought perhaps here in Santiago, but it was in the north instead. I pray that my dream of the missiles is only that.... a dream.

Nuke Visions of U.S. Cities

B.H. - 7/13/05 I had this dream back in August 2003, but certain circumstances have brought it to the forefront of my mind over the past few months. A plant that towered over my head in the dream (I am 6'3") was non-existent back in 2003, but is now right where it was in my dream, and two days ago, went from sagging and blocking our walkway, to standing straight up. I was not the one who did this, and the person who tied it up was not aware of this aspect of the dream. Seeing that plant standing up like that sent chills down my spine. This is why: In this dream I was in my backyard facing west, the direction of the river (I live in Memphis, TN, about 5 miles or so from the river). I was standing directly next to the towering plant I described above. There were no shadows, but I could feel the sun's warmth (midday?), and the sky was a clear blue. Suddenly, there was a bright flash in the southwest and as a mushroom cloud rose into the sky, the roar of the blast hit me, soon followed by a blast of hot wind. I felt the air grow hot very quickly and I hit my knees. I awoke in a cold sweat, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Also, two nights ago when I saw that the plant had been bound up like that, as I sat there staring at it, the phrase, "it's on a barge" popped into my head. From past experience, I have learned to pay close attention when this happens. Today I took out my map of the city and traced a line from my street toward the southwest and the line ran directly between the two bridges. It is quite apparent that an event like this would sever the supply lines across the Mississippi River as well as kill many people in the surrounding area. I hesitated to write to you about this dream, but when I saw that plant standing tall two nights ago, I had tell you. Forgive me for waiting as long as I did to pass this on to you. God willing, I'll be proven wrong.

Cincinnati Nuked?
Garrett Crawford - 4/12/07 A city in southwest Ohio was nuked (Cincinnati?) and I saw the fallout perimeter; it stretched eastward. I saw three bands of fallout in degress of red according to the severity of fallout. Like I said before, all the fallout moved to the east. The width of the fallout area was from about the of the state to the Ohio River, and it stretched into the western parts of the state. I was shown at this time all supplies and industrial goods will cease to be made, and the manufacturing sector will cease to exist. No longer will we be able to rely on manufactured goods, because there will be no one to make them. (David: Garrett lives in the fallout area down wind of Cincinnati.)

Another dream the same night: I saw a large cruise Ship that represented America. They had a large Broadwaystyle production going on the deck of the ship. It was about Jesus and Christianity; there were many lights, actors, props, backgrounds and smoke machines. It looked like a really expensive and fancy production. It was so extravagant. I recall watching as they had the actor playing Jesus walk on the water, which was on the pool on the deck. I then looked up and saw a sign, a great big neon sign on a pole. The sign read something to the effect of: 'God is with the US' or 'God loves the US.' I cannot recall exactly what it said, but I do recall that when reading it I just laughed and shook my head.

San Diego Nuked?

Garrett Crawford - 4/15/07 I was standing over a small model city that had a toy train in it. This city was San Diego. The toy train ran all through the city and there was a nuclear bomb on the train. I was so obsessed with this train and the nuclear bomb that was inside it. I would watch the train and see where it went, constantly wondering when and where the bomb inside of it would go off. This train was the focus of my attention and I did nothing but think about it. After a while I began to lose my focus and my obsession for the train and the bomb, and I walked away from the model city. After I walked away, the train stopped and I never got to see if the bomb went off, if it ever even did.

Chicago Nuked?
Mark Fritts - 4/15/07 I had a dream last night of a nuclear attack upon Chicago. I was in Chicago and I heard a plane go overhead and I knew that a nuclear bomb was dropped. I immediately ran into an underground subway system and sought protection by asking for the nearest nuclear fallout shelter. I then was directed to where one was which ended up being outside of the city. (David: This is a warning that the judgment is decreed but there is time to find a place of safety. The only place of escape is to get out of town. Chicago is also threatened with an earthquake soon.)

Boston Nuked?
Ruth Steverman - 7/18/07

Hi, I had a dream a couple of nights ago. In the dream I saw a mushroom cloud over Boston. I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar dream for Boston. In the dream I immediately started praying for my new granddaughter; she had been born. Her due date is September 5 and in the dream she was still an infant. Thanks and God bless.

D.C. Nuked As I Went to Heaven

Marc Stinebaugh - 5/10/08 This is very unusual for me, as I rarely have dreams I can remember, and sometimes it will just be a snapshot that I will remember, but two nights ago, on May 8th, I had a really long dream that I can't fully remember because it was so complicated. What I do clearly remember was at the end of it because something unexpected and out of place happened that had nothing to do with the rest of the dream. I found myself on one of the top floors of a tall high-rise apartment building in Washington, D.C. (near where I live). I didn't see any landmarks but I still knew it was D.C. Someone that had been in the dream earlier was standing next to me and as I looked out the window over the city (the buildings looked very small, like Lego blocks). I saw two nuclear explosions on the ground that were in close proximity to each other and grew into tall mushroom clouds very quickly. My immediate thoughts were that the explosion would reach me very soon and I wondered if I would die quickly or not. Then I thought about the radioactive fallout for a second and turned my head away from the window and closed my eyes. I knew that God could protect me from it, but also knew that it probably wouldn't have happened that way if that was His plan for me, so I accepted that I would die from it. As I had my eyes closed, I felt an amazing calm come over me and I felt I had died and was now in a peaceful state and that I was going to go to heaven. I laid there feeling this peacefulness and enjoying the feeling when I realized that I was actually sleeping and then I woke up from the dream.

Nuke Attack and Revival

Dear Friends, Many are receiving warnings of a nuclear attacks on major cities. I have felt that revival was coming soon and that it would come after another attack worse than 911. I also clearly received Jer.18:7,8 today. At what instant I shall

speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up and to break down and to destroy it; if that nation, concerning which I have spoken, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them. I do not believe that this nation will repent this week. I dont believe that God gave this to me as an excuse for why something may not happen but rather to let us know that when it does it is not His fault. God is merciful but He knows the nature of man must be chastened to repent. Sooner or later it is not to anyone's advantage to delay judgment. {Eccl.8:11} Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. {Isa.26:5} For he hath brought down them that dwell on high, the lofty city: he layeth it low, he layeth it low even to the ground; he bringeth it even to the dust. {26:6} The foot shall tread it down; even the feet of the poor, and the steps of the needy. {26:7} The way of the just is uprightness: thou that art upright dost direct the path of the just. {26:8} Yea, in the way of thy judgments, O Jehovah, have we waited for thee; to thy name, even to thy memorial [name], is the desire of our soul. {26:9} With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee earnestly: for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness. {26:10} Let favor be showed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness; in the land of uprightness will he deal wrongfully, and will not behold the majesty of Jehovah. {26:11} Jehovah, thy hand is lifted up, yet they see not: but they shall see [thy] zeal for the people, and be put to shame; yea, fire shall devour thine adversaries. When the people continue to turn the Grace of God into a license to go their own way (Jude 4), even if Noah, Daniel and Job were there interceding, they would deliver only their own souls by their righteousness (Eze.14:12-20). Eventually when men refuse to repent God says don't pray for them any more (Jer.14:10-12, 7:16, Lk.13:24), in other words stop asking me to delay or have mercy. I hope we haven't reached that point for these cities yet. Please follow the email exchanges below and pray for wisdom. Bless you, Dave ********************************************************* Dave, I woke up this morning (12-07-03) half awake half asleep. I heard a voice say four cities have been bombed with nuclear weapons. Then I heard these were dirty bombs. Lam:3, Lev:3, Gen:3, Ex:3, Eph:3, came out of the Word after this.

I asked God for a dream ... I remembered nothing when I awoke it was not until the afternoon that it hit me. When I was asleep I heard a confirming word I had no visuals. The Lord said plainly "Joel" then again "Joel". I read the 3 chapters and see it coming through the Word. Joel 2:2,10, 30-31; 3:15 all speak of thick smoke and not being able to see the sun, moon or stars. The number of these accounts in Joel are four. Your Brother, Philip ********************************************************* Warning dream from Chris Radic Feb.14, 04 This dream was about 2 weeks ago . I was standing in a big city. In the middle of the street, I could see evangelists on the corners trying to give warnings, but the people did not listen, they only laughed at them. Some were being taken off the streets by force .. Afar off, I could see the Pacific Ocean. I could almost say for sure it was San Francisco, California. The Lord showed me that the evangelists knew what was coming, but they stayed at their post... All of the sudden, I heard an explosion, and saw a huge fire ball... As it was traveling closer to me, it was consuming everything in it path. As it got closer, I heard a sound that I have never heard in my life. It was a precursor. This explosion was so powerful, that it was like a nuclear release... and maybe it was... precursors usually happen this way... When the fire ball got to me, I was totally atomized. The only thing I could see in the street was a shadow of where I once was standing... I was then being brought up. I was about 10,000 feet up over the city. I was crying, because I thought I did something wrong... The evangelists were going up to the heavens... At that same time, the Lord told me, "No son, you haven't done anything wrong... Come here, says the Lord, let me show you the moral decline of this nation!" I started seeing like a movie of our country from 1776- 1920- 1940- 1950- 1960..... very bad all the way.... In all this, there were Gods chosen giving warning...but only a few listened . The nation itself, never came to full repentance... Then the lord told me, "Chris my righteous judgment is now on the nation and other nations along with her... I am going to consume them by fire, says the Lord!!" I awoke out of my sleep and started to pray in the spirit. I could not intercede, only pray, that His Will be done.... ************************************************** San Francisco Dream Dave, I've never been to SF, but on the night Feb 14, 2004 or early morning Feb 15, I had a dream about a cataclysmic event coming to SF. On Feb 14, I was reading about the mass gay & lesbian marriage happening in SF and I was thinking about God's warning through his prophets like Duduman, Gruver and Bohler and many other men of God through the past few years.

That night when I went to bed I dreamt that I was on a car traveling across the Golden Gate bridge. All my companions were unbelievers and they seemed to be in a "joy ride" mood. As we reached half way the bridge, all of a sudden the bridge started falling apart, beams snapping and falling, and lanes breaking up, and cars started falling into the ocean like pebbles. Instantly, I knew in my spirit that a huge terrorist attack had just taken place in the US. The people I was traveling with started screaming and panicking. I manage to calm them down quickly and then I led them to a short prayer. The first words that came to my mouth were, "Lord we are so full of sin - please forgive us ...." In the next instant, our car had reached the other side of the bridge, safe and sound then the dream ended. Shalom, John. **************************************************** David, We lived in Grass Valley Calif. from 1983-1993 with a hilltop 360 degree view, that allowed us to see the coastal mountains all the way across the Sacramento Valley. In the mid to late 1980s I awoke from a dream that was from the Lord. In the dream I was standing on my hilltop looking out across the Sacramento Valley toward San Francisco, and noticed this huge column of black cloud going up 60 to 80 thousand feet and forming a mushroom head. I knew it was atomic. Also in another dream I was walking in a hilly area such as I grew up near in the east side of Oakland, Calif. Walking amongst the oaks and scrub brush I came across three men. Watching them, I noticed they appeared disoriented turning this way and that as they carefully progressed. When they became aware of my presence, facing the sound of my foot fall they lifted their heads up to look at me and were holding their arm and hand up so as to shield their eyes from intense light. I now see that they were light struck from a nuclear explosion. When I greeted them I invited them to look at this map I had possession of. They milled over and peered over my shoulder, and this is what we saw. I saw a map of the California coast line. In this dream the San Francisco peninsula was gone as far south as Santa Cruz. The north peninsula was gone as far north as Navato or Santa Rosa. At the bottom of the map was a date glowing in red and blinking. It read August 9th. (I'm sure about the month but the day I'm not sure). At the time I knew the day also and waited for it. When it arrived something did happen. On the Sacramento Channel 3 News there came the news blip of the opening of the National Democratic Party Convention in San Francisco being hosted by the Gay Caucus.

David Whyte *************************************************** Dear David, Your emails brought back what I remember "seeing" years ago in the eighties. I was driving in the Bay Area and it was a beautiful clear day. About 5 miles away, across the Bay, I could see the tall, white buildings of the San Francisco financial district sparkling in the sunshine. As I admired the beauty of the city view, it was like a TV channel change and the same view became a blackened, broken, scene of destruction. I remember the remains of the Transamerica pyramid building standing out about 1/2 the size of its original structure, black, bent, and twisted. I blinked my eyes trying to figure out how in the world I could see the city like that, wondering if it was my imagination or what. Over the years, I have had only a few visions so this is an area of my spiritual walk I try to be careful with. God bless you all, I hope in the Lord's Mercy. Rory m *************************************************** Bryant Holmes About 8 years ago, the Lord had me read Joel chapter 1:4, about the different locusts. He then showed me a vision of a tree and showed me that the locusts were attacking the tree; one group attacked the fruit, another the leaves, another the bark, and the final one the root. He said that the tree represented the family and that the last attack would be at the root. In April/May of last year (2003), He reminded me of this again (just before the Episcopalians ordained the gay priest) and said that homosexual marriage would pass, but after it did, there would be a time of relative quiet. Then, the homosexuals would start going to mainstream churches for their weddings and the churches that did not allow them to be married there would be threatened with the loss of their tax exempt (501c3) status. He said that we would be surprised at the big churches who went along and performed the ceremonies because of the potential loss of their tax exempt status. He also said that when this happens, this would be the door through which persecution flows against the church in America. Also around April/May of last year (2003), He gave me a vision of what the next attack would be like; He showed me a beautiful woman with a beautiful pearl necklace and a blue dress (i never saw the woman's face; i saw her neck, the necklace, and the top and collar of the dress)...out of nowhere a man's hand came and snatched the pearl necklace and the feeling of panic, terror, horror, shock, fear, was like nothing that i have ever experienced; it is beyond my ability to describe it...I don't know specifically what the

next attack will be, but whatever it is, it is going to be much worse than 911 and horrible beyond our comprehension. (Editor's note: The string of pearls could be a group of cities that will be taken away from the Babylonish harlot of America.) I had a four part dream in the middle of a 40 day fast in early may of 2004. In the first part I was standing on something, I don't know what it was, and the whole earth was spread out in front of me, like a map. I could see everything, all at once, every continent, every city, my left was the u.s. and Canada, Mexico; Europe was in in front of me. for some reason, the whole world was dark, because every city had its lights on...I saw lights on in buildings, but I didn't see any people. someone was standing next to me, narrating, explaining what I was being shown, but I don't remember seeing them. I just remember a light next to me and understanding that the voice was coming from the light, but I couldn't see who was in the light...anyway, i saw 9/11 hit....there were 'ripples' that went through the whole earth, like when you throw a stone into a calm lake or something...there wasn't a feeling of panic or fear, but mostly sadness. not even sorrow, really...more like when a friend is hurting and you go and pat their shoulder like, 'awww, it'll be ok', kind of thing, if that makes sense...I saw people taking their money out of the us and putting it in Canada and France (France was prominent in this)...I mean, rich people, movie stars, etc., thinking that their money would be safe...then I saw the next attack, which occurred on the west coast....Los Angeles lit up like fireworks, at least 2 was a nuclear attack...the ripples then went deeper and further than they did for 9/11....remember in the string of pearls vision that there was such a feeling of panic and terror that I couldn't even describe it? I felt it again in this dream, but the panic was not just in the U.S.- it was worldwide...I suddenly found myself in Africa, and I was walking among people, and they were crying, because they were very afraid...and the people in the U.S. who had taken their money out of the u.s. and put it in Canada and France after 9/11, thinking that their money would be safe, were wrong...they couldn't get to their money anymore...the entire economy had locked up like an engine with no oil. I saw, superimposed (if this makes sense) over the whole earth, a mechanism lock into place, like some kind of lock...I saw this land mass, that represented the economy, slide off into water, and it didn't rise again, though I got the feeling that people were really expecting it was explained to me that these attacks are being taken advantage of (I hate to say orchestrated, but that's the feeling I got) to lead us into a truly global economy, but first, the existing structure has to be destroyed, because the existing economic structure cannot sustain a truly global economy...a truly global economy not only means that there is no one nation that is stronger than another, but it also means that there is no one nation that is richer than another...a true global economy is not about getting the rest of the world to meet our economic standards, it's really about dragging us down into their standard; America is going to be a 3rd world nation as a result of this...the beginning of this is the outsourcing of jobs, which has been in the news a lot lately. like i said, there were 4 parts and this was just the first; the second had to do with the timing of the attacks, the third had to do with secular and religious people not listening to the warning, and the fourth had to do with the church as a whole not listening....

The second part of the dream was by far the most disturbing. I was in the parking garage of the world trade center, but the parking garage wasn't underground or even on the ground level-it was 10 floors beneath where one of the planes was about to hit. I was holding onto a concrete pillar and looking out to my left, and there was a 'window', for lack of a better word, that allowed me to see the city...I think I was in the first building because no plane had hit yet; it was peaceful, sunny, and quiet, very serene and calm...I remember saying within my spirit, Lord, these people have no idea what's about to happen, but I know...I'm the only one who knows what's going to I held on to the pillar, which was about 10-15 feet away from the 'window', or clear space that let me see outside, I closed my eyes and prayed, 'is it now Lord?', and He said, 'No, not yet'...I began to tense up, because I knew in my spirit that the impact was coming, and that it was coming soon...a few seconds later, I asked, 'is it now, Lord?', and He said, 'No, not yet'....something in my spirit began to rumble (rumble is the only way I know how to describe it)....the intervals between the 'rumbles' got shorter and shorter and shorter and more intense, and I asked, 'Is it now Lord?', and He didn't answer...suddenly i felt the impact of the plane hitting the building and there was a dull WHOOMP!, and the concrete pillar that I was holding onto vibrated I looked out to my left, to the clear space, everything was still silent....and then a body fell, just one.....I was horrified...have you seen movies or pictures and fills e bodies and body parts, like confetti...I saw arms, legs, I saw a woman in a skirt, falling, I saw what was left of a man, from the waist down: a shiny black belt, black slacks, black shoes, and the feet were crossed at the ankles...I heard the people's screams...I was close enough even to hear the wind whipping through their clothes as they fell...the sky was full of bodies and body parts...I could even tell which ones had jumped from above and which ones had fallen...the ones who jumped seemed to have a little more control of their bodies than the ones who simply fell; i saw a man bent in half, like he had jumped off of a diving board...suddenly, almost outside of my peripheral view, a head bounced into the parking garage...a man's head, no body, no limbs, just head, but it was was gnashing its teeth in the most horrible way that i have ever heard, demonically, repeatedly, and very loud...I got scared and i said in the dream, Lord, I don't like this; Lord, I don't want to see this anymore....the dream faded gradually, i woke up and sat up in my bed for a few seconds When I laid back down and went back to sleep the dream continued....this time i was in an elevator at my job...i work for PayPal, which i truly believe to be either the mark of the beast or the system that the mark is going to be based on; it's slogan is 'the new world currency', which most people who don't work here don't know about....I was in an elevator with 3 co-workers (we had an elevator at the old building that we were in until last year; we don't have one in our new building), all of whom are still working here and I see frequently....there were 2 women and a man; I was standing in front of one of the women, my face in her face, and i said emphatically, "there IS going to be a nuclear attack in the united states, and it is going to be in Los Angeles!'..her face turned red and she backed up, smiled, and walked away, and the Lord said, 'this is a religious spirit'...He helped me to understand that she represents the people who send those cutesy

emails, the ones that say something like, 'say this prayer and send this email to 10 people, including the one who just sent it to you, and God will answer your prayer by the end of the day'...people who have no concept of Who He truly is...they think of God as being a cutesy all love all accepting God, not a God who has standards and not a God who demands righteousness....the other 2 people, the man and the other woman, were talking amongst themselves, and when I turned to tell them what was about to happen, their conversation intensified so that they were so focused on each other that they ignored me...I believe that they represent the people who don't necessarily reject God outright, but ignore Him... The final part of the dream is the part that i believe has to do with the church and our current state...I was standing outside of this massive building that looked like a school...I was carrying these things in each arm, burdens is what I heard in my dream, and I could see them clearly, although no one else could, but I got the feeling that because of where I was, people should have been able to see what I was carrying...I found myself in a huge auditorium, and it was like a party or celebration was going on...there was loud, raucous laughter, children running everywhere, even on the stage, women and men talking and laughing and smiling...papers were in the air everywhere...and I'm standing facing the crowd, with my back near the door, with these 'burdens' in my arms, and no one is paying attention to me, although, like I said, I got the feeling that they should have been, and that they should have known what I was carrying...all of a sudden, I feel the same 'rumblings' that I had when i was in the world trade center, and I'm getting agitated...I see a young girl named autumn (of all of the people in my dream, she is the only one who was called by name), who is about 6 yrs old and has a crush on my 6 year old son (in real life, this is true)...she's chasing my son and he's trying to get away; I found my wife and told her to get the kids because we had to get out of there NOW, and the rumblings are getting closer together and more intense...she said that she would but walked away and didn't come back, and i got frustrated, so I left and went outside and was going to go down some steps to get to away from the building, but as I stood at the top of the steps, I realized that they were very steep, unusually steep, and that the steps themselves weren't very wide; it seemed to me that if I tried to step on one, it would only be big enough for about half of my foot, or less, so I said, Lord, I can't go down these steps...they're too steep and too small and with these burdens that I'm carrying, I'm afraid I'll lose my balance and fall....then, I was prompted to look to my left and I saw a lush green grassy area that gradually went to a sidewalk and away from the building...I went that way and as soon as I cleared the grass and got to the sidewalk, the Lord said, 'go back', and I knew that He meant back into the building to try to warn the people one more time, and I didn't want to because the rumblings were increasing in frequency and I knew that whatever was coming was coming quick and that there wasn't much time, but I ran back into the building with these burdens and came back out with my wife and 4 of my 5 kids (my 6 year old son was still inside for some reason)....our car was parked right in front of the building and I yelled to my wife to go back inside and get our 6 year old because we have to go NOW!!! and that we don't have time to wife and I have 16 month old twins, a boy and a girl, and I was buckling my son into his baby seat and it broke, so I tossed it over my shoulder and said, Lord, what now? suddenly, out of nowhere, a red cord appeared from behind the seat, like where a seat belt would be. I was getting very

agitated but my son was very calm and he was looking at me with his huge brown eyes, not worried about anything...I put him in the seat and tied the rope/cord around him and I remember thinking, at least if we get into a car accident, he'll be ok; this won't cut him in half...just as I'm doing this, the rumbling are getting closer and closer and more intense, to where I feel them deep within my bowels, and now there is no interval between them, and suddenly I sense something coming over my shoulder, and there is this large, round shadow on the ground, and I remember thinking, sadly, great, this is it; this is what was coming and we're not supposed to be here; we're not going to make it, and I woke up. The Lord hasn't given me full understanding of everything in these dreams, but i do believe that timing wise, something is going to happen in the fall (autumn)...because autumn was the little girl's name who was chasing after my son, and of all of the people in the dreams, hers is the only name that I heard audibly...also, because of the dream where I was in the world trade center; fall begins in September. ****************************************************** An Open Vision Feb. 25, 2004 Vincent Xavier On January 5, 2004 while driving north on I-15 I was at perfect peace with the Lord and enjoying the beauty of that day. I had been in prayer and had drawn very close to the Lord in my heart. As I was driving in perfect peace with my eyes wide open, I saw several nuclear bombs explode in several cities across America at the same time. Immediately the scripture came to mind about the UNWALLED CITIES. I did not want to see this vision and actually asked that it would depart from my mind. Yet as I continued to travel down the road I began to sense the seriousness of what I had seen. The Spirit began to speak to my heart about a SERIES OF EVENTS that will take place SIMULTANEOUSLY. The Lord revealed to me that the reason there have been no suicide bombers blowing up malls and other people oriented facilities is because in the mind of the terrorist there is a knowledge that if they were to walk into a place or be on a bus and blow it up, there would be a quick intervention that would arrest the entire population of men and women from these foreign countries throughout the United States. One explosion would not fulfill the intent and purpose of what has been planned against this country. What is happening at this time is a planned and plotted series of explosions at the same time that will cripple and cause to collapse the nation in one day. When I saw this vision I saw cities fall in a moment. What has propelled me to write this is that approximately twenty minutes ago I was told that a Dirty Bomb was found in a locker in Las Vegas Nevada. I know in my heart that there are nuclear weapons in this country that are planted in several cities throughout. Part of a prophecy 1-27-04

"Are these not the days of the PASSOVER? Is it not the season called MARCH? Yes it is at this time during the month of MARCH that the dynamic of my Kingdom shall manifest in the earth. A great outpouring of My Spirit is to come and fill the house with the Glory. A great deliverance from the power of sin and death shall be broken and my people will come forth in freedom and liberty. Truly old things shall pass away and all things shall become new!" More March 04 prophecies ***************************************************** Michael A. Landrum, January 21, 2004 An open door in 2004 Prophesy now To the land, the sea, the sky, the shore. Break the chains. Start to soar. Listen now for the Lions roar. He comes in mercy and He comes in might. He comes to heal the devils blight. The nations will tremble and kings will fall, But the people who trust in their Jesus will call To the land, the sea, the sky, the shore That He who tarries will tarry no more! From the time that my people seek me with the whole heart, From the time that my people will set themselves to call upon me in one voice, I will with single purpose visit them To break the yokes of their oppressor. On March 12th and 18th, I will show you my Hands: First, my left Hand of judgment; Second, my right Hand of healing. From that time shall my people begin to finally seek me with the WHOLE HEART. I will not allow my testimony to be obscured or my works ignored in the earth. Come, and let us return to the Lord; for He has torn so that He may heal us; He has stricken so that He may bind us up. After two days He will revive

us--quicken us, give us life; on the third day He will raise us up, that we may live before Him. [Hosea 6:1-2 Amplified version] *************************************************************** David J Meyer I must write about another vision that the Lord gave me on February 15th, 2004. I woke up at 5:30 that morning, and my thoughts were instantly filled with the names of the cities that I had ministered in during the past several years. I thought of New York City, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, Boston, and numerous others. After praying and reading the Scripture in preparation for preaching that morning, I was getting ready to go to the church at about 9:15 A.M., when I suddenly became overwhelmingly sleepy. I was not tired and had had a good nights sleep, but I was compelled to lay face down. Suddenly I saw a residential area of a large city. It was as dark as night, but I could see rooftops and a large square building. I did not recognize the area and wondered where it was. In an instant there was a massive explosion, and the large square building disappeared in fragments of glass and concrete. Immediately there was another flash of light, and then a column of red and yellow fire that rose high into the air appeared like a mushroom cloud. I asked the Lord where this was taking place and in the split second that I asked, the telephone rang. The phone almost never rings at that time on Sunday morning. I heard three rings, and I heard my wife say that it was a New York call as we have caller I.D. I said to her, Youd better get it. The caller was a man I had never heard of before, but he had obtained one of my tapes from someone and decided to call me at that moment of time. He said he was from Brooklyn. I do not pretend to know what all of this means or what the time frame is. May God help us and be merciful.

Samuel Garcia This morning March 1, 2004 I had two dreams about possible judgment on NYC and San Francisco. First dream was: I was in Manhattan in my Mother's apartment and I looked out the window and saw three volcanic eruptions happening one after another. I noticed that there was snow in the ground, that might mean that before March 21, the last day of winter there may be some kind of volcanic eruption, at least three of them in Manhattan, New York City. The second dream was that I heard a Christian lady news reporter, maybe like from CBN, the 700 Club or something like that reporting that something had happened in San Francisco, around where the 49ers football team plays. Time is running out for America, let us make sure that WE are found FAITHFUL to the LORD. ****************************************************** A prophet friend in E. Florida

This morning the Lord woke me at 2 am. I spent hours reading what he wanted me to and I went back to bed. The power was very strong on me. I saw myself able to walk thru walls and go up to the ceiling. The police tried to arrest me and couldn't find me. Someone needed help and I could translate and help them. Then I saw dark clouds and things moving very fast; I could see pages turning very fast. Then an angel came to me and said everything is ok till 7- 30 [July 30]. Dave this was real, the lord wants me to practice on translating like Phillip in acts 8. Oh what a god! What I was reading is on death to self and on the inner life. Our spirit and soul and body has to be only doing the desire of God. No pleasing self, only the Father. Completely dead to self, no self motivation, no self will ,no trying to please self, just looking at Jesus' eyes and only doing what he shows us, no matter what circumstances. We are in do nothing till he shows us what to do, that means no opinions not trying to figure out anything or use reason, just let God be God and trust him.

Terrorist Weapons in U.S.

James Bartholomew - 3/03/10 In a dream on the night of 7/22/07, I was watching a video monitor that I knew was connected to a camera watching the U.S.- Mexico border. The ground gently sloped away from the camera and was covered with high grass that was mostly brown. Suddenly, a woman on a bicycle appeared on the monitor. The woman appeared to be Mexican, was dressed in a long peasant dress and could have been in her mid 20s. She was carrying something on her left shoulder which was covered in a white cloth. The outline of tubes around five inches in diameter and five feet long could be seen. The whole bundle of tubes seemed to be at least three feet in diameter. As the woman passed out of view of the camera, a second bicycle rider appeared, also carrying a bundle of tubes covered with a white cloth. The second rider was a dark male with black hair and could have been of either Mexican or Middle East origin. As I was watching the monitor, I realized they were smuggling terrorist supplies into the country. I was in a state of panic, trying to tell people, "She's the one!" but no words would come out of my mouth. The dream ended and I awoke in a state of panic, still trying to speak. At the time of the dream, I did not have an idea what the tubes were. Lately, I have been thinking they could be shoulder-mounted rocket launchers. This morning I looked up these type of weapons on the Internet before leaving for work. From their appearance, they could be what I saw in the dream. On the way to work, I turned on the radio. Someone was talking about a book on the history of terrorism in the United States. I changed stations and someone else was talking about an aspect of terrorism. This may be a confirmation that rocket launchers have been smuggled into the U.S. through Mexico by terrorists.

Note from David: This was just posted. Syria is already smuggling this weapon across one border to terrorists. Nothing to stop them or their cronies from doing the same here. New Syrian-supplied weapon enables Hizballah to shoot down Israeli aircraft DEBKAfile Exclusive Report March 3, 2010, 6:30 PM (GMT+02:00) Syria has defied Israel's caution that handing over new strategic weapons to the Lebanese Hizballah would compel Israel to strike targets inside Syria. DEBKAfile's military sources disclose that Damascus has just smuggled across the border a number of Russian-made IGLA-S surface-to-air missiles capable of intercepting low-flying F-16 warplanes, drones, helicopters, cruise missiles, transports and surveillance aircraft in all weather conditions, by day or night. Tuesday, March 2, the head of the research division of Israeli Military Intelligence, Brig. Gen. Yossi Beidetz, reported to the Knesset foreign affairs and security committee that Syria had smuggled to Hizballah strategic weaponry more sophisticated that it had ever dared transfer before. Beidetz did not specify the type of missiles, but our US sources disclosed he was referring to the advanced Russian IGLA 9K338, a shoulder-mounted missile which poses a threat to low-flying aircraft and other flying projectiles in all weather conditions. Its other prime asset is that it is virtually impossible to jam its launch and trajectory with electronic counter-measures. The US sources could not say whether these missiles were taken out of the stock recently consigned by Moscow to Iran's Revolutionary Guards or delivered to Syria and thence to Hizballah. DEBKAfile's military sources report that the IGLA-S in Hizballah's hands will seriously hamper Israeli Air force surveillance activity over Lebanon and curtail its operational options against the surface-to-surface rockets when positioned to shield them against attack. Its presence in the Hizballah armory means that the Iran-backed Lebanese Shiite extremists will be free to loose their missiles and rockets against Israeli towns in relative safety, with Israeli aircraft hard-pressed to destroy them. Moscow and Damascus have covered the IGLA-S transaction to a third party by defining the system as defensive. However, seen from Israel, it adds another layer to Hizballah's aggressive capabilities by shielding its massive array of rockets against aerial attack. While visiting Washington last week, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned

that, if attacked by Hizballah, Israel would also go for its sponsors, Syria and Iran.

A Nuclear Strike on America & the Deliverance of God's People

By Evangelist Ed Hawk Graham It was the Lord's day, Sunday 2-28-99. I had been studying God's word all day and praying that the Lord would give me a fresh word concerning the storm of His judgment upon America. As I prayed, I fell off into a deep sleep and the next thing I knew, I was standing outside preaching to a great many people of the coming storm. I kept preaching over and over that all who trust in the Lord and believe in His warning should start to prepare themselves for the coming storm. As I preached, many started to prepare, but others just laughed at my words of warning and went on their way. I saw many families split as the ones that didn't believe in the coming storm departed from the ones that believed in God's warnings and were starting to prepare themselves. As I watched the believers prepare; the nonbelievers just went about as nothing would ever happen to them. I continued to preach of the coming storm to all who would hear the warning. As I preached, we all heard the sound of a large plane going over our heads. As we all looked up, we saw that it was not a plane at all, but a I.C.B.M. nuclear missile on its way to its target. We all watched as the missile crossed the sky and disappeared out of sight. All at once, we saw a very large mushroom cloud going higher and higher into the sky. I looked at all the people before me and told them the storm was upon us. I then yelled, "All who have trusted in the Lord and His warnings, take cover as God's judgment is now upon this country". I looked once again and the mushroom cloud had now started to recoil back to the earth. I yelled one last warning for all who believed God's warning to take cover. As I watched, I saw all who would not believe the warning just go about as if nothing was about to happen. I started to pray in the spirit as I watched the nuclear cloud cross the land before me, demolishing everything in its path. Just before it reached me, I took one last look to see that all who trusted in the Lord's warnings made it to their shelters. As I lifted the door of my shelter and went inside, the door closed behind me as the power of the storm hit the ground. As I cleared my eyes, I saw that my whole family had taken God's warning and were in the shelter with me. We all started to praise the Lord for His protection. As I looked around in the shelter

there was more than enough food and water to last through the storm. For what would become many months, the storm raged on and we remained in the shelter of the Lord. Each and every day we became closer and closer to the Lord as the things of the world were being stripped away through the storm of His judgment. All at once, there was a great calm and the Lord moved me to open the door of our shelter. As I prayed in the spirit, I opened the shelter door and stepped outside. As I stepped out, I found myself looking at all the destruction the nuclear strike had caused. I then found myself calling to all who trusted in the Lord's warning to come forth. When I said this, one shelter door after another started to come open and God's people started to come out of the ground untouched. Because they trusted in the Lord's warning, He had kept them through the storm. We all started walking across the land and we could see that all who did not trust in the Lord's warnings, were lost in the storm. We all started to praise the Lord and I woke up from my dream. For the next few hours, I found myself praising the Lord Jesus for His protection for all who trust in His warnings of the coming storm as I prayed the Lord placed three verses upon my heart all in PSALMS. Psa. 22:4-5, which says, "Our fathers trusted in thee: they trusted, and thou didst deliver them", they cried unto thee, and were delivered: they trusted in thee, and were not confounded. Psa. 32:7-8, which says, "Thou art my hiding space, thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with song of deliverance, "Selah" I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go; I will guide thee with mine eye. Psa. 91:10-11, which says, "There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plagues come high thy dwelling. For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

The Sword Is Coming to Atlanta

(Please see Catastrophe Delayed Momentarily in 2005) (Note from Dave: I have received two dreams from people; one lived South of Atlanta and one northeast, in which they were receiving refugees into their home. We certainly will have to be ready wherever we live to help out and be a witness.)

April Fields' Dream

Ron and I lived in a very large house but still there was a limited number of

bedrooms. We had invited a number of friends and family to come spend the weekend with us. The bedrooms filled up quickly but then a late arrival a couple who brought 16 more people with them made it necessary for me to rearrange to accommodate them all. I recall that the people were families with different ages of children and none of them spoke English. And as I was sorting out where people would sleep I realized I would have to feed these people, too. I awoke while making a shopping list for food. Ron and April live outside of Atlanta.

The Dream by Sam Cathey

A month ago, Dale Cathey's oldest son Sam told him that he had a dream. Immediately prior to him telling this, Jeanne Beech quoted Gen. 41:32 -that the doubling of a dream meant it is fixed, and that it will come to pass shortly. Sam said that in his dream he and his dad were coming up out of a subway and when they came up everything in Atlanta had been destroyed -- not a building remained. Dale and Sam didn't know about the above article. Jeanne lives 150 miles from Atlanta and has been shown she will have refugees in her home.

Tony and Vicky Hinton We live in Georgia about 40 miles below Atlanta. My husband had a dream about 2 years ago about bombs hitting Atlanta. There is a brother in downtown Atlanta that ministers on the streets and also takes food and supplies mostly to poor mothers with children who have no income. But they feed whoever they can. As he has been ministering on the streets, about a year ago he felt in the spirit a strong darkness come over the city. Now Atlanta has always been in darkness, but this was a darkness like none he had ever felt. He and some of the brothers had noticed that some of the homeless people were disappearing. They have no home and no money, so they wondered why so many of them were gone all of a sudden and no one on the street knew what

happened to them. This began to increase greatly. About 6 months ago, maybe a little longer, he and the brothers took food to some poor families in a trailer park. There were a lot of poor families living in the park. As they continued to take food to them every week, they noticed that there were a lot of foreign men moving into the park. Every week they increased. They were Middle Eastern men who were posing as Mexicans. Most of them just would not speak at all, but the ones who did were speaking to the brothers in Spanish and said they were Mexican. Since there has been a great influx of Mexicans in the area some of the brothers had learned some Spanish over the years. One brother who could speak Spanish well said that his Spanish was better than their Spanish. It is obvious that they are not Mexican, but middle eastern. The brothers went to the authorities but nothing has been done. They said there was nothing they could do ???? Well, several months ago, one of the brothers started feeling in his spirit to move out of the Atlanta area. He felt that his work was about over there. He felt to search for a place in the Tennessee area. He and his wife even went there, and had decided to move. Then his wife started changing her mind and started backing out of moving. So this brother became concerned because he felt he was hearing this from the Lord. So last week he began to fast and seek the Lord on this issue. Three days into the fast, early in the morning around 4 am, he was awakened. He looked up and there was a light in the room next to the wall at the other end of his room. Then suddenly an angel stepped out of the light, like he just stepped through the wall. As he stepped from the light into the room, he called the brother by name as he was pulling a sword from its sheath. The brother said he could hear the metal scraping as he pulled it from the sheath. He raised the sword. He then said, calling him by name, that "The Lord God" had put it into his heart to move from this place, and he was to take his family and move, because "The Lord God" was bringing the sword to this city. He also said that he "must leave soon." He repeated these instructions twice. Then he stepped backed into the light and disappeared. This brother has never had a visitation like this before. He told his wife. She said

that God would have to show her. Please pray for this family and all of us who are in the area. I believe this might go with the word coming forth about multiple areas being hit before the year is out. (Note from Jeanne Beech: I do not recall where this came from, but this week I read that this man has been instructed to leave by July.) (Note from Dave: The invasion over the borders is preparing America for the fall. The Minutemen are trying to close the door after the fox is in the coupe. I hope the brother will obey whether his wife will or not. He should remember Lot and his wife.)

Update from Tony and Vicky 6-4-05

Another brother in the Atlanta area has had an angel visit. The angel instructed him to leave the Atlanta area. After the visit he prayed and fasted for further instructions. As he was praying, he heard the Lord in an audible voice say that he was to leave Atlanta and he was to be gone by July. He gave no other details. Whether something is happening in July was not confirmed, only that he had to be gone by then. He was not told why either. So he is moving in blind faith and obedience. We live 40 miles below Atlanta and as of yet have had no instructions. We are waiting on the Lord, but have no fear nor sense no danger to us personally. This must be something that will affect downtown Atlanta, as all these brothers living in the heart of Atlanta. My son who has gone away from the Lord as he has left home lives right in the heart of Atlanta, also. Please agree with us for his protection as he has a calling that he has turned away from at the present. The Lord be merciful to his own.

Attack on Atlanta?
James Jones I woke up from a very disturbing dream at 6:40 am on 9-10-05. I felt prompted to put it down on paper. I live in Atlanta, Georgia, but I am not sure that this dream is only for Atlanta.

In the dream, after bringing everything into the garage at night, I went into my house and shut the two garage doors. (Our current house only has only one garage door.) I then went to bed. In the middle of the night I heard a disaster alarm siren going off outside in the distance so I got up to look outside through a bedroom window. I looked for a while but at first I did not see anything. Then all of a sudden I sensed that all the air in my room was being sucked outward away from me. I immediately knew something was wrong and called out to my family that they needed to evacuate to the basement of our house immediately. They were all asleep but heard my warning when I yelled out with urgency. I first heard my mother call out, "How long before we have to get into the basement, do we have two hours time?" My reply was stern: "You better be down in the basement in two minutes." (Based on my understanding that one day equals one thousand years in God's time, then two minutes could equal 83 days which would land on approximately Dec. 2, 2005; but I'm not sure and don't have any divine revelation on how long two minutes God time equivocates to our time.) When running down into the basement I passed by the door to the garage and I saw my brother who was standing in the doorway. He asked me if I should put the doors to the garage down. I knew something was wrong because the doors were suppose to be down, so I went out to the garage to look. When I got into the garage both doors were somehow up. At this time I was able to see outside into the distance much better but I noticed the disaster alarms had stopped ringing. When I stood outside my garage I saw about 5-10 miles off in the distance a large black twirling cloud. At first I thought it was a cloud from a nuclear explosion but I looked at it carefully and it had the look of a nuclear explosion as well as the look of an F4 or F5 tornado tearing up everything. It seemed like it was both. The dream then ended. I knew the doors being up had a specific meaning and believe we have but a little time to evacuate before the storm comes upon us. I have known that the judgment storms will be coming upon our nation and I have always planned on emergency preparations to try to ride it out. It might be wise to rethink this mindset and get out while we still have a small window of time. The mathematical configuration I could determine was using the one day God time = 1000 years earth time. (Note from David: A brother calculated if "a thousand years is as one day," two minutes would be 511 days, or approx. 17 months. That could be approx. 17 months after 9-10-05, which would be about mid-March of 2007. Being in the basement before two minutes could indicate abiding in the secret place of Jesus before judgment falls.) Amos Skaggs said: G-d said He would postpone the destruction on America one more time to show His mercy to the believer because they prayed for this country. BUT HE WILL NOT DO IT AGAIN. I saw this Aug. 3, 2005 and recorded

it also.

Terrorists Nuke New York and Economy

The farmer of Krems, also known as "The Seer of Waldviertel" On September 17, 2001, a reverend from Tirol, Josef Stocker, spoke to the seer by telephone. Regarding the New York attack of September 11, 2001 the Farmer of Krems said: The terrorist act that is prophesied for the present-time has not yet occurred, and when it does there will be a nearly total destruction of New York -- an unprecedented terrorist act that will be carried out with two small nuclear explosive devices Destruction of Manhattan New York is destroyed unexpectedly before this time of war by small explosive devices that explode very low in the air. The image grows more vivid, becoming like houses blasted apart from a violent storm. In the explosion inferno (the explosion's epicenter or "ground zero"), I saw nothing left standing. It would seem to have occurred around noon (local time). If one considers, however, that, in the early summer, it becomes light very early, that could be also in the morning hours. I saw all details clearly and with extraordinary clarity Also, regarding the destruction of New York, I saw details that one could never perceive with the eye due to the quickness of the event. It was revealed to me in proper sequence, but in slow motion. I saw this city in all of its detail. There a dark object fell in its course, continually crooking upon itself. I stared intently as this body fell, until it almost crashed to the ground. First it shredded into pieces, dissolving itself as it did this. In this moment I did not yet comprehend what had happened. The first explosive device exploded some buildings a distance behind a larger building standing with a wide entrance facing the ocean's shore. From the perspective of the Atlantic Ocean, these buildings seemed to be located somewhat to the south behind this larger building. The buildings did not fall over or implode upon themselves, but rather they became, save for a few, part of the explosion's epicenter (ground zero). They then became pulverized from the ground up. From a distance, they had the appearance of sinking, as if swallowed up by the ground beneath them.

Hidden Bombs; Avian Flu; Translations

Mesake Coalala

In the early hours of Sunday morning, 10/9/05 I had this dream. (Note: For quite a few weeks now I have been praying to the Lord that he visit all my friends and relatives around the world in dreams, visions and revelations and show them that the tribulation is about to start and that it was time to repent and turn to the Lord.) I dreamt that I was in Los Angeles. I was sitting on a table with an unsaved cousin of mine. He was telling me how the Lord has been showing him dreams of the whereabouts of the enemys nuclear bombs that have been hidden away in the U.S. He described to me an old, derelict, rundown warehouse where a nuclear warhead was hidden. In the dream I was really happy. God was answering my prayers and my friends and relatives were being warned. About 12.30AM, Monday morning, 10/10/05 I had this intense dream. In the dream I saw people panicking and fleeing towards the East Coast of the United States. I was wondering what the people were fleeing from. Then I heard the words Avian Flu or something that sounded similar but I am sure it was Avian Flu. I saw soldiers mercilessly shooting people who were slow to flee. As I looked at the soldiers the word Nazi came to my mind. I then saw this Polynesian family who were slow to flee. The parents had decided since they couldnt make it they might as well hide under the the big septic tank beside their home. Little did the family know that a soldier had spotted them. Somehow I knew what soldier was thinking he was thinking of blowing up the whole septic tank along with the family. As the chaos spread, I started praying and said something like this: Lord what do you want me to do? Immediately, my body had this bright, orange glow. I saw a few other people who had the same orange glow on them. Like the others I could clearly hear the voice of the Lord directing me on who to minister to. We were translated from place to place only at the Lords direction. I remember telling a group of people what was happening and leading them to the Lord. I then was directed to go to someone whose name was UrnThis Urn had shared a prophecy which I was interested in. I then woke up at about 1:00 AM thinking it was for real.

Catastrophe Delayed Momentarily

(See also Nuke Found in Arizona) Robin Schenck - 11-30-05 6:57 AM (Davids notes in red) In a dream I found myself, my two older brothers and many, many other people at a large concert hall. We were seated in a row not far from the front of the

auditorium, maybe about 10 rows back from the stage. My eldest brother S--was seated between my next oldest brother D---- and I. I was seated on the end of the row at the outside aisle or maybe there was one seat more to my left. The concert was about to begin. The concert began. There was also a man who I'd gone to high school with. He was in my oldest brother's class, so he was two years older than I. I had a major crush on this guy in high school. Now we were all grown up and at this concert together. As we sat there talking and preparing to see this concert my father who was outside the concert hall, unseen, sent in a message to my oldest brother to come out there - he wanted to talk to him. S--(oldest brother) went out and came back with the message that father had said that he was not going to start the judgment just yet, the bad thing that he was about to do to the world, and that he did not want us to memorize or say/pray something just yet, lest we hinder something he wanted to do or prevent. Since Jesus was the first born of many brethren He is our oldest Brother who brings the message of the "Father." Everything is already orchestrated and our parts are completely planned out like a concert but the time is delayed. This same thing happened to me three months before the end of 1998. God told me the judgment of America in 2000 would be delayed. But He said I was not to tell anyone, except our local congregation after a bit, so that the message of repentance and fear of the Lord would get out. Then three months before 2000 He said to tell them. Notice this dream was on 11-30 (or 11:30) just 30 minutes before midnight, which has been known as a time of judgment as with the Clock of atomic scientists. 6:57 is only 3 minutes before 7:00. 7 represents spiritual completeness. The concert began and my brothers were both up on stage and also sitting next to me - strange. I was also supposed to be one of the musicians, but my cousin Y----- was up on stage with my brothers and playing a very bad cello solo segment of the piece of music they were performing. I kind of laughed at the sour notes she was playing and looked around at others, but I was proud of her anyway. (The Lord is proud of the young who as disciples offer their immature service to him.) My brother S--- and I switched seats when he came back with the message, so I did not have to get up again to let him sit in the middle, and he sat down and relayed the message to the other two of us. Father said he was going to wait a little while on the catastrophe he had just about begun, because of some intervention by prayers or requests of some kind. I asked my brother if father wanted us to leave the hall or what. My brother seemed to indicate that we were just to wait there for another signal, don't leave just yet, just wait. He sat down again with us. (We are just to stand down and wait for the resumption.) I was greatly agitated and knew that though the delay was spoken by father as the result of the intervention of believers' prayers and such, that the delay would be extremely short, that Father was not stopping the catastrophic event.

Later in this dream, I found myself at some other place where my physical fitness was being tested. I was on an exercise mat on the floor and I was doing sit-ups. I had to do at least 30 or 50 to prove good fitness. I began to do the sit-ups and was doing rather well. No one was holding my feet at all and I was just easily performing those sit-ups. I felt like I could go quite a long time and that 50 of them would not be a problem at all. I also noted that I was working to maintain just the right angle to maximize the effect on the abdominal muscles, so as not to cheat - I wanted to FEEL the muscles working properly. We are to spiritually exercise ourselves unto Godliness to get prepared for this judgment while waiting. ********************************** The dream/prophecy below has been on our site for months here before the Greek named storms of 2005. It says that after these storms there would be a delay after which the explosions would happen. No one thought we would ever see Greek named storms but we just passed Epsilon, a new world record that one day will be broken.

Chaos and Woe

Messianic Pastor Caleb Kinley Shabbat Shalom! May YHWH truly bless you this Shabbat and may He wrap His arms of love around you and embrace each of you into His glory. I have included a dream I had several times about a week or so ago. I'm not a prophet, and this is only a dream, but usually, at least parts (if not all) of some of my dreams do come true. For example, two weeks before Sept. 11th I did dream of the exact events, verified by my mother and my wife. About three days before the December 26 tsunami, I dreamed the tsunami would happen, and it came true, verified by my mother, my wife, and my congregational members as I shared the tsunami dream with my congregation. Again, I am not a prophet and I pray this does not alter anyone's opinion of me... :-) I'm too afraid to not share this dream and can only hope and pray this one does not transpire...anyway... These were terrifying to me, to say the least. The dream began with a loud voice saying, "Thus saith Elohim, the wicked has witnessed 'chaos' and still they refuse to repent. 'Chaos times Chaos times Chaos.' They ignore my call and refuse to gather under my wings. 'Chaos time Chaos times Chaos.' They are busy bodies with idle hands, putty for evil, and they send a rancid stench to my nostrils. O miserable wretches they have become. They worship the sun and everything that is under the sun, but Me. They worship man, but not Me. They worship lust, but not Me. They worship envy and covetousness, but not Me. They worship power, money and fame, but not Me. They worship science and nature, but not Me.

They bow down to pleasure for a season, and I will cut them off from among my people. Therefore, 'Chaos times Chaos times Chaos' will be their just reward. "Watch and see O servant, watch and see the meaning of 'Chaos times chaos times chaos.' O servant, take and eat of this parchment, and your tears will be for visions and your tongue shall prophesy forth My words. Few will hear you speak of My words, and fewer will come forth and share the mantle of My blessings. Many will not believe and will continue in their sin, and make great hate of you and the rest of My servants. The infidels will despise my people and bear false witness to try and remove the virtue from My bride. But the light of your menorah will not burn out. Thus saith Elohim YHWH." (There was more that I just cannot remember right yet). I was then lifted up above the high mountains by a breeze of wind and the wind was like an invisible floor so that I was able to stand in the sky and see the earth through the wind like it had a glass floor. There were great movements of water in the oceans/seas (hurricanes?) bearing Greek names that caused more flooding and wreaked more devastation. The came a pause, and I'm not sure if the days of the pause represent days, months or years. But once the quiet pause was completed, there was four or five great lights coming from the ground that turned the mountains into dust and rubble. Some like Chuck Youngbrandt have said that the Lord has, through concerted prayer, knocked this 4 or 5 explosions down to 1 or 2 in the U.S. But that does not mean that there will not be more in Iran or even Israel. This is what I suspect. The flesh of people from miles away dissolved and all that was left from those who perished were their skeletons, clean down to the bones. They had no eyes and their eye sockets were clean as if someone used bleach to clean out a white plate. Many who survived were maimed, amputees, and as they wept, bright green tears mixed with blood melted away the parts of their face made wet by their tears with a fizzing sound like Alka-seltzer. They had no eyelids as their eyelids dissolved because of their tears, and their eyes swelled up until they looked bug-eyed. It was then that the skeletons of the dead came alive and hunted the living and killed whoever they caught (i.e. pandemic-disease?). And then the earth opened in many places, swallowing up many of those who survived the bright lights, and the oceans and seas grew large, sending waves and storms, too many to count. The dead of many floated on the water and included women, children, babies, animals, men, and cities once hidden from water were now covered in water. And the rivers and the oceans and the seas cried because they were polluted by rotten flesh and blood. I could hear the cries of thousands of people and the cries made my ears have sharp pains so that I had to put my fingers in my ears. And many of the living blasphemed YHWH and

searched for His people to place blame on us. They said "let us find the bride and eat their flesh, for it will taste sweet like honey." Then I saw great famine, such as has never been. Rich nations were now begging for bread and were happy to pay much money for rotten bread covered with worms. And many began drinking unclean water from rivers and oceans and seas that were still full of dead human flesh. And some would drain the blood of their children and roast their child over an open fire, and then feast upon their children, drinking their blood while eating their flesh, and being merry. And disease stood tall, and caused many more to perish. ************************************** Amos Skaggs said: G-d said He would postpone the destruction on America one more time to show His mercy to the believer because they prayed for this country. BUT HE WILL NOT DO IT AGAIN. I saw this Aug. 3, 2005 and recorded it also.

Impending Judgment on America

A prophet friend in East Florida: Vision 1: The Lord took me to the streets of America and I saw all the cities on fire, we have 8 million Moslems in America and when the war breaks out in the Holy Land and when America gets involved 8 million Moslems will burn America to the ground. I saw Moslem women coming into America and in their inner body parts vials of anthrax and bio chemicals. I saw 180 million Americans die in a 72 hr period, then I saw New York, Florida, Nevada- Texas, California nuked, we will be invaded. Russia and China will do it. Vision 2: The Lord took me in the spirit to outer space and I saw very dim stars and then the lights came on and I saw a huge asteroid brown in color coming to planet earth asteroid turning over and over like tumbling. Vision 3: The Lord took me in the spirit and I drove down the east coast of Florida and up the West Coast and when I was in Orlando, Florida - the Lord cut Florida in half

and I said Lord have mercy and he said no more mercy and the second time I said Lord have mercy he said no more mercy and I asked the Lord why he is doing this he said, "Death of the innocents". I saw from Kissimmee, Florida to Miami under water, then the Lord showed me portable buildings stacked like a train all connected together the buildings were full of people with legs and arms missing. I ran into the buildings and there were no end of the buildings. Vision 4: I saw an asteroid race right by Florida and go north what a horrible sound and it hit us and then I saw helicopters with men with guns and when they came to me I disappeared and later I was somewhere else and I put out my hand and an apple was their and I are it; the Lord will take care of his true servants don't worry. Vision 5 : I was in a red suit and riding a red car and something was holding me from passing and going to the sea then they moved away and I got to the sea i dropped my cell phone and I went into the sea and entered a building that was very strong, and safe, Interpretation: I have a great call on my life Isaiah 63,64 and 65, Red is the blood of Christ and power the seas are the people for the harvest. The building is Christ and the cell phone is connection to this world. We are to be led by the spirit and hearing Gods voice and not sold out to the world. Gods Kingdom is not of this world. I died 17 years ago when I received the holy ghost and I'm a new creation in Christ Jesus. We must all go that way and we will do exploits for the end time harvest. Jesus said we will do greater things than he because he will send the holy ghost - Mark 16:17 Be one of then and give God all the glory.

Five Major Cities Nuked

Richard Swanson Author of the book Spare Your People In 1971 I saw, in a dream, limited nuclear war in America. I beheld two or three short successive orange-colored flashes of light off in the distance towards the north. These flashes, which produced a strobe-light effect, literally lit up the nighttime sky. As they occurred I could briefly see the outline of some mountains from beyond which the flashes came. The next morning - in the dream - as I was walking through a field of swamp grass, I heard a news report over a transistor radio which was attached to a corner pole of a lean-to. The news report said: "Washington, D.C., New York City, Chicago, Denver and San Francisco have

been struck by thermonuclear warheads." By the time the broadcast said "Denver" I was in the Spirit. I was standing beside Jesus. I then realized it was Jesus Who was giving the news report, and what I was hearing over the transistor radio was the Word of God. As He spoke, His words could be heard throughout eternity. As Jesus said "Denver," He pointed there, and as He did the Holy Spirit showed me, though it was not quite dawn, exactly where Denver was. It was still night in San Francisco, yet the Holy Spirit showed me where that city was too. I then looked back toward the East Coast. The sun had already risen there and through some cirrocumulus clouds, I could see the Florida area. I suddenly realized I was up in the heavens looking down. I also knew that during this limited nuclear attack I would be in Florida, very close to the Alabama border. Several years later I discovered that this part of Florida is indeed swampland, just as in the dream.

Attacks on Washington, D.C., New York City, Chicago

Sultana - 9/17/07 The year before 9/11, I dreamed of 4 explosions. I told my husband that the World Trade Center was blown up and I saw an explosion on the ground, then I saw the Pentagon explode. Dreams of Washington D.C. In May 2004, I was given a dream of Washington D. C. What I saw was terrifying. While looking at the top view of D.C., the Lord said, "Look," and as I looked the whole city began to shake and if fell flat. In the fall of 2004, I dreamed of D.C. again. This time I saw bodies piled everywhere and trucks were driving by checking IDs. They were throwing the bodies on trucks like bails of hay. I also saw in Fairfax, people staying in their homes unless given permission by the authorities to leave. I saw tanks driving in the city streets with the military everywhere and we were making food for them and giving them drinks. In 2002 my brother dreamed about large caterpillars. They were laying dead all around and someone cut them open. Inside these creatures were metro buses with people in them. God told me the interpretation of this dream. The caterpillars are the metro rail system. In July 2005, I dreamed that bombs went off in the metro stations. They looked about 3 or 4 feet long and 8 inches high, and packed in something like PVC pipe plumbers use. When it exploded, the blast was minimal, but this yellowish smoke came out the tunnels. As soon as it was breathed in, the lungs began to bubble, blister and bleed. (It was like I could see inside of someone's lungs). People were

painfully dying everywhere. I saw these bombs go off in various stations: 1. Metro Center; 2. Pentagon; and 3. Smithsonian. There were explosions in the north side of the Capital area, as well as the White House area outside the gate. In another part of this dream, Metro had put up those scanning booths to check bags before you could enter. This security measure would minimize the terrorism if metro chose to use this system.. Aug. 4th I dreamed we (the National Prayer Chapel) were in the Hilton Memorial Chapel at a Prayer weekend. I knew it was not yet our church building, but I saw our people there with other churches involved. I'm not sure which church fellowships they were. I saw Euginie as she was taking in the beauty of the building. I saw the Luthers, Carols, my family and everybody. Then I temporarily left the prayer meeting and saw the top view of all the bridges leading into Washington D.C. and they exploded. I could see down into the water; it was awful. Cars fell in the water and people were burned. At the same time, I saw the metro system explode with bombs with yellowish gasses. Then I saw a bomb go off at the base of the WASHINGTON monument and it broke and fell over on its side. Then I was back at the meeting when I heard, "May I have your attention please! Please remain calm. WASHINGTON has just been attacked." Then I saw people start to panic and our church members went into prayer mode, getting hold of those who were panicking... Then I saw the police tell people to get into their houses or hotels. They wanted the streets clear. No one was allowed to go outside or they could be killed. Then I woke up. On Aug. 5th, I dreamed that we were in the Hilton Memorial but this time I saw Pastor David Wilkerson and he was praying over Pastor Ray Greenly. He was praying, "Lord I commission Pastor Greenly over this region. Lord give him a great anointing for your harvest field." Then an announcement came over the speakers, "May I have your attention please. WASHINGTON D.C. has just been attacked." Then I woke up. Dream of New York & Chicago I dreamed a second time and I saw New York City bridges blown up and the metro system. I thought I saw the Statue of Liberty fall over, too. I also saw the bridges to Chicago hit and their transportation system, as well. Chicago was not attacked at the same time D.C. was. It was slightly delayed.

Terrorist Attack on Seattle Vision

Jim in Baltimore, Maryland I had an open vision on 4-25-05 of an upcoming terrorist attack against the United States. As I approached His Throne room I felt the winds of the second heaven on my face. Up ahead I saw tiny white lights everywhere (they were

angels) then I saw His brilliant white Throne. I was in the very presence of God. Trembling, I asked Him to show me plainly the future of the United States. He said, "I will show you a small fragment." I saw two large natural disasters that are coming to America because they refuse to repent. I saw the eruption of the Yellowstone geyser. I saw an earthquake that absolutely devastated the State of California. Then I asked the LORD to show me if there are any more terrorist attacks coming to America. And He said, "Look down there!" And I saw a train going around two mountains in a valley, and then I saw the words, "SEATTLE WASHINGTON." As the train came into the words, the entire train exploded. I said LORD, "when will this happen?" And He said, "Not too many days from now." I thanked and praised Him, and then I came back down to the first heaven. Let's all pray and intercede that the LORD will have mercy on this country. Perhaps if He finds ten righteous as He told Abraham, He just might. Today (4-28-05), the Lord gave me a word of knowledge that for three years evil men have purposed in their hearts to plot against Seattle, and the Lord will not intervene unless the saints ask Him to (Mark 11:24). Your Brother Jim in Baltimore, Maryland.

U.S. Navy Carrier Task Force Destroyed

Alexander B. Cuppett US Army & Action Officer, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Retired) 366 Graves Mill Rd, Madison, VA 22727 31 August 2005 TO: General Richard Meyers, Chairman, the Joint Chiefs of Staff INFO: CNO, VJCS; CSA; SMA, CSAF; CMC, CINCEUR-SACEUR; USEUCOM, CINCPAC; CINCPACFLT, CINCLANT, CINCLANTFLT; COMSUBPAC, COMSUBLANT, CINCCENT, CDR-JCSE, CGSOUTHCOM, CGFORSCOM, CGNORTHCOM, CG ALASKAN COMMAND; Senator Allen, and Congressmen Goode and Cantor. Subject: Predicted Destruction of a US Navy Carrier Task Force Ref: My Ltr to you, Subj: Soviet Defeat of the USS Kitty Hawks Radar Surveillance Screen in WESTPAC, dtd, 10 Feb 2002 (NOTAL)

Ref Ltr was sent to you and fourteen Flag Officers, including nine Members of Congress, conclusively proving that the Soviets now have spoofing capabilities which can defeat our best radar technology. The following will inform you of our coming naval defeat as a result of this pilfered capability. Moreover, you can thank Bill and Hillary Clinton for the spoofing technology transfer in 1993-1994. The ref Ltr also details how this transpired; and can be found on page 129-130 of the book, America Sold Out, published in 2003. General, I have a friend who, during the nine years I have known him, has never been wrong on any prediction he has made. This includes, but is not at all limited to, the Dow-Jones Industrials bottom-out on 24 Sept 2002; and the rise of per-barrel oil prices, to the very dollar amount(s) this year! The subject prediction, detailed below, concerns the US Navy. Some days ago my friend was given a Holy Ghost vision of a US Navy Carrier Task Force, consisting of fifteen ships and three subs, being attacked by Chinese (PRC) forces. In the scenario there was a football-shaped fleet (see Attach) sailing in formation. There were fourteen surface ships ahead of/or around the flagship, a CVA/CVN. Suddenly the carrier, which was in the center of the formation, was hit on the port side. A huge hole opened and the carrier then slowed and shuddered to a stop. Before any planes could be launched it rolled 30 degrees to port, casting all aircraft into the ocean. It then rolled to 90 degrees and capsized; all in a matter of a few minutes. (Enemy surface and subsurface elements were also operating.) At that point the entire formation was struck by missiles, each ship being hit; including two [SSN] submarines, which were operating submerged on the flanks of the CVA. This included the loss of a rover, fast attack sub, which was also in the Task Force. Subsequently, enemy aircraft over flew the fleet; therefore it must be ascertained the attacking planes were never detected by the radar screen. The ships were sunk by air-to-surface missiles, whereas the subs were sunk with air-to-subsurface devices. I suspect the missile which hit CVA had a nuke tip. I also suspect the recent Sino-Soviet exercises were perfecting their operations plan(s) to attack our WESTPAC units. Be advised the bait will be an incident with Taiwan; and the Russians and the North Koreans shall be, in some manner, involved in the scenario. The entire formation was sunk; not one element/unit surviving. The loss of life was great. Be advised, the gentleman having this vision has absolutely no knowledge of US Navy surface or subsurface operations/tactics; to include convoy screening techniques. Have a great day, sir, as you and the other Chiefs are going to need a bunch of them -- soon. Very respectfully, yet sorrowfully, with warm regards,

Al Cuppett Bronze Star & Purple Heart Medals, et al, RVN, 1970-1971 (1957-1979) Secretary of Defense Civilian Service Medal, the Joint Staff, 1990 Joint Meritorious Unit Award, the Joint Staff, 1984-1990 [Nineteen years joint service during my 31-plus years of service to the USA; in over 35 countries.] P.S. The expected destruction of Florida by apocalyptic cyclones has also been prophesied by the same man; and confirmed by several others. Be advised that Hebrew University professors, using the HBC, predicted all 39 Scud missile strikes on Jerusalem in the Gulf War; thus, only one person died [of a heart attack] because he was too stubborn to evacuate his apartment, as IDF-ordered. I also know by prophetic revelation that New World Order operatives shall strike a major US landmark; and deduced logic says the militia may be blamed so a UN-cops-run gun collection scenario can begin.




Advanced missile poses substantial new threat for U.S. Navy U. S. Naval Institute March 31, 2009 With tensions already rising due to the Chinese navy becoming more aggressive in asserting its territorial claims in the South China Sea, the U.S. Navy seems to have yet another reason to be deeply concerned. After years of conjecture, details have begun to emerge of a "kill weapon" developed by the Chinese to target and destroy U.S. aircraft carriers. First posted on a Chinese blog viewed as credible by military analysts and then translated by the naval affairs blog Information Dissemination, a recent report provides a description of an anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) that can strike carriers and other U.S. vessels at a range of 2000km. The range of the modified Dong Feng 21 missile is significant in that it covers the areas that are likely hot zones for future confrontations between U.S. and Chinese surface forces. The size of the missile enables it to carry a warhead big enough to inflict significant damage on a large vessel, providing the Chinese the capability of destroying a U.S. supercarrier in one strike. Because the missile employs a complex guidance system, low radar signature and a maneuverability that makes its flight path unpredictable, the odds that it can evade tracking systems to reach its target are increased. It is estimated that the missile can travel at mach 10 and reach its maximum range of 2000km in less than 12 minutes. Supporting the missile is a network of satellites, radar and unmanned aerial vehicles that can locate U.S. ships and then guide the weapon, enabling it to hit moving targets. While the ASBM has been a topic of discussion within national defense circles for quite some time, the fact that information is now coming from Chinese sources indicates that the weapon system is operational. The Chinese rarely mention weapons projects unless they are well beyond the test stages. If operational as is believed, the system marks the first time a ballistic missile has been successfully developed to attack vessels at sea. Ships currently have no defense against a ballistic missile attack. Along with the Chinese naval build-up, U.S. Navy officials appear to view the development of the anti-ship ballistic missile as a tangible threat.

After spending the last decade placing an emphasis on building a fleet that could operate in shallow waters near coastlines, the U.S. Navy seems to have quickly changed its strategy over the past several months to focus on improving the capabilities of its deep sea fleet and developing anti-ballistic defenses. As analyst Raymond Pritchett notes in a post on the U.S. Naval Institute blog: "The Navy's reaction is telling, because it essentially equals a radical change in direction based on information that has created a panic inside the bubble. For a major military service to panic due to a new weapon system, clearly a mission kill weapon system, either suggests the threat is legitimate or the leadership of the Navy is legitimately unqualified. There really aren't many gray spaces in evaluating the reaction by the Navythe data tends to support the legitimacy of the threat." In recent years, China has been expanding its navy to presumably better exert itself in disputed maritime regions. A recent show of strength in early March led to a confrontation with an unarmed U.S. ship in international waters.

Multiple Terror Attacks & the Harvest

(Note from David: If this is the multiple attack we have been expecting it will bring much death, collapse in the economy, martial law and revival with the beginning of the John the Baptist / Elijah ministry, which is just before the manchild ministry and tribulation. Please spend your time preparing for these things.)

Nuke Attack on Atlanta, New York, SW Corner of U.S.

Jan Albayalde - 9/02/07 September 2, I dreamed I was in my spirit above SW America looking out over the entire country. By the light it appeared to be either late dusk or early dawn. I was so high over America I could see the curve of the earth but just high enough so that America was the only thing in my range of view. I saw nothing as far as state delineation, cities, absolutely nothing, but the outline of America and a dirt color. As I looked out over America, from the west I saw a black and red explosion in the SE corner of America. Out of the blast unfurled a banner, like a scroll and it read ATLANTA.

Next I was still in my spirit and aware I was on "a long island" near the ocean and while it was a beautiful, sunny day I was standing in the midst of hundreds of people who were running around in great fear and confusion, and in their panic many of them were speaking Italian. I just stood there and watched them and what unfolded. A blast went off on the island, then one near the shore in the water, maybe even on the shore. Then across a narrow body of water from the island in a nearby city, I saw a blast in the heart of the city bigger than the two on the island. (From the above description of my surroundings I believe I was on Long Island, NY, and saw Manhattan or New York City.) Next, I was again back high over America, over the SW corner, and an enormous blast, bigger, much bigger than the other four went off right under me. Though I was high above the earth, I was right over the blast and could not tell where in SW America the blast went off. End dream. I was just an observer. I felt no fear and I had no sense of time as far as when, or how long between the blasts, although there was a definite sequence which I described. After sharing the above dream of September 2, I dreamed this morning, 9/11/07 that I was reading an economic report of dire news of the collapse of America's economy, among other catastrophes. Suddenly, a huge shadow of a bear appeared superimposed over the report. Many words came into prominence but the two I remembered on waking were "WATCH" and "WAVE." Then the Lord's voice in the dream said, "Fear not, the 'prophet' has tethered the bear." I looked and saw a figure standing at the head of the bear and there was a leash in the hands of the figure leading to the bear. (David's note: After we received the revelation above, one of our elders and head of UBM's prison ministry, Rex Veron, basically shared that, "I was studying in 1 Samuel 17:34-37 and as I read about David relating to Saul his defeat of the lion and the bear and how he saved the sheep from their paw, my spirit began to stir within me that this is a word to the emerging John the Baptist company. These animals are symbols mentioned in history in Daniel 7: 4, 5 and in the future in Revelation 13:2." I believe that this revelation is being made known under the forerunner anointing of the Elijah or John the Baptist ministry now. This attack on America and the fall of the economy is under the shadow of the bear. The bear has been behind the scenes all along making covert war on Babylon. It has been given authority to do this, but limited to this, by "the prophet" at this time. Before David as the man-child came to the throne, while he was still a lad he conquered the Lion and Bear. These represent the two Beast entities of the end time, the Western and Eastern Roman Empire. These are Babylon the Lion, aka US, Britain, Australia, Canada, w/ allies and Media-Persia the Bear, aka Russia w/ allies and the Middle Eastern seed of Media-Persians, the Muslims.

Since prophecy is repeated with larger groups of people as history repeats, "the Prophet" is the Lord Jesus in His day and Jesus in the first-fruits man-child in our day. This is "the prophet" that Jesus is using to control the bear. {Acts 3:20} and that he may send the Christ who hath been appointed for you, [even] Jesus: {21} whom the heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things ("things" not in Greek), whereof God spake by the mouth of His holy prophets that have been from of old. {22} Moses indeed said, A prophet shall the Lord God raise up unto you from among your brethren, like unto me. To him shall ye hearken in all things whatsoever he shall speak unto you. {23} And it shall be, that every soul that shall not hearken to that prophet, shall be utterly destroyed from among the people. Jesus is going to repeat history by coming in the man-child at the beginning of the trib to restore all but is coming personally at the end of the trib when all have been restored. {7:37} This is that Moses, who said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall God raise up unto you from among your brethren (Jesus/man-child), like unto me. {38} This is he that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel that spake to him in the Mount Sinai, and with our fathers: who received living oracles to give unto us: {39} to whom our fathers would not be obedient, but thrust him from them, and turned back in their hearts unto Egypt, {40} saying unto Aaron, Make us gods that shall go before us: for as for this Moses, who led us forth out of the land of Egypt, we know not what is become of him. {41} And they made a calf in those days, and brought a sacrifice unto the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their hands. {42} But God turned, and gave them up to serve the host of heaven; as it is written in the book of the prophets... The beast is on a leash as Rome was in Jesus' day. {Jn.19:10} Pilate therefore saith unto him, Speakest thou not unto me? Knowest thou not that I have power to release thee, and have power to crucify thee? {11} Jesus answered him, Thou wouldest have no power against me, except it were given thee from above... "The Prophet" Jesus ceded no power to the beast of Rome except the power to crucify His flesh. In our day the beast is ruled by the spoken words of Jesus through the man-child even before he is caught up to the throne of authority over the "church in the wilderness." Another very important meaning of the tethered bear could be that the bear market has been tethered for God's people who walk by faith. A bear market in the world represents a loss of confidence in the future, which causes the economy to crumble through lack of investment. Christians are being guided by God's prophets back to His biblical economy of investing in the needs of others and receiving the abundant dividends that come of it. {Lk.6:38} give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together,

running over, shall they give into your bosom. For with what measure ye mete it shall be measured to you again. Plus, God's prophets teach that God is our supplier. I had a dream on 9/22/07 that there was a large bear outside my house and I went to get my gun. This has to be spiritual because I don't have anything but a BB gun. The prophet that God is raising up will slay the loss of confidence in God's people towards their true provider. (Phl. 4:19) And my God shall supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."

He That Gathereth Not Scattereth

Michael Hare - 7/15/07 In the dream I was on a hill with other people and we got word that there was going to be an Al Qaeda attack. All the people started getting behind rocks, scrub bushes, etc. I told one man to go get that baby and bring him to me on top of a combine (a crop harvester). The combine was just there, I don't know why. I knew if I got on that combine we would be safe. The man went after the toddler and I climbed up on the combine. (A combine is used for harvesting grain. Wheat, oats, barley; it cuts the stalk, taking the whole thing with the heads of grain in and then separates the grain from the chaff all in one. That is why it is called a combine; it combines functions and keeps the grain safe so it can then be put into the granaries. I believe the Lord is separating the wheat from the chaff. Michael knew he would be safe in the combine because he is the wheat, not the chaff.) Meanwhile there was a platoon of soldiers that showed up on a road close to us. They were single-file and the point-man would kneel down in a shooting position. Then the 2nd man would run in front of him and kneel, then the 3rd, so on and so forth. Then there was a Marine platoon that showed up and they were in full combat gear and headed down that road in a run. After a while a soldier came up and told us that it was ok now, that the Al Qaeda had attacked South of us. I remember that there was a lot more to the dream, but I can't remember those portions. I think this may be a warning that an attack from al Qaeda may happen south of us here in central Arkansas. First thought that came to my mind after meditating on the dream was Texas. Also, I believe the baby may be the part of the remnant that comes in from the harvest (combine) that was told of from Dr. Jim Brooks. Being a former farmer, let me tell you some significant facts about what a combine does:

1. The cab is located at the top of the machine so that the operator can oversee/direct what goes into the header. 2. The wheat, rice, soybeans, etc. that go into the header, along with the weeds, is taken onto screens that separate the weeds from the wheat. 3. The weeds are then blown out the rear of the combine and the wheat put into the bin on top. Thats it in a nutshell! Kind of like what the Lord will be doing at His harvest -separating the tares from the wheat. Davids note: I just received two other witnesses that the US is about to receive multiple terror attacks. One is below. Also, one sister saw in a dream that I called her in September of 2007 and told her about three bomb attacks in the East, West and South. According to this, at the time of the Al Qaeda attack we will be harvesting the fruit of the remnant. The first thing I heard when I read this was, he that gathereth not with me scattereth. {Lk.11:21} When the strong [man] fully armed guardeth his own court, his goods are in peace: {22} but when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him his whole armor wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils. {23} He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth. The strong man was bound and made defenseless by Jesus and everyone is responsible to help in the harvest. If youre not chasing the devil and plundering his possessions, you are running from him.

Multiple Terror Attacks

Mark Fritts - 7/10/07 Last night I had a dream where I came across a map that a terrorist had left behind. The map was of the state of New York with what was possibly a nuclear facility circled. There was another map also there that I slightly remember, which had another circled. I am not sure if what I saw indicated that a nuclear facility may be hit or if it could be referring to a nuclear strike on that place by the terrorists. In my mind I remember thinking that the terrorists were going to attack soon, and that it may be at multiple sites. It seems like they had the plans all drawn up and were on their way to carry them out. Just before the dream ended I heard the words, "A thru D are being carried out now." After the dream I thought about this for a while. Maybe the terrorists are planning on hitting four different places and this is just the start of their plans? (David: Possibly four strikes are planned and the Lord only permits three as in Michael's dream above or possibly one is not in the US but some place like Israel or Britain.) I asked the Lord to confirm this in scripture to me. I opened the Bible and it fell open to Daniel chapter four. In this chapter Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar's

dream. Nebuchadnezzar later on in the chapter spends seven years as a beast in the fields eating grass. (Peter said all flesh is as grass.) I thought it also interesting that an eagle is mentioned in verse 33. America's national symbol is the eagle. My interpretation: Terrorists are going to hit America soon. She will become crazy like a beast and hit back at the terrorists and the countries which send them out. America will spend seven years eating much grass and devouring many nations. The eventual end of America is possibly seen in chapter five of Daniel. As Babylon fell to the Medes and the Persians, America (Mystery Babylon) will fall after the seven years of tribulation are over (Rev. 18). (David: I believe the next hit will bring the fall of the world economy along with the [Elijah] John the Baptist ministry and the beginning of a great harvest.)

Multiple Terror Hits

Adele Frederick - 7/15/07 10:40 PM Last week I had a dream that I was telling someone that I had just had a dream, so this was a dream inside of a dream. In the dream I saw a building that looked like the twin towers. I saw them blow up, then I saw a 3rd building blow up. As soon as this happened I saw 20-30 fighter jets pop up and take off. I perceived they were going after the attackers. Then the dream ended. Since this dream I was thinking a 9/11-style attack was coming and now I'm thinking this is confirmation of the 3 different attacks scenario above.

Three Cities Attacked

Amos Scaggs - 2/24/06 I saw three cities under attack. I saw the relationship of the cities as the stars in the triangle below but dont know how big the triangle actually was. I know Washington D.C. was hit the hardest. I dont know the names of the other two. The top star I believe was Washington D.C., although on a smaller scale it could have been NY, with the middle lower one being D.C. Then after that there were very few cars on the highway. There were a few horses and buggies and some people were in the woods on horseback. They met at a small country store and one person, only one person, left the area on a mission, after getting a mid 1960s truck started.

God will deliver his people. I was delivered from the blasts and I received help from people on the way. I rode in a buggy and was given a ride on a horse in the woods. I was delivered from the wolves in the woods. I was directed to follow the dogs on the path and they would take me to the place. I was taken to the country roadside store and I had help from an unknown force to get the truck started to go on a mission. I cant get the exact locations on a PC, but can get an idea. Check the stars below for approximate relationship.

* << (1) Washington D.C.


* * <(2)

Depending on the scale of the triangle in relation to a map: (1) DC. (2) Could be Atlanta (3) Could be Memphis, TN I only saw symbolic locations but I know Washington DC. was one of them. It will happen but I dont know the time frame. It also could be (1) NY (2) D.C. (3) Around Winchester, VA On the Atlas, if you put a straight edge on NY, D.C. and Atlanta they will all line up. All I can say is that this is the pattern that I was shown and there were no scales to go by. I also saw Charleston, WV being hit at one point. After this happens it will bring this country to its knees, BUT God will take care of His own and guide them through seemingly impossible circumstances. (David: The old vehicles, horses and buggies seem to say that a nuclear bomb causes an EMP effect, taking out the modern electrical conveniences.) DEBKAfile Exclusive: New Al Qaeda threat of radioactive truck attacks naming New York, Los Angeles, Miami, August 10, 2007 The threat was picked up by DEBKAfiles monitors from a rush of electronic chatter on al Qaeda sites Thursday, Aug. 8.

The al Qaeda communications accuse the Americans of the grave error of failing to take seriously the videotape released by the American al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gaddahn last week. They will soon realize their mistake when American cities are hit by quality operations, said one message. Another said the attacks would be carried out by means of trucks loaded with radio-active material against Americas biggest city and financial nerve center. A third message mentioned New York, Los Angeles and Miami as targets. It drew the answer: The attack, with Allahs help, will cause an economic meltdown, many dead, and a financial crisis on a scale that compels the United States to pull its military forces out of many parts of the world, including Iraq, for lack of any other way of cutting down costs. There is also a message which speaks obliquely of the approaching attacks easing the heavy pressure America exerts on countries like Japan, Cuba and Venezuela. DEBKAfiles counter-terror sources and monitors say there is no way of gauging for sure how serious these threats are, how real, or whether they are part of a war of nerves to give the Gaddahn tape extra mileage. But it is important to note that the exchange of messages took place over al Qaedas internal Internet sites and that they contained the threat of radioactive terror and specific American cities for the first time after a long silence on these subjects. In addition, a growing number of clips has been disseminated of late over al Qaeda sites instructing the faithful how to design remote-controlled gliders, pack them with explosives and launch them against predetermined targets. Copyright 2000-2007 DEBKAfile. All Rights Reserved.

Three Arab Black Horse Riders

Jo Ann - June 16 I had a vision of three beautiful, huge black horses being ridden by men dressed as Arabs and all in black. Whether they were Arab or not, I don't know, but they were dressed as Arabs. They were on a sure and direct mission, not an evil mission, but a mission sent by God (righteous judgment). They were riding black horses, so hard and ferocious. I could see the sweat pouring off the horses and flying into the wind. Foam was pouring out of the mouth of the horses; they were being ridden so hard. Their hooves were pounding the ground like thunder. Then a number appeared: "109." I had this vision on June 16th. This is the most vivid vision I have ever had.

Note from David: I think this represents three hits on America by Muslims for God's good purpose of waking up the sleeping elect. They are in black because they are bringing this judgment in darkness and because the black horse in Revelation 6:5 destroyed the economy.

Multiple Attacks Coming

Kim Weir - October 2004 I had a vision of a great plan to attack in many places in the US by Islamic militants. I sensed it strongly and prayed it be thwarted. But then I began to have visions of a dark cloud rolling in. I prayed, "Lord what is this?" He said, "It is of me." I went up into the cloud. I saw within it a great and powerful energy. The Lord said, "This is my judgment for America. It is here. It must come to pass so that the lost can be saved." Then I looked for the end of it and there was no end to the cloud. The sky became completely covered. And the Lord said, "Never again. This country will not be the same ever again." I saw this vision several times. The cloud is here. It hasn't left and we will see things happening soon. At one point I saw a greater number of demons operating in the US and they were laughing arrogantly, "We are powerful! Look at us here doing evil!" I then saw God looking over the edge of heaven and heard him say, "Only for a time will you have power. Only to bring my will to pass. It is all given of me."

Multiple Attacks on Major Cities

Austin Ellard - 7/28/05 I had this dream on July 28, 2005, and I recorded it the next day. I remember being in Auburn, AL. I saw a huge storm outside a window. I believe I checked three times, and after the third time I checked and really got a good look at the details. The storm itself was truly massive! It was pitch black in color. It looked somewhat like a tornado, but it was much too large to simply be that. The best way of picturing it would be a hurricane with a twister or cyclone in the middle where the eye would be found. It might be possible that the storm was actually a nuclear blast, resembling the mushroom cloud in Hiroshima. After I checked what I believe was the third time, I tried to tell someone near me that a huge storm was approaching, and it might be best to flee. The other person did not seem to care and might not have ever noticed the storm, had I not said something. The person I tried to warn in my dream was my English teacher (and since this is the last week of summer classes here at Auburn I thought that might imply these attacks may very soon occur, but I am not certain). I remember the storm and funnel eventually came right upon me, but I was not worried -- it seemed I was protected from it.

Later in my dream, I remember seeing a brother in Christ, whom I recognized. I talked with him for a while. I am not sure where I was, but I believe it was a public place of some kind. Some time later in the dream I remember feeling a sense of chaos and being told that there had been some kind of horrible attacks on multiple major cities. I was soon on the cell phone with my mom, asking her what exactly had happened. She mentioned the name Manhattan. Eventually both my parents were with me in Auburn. I woke up sometime after.

Multiple Attacks Shock All

Amos Scaggs - 4/09/06 There will be multiple attacks on America that will be so sudden, without warning, unexpected and taken by complete surprise that the media wont be able to cover it all. The people will not believe it is happening.

Attacks in Eight Cities

Ed Waldon - 10/18/05 I saw a giant, black widow spider standing over America -- one foot in each of eight strategic cities. She was standing right over Missouri, facing southwest. I specifically saw Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago, New York, Atlanta, Washington D.C., Miami, Dallas or Houston. I saw the tip of each leg touching the coastal and major cities around the U.S. The spider was not eating the cities; it was touching them all around the country. Her body was over the Midwest, legs out to the coasts and cities, one leg in Florida. The tip of each leg was very sharp and precise, messing with each city. Flu shots? Venomous poison; death. I see more insects around the U.S., doing various things, mostly chewing, gnawing on the cities. I saw a natural hourglass later that night with only a few grains of sand left. Black widows have a red hourglass underneath. Hourglass: time's up! Reader reply to spider vision: The cities mentioned happen to have the greatest Jewish population in the U.S. New York has more Jews than Israel. Also, the red underbelly could represent Russia's actions in support of the spider which ties it in, somewhat, with Duduman's visions of Russia attacking U.S. 11/11/05 I saw what looked like an octopus over the U.S., with its body centered in Texas. The tentacles stretched out to eight cities and began touching them. Whatever is

coming is going to affect these eight cities and it appears that when the "touching" happens that it will be simultaneous and from a central source that has a body. Something is about to happen. It seems to me, at first glance, that chemicals or biologicals may be involved, but on a large scale with a "head" or central core. On October 18th I saw a black widow spider with eight legs. On November 11th I saw an octopus with eight tentacles. The octopus' body covered a lot more territory than the spider's body. It was spread out more. The central body covered the northern part of Texas, as well as parts of Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico. For some reason, the octopus also was "closer to the ground" and lying on the ground with the tentacles spread out. The black widow's body was further above the ground and centered over Missouri. Has the effect now reached "ground level"? End of vision. Ed: The octopus has a "beak" at its center, underneath, that can crush hard crustaceans and crack open things so it can eat. It is a saltwater creature and very intelligent. It issues an "ink" when in danger. Friend: The octopus, which is also called devilfish, is a predatory mollusk with a pouch-shaped body and eight powerful arms with two rows of suction discs on each tentacle. (Isa.59:4-6) No one sues righteously and no one pleads honestly. They trust in confusion and speak lies. They conceive mischief and bring forth iniquity. They hatch adders' (snake) eggs and weave the spider's web. He who eats of their eggs dies. Their works are works of iniquity, and an act of violence is in their hands. 11/12/09 - Email from Ed after I sent him a picture of an octopus: Whoa, that picture is confirming! I am really impressed with that extra webbing of the octopus between the legs! This is exactly what I saw covering the states that I mentioned. That webbing is also directly under the head. I saw the help of angels in between the tentacles, in the gaps. I am not sure if it is globalization or not, but it may be connected. My concern is that I have been given two visions of the same thing, or nearly the same thing. A doubling is serious business and when the Lord gives these in series, the events usually happen within a shorter, rather than longer, time. Whatever this is, I think it is already here and ready to be implemented. Both were already over the U.S. It has changed from a spider to a much larger

monster, but the venom of the black widow spider is seven times as deadly as the desert rattlesnake.

The Eagle and the Serpents

Michael Boldea, Jr. - 10/18/04 (The Angel said, "This has been revealed to you, that you may know, the first bite has been, the second is yet to come, and the third will be its destruction.") Psalm 34:7-8: "The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them. Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints! There is no want to those who fear Him." Upon my return to the United States in late August, I had a very vivid and troubling dream. I shared it with the staff here in Wisconsin, and with a few other brothers, but continued to pray and seek direction from God as to whether or not I should include it in the newsletter. At the staff's urging, and feeling a release from the Lord, I have included this dream in this issue of the newsletter. I dreamt I was walking through a sparsely wooded forest, and suddenly my attention was drawn to an eagle flying high above the tree line. It was a beautiful sight to behold as the eagle rode the thermals, flying in slow lazy arcs across the blue sky. I began to quicken my pace, and keep up with the eagle's flight, all the while keeping an eye on it, noticing that it was slowly descending toward the earth. I followed it for a long time, its descent not being sudden but very gradual. Finally I came upon a small clearing, where there were no trees, just some bushes on the edges of the green grass. The eagle landed in the clearing and began to look around, not seeming to notice me. As I began to wonder what the relevance of this was, a man dressed in white, hands clasped in front of him, appeared beside me and said, "Be patient, in due time you will see the purpose." I was silent as I watched the eagle and was beginning to grow somewhat impatient, when suddenly, it seemed out of nowhere, a brown snake lunged at the eagle and bit down on its left wing. The snake's strike was very quick and very precise. The eagle reacted without delay, clawing and pecking at the snake, cutting deep wounds in its underbelly, trying to defend itself and ward off the serpent. Just as it seemed the eagle was winning the battle, and the serpent was retreating,

another serpent appeared, red and black diagonal stripes covering its body, and without hesitation struck out at the eagle's right wing, biting down and refusing to release. After a momentary tug of war the serpent tore off flesh and feathers, leaving a large wound on the eagle's right wing. The second bite was much worse than the first, and for an instant the eagle was stunned. Then a serpent much larger than the previous two, made up of many colors, slithered toward the eagle, opened its jaws, and lunged, taking the whole of the eagle's head in its mouth before biting down. The serpents retreated and the man who had been standing beside me walked to the eagle, knelt down, picked it up and held it in his cupped hands. The look of grief on his face was beyond any I have seen in my life. Just seeing the look on the man's face broke your heart. The man continued to look down at the eagle, and with a pained voice said, "The true tragedy is that at any moment it could have sought the safety of the above, it could have soared toward the heavens and would have found its protection. This has been revealed to you, that you may know, the first bite has been, the second is yet to come, and the third will be its destruction." I watched for a long time as the man held the eagle in the palms of his hands, the pained expression never leaving his features. I was too stunned to speak, or ask any questions, what I had seen having seemed so real. The feeling followed me into my waking hours as well, and each time I closed my eyes I saw the entire scene play before my eyes throughout the day. One thing that I feel I need to share with you is that the second bite seemed to come from an unexpected place. Although I have my own opinion concerning this, I choose to keep it to myself, because expounding on personal opinion is a dangerous thing when it comes to things that God reveals.

Terrorist Attack Leads To Retaliation and Revival

Swiss Prophet Erich Reber Swiss Prophet Foresees Pending Muslim Terrorist Attack on the US, causing a Poison Cloud to Emerge; Thousands Will Die Written By Wolfgang Simpson May 22, 2006 Quote Over 20 nights in a row, well-respected prophetic voice Erich Reber (Switzerland) has had vivid and detailed visions of an imminent terrorist-

motivated attach on the U.S.A. Before we look at the details, lets have a look at the man himself. Erich Reber is a well-known prophetic figure far beyond his native Switzerland. The long-term accuracy of his prophetic ministry that began in 1987 is often so remarkable that even secular businessmen and psychiatrists regularly come to him for counsel- and come again because of the startling behind-the-scenes insights that Reber has as he prays. ...Before 9/11 Erich experienced an open vision in which he found himself trapped in a collapsing high-rise building and almost lost his mind in this trap of concrete. God made him to revisit the situation seven times. In a vision on the firs Sunday in July 2005 God showed him that He was going to shake London-and only one week later the subway-bombing in London took place (July 8, 2005). The Poison Cloud over the US in a vision in autumn 2002 Reber saw a terrorist attack (with Islamic background) on the US, that will be so devastating that many thousands will be found dead. Reber, who first delivered this prophecy in Canada upon visitation of David Demian, says he has been transported by the Spirit of God into the very US cities and neighborhoods where this is going to happen and saw the many dead bodies strewn about. Ten months ago, God let him revisit the vision and told him to speak it to America. On May 6, 2006 Erich shared this vision for the first time in the US at a seminar in St. Paul, Minnesota hosted by Lutheran Renewal. It looked far worse than after the 2004 Tsunami, he said. The result of this attack will be the emergence of a cloud of poison that will hover over the US, and then slowly, over a number of days, move towards Canada. This attack will have two results: First: it will lead to a great and new quest for God. The followers of Jesus in the US therefore should get ready for a large harvest of people previously unmoved by God. Second, the US as a nation will overreact and retaliate with military means so strong that this will lead to a huge humiliation and demoralization of the Islamic world. America and some political Allies will lead a military strike of such a force that millions of Muslims will cry out to Allah in desperation- in a similarly unanswered way as Christians in America who merely cry out to God to do something. Then, many Muslims will cry out for help to anyone, and this will be the time when Jesus will reveal Himself to them. This, in turn, will open an entirely new door for the gospel, and many Muslims will be brought into the Kingdom of God. What to do in Preparation? Asked whether this attack can be prevented by prayer or repentance, Erich says: I wish it could be averted, but I feel this is part of a judgment that God has firmly planned for America. Maybe as we get ready for such an event and stand on our guard, ready to use our rod, that is, our Godgiven authority to command the cloud to be cast away, it will be possible to

lessen the devastating impact of the attack. And if we prepare wisely, maybe thousands of lives can be spared. But my main admonition that I seemed to have heard from God is this: Eat my word! As we in Switzerland saw news reports in the aftermath of the devastation of 9/11, there were many stories showing the responses of the churches in America. What we saw were churches that had a few moments of silence and then lit candles in remembrance of the lives that were lost-that was all. God has told me that America loves a good show, conferences, strategies, concepts and charismatic figures, but does not eat my Word anymore. . .

Terrorism Coming to Stay

Amos Scaggs - 5/27/07 Soon a tall slender man carrying a package will come in the back door which was left open and will terrorize every one in his sight. Even the righteous will tremble but not be afraid. This man came in once before on 9/11 but only a short distance into the house. This time he will come all the way in. I believe this is terrorist related. This man is here to stay this time. His face was grayed out so I didnt see any distinguishing characteristics. (Note from David: This man may be more spiritual than physical. Grey is the color of the beast. This "slender man" could be speaking of the economies and the bread basket being affected by this. At any rate, the threat is real and the fear of the Lord will be the beginning of wisdom for many after the next strike.)

Terrorism Released
Amos Scaggs - 5/29/07 I saw a hand holding a large brown paper sack twisted at the top and filled with sand, hornets and bumblebees. The hand was shaking the sack and irritating the insects inside. Another hand appeared with a sharpened pencil to punch a hole in the sack to let the irritated hornets escape. The terrorists from the desert that have been contained will be released soon. (Note from David: The next strike on America could be a partial fulfillment of this but the retaliation will turn the whole Arab world against America with a greater fulfillment.)

Chaos and Woe

Messianic Pastor Caleb Kinley Shabbat Shalom! May YHWH truly bless you this Shabbat and may He wrap His arms of love around you and embrace each of you into His glory. I have included a dream I had several times about a week or so ago. I'm not a prophet, and this is only a dream, but usually, at least parts (if not all) of some of my dreams do come true. For example, two weeks before Sept. 11th I did dream of the exact events, verified by my mother and my wife. About three days before the December 26 tsunami, I dreamed the tsunami would happen, and it came true, verified by my mother, my wife, and my congregational members as I shared the tsunami dream with my congregation. Again, I am not a prophet and I pray this does not alter anyone's opinion of me... :-) I'm too afraid to not share this dream and can only hope and pray this one does not transpire...anyway... These were terrifying to me, to say the least. The dream began with a loud voice saying, "Thus saith Elohim, the wicked has witnessed 'chaos' and still they refuse to repent. 'Chaos times Chaos times Chaos.' They ignore my call and refuse to gather under my wings. 'Chaos time Chaos times Chaos.' They are busy bodies with idle hands, putty for evil, and they send a rancid stench to my nostrils. O miserable wretches they have become. They worship the sun and everything that is under the sun, but Me. They worship man, but not Me. They worship lust, but not Me. They worship envy and covetousness, but not Me. They worship power, money and fame, but not Me. They worship science and nature, but not Me. They bow down to pleasure for a season, and I will cut them off from among my people. Therefore, 'Chaos times Chaos times Chaos' will be their just reward. "Watch and see O servant, watch and see the meaning of 'Chaos times chaos times chaos.' O servant, take and eat of this parchment, and your tears will be for visions and your tongue shall prophesy forth My words. Few will hear you speak of My words, and fewer will come forth and share the mantle of My blessings. Many will not believe and will continue in their sin, and make great hate of you and the rest of My servants. The infidels will despise my people and bear false witness to try and remove the virtue from My bride. But the light of your menorah will not burn out. Thus saith Elohim YHWH." (There was more that I just cannot remember right yet). I was then lifted up above the high mountains by a breeze of wind and the wind was like an invisible floor so that I was able to stand in the sky and see the earth through the wind like it had a glass floor. There were great movements of water in the oceans/seas (hurricanes?) bearing Greek names that caused more flooding and wreaked more devastation. The came a pause, and I'm not sure if the days of the pause represent days, months or years. But once the quiet pause was completed, there was four or five great lights coming from the ground that turned the mountains into dust and rubble.

Some like Chuck Youngbrandt have said that the Lord has, through concerted prayer, knocked this 4 or 5 explosions down to 1 or 2 in the U.S. But that does not mean that there will not be more in Iran or even Israel. This is what I suspect. The flesh of people from miles away dissolved and all that was left from those who perished were their skeletons, clean down to the bones. They had no eyes and their eye sockets were clean as if someone used bleach to clean out a white plate. Many who survived were maimed, amputees, and as they wept, bright green tears mixed with blood melted away the parts of their face made wet by their tears with a fizzing sound like Alka-seltzer. They had no eyelids as their eyelids dissolved because of their tears, and their eyes swelled up until they looked bug-eyed. It was then that the skeletons of the dead came alive and hunted the living and killed whoever they caught (i.e. pandemic-disease?). And then the earth opened in many places, swallowing up many of those who survived the bright lights, and the oceans and seas grew large, sending waves and storms, too many to count. The dead of many floated on the water and included women, children, babies, animals, men, and cities once hidden from water were now covered in water. And the rivers and the oceans and the seas cried because they were polluted by rotten flesh and blood. I could hear the cries of thousands of people and the cries made my ears have sharp pains so that I had to put my fingers in my ears. And many of the living blasphemed YHWH and searched for His people to place blame on us. They said "let us find the bride and eat their flesh, for it will taste sweet like honey." Then I saw great famine, such as has never been. Rich nations were now begging for bread and were happy to pay much money for rotten bread covered with worms. And many began drinking unclean water from rivers and oceans and seas that were still full of dead human flesh. And some would drain the blood of their children and roast their child over an open fire, and then feast upon their children, drinking their blood while eating their flesh, and being merry. And disease stood tall, and caused many more to perish.

Terrorists Are Not the Real Enemies

Marion Carney - 3/15/08 (Davids notes in red) Dream - 7/15/01 Prior to 9/11 I saw an Arabic-looking man standing on the street I grew up on, throwing two smoke bombs in the middle of the road. He was warning me of something that was to take place. He said, "We are not the enemies, we are not the enemies. Be warned, woman." (Smoke bombs are for hiding something. Two of them represent the twin towers. What is hidden about the twin towers is that

the real enemies to us as Christians are not the conspiracies of Muslims or the American powers that be, but the principalities and powers that rule them. These are the ones with whom we are told. Also, the real enemies are they who give in to the spiritual hosts of wickedness. {Pr.16:7} When a man's ways please Jehovah, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. [See Say Ye Not "A Conspiracy"]) As I continued to walk down this street I was shown almost in slow motion two buildings that resembled the twin towers but at the time I didn't make the connection because I really didn't know what the twin towers looked like. As I passed the buildings there were people crying and moaning but I was looking around for bodies but could not find them. During this dream and afterwards I had a strong feeling that something bad was going to happen. I was watching the event as if I was viewing merely from my eyes. I did share this with my co-workers and family members at the time and confided in them that I felt there was going to be a major destruction that involved a coverup and some buildings. I could not shake that feeling. Just short of a month and a half later I awoke feeling really scared and just had a bad feeling that I couldn't shake. Later at work that morning I heard some co-workers talking and getting excited saying, "Oh my God, oh my God." My boss came over and turned on the radio next to me as I heard the news of the first plane hitting the tower and I knew that's what I was shown in the dream. I said out loud to my coworker, "That's what my dream was about, Marlo." I had been forewarned of the tower being hit. I told her that I saw two buildings, not just one, and at that time only one had been hit. Moments later we heard the news of the second building being hit and that was my confirmation of the two smoke bombs. I believe they represented deceit and the two buildings I saw were the towers. I have my own theory of what really took place and it's not one that we as Americans should disclose. I have many examples of dreams that have come true in the physical -- not just spiritual dreams. They vary from me being shown when one of my children were in danger or ill to when complete strangers were in trouble or abducted. I have even learned in some dreams how to make myself interact. For example, I have many dreams of people who were missing and in the dream I am never shown addresses or states. I know in my spirit that these could be actual missing children or people. The last few times I had that type of dream I actually remembered to tell myself to look for an address or a street while I was dreaming and I actually did. I said to myself in a dream, "Marion, ask someone for the address; you need to remember the street when you wake up." I did ask someone in a dream where we were and when I awoke I remembered it and wrote it down and looked online for the street name and address; however, I came up with many choices.

Iran Nukes U.S. Army and Is Destroyed?

Great Loss of Troops in the Middle East
David Gibson's Dream I found myself in the Middle-East. I was elevated in the air and looking down at about a 45 degree angle. There was a brown haze in the air (nuclear explosion?). I saw on the ground, in this desert-looking terrain, a tremendous eagle. It was huge, larger than a jumbo jet, and the detail of its wings and feathers was awesome. It was spread out on the ground and I know that it had just died. For two hundred yards in every direction were middle easterners, Muslims, crowded around to look at the eagle. They were shocked. They could not believe that the eagle was actually dead. The thought in my mind was, why? Why did we do this? (smaller storm) For a year before Desert Storm I kept hearing tank tracks rumbling in my ears. Then when Desert Storm started the noises stopped. Now I see this vision! (David's note: This vision is obviously prophesying a great loss of American troops in the Middle East. I believe when this does happen the troops from Ft. Hood at Killeen TX. will take the major hit. Please pray for God's elect to be spared.)

Major Units at Ft. Hood

III Corps Commander III Corps Staff Garrison 1st Cavalry Division 4th Infantry Division 13th Sustainment Cmd (E) Operational Test Command 4003rd GSU Unit/Activities Link Partners in Excellence

Terrorist Attack on Toledo & Nuclear Power Plant

Jane Northey - July 4, 2003 I have a friend who lives in Howell, Michigan. She had a dream around Memorial Day, which she shared with me in great detail. I knew her reliability in the dreams that God had given her, for every one of her dreams had come true since I have known her. As she told the dream, she spoke of a great terrorist attack that involved a nearby state where she lives. This attack would eventually engulf her state as well. The dream was so pointed and graphic that I told her to hold onto it because it was probably going to come to pass. She mentioned that in her dream a television announcer said, A terrorist attack has occurred in Toledo. Toledo. (I didnt know this at the time but Toledo, Ohio, is only about 100 miles away from her house.) About one month later on the 4th of July of that year, I was working at my bench at work when suddenly I started to see waves lapping over my desk. They were superimposed over the boards that I was working on. I started to hear those waves and nothing else. They were lapping against a shoreline and my feet were now standing on a beach where the waves were coming from. Then I saw islands out on this huge lake and I knew instantly that I was having a vision. I began to hear only what was in that vision and nothing else around me. (I work in an electronics company, where I test all products going out the door to the customer. So, the building is busy and noisy.) I was encapsulated in the vision and only heard and saw what was going on in that vision. Then I saw a man who was of Hungarian/Yugoslavian descent. He had immigrated to Canada, nearly 10 years before. He spoke flawless English and had blonde hair. He was of Caucasian birth. You would never suspect that he was of a terrorist group or had affiliations like that of any kind. I was told that the man came from Windsor. And I saw the destination of this man. He was crossing from the northern side of Lake Erie, to the south side of the same lake. He traveled from the town of Windsor, in a pleasure boat. He was dropped off at an island in the middle of the lake. And when he got out of the boat I saw that he was carrying a metal briefcase with him. (When I saw this in the vision, I immediately knew that it was a dirty bomb.) He proceeded to walk over the island, and when he reached the other side, there waiting for him was another boat. He entered the pleasure craft and it took him to another island, where he did this same thing, island hopping, until he got to the main shores of United States. (Which I later learned was the state of Ohio.)

There the final pleasure craft to pick him up had a secret sliding door on the inside panel of the boat, where he placed his briefcase. They drove him to a place that juts out into the lake, to what I could see was a very rich owners house in a gated community, in front of an amusement park. Then in the vision, I saw the name of the city in front of this house where they had landed at, and it said boldly, Sandusky! (As I saw this, I knew instantly that this was a sleeper cell working in America.) He then entered the house where he would be staying. The house had a boat launch underneath it, which they closed the doors tight, right next to the water. As soon as they arrived on the shores of America, they disappeared from all sight. No one knew they were there. Everything appeared to be absolutely normal and common amongst those on the lake. (I was amazed as I saw this unfold before my eyes.) I realized that this had everything to do with my friends dream -- but this was an extension of it on a grander scale. This was information on the level of the gift of revelation. This shook me to the core of my being and I couldnt erase it from my thoughts. Something had to be done, but what? Who would listen to me? I have no name, in the Christian world. I have no connections with any political scene. Telling this to the FBI might get me locked up somewhere, instead of being heard. So I prayed, and started to do my own research on Lake Erie, and its islands. I got a detailed map of Ohio and of all of its cities. I especially concentrated on Toledo, Ohio, and why anyone would choose that particular town for devastation. I used public libraries and Triple-A services to acquire any information that would be useful. I found out why Toledo was targeted. It is the largest Inland Sea port, oil refinery, in and on the Great Lakes. To my amazement, there are many islands out in Lake Erie. Many are inhabited all year around. And some are vacation spots during the summer. The town of Windsor, Canada does exist, and its on Lake Erie, on the northern side of the lake. The briefcase that the man carried was the typical size for carrying a dirty bomb. When I started to get these confirmations, I immediately asked for time off from work, and went to see this area for myself. I took with me the only thing that I knew could work, and that was anointing oil. I went to anoint the whole area. When I was there, I went unto one of the islands, and could see a huge nuclear power plant, that was built right on the shoreline of Lake Erie, in between the cities of Toledo and Sandusky. Even with all my research I hadn't discovered that this plant was there. And as I toured the islands, and I was looking back towards Ohio, I saw a huge amusement park on the shoreline. As the commuter boat drove me closer to the shoreline of Ohio, I saw a gated community, in front of the amusement park, all in front of the town, just the way that I seen it in the vision. Thats when I found out that town was called Sandusky. Now I understood in depth, what God was trying to show me. It would be extremely easy to throw a briefcase into an intake valve of that nuclear power plant, as the waters of Lake Erie cooled it. Or that this sleeper cell, that I now realized was in America, may be waiting for an opportunity to strike, or hook up with another group, to destroy even more than what I had been shown.

Really, who would expect it? All I could do at that time was to anoint the islands and pray that the enemy would be found out or exposed.

Loss of a City Soon?

Anonymous - Nov. 2006 (David's notes in red) We believe the Lord was indicating to us that there would be the destruction of a U.S. city. We are not positive but we believe it is probably soon. At the beginning of November 2006, I saw Isaiah 17:10-11. It speaks to me of the destruction of a city. The destruction of a city speaks of the loss of livelihood, the loss of loved ones, friends, a father, mother, brother, sister, friend, etc. {Isa.17:9} In that day shall their strong cities be as the forsaken places in the wood and on the mountain top, which were forsaken from before the children of Israel; and it shall be a desolation. {10} For thou hast forgotten the God of thy salvation, and hast not been mindful of the rock of thy strength; therefore thou plantest pleasant plants, and settest it with strange slips. {11} In the day of thy planting thou hedgest it in, and in the morning thou makest thy seed to blossom; but the harvest fleeth away in the day of grief and of desperate sorrow. Notice number 11 which may identify a 9-11 style attack. {12} Ah, the uproar of many peoples, that roar like the roaring of the seas; and the rushing of nations, that rush like the rushing of mighty waters! {13} The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters: but he shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like the whirling dust before the storm. {14} At eventide, behold, terror; [and] before the morning they are not. This is the portion of them that despoil us, and the lot of them that rob us. In the natural this is the Assyrian army invading and destroying Damascus before conquering the Northern 10 tribes and the entering the south against Jerusalem where God killed 185,000 of them in one night before they left. I believe this will happen again. I saw a vision of the U.S. as Nineveh, which was the capital of Assyria. It may mean that the coming war in the Middle East will turn nuclear and the U.S. will lose a lot of troops and a city. More accurately, this scripture "jumps off the page" at me. I read it and I am frightened. I am never frightened of scripture. I am afraid and I ask myself what does it mean? A day or so later, I call my friend of 25 years in New York. She is a Christian who has seen many unusual things. She tells me she has had the

exact same experience the day before with the same EXACT 2 verses of scripture. I realize now this is to confirm what I have seen. While this nation has set out pleasant plants and foreign seedlings the harvest shall be a heap of ruins. We have planted democracy and principles of law and government, economic development, health care, food, etc., but we will get back something different. November 6th, 2006 As an outgrowth of my wife's conversation with her friend. My wife prays that the Lord will show her things. That night she has dreams. In her dream she sees a round oak table and a missile is sitting on top of the table. It has a red cone on its top. In the second dream she hears, "knights of the round table." My wife tells me about the dream and I am convinced it is from God. I begin to pray for the Lord to show me the meaning. I am thinking the missile is not conventional but nuclear. What I think it means: I believe the round oak table bespeaks of Great Britain (the British Oak). The missile option has been placed on the table. I think with respect to Iran and the Middle East. The knights of the round table were the defenders of the Christian west and if I am not mistaken stopped the Islamic incursion on the Island of Malta. (One of the reasons the Malta flag hung in my classroom.) Would the equivalent of the Knights of the round Table today be NATO? Yes it could be or it could be Britain, the U.S. and Australia. They will use the nuclear option. November 8th, 2006 I wake up in the middle of the night and I see "1895" on my clock radio. I am rather surprised and hit every button over and over to change it to some semblance of the right time. I cannot change it, so I go back to sleep. I wake up again, and again I see "1895." Again, I try to change the display by hitting every button over and over but to no avail. The clock will only say 1895. There is no colon between the 8 and 9 (just like the first time). I go back to sleep, when I awaken I am late for work. It, ironically unknown to me, is a late start day as there is a faculty meeting. The meetings are about one every month or two. I was afraid to go into the meeting as I was 2 minutes late for the last one and the principal chewed my tail off. While I am hiding in my classroom, I call my friend in New York. I ask her to pray with me I won't get caught not being in the meeting. She suggests I check out the date..... Find out what happened in 1895??

I check the date: I am stunned, I am shocked. I am convinced it was no accident. November 8th, 1895 was the first day in the scientific history of the atomic bomb. This is a fact that I was totally unacquainted with. In fact, one may well argue that November 8, 1895 is the dawning moment of the Nuclear AGE. It is on this date that a German physicist Wilhelm Roetngen discovers gamma radiation. He calls these mysterious rays "x-rays." Within one year this knowledge is being developed for medical technology. If you go to Google, type in "scientific history of the atomic bomb." The first entry is fine, scroll down and then click on "chronology." You will see this for yourself. While all of the teachers sign into the meeting and the sign-in sheet is passed around, no one ever gets back to me about my not being there. I thought I knew quite a bit about things nuclear but this fact was totally unknown to me. I believe that the missile on the table is a nuclear one. One thing that has been common to these dreams and visions: everything has been by twos. My friend and I both saw the same scripture jump off the page, my wife dreamed the same thing twice, I had the same vision twice. When a dream is doubled it means that it will soon come to pass. We have been expecting a war in the Middle East to begin soon, '07 or '08, with Israel hitting Iran and the US stepping in as it becomes nuclear. Also a terrorist hit on a US city that will be nuclear. This is not a made up story to entertain or scare you, this actually happened to us. I believe the reason that I did not see anything more is that I would be too easily frightened. I have heard, however, that in my later years that I will be a man of dreams and visions. Ironically, the land we have bought is in a place I did not know about when I bought it. We thought we were 5 miles from a place called Dresden but this place is called Pisgeh. If I remember correctly the allies in WWII firebombed a German city called Dresden. They designed it so that the winds feeding the fire like a tornado would incinerate the whole city and it worked, killing many people. Pisgeh in the Bible was a place where Moses went before he died. It was a place of vision, where he could "see" to the north, south, east and west. (It is also the place that Moses got a view of the Promised Land which I believe is going to happen soon with the man-child being caught up to the throne as in Rev.12.) I also found out something else I did not know about this place: I was purchasing a second parcel of land that once had a church on it that traces its origins back to Asuza Street in San Francisco in 1906. The church is gone but the land is still there.

Las Vegas and the Lion Las Vegas

Cyndee Pillow - October 07, 2005

Last night I was in my prayer closet and the Lord was speaking to me about some things. I heard Him say that he was hearing the intercessors prayers and there were some victories because of the gathering of the intercessors in unity crying out in America. Praise God for this. I felt Him urging us to keep praying and crying out because it is not His will that any should perish without the Lord Jesus, as we all know. He doesn't desire any to go to hell, but the SIN in America is the downfall of many....even so..... it is not God's will to destroy men's lives but to save them. Men are making the wrong choices. He wants us to pray that they Choose CHRIST! Keep weeping and crying out. I feel the Lord saying....."LOSE SLEEP, crucify the flesh and let love cause you to cry out for the Lost in the night watches!" Even so, those that have ears to hear, hear what the Spirit is saying. Then in a vision.........I started seeing prostitutes, pimps, gold coins, money and cash as if coming in flashes of different pictures. These continued as I saw rapes, thieves, gangs beating up people and on and on. Lawlessness and violence, sin and corruption all around is what I saw...and it was dark and this was all in one particular city. I heard the words from the Lord, "Babylonian rule is in your Nation. Unjust gain, fraud, lying, and cheating and THE CITY OF SIN SHALL NOT ESCAPE MY JUDGMENT." If some of you have a problem with the word Judgment, please take it to the Father. I make no excuse for the word as this is what He told me and I must word it as He worded it to me and not change a thing He said. This I feel is very important! Prophets must stop watering down what the Lord gives them!!! Suddenly, I saw more and focused in on a dark city street. I was brought close to the street to a manhole cover. I heard the words, "There's a scheme and a plan undercover." I then saw a quick view of underneath the city of sin, and saw into the sewer system. This all happened in quick snapshots. Finally, I was left viewing from high above the city. There was some type of an explosion from underneath the city of sin, making the ground heave up as if vomiting, and then, there was a collapse and the ground sank! I saw this city of lights sink into the ground. Whether this is literal or all a spiritual symbol, I do not know. God didn't reveal this to me. In the last part of the vision I was seeing the bulbs of the glistening city lights popping, one by one by one, until there were no more advertisements beckoning people to come into this or that place. I heard the Lord say one more thing, "The city of sin must be dealt with. No more will money be the draw, as I deal with Las Vegas, Nevada."

Note from David: Dumitru Duduman testified: Then he showed me Las Vegas. You see what I have shown you. This is Sodom and Gomorrah. In one day it will burn. He said, Its sin has reached the Holy One.'"

Vision Of A Lion
Cyndee Pillow - February 2, 2006 I was looking at something, as if far away, however, it moved closer. It was like a series of 3 vision pictures. In the first flash, I could not make it out at first but only knew it to be some type of animal in the first flash. The second one was closer and it appeared to be a wild animal and at that point as I looked, I asked myself, "Is that a tiger?" I tried to make it out clearly to confirm for sure that it was a tiger, when instantly the third flash picture came even much closer. This time I saw it was not a tiger. It was a lion. As I watched he hung his tongue out and left it hanging out as he stared at me. I asked, "Lord, is this Lion you? Lord, I don't believe this is you, because you wouldn't have your tongue hanging out like that as you are King." I don't know why I thought that, but it didn't seem dignified to see the King of Glory with his tongue hanging out like that. I also remember that I could not recognize him at first as to even what the lion really was. I knew it didn't represent the Lord or I would have recognized Him and would not have had a question to his identify. I had no idea who it really did represent at the time. However, a sister told me that Osama Bin Laden is likened to a lion. So, I looked up the name for its correct meaning. OSAMA means Lion-like. Isaiah 57:3 But draw near hither, ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer and the whore. 4 Against whom do ye sport yourselves? against whom make ye a wide mouth, and draw out the tongue? are ye not children of transgression, a seed of falsehood. I heard something very strange in my spirit after this vision. I heard the words "Rapid Succession." Then, I heard words in Mexican or Spanish, "Rpido! Rpido! Rpido!" repeated 3 times. Rapid-1. occurring with speed; coming about within a short time. Moving or acting in great speed; swift. Characterized by speed and motion.

Succession-1. the coming of one after another in order, sequence, or the course of events; sequence. 2. a number of persons or things following one another in order or sequence. 3. the right, act or process, by which one person succeeds to an office, rank, estate or the like, of another. 4. decent of transmission, or the principle or mode of transmission or a throne, dignity, estate, or the like. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I make no call on what all this means, but present it to those that feel the urge in the Spirit to pray concerning what all this could mean. I personally feel led to prayer over protection and exposing of anything attempting to come over our Southern borders of the US in way of an attack, namely our Mexican borders. Wellspring of Fire & Light

Vision By A.C. Valdez

In 1929 I was preaching in Vancouver, British Colombia. I had gone to the 6th Avenue Church that seats 1,000 people. The old building is gone. I sat down on the platform and looked down at the congregation for the Sunday morning service. There were 18 people. I had crossed the continent from Los Angeles to get to that meeting--18 people in my first service. My first thought was, My Lord and my God, the nerve, asking me to come across the country to stand here in front of 18 people. Now, that was my first thought. Now, I no sooner thought that when God spoke to my heart and said, "Son, I want you to comfort these people." They needed comfort, Brother. He gave me the capacity to comfort them. I started preaching comforting words. If I had given way to the human, Brother, I would have skinned them alive and tacked their hides up on the wall. People in a condition like that don't need a skinning; they need comfort. God helped me. He poured in the oil and the wine. He helped me to comfort those people. They began to cry all over the place, as they needed comfort. The tears began to stream down their cheeks. They had gone through a terrible trial in that city, and the name of "Pentecost" was in the newspapers of that city, and it wasn't very good. The things that they had put into the newspapers were enough to keep most anybody away. I had 18 people in the inside and thousands on the outside.

God began to work, and the Spirit began to come forth. By the following Sunday the place was well filled. The Holy Ghost began to bring them in. By the end of the third week they had to take down the partition that separated the coat room from the main auditorium to put more seats in that auditorium that seated a thousand. It packed out. They packed the place, standing up and down the winding stairs and outside of the church building and out into the street. The glory of God came down. Souls began to get saved, and the sick were healed. We had a glorious victory over the world of flesh and the devil. The ministers were so happy. They said, "Lord, in spite of that death, you've given us victory." Right in the middle of that victory, I stood in 6th Avenue Church one day with the power of God on me. All of a sudden the ceiling just disappeared. Now, when I say "vision," my friends, I know that some visions are what the Bible calls "night visions," like in a dream. You will find that in the Bible. Dreams are also called "visions." Generally speaking, a vision is differentiated by what you see with your eyes open, that which you see when you are not asleep. In this particular case I was standing on my feet, when all of a sudden the walls and the ceiling just faded right out. I began to see this vision, and the Lord showed me. I looked up and saw what answers to the description of an ICBM (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile), just as real as any picture that you would see--or the real thing if you've ever seen one of those missiles. It was just as real as you would look upon one if it were right in front of you, two or three feet away! I saw it. It was passing over a skim of clouds, not heavy clouds, but a thin skim of clouds. I was standing on the side of this mountain, a residential district. I was looking over into a bay area. It would appear like I was in Berkeley, if you've ever been to Berkeley, and the Berkeley hills. I was looking into the bay area toward San Francisco, the San Francisco Bay region, that direction. I saw the freeway. I don't say that it was the Oakland freeway that is there today. I don't know where it was, my friends. I do know this, that I was standing on the side of this mountain, overlooking a huge metropolis, when I saw this missile directed toward the city; and suddenly, being electronically controlled, no doubt, it plummeted right down into the city and then exploded. Then I saw the fireball, which answers to the description of what I have seen in a civil defense film release of the first hydrogen bomb explosion. This happened in 1929! The atom was not split until 1932! Yet I saw it as clear as I see you here tonight. There was a purpose in it. I have been warning people ever since that this thing is coming! As the day approaches, my friends, I feel more vibrant than ever before! I

have got to bear testimony to what I saw with my eyes! I have got to warn God's people that they must live in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit and be filled with the Spirit if they want God's protection in these last days! I saw this thing blossom out in all of its beautiful colors. Did you ever see a picture of it? It is a beautiful sight, but it is a horrible sight. All of the colors of the rainbow you can see in that big ball as it swells out. Then the pressure that it creates following the explosion, it demolishes everything before it. It leaves a crater over 300 feet deep and over 2 miles across. It is capable of destroying a huge metropolis the size of New York City in one blast. Even though there were no freeways in 1929, I saw freeways. I saw them run and jump in their cars to escape, but there was no escape! I saw the aftermath of this explosion. I saw all of the details. The Spirit of the Lord picked me up. Like St. Paul, whether in the body or out of the body, I don't know! All I know is, my friends, that God took me and whisked me across that area where the bomb hit in the midst of that huge metropolis. There was nothing left. The center where it struck was molten, like molten glass. It wasn't, my friends, until I was carried way beyond the residential area that I began to see any sign of debris. Finally, I came to what looked similar to snow or sand drifts piled up against the fences and buildings. I saw piles or iron, like broom straw, only much finer than broom straw. It was in piles and in patterns--everything completely destroyed! Finally, way, way out, beyond what I felt was the residential area, I began to find signs of human beings, only in pieces--torsos, heads, hands, arms, and legs. They were scattered around everywhere! The Spirit of the Lord carried me out farther. I began to find signs of life. People were running. Everybody was blind. (I didn't know in 1929 that if you are 35 miles away from the explosion and you happened to be looking in that direction, you would never see again. I didn't know that at that time.) Everybody was blind, my friends. They were running and screaming and bumping up against this and that and the other, bouncing back, children blind and screaming and crying out for their parents and parents for their children. The farther I went, the more the confusion, and the cries increased. My friends, even tonight, while I am speaking to you, I can hear those cries! I can hear those cries, children and parents screaming out for one another! It was a terrible sight to behold! If I were to live 10,000 years, I know I could just close my eyes and hear those screams and see the terror that was written all over the faces of parents and children! A terrible sight, indeed.

Then, my friends, the Spirit of the Lord took me. Oh, I wonder how fast I was going. I could see the mountains and the hills just passing before me. I came sweeping down over a large valley. In the distance I could see, as I began to approach, a body of people that looked like tens of thousands. I don't know how many were there. It was a sea of people. Long before I got there, I could see. As I came down closer, I could discern them. They had their handkerchiefs. They were wiping their tears from their eyes. Then for the first time I began to hear heavenly anthems. I could hear the Hallelujahs, in bass and tenor and soprano and alto, voices blending together. That mass of humanity was lifted together by the heavenly music. I came right down in the midst of them. There they were, God's people. This is what I saw, friends. They were all dressed up like they were ready for the Sunday service. Their hair was parted. Nothing was disturbed. There was no soil on their shirts. They were cared for so perfectly that everything was in order, my friends. Their faces were clean. Their clothing was clean. Everything was in order! The only word you could use to describe them would be "meticulous" Meticulous! Glory to God! What a wonderful thing to be in the hands of God! I say that God is going to protect his people in these last days IF. . .they live in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit and keep filled with the Spirit!

Stephen L. Bening/Art Cormier: SS18 "Satan" Russian Missiles

85. Stephen L. Bening

85.1 1990, Dreams & Prophecies & Visions, America To Be Destroyed By A Russian Attack of SS18 Nuclear Missiles During 1990, I met a man named Art Cormier. Art was a butcher: a meat cutter in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. God was showing him some incredible things. He was having trouble getting people to pay attention to him, for he was receiving warnings about America's future. His English grammar was not very good, but I quickly saw the importance of what he was receiving and I felt called to help him, so, in a sense, I became his scribe. I began doing prophetic newsletters then, mainly filled with what Art was seeing. God led me to call them the "Gammadim Reports," after Ezekiel 27:11. This was still several years before I became aware of the Internet, yet God knew even then that I would be the only watchman using the

name "gammadim" in the whole world in the year 2000 and that anyone, doing a simple search anywhere on the internet, would be able to locate my web site. AMAZING GOD! I recall one event that changed me forever. It was June 18, 1991. I had just visited the location of my previous employer at 666 71st Street. I had been showing a friend that place and laughing about the numerical address. I pulled my car into my office parking lot at 6 P.M.: the 18th hour of the 18th day of the 6th month of 1991---can you see all those sixes. Art Cormier was waiting for me. He handed me a revelation he had received that America was going to be destroyed by a Russian attack of SS18 nuclear missiles. Russia has named these missiles "SS18 Satan". Art had no idea where I had been---he had no idea that I had just come from 666 71st street. He had not even noticed the 18th hour of the day. He had not even noticed that it was 6/18, but I did immediately and I was changed forever.

VISION: Nuclear Destruction of Miami

July 24, 1992
On the afternoon, at about 2 P.M. on July 24, 1992, I was walking out of the front door of the home where I was staying on Golden Beach, in North Miami, Florida. As I walked out the front door, and walked west, toward me car, I was startled by a flash in the Southern sky. I turned to look South. From where I was standing, I had a relatively unobstructed look at the Southern Sky. As I watched, I saw a Hydrogen Bomb mushroom cloud rise to the South. I began to panic. I thought about the light I saw and the cloud and estimated it's distance at about 40 miles. That meant to me that Homestead Air Force base had just been nuked. I was thinking that if it had been hit by a Russian SS18 missile, which has a blast radius of 100 miles, that the shock wave must be going to reach me in 30 or 40 seconds. At any rate, that was my estimate. I began to look around the yard, seeing if there was any culvert or drainage ditch that I

could jump into to get underground. I found nothing. I resolved to just stand there and praise my God until the blast hit. Just as I began to thank the Lord, the mushroom cloud dematerialized in the sky as I was looking at it: it just faded away. It was at this time that I realized that I had not seen a real atomic blast, but I had seen a vision. On month later, on August 24, 1992, Homestead was hit with a direct hit by Hurricane Andrew and the destruction was compared to that which would be caused by an Atomic Blast. Sometime later though, the Lord spoke to me and told me that I was to expect another, later fulfillment of my vision. It is to be fulfilled as I saw it transpire in my vision. Stephen L. Bening

06/30/05 This text file representing Dreams and Visions III has presently grown to more than 1,285,820 bytes or roughly 257,000 thousand words. The Combined three Dreams and Visions web pages make up over one thousand pages of text. For more than two years, I have been searching the internet, looking at dreams, visions and prophecies for America. This is the third web page dedicated solely to this examination. Those quoted in these many dreams range from pentecostal to catholic and even a question mark or two. There is also a file on Muslims encountering Christ in dreams. There are many threads of connectivity within these dreams and visions. For example one can find several ( On the three web pages ) references to white horses correlating to Christ's Second Coming. Perhaps one of the most common warnings found is that of America being attacked by Russia and China. And one continues to find many rapture dreams suggesting that Christ will return soon. It is my considered opinion that this world is rapidly moving toward a period unparalleled in human history. These coming events the bible refers to as the end times, tribulation, rapture, Armageddon, Second Coming, etc. I pray that each person that reads this knows the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior. It is a time that all the saints of history have longed to witness ( the return of our Lord in glory ). Please if you have any question about your salvation click here. Do we know that all these voices are from God? Of course not, But to ignore the accumulative data that is available is to stick one's head in the proverbial sand. There are simply to many voices echoing the same essential message to turn away and ignore. This does not mean that we do not question the validity of such things, but rather we test everything by the word and anything that violates scripture should be disregarded. The following Scripture and supporting poem is appropriate for the subject at hand.


Dreams & Visions I

Intro-Ordinary People
I think it is very significant that many ordinary folks are having dreams of rapture, second coming, apocalyptic, etc. I have decided to begin including some of these dreams that I have found on the net into this section called Ordinary People. Since there are so many ( to get permission) I have decided to go ahead and post these dreams, visions without giving Identities unless of course permission is given. Over time names may or may not be added. I have found these dreams/visions significant, inspiring and at times a warning. I pray that they will be beneficial to the body at large and a wake up call to nominal Christians. Time is short, after reading these many dreams if you don't know Jesus please click here. Please email me any dreams or visions relating to Jesus's coming, rapture, judgement, tribulation, etc. that you feel the Lord would have you make public and whether you wish your name and email included in the post. I will continue adding a selection as long as the lord leads. * After name indicates latest updated dream/vision Maranatha Terry Presgrove

Ordinary People
Justin * 19 Aug 2002 Last Night I had a very strange and disturbing dream. I was at my church and I guess it had been set up as a relief center. In the hall way, two people were laying on cots and had been infected with anthrax. Then a man came rushing into our main office shouting, "Call the CDC. I think I have smallpox." Just then two men came walking in wearing suits saying, "we'll have to quarintine the warehouse this man was in." Before I heard what they were going to do with the church, I woke up and felt sick to my stomach.

The United States Ablaze

Lourdes * Around 1980 I became a born-again Christian in 1978, at age 15. Not long afterward (between age of 16 and 17) I had a eerie dream that I have never forgotten and was so real, that I don't take it lightly to speak of it. But in my dream, I was in the car driving through neighborhood in broad daylight with my mother as a passenger. For some reason, I had gotten upset. Suddenly the sky became pitch black. Then, as if the car had no roof, I saw the sky above me and the continental United States blazing with intense fire. It was only the U. S. I didn't see Mexico or Canada. That's all I remember. I woke up afraid that what I had dreamed was true or would someday be true.

Paul Wilson * Jan 2nd or 3rd of 2001 I had a dream today about the beginnings of WWIII. Me and my mom were watching CNN but it was like we were there it was like being on a holodeck for those of you familiar with Star Trek. It was in Iraq, it was night time but I know the tanks were in desert camouflage and the reports mentioned that they ( meaning the Iraqis) have begun firing on reporters and that WWIII was imminent.

Iraq Strikes Israel

Unknown * Dream 4 Feb 2003 I had a dream last night were I was watching TBN. This dream was so real. On TBN , I believe it was Praise the Lord, someone was saying how this war would change the world, and God told him that Israel would be involved with this Iraq war. He also said that God told him that Iraq would strike Israel...

Lorraine * 11/26/2002 First let me start by saying I have not ever read the bible and really do not know why I keep having these dreams about people on horses coming out of the clouds!! From what people have told me it means the end of the world and so forth. The dream i had last night there were only two people and one was a woman. The sky always turns yellow in my dreams and then clouds begin to form, and from the clouds come the people on these horses.

Coming Judgment on America!

Ann * 1994 About eight years ago I had a night vision. A wall in my bedroom lit up like a movie theater, and a darkcloaked shadow appeared in my doorway. The shadow pointed at the wall and said, "Look, son of man, and listen to what I am going to tell you." I was not scared of the shadow realizing that he meant me no harm, just wanted my attention. On the wall appeared first and up above the rest of the vision the Chinese flag and the Russian sickle, the hammer, that is in the Russian flag was over the head of the Eagle which was at the bottom of the screen. The hammer-type object was beating the Eagle to death, feathers were going everywhere. I reached up and caught a feather. Realizing that this represented America, I began to feel death in my spirit. I started to cry to the Lord and begged Him to remember His promise to us that if My people which are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, then I will heal their land. The shadow spoke at this point and said, "Not this time child. Tell my children I love them, but these things too shall come to pass." I cried so hard and begged continually with great concern. The shadow said. "Child, please hear what I am saying. These things where written long before time began, and they must come to pass soon. Please tell my Children that I love them, they will not understand. They will not see it coming. Tell my Children that I love them."

These Are The Missiles Of October!

Larry * Early 1980's Thought I would relate a dream to you I had in the early 1980's. I had been in prayer for about a week and on the last day of my prayer fast, I became very sleepy. So sleepy, that I couldn't keep my head up. I struggled against sleep as I was trying to hear the Lord. I lay back on the bed for a minute, but as soon as my head hit

the bed I was asleep. I immediately had a dream. DREAM: In the dream I saw a long line of missile silos. I had the knowledge in the dream that these were missiles no one ever thought would be fired! I could not tell who the missiles belonged to. As the dream progressed, I saw the missiles begin to fire and lift out of their silos. I noted that not all the missiles were fired, but only a certain number were fired. I saw the missiles fired, go up into the sky and reach a peak; then start to arch and fall back towards the earth, towards its target. I did not see who or what the target was but as the missiles began to fall towards their targets, I heard in my dream what sounded like a loud audible voice, "THESE ARE THE MISSILES OF OCTOBER!" This voice woke me up fully awake and I sat up with a start! I still remember in vivid detail the dream of the Missiles and the voice that declared they were of October. (No year was given) Well, Octobers have come and gone many times since I had the dream and the world politics have carried on their plans. I pray this dream never happens, but only the Lord really knows. Neil Lipken November 2001 In the middle of the night about 4:30 AM on Nov. 20th, 2001, my wife was downstairs in our home leaving the kitchen when suddenly she heard a very clear voice say to her, "It's just about time". She had just turned the light off in the kitchen and was coming through the living room when it happened. She looked all around, but no one was there (the experience was quite real to her), and immediately ran upstairs and woke me to tell me what happened. The interesting thing is that she is really not very interested in end time prophecy. She knows that the Lord is coming back someday, but it just does not intrigue her very much. July 2002 Early in the morning on July 22nd (this year) I had a very vivid dream. I was teaching at a church (as I often am) when the pastor stopped me and told me that a woman was there at the church, and that she was going to give us a "demonstration on how near the Rapture now is". I yielded the pulpit to her immediately. She brought up a sphere about 1 1/2 feet in diameter, and she called it a "biosphere". The bottom half had dirt in it with miniature houses and trees, and the top half was "atmosphere". The sphere itself looked like clear plastic. She then brought out a long electrical wire and plugged one end into the wall socket. On the other end were two copper tips (which were live), and she proceeded at once to place the live copper tips into the atmosphere of the biosphere. The atmosphere ignited instantly. She then told everyone in the church that the amount of time now remaining till the Rapture is the same amount of time that it took for the current to jump from the copper tips and ignite the atmosphere of the biosphere. I then woke up. Yours in the Most High, Neil Lipken e-mail: Peg A Dream Sequence Feast Preparation May 2002 Last night (Monday) I was fascinated by a dream that Perry Stone was relating to David Curillo on his program that his 86 yr. old grandmother, who is in the hospital had. His grandfather had died about 5 years ago. In her dream his grandfather said to her"Lucy,come I want to show you something".(She said it was so real. She looked and as far as she could see..North, South, East and West....were long tables with the whitest tablecloths on them)."We"ve been working hard up here, preparing for the Marriage Feast of the Lamb" he said.."Look..people are gonna start coming in'...(people that had died in Christ were checking out the tables to see where they and their families are gonna sit). Then he said.." See that middle table, that is reserved for our family". (Some people were already sitting at some of the tables.) Then she woke up. In my dream in May of this year...I had just gotten off a school bus and found myself standing on a very long line beside a brick building that looked like some kind of a town hall. The day was very bright. I asked a kind looking lady standing next to me why we were on line? She replied.."For food". As the line began to move I saw up ahead that the line was turning at the corner. When I got there immense field was before me with the most beautiful carpeting of silky green grass... in an intense color of green that I had never seen before. In the field were long tables with the whitest tablecloths that seemed to glow. There were too many tables to count. I glanced at one of the tables and saw my mother, my brother and my grandmother who had passed on in 1968. They were all so happy and so young! They appeared to be waiting for someone or something to happen. In the distance at the end of this huge field was a truck loading hay. A sign of the harvest!!!............ These two dreams may be coincidental but I would prefer to think that the Lord wants us to

know that everything is in readiness for the Marriage Feast of the Lamb!!! The Harvest is about to happen. God Bless You All Cathy Nuclear Dream June/July, 2001. I am a single mom, and I dreamed that my two children and I were at the beach near our home in the Norfolk, Virginia area. On this beautiful day the beach was crowded with people laying in the sand and playing in the water. All of a sudden, I heard a loud rushing noise coming from the North. I looked up and saw a huge mushroom cloud racing toward us. People were screaming and crying and running all around us. My two children ran to me screaming and crying too. I grabbed them both, we dropped to the ground, huddled closely together and I told them that we had to ask Jesus to forgive us of all our sins. We held onto each other tightly as I prayed and the explosion screamed closer. Both kids were crying. I held my kids and told them that in just a second we were going to be with Jesus. I was so calm! I told them everything was going to be okay because we were going to see Jesus in just a second. (Let me stop for a second and tell you that I am usually a big scaredy cat! I am not one of these super brave hero type moms... my absolute peace and calmness in this dream surprises me.) As the flames rushed closer, I told my kids to close their eyes, and within a few seconds we could not hear anything around us because of the deafening explosion. Warm/hot air and sand beat against us. We held each other tightly and I thought we would be dead in an instant. After what seemed like a few seconds, it stopped. It was calm again. We opened our eyes, and everything around us -- including the people -- was gone. But we were fine. We were so amazed! Not even a hair on our head was burned. We kept lifting up our arms to our noses to see if we could smell the smoke on us, but we didn't smell like smoke at all. I think the Lord blessed me with this dream so that I would not worry about what will happen to us. Whatever happens in the future, He will take care of us and protect us. Even if we die, He will give us peace. At least that's what I got out of the dream. Larry B. Visions 2002 I would like to tell you about a vision that I had about six months ago. About six months ago I had a very strong vision. Four in all, that lasted over four nights. First let me tell you a little about myself. I am 46 yrs. old, didn't know God and, was not looking to know God. I was just going about my life. Never read the Bible. Didn't go to church. Like I said, I was just minding my own business. One night while I was at work (I work nights...alone) I started having very vivid visions. The visions were very horrible. Fire and destruction on earth. People were screaming and sliding into a fiery pit with looks of horror on their faces. Every night the visions were of different things like this...none of them looked good. I thought that I was losing my mind. I really believed that I was going crazy. I called out and asked what is happening to me! A voice said "Just watch" "Take notice". I was quite upset as you can imagine. I knew that this was coming from God. I don't know how, I just knew. On the fourth night, I just watched. I asked why are you showing this to me? I could hear a voice. Not with my ears, but in the front of my forehead. Clear as day. It said that I have been chosen by God to do a job. I asked ,what job? I was told that I was to lead people to a safe place for the end of times. I asked what people and what is the end of times. I had no idea. The people were shown to me and the place was shown also. I was told that i will be shown. I asked why? It was said that the things that I have been shown are what is to come. The people, I will keep safe until the time for them to come out is safe and I would know the time. I asked why I did not see my wife and girl with the people? It said, they will be taken up. I asked, what am I seeing? I was told to read Revelation in the Bible. Now it gets really strange. I was really upset and thinking that I had gone mad. Walking around talking to myself I said out loud, God if this is true and this is from you then I need to be shown! "I didn't know that I was not suppose to do this"! I started to ask to see things but, I didn't know what to ask to see. First I said, I want to see a bird fly at night, then I said that I want to see a halo around the moon (it was a clear night with no halo), then I said that I want to see a meteor when I walk outside. I watch the night sky allot and sometimes I go days without seeing a meteor. I said that when I walk outside, I am not going to look up, and when I do, I want to see it then. Thinking about what I had asked to see, I felt foolish. I thought that these things could happen at any time. So I asked to be given a cross. In my hand, so I have no doubt. I then walked outside, holding my head down so not to see the sky. I said when I lift my head, if i see a meteor I will know that it is from you "God". I looked up and at that exact time a meteor that lit the ground shot from one horizon to the other. My heart seemed to stop! I ran inside and tried to calm myself. After a few minuets a loud bang came from the window. I thought that someone was playing a joke on me. I crept outside and looked around the corner of the building. No one was there. I looked all over the place. No one! Just before I went in I looked up and an owl was sitting just over my head on a peace of iron. He took to the air and I watched him fly. He crossed the moon and a halo was around the moon. I could not believe my eyes. In ten min. 3 of the 4 things that I asked

to see, "I saw". I was a wreck. When I went home and went to bed I set my glasses on the stand next to the bed as I always do and, went to sleep. I woke in about an hour (I never wake that soon) reached for my glasses an froze. A cross was setting with them. No one else was in the house and I didn't know of any cross's in the house. I received the fourth thing that I had asked for. Now I have no doubt that God has given me my instructions. I know what I am to do. "It gets more unbelievable". I prayed that my wife would know God. The next night I walked into the bedroom when she was going to bed and she was reading a Bible. "I didn't know that we had one". I asked her why she was reading it? She said that she didn't know. She said that she just got it and started to read. My girl started asking questions about the Lord. This has never happened in my house. I sat on the bed with my wife and said "you want to see something cool?" she asked what? I handed her the Bible and told her to open to the book of Revelation. When she opened it I said read to yourself. I started to quote it out loud as she read. We went through the hole thing . I had never read it before then. She is the only one that I have told about what had happened to me. "Until now". More visions have come to me since that first time and, "I know" that what he has told me is true. I don't question it now. They (the visions) come often and, are more clear every day. Unknown 2002 I was at a country fair in a large field. There were white tents all around, and in each tent was a different form of entertainment. I went to the country-music tent to see George Strait (isn't that a hoot?), and after his performance I went backstage to visit with him. My mom and dad were there with me, and also my husband and two small children. The air was festive and jolly; we were milling about chatting with other fairgoers when suddenly there was a loud rumble and the ground began to shake. We ran outside to see the road split open. The ground continued to shake and the rumble turned into a roar. I felt myself being lifted off the ground and pulled toward the sky. I called out "Mom!?!" but I couldn't turn around to see if any of my family was coming with me. As I was pulled upwards, I saw the clouds part and sunbeams shine down, and I began to shout, "Thank you Jesus! Praise God in Heaven!" I woke up with these words on my lips, tingling from head to toe thinking, "Wow!" Unknown Date: 1980's-1990's I too have had (two) rapture dreams. The first was in the late 1980's, the second in the early 90's. First dream: I was at a family gathering when my sister came in. She told us she came by a cemetary at a small country church and many of the graves were opened and the bodies were gone. The scene changed at that point, then I saw a town where people were screaming, crying and trying to go in the rapture, some were even jumping off buildings thinking they would go. They could see their loved ones going and they were not. The scene changed again and I was looking out over a far reaching landscape, and could see many miles in all directions. There were mountains, valleys, towns and cities situated here and there in this picure. There was this great white light in the upper right corner of the sky and streams of people coming up to this light from the towns and cities.Then I saw a hand write across the sky, " The harvest is plenteous, but my laborers are few." End of dream. Second dream: There was a huge container as big as a very large mountain. It was made of huge iron plates and had steel straps around it holding it together. Over the top of those plates I could see ashes with little wispies of smoke coming up here and there. There was a wide road leading up to this place, and it went up the side to the top. I saw a ledge on the side of this place about half way down on the South side. Myself and a group of people were on this ledge looking on in horror as many wrecked vehicles were driving up to this place. In my dreams, the vehicle always represents lives and the condition of the vehicle shows the spiritual condition. As the vehicle got up close to this awful place, the wide road acted like a conveyer belt, pulled them on to the top and just dumped them in. At that point, I knew it was time to go. I said, "It is time to go." Then what looked similar to a childs slide appeared at the side of the ledge and we could not see the other end of it as it went way off in the distance. We began to get onto the slide and it whooshed us very far away. We were then in a very beautiful and peaceful place. We then heard a huge explosion, so loud it shook the heavens. We knew something terrible happened back on the earth. End of dream. Unknown July 19, 2002 About six months ago, I had a dream that I was in a wedding dress, looking at myself in a full length mirror, as if making final preparations before the wedding.

On Friday, July 19th, I had another dream. A very excited man, dressed in formal attire, greets me and tells me that this is a place that is very special. It is where a wedding is going to take place. This place is only for this one wedding - there has never before been a wedding like this one. It is the only one of its kind. He then tells me to go down a staircase. I turn and see a stairwell. What stands out the most to me is that the stairs and walls are made of solid rock. It is a very narrow stairwell. In fact, it is so narrow that I realize there is only enough room for one person at a time to take the stairs. After I take the stairs, the same man greets me, if he has been waiting for my arrival. I see more men dressed in formal attire. They are standing at the front, waiting anxiously. I sense that there is a large crowd behind me and behind the men. There is a feeling of excitement and anticipation in the room. I ask the gentleman what is happening and with a big smile he tells me that "The wedding is about to begin!". Unknown Date: 06/24-25/02 On July 24, 2002 I heard this message as I was waking up, "one more year." On July 25, 2002, I heard another message as I was waking up,"Write the vision upon the tablet and make it plain, so he that heareth it may run with it. Though the vision tarries it is set for an appointed time. It shall speak and not lie." On July 26, I saw my son, who passed away two years ago at the age of 7 in a casket. He (Sean) was knocking on a glass casket door. The seal of the door was opened and he came out of the casket. His first words were "I am hungrey." Many people came to see him, and wanted to view the resurrection power of God. The people said "how come you did not tell us about him. And I replied that I wanted to enjoy him a little while longer, first. On Thursday, I saw a (child size) white casket on rollers with a wreath on top of it being raised up out of the grave. I have often asked a dear friend of mine, what if there is time between the resurrection of those who have gone home first and those of us to follow. I don't know, but am sure that we will see the resurrection power of GOD. I have never told the story on the internet about when my son went home to be with Jesus, that the LORD brought him back three days later, and he told me about heaven. I was told that we would see the resurrection power of God, and that Sean was chosen as one of those who would return. Many people in my town have heard the message, and also many people at my job as well. Some have even written the prophecy down and are awaitning his return. I have told many people that God said that we have no ideal about what is about to happened. There is so much that I'm unable to write here, because of space. But , I know that there will be many resurrected before Christ's return to tell us about the depth, breadth, height, and width of the love of God. This will one of God last attempt for mankind's salvation. Unknown Date: 07/02 I had a dream too about a month ago. I was standing in a desolate place and people were near me but I did not see them. The clouds were an orange red color and began to roll backwards like a wave rolling up. It began to reveal something... Something 3D and brilliantly bright across the sky..... It was absolutely Huge!..... There was no doubt seeing this who it was that would appear!... It was a gigantic cross!!!!! The people around me fell into despair. I spoke the words "the sign of the son of man" and fell to my knees praying. (After thinking for a moment that I must have missed something important if I am still on earth seeing this!) I found these verses that morning and discovered only the book of Matthew describes the SIGN of the Son of Man. Also, I did not know these verses well enough to remember them or know them well in my waking time much less sleeptime. Now I do. Matthew 24 30"At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. Isaiah 34:4 All the stars of the heavens will be dissolved and the sky rolled up like a scroll; all the starry host will fall like withered leaves from the vine, like shriveled figs from the fig tree. Unknown Date: 2002 One consisted of me being on a beach, and feeling the gentle tug of the undertoe pull at my feet. Then the tug got stronger. Then almost all the water was sucked from where I was, then I looked back, and saw a gigantic wave, then watched as it toppled over me. I was miraculously able to float up to the top, and as I

looked out from being in the water, I saw an entire city engulfed with water. I was the only survivor. The other dream was of a major city. I don't know what it was, but it had a bridge, and many buildings with lights. It was at night. Then, out of nowhere, something came from the sky, and buildings were falling into water, and the bridge broke and flipped over onto the land. Many died, and chaos filled the streets. I did not bother moving, I feared not. Unknown Date: 6/01 I had a Rapture dream in which I walked into a very white version of the Twin Cities International airport.I looked all around me and things were either painted in white or it was glass.In the distance I could see some Christian nurses that I used to work with at a local psych unit, and I could also see that the airport wasn't crowded. When I got over to them, I was greeted warmly and one of them told me that it was going to be soon now.I looked up towards the front and could see a guy who was up high on a ladder, putting up lift up points/locations of where people were going to be raptured from on this earth.I could tell based upon the work that he was doing, that he was almost done with his list. Unknown Date:2002 I posted my dream about the rapture a few months ago and here is the shortened version. I was a passenger in a car on main st in our town, don't know who was driving, when all of the sudden I looked out the front window of the car and the sun looked like it was a 100 times bigger than normal. As I was looking at it I suddenly saw something coming toward the earth that at first looked like a bright star but as it got closer I realized it was Jesus. He had his arms outstretched as if he were gathering us to him. I remember saying, I hope I'm worthy several times and then I felt myself rising up. I don't know if the driver of the car went also or not. Anyway, I woke up right after the dream and I can't even describe with words how wonderful I felt. I also had the feeling I should share the dream with anyone who would listen. Unknown Date: 08/02 I had a Rapture dream less than 10 days ago - it was sometime last week. I dreamed I was outside (not at a recognizable place, but definitely outside), and Jesus Himself appeared and told me the Rapture would happen on Saturday. Of course, he didn't say it WHICH Saturday. The best part of this very brief dream was the sensation of serenity I felt. There was no fear or hesitation or anxiety of any kind - just pure peace and calm. I awoke with the same sensation still around me. Unknown Date:? In 1984 I had a rapture dream. I was in the door way of a house and in the distance I could see a missile striking and the ensuing explosion. Just as the concussion wave approached the house I was in, my feet lifted off the floor and I was raptured. But I have to say that previous dreams before that, America was attacked with bombs and artillery, with people running down the streets to find safety and sanctuary. Within the last few years I have started having "dreams" again. One, of people dying but not by explosives. People perished by the thousands, (some survived) due to a spore of some sort that rained down from the sky. It landed on the ground and would take root, blossom then rupture and release more spores. Kinda like mushrooms. Anyone that inhaled these spores immediately became sick, most of them died. Some however lived and were trying to help others and clean up the gray spores that covered the whole place like ashes. Unknown Date: 1992 Ten years ago, I came from a Hindu background to the Lord. A month later (6/6), a day before the Water Baptism, the Lord gave a vision, in it my family were all indoors, and we had couple of visitors, then the sky turned gold, the three of us ran out and saw the Lord in the sky (from north to south- ) stretched out. His hair was all white, and He wore a white tunic, with gold sash, something similar to what you read in Revelation. We three rushed out to the drive way, held hands to be taken up and our neighbours watching us ..but never got off the terra firma. Then in October (13/10), I was in a prayer meeting this took place. I was in the Pentecostal church then, and though they believed in Rapture (mid-trib) but it was not taken seriously. As a new Christian I questioned

the Lord, for I felt only Paul had written about it in his letters. I was with my mother, and we bowed our heads to pray, and next minute I was not aware at all that I was in the meeting, but I vividly know I had a real life experience. I was with my mum, and my son and we were going up passing the clouds. We were wearing white, shiny linen/satin, and our skin was all copper colour, and our hair was long and coppery too. My mum saying excitedly, we are going up, we are going up. My son who is normally quite boisterous, just kept silent - in silent awe of the whole thing. I felt the cold air touching my hair and body. There were many, many people all in white and I saw a lot of old, men all in white. We travelled quite a distance (felt like being pulled up by a magnet) and then we passed the Lord, but He was only wearing a white tunic (not shiny like ours) and with out stretched hands blessing us. We passed the Lord, and went to a place where there were clouds, which resembled quilted, bedspread, of yellowish gold colour- it was so soft to walk on. I saw a whole host of people bowing down at a bright light in front. I, out of my curiosity, turned to look back, to see what was behind me and came down with a thud to reality. I know it was not a dream but an experience, for I was breathing heavily, as if I had run a marathon, and even my mum who was next to me thought that there was something wrong with me, but I would not open up and share with the group for fear of being ridiculed. Nevertheless, this has given us strength all these years for us to go steadfast knowing that the Rapture is a reality and the Lord will come. Even if my head is put on the block I will never deny this. This is precious to me. It has held me through difficult times, and I know the Lord gave me this, for my understanding was limited at that time, and my faith was weak. Further coming from the Hindu religion it was very, very hard, but we are walking the narrow road.

Ordinary People
Page Links Updated : 08/28/10 Rev 19:11 Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! He who sat upon it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. Rev 19:12 His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems; and he has a name inscribed which no one knows but himself. Rev 19:13 He is clad in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God. Rev 19:14 And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, followed him on white horses. Rev 19:15 From his mouth issues a sharp sword with which to smite the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron; he will tread the wine press of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. Rev 19:16 On his robe and on his thigh he has a name inscribed, King of kings and Lord of lords. 2Th 2:8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the breath of His mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming, Rom 14:11 For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to God." Newt's Page

Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth

Excerpt from: Prophecies by David Wilkerson 1985 First paragraph, chapter one-"America is going to be destroyed by fire! Sudden destruction is coming and few will escape. Unexpectedly, and in one hour, a hydrogen holocaust will engulf America -- and this nation will be no more. "America has sinned against the greatest light. Other nations are just as sinful, but none are as flooded with gospel light as ours. God is going to judge America for its violence, its crimes, its backsliding, its murdering of millions of babies, its flaunting of homosexuality and sadomasochism, its corruption, its drunkenness and drug abuse, its form of godliness without power, its lukewarmness toward Christ, its rampant divorce and adultery, its lewd pornography, its child molestations, its cheatings, its robbings, its dirty movies, and its occult practices. In one hour it will all be over. To the natural mind it is insanity to come against a prosperous, powerful nation and cry out, 'It's all over! Judgment is at the door! Our days are numbered!' The Church is asleep, the congregations are at ease, and the shepherds slumber. How they will scoff and laugh at this message. Theologians will reject it because they can't fit it into their doctrine. The pillow prophets of peace and prosperity will publicly denounce it. "I no longer care. God has made my face like flint and put steel in my backbone. I am blowing the Lord's trumpet with all my might. Let the whole world and all the church call me crazy, but I must blow the trumpet and awaken God's people. Believe it or not, America is about to be shaken and set aside by swift and horrible judgments. Many other praying believers who have been shut in with God are hearing the very same

message - 'Judgment is at the door! Prepare, awaken!'" Later in the chapter-- an attack from Russia, and "The great holocaust follows an economic collapse in America. The enemy will make its move when we are weak and helpless... America will not Repent... God promised to preserve America only if it turned from its evil... This nation has not repented but has turned its back... I see Almighty God even now slowly turning His back on this nation. America is on the verge of committing the unpardonable sin by resisting the Holy Ghost. Soon, there will be repentance only for individuals, but not for the nation." GOD BLESS AND KEEP YOU IN HIS LOVE November 11, 2002 Prophecy In the most trying of times, the Lord instructs us to rejoice and be glad in him. In Psalm 9, David says, "I will be glad in thee"(verse 2). Why? Because "the Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed in times of trouble" (verse 9). I believe that one of the greatest testimonies to a fearful and bewildered society will be the peace, joy and serenity of God's people in times of distress and terror. Those who trust the Lord completely will be given supernatural rest and peace. No evil report will rob them of their gift of confidence in God's faithfulness to them. Here in New York City we see signs of a great financial storm brewing. Next year this city faces a six-billion-dollar black hole, with the possibility of 25,000 layoffs of city workers. New York City employs over 250,000 municipal workers. Wall Street is laying off many thousands more, in addition to the 20,000 who have already been laid off. We see more and more homeless people sleeping on the streets in cardboard boxes. City shelters are now overcrowded, and the problem grows worse by the week. Vacant office space is mounting. Rents are falling. A number of fire stations will be closed. Not a single government official, state or city, has a solution. The city cannot borrow any more money. The state cannot bail out the city, because it faces a budget shortfall exceeding $10 billion. The mayor is warning the city that very hard times are coming. Even now, signs of civil unrest are evident. I HAVE BEEN WARNING FOR A LONG TIME THAT AMERICA'S LARGEST, MOST PROSPEROUS CITY WILL GO BANKRUPT. I HAVE ALSO PREDICTED THAT NEWYORK CITY IS GOING TO EXPLODE WITH OVER 1,000 FIRES RAGING THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE METROPLEX. I tell you, we are nearing the fulfillment of this awful prophetic vision I've seen coming. A season of total anarchy is racing down upon us. Young people will be breaking into clothing stores, stealing everything in sight. Unemployed workers will also take to the streets, looting and burning. In the not-too-distant future, the National Guard will not be able to handle all the street warfare. I am so sure of this that I am making contingency plans to be in a position to shelter and feed as many people as possible during this period of chaos. We will not run. We will be here in the middle of it all, to minister in what I truly believe will be a war zone. The explosion of violence will spread to other cities. I dread the thought. But I must prophesy what I see. And, in and through it all, God's people who trust him will maintain an inner calm and gladness, resting in the Lord's promises.

top David Wilkerson

The following are additional dreams, visions and prophecies of Dimitru Duduman not found on the original Dreams and Visions site.

China and Russia Strike

Dumitru Duduman April 22, 1996 Vision

I prayed, then went to bed. I was still awake, when suddenly I heard a trumpet sound. A voice cried out to me, "Stand!" In my vision, I was in America. I walked out of my home, and began to look for the one who had spoken to me. As I looked, I saw three men dressed alike. Two of the men carried weapons. One of the armed men came to me. "I woke you to show you what is to come. he said. "Come with me." I didn't know where I was being taken, but when we reached a certain place he said, "stop here!" A pair of binoculars was handed to me, and I was told to look through them. "Stand there, don't move, and look," he continued. "You will see what they are saying, and what they are preparing for America." As I was looking, I saw a great light. A dark cloud appeared over it. I saw the president of Russia, a short, chubby man, who said he was the president of China, and two others. The last two also said where they were from, but I did not understand. However, I gathered they were part of Russian controlled territory. The men stepped out of the cloud. The Russian president began to speak to the Chinese one. "I will give you the land with all the people, but you must free Taiwan of the Americans. Do not fear, we will attack them from behind." A voice said to me, "Watch where the Russians penetrate America." I saw these words being written: Alaska; Minnesota; Florida. Then, the man spoke again, "When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning." The other two presidents spoke, "We, too, will fight for you." Each had a place already planned as a point of attack. All of them shook hands and hugged. Then they all signed a contract. One of them said, "We're sure that Korea and Cuba will be on our side, too. Without a doubt, together, we can destroy America." The president of Russia began to speak insistently, "Why let ourselves be led by the Americans? Why not rule the world ourselves? They have to be kicked out of Europe, too! Then I could do as I please with Europe!" The man standing beside me asked, "This is what you saw: they act as friends, and say they respect the treaties made together. But everything I've shown you is how it will REALLY happen. You must tell them what is being planned against American. Then, when it comes to pass, the people will remember the words the Lord has spoken." Who are you?" I asked. "I am the protector of America. America's sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a clean heart as they do His work. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people." I As I looked, a great army, well armed and dressed in white, appeared before me. "Do you see that?" the man asked. "This army will go to battle to save My chosen ones. Then, the difference between the Godly and the ungodly will be evident."

America, the Falling Star

January 23,1992 Dream It was late. After prayer I went to sleep. In my dream, I heard a loud noise. I began to look around me. When I looked up, I saw a big star in the sky but, it's tips were bent. Suddenly, I heard the sound of

hoofbeats, which were getting closer and closer. When I looked where the noise was coming from, I saw four horses pulling an old fashioned chariot. In the chariot were four men. They were armed with heavy artillery and they began to shoot at the star. The star began to burn. Then it fell from the sky. I woke up and told Mike the dream. He asked me what it meant. When I told him I didn't know, he told me to pray, and if it was of God, He would let me dream it again. I prayed, and again tried to fall asleep. I was nodding off, when again I heard the noise and saw the star with it's bent tips. Again I heard the hoofbeats. But this time when I looked up, there were six horses; and six men were in the chariot. All of them had masks on and they were armed. Again they began to shoot at the star. The star began to burn again and fell. Frightened, I woke up. Being troubled, I prayed again and asked God for an explanation. I could not fall asleep for a few hours, but when I did, the same dream came again. This time the noise was even greater. Again the star appeared, with the same crooked tips. Again I heard the horses. This time though, there weren't four or six horses. There were eight horses; and eight men were in the chariot. Again they fired upon the star, and it fell. This time, when it hit the ground, it blew up. In the same place where the star used to be, appeared a man dressed in white. He said, "The star represents America. The reason the tips are crooked, is because America has fallen away from the Truth, and the Way of God. The eight horses, and the men in the chariot, represent eight kings that will rise up against America and will overcome her." Then the dream ended. That same morning, during my prayer time, I saw a red flag with light blue and white in the left corner. It was bleeding. May God keep us awake, and ready.


June 1992 Dream I dreamed I was in Florida, in a motel room. Suddenly, I was sitting on a balcony on the second floor wainting for Michael to come. I heard screams, and I saw men, women and children who were running some falling along the way. Among the people on the street there was also a policemen with a bullhorn, who kept yelling, "Keep running! There's a rabid dog loose, and it's coming this way." Then, suddenly as I was looking to see what would happen, I saw a very big dog that was foaming at the mouth. When he was right below me, he growled, and turned into Saddam Hussein! Changing back into a dog, he began to run after the people. Running after the dog was a horse, which was so big, his head reached the second floor where I was standing. When he was about to pass me, he stopped for a few seconds, and the galloped after the dog. Then I woke up.

November 8, 1992 Prophecy "Dark days and days of sadness are soon coming," says the Lord. "Not long will pass and the One who is to come will come and He will not tarry. The days are coming when the kings of the earth will wail loudly. The evil that you see being allowed over Romania is because the people, in their greed, have become corrupt. They have started to practice wickedness and they are proud. Even some of My people whom I have chosen have given in to sinful things believing that they are fighting only for themselves. This is why I the Lord have allowed, and do allow the hardships. Do not be astonished by what you see, for the poverty and hunger will grow. The hardships will be even greater. But it will not be allowed for long because the prayers of the hungry children have reached Me." "Everything is prepared for the killing, the battles and the crimes. The plunders and the troubles are close and shall come to pass in a short time. After all this, things will change in such a way that you did not think possible. Those that are haughty, I the Lord will humble. You will receive with the same cup that you give if you are poor or if you are a king. God is no respecter of persons. After all these things happen in Romania, the evil will turn toward the country that you now live in."(USA) "Tell my people to be prepared and be careful," says the Lord, "for everything I have decided will happen. Do not say in your hearts that the Lord has said many things that have not happened yet because all things

are decided by Me and everything has it's appointed time. Draw closer to the Lord your God and cease doing evil things that I may give you victory. I the Lord will work in ways that you cannot even imagine, but be holy." "The sin of the great whore has spread throughout the world. The stench of her sin has reached me and it will not be long until I will raise the whole Arab world, the Russians and other countries against her, that they may destroy her."

top Dumitru Duduman

My Vision of the Russian Attack on North America

J. Reg King Late 1940's Vision In the vision I saw things happening, and understood in my mind, as it was revealed to me, as to the location and who they were. The Russian forces were coming out of the area of the Bathurst Inlet. I remember how astonished I was, because they were there undetected. They had a large mobile military attack force, with heavy armour. Then the scene changes and I saw Russian and U.S. fighter planes in aerial combat over the Alsask, Alberta area, which is near the Saskatchewan border. The invasion route was in the general area of the Alberta and Saskatchewan border along 110 degrees longitude. I was very amazed that hostile aircraft could get so near to the U.S. border, and not be detected and intercepted before that time. Again the scene changes and I realized the enemy land forces to be just north of the 60th parallel, also as yet undetected, and without any resistance from either Canadian or U.S. forces. The visionary experience was given to me in the late 1940's and I remember my absolute amazement that an enemy could penetrate so far into our beloved Canada and not be detected. Also, lastly, a date was given to me, but not the year, which was January 26, ????. And the enemy was using bacterial or germ warfare.

top J Reg King Hollie L. Moody

Veronica Lueken Prophecies 1968 to 1995. Nuclear Holocaust August 21, 1985 "Many countries shall be embroiled in wars, until we have the greatest war ever seen, nor shall ever be seen again, the Third World War, which shall engulf the nations. And many nations shall disappear from the force of the armaments being gathered now throughout Russia." Russian Deceit "The word of Russia is not good, for what communism means is liars, and murderers, deceivers straight from the bowels of hell." October 2, 1987 "Do not be deceived, My children, Russia is not free. It is a cosmetic act to delude you. Lenin and Stalin used the same tactics, My children. Why do you not learn from your errors?" June 18, 1992 Russia's Master Plan April 2, 1977 "O My children, I warned you many years ago, I warned you in Fatima that, unless you prayed and did penance, Russia and the agents of the sickle and the hammer would go throughout the world cutting down

nations and bringing death, destruction, and slavery. And you, My country, America the beautiful, you are all-wise but stupid in management, for you have the picture of your coming destruction right before your face and you refuse to look." More Deception June 18, 1992 For it is their plan to subdue you, once they get the billions that they need in aid, to bring up the economy and buy more armaments. They have not disposed of their armaments, My child and My children. They store them in other nations. They have the same goals as their forefathers." China's Manpower March 26, 1983 "Russia will also utilize the manpower of China as they make their thrust forward." China: The Wick that sets the Word aflame 1979 Veronica - Now Our Lady is pointing over to Her right side, the left side of the sky. And I see a very large ball forming. It looks like a globe of the world; but strangely it has a, like a wick on the top. And now coming out of the sky, I see a very comical-looking figure. I think he's comical; then again he's kind of frightening. His face is extremely fat, and his teeth are huge. But he looks like an Oriental of some kind. He's smiling in a very strange way. I notice he hashe's short and has like a stubby type of body. But he's grinning in a very evil-looking way. As he stands with his hands behind him, he's looking about now and it looks as though he's waiting for something. Oh, my goodness! Now he's bringing out from behind his back what appears to be a long tapered candle. And he's reaching up now. The candle has a light on it; it looks like he's about to touch the wick on the bomb. It looks like a bomb, but it looks like the world with a wick sticking out of it. Oh, my goodness! He's a verydon't know who he is; I don't recognize him. But he's an Oriental and has very large teeth; and the grin, even, the way he's grinning makes his teeth verykind of prominent. But he hasI must say he gives you a feeling of fright because his smile is very evil. Now I can't see him. It's as though a veil is being placed over the scene. Now Our Lady is moving over closer to our left side, Her right side. Our Lady - "My child and My children, I have given you now sight of what is to be soon. You will understand in the near future, My children. And you, My child, will not reveal the writing beneath it. Look now, remember, but do not repeat. [Pause] "Remember, My child: Look, remember, but do not repeat." (July 25, 1979) Veronica - And there he is again, that terrible-looking man. I don't know who he is, but he has an Oriental appearance. I can see now what appears to be a globe, a globe of the world, but you could almost picture it as a bomb because it has a wick on the top of it. Now overstanding next to it, gloatingly, with a most satanic-looking, evil smile on his face, a smile so big that his teeth are extended, and they look very large in his mouth, almost exaggeratedhe is a short man, quite husky. He's in some kind of a uniform that I don't recognize. It'slooks like an olive green color. And now he's standing there as though he's gloating over something, and he's taking his hand now from behind his back again and holding out his long tapered candle. He has a very thin, long tapered candle that's lighted, and now he's reaching over again to light the wick, as thoughI do believe it must indicate starting perhaps a, a terrible war or something. I get that impression from his uniform and the fact he's lighting the wick upon the world. (August 4, 1979) China - Dragon & Russia - Bear attack the USA July 15, 1970 Our Lady - "The eagle is plucked. He will not rise again." Veronica saw in vision an eagle stretched out flat on his stomach, with his head hanging weakly to the side, struggling to get up. His feathers were all about him, plucked out. There were three creatures by him. Two of them were leaving his vanquished form. These two had the forms of a dragon and a lizard. The lizard had a most unusually long tongue. There was the other creature, the third, that looked like a bear, still beating on the fallen eagle. July 15, 1970 The Bear Rages November 20, 1978 "O My children of the United States, do you not understand what is ahead for you? Your country, the

United States, has not known what it is to suffer through destructive forces. My children, you shall not escape the destruction that the Bear of communism has set upon many countries in Europe and the world." Landing points for the Invasion? Veronica - There are now areas being like pinpointed upon the map. I see California. It looks like southern California, and there are two dots on that side of the map, two in southern California. Now there is a line developing. It's sort of an areaI can tell that it's a line that's marking out something. It's going directly across the southern part of the United States, and it's stopping just over the left border of Georgia, and there's one point being made there. They're likeseem to be landing points for something going to happen. Now the line continues and it's now swerving upward and it's going into North Carolina. And then, suddenly the line is likeoh, I don't knowtaking a fast curve over to the east coast. But then, as it goes along the coast, I see a large question mark. It appears tothat line appears to be heading northward along the east coast, and there's another question mark. I don't know how to explain it. It's a very ominous looking map. See Map below


Our Lady - "You will understand soon, My child." April 9, 1977 "My child, let the world know that Nicaragua is a center point for the capitulation of the United States of America and Canada. Already there are plans afoot, and in the making, with missiles and all dire instruments of destruction. These plans are being formulated from Nicaragua, to go into Mexico, and thereupon into the United States." June 18, 1987 Red invasion from Nicaragua June 18, 1987 "My child, let the world know that Nicaragua is a center point for the capitulation of the United States of America and Canada. Already there are plans afoot, and in the making, with missiles and all dire instruments of destruction. These plans are being formulated from Nicaragua, to go into Mexico, and thereupon into the United States." U.S. Surrounded "Many warnings are being given to mankind and these will increase in nature. Horrible life-taking forces of nature shall be allowed to come upon you. All this is to take place while the enemy of God and your nation is surrounding you with submarines and planning a missile attack." Master plan for the takeover . . . "Do not take lightly the reports of ships out on the sea and submarines. They are there, My child and My children, and they are not out for a joy ride. It is all part of the master plan for the takeover of the United

States and Canada." 6-18-92 Not long to exist as free nation . . . "I know, I heard the voice also, My child, that said that the United States shall be taken over without a shot to ring out. That is not true, My children. Should they advance upon you as they plan, there will be bloodshed in the streets, blood flowing and mothers' hearts breaking in sorrow. Oh, how they will gnash their teeth and cry bitter tears of regret that they did not foresee or listen to the voices from Heaven crying out: Prepare now, for you do not have much longer to exist as a free nation." 4-14-84 Russia submarines off U.S. East Coast . . . Veronica - The sky is opening up, and I seem to be looking at a body of water. I'm standing over on a hill and looking out, and to my shock, I see something coming out of the water. Oh, it's a submarine! it's a submarine! Now as I said that, it seemed to dive down very fast into the sea. Now Jesus is pointing over, and I'm looking at the skyline of New York as you're coming in from Long Island. I'm looking at the skyline, and there just in front of me is that submarine. Now it's diving, and it's going aboutI don't know it'sI don't know where it's heading, but it's very deep. But I noticed the submarine is off the New York skyline, the New York side of the United States. Now Jesus is going like this, and the scene is fading away; it's disintegrating just like it was made of smoke. And the sky has returned to its closed state of darkness. And Jesus is now telling me to look down. I'm looking down, and it appears to be a subway station, but there's no one. I know, I recognize tracks going into a tunnel. There's no one about in this tunnel. I seem to feel that is has been discarded as a major network for the trains. Now, Our Lady and Jesus now are standing at my side. I'm standing with Them on the platform. And Jesus says: "Look, My child, what is coming in..." Warhead in subway station . . . Veronica - And there on the tracksit's made of wheelsthere's a carting, some type of a carting train-like board. And on thisI know, I know it's a bomb, a very large bomb, and it has a point, like a Vshape upside down, pointed type of nozzle, or whatever you'd call it. I don't know the mechanics of bombs or anything, but I know it's a bomb. And the Jesus touched His lips. He said: "Warhead! A warhead!" It's an underground tunnel that's not being used for transporting the passengers at this time. It's been abandoned. But it has made, said Jesus, an ideal parking place for a major destructive force that man has createda missile. Our Lady - "My child and My children, there is one fact that must be brought forward to all mankind. I know that many have tried to make up for the void that the bishops of your country and the world have created when they will not go about and consecrate the major offender in this world now, Russiawill not consecrate Russia to theboth the Immaculate Heart. My Son and I, We wish to save you from this destruction. And there is only one way that you can; that's through penance and prayer. You future which is coming to a point of what you call the end of an era, your future is upon you. "The United States of America shall not escape this time the punishments and the desolation of the nation that has gone now throughout the world with Russia as the main force for this evil. Major invasion of U.S. and Canada . . . "Man was created to live peacefully. Man was created to know his God, and in this manner to have a world that is not a paradise, but one in which man could live in peace and security. But now all of the leaders of the world run about and they say it is peace, it is security. Their words are like two prongs from the mouth; they say those words, but then they turn their backs and they are busy getting ready for a major invasion of the United States and Canada. "Yes, My child, all who read and listen to the Message must know that there is a plan now for Russia, a plan against the United States and Canada. Your nation and Canada are surrounded!" Cuba - one offender . . . Veronica - Oh, oh. Now Jesus is pointing over towards Cuba. I see a whole map of the United States, and Jesus is pointing to Cuba. Jesus - "One offender!"He says"One offender among many, stockpiling all manner of destruction for another, their brothers and their sisters. "This is permitted, My child and My children, for one reason: Wars are a punishment for man's sins. "Many warnings have been given to mankind, minor chastisements, and they go about, like their ears are

deafened, their eyes are blind, and they cannot see what is fast coming upon them." Pacifying the enemy . . . "You must pray for all of the heads of states. You must pray for the teachers who have been fast defiling the innocence of young children. "This aura of modernism, pacifismpacifying the enemyfor what? The enemy has come into your country, the United States, while you were asleep. They do not seek to take over by human methods of men. They have taken over by coming through the back door while your leaders were asleep, or their spirits had flown and they were ripe for the infiltration of satan. "My child, the last time We spoke to you, We told you that there was a far greater message to be given to mankind. This is the message: THAT RUSSIA PLANS TO INVADE THE UNITED STATES WITH MISSILES! "There is much that you don't know, My poor children, or perhaps some think it best that you don't know what is happening within your governments. Many of the newspapers and other means of relaying this to you have been silenced. "But I, as your Mother, beg intercession through Jesus to the Eternal Father and the Holy Ghost to spare you these terrible punishments. If there is a need for more victim souls, let them be satisfied to know that they have been warned. "My child, I know this has been a complete shock to you, but this message must go throughout the world. Awaken those who sleep before it is too late." (3-26-83) Soviet submarines going to Cuba . . . Veronica - Oh, I don't, I don't know where it's at, but I see a lot of boats. Oh, they're submarines; they're just coming to the surface. And they look like they're off the coast. There's a map; Our Lady's pointing towards the map of the United States. Hmm. I live on Long Island, and that sure looks like they're coming off the Long Island area. Now, as though they have been alerted to something, they're going now down into the water. But they are going now underI can see; Jesus has me watching themundersea, and they are going to Cuba. I know it's Cuba. Now what they're doing in Cuba I don't know, but it appears that the Soviets are arming them. Jesus - "Yes, My child, you have spoken well and directed it as I wanted you to. Now this has to be known." Number of dead will be counted in the millions . . . Our Lady - "O My children, how I wanted to caress you and tell you good news, for I am not the bearer of bad news always. I am your Mother and must tell you the truth. I repeat again. My child Veronica, you repeat now in your weakened state, again: the Pope, John Paul II, and all the bishops of the world must allot one day on which they will pray for the conversion of Russia. Not one day for the world, but one day for Russia; or else, I tell you now, Russia will go about and annihilate, destroy many countries. Nations shall disappear from the face of the earth in the twinkling of an eye. That is how desperate the situation is now throughout your world, My children. "The word of Russia is not good, for what communism means is liars, and murderers, deceivers straight from the bowels of hell.... "My child and My children, prayer has not become a way of life for many. That is why communism has got such a foothold in your country and in other countries of the world. The prayers given to you in your childhood will be remembered always, I know, My children; but there are those who have not received these prayers in their schools, for prayer has been outlawed in many areas of your country and the world. It took but a few without faith to bring down the flag, for even your country's flag is being defiled, My children. I speak both of the United States and Canada, for when the great Tribulation falls upon them, they will have to hold each other up; for they cannot escape through the waters to get help. They will not escape through the skies, but the number of dead will be counted in the millions." (10-2-87)

The Rapture
Many Shall Be Taken Up in the Rapture Jesus - "My children, there are many good to be saved; there are many children of God still in these areas about your country. However, I cannot promise you a life without thorns upon your earth. Many good will suffer with the bad. There will be a gradual removal from within your world of the good; many shall die in their earthly bodies and many shall be taken up in the rapture." (7-15-77) The Rapture Our Lady - "I give you great grace of heart, My children, to know that many shall be taken from your earth before the great Chastisement. It will be of great mirth, My child, to reveal to you that there will be much consternation and conflicting thought when these beloved children disappear from the earth. Many of your news medias shall state that they have been carried off by flying saucers. Oh no, My children! They were

carried off into a supernatural realm of the Eternal Father to await the return of My Son upon earth." (12-7-76) Jesus - "Man shall be working out in the field. One shall be taken. Man shall say, 'Where has he gone? He has disappeared without warning ' A woman shall work at the spindle - two at the spindle. One shall be taken, and where has she gone? The mystery unfolds. It is in the plan of the Eternal Father that many shall be taken from among you. The mystery shall befound man. "I promise in those days that those who remain shall meet with Me to establish My Kingdom of peace and joy upon your earth." (1-31-76) Jesus - "Sin is insanity, and one sinful man shall set the world aflame. A world on fire and nations disappearing from the very face of the earth! "Many shall be removed in the rapture. My children, the Eternal Father has a plan for each and every life that He has placed upon earth." (5-27-78) Jesus - "Now, My child and My children, you will firmly now go forward without any hesitation. You must get the Message from Heaven out as fast as humanly possible, for your time is growing short. Remember, without prayers and atonement, the world will become devastated. The Third World War will leave no earth upon the land. There will be no earth, there will be no human beings; but a grouping would have been taken up into Heaven, My child and My children, to await the terrible devastation that falls upon mankind." "Yes, My child, numerous earth years ago I told you that some will be removed before the great cataclyst. All who are of well spirit need not give their lives to the Father in fear, but all who are of good spirit will receive many graces to save their families and themselves." (5-28-83)

Veronica Leuken
Landing Points and or a Penetration line? The following are additional dreams and visions of Hollie Moody not found on the Dreams and Visions II site.

The Horsemen Are Riding

Hollie L. Moody October 24,2002 Vision The Lord and I, along with a multitude of people, had just reached shore. We had come across a stormy sea in little wooden boats. As we stood upon the shore, I heard a noise from behind me coming from the sea. I looked over my shoulder and saw shapes rising up from the raging waves of the sea. The shapes collected into a large mob over the water. I saw that these shapes were frogs, lizards, salamanders, etc. Yet these creatures had faces which appeared demonic. I watched as these creatures dispersed in every direction, screeching and howling, toward every nation of the world. As one group of these creatures flew over my head towards my own nation, I instinctively ducked down. "What are those creatures?" I asked the Lord. "Spirits of deception," the Lord replied. The multitude of people around and with me had already formed into two groups by this stage of the vision. One group of people had already set out ahead. The second group of people had also divided into groups. One group was composed of those who were weak, frightened, injured, weary, etc. The second group within this group were ministering to the weaker members. They were comforting them, and helping to bear them up as they walked. This group of people also, finally, set out after the first group of people. I noticed as I looked around that this was occurring not only in my nation, but in all the nations of the world. I also realized that somehow, the Lord was enabling me to see what was occurring within both groups of people. At first the path we were traveling on was broad and easily seen. There was also a bright light shining around us to help us see our way. Yet further on, the path became rougher and narrower, and it gradually became harder and harder to see where we were going. The light was still there, but the people and I had to keep our eyes on the light at all times in order to see it. If we took our eyes from the light for even a moment, it became dim around us, and we had to search even harder after that in order to finally fix our gazes once again upon the light. "Lord," I inquired of the Lord. "What is happening with this light? Why does it only stay bright if we keep our eyes focused constantly on it? Why does it dim if we look away for even a moment?" "The light is My Spirit bringing revelation to My people and to My prophets," the Lord replied. "Whereas at one time, many of My children and My prophets heard My voice easily; in the coming days, it will become more and more difficult for them to receive revelation from Me and to hear My words. They must stay in a constant state and attitude of prayer before Me in order to continue to hear from Me and to receive from Me. The enemy is attempting to smother the sound of My voice and replace it with the sound of his own voice and words. Those of My children and of My prophets who do not wait continually upon Me, will find themselves in spiritual danger of bringing to others words from the enemy, and not from Me. I will not hold guiltless those who fall prey to this snare of deception from the enemy; for I will have no strange fire upon My altar. Waiting upon Me will take much effort on the part of My children and My prophets. They will need to struggle mightily in prayer, and with fasting, to receive each word and revelation from Me. For many, the effort and the sacrifice will be too wearying for them. Those who do pay this price, however, will begin to bring forth words and revelations from Me of much greater depth and anointing. They will not speak as often,

but they will speak forth My word with greater power." I began to realize that as the path grew narrower, it began to force the group of people inward upon itself. The people began to draw closer and closer together. Soon, the second group of people had caught up with the first group of people. One large group of people was once again formed. I noticed that the weaker members of the group were automatically placed within the midst of the people for their safety and protection. I then began to hear the sound of hoofbeats. The group of people I was with seemed to hear the hoofbeats also. I noticed that they were glancing around as I was as if to find where the source of the sound of the hoofbeats was coming from. "What is happening, Lord?" I asked the Lord. "The horsemen are riding," the Lord replied. "Truly, they have already been riding individually. But now, they have joined forces, and are riding together." Suddenly, from every direction, horses with men seated upon their backs burst into my view. I saw white horses, red horses, black horses and what appeared to be horses almost greenish in color. These horses and horsemen charged towards our group. They encircled us and began to ride around us. I heard many of the people in the group begin to cry out in fear. "Fear not!" the Lord's voice rang out in command. "Listen to My voice. If you listen for My voice, the things happening already and about to happen in the nations of your world will not strike fear and terror into your hearts. I will make a way for My people in the midst of all the troubles that are about to befall the earth. You will not fear as those who do not know Me fear. For I am with each of you, and will be with each of you. I will lead you and guide you. But you must keep your eyes upon Me. You must not allow your hearts to be overcome and overwhelmed by the coming evil days. These are times which will try the faith of each of you. But I have prepared you in advance for these days. I have given you warning, and I will give instructions each step of the way in what to expect and how to stay prepared in order to remain victorious." I watched as the horses and horsemen formed into groups of four. Each group contained a white horse, a red horse, a black horse and the sickly looking greenish horse. They then turned from our group of people and furiously rode off into all directions. "What about my nation, Lord?" I asked. "What is coming next to my nation (The United States of America)?" "A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine," the Lord replied softly. "Economic lack is coming to your nation," the Lord said to me. "There are some I will and have begun to instruct to lay up and store certain food, water household and medical supplies. There are others I have instructed to trust in Me daily for their needs, and to refrain from storing up supplies. Nothing will remain stable in your nation for any length of time, child. This ever present uncertainty will cause many to grow weary. A spirit and attitude of quiet despair will begin to prevail. This lassitude will begin to set in place the next area of attack from the enemy." My heart sank within me as I listened to the Lord's words. "Do not allow yourself to lose hope, child," the Lord comforted me. "Have I not already promised that I will be with each of My children? I will not leave them or forsake them. But the days ahead are indeed days filled with evil. "Much has been plotted against your nation, and is being set in motion. A secret treaty your President has signed with two nations will eventually backfire. This will begin to set in motion a time of persecution against My children. The agenda of certain groups of people is targeted against My children and against the Jewish people." "Persecution?" I repeated. "Persecution here, in America, against Your children?" "The persecution will at first come about as lawsuits and restrictions and new laws which will seek to limit the voice of My children within your nation," the Lord replied. "The persecution will then gain momentum and become more and more fierce. Many churches will be fined, and when unable to pay the large fines, will be shut down or sold. Many pastors will be imprisoned for their refusal to be silent against certain sinful practices. Their congregations will be left untended and the sheep will be scattered if these pastors do not begin now to teach and train My children to follow Me and not man. I have set up leadership. It is leadership which will be attacked, and I would have My children know to continue to follow Me even when their leaders are removed." Almost afraid to ask any more questions of the Lord, I remained silent for a brief period of time. "How long, Lord?" I finally asked. "How long will these things continue?" "These things are just the beginning of woes, child," the Lord said to me gently. "I am giving advance warning to My children not to discourage their hearts, but to prepare them. These things are at hand, even at the doors. I command My children to watch and pray, watch and pray, watch and pray. Only then will My children be able to discern My voice and be able to withstand these evil days. "To those who overcome, I will give power to rise above that which would bring them down to cause them discouragement and despair. I have not left My children promiseless or comfortless. I am with them and will not leave them alone. Do you believe this, child?" the Lord asked me. "Yes," I replied. "I believe this." The group I was with stood silently, watching and listening, to the sounds of the horsemen riding. Zechariah 1:8-10 ~~ {8} I saw by night, and behold a man riding upon a red horse, and he stood among the myrtle trees that were

in the bottom; and behind him were there red horses, speckled, and white. {9} Then said I, O my lord, what are these? And the angel that talked with me said unto me, I will show thee what these be. {10} And the man that stood among the myrtle trees answered and said, These are they whom the Lord hath sent to walk to and fro through the earth. Zechariah 6:1-7 ~~ {1} And I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came four chariots out from between two mountains; and the mountains were mountains of brass. {2} In the first chariot were red horses; and in the second chariot black horses; {3} And in the third chariot white horses; and in the fourth chariot grizzled and bay horses. {4} Then I answered and said unto the angel that talked with me, What are these, my lord? {5} And the angel answered and said unto me, These are the four spirits of the heavens, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth. {6} The black horses which are therein go forth into the north country; and the white go forth after them; and the grizzled go forth toward the south country. {7} And the bay went forth, and sought to go that they might walk to and fro through the earth: and he said, Get you hence, walk to and fro through the earth. So they walked to and fro through the earth. Revelation 6:1-8 ~~ {1} And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. {2} And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. {3} And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. {4} And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. {5} And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. {6} And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. {7} And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. {8} And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Woe to New York City

November 11th, 2000 3:19 am Vison Today, I received a "mini-vison." Part of it, an angel was flying towards the United States. The angel had a bowl in his hand, and was intoning, "Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of New York City." Then, the angel poured the bowl out over New York City, and I saw a missile coming across the ocean towards this city.

Vision of China's Revival and Battle

Jan. 25th, 2000 Vision I have had a burden for the nation of China, which has grown since the beginning of this year. As I was praying for this nation this morning, this is what I saw in my mind: I was out way above the earth, in the heavens, looking down upon the earth. My attention was drawn to a very dark spot on the earth. The Lord was with me. "What is that dark spot?" I asked the Lord. "That is the nation of China," the Lord replied. "Come and see." The Lord and I seemed to draw closer to this dark spot on the earth that the Lord had told me was China. I saw as if it were prison bars completely surrounding the entire nation. The nation was in almost total darkness, and even the small, faint light that there was was dim and gloomy looking. There were people from within China pressed up against the prison bars surrounding their country. They were very thin, were in rags, their clothes tattered and filthy. They appeared as if they had been physically beaten. They had blindfolds over their eyes. They were reaching through the bars they were pressed up against, and they were weeping and crying out, "Come to us !!!! Come to us and feed us !!! We are so very hungry. Come to us !!!!" Over and over again they cried these things out. "I have surely heard their prayers and their cries," the Lord said to me. "Behold !!!" The Lord stretched out one of His arms towards the heavens. I looked and saw the sun rising. It was a tremendous, glorious sunrise. The sun was as if it were on fire. The higher the sun came into the sky, the fiercer it burned. It began to permeate the nation of China. The rays of the sun were as flames of fire, and reached down right into the heart of China.

When the sun's rays hit the ground in China, the rays became as flames of fire spreading over the whole ground and nation. The blindfolds on the people's eyes were burned off. The flames entered into their mouths, and they began to "grow fat" before my eyes. They began to sing and shout and dance and rejoice. It was as if the entire nation caught fire and was fully and totally illuminated by the sun, which was now high in the sky directly over China. "Behold, it comes," the Lord said. His voice was filled with tremendous sadness. I felt a sense of impending doom and began to glance uneasily around me. Then, I felt a chill. The chill began to creep across the nation of China. Some of the Chinese people began to feel this chill also. "Work harder !!! Work harder !!! " they cried out to the people around them. "The night is coming. Work while it is yet day and while the glory of the Lord continues to shine upon us." "It is come," the Lord said. I felt tremendous fear enter into my heart. Then, a darkness began to creep across the flaming sun. I glanced up at the sun. It was like an eclipse was taking place. But when I looked closer, I saw that it was a small red dragon that was creeping across the sun. The further across the sun the red dragon crept and covered, the larger the dragon grew. And the darker and dimmer the light of the sun became. The Chinese people were beginning to glance around fearfully and to cry out in terror. "What is it?" they cried out. "What is happening?" The red dragon began to roar. When the Chinese people heard the roars of the dragon, they fell on their faces to the ground, with their hands over their heads and ears. I heard their cries of fear and terror, and felt so much fear and helplessness myself as I saw this transpiring. "They come," the Lord said. When I looked at Him, I became aware that He was weeping over China. I looked back up into the heavens. I saw a large group of smaller dragons forming behind the red dragon. They all began to roar, and to grow larger. Then, with a mighty roar, the red dragon and the dragons following behind him, descended as a lightning bolt into the very heart of China. They brought with them a thick darkness that could be felt. I could see nothing. I felt the Lord put His hands over my eyes. When I opened my eyes back up, I could see into the darkness of China to what was beginning to transpire. The red dragon had a very long tail. With its tail, it had completely covered China. The smaller dragons were beginning to enter into people. When they entered into people, the people would rise up, stand up very tall and straight, with their eyes staring straight ahead. A sword was given unto them, and they began to form in line after line after line, one behind the other; forming a tremendous army. The red dragon continued to roar. Then, when the army of people was formed, the red dragon positioned himself at the head of the army of people. They all faced forward and began to move. As the red dragon, the other dragons, and the vast army of Chinese people began to move, everything that came across its path, was devoured. The red dragon continued to grow larger and larger as it devoured all before it. The smaller dragons and the vast army of Chinese people continued to march. I could hear the sound of their boots as they marched, and it was as thunder. The red dragon, the smaller dragons, and the army of Chinese people marched across the face of the earth; devouring whole nations and peoples as they went. The Chinese army kept its face staring steadfastly straight ahead, never looking to the right or to the left. I saw the red dragon, the smaller dragons, and the Chinese army approaching a sparkling city. This city appeared to be of gold, and had like a gauzy veil over it. "What city is this?" I asked the Lord. "This is Jerusalem," the Lord replied. "My Bride." The red dragon, the smaller dragons, and the Chinese army gave one loud roar, and began to run towards the city the Lord had told me was Jerusalem. The Chinese army had their swords pointed straight ahead. They never seemed to blink. They acted almost like they were robots or zombies. When the red dragon, the smaller dragons, and the Chinese army roared and charged and advanced on Jerusalem, I heard a shout from next to me. I glanced to my right, and saw the Lord. His face was filled with fierce anger. Then, the Lord was gone. I began to glance around, looking to see where the Lord had gone. I heard a shout coming from above my head. I glanced up, and saw the sky above me splitting wide open. I saw a large hole forming in the heavens above me, and such intense light began to pour forth from this hole, that I was knocked down by its brilliance. I felt as if I had been blinded by this light, but when I looked back up, I could still see. I saw a white horse erupt through the hole that had split in the heavens above my head. The Lord was on this white horse's back. The Lord had a flaming sword in His hand, and a shield of pure glittering gold in His other hand. He had a crown of gold upon His head, and was dressed all in white. Then, the Lord and His horse was through the hole in the heavens, and army after army came charging out of the hole behind the Lord. This heavenly army was also all dressed in white, and also had flaming swords and shields of gold. They were also seated on white horses. These were the largest, most magnificent horses I had ever seen. The heavenly army went charging after the Lord, and gathered themselves over the city of Jerusalem. The red dragon, the smaller dragons, and the Chinese army continued to run towards Jerusalem. They continued to roar. The Lord and His armies gave a shout, then they charged at the red dragon, the smaller dragons, and the Chinese army. A terrible battle began.

I could hear thunders, see lightnings, hear the shouts and roars and cries of both armies ~~ the Lord's armies, and the red dragon and his Chinese army. The earth was shaking and quaking and being torn open. Buildings were falling and toppling from within Jerusalem. I heard screams and shouts from the people from within the city of Jerusalem. Then, I heard a deafening blast, such as a dynamite blast, only much much greater. Then, there was a tremendous silence. I heard no more shouts, no more roars, no more screams or cries. All was silent and quiet. When I tried to look around to see what had happened. It was as if I could see nothing. There was a very very thick dark cloud covering the whole scene of this battle. Then, I heard another shout, and I knew it was the lord. I glanced up, for the shout had come from up above me. I saw a city coming down from the heavens, but it was also a bride. As she descended from the heavens, the Lord gave another shout. I glanced around, then located the Lord on His horse on a mountain. His armies were gathered around Him at the base of the mountain. When the Lord shouted the second time, His armies began to shout also, and it was the shout of victory. The city bride continued to descend from the heavens. Then, the vision ended.

Death Angel
(May 4th, 2001) Vision I've been just sitting quietly; watching, observing; feeling some type of tremendous spiritual pressure building not only within me, but around me, and in those around me. I've seen it being manifested through despair, discouragement, frustration, impatience, anger, etc., by those who are also feeling something in the Spirit but don't know exactly what. I felt the Lord spoke to me at the beginning of this year about hiding myself in Him, and withdrawing myself into the wilderness / desert to be alone with Him. (Isaiah 26:20-21 was impressed upon my heart.) Then, I had a vision of the death angel. In advance of this angel, I saw people applying blood over their doors (it reminded me of how the Israelites did this when the death angel passed through to smite the firstborn in Egypt). These people who were applying blood over their doors were making other sorts of preparations also. These preparations appeared confusing / bewildering to me. I didn't understand all that they were doing, or why. At times, it didn't even appear that these people fully understood their own actions. It was like they were somehow moved upon to be doing the preparations they were doing. The people who had applied blood over their doors, went inside and shut the door. Others, departed and went into the wilderness. Then I saw a very large hand with a rod in it, stretched out over America (I felt the hand was the hand of the Lord, but I could be wrong). This hand with the rod came crashing down. I saw that the rod first smote churches, then all of America. I saw as shepherds began to be wounded and / or flee from the churches. When this occurred, the sheep in the churches began to mill about in confusion. The whole scene was extremely troubling to me. I have a heart for those who are hurting / wounded, and to see the sheep so absolutely confused, scattered, and frightened, troubled and distressed me. Anyway, after the hand with the rod fell, the death angel followed closely on the heels of this happening. The scenes I then "felt" more than "saw" in the Spirit were horrifying. It was something more spiritual than physical; something that was occurring in the spiritual realm more than just in the physical (though it also followed into the physical realm after first occurring in the spiritual). I "felt" and "saw" the ground shaking, rising up and down as if in an earthquake; the ground splitting open, etc. I felt for some reason that this first happened in the spiritual, then in the physical. Then, it was like I was above America looking down. It looked like America was a war zone. Lights began blinking off and on in several areas of America (blackouts?). I saw and smelt that the water supply in many areas of America was bad, contaminated (something was wrong with the water, not sure what). Cars were abandoned by the sides of roads, gas stations either shut down or with long lines of cars / vehicles at them. There were numerous episodes of crime. America "smelt" (sanitation bad?). I'm not at all an alarmist. Yet, in my spirit, I am alarmed and troubled. Whatever might possibly be going to happen, will happen so suddenly, so quickly, it will catch most everyone unawares and unprepared. I feel it increasing in my spirit. It's not at the "breaking" point yet, but it is close. Lastly, I "saw" a door that was slightly ajar, but was being closed the rest of the way. I felt that this was the Lord saying He was allowing a small period of grace, but that it was almost over.

America's Judgment (?)

June 19th, 2001 Vision ~~ There was a tremendous mob of people. They were milling around. The noise was incredible. For some reason, I sensed that all these people were claiming to be Christians. I heard some of the people preaching and prophesying. Whenever someone began to preach and / or

prophesy, crowds of people would run over to this person and gather around them. Then, another person would begin to preach and / or prophesy, and large crowds of people would then run over to that other person to listen to them. Soon, there was a tremendous confusion of sermons and words from the Lord being shouted out to the crowds of people. The whole scene was one of absolute chaos and confusion. But suddenly, I heard a small whisper. Some of the other people appeared to hear the small whisper also. We began to follow the sound of this small whisper to its source. The source was the Lord. He was standing out in a desert, wilderness scene. A small group of people were standing quietly and solemnly around the Lord. In contrast with the mob of people I had just left, this group of people was extremely quiet and silent. They were very intense and totally focused upon the Lord. They were looking off in the distance, as if waiting for more to join them. I watched as the Lord began to hand out small, rolled-up scrolls to each person. As each person received a scroll, they would stand to the right of the Lord. Soon, each person had received a scroll. "What is this scroll, Lord?" someone asked. "It is a message from Me," the Lord replied. "I have given to those of My children who have heard My still, small voice a message to deliver. They each have their orders from Me, and know exactly who to take the message to, and what the message is. They are to go only to who I send them to, and speak only what I have told them to speak." Immediately after I experienced this vision, the Lord instructed me to go and take a nap; that He was going to speak to me in a dream. The Lord telling me He is going to speak to me in a dream has never happened to me before, so I tried this voice to see if it was really from the Lord or not. I went to take my nap, and before I fell asleep, the Lord spoke the following to me. He said ~~ "I will be speaking to you in visions and dreams, and you will not understand them. I will instruct you who to speak of them to. These people will know what to do with them, and what they mean. This is a time of many voices clamoring to be heard. Pay close attention to whose voice you do and do not listen to. Take heed to your soul." I then fell asleep and had the following dream ~~ I was in a room. The walls of this room were covered with pictures of babies being born. I was going from picture to picture, studying each one. Each stage of labor was represented. This was the whole dream. Upon awakening, I was extremely puzzled and perplexed by this dream. The next day, I experienced another vision. This was a horrific vision to me, and I've held it inside for another day because of how truly horrible and frightening it was to me. I saw an angel with a large scale step out of the portals of heaven. This was one of those old-fashioned type scale that has like a small bowl on each side. As one side is weighted, the other side goes up and vice versus. This angel began to place weights upon first one side of the scale, then the other. When both sides were equally weighted, a voice called out, "Hold!" (I somehow knew this voice belonged to the Lord.) There was a very intense waiting silence after this command was called out. I then realized that I was way up in the heavens, looking down on the earth. My attention became directed and centered upon the United States. I saw like a shield in place around America. Angels were on the inside of the shield, bracing themselves against it. I then saw hordes of demons on the other side of this shield, pushing frantically and furiously against their side of the shield. They were howling angrily. It terrified me. I saw those with the small rolled-up scrolls running with their message from the Lord. They were weeping and wailing as they ran, and also as they delivered their message. After they delivered their message, they would fall flat on their faces and continue to wail and lament. Many who were the recipients of these messages also fell flat on their faces after they received and read the message. I heard their cries of repentance echoing throughout America. (The dream about the babies being born came back to my mind at this point. What I was seeing in this portion of the vision made me think of a birthing of revival brought about through tears of repentance and godly sorrow.) Others who received the message, threw it away in disgust and disdain after having read it. My attention then became focused upon Washington, DC. (I was still way up in the heavens in this vision, looking down upon this scene.) Something was transpiring within the White House. I saw some sort of "waves" undulating out from within the White House. These waves had some sort of far-reaching repercussions. When these waves came forth from within the White House, I heard the angels who were still pushing against the demons on their side of the shield begin to wail and keen. When the demons saw the waves emanating from within the White House, they began to scream with victory. The angel with the scale put one more weight upon one side of the scale. One side of the scale hit the ground. When this occurred, the shield around America fell down, and the demons streamed into America, howling and in a frenzy. I heard a voice proclaim, and once again, I knew it to be the Lord's voice ~~ "America! America! How oft I sent My prophets to you, and you scorned and ignored them. How oft I revealed Myself in majesty and power to you. You enjoyed the power and majesty, yet not the cost of following Me. "Your ground is soaked with the blood of the innocents, and how shall I ignore or overlook this when it

continues daily to occur? Your streets overflow with degradation. Many of your churches reek with hypocrisy, and My sheep have been driven away and have been left to wander alone; where they have become meat and prey for the wolves. "Yet, I would wipe out these sins, and blot out their remembrance; if you had only returned unto Me with all your heart. I have stayed My judgment for a season. I will stay it no longer. You have been weighed, and have been found wanting. I have no pleasure in your judgment, America. Prepare to meet your Maker." I then watched scene after scene of carnage and terror befall America. I just don't want or desire to go into detail about it. My heart was breaking as I witnessed all of this, and I was myself filled with horror and terror. I went into the bedroom of each of my three precious, wonderful little children. Tears of fear fell down my cheeks as I gazed down at each one of my sleeping children, wondering in my heart what would befall them. If some of these scenes I witnessed actually do come to pass, I know that one of my children at least, would not survive. She has need of special medical supplies for insulin dependent diabetes. These supplies would be extremely limited to impossible to locate or receive if any of this vision actually occurs in her lifetime. I don't have a time frame for any of this. If I am mocked or ridiculed for sharing this vision, I accept that. Once again, let me repeat, I pray this vision is false or does not occur. I will continue to pray and intercede for my country, and for a spirit of repentance to sweep across the shores of America. Yet, part of me feels that judgment will only be stayed if such a spirit of repentance does occur. The judgment is set. Too much has occurred within the borders of America for there to be no reaping of what has been sown for centuries. I love America. I love my country. I love being an American. I love the American flag and our national anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner." I will continue to pray for a spirit of repentance to come upon my nation.

The Dragon Stirs

September 28th, 2001 Vision: I seemed to be high up in the heavens, looking down upon the earth. The earth appeared as a globe to my eyes. The Lord was standing next to me. I saw a huge golden dragon on the earth that appeared to be asleep. For some reason, though, I sensed the dragon was very aware of all that was transpiring around it. "What is this dragon?" I asked the Lord. "It is the spirit of a nation," the Lord replied. I then saw groups of men and women of every nation and nationality converging upon a certain spot on the earth. They were entering into a large meeting room. Yet, a few of the men and women first met with one another secretly and privately before the big group meeting. I watched as they solemnly nodded, and shook hands. I then saw as the dragon opened one red tinged eye, stirred slightly, and gazed fixedly at this smaller group of men and women. The group of men and women who had met with one another in secret, joined the rest of the men and women in the large room. The dragon closed its eye, and appeared to go back to sleep. Yet I was once again pricked with the uneasy sensation that the dragon was not truly asleep, but was in fact very aware of all that was going on around it. The men and women in the large meeting room appeared to be discussing and debating heated issues. There were piles of papers in front of each person, and they were reading and reciting from these papers. The debates and discussions became more and more heated. I watched as a small group of people from two nations got to their feet, and walked from the room. Pandemonium broke out after their departure. "Who were those people who just walked out?" I asked the Lord. "The Americans and the Israelis," the Lord replied. Once again, the dragon opened one of its eyes and surveyed this scene that was taking place. The dragon appeared to give a small smile of satisfaction. The dragon stirred slightly, and almost without appearing to do so, moved itself in a soft slithering motion into the large meeting room. It then curled itself back up, shut its eye, and once again appeared to fall back asleep. Yet from its very stillness, I once again sensed very strongly that the dragon was indeed awake and aware. I experienced a very sinister feeling in regard to this dragon. The large group disbursed after a time of more heated debates and discussions. After the large meeting broke up, the small group of men and women who had met secretly and privately, met with each other once again. A few of them then met with a new set of people. After a time of talking, they all nodded, shook hands, and left. While these other meetings were transpiring, the dragon stirred once again and stared through one opened eye at these people. After the people left, the golden dragon slithered softly and silently from the scene. "Who are these people who keep meeting secretly?" I asked the Lord. "They are the leaders of certain nations," the Lord replied. "They have their own agenda. Their agenda is quite different from what was taking place in the larger meeting. What they speak with their lips, and what is actually in their mind to do, are quite different." As I continued to gaze down at the earth, I began to see what appeared to be veins and tunnels running through certain sections of the earth. I was puzzled and perplexed as to what these veins and tunnels represented.

"What are these veins and tunnels?" I asked the Lord. "They are secret entrances into certain cities and countries," the Lord replied. "What you are observing is a very detailed network of undercover agents and operatives. Much planning has gone into this network. Many nations are involved in this network. There is an even smaller number of nations who have an even more secret and sinister agenda than this present network. This smaller group of nations is using what is being made available to them to further their agenda, but they have already made plans to one day dispose of those they are presently using. This is a sinister plot of tremendous evil in high places." A chill spread through my body at the Lord's words. I then saw as small groups of darkly cloaked people began to appear on the veins and tunnels I had just noticed. The people and the veins and tunnels appeared to be highly organized. "Who are these people?" I asked the Lord. "Mercenaries," the Lord replied. "They are the puppets of the smaller groups of people who met in secret that you observed previously." I then saw the golden dragon in the heavens where I was. We appeared to be in the outer space region around the earth, for I saw the moon and stars, and the sky was very dark. The golden dragon was breaking up and hurling a large object from the sky. This large object looked like some sort of a giant satellite. "What is this large object?" I asked the Lord. "It was a defense mechanism your country was setting in place," the Lord replied. "Making it inoperable was one of the items that was discussed by the small group of people you observed." The dragon then flew swiftly and silently through the dark sky and landed in a country I saw was the country of China. The dragon then met with groups of people from its own nation. After their meetings were finished, I saw as other people from other nations joined them, and new discussions began. I was extremely perturbed and puzzled as I saw these meetings transpiring. "What is happening here?" I asked the Lord. "The fate of your country, as well as other countries, is being discussed," the Lord replied. "There is an agenda. There is a plan. These people you are observing operate on many different levels, but each of them has their own agenda." After the groups of people left China, there were more meetings with groups of Chinese people. The dragon was now fully awake. When the meetings were over, I watched as the dragon silently slithered from the meeting room. When it was outside, I saw as the golden dragon flew into the sky, gave a tremendous roar, opened wide its mouth, and began to devour and swallow whole nations. To my amazement, most of the people of these nations appeared totally oblivious to the fact that they were being swallowed and devoured. "What is this?" I asked the Lord. "What's happening here?" "This is China's secret and hidden agenda," the Lord replied. "The dragon will use whoever and whatever it can avail itself of to further its own agenda. It will work from within nations, seemingly as a harmless friend seeking to strengthen and promote political ties. Yet at the end, the dragon will seek to devour all in its path. It will turn on all who have secretly conspired with it. It will come up against your nation, and the nation of Israel also," the Lord continued. "These will be troublesome times." "When, Lord?" I asked. "When will these things be?" "It has already begun," the Lord replied. "He who has ears to hear, let him hear what My Spirit is speaking to My children. He who has eyes to see, let him see what is transpiring in the spiritual realm. Be alert. Be prepared. Be on guard. Be not deceived by any means." For the first time became aware of an extremely large angel standing next to the Lord and I. This angel had a large, drawn sword in its hand. The sword was like a flame of fire. "Who is this angel?" I asked the Lord, "and what is this flaming sword in his hand?" "This is the destroying angel," the Lord replied, "and the sword of the Lord." I then saw as groups of people began to cry out warnings to the world. "Who are these people?" I asked the Lord. "My messengers and prophets," the Lord replied. I heard as one group of messengers and prophets shouted one thing, and other groups of messengers and prophets shouted something that seemed totally contrary to what the other group had just spoken. I was becoming more and more confused. "Why does it seem so many of the messengers and prophets are speaking contrary words?" I asked the Lord. "Which group have You truly spoken to?" "I have and I am speaking to both groups of messengers and prophets," the Lord replied. I then saw as what appeared to be a thick blanket of mist was dropped over the messengers and prophets. I could somehow see through the blanket of mist, though. The messengers and prophets appeared to be quite agitated and very unsure of what was happening to them. A large hand appeared and began to drive the messengers and prophets into dens and caves. "What is this?" I asked the Lord. "What's happening to the messengers and prophets?" "I am calling them into the caves," the Lord replied. "They are filled with self-doubt and are beginning to wonder if I have truly spoken to them. I will nourish them in the caves with My words during their season of darkness. During this time, they will shed all their self-sufficiency, and learn to lean totally and completely upon Me. They will hear no other voice for a season besides My voice. When they come forth from the dens and caves where they are being driven and hidden, they will come forth speaking only what they have heard

and what they hear My Spirit speaking unto them. This is a time when I will be teaching them to fully discern My voice from all other voices." The Lord and I were still up in the heavens, looking down to the earth, observing all that was transpiring upon the earth. The dragon was still devouring whole nations and peoples. The destroying angel with the drawn, flaming sword still stood next to the Lord and I. I then saw as the messengers and prophets who had been driven and hidden in the dens and caves came crawling and stumbling out of the dens and caves. They appeared completely broken both physically and from within. I then saw as angels came to the messengers and prophets and began to feed, nourish and minister unto them. When the messengers and prophets began to regain their strength, I saw as walls appeared in the distance. The messengers and prophets saw the walls, and began to run swiftly towards these walls. When they reached the walls, they climbed quickly to the tops of the walls and began to cry out loud warnings and instructions to the people gathered around the walls. Some of the people listened to the words of the messengers and prophets; others did not listen. "What is this?" I asked the Lord. "I have set these messengers and prophets as watchmen," the Lord replied. "They will not hold their peace day nor night. They will continually lift up their voices. They will spare none of the words I speak to them. All I tell them, they will declare." I then heard a loud roar. I turned and saw the golden dragon flying towards the messengers and prophets. The dragon was enraged. When the dragon reached the messengers and prophets who remained standing steadfastly upon the walls, the dragon began to devour them. The Lord lifted up His right hand. I then saw the destroying angel with the flaming sword shoot down as a lightning bolt towards the dragon. The dragon saw the angel approaching, and curled itself up amongst the people and nations it had been devouring. The dragon opened its mouth, and the people and nations it had swallowed and devoured came streaming forth from its mouth. They were armed for battle. They began battling the messengers and prophets on the walls. The destroying angel with the flaming sword also began to do battle, and attacked both the dragon and the warriors who had come from the dragon's mouth. I saw as nation after nation was conquered, the people bound and enslaved. Many of these bound and enslaved people and nations, were then armed by the dragon and they also became warriors for the dragon. I then saw two nations and two groups of people who had not been devoured. The dragon was now completely covering with its body all the other nations. These two last nations and groups of people had been under attack, though, and I saw many scenes of bloody devastation within these nations. I saw bands of angels surrounding these two remaining nations and groups of people. The dragon and its warriors could not penetrate past these angels. "Why are these the only two remaining nations and peoples?" I asked the Lord. "It is only My word, My presence, which is protecting them," the Lord replied. "The final battle will be between Myself and the dragon." "When, Lord?" I asked. "When it is the set time," the Lord replied. "All things are being set in place. Many leaders are unknowingly being manipulated by those who have their own agenda. Many leaders are under plans to be slain. Their predecessors are already in place, with their agendas set in order. "Those who hear My voice, and seek after Me, will not be dismayed or deceived by these things. Their eyes will see clearly; their ears will hear clearly, what is occurring in spiritual realms. I have allowed a small time of grace and mercy while the prayers and cries of many are lifted up to Me. Yet I am seeking not only the cries and the prayers of people. I am seeking their consecration. I will establish My covenant with those of a heart which is perfect towards Me. I will be their God, and they will be My people. "The conspiracies are agreed upon, and are in place," the Lord said. "But My children, fear none of these things. You will be betrayed, yet fear not, for I am with you and will not leave you defenseless. I have given My children weapons to war with: prayer, supplications, fastings, consecration. I will bring the counsel of the wicked against you to nought. Advance My Kingdom while it is still day. The night is coming. Thick and gross darkness will cover the land. My word will be precious. My children will not be a prey. I will be their bulwark and their defense. Trust in Me, My children, and fear none of these things which will shortly come to pass."

A Closing Door
October 6th, 2001 Vision I have been under a tremendous burden this week, but especially today. It has been building up and intensifying within me. The Lord has been showing me a door opened a crack, but slowly closing. When I asked what this could mean, I felt the Lord replied that after the terrorist attacks on America on September 11th, He allowed a period of grace and mercy towards not only America, but also other nations who were also troubled and shaken by the tragedy which occurred on our shores. Now, the door I saw in this mini-vision was closing, and was almost totally closed. In the vision, I cried out to the Lord to keep the door open just a little longer. I tried to reach into the space between the closing door to keep it from closing completely. I was weeping and crying, pleading for a little more time.

"I granted a little more time," the Lord replied. "I heard the cries and saw the tears of many after your country was attacked. I then waited for the cries and tears to turn to true and lasting repentance. While many truly repented, there were so many of My children who remained unmoved. And they remained unchanged. "My eyes continued to behold My sheep being wounded in My house. My eyes saw into the recesses of the hearts of many of My children, and I beheld the secret sins still unrepented of. My people remain unmoved and unrepentant. A time of Tuesdays is coming upon My people, and upon the world," the Lord decreed to me. I then experienced a vision. In this vision, I was looking up into the heavens. I saw a door open in the heavens, and a small group of seven very large angels began to step through this door one at a time. They each held what appeared to be a bowl in their hands. After all the angels stepped through the door, the door closed. The first angel began to pour out his bowl. The contents began to fall towards the earth. Darkness fell out of the first bowl. I saw as this darkness fell first on churches and on the saints of God, then fell on the rest of the world and the world's peoples. There seemed to be a weight to this darkness. For when the darkness fell upon people, they began to stumble and fall. "People chose darkness over the light of My salvation," the Lord intoned. "Now they shall have the darkness of damnation." The second angel began to pour out his bowl upon the earth. The second bowl contained blood. As the blood covered the earth, I saw wars and violence erupting. "The blood I shed on Calvary was ignored and trodden under foot," the Lord intoned. "Now the blood of many shall be shed." The third angel began to pour out his bowl into the heavens (outer space). I saw explosions in the heavens. Debris from the explosions began to fall to the earth, burning as it fell. "Man said he would ascend into heaven," the Lord intoned. "The pride of man will be abased." The fourth angel began to pour out his bowl upon the earth. Fire was contained in this bowl. As the fire fell to the earth, it ignited numerous other fires. I soon saw as sections and portions of the entire earth appeared to be burning. "Many have chosen the fires of hell over the fires of purging and repentance," the Lord intoned. "Now they shall begin to feel the heat from the fires of hell." The fifth angel began to pour out his bowl over the earth. His bowl contained idols and images. As the idols and images fell to the earth, they struck people, wounding and injuring them. "Just as many chose to place other things and other gods before and above Me," the Lord intoned, "even now shall those things fall upon them to their wounding and destruction." The sixth angel began to pour out his bowl over the earth. His bowl was filled with the wind. As the wind fell upon the earth, it began to blow fiercely. I watched and saw as the wind blew upon everything in its path, destroying almost everything before it. "The wind of My Spirit was stifled in the hearts of many," the Lord intoned. "Now will the wind blow unfettered, and will blow away all that offends." The seventh angel began to pour out his bowl over the earth. To my eyes, the bowl appeared empty. After this bowl was emptied over the earth, a very intense silence fell. "My ears were attuned to the prayers of My children," the Lord intoned. "I heard the clamoring of many voices which confused many. I also heard the silence of unoffered prayers. Now when they call to Me, I will not answer." After the seven angels had finished pouring out their bowls upon the earth, the Lord called the first angel over to us. "The darkness contained in this bowl is twofold," the Lord explained to me. "Not only is it a darkness coming upon all the world to engulf it, it is also a spiritual attack being unleashed at this present time against My people, but especially against My prophets. The enemy is seeking to confuse and silence the voice of My prophets. He is bringing a weight of condemnation, self-doubt and depression upon them. I am hiding My prophets in places of safety and refuge to strengthen and minister to them." The Lord then called the second angel over to us. "The blood contained in this bowl represents My blood which I shed for the remission of sins," the Lord said. "Those of My people who are My servants indeed, have been applying My blood to their hearts. They have been examining themselves, and have been entering into a new covenant with Me. My blood will be over them during this time of tremendous blood shed which will come upon all the earth." The Lord then called the third angel over to us. "Man's pride has lifted him up," the Lord said to me. "There will be wars in the heavens. These wars will be both physical and spiritual in nature. Many of My children are already feeling the heat of this battle spiritually." The Lord then called the fourth angel over to us. "Fire purges as well as destroys," the Lord said to me. "My children are feeling the fire of purging within their hearts. This is an extremely intense time for My people. It is a time of self-examination;a time of rededicating themselves unto Me. My fire is burning all from within My children that would pollute them. Those who do not submit themselves to Me, will feel this fire as a destroying fire." The Lord then called the fifth angel over to us. "The idols and images contained within this bowl represents a battle between Myself and false gods and false religions," the Lord said to me. "Every religion, every

denomination, is being shaken at this time. Only what is of Me, and what is built upon Me, shall endure. The battles fought in the physical realm will be between false gods and the One True God. The issue central to this war will be Truth versus deception." The Lord then called the sixth angel over to us. "The wind contained in this bowl represents My Spirit," the Lord said to me. "My Spirit is already blowing fiercely upon all who profess to be My children. Those who are not My children, will be blown away and destroyed by the fierceness of My Spirit touching upon them. Those who are truly My children are also feeling My Spirit blowing upon them. This is also a difficult time for them; for all that is within them that is offensive to truth, is being blown violently from out of them." The Lord then called the seventh angel over to us. "The silence contained within this bowl," the Lord said to me, "represents a silencing by Me over those who have confused many by their words. "Many of My children are feeling My hand heavy upon them, and have hushed themselves. They are waiting to hear only My voice speaking to them. "Those who have claimed to hear My words, and have uttered their own thoughts and ideas which have confused many, will be put to silence and shame before Me. For with their words, they turned away the feet of those who were on the road to repentance. "My people have been as the church of Ephesus. They have left their first love of Me. My people have been as the church of Pergamos. They have fornicated themselves with false doctrine. My people have been as the church of Thyatira. They have allowed false prophets to speak My words unto them. My people have been as the church of Sardis. They are spiritually dead, and dying. My people have been as the church of Laodicea. They are complacent. "Those of My children who are My children indeed, shall be as the churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia. They will suffer persecution and trials, even unto death, while I am purging and refining My rebellious children. "My will and My plan is to prosper My people," the Lord said to me. "Not with finances or possessions, but with the knowledge of Me would I prosper them. To accomplish this, all that is not of Me I must needs remove. "This is a troublesome time. I am shaking mightily all things and all people. He that endures to the end, the same shall be saved." I then saw vast numbers of people stooping down to the ground and picking items up from the ground. With their arms full of bits and pieces of what they had picked up, the people came to the Lord. They put the items in their arms on the Lord and began to build something with these items. I watched and beheld as a beautiful building began to emerge. "I am the foundation upon which all other things must be built," the Lord said. "My people are broken. When they bring the broken pieces of their hearts and lives to Me, and begin to build upon Me, I will put the brokenness back together and raise up a glorious and victorious Church. My Church shall stand triumphant when it is built upon Me. I will have a people called by My Name. I will have a Church.

The Lamb and the Lion

The first time, He came as a servant in disguise, Although the angels announced His arrival, And the babe came to earth divinely titled, There was no mighty army that ensued, Nor the insignia of earthly royalty giving proof. While Jesus gave essential clues to His fulfilling truth, The tribe misunderstood the prophetic crux, Suspending His throne above the world in crucifixion, Giving no visible sign of his glorification; The Lamb crowned with puncturing thorns, Disciples questioning why He had ever been born, The Romans mocked and cast lots for His cloak, Having Nailed him to that foreordained oak, Toasting his kingship by offering bitter herbs; Manifest destiny hanging between heaven and earth. But next time, He will come as the mighty conquering Lord, Having thrown off the garment stained with scorn; His heavenly nature trumpeted, gloriously adorned, The Lion of the tribe of Judah has been restored; Son of Man on a white horse with flaming eyes of torch, Celestial hosts rejoice as He brings with Him His reward, The throng of redeemed return with him in support, Enemies destroyed by the brightness of His sword, Demons retreat in fear of the horror they will absorb. His throne is established and ruled with sovereign accord, Attired in a majesty robe, acknowledged and adored, Honored with a one of kind crown, cheered by the reborn. Unbelief will flee his presence when the King retorts, Every heart that has ever ticked a beat will hit the knee, Acknowledging the savior and creator of the grand scheme; Each and every thought or deed paraded for all to see, Eternal life in the balance, to be, or not to be? Angels celebrate with acclaim, exalting His name, And the saints will forever praise, gain knowledge and reign.

Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth

Excerpt from: Prophecies by David Wilkerson 1985 First paragraph, chapter one-"America is going to be destroyed by fire! Sudden destruction is coming and few will escape. Unexpectedly, and in one hour, a hydrogen holocaust will engulf America -- and this nation will be no more. "America has sinned against the greatest light. Other nations are just as sinful, but none are as flooded with gospel light as ours. God is going to judge America for its violence, its crimes, its backsliding, its murdering of millions of babies, its flaunting of homosexuality and sadomasochism, its corruption, its drunkenness and drug abuse, its form of godliness without power, its lukewarmness toward Christ, its rampant divorce and adultery, its lewd pornography, its child molestations, its cheatings, its robbings, its dirty movies, and its occult practices. In one hour it will all be over. To the natural mind it is insanity to come against a prosperous, powerful nation and cry out, 'It's all over! Judgment is at the door! Our days are numbered!' The Church is asleep, the congregations are at ease, and the shepherds slumber. How they will scoff and laugh at this message. Theologians will reject it because they can't fit it into their doctrine. The pillow prophets of

peace and prosperity will publicly denounce it. "I no longer care. God has made my face like flint and put steel in my backbone. I am blowing the Lord's trumpet with all my might. Let the whole world and all the church call me crazy, but I must blow the trumpet and awaken God's people. Believe it or not, America is about to be shaken and set aside by swift and horrible judgments. Many other praying believers who have been shut in with God are hearing the very same message - 'Judgment is at the door! Prepare, awaken!'" Later in the chapter-- an attack from Russia, and "The great holocaust follows an economic collapse in America. The enemy will make its move when we are weak and helpless... America will not Repent... God promised to preserve America only if it turned from its evil... This nation has not repented but has turned its back... I see Almighty God even now slowly turning His back on this nation. America is on the verge of committing the unpardonable sin by resisting the Holy Ghost. Soon, there will be repentance only for individuals, but not for the nation." GOD BLESS AND KEEP YOU IN HIS LOVE November 11, 2002 Prophecy In the most trying of times, the Lord instructs us to rejoice and be glad in him. In Psalm 9, David says, "I will be glad in thee"(verse 2). Why? Because "the Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed in times of trouble" (verse 9). I believe that one of the greatest testimonies to a fearful and bewildered society will be the peace, joy and serenity of God's people in times of distress and terror. Those who trust the Lord completely will be given supernatural rest and peace. No evil report will rob them of their gift of confidence in God's faithfulness to them. Here in New York City we see signs of a great financial storm brewing. Next year this city faces a six-billion-dollar black hole, with the possibility of 25,000 layoffs of city workers. New York City employs over 250,000 municipal workers. Wall Street is laying off many thousands more, in addition to the 20,000 who have already been laid off. We see more and more homeless people sleeping on the streets in cardboard boxes. City shelters are now overcrowded, and the problem grows worse by the week. Vacant office space is mounting. Rents are falling. A number of fire stations will be closed. Not a single government official, state or city, has a solution. The city cannot borrow any more money. The state cannot bail out the city, because it faces a budget shortfall exceeding $10 billion. The mayor is warning the city that very hard times are coming. Even now, signs of civil unrest are evident. I HAVE BEEN WARNING FOR A LONG TIME THAT AMERICA'S LARGEST, MOST PROSPEROUS CITY WILL GO BANKRUPT. I HAVE ALSO PREDICTED THAT NEWYORK CITY IS GOING TO EXPLODE WITH OVER 1,000 FIRES RAGING THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE METROPLEX. I tell you, we are nearing the fulfillment of this awful prophetic vision I've seen coming. A season of total anarchy is racing down upon us. Young people will be breaking into clothing stores, stealing everything in sight. Unemployed workers will also take to the streets, looting and burning. In the not-too-distant future, the National Guard will not be able to handle all the street warfare. I am so sure of this that I am making contingency plans to be in a position to shelter and feed as many people as possible during this period of chaos. We will not run. We will be here in the middle of it all, to minister in what I truly believe will be a war zone. The explosion of violence will spread to other cities. I dread the thought. But I must prophesy what I see. And, in and through it all, God's people who trust him will maintain an inner calm and gladness, resting in the Lord's promises.

top David Wilkerson

The following are additional dreams, visions and prophecies of Dimitru Duduman not found on the original Dreams and Visions site.

China and Russia Strike

Dumitru Duduman April 22, 1996 Vision I prayed, then went to bed. I was still awake, when suddenly I heard a trumpet sound. A voice cried out to me, "Stand!" In my vision, I was in America. I walked out of my home, and began to look for the one who had spoken to me. As I looked, I saw three men dressed alike. Two of the men carried weapons. One of the armed men came to me. "I woke you to show you what is to come. he said. "Come with me." I didn't know where I was being taken, but when we reached a certain place he said, "stop here!" A pair of binoculars was handed to me, and I was told to look through them. "Stand there, don't move, and look," he continued. "You will see what they are saying, and what they are preparing for America." As I was looking, I saw a great light. A dark cloud appeared over it. I saw the president of Russia, a short, chubby man, who said he was the president of China, and two others. The last two also said where they were from, but I did not understand. However, I gathered they were part of Russian controlled territory. The men stepped out of the cloud. The Russian president began to speak to the Chinese one. "I will give you the land with all the people, but you must free Taiwan of the Americans. Do not fear, we will attack them from behind." A voice said to me, "Watch where the Russians penetrate America." I saw these words being written: Alaska; Minnesota; Florida. Then, the man spoke again, "When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning." The other two presidents spoke, "We, too, will fight for you." Each had a place already planned as a point of attack. All of them shook hands and hugged. Then they all signed a contract. One of them said, "We're sure that Korea and Cuba will be on our side, too. Without a doubt, together, we can destroy America." The president of Russia began to speak insistently, "Why let ourselves be led by the Americans? Why not rule the world ourselves? They have to be kicked out of Europe, too! Then I could do as I please with Europe!" The man standing beside me asked, "This is what you saw: they act as friends, and say they respect the treaties made together. But everything I've shown you is how it will REALLY happen. You must tell them what is being planned against American. Then, when it comes to pass, the people will remember the words the Lord has spoken." Who are you?" I asked. "I am the protector of America. America's sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a clean heart as they do His work. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people." I As I looked, a great army, well armed and dressed in white, appeared before me. "Do you see that?" the man asked. "This army will go to battle to save My chosen ones. Then, the difference between the Godly and the ungodly will be evident."

America, the Falling Star

January 23,1992 Dream It was late. After prayer I went to sleep. In my dream, I heard a loud noise. I began to look around me. When I looked up, I saw a big star in the sky but, it's tips were bent. Suddenly, I heard the sound of hoofbeats, which were getting closer and closer. When I looked where the noise was coming from, I saw four horses pulling an old fashioned chariot. In the chariot were four men. They were armed with heavy artillery and they began to shoot at the star. The star began to burn. Then it fell from the sky. I woke up and told Mike the dream. He asked me what it meant. When I told him I didn't know, he told me to pray, and if it was of God, He would let me dream it again. I prayed, and again tried to fall asleep. I was nodding off, when again I heard the noise and saw the star with it's bent tips. Again I heard the hoofbeats. But this time when I looked up, there were six horses; and six men were in the chariot. All of them had masks on and they were armed. Again they began to shoot at the star. The star began to burn again and fell. Frightened, I woke up. Being troubled, I prayed again and asked God for an explanation. I could not fall asleep for a few hours, but when I did, the same dream came again. This time the noise was even greater. Again the star appeared, with the same crooked tips. Again I heard the horses. This time though, there weren't four or six horses. There were eight horses; and eight men were in the chariot. Again they fired upon the star, and it fell. This time, when it hit the ground, it blew up. In the same place where the star used to be, appeared a man dressed in white. He said, "The star represents America. The reason the tips are crooked, is because America has fallen away from the Truth, and the Way of God. The eight horses, and the men in the chariot, represent eight kings that will rise up against America and will overcome her." Then the dream ended. That same morning, during my prayer time, I saw a red flag with light blue and white in the left corner. It was bleeding. May God keep us awake, and ready.


June 1992 Dream I dreamed I was in Florida, in a motel room. Suddenly, I was sitting on a balcony on the second floor wainting for Michael to come. I heard screams, and I saw men, women and children who were running some falling along the way. Among the people on the street there was also a policemen with a bullhorn, who kept yelling, "Keep running! There's a rabid dog loose, and it's coming this way." Then, suddenly as I was looking to see what would happen, I saw a very big dog that was foaming at the mouth. When he was right below me, he growled, and turned into Saddam Hussein! Changing back into a dog, he began to run after the people. Running after the dog was a horse, which was so big, his head reached the second floor where I was standing. When he was about to pass me, he stopped for a few seconds, and the galloped after the dog. Then I woke up.

November 8, 1992 Prophecy "Dark days and days of sadness are soon coming," says the Lord. "Not long will pass and the One who is to come will come and He will not tarry. The days are coming when the kings of the earth will wail loudly. The evil that you see being allowed over Romania is because the people, in their greed, have become corrupt. They have started to practice wickedness and they are proud. Even some of My people whom I have chosen have given in to sinful things believing that they are fighting only for themselves. This is why I the Lord have allowed, and do allow the hardships. Do not be astonished by what you see, for the poverty and hunger will grow. The hardships will be even greater. But it will not be allowed for long because the prayers of the hungry children have reached Me." "Everything is prepared for the killing, the battles and the crimes. The plunders and the troubles are close and shall come to pass in a short time. After all this, things will change in such a way that you did not think

possible. Those that are haughty, I the Lord will humble. You will receive with the same cup that you give if you are poor or if you are a king. God is no respecter of persons. After all these things happen in Romania, the evil will turn toward the country that you now live in."(USA) "Tell my people to be prepared and be careful," says the Lord, "for everything I have decided will happen. Do not say in your hearts that the Lord has said many things that have not happened yet because all things are decided by Me and everything has it's appointed time. Draw closer to the Lord your God and cease doing evil things that I may give you victory. I the Lord will work in ways that you cannot even imagine, but be holy." "The sin of the great whore has spread throughout the world. The stench of her sin has reached me and it will not be long until I will raise the whole Arab world, the Russians and other countries against her, that they may destroy her."

top Dumitru Duduman

My Vision of the Russian Attack on North America

J. Reg King Late 1940's Vision In the vision I saw things happening, and understood in my mind, as it was revealed to me, as to the location and who they were. The Russian forces were coming out of the area of the Bathurst Inlet. I remember how astonished I was, because they were there undetected. They had a large mobile military attack force, with heavy armour. Then the scene changes and I saw Russian and U.S. fighter planes in aerial combat over the Alsask, Alberta area, which is near the Saskatchewan border. The invasion route was in the general area of the Alberta and Saskatchewan border along 110 degrees longitude. I was very amazed that hostile aircraft could get so near to the U.S. border, and not be detected and intercepted before that time. Again the scene changes and I realized the enemy land forces to be just north of the 60th parallel, also as yet undetected, and without any resistance from either Canadian or U.S. forces. The visionary experience was given to me in the late 1940's and I remember my absolute amazement that an enemy could penetrate so far into our beloved Canada and not be detected. Also, lastly, a date was given to me, but not the year, which was January 26, ????. And the enemy was using bacterial or germ warfare.

top J Reg King Hollie L. Moody

Veronica Lueken Prophecies 1968 to 1995. Nuclear Holocaust August 21, 1985 "Many countries shall be embroiled in wars, until we have the greatest war ever seen, nor shall ever be seen again, the Third World War, which shall engulf the nations. And many nations shall disappear from the force of the armaments being gathered now throughout Russia." Russian Deceit "The word of Russia is not good, for what communism means is liars, and murderers, deceivers straight from the bowels of hell." October 2, 1987 "Do not be deceived, My children, Russia is not free. It is a cosmetic act to delude you. Lenin and Stalin

used the same tactics, My children. Why do you not learn from your errors?" June 18, 1992 Russia's Master Plan April 2, 1977 "O My children, I warned you many years ago, I warned you in Fatima that, unless you prayed and did penance, Russia and the agents of the sickle and the hammer would go throughout the world cutting down nations and bringing death, destruction, and slavery. And you, My country, America the beautiful, you are all-wise but stupid in management, for you have the picture of your coming destruction right before your face and you refuse to look." More Deception June 18, 1992 For it is their plan to subdue you, once they get the billions that they need in aid, to bring up the economy and buy more armaments. They have not disposed of their armaments, My child and My children. They store them in other nations. They have the same goals as their forefathers." China's Manpower March 26, 1983 "Russia will also utilize the manpower of China as they make their thrust forward." China: The Wick that sets the Word aflame 1979 Veronica - Now Our Lady is pointing over to Her right side, the left side of the sky. And I see a very large ball forming. It looks like a globe of the world; but strangely it has a, like a wick on the top. And now coming out of the sky, I see a very comical-looking figure. I think he's comical; then again he's kind of frightening. His face is extremely fat, and his teeth are huge. But he looks like an Oriental of some kind. He's smiling in a very strange way. I notice he hashe's short and has like a stubby type of body. But he's grinning in a very evil-looking way. As he stands with his hands behind him, he's looking about now and it looks as though he's waiting for something. Oh, my goodness! Now he's bringing out from behind his back what appears to be a long tapered candle. And he's reaching up now. The candle has a light on it; it looks like he's about to touch the wick on the bomb. It looks like a bomb, but it looks like the world with a wick sticking out of it. Oh, my goodness! He's a verydon't know who he is; I don't recognize him. But he's an Oriental and has very large teeth; and the grin, even, the way he's grinning makes his teeth verykind of prominent. But he hasI must say he gives you a feeling of fright because his smile is very evil. Now I can't see him. It's as though a veil is being placed over the scene. Now Our Lady is moving over closer to our left side, Her right side. Our Lady - "My child and My children, I have given you now sight of what is to be soon. You will understand in the near future, My children. And you, My child, will not reveal the writing beneath it. Look now, remember, but do not repeat. [Pause] "Remember, My child: Look, remember, but do not repeat." (July 25, 1979) Veronica - And there he is again, that terrible-looking man. I don't know who he is, but he has an Oriental appearance. I can see now what appears to be a globe, a globe of the world, but you could almost picture it as a bomb because it has a wick on the top of it. Now overstanding next to it, gloatingly, with a most satanic-looking, evil smile on his face, a smile so big that his teeth are extended, and they look very large in his mouth, almost exaggeratedhe is a short man, quite husky. He's in some kind of a uniform that I don't recognize. It'slooks like an olive green color. And now he's standing there as though he's gloating over something, and he's taking his hand now from behind his back again and holding out his long tapered candle. He has a very thin, long tapered candle that's lighted, and now he's reaching over again to light the wick, as thoughI do believe it must indicate starting perhaps a, a terrible war or something. I get that impression from his uniform and the fact he's lighting the wick upon the world. (August 4, 1979) China - Dragon & Russia - Bear attack the USA July 15, 1970 Our Lady - "The eagle is plucked. He will not rise again." Veronica saw in vision an eagle stretched out flat on his stomach, with his head hanging weakly to the side, struggling to get up. His feathers were all about him, plucked out. There were three creatures by him. Two of them were leaving his vanquished form. These two had the forms of a dragon and a lizard. The lizard had

a most unusually long tongue. There was the other creature, the third, that looked like a bear, still beating on the fallen eagle. July 15, 1970 The Bear Rages November 20, 1978 "O My children of the United States, do you not understand what is ahead for you? Your country, the United States, has not known what it is to suffer through destructive forces. My children, you shall not escape the destruction that the Bear of communism has set upon many countries in Europe and the world." Landing points for the Invasion? Veronica - There are now areas being like pinpointed upon the map. I see California. It looks like southern California, and there are two dots on that side of the map, two in southern California. Now there is a line developing. It's sort of an areaI can tell that it's a line that's marking out something. It's going directly across the southern part of the United States, and it's stopping just over the left border of Georgia, and there's one point being made there. They're likeseem to be landing points for something going to happen. Now the line continues and it's now swerving upward and it's going into North Carolina. And then, suddenly the line is likeoh, I don't knowtaking a fast curve over to the east coast. But then, as it goes along the coast, I see a large question mark. It appears tothat line appears to be heading northward along the east coast, and there's another question mark. I don't know how to explain it. It's a very ominous looking map. See Map below


Our Lady - "You will understand soon, My child." April 9, 1977 "My child, let the world know that Nicaragua is a center point for the capitulation of the United States of America and Canada. Already there are plans afoot, and in the making, with missiles and all dire instruments of destruction. These plans are being formulated from Nicaragua, to go into Mexico, and thereupon into the United States." June 18, 1987 Red invasion from Nicaragua June 18, 1987 "My child, let the world know that Nicaragua is a center point for the capitulation of the United States of America and Canada. Already there are plans afoot, and in the making, with missiles and all dire instruments of destruction. These plans are being formulated from Nicaragua, to go into Mexico, and thereupon into the United States." U.S. Surrounded "Many warnings are being given to mankind and these will increase in nature. Horrible life-taking forces of nature shall be allowed to come upon you. All this is to take place while the enemy of God and your nation is

surrounding you with submarines and planning a missile attack." Master plan for the takeover . . . "Do not take lightly the reports of ships out on the sea and submarines. They are there, My child and My children, and they are not out for a joy ride. It is all part of the master plan for the takeover of the United States and Canada." 6-18-92 Not long to exist as free nation . . . "I know, I heard the voice also, My child, that said that the United States shall be taken over without a shot to ring out. That is not true, My children. Should they advance upon you as they plan, there will be bloodshed in the streets, blood flowing and mothers' hearts breaking in sorrow. Oh, how they will gnash their teeth and cry bitter tears of regret that they did not foresee or listen to the voices from Heaven crying out: Prepare now, for you do not have much longer to exist as a free nation." 4-14-84 Russia submarines off U.S. East Coast . . . Veronica - The sky is opening up, and I seem to be looking at a body of water. I'm standing over on a hill and looking out, and to my shock, I see something coming out of the water. Oh, it's a submarine! it's a submarine! Now as I said that, it seemed to dive down very fast into the sea. Now Jesus is pointing over, and I'm looking at the skyline of New York as you're coming in from Long Island. I'm looking at the skyline, and there just in front of me is that submarine. Now it's diving, and it's going aboutI don't know it'sI don't know where it's heading, but it's very deep. But I noticed the submarine is off the New York skyline, the New York side of the United States. Now Jesus is going like this, and the scene is fading away; it's disintegrating just like it was made of smoke. And the sky has returned to its closed state of darkness. And Jesus is now telling me to look down. I'm looking down, and it appears to be a subway station, but there's no one. I know, I recognize tracks going into a tunnel. There's no one about in this tunnel. I seem to feel that is has been discarded as a major network for the trains. Now, Our Lady and Jesus now are standing at my side. I'm standing with Them on the platform. And Jesus says: "Look, My child, what is coming in..." Warhead in subway station . . . Veronica - And there on the tracksit's made of wheelsthere's a carting, some type of a carting train-like board. And on thisI know, I know it's a bomb, a very large bomb, and it has a point, like a Vshape upside down, pointed type of nozzle, or whatever you'd call it. I don't know the mechanics of bombs or anything, but I know it's a bomb. And the Jesus touched His lips. He said: "Warhead! A warhead!" It's an underground tunnel that's not being used for transporting the passengers at this time. It's been abandoned. But it has made, said Jesus, an ideal parking place for a major destructive force that man has createda missile. Our Lady - "My child and My children, there is one fact that must be brought forward to all mankind. I know that many have tried to make up for the void that the bishops of your country and the world have created when they will not go about and consecrate the major offender in this world now, Russiawill not consecrate Russia to theboth the Immaculate Heart. My Son and I, We wish to save you from this destruction. And there is only one way that you can; that's through penance and prayer. You future which is coming to a point of what you call the end of an era, your future is upon you. "The United States of America shall not escape this time the punishments and the desolation of the nation that has gone now throughout the world with Russia as the main force for this evil. Major invasion of U.S. and Canada . . . "Man was created to live peacefully. Man was created to know his God, and in this manner to have a world that is not a paradise, but one in which man could live in peace and security. But now all of the leaders of the world run about and they say it is peace, it is security. Their words are like two prongs from the mouth; they say those words, but then they turn their backs and they are busy getting ready for a major invasion of the United States and Canada. "Yes, My child, all who read and listen to the Message must know that there is a plan now for Russia, a plan against the United States and Canada. Your nation and Canada are surrounded!" Cuba - one offender . . .

Veronica - Oh, oh. Now Jesus is pointing over towards Cuba. I see a whole map of the United States, and Jesus is pointing to Cuba. Jesus - "One offender!"He says"One offender among many, stockpiling all manner of destruction for another, their brothers and their sisters. "This is permitted, My child and My children, for one reason: Wars are a punishment for man's sins. "Many warnings have been given to mankind, minor chastisements, and they go about, like their ears are deafened, their eyes are blind, and they cannot see what is fast coming upon them." Pacifying the enemy . . . "You must pray for all of the heads of states. You must pray for the teachers who have been fast defiling the innocence of young children. "This aura of modernism, pacifismpacifying the enemyfor what? The enemy has come into your country, the United States, while you were asleep. They do not seek to take over by human methods of men. They have taken over by coming through the back door while your leaders were asleep, or their spirits had flown and they were ripe for the infiltration of satan. "My child, the last time We spoke to you, We told you that there was a far greater message to be given to mankind. This is the message: THAT RUSSIA PLANS TO INVADE THE UNITED STATES WITH MISSILES! "There is much that you don't know, My poor children, or perhaps some think it best that you don't know what is happening within your governments. Many of the newspapers and other means of relaying this to you have been silenced. "But I, as your Mother, beg intercession through Jesus to the Eternal Father and the Holy Ghost to spare you these terrible punishments. If there is a need for more victim souls, let them be satisfied to know that they have been warned. "My child, I know this has been a complete shock to you, but this message must go throughout the world. Awaken those who sleep before it is too late." (3-26-83) Soviet submarines going to Cuba . . . Veronica - Oh, I don't, I don't know where it's at, but I see a lot of boats. Oh, they're submarines; they're just coming to the surface. And they look like they're off the coast. There's a map; Our Lady's pointing towards the map of the United States. Hmm. I live on Long Island, and that sure looks like they're coming off the Long Island area. Now, as though they have been alerted to something, they're going now down into the water. But they are going now underI can see; Jesus has me watching themundersea, and they are going to Cuba. I know it's Cuba. Now what they're doing in Cuba I don't know, but it appears that the Soviets are arming them. Jesus - "Yes, My child, you have spoken well and directed it as I wanted you to. Now this has to be known." Number of dead will be counted in the millions . . . Our Lady - "O My children, how I wanted to caress you and tell you good news, for I am not the bearer of bad news always. I am your Mother and must tell you the truth. I repeat again. My child Veronica, you repeat now in your weakened state, again: the Pope, John Paul II, and all the bishops of the world must allot one day on which they will pray for the conversion of Russia. Not one day for the world, but one day for Russia; or else, I tell you now, Russia will go about and annihilate, destroy many countries. Nations shall disappear from the face of the earth in the twinkling of an eye. That is how desperate the situation is now throughout your world, My children. "The word of Russia is not good, for what communism means is liars, and murderers, deceivers straight from the bowels of hell.... "My child and My children, prayer has not become a way of life for many. That is why communism has got such a foothold in your country and in other countries of the world. The prayers given to you in your childhood will be remembered always, I know, My children; but there are those who have not received these prayers in their schools, for prayer has been outlawed in many areas of your country and the world. It took but a few without faith to bring down the flag, for even your country's flag is being defiled, My children. I speak both of the United States and Canada, for when the great Tribulation falls upon them, they will have to hold each other up; for they cannot escape through the waters to get help. They will not escape through the skies, but the number of dead will be counted in the millions." (10-2-87)

The Rapture
Many Shall Be Taken Up in the Rapture Jesus - "My children, there are many good to be saved; there are many children of God still in these areas about your country. However, I cannot promise you a life without thorns upon your earth. Many good will suffer with the bad. There will be a gradual removal from within your world of the good; many shall die in

their earthly bodies and many shall be taken up in the rapture." (7-15-77) The Rapture Our Lady - "I give you great grace of heart, My children, to know that many shall be taken from your earth before the great Chastisement. It will be of great mirth, My child, to reveal to you that there will be much consternation and conflicting thought when these beloved children disappear from the earth. Many of your news medias shall state that they have been carried off by flying saucers. Oh no, My children! They were carried off into a supernatural realm of the Eternal Father to await the return of My Son upon earth." (12-7-76) Jesus - "Man shall be working out in the field. One shall be taken. Man shall say, 'Where has he gone? He has disappeared without warning ' A woman shall work at the spindle - two at the spindle. One shall be taken, and where has she gone? The mystery unfolds. It is in the plan of the Eternal Father that many shall be taken from among you. The mystery shall befound man. "I promise in those days that those who remain shall meet with Me to establish My Kingdom of peace and joy upon your earth." (1-31-76) Jesus - "Sin is insanity, and one sinful man shall set the world aflame. A world on fire and nations disappearing from the very face of the earth! "Many shall be removed in the rapture. My children, the Eternal Father has a plan for each and every life that He has placed upon earth." (5-27-78) Jesus - "Now, My child and My children, you will firmly now go forward without any hesitation. You must get the Message from Heaven out as fast as humanly possible, for your time is growing short. Remember, without prayers and atonement, the world will become devastated. The Third World War will leave no earth upon the land. There will be no earth, there will be no human beings; but a grouping would have been taken up into Heaven, My child and My children, to await the terrible devastation that falls upon mankind." "Yes, My child, numerous earth years ago I told you that some will be removed before the great cataclyst. All who are of well spirit need not give their lives to the Father in fear, but all who are of good spirit will receive many graces to save their families and themselves." (5-28-83)

Veronica Leuken
Landing Points and or a Penetration line? The following are additional dreams and visions of Hollie Moody not found on the Dreams and Visions II site.

The Horsemen Are Riding

Hollie L. Moody October 24,2002 Vision The Lord and I, along with a multitude of people, had just reached shore. We had come across a stormy sea in little wooden boats. As we stood upon the shore, I heard a noise from behind me coming from the sea. I looked over my shoulder and saw shapes rising up from the raging waves of the sea. The shapes collected into a large mob over the water. I saw that these shapes were frogs, lizards, salamanders, etc. Yet these creatures had faces which appeared demonic. I watched as these creatures dispersed in every direction, screeching and howling, toward every nation of the world. As one group of these creatures flew over my head towards my own nation, I instinctively ducked down. "What are those creatures?" I asked the Lord. "Spirits of deception," the Lord replied. The multitude of people around and with me had already formed into two groups by this stage of the vision. One group of people had already set out ahead. The second group of people had also divided into groups. One group was composed of those who were weak, frightened, injured, weary, etc. The second group within this group were ministering to the weaker members. They were comforting them, and helping to bear them up as they walked. This group of people also, finally, set out after the first group of people. I noticed as I looked around that this was occurring not only in my nation, but in all the nations of the world. I also realized that somehow, the Lord was enabling me to see what was occurring within both groups of people. At first the path we were traveling on was broad and easily seen. There was also a bright light shining around us to help us see our way. Yet further on, the path became rougher and narrower, and it gradually became harder and harder to see where we were going. The light was still there, but the people and I had to keep our eyes on the light at all times in order to see it. If we took our eyes from the light for even a moment, it became dim around us, and we had to search even harder after that in order to finally fix our gazes once again upon the light. "Lord," I inquired of the Lord. "What is happening with this light? Why does it only stay bright if we keep our eyes focused constantly on it? Why does it dim if we look away for even a moment?" "The light is My Spirit bringing revelation to My people and to My prophets," the Lord replied. "Whereas at one time, many of My children and My prophets heard My voice easily; in the coming days, it will become more and more difficult for them to receive revelation from Me and to hear My words. They must stay in a constant state and attitude of prayer before Me in order to continue to hear from Me and to receive from Me. The enemy is attempting to smother the sound of My voice and replace it with the sound of his own voice and words. Those of My children and of My prophets who do not wait continually upon Me, will find themselves in

spiritual danger of bringing to others words from the enemy, and not from Me. I will not hold guiltless those who fall prey to this snare of deception from the enemy; for I will have no strange fire upon My altar. Waiting upon Me will take much effort on the part of My children and My prophets. They will need to struggle mightily in prayer, and with fasting, to receive each word and revelation from Me. For many, the effort and the sacrifice will be too wearying for them. Those who do pay this price, however, will begin to bring forth words and revelations from Me of much greater depth and anointing. They will not speak as often, but they will speak forth My word with greater power." I began to realize that as the path grew narrower, it began to force the group of people inward upon itself. The people began to draw closer and closer together. Soon, the second group of people had caught up with the first group of people. One large group of people was once again formed. I noticed that the weaker members of the group were automatically placed within the midst of the people for their safety and protection. I then began to hear the sound of hoofbeats. The group of people I was with seemed to hear the hoofbeats also. I noticed that they were glancing around as I was as if to find where the source of the sound of the hoofbeats was coming from. "What is happening, Lord?" I asked the Lord. "The horsemen are riding," the Lord replied. "Truly, they have already been riding individually. But now, they have joined forces, and are riding together." Suddenly, from every direction, horses with men seated upon their backs burst into my view. I saw white horses, red horses, black horses and what appeared to be horses almost greenish in color. These horses and horsemen charged towards our group. They encircled us and began to ride around us. I heard many of the people in the group begin to cry out in fear. "Fear not!" the Lord's voice rang out in command. "Listen to My voice. If you listen for My voice, the things happening already and about to happen in the nations of your world will not strike fear and terror into your hearts. I will make a way for My people in the midst of all the troubles that are about to befall the earth. You will not fear as those who do not know Me fear. For I am with each of you, and will be with each of you. I will lead you and guide you. But you must keep your eyes upon Me. You must not allow your hearts to be overcome and overwhelmed by the coming evil days. These are times which will try the faith of each of you. But I have prepared you in advance for these days. I have given you warning, and I will give instructions each step of the way in what to expect and how to stay prepared in order to remain victorious." I watched as the horses and horsemen formed into groups of four. Each group contained a white horse, a red horse, a black horse and the sickly looking greenish horse. They then turned from our group of people and furiously rode off into all directions. "What about my nation, Lord?" I asked. "What is coming next to my nation (The United States of America)?" "A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine," the Lord replied softly. "Economic lack is coming to your nation," the Lord said to me. "There are some I will and have begun to instruct to lay up and store certain food, water household and medical supplies. There are others I have instructed to trust in Me daily for their needs, and to refrain from storing up supplies. Nothing will remain stable in your nation for any length of time, child. This ever present uncertainty will cause many to grow weary. A spirit and attitude of quiet despair will begin to prevail. This lassitude will begin to set in place the next area of attack from the enemy." My heart sank within me as I listened to the Lord's words. "Do not allow yourself to lose hope, child," the Lord comforted me. "Have I not already promised that I will be with each of My children? I will not leave them or forsake them. But the days ahead are indeed days filled with evil. "Much has been plotted against your nation, and is being set in motion. A secret treaty your President has signed with two nations will eventually backfire. This will begin to set in motion a time of persecution against My children. The agenda of certain groups of people is targeted against My children and against the Jewish people." "Persecution?" I repeated. "Persecution here, in America, against Your children?" "The persecution will at first come about as lawsuits and restrictions and new laws which will seek to limit the voice of My children within your nation," the Lord replied. "The persecution will then gain momentum and become more and more fierce. Many churches will be fined, and when unable to pay the large fines, will be shut down or sold. Many pastors will be imprisoned for their refusal to be silent against certain sinful practices. Their congregations will be left untended and the sheep will be scattered if these pastors do not begin now to teach and train My children to follow Me and not man. I have set up leadership. It is leadership which will be attacked, and I would have My children know to continue to follow Me even when their leaders are removed." Almost afraid to ask any more questions of the Lord, I remained silent for a brief period of time. "How long, Lord?" I finally asked. "How long will these things continue?" "These things are just the beginning of woes, child," the Lord said to me gently. "I am giving advance warning to My children not to discourage their hearts, but to prepare them. These things are at hand, even at the doors. I command My children to watch and pray, watch and pray, watch and pray. Only then will My children be able to discern My voice and be able to withstand these evil days. "To those who overcome, I will give power to rise above that which would bring them down to cause them discouragement and despair. I have not left My children promiseless or comfortless. I am with them and will

not leave them alone. Do you believe this, child?" the Lord asked me. "Yes," I replied. "I believe this." The group I was with stood silently, watching and listening, to the sounds of the horsemen riding. Zechariah 1:8-10 ~~ {8} I saw by night, and behold a man riding upon a red horse, and he stood among the myrtle trees that were in the bottom; and behind him were there red horses, speckled, and white. {9} Then said I, O my lord, what are these? And the angel that talked with me said unto me, I will show thee what these be. {10} And the man that stood among the myrtle trees answered and said, These are they whom the Lord hath sent to walk to and fro through the earth. Zechariah 6:1-7 ~~ {1} And I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came four chariots out from between two mountains; and the mountains were mountains of brass. {2} In the first chariot were red horses; and in the second chariot black horses; {3} And in the third chariot white horses; and in the fourth chariot grizzled and bay horses. {4} Then I answered and said unto the angel that talked with me, What are these, my lord? {5} And the angel answered and said unto me, These are the four spirits of the heavens, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth. {6} The black horses which are therein go forth into the north country; and the white go forth after them; and the grizzled go forth toward the south country. {7} And the bay went forth, and sought to go that they might walk to and fro through the earth: and he said, Get you hence, walk to and fro through the earth. So they walked to and fro through the earth. Revelation 6:1-8 ~~ {1} And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. {2} And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. {3} And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. {4} And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. {5} And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. {6} And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. {7} And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. {8} And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Woe to New York City

November 11th, 2000 3:19 am Vison Today, I received a "mini-vison." Part of it, an angel was flying towards the United States. The angel had a bowl in his hand, and was intoning, "Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of New York City." Then, the angel poured the bowl out over New York City, and I saw a missile coming across the ocean towards this city.

Vision of China's Revival and Battle

Jan. 25th, 2000 Vision I have had a burden for the nation of China, which has grown since the beginning of this year. As I was praying for this nation this morning, this is what I saw in my mind: I was out way above the earth, in the heavens, looking down upon the earth. My attention was drawn to a very dark spot on the earth. The Lord was with me. "What is that dark spot?" I asked the Lord. "That is the nation of China," the Lord replied. "Come and see." The Lord and I seemed to draw closer to this dark spot on the earth that the Lord had told me was China. I saw as if it were prison bars completely surrounding the entire nation. The nation was in almost total darkness, and even the small, faint light that there was was dim and gloomy looking. There were people from within China pressed up against the prison bars surrounding their country. They were very thin, were in rags, their clothes tattered and filthy. They appeared as if they had been physically beaten. They had blindfolds over their eyes. They were reaching through the bars they were pressed up against, and they were weeping and crying out, "Come to us !!!! Come to us and feed us !!! We are so very

hungry. Come to us !!!!" Over and over again they cried these things out. "I have surely heard their prayers and their cries," the Lord said to me. "Behold !!!" The Lord stretched out one of His arms towards the heavens. I looked and saw the sun rising. It was a tremendous, glorious sunrise. The sun was as if it were on fire. The higher the sun came into the sky, the fiercer it burned. It began to permeate the nation of China. The rays of the sun were as flames of fire, and reached down right into the heart of China. When the sun's rays hit the ground in China, the rays became as flames of fire spreading over the whole ground and nation. The blindfolds on the people's eyes were burned off. The flames entered into their mouths, and they began to "grow fat" before my eyes. They began to sing and shout and dance and rejoice. It was as if the entire nation caught fire and was fully and totally illuminated by the sun, which was now high in the sky directly over China. "Behold, it comes," the Lord said. His voice was filled with tremendous sadness. I felt a sense of impending doom and began to glance uneasily around me. Then, I felt a chill. The chill began to creep across the nation of China. Some of the Chinese people began to feel this chill also. "Work harder !!! Work harder !!! " they cried out to the people around them. "The night is coming. Work while it is yet day and while the glory of the Lord continues to shine upon us." "It is come," the Lord said. I felt tremendous fear enter into my heart. Then, a darkness began to creep across the flaming sun. I glanced up at the sun. It was like an eclipse was taking place. But when I looked closer, I saw that it was a small red dragon that was creeping across the sun. The further across the sun the red dragon crept and covered, the larger the dragon grew. And the darker and dimmer the light of the sun became. The Chinese people were beginning to glance around fearfully and to cry out in terror. "What is it?" they cried out. "What is happening?" The red dragon began to roar. When the Chinese people heard the roars of the dragon, they fell on their faces to the ground, with their hands over their heads and ears. I heard their cries of fear and terror, and felt so much fear and helplessness myself as I saw this transpiring. "They come," the Lord said. When I looked at Him, I became aware that He was weeping over China. I looked back up into the heavens. I saw a large group of smaller dragons forming behind the red dragon. They all began to roar, and to grow larger. Then, with a mighty roar, the red dragon and the dragons following behind him, descended as a lightning bolt into the very heart of China. They brought with them a thick darkness that could be felt. I could see nothing. I felt the Lord put His hands over my eyes. When I opened my eyes back up, I could see into the darkness of China to what was beginning to transpire. The red dragon had a very long tail. With its tail, it had completely covered China. The smaller dragons were beginning to enter into people. When they entered into people, the people would rise up, stand up very tall and straight, with their eyes staring straight ahead. A sword was given unto them, and they began to form in line after line after line, one behind the other; forming a tremendous army. The red dragon continued to roar. Then, when the army of people was formed, the red dragon positioned himself at the head of the army of people. They all faced forward and began to move. As the red dragon, the other dragons, and the vast army of Chinese people began to move, everything that came across its path, was devoured. The red dragon continued to grow larger and larger as it devoured all before it. The smaller dragons and the vast army of Chinese people continued to march. I could hear the sound of their boots as they marched, and it was as thunder. The red dragon, the smaller dragons, and the army of Chinese people marched across the face of the earth; devouring whole nations and peoples as they went. The Chinese army kept its face staring steadfastly straight ahead, never looking to the right or to the left. I saw the red dragon, the smaller dragons, and the Chinese army approaching a sparkling city. This city appeared to be of gold, and had like a gauzy veil over it. "What city is this?" I asked the Lord. "This is Jerusalem," the Lord replied. "My Bride." The red dragon, the smaller dragons, and the Chinese army gave one loud roar, and began to run towards the city the Lord had told me was Jerusalem. The Chinese army had their swords pointed straight ahead. They never seemed to blink. They acted almost like they were robots or zombies. When the red dragon, the smaller dragons, and the Chinese army roared and charged and advanced on Jerusalem, I heard a shout from next to me. I glanced to my right, and saw the Lord. His face was filled with fierce anger. Then, the Lord was gone. I began to glance around, looking to see where the Lord had gone. I heard a shout coming from above my head. I glanced up, and saw the sky above me splitting wide open. I saw a large hole forming in the heavens above me, and such intense light began to pour forth from this hole, that I was knocked down by its brilliance. I felt as if I had been blinded by this light, but when I looked back up, I could still see. I saw a white horse erupt through the hole that had split in the heavens above my head. The Lord was on this white horse's back. The Lord had a flaming sword in His hand, and a shield of pure glittering gold in His other hand. He had a crown of gold upon His head, and was dressed all in white. Then, the Lord and His horse was through the hole in the heavens, and army after army came charging out of the hole behind the Lord. This heavenly army was also all dressed in white, and also had flaming swords

and shields of gold. They were also seated on white horses. These were the largest, most magnificent horses I had ever seen. The heavenly army went charging after the Lord, and gathered themselves over the city of Jerusalem. The red dragon, the smaller dragons, and the Chinese army continued to run towards Jerusalem. They continued to roar. The Lord and His armies gave a shout, then they charged at the red dragon, the smaller dragons, and the Chinese army. A terrible battle began. I could hear thunders, see lightnings, hear the shouts and roars and cries of both armies ~~ the Lord's armies, and the red dragon and his Chinese army. The earth was shaking and quaking and being torn open. Buildings were falling and toppling from within Jerusalem. I heard screams and shouts from the people from within the city of Jerusalem. Then, I heard a deafening blast, such as a dynamite blast, only much much greater. Then, there was a tremendous silence. I heard no more shouts, no more roars, no more screams or cries. All was silent and quiet. When I tried to look around to see what had happened. It was as if I could see nothing. There was a very very thick dark cloud covering the whole scene of this battle. Then, I heard another shout, and I knew it was the lord. I glanced up, for the shout had come from up above me. I saw a city coming down from the heavens, but it was also a bride. As she descended from the heavens, the Lord gave another shout. I glanced around, then located the Lord on His horse on a mountain. His armies were gathered around Him at the base of the mountain. When the Lord shouted the second time, His armies began to shout also, and it was the shout of victory. The city bride continued to descend from the heavens. Then, the vision ended.

Death Angel
(May 4th, 2001) Vision I've been just sitting quietly; watching, observing; feeling some type of tremendous spiritual pressure building not only within me, but around me, and in those around me. I've seen it being manifested through despair, discouragement, frustration, impatience, anger, etc., by those who are also feeling something in the Spirit but don't know exactly what. I felt the Lord spoke to me at the beginning of this year about hiding myself in Him, and withdrawing myself into the wilderness / desert to be alone with Him. (Isaiah 26:20-21 was impressed upon my heart.) Then, I had a vision of the death angel. In advance of this angel, I saw people applying blood over their doors (it reminded me of how the Israelites did this when the death angel passed through to smite the firstborn in Egypt). These people who were applying blood over their doors were making other sorts of preparations also. These preparations appeared confusing / bewildering to me. I didn't understand all that they were doing, or why. At times, it didn't even appear that these people fully understood their own actions. It was like they were somehow moved upon to be doing the preparations they were doing. The people who had applied blood over their doors, went inside and shut the door. Others, departed and went into the wilderness. Then I saw a very large hand with a rod in it, stretched out over America (I felt the hand was the hand of the Lord, but I could be wrong). This hand with the rod came crashing down. I saw that the rod first smote churches, then all of America. I saw as shepherds began to be wounded and / or flee from the churches. When this occurred, the sheep in the churches began to mill about in confusion. The whole scene was extremely troubling to me. I have a heart for those who are hurting / wounded, and to see the sheep so absolutely confused, scattered, and frightened, troubled and distressed me. Anyway, after the hand with the rod fell, the death angel followed closely on the heels of this happening. The scenes I then "felt" more than "saw" in the Spirit were horrifying. It was something more spiritual than physical; something that was occurring in the spiritual realm more than just in the physical (though it also followed into the physical realm after first occurring in the spiritual). I "felt" and "saw" the ground shaking, rising up and down as if in an earthquake; the ground splitting open, etc. I felt for some reason that this first happened in the spiritual, then in the physical. Then, it was like I was above America looking down. It looked like America was a war zone. Lights began blinking off and on in several areas of America (blackouts?). I saw and smelt that the water supply in many areas of America was bad, contaminated (something was wrong with the water, not sure what). Cars were abandoned by the sides of roads, gas stations either shut down or with long lines of cars / vehicles at them. There were numerous episodes of crime. America "smelt" (sanitation bad?). I'm not at all an alarmist. Yet, in my spirit, I am alarmed and troubled. Whatever might possibly be going to happen, will happen so suddenly, so quickly, it will catch most everyone unawares and unprepared. I feel it increasing in my spirit. It's not at the "breaking" point yet, but it is close. Lastly, I "saw" a door that was slightly ajar, but was being closed the rest of the way. I felt that this was the Lord saying He was allowing a small period of grace, but that it was almost over.

America's Judgment (?)

June 19th, 2001 Vision ~~ There was a tremendous mob of people. They were milling around. The noise was incredible. For some reason, I sensed that all these people were claiming to be Christians. I heard some of the people preaching and prophesying. Whenever someone began to preach and / or prophesy, crowds of people would run over to this person and gather around them. Then, another person would begin to preach and / or prophesy, and large crowds of people would then run over to that other person to listen to them. Soon, there was a tremendous confusion of sermons and words from the Lord being shouted out to the crowds of people. The whole scene was one of absolute chaos and confusion. But suddenly, I heard a small whisper. Some of the other people appeared to hear the small whisper also. We began to follow the sound of this small whisper to its source. The source was the Lord. He was standing out in a desert, wilderness scene. A small group of people were standing quietly and solemnly around the Lord. In contrast with the mob of people I had just left, this group of people was extremely quiet and silent. They were very intense and totally focused upon the Lord. They were looking off in the distance, as if waiting for more to join them. I watched as the Lord began to hand out small, rolled-up scrolls to each person. As each person received a scroll, they would stand to the right of the Lord. Soon, each person had received a scroll. "What is this scroll, Lord?" someone asked. "It is a message from Me," the Lord replied. "I have given to those of My children who have heard My still, small voice a message to deliver. They each have their orders from Me, and know exactly who to take the message to, and what the message is. They are to go only to who I send them to, and speak only what I have told them to speak." Immediately after I experienced this vision, the Lord instructed me to go and take a nap; that He was going to speak to me in a dream. The Lord telling me He is going to speak to me in a dream has never happened to me before, so I tried this voice to see if it was really from the Lord or not. I went to take my nap, and before I fell asleep, the Lord spoke the following to me. He said ~~ "I will be speaking to you in visions and dreams, and you will not understand them. I will instruct you who to speak of them to. These people will know what to do with them, and what they mean. This is a time of many voices clamoring to be heard. Pay close attention to whose voice you do and do not listen to. Take heed to your soul." I then fell asleep and had the following dream ~~ I was in a room. The walls of this room were covered with pictures of babies being born. I was going from picture to picture, studying each one. Each stage of labor was represented. This was the whole dream. Upon awakening, I was extremely puzzled and perplexed by this dream. The next day, I experienced another vision. This was a horrific vision to me, and I've held it inside for another day because of how truly horrible and frightening it was to me. I saw an angel with a large scale step out of the portals of heaven. This was one of those old-fashioned type scale that has like a small bowl on each side. As one side is weighted, the other side goes up and vice versus. This angel began to place weights upon first one side of the scale, then the other. When both sides were equally weighted, a voice called out, "Hold!" (I somehow knew this voice belonged to the Lord.) There was a very intense waiting silence after this command was called out. I then realized that I was way up in the heavens, looking down on the earth. My attention became directed and centered upon the United States. I saw like a shield in place around America. Angels were on the inside of the shield, bracing themselves against it. I then saw hordes of demons on the other side of this shield, pushing frantically and furiously against their side of the shield. They were howling angrily. It terrified me. I saw those with the small rolled-up scrolls running with their message from the Lord. They were weeping and wailing as they ran, and also as they delivered their message. After they delivered their message, they would fall flat on their faces and continue to wail and lament. Many who were the recipients of these messages also fell flat on their faces after they received and read the message. I heard their cries of repentance echoing throughout America. (The dream about the babies being born came back to my mind at this point. What I was seeing in this portion of the vision made me think of a birthing of revival brought about through tears of repentance and godly sorrow.) Others who received the message, threw it away in disgust and disdain after having read it. My attention then became focused upon Washington, DC. (I was still way up in the heavens in this vision, looking down upon this scene.) Something was transpiring within the White House. I saw some sort of "waves" undulating out from within the White House. These waves had some sort of far-reaching repercussions. When these waves came forth from within the White House, I heard the angels who were still pushing against the demons on their side of the shield begin to wail and keen. When the demons saw the waves emanating from within the White House, they began to scream with victory. The angel with the scale put one more weight upon one side of the scale. One side of the scale hit the ground.

When this occurred, the shield around America fell down, and the demons streamed into America, howling and in a frenzy. I heard a voice proclaim, and once again, I knew it to be the Lord's voice ~~ "America! America! How oft I sent My prophets to you, and you scorned and ignored them. How oft I revealed Myself in majesty and power to you. You enjoyed the power and majesty, yet not the cost of following Me. "Your ground is soaked with the blood of the innocents, and how shall I ignore or overlook this when it continues daily to occur? Your streets overflow with degradation. Many of your churches reek with hypocrisy, and My sheep have been driven away and have been left to wander alone; where they have become meat and prey for the wolves. "Yet, I would wipe out these sins, and blot out their remembrance; if you had only returned unto Me with all your heart. I have stayed My judgment for a season. I will stay it no longer. You have been weighed, and have been found wanting. I have no pleasure in your judgment, America. Prepare to meet your Maker." I then watched scene after scene of carnage and terror befall America. I just don't want or desire to go into detail about it. My heart was breaking as I witnessed all of this, and I was myself filled with horror and terror. I went into the bedroom of each of my three precious, wonderful little children. Tears of fear fell down my cheeks as I gazed down at each one of my sleeping children, wondering in my heart what would befall them. If some of these scenes I witnessed actually do come to pass, I know that one of my children at least, would not survive. She has need of special medical supplies for insulin dependent diabetes. These supplies would be extremely limited to impossible to locate or receive if any of this vision actually occurs in her lifetime. I don't have a time frame for any of this. If I am mocked or ridiculed for sharing this vision, I accept that. Once again, let me repeat, I pray this vision is false or does not occur. I will continue to pray and intercede for my country, and for a spirit of repentance to sweep across the shores of America. Yet, part of me feels that judgment will only be stayed if such a spirit of repentance does occur. The judgment is set. Too much has occurred within the borders of America for there to be no reaping of what has been sown for centuries. I love America. I love my country. I love being an American. I love the American flag and our national anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner." I will continue to pray for a spirit of repentance to come upon my nation.

The Dragon Stirs

September 28th, 2001 Vision: I seemed to be high up in the heavens, looking down upon the earth. The earth appeared as a globe to my eyes. The Lord was standing next to me. I saw a huge golden dragon on the earth that appeared to be asleep. For some reason, though, I sensed the dragon was very aware of all that was transpiring around it. "What is this dragon?" I asked the Lord. "It is the spirit of a nation," the Lord replied. I then saw groups of men and women of every nation and nationality converging upon a certain spot on the earth. They were entering into a large meeting room. Yet, a few of the men and women first met with one another secretly and privately before the big group meeting. I watched as they solemnly nodded, and shook hands. I then saw as the dragon opened one red tinged eye, stirred slightly, and gazed fixedly at this smaller group of men and women. The group of men and women who had met with one another in secret, joined the rest of the men and women in the large room. The dragon closed its eye, and appeared to go back to sleep. Yet I was once again pricked with the uneasy sensation that the dragon was not truly asleep, but was in fact very aware of all that was going on around it. The men and women in the large meeting room appeared to be discussing and debating heated issues. There were piles of papers in front of each person, and they were reading and reciting from these papers. The debates and discussions became more and more heated. I watched as a small group of people from two nations got to their feet, and walked from the room. Pandemonium broke out after their departure. "Who were those people who just walked out?" I asked the Lord. "The Americans and the Israelis," the Lord replied. Once again, the dragon opened one of its eyes and surveyed this scene that was taking place. The dragon appeared to give a small smile of satisfaction. The dragon stirred slightly, and almost without appearing to do so, moved itself in a soft slithering motion into the large meeting room. It then curled itself back up, shut its eye, and once again appeared to fall back asleep. Yet from its very stillness, I once again sensed very strongly that the dragon was indeed awake and aware. I experienced a very sinister feeling in regard to this dragon. The large group disbursed after a time of more heated debates and discussions. After the large meeting broke up, the small group of men and women who had met secretly and privately, met with each other once again. A few of them then met with a new set of people. After a time of talking, they all nodded, shook hands, and left. While these other meetings were transpiring, the dragon stirred once again and stared through one opened eye at these people. After the people left, the golden dragon slithered softly and silently from the scene.

"Who are these people who keep meeting secretly?" I asked the Lord. "They are the leaders of certain nations," the Lord replied. "They have their own agenda. Their agenda is quite different from what was taking place in the larger meeting. What they speak with their lips, and what is actually in their mind to do, are quite different." As I continued to gaze down at the earth, I began to see what appeared to be veins and tunnels running through certain sections of the earth. I was puzzled and perplexed as to what these veins and tunnels represented. "What are these veins and tunnels?" I asked the Lord. "They are secret entrances into certain cities and countries," the Lord replied. "What you are observing is a very detailed network of undercover agents and operatives. Much planning has gone into this network. Many nations are involved in this network. There is an even smaller number of nations who have an even more secret and sinister agenda than this present network. This smaller group of nations is using what is being made available to them to further their agenda, but they have already made plans to one day dispose of those they are presently using. This is a sinister plot of tremendous evil in high places." A chill spread through my body at the Lord's words. I then saw as small groups of darkly cloaked people began to appear on the veins and tunnels I had just noticed. The people and the veins and tunnels appeared to be highly organized. "Who are these people?" I asked the Lord. "Mercenaries," the Lord replied. "They are the puppets of the smaller groups of people who met in secret that you observed previously." I then saw the golden dragon in the heavens where I was. We appeared to be in the outer space region around the earth, for I saw the moon and stars, and the sky was very dark. The golden dragon was breaking up and hurling a large object from the sky. This large object looked like some sort of a giant satellite. "What is this large object?" I asked the Lord. "It was a defense mechanism your country was setting in place," the Lord replied. "Making it inoperable was one of the items that was discussed by the small group of people you observed." The dragon then flew swiftly and silently through the dark sky and landed in a country I saw was the country of China. The dragon then met with groups of people from its own nation. After their meetings were finished, I saw as other people from other nations joined them, and new discussions began. I was extremely perturbed and puzzled as I saw these meetings transpiring. "What is happening here?" I asked the Lord. "The fate of your country, as well as other countries, is being discussed," the Lord replied. "There is an agenda. There is a plan. These people you are observing operate on many different levels, but each of them has their own agenda." After the groups of people left China, there were more meetings with groups of Chinese people. The dragon was now fully awake. When the meetings were over, I watched as the dragon silently slithered from the meeting room. When it was outside, I saw as the golden dragon flew into the sky, gave a tremendous roar, opened wide its mouth, and began to devour and swallow whole nations. To my amazement, most of the people of these nations appeared totally oblivious to the fact that they were being swallowed and devoured. "What is this?" I asked the Lord. "What's happening here?" "This is China's secret and hidden agenda," the Lord replied. "The dragon will use whoever and whatever it can avail itself of to further its own agenda. It will work from within nations, seemingly as a harmless friend seeking to strengthen and promote political ties. Yet at the end, the dragon will seek to devour all in its path. It will turn on all who have secretly conspired with it. It will come up against your nation, and the nation of Israel also," the Lord continued. "These will be troublesome times." "When, Lord?" I asked. "When will these things be?" "It has already begun," the Lord replied. "He who has ears to hear, let him hear what My Spirit is speaking to My children. He who has eyes to see, let him see what is transpiring in the spiritual realm. Be alert. Be prepared. Be on guard. Be not deceived by any means." For the first time became aware of an extremely large angel standing next to the Lord and I. This angel had a large, drawn sword in its hand. The sword was like a flame of fire. "Who is this angel?" I asked the Lord, "and what is this flaming sword in his hand?" "This is the destroying angel," the Lord replied, "and the sword of the Lord." I then saw as groups of people began to cry out warnings to the world. "Who are these people?" I asked the Lord. "My messengers and prophets," the Lord replied. I heard as one group of messengers and prophets shouted one thing, and other groups of messengers and prophets shouted something that seemed totally contrary to what the other group had just spoken. I was becoming more and more confused. "Why does it seem so many of the messengers and prophets are speaking contrary words?" I asked the Lord. "Which group have You truly spoken to?" "I have and I am speaking to both groups of messengers and prophets," the Lord replied. I then saw as what appeared to be a thick blanket of mist was dropped over the messengers and prophets. I could somehow see through the blanket of mist, though. The messengers and prophets appeared to be quite agitated and very unsure of what was happening to them. A large hand appeared and began to drive the

messengers and prophets into dens and caves. "What is this?" I asked the Lord. "What's happening to the messengers and prophets?" "I am calling them into the caves," the Lord replied. "They are filled with self-doubt and are beginning to wonder if I have truly spoken to them. I will nourish them in the caves with My words during their season of darkness. During this time, they will shed all their self-sufficiency, and learn to lean totally and completely upon Me. They will hear no other voice for a season besides My voice. When they come forth from the dens and caves where they are being driven and hidden, they will come forth speaking only what they have heard and what they hear My Spirit speaking unto them. This is a time when I will be teaching them to fully discern My voice from all other voices." The Lord and I were still up in the heavens, looking down to the earth, observing all that was transpiring upon the earth. The dragon was still devouring whole nations and peoples. The destroying angel with the drawn, flaming sword still stood next to the Lord and I. I then saw as the messengers and prophets who had been driven and hidden in the dens and caves came crawling and stumbling out of the dens and caves. They appeared completely broken both physically and from within. I then saw as angels came to the messengers and prophets and began to feed, nourish and minister unto them. When the messengers and prophets began to regain their strength, I saw as walls appeared in the distance. The messengers and prophets saw the walls, and began to run swiftly towards these walls. When they reached the walls, they climbed quickly to the tops of the walls and began to cry out loud warnings and instructions to the people gathered around the walls. Some of the people listened to the words of the messengers and prophets; others did not listen. "What is this?" I asked the Lord. "I have set these messengers and prophets as watchmen," the Lord replied. "They will not hold their peace day nor night. They will continually lift up their voices. They will spare none of the words I speak to them. All I tell them, they will declare." I then heard a loud roar. I turned and saw the golden dragon flying towards the messengers and prophets. The dragon was enraged. When the dragon reached the messengers and prophets who remained standing steadfastly upon the walls, the dragon began to devour them. The Lord lifted up His right hand. I then saw the destroying angel with the flaming sword shoot down as a lightning bolt towards the dragon. The dragon saw the angel approaching, and curled itself up amongst the people and nations it had been devouring. The dragon opened its mouth, and the people and nations it had swallowed and devoured came streaming forth from its mouth. They were armed for battle. They began battling the messengers and prophets on the walls. The destroying angel with the flaming sword also began to do battle, and attacked both the dragon and the warriors who had come from the dragon's mouth. I saw as nation after nation was conquered, the people bound and enslaved. Many of these bound and enslaved people and nations, were then armed by the dragon and they also became warriors for the dragon. I then saw two nations and two groups of people who had not been devoured. The dragon was now completely covering with its body all the other nations. These two last nations and groups of people had been under attack, though, and I saw many scenes of bloody devastation within these nations. I saw bands of angels surrounding these two remaining nations and groups of people. The dragon and its warriors could not penetrate past these angels. "Why are these the only two remaining nations and peoples?" I asked the Lord. "It is only My word, My presence, which is protecting them," the Lord replied. "The final battle will be between Myself and the dragon." "When, Lord?" I asked. "When it is the set time," the Lord replied. "All things are being set in place. Many leaders are unknowingly being manipulated by those who have their own agenda. Many leaders are under plans to be slain. Their predecessors are already in place, with their agendas set in order. "Those who hear My voice, and seek after Me, will not be dismayed or deceived by these things. Their eyes will see clearly; their ears will hear clearly, what is occurring in spiritual realms. I have allowed a small time of grace and mercy while the prayers and cries of many are lifted up to Me. Yet I am seeking not only the cries and the prayers of people. I am seeking their consecration. I will establish My covenant with those of a heart which is perfect towards Me. I will be their God, and they will be My people. "The conspiracies are agreed upon, and are in place," the Lord said. "But My children, fear none of these things. You will be betrayed, yet fear not, for I am with you and will not leave you defenseless. I have given My children weapons to war with: prayer, supplications, fastings, consecration. I will bring the counsel of the wicked against you to nought. Advance My Kingdom while it is still day. The night is coming. Thick and gross darkness will cover the land. My word will be precious. My children will not be a prey. I will be their bulwark and their defense. Trust in Me, My children, and fear none of these things which will shortly come to pass."

A Closing Door
October 6th, 2001 Vision I have been under a tremendous burden this week, but especially today. It has been building up and intensifying within me. The Lord has been showing me a door opened a crack, but slowly closing.

When I asked what this could mean, I felt the Lord replied that after the terrorist attacks on America on September 11th, He allowed a period of grace and mercy towards not only America, but also other nations who were also troubled and shaken by the tragedy which occurred on our shores. Now, the door I saw in this mini-vision was closing, and was almost totally closed. In the vision, I cried out to the Lord to keep the door open just a little longer. I tried to reach into the space between the closing door to keep it from closing completely. I was weeping and crying, pleading for a little more time. "I granted a little more time," the Lord replied. "I heard the cries and saw the tears of many after your country was attacked. I then waited for the cries and tears to turn to true and lasting repentance. While many truly repented, there were so many of My children who remained unmoved. And they remained unchanged. "My eyes continued to behold My sheep being wounded in My house. My eyes saw into the recesses of the hearts of many of My children, and I beheld the secret sins still unrepented of. My people remain unmoved and unrepentant. A time of Tuesdays is coming upon My people, and upon the world," the Lord decreed to me. I then experienced a vision. In this vision, I was looking up into the heavens. I saw a door open in the heavens, and a small group of seven very large angels began to step through this door one at a time. They each held what appeared to be a bowl in their hands. After all the angels stepped through the door, the door closed. The first angel began to pour out his bowl. The contents began to fall towards the earth. Darkness fell out of the first bowl. I saw as this darkness fell first on churches and on the saints of God, then fell on the rest of the world and the world's peoples. There seemed to be a weight to this darkness. For when the darkness fell upon people, they began to stumble and fall. "People chose darkness over the light of My salvation," the Lord intoned. "Now they shall have the darkness of damnation." The second angel began to pour out his bowl upon the earth. The second bowl contained blood. As the blood covered the earth, I saw wars and violence erupting. "The blood I shed on Calvary was ignored and trodden under foot," the Lord intoned. "Now the blood of many shall be shed." The third angel began to pour out his bowl into the heavens (outer space). I saw explosions in the heavens. Debris from the explosions began to fall to the earth, burning as it fell. "Man said he would ascend into heaven," the Lord intoned. "The pride of man will be abased." The fourth angel began to pour out his bowl upon the earth. Fire was contained in this bowl. As the fire fell to the earth, it ignited numerous other fires. I soon saw as sections and portions of the entire earth appeared to be burning. "Many have chosen the fires of hell over the fires of purging and repentance," the Lord intoned. "Now they shall begin to feel the heat from the fires of hell." The fifth angel began to pour out his bowl over the earth. His bowl contained idols and images. As the idols and images fell to the earth, they struck people, wounding and injuring them. "Just as many chose to place other things and other gods before and above Me," the Lord intoned, "even now shall those things fall upon them to their wounding and destruction." The sixth angel began to pour out his bowl over the earth. His bowl was filled with the wind. As the wind fell upon the earth, it began to blow fiercely. I watched and saw as the wind blew upon everything in its path, destroying almost everything before it. "The wind of My Spirit was stifled in the hearts of many," the Lord intoned. "Now will the wind blow unfettered, and will blow away all that offends." The seventh angel began to pour out his bowl over the earth. To my eyes, the bowl appeared empty. After this bowl was emptied over the earth, a very intense silence fell. "My ears were attuned to the prayers of My children," the Lord intoned. "I heard the clamoring of many voices which confused many. I also heard the silence of unoffered prayers. Now when they call to Me, I will not answer." After the seven angels had finished pouring out their bowls upon the earth, the Lord called the first angel over to us. "The darkness contained in this bowl is twofold," the Lord explained to me. "Not only is it a darkness coming upon all the world to engulf it, it is also a spiritual attack being unleashed at this present time against My people, but especially against My prophets. The enemy is seeking to confuse and silence the voice of My prophets. He is bringing a weight of condemnation, self-doubt and depression upon them. I am hiding My prophets in places of safety and refuge to strengthen and minister to them." The Lord then called the second angel over to us. "The blood contained in this bowl represents My blood which I shed for the remission of sins," the Lord said. "Those of My people who are My servants indeed, have been applying My blood to their hearts. They have been examining themselves, and have been entering into a new covenant with Me. My blood will be over them during this time of tremendous blood shed which will come upon all the earth." The Lord then called the third angel over to us. "Man's pride has lifted him up," the Lord said to me. "There will be wars in the heavens. These wars will be both physical and spiritual in nature. Many of My children are already feeling the heat of this battle spiritually."

The Lord then called the fourth angel over to us. "Fire purges as well as destroys," the Lord said to me. "My children are feeling the fire of purging within their hearts. This is an extremely intense time for My people. It is a time of self-examination;a time of rededicating themselves unto Me. My fire is burning all from within My children that would pollute them. Those who do not submit themselves to Me, will feel this fire as a destroying fire." The Lord then called the fifth angel over to us. "The idols and images contained within this bowl represents a battle between Myself and false gods and false religions," the Lord said to me. "Every religion, every denomination, is being shaken at this time. Only what is of Me, and what is built upon Me, shall endure. The battles fought in the physical realm will be between false gods and the One True God. The issue central to this war will be Truth versus deception." The Lord then called the sixth angel over to us. "The wind contained in this bowl represents My Spirit," the Lord said to me. "My Spirit is already blowing fiercely upon all who profess to be My children. Those who are not My children, will be blown away and destroyed by the fierceness of My Spirit touching upon them. Those who are truly My children are also feeling My Spirit blowing upon them. This is also a difficult time for them; for all that is within them that is offensive to truth, is being blown violently from out of them." The Lord then called the seventh angel over to us. "The silence contained within this bowl," the Lord said to me, "represents a silencing by Me over those who have confused many by their words. "Many of My children are feeling My hand heavy upon them, and have hushed themselves. They are waiting to hear only My voice speaking to them. "Those who have claimed to hear My words, and have uttered their own thoughts and ideas which have confused many, will be put to silence and shame before Me. For with their words, they turned away the feet of those who were on the road to repentance. "My people have been as the church of Ephesus. They have left their first love of Me. My people have been as the church of Pergamos. They have fornicated themselves with false doctrine. My people have been as the church of Thyatira. They have allowed false prophets to speak My words unto them. My people have been as the church of Sardis. They are spiritually dead, and dying. My people have been as the church of Laodicea. They are complacent. "Those of My children who are My children indeed, shall be as the churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia. They will suffer persecution and trials, even unto death, while I am purging and refining My rebellious children. "My will and My plan is to prosper My people," the Lord said to me. "Not with finances or possessions, but with the knowledge of Me would I prosper them. To accomplish this, all that is not of Me I must needs remove. "This is a troublesome time. I am shaking mightily all things and all people. He that endures to the end, the same shall be saved." I then saw vast numbers of people stooping down to the ground and picking items up from the ground. With their arms full of bits and pieces of what they had picked up, the people came to the Lord. They put the items in their arms on the Lord and began to build something with these items. I watched and beheld as a beautiful building began to emerge. "I am the foundation upon which all other things must be built," the Lord said. "My people are broken. When they bring the broken pieces of their hearts and lives to Me, and begin to build upon Me, I will put the brokenness back together and raise up a glorious and victorious Church. My Church shall stand triumphant when it is built upon Me. I will have a people called by My Name. I will have a Church.

Paul Wilson * Jan 2nd or 3rd of 2001 I had a dream today about the beginnings of WWIII. Me and my mom were watching CNN but it was like we were there it was like being on a holodeck for those of you familiar with Star Trek. It was in Iraq, it was night time but I know the tanks were in desert camouflage and the reports mentioned that they ( meaning the Iraqis) have begun firing on reporters and that WWIII was imminent.

Iraq Strikes Israel

Unknown * Dream 4 Feb 2003 I had a dream last night were I was watching TBN. This dream was so real. On TBN , I believe it was Praise the Lord, someone was saying how this war would change the world, and God told him that Israel would be involved with this Iraq war. He also said that God told him that Iraq would strike Israel...

Lorraine * 11/26/2002 First let me start by saying I have not ever read the bible and really do not know why I keep having these

dreams about people on horses coming out of the clouds!! From what people have told me it means the end of the world and so forth. The dream i had last night there were only two people and one was a woman. The sky always turns yellow in my dreams and then clouds begin to form, and from the clouds come the people on these horses.

Coming Judgment on America!

Ann * 1994 About eight years ago I had a night vision. A wall in my bedroom lit up like a movie theater, and a darkcloaked shadow appeared in my doorway. The shadow pointed at the wall and said, "Look, son of man, and listen to what I am going to tell you." I was not scared of the shadow realizing that he meant me no harm, just wanted my attention. On the wall appeared first and up above the rest of the vision the Chinese flag and the Russian sickle, the hammer, that is in the Russian flag was over the head of the Eagle which was at the bottom of the screen. The hammer-type object was beating the Eagle to death, feathers were going everywhere. I reached up and caught a feather. Realizing that this represented America, I began to feel death in my spirit. I started to cry to the Lord and begged Him to remember His promise to us that if My people which are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, then I will heal their land. The shadow spoke at this point and said, "Not this time child. Tell my children I love them, but these things too shall come to pass." I cried so hard and begged continually with great concern. The shadow said. "Child, please hear what I am saying. These things where written long before time began, and they must come to pass soon. Please tell my Children that I love them, they will not understand. They will not see it coming. Tell my Children that I love them."

These Are The Missiles Of October!

Larry * Early 1980's Thought I would relate a dream to you I had in the early 1980's. I had been in prayer for about a week and on the last day of my prayer fast, I became very sleepy. So sleepy, that I couldn't keep my head up. I struggled against sleep as I was trying to hear the Lord. I lay back on the bed for a minute, but as soon as my head hit the bed I was asleep. I immediately had a dream. DREAM: In the dream I saw a long line of missile silos. I had the knowledge in the dream that these were missiles no one ever thought would be fired! I could not tell who the missiles belonged to. As the dream progressed, I saw the missiles begin to fire and lift out of their silos. I noted that not all the missiles were fired, but only a certain number were fired. I saw the missiles fired, go up into the sky and reach a peak; then start to arch and fall back towards the earth, towards its target. I did not see who or what the target was but as the missiles began to fall towards their targets, I heard in my dream what sounded like a loud audible voice, "THESE ARE THE MISSILES OF OCTOBER!" This voice woke me up fully awake and I sat up with a start! I still remember in vivid detail the dream of the Missiles and the voice that declared they were of October. (No year was given) Well, Octobers have come and gone many times since I had the dream and the world politics have carried on their plans. I pray this dream never happens, but only the Lord really knows. Neil Lipken November 2001 In the middle of the night about 4:30 AM on Nov. 20th, 2001, my wife was downstairs in our home leaving the kitchen when suddenly she heard a very clear voice say to her, "It's just about time". She had just turned the light off in the kitchen and was coming through the living room when it happened. She looked all around, but no one was there (the experience was quite real to her), and immediately ran upstairs and woke me to tell me what happened. The interesting thing is that she is really not very interested in end time prophecy. She knows that the Lord is coming back someday, but it just does not intrigue her very much. July 2002 Early in the morning on July 22nd (this year) I had a very vivid dream. I was teaching at a church (as I often am) when the pastor stopped me and told me that a woman was there at the church, and that she was going to give us a "demonstration on how near the Rapture now is". I yielded the pulpit to her immediately. She brought up a sphere about 1 1/2 feet in diameter, and she called it a "biosphere". The bottom half had dirt in it with miniature houses and trees, and the top half was "atmosphere". The sphere itself looked like clear plastic. She then brought out a long electrical wire and plugged one end into the wall

socket. On the other end were two copper tips (which were live), and she proceeded at once to place the live copper tips into the atmosphere of the biosphere. The atmosphere ignited instantly. She then told everyone in the church that the amount of time now remaining till the Rapture is the same amount of time that it took for the current to jump from the copper tips and ignite the atmosphere of the biosphere. I then woke up. Yours in the Most High, Neil Lipken e-mail: Peg A Dream Sequence Feast Preparation May 2002 Last night (Monday) I was fascinated by a dream that Perry Stone was relating to David Curillo on his program that his 86 yr. old grandmother, who is in the hospital had. His grandfather had died about 5 years ago. In her dream his grandfather said to her"Lucy,come I want to show you something".(She said it was so real. She looked and as far as she could see..North, South, East and West....were long tables with the whitest tablecloths on them)."We"ve been working hard up here, preparing for the Marriage Feast of the Lamb" he said.."Look..people are gonna start coming in'...(people that had died in Christ were checking out the tables to see where they and their families are gonna sit). Then he said.." See that middle table, that is reserved for our family". (Some people were already sitting at some of the tables.) Then she woke up. In my dream in May of this year...I had just gotten off a school bus and found myself standing on a very long line beside a brick building that looked like some kind of a town hall. The day was very bright. I asked a kind looking lady standing next to me why we were on line? She replied.."For food". As the line began to move I saw up ahead that the line was turning at the corner. When I got there immense field was before me with the most beautiful carpeting of silky green grass... in an intense color of green that I had never seen before. In the field were long tables with the whitest tablecloths that seemed to glow. There were too many tables to count. I glanced at one of the tables and saw my mother, my brother and my grandmother who had passed on in 1968. They were all so happy and so young! They appeared to be waiting for someone or something to happen. In the distance at the end of this huge field was a truck loading hay. A sign of the harvest!!!............ These two dreams may be coincidental but I would prefer to think that the Lord wants us to know that everything is in readiness for the Marriage Feast of the Lamb!!! The Harvest is about to happen. God Bless You All Cathy Nuclear Dream June/July, 2001. I am a single mom, and I dreamed that my two children and I were at the beach near our home in the Norfolk, Virginia area. On this beautiful day the beach was crowded with people laying in the sand and playing in the water. All of a sudden, I heard a loud rushing noise coming from the North. I looked up and saw a huge mushroom cloud racing toward us. People were screaming and crying and running all around us. My two children ran to me screaming and crying too. I grabbed them both, we dropped to the ground, huddled closely together and I told them that we had to ask Jesus to forgive us of all our sins. We held onto each other tightly as I prayed and the explosion screamed closer. Both kids were crying. I held my kids and told them that in just a second we were going to be with Jesus. I was so calm! I told them everything was going to be okay because we were going to see Jesus in just a second. (Let me stop for a second and tell you that I am usually a big scaredy cat! I am not one of these super brave hero type moms... my absolute peace and calmness in this dream surprises me.) As the flames rushed closer, I told my kids to close their eyes, and within a few seconds we could not hear anything around us because of the deafening explosion. Warm/hot air and sand beat against us. We held each other tightly and I thought we would be dead in an instant. After what seemed like a few seconds, it stopped. It was calm again. We opened our eyes, and everything around us -- including the people -- was gone. But we were fine. We were so amazed! Not even a hair on our head was burned. We kept lifting up our arms to our noses to see if we could smell the smoke on us, but we didn't smell like smoke at all. I think the Lord blessed me with this dream so that I would not worry about what will happen to us. Whatever happens in the future, He will take care of us and protect us. Even if we die, He will give us peace. At least that's what I got out of the dream. Larry B. Visions 2002

I would like to tell you about a vision that I had about six months ago. About six months ago I had a very strong vision. Four in all, that lasted over four nights. First let me tell you a little about myself. I am 46 yrs. old, didn't know God and, was not looking to know God. I was just going about my life. Never read the Bible. Didn't go to church. Like I said, I was just minding my own business. One night while I was at work (I work nights...alone) I started having very vivid visions. The visions were very horrible. Fire and destruction on earth. People were screaming and sliding into a fiery pit with looks of horror on their faces. Every night the visions were of different things like this...none of them looked good. I thought that I was losing my mind. I really believed that I was going crazy. I called out and asked what is happening to me! A voice said "Just watch" "Take notice". I was quite upset as you can imagine. I knew that this was coming from God. I don't know how, I just knew. On the fourth night, I just watched. I asked why are you showing this to me? I could hear a voice. Not with my ears, but in the front of my forehead. Clear as day. It said that I have been chosen by God to do a job. I asked ,what job? I was told that I was to lead people to a safe place for the end of times. I asked what people and what is the end of times. I had no idea. The people were shown to me and the place was shown also. I was told that i will be shown. I asked why? It was said that the things that I have been shown are what is to come. The people, I will keep safe until the time for them to come out is safe and I would know the time. I asked why I did not see my wife and girl with the people? It said, they will be taken up. I asked, what am I seeing? I was told to read Revelation in the Bible. Now it gets really strange. I was really upset and thinking that I had gone mad. Walking around talking to myself I said out loud, God if this is true and this is from you then I need to be shown! "I didn't know that I was not suppose to do this"! I started to ask to see things but, I didn't know what to ask to see. First I said, I want to see a bird fly at night, then I said that I want to see a halo around the moon (it was a clear night with no halo), then I said that I want to see a meteor when I walk outside. I watch the night sky allot and sometimes I go days without seeing a meteor. I said that when I walk outside, I am not going to look up, and when I do, I want to see it then. Thinking about what I had asked to see, I felt foolish. I thought that these things could happen at any time. So I asked to be given a cross. In my hand, so I have no doubt. I then walked outside, holding my head down so not to see the sky. I said when I lift my head, if i see a meteor I will know that it is from you "God". I looked up and at that exact time a meteor that lit the ground shot from one horizon to the other. My heart seemed to stop! I ran inside and tried to calm myself. After a few minuets a loud bang came from the window. I thought that someone was playing a joke on me. I crept outside and looked around the corner of the building. No one was there. I looked all over the place. No one! Just before I went in I looked up and an owl was sitting just over my head on a peace of iron. He took to the air and I watched him fly. He crossed the moon and a halo was around the moon. I could not believe my eyes. In ten min. 3 of the 4 things that I asked to see, "I saw". I was a wreck. When I went home and went to bed I set my glasses on the stand next to the bed as I always do and, went to sleep. I woke in about an hour (I never wake that soon) reached for my glasses an froze. A cross was setting with them. No one else was in the house and I didn't know of any cross's in the house. I received the fourth thing that I had asked for. Now I have no doubt that God has given me my instructions. I know what I am to do. "It gets more unbelievable". I prayed that my wife would know God. The next night I walked into the bedroom when she was going to bed and she was reading a Bible. "I didn't know that we had one". I asked her why she was reading it? She said that she didn't know. She said that she just got it and started to read. My girl started asking questions about the Lord. This has never happened in my house. I sat on the bed with my wife and said "you want to see something cool?" she asked what? I handed her the Bible and told her to open to the book of Revelation. When she opened it I said read to yourself. I started to quote it out loud as she read. We went through the hole thing . I had never read it before then. She is the only one that I have told about what had happened to me. "Until now". More visions have come to me since that first time and, "I know" that what he has told me is true. I don't question it now. They (the visions) come often and, are more clear every day. Unknown 2002 I was at a country fair in a large field. There were white tents all around, and in each tent was a different form of entertainment. I went to the country-music tent to see George Strait (isn't that a hoot?), and after his performance I went backstage to visit with him. My mom and dad were there with me, and also my husband and two small children. The air was festive and jolly; we were milling about chatting with other fairgoers when suddenly there was a loud rumble and the ground began to shake. We ran outside to see the road split open. The ground continued to shake and the rumble turned into a roar. I felt myself being lifted off the ground and pulled toward the sky. I called out "Mom!?!" but I couldn't turn around to see if any of my family was coming with me. As I was pulled upwards, I saw the clouds part and sunbeams shine down, and I began to

shout, "Thank you Jesus! Praise God in Heaven!" I woke up with these words on my lips, tingling from head to toe thinking, "Wow!" Unknown Date: 1980's-1990's I too have had (two) rapture dreams. The first was in the late 1980's, the second in the early 90's. First dream: I was at a family gathering when my sister came in. She told us she came by a cemetary at a small country church and many of the graves were opened and the bodies were gone. The scene changed at that point, then I saw a town where people were screaming, crying and trying to go in the rapture, some were even jumping off buildings thinking they would go. They could see their loved ones going and they were not. The scene changed again and I was looking out over a far reaching landscape, and could see many miles in all directions. There were mountains, valleys, towns and cities situated here and there in this picure. There was this great white light in the upper right corner of the sky and streams of people coming up to this light from the towns and cities.Then I saw a hand write across the sky, " The harvest is plenteous, but my laborers are few." End of dream. Second dream: There was a huge container as big as a very large mountain. It was made of huge iron plates and had steel straps around it holding it together. Over the top of those plates I could see ashes with little wispies of smoke coming up here and there. There was a wide road leading up to this place, and it went up the side to the top. I saw a ledge on the side of this place about half way down on the South side. Myself and a group of people were on this ledge looking on in horror as many wrecked vehicles were driving up to this place. In my dreams, the vehicle always represents lives and the condition of the vehicle shows the spiritual condition. As the vehicle got up close to this awful place, the wide road acted like a conveyer belt, pulled them on to the top and just dumped them in. At that point, I knew it was time to go. I said, "It is time to go." Then what looked similar to a childs slide appeared at the side of the ledge and we could not see the other end of it as it went way off in the distance. We began to get onto the slide and it whooshed us very far away. We were then in a very beautiful and peaceful place. We then heard a huge explosion, so loud it shook the heavens. We knew something terrible happened back on the earth. End of dream. Unknown July 19, 2002 About six months ago, I had a dream that I was in a wedding dress, looking at myself in a full length mirror, as if making final preparations before the wedding. On Friday, July 19th, I had another dream. A very excited man, dressed in formal attire, greets me and tells me that this is a place that is very special. It is where a wedding is going to take place. This place is only for this one wedding - there has never before been a wedding like this one. It is the only one of its kind. He then tells me to go down a staircase. I turn and see a stairwell. What stands out the most to me is that the stairs and walls are made of solid rock. It is a very narrow stairwell. In fact, it is so narrow that I realize there is only enough room for one person at a time to take the stairs. After I take the stairs, the same man greets me, if he has been waiting for my arrival. I see more men dressed in formal attire. They are standing at the front, waiting anxiously. I sense that there is a large crowd behind me and behind the men. There is a feeling of excitement and anticipation in the room. I ask the gentleman what is happening and with a big smile he tells me that "The wedding is about to begin!". Unknown Date: 06/24-25/02 On July 24, 2002 I heard this message as I was waking up, "one more year." On July 25, 2002, I heard another message as I was waking up,"Write the vision upon the tablet and make it plain, so he that heareth it may run with it. Though the vision tarries it is set for an appointed time. It shall speak and not lie." On July 26, I saw my son, who passed away two years ago at the age of 7 in a casket. He (Sean) was knocking on a glass casket door. The seal of the door was opened and he came out of the casket. His first words were "I am hungrey." Many people came to see him, and wanted to view the resurrection power of God. The people said "how come you did not tell us about him. And I replied that I wanted to enjoy him a little while longer, first. On Thursday, I saw a (child size) white casket on rollers with a wreath on top of it being raised up out of the grave. I have often asked a dear friend of mine, what if there is time between the resurrection of those who have gone home first and those of us to follow. I don't know, but am sure that we will see the resurrection power of GOD. I have never told the story on the internet about when my son went home to be with Jesus, that the LORD brought him back three days later, and he told me about heaven. I was told that we would see the resurrection power of God, and that Sean was chosen as one of those who would return. Many people in my town have heard the message, and also many people at my job as well. Some have even written the prophecy

down and are awaitning his return. I have told many people that God said that we have no ideal about what is about to happened. There is so much that I'm unable to write here, because of space. But , I know that there will be many resurrected before Christ's return to tell us about the depth, breadth, height, and width of the love of God. This will one of God last attempt for mankind's salvation. Unknown Date: 07/02 I had a dream too about a month ago. I was standing in a desolate place and people were near me but I did not see them. The clouds were an orange red color and began to roll backwards like a wave rolling up. It began to reveal something... Something 3D and brilliantly bright across the sky..... It was absolutely Huge!..... There was no doubt seeing this who it was that would appear!... It was a gigantic cross!!!!! The people around me fell into despair. I spoke the words "the sign of the son of man" and fell to my knees praying. (After thinking for a moment that I must have missed something important if I am still on earth seeing this!) I found these verses that morning and discovered only the book of Matthew describes the SIGN of the Son of Man. Also, I did not know these verses well enough to remember them or know them well in my waking time much less sleeptime. Now I do. Matthew 24 30"At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. Isaiah 34:4 All the stars of the heavens will be dissolved and the sky rolled up like a scroll; all the starry host will fall like withered leaves from the vine, like shriveled figs from the fig tree. Unknown Date: 2002 One consisted of me being on a beach, and feeling the gentle tug of the undertoe pull at my feet. Then the tug got stronger. Then almost all the water was sucked from where I was, then I looked back, and saw a gigantic wave, then watched as it toppled over me. I was miraculously able to float up to the top, and as I looked out from being in the water, I saw an entire city engulfed with water. I was the only survivor. The other dream was of a major city. I don't know what it was, but it had a bridge, and many buildings with lights. It was at night. Then, out of nowhere, something came from the sky, and buildings were falling into water, and the bridge broke and flipped over onto the land. Many died, and chaos filled the streets. I did not bother moving, I feared not. Unknown Date: 6/01 I had a Rapture dream in which I walked into a very white version of the Twin Cities International airport.I looked all around me and things were either painted in white or it was glass.In the distance I could see some Christian nurses that I used to work with at a local psych unit, and I could also see that the airport wasn't crowded. When I got over to them, I was greeted warmly and one of them told me that it was going to be soon now.I looked up towards the front and could see a guy who was up high on a ladder, putting up lift up points/locations of where people were going to be raptured from on this earth.I could tell based upon the work that he was doing, that he was almost done with his list. Unknown Date:2002 I posted my dream about the rapture a few months ago and here is the shortened version. I was a passenger in a car on main st in our town, don't know who was driving, when all of the sudden I looked out the front window of the car and the sun looked like it was a 100 times bigger than normal. As I was looking at it I suddenly saw something coming toward the earth that at first looked like a bright star but as it got closer I realized it was Jesus. He had his arms outstretched as if he were gathering us to him. I remember saying, I hope I'm worthy several times and then I felt myself rising up. I don't know if the driver of the car went also or not. Anyway, I woke up right after the dream and I can't even describe with words how wonderful I felt. I also had the feeling I should share the dream with anyone who would listen. Unknown Date: 08/02

I had a Rapture dream less than 10 days ago - it was sometime last week. I dreamed I was outside (not at a recognizable place, but definitely outside), and Jesus Himself appeared and told me the Rapture would happen on Saturday. Of course, he didn't say it WHICH Saturday. The best part of this very brief dream was the sensation of serenity I felt. There was no fear or hesitation or anxiety of any kind - just pure peace and calm. I awoke with the same sensation still around me. Unknown Date:? In 1984 I had a rapture dream. I was in the door way of a house and in the distance I could see a missile striking and the ensuing explosion. Just as the concussion wave approached the house I was in, my feet lifted off the floor and I was raptured. But I have to say that previous dreams before that, America was attacked with bombs and artillery, with people running down the streets to find safety and sanctuary. Within the last few years I have started having "dreams" again. One, of people dying but not by explosives. People perished by the thousands, (some survived) due to a spore of some sort that rained down from the sky. It landed on the ground and would take root, blossom then rupture and release more spores. Kinda like mushrooms. Anyone that inhaled these spores immediately became sick, most of them died. Some however lived and were trying to help others and clean up the gray spores that covered the whole place like ashes. Unknown Date: 1992 Ten years ago, I came from a Hindu background to the Lord. A month later (6/6), a day before the Water Baptism, the Lord gave a vision, in it my family were all indoors, and we had couple of visitors, then the sky turned gold, the three of us ran out and saw the Lord in the sky (from north to south- ) stretched out. His hair was all white, and He wore a white tunic, with gold sash, something similar to what you read in Revelation. We three rushed out to the drive way, held hands to be taken up and our neighbours watching us ..but never got off the terra firma. Then in October (13/10), I was in a prayer meeting this took place. I was in the Pentecostal church then, and though they believed in Rapture (mid-trib) but it was not taken seriously. As a new Christian I questioned the Lord, for I felt only Paul had written about it in his letters. I was with my mother, and we bowed our heads to pray, and next minute I was not aware at all that I was in the meeting, but I vividly know I had a real life experience. I was with my mum, and my son and we were going up passing the clouds. We were wearing white, shiny linen/satin, and our skin was all copper colour, and our hair was long and coppery too. My mum saying excitedly, we are going up, we are going up. My son who is normally quite boisterous, just kept silent - in silent awe of the whole thing. I felt the cold air touching my hair and body. There were many, many people all in white and I saw a lot of old, men all in white. We travelled quite a distance (felt like being pulled up by a magnet) and then we passed the Lord, but He was only wearing a white tunic (not shiny like ours) and with out stretched hands blessing us. We passed the Lord, and went to a place where there were clouds, which resembled quilted, bedspread, of yellowish gold colour- it was so soft to walk on. I saw a whole host of people bowing down at a bright light in front. I, out of my curiosity, turned to look back, to see what was behind me and came down with a thud to reality. I know it was not a dream but an experience, for I was breathing heavily, as if I had run a marathon, and even my mum who was next to me thought that there was something wrong with me, but I would not open up and share with the group for fear of being ridiculed. Nevertheless, this has given us strength all these years for us to go steadfast knowing that the Rapture is a reality and the Lord will come. Even if my head is put on the block I will never deny this. This is precious to me. It has held me through difficult times, and I know the Lord gave me this, for my understanding was limited at that time, and my faith was weak. Further coming from the Hindu religion it was very, very hard, but we are walking the narrow road. The Promises

Prophetic Dreams and Visions ( for America )

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Flesh And Blood Poetry The Good, Bad & Ugly

The Majestic Universe

Dreams & Visions II

George Washington Armin A Wolf AA Allen Dee Finney Dumitru Duduman Louise Starr Tomkiel James McNichol Ronnie Patterson MCYoung George McClellan Raymond Aguilera Sherrie Elijah C. Alan Martin Cliff Hursey Introduction top

I have been doing a search over the past several months on the subject of dreams and visions. I had never had a prophetic dream in my life until after 9/11/2001. Most of what I saw was personal and for redirecting my life after running from God for so long. But it appears there has been a quantum leap in the incidents of ordinary people having significant glimpses into coming events, while it is true that in many cases the data is peace meal, in some instances it is like reading tomorrows newspapers. It is not my purpose to scare anyone or preach doom and gloom, but rather to encourage and call all to be a watchman for our calling which is Christ Jesus our lord. Do we know that all these voices are from God? Of course not, But to ignore the accumulative data that is available is to stick one's head in the perverbial sand. There are simply to many voices echoing the same essential message to turn away and ignore. Someone may ask why bother after all dreams are merely apparitions with no content in meaning. My answer to that Question is simply: As God said through the prophet Joel, "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions." So today, as we approach the end of the age and the time of the Lord's return, God is speaking through His people with dreams and visions. This does not mean that we do not question the validity of such things, but rather we test everything by the word and anything that violates scripture is disregarded. For black and white printable version of this site Click Here. The following poem is appropriate for the subject at hand. Dee Finney July 3, 1999 VISION I I lay in the bed in the dark . . . awake, yet seeing somehow, thousands of white horses, with warriors dressed in white, riding in straight rows, like on a road, eight wide. They were riding down the front of my face from the top of my head. I could not recognize faces, nor race . . . it was all white. VISION II I lay in the bed in the dark . . . awake, yet seeing somehow, thousands, upon thousands of white horses, with warriors dressed in white, riding eight abreast in straight rows, like on a road. It was as if these horses were on two screens of television, one screen on each of my thighs, moving upward from my knees towards my body. These horses and riders too, were not recognizable as any particular race of people. Everything was white. I was afraid to move . . . afraid that if I moved that it would all disappear. Yet, it went on and on . . . endlessly. Finally, I had to move. However, it didn't end when I rolled over. The thousands of white horses with their riders continued to ride upward from my knees towards my body. There was no stopping them. REVELATION 9:16 "And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand; and I heard the number of them." (This is 200 million)

The End Of The Age

The earth will shake, Some will escape, Signs in the heavens, And a series of sevens, Beating hearts will fail, Looking up at the veil, The roaring seas toss and wail, Mankind shutters in travail, Evil springs from hidden wells, Terrorists attack from their cells, Nations align in cartels, Inaugurating the prophetic tells, The man of sin heralded on the stage, Lucifer's hoard released from their cage, Nearing the end of the age, And Satan doth rage, Death on a catastrophic scale, Blood moons prevail, The earth tilts on it's rails, Disrupting the prince of Wales, Every eye shall see His sign in the sky, The remnant anticipates His abide by, As His feet touch down on the mountain high, Lightning flashes thundering a mighty sigh, All the continents are moved, The lion of the tribe of Judah approves, As the adversaries receive their due, And the Messianic reign will debut, The armies come down against Jerusalem, At Megiddo the battle will ensue, But in the twinkling of an eye, they shall all be consumed, When Jesus Christ returns, and the Davidic rule resumes, Then the world will be renewed, Nations shall seek out the Jew, Satan will be subdued, Until a thousand years say adieu. Poetry Page

Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J Friday, April 27, 2001 "The wall of fire will soon be apparent. The BIG volcano will soon erupt and continue from north to south. Great fires, that are uncontrollable, will consume much land making it desolate. Crops will be destroyed by insects. Earthquakes of such great magnitude will crumble even mountains. Death and disease will consume much

life--people and animal. The earth will be loosened from her axis for a few catastrophic seconds. Floods will swell the oceans, rivers, seas, lakes and move inland with great force destroying all in its path. Deadly diseases will continue to multiply as polluted air and filth are carried around the earth to every country. Droughts, so lengthily that the ground will crack and look and feel like stone. Starvation will be everywhere. The sun will be darkened due to massive amounts of dust in the atmosphere. A one world government will rule. There will be a one world bank. A one world church is in the making and will soon evolve. The Anti-christ is now prepared to take command. Martial law is slowly coming into control. Atheism will be the rule--no God--as the Masons, communism begins its reign. The false idol is ready and all will be forced to worship it. (Beast) The stock market will very soon crash. Chemical warfare is on the horizon. A giant tidal wave is due and will purge coastal areas and more. Great signs will appear in the sky. You will hear the voices of evil spirits everywhere. Some priests will teach heresy. Some priests will be corrupt. Concentration camps are ready. The mark of the beast (chip under the skin) is now being put into place. All buying and selling will soon be halted. A mighty comet will fall to earth and great destruction will follow. Hatred, killing, torture will consume many. Cannibalism will be in effect. Brothers will turn against brothers. A great division will exists between parents and children and all people. The earth, as you've known it, will be no more. The Angels HAVE sounded their trumpets. The four horsemen of the Apocalypse are going forth doing as I command. My mighty arm has been lowered! These signs and more await to destroy the earth and cleanse it of all sin. Only prayer, true conversion and repentance can save you. I will continue to send mercy and love to all who will seek Me. Pray for much strength. I, your God, have spoken." End of mesage

Ronnie Patterson Here are the Pastors own words about his son September 2000 "Ronnie was walking his dog Sandy and singing praise to the Lord on a warm September 2000 day after school. Suddenly, he was in the spirit in the presence of the Lord. Ronnie saw a huge field of beautiful flowers in heaven, each one perfect and without flaw. Then he saw a big wall with a large gate made of solid white pearl columns. On each side, outside the gate, was huge warrior-like angel about twice the size of a normal man. Ronnie said it took very powerful beings to open the enormous gate. "Next, Ronnie saw past the gate into the beautiful city on the other side. Every building was made of some material that was as clear as pure water. In the middle of the city, he saw two giant chairs or thrones in an indescribable throne room. Ronnie could not see clearly the figures on the seats as they were engulfed in a cloud-like spirit similar to a force field or a glowing mist of energy. "Ronnie was absolutely certain by the power and the presence that these were the thrones of Almighty God, the Father, and Jesus Christ, the Son, surrounded by an unmistakable manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Ronnie was also amazed at a smooth, peaceful, beautiful music that seemed to be all over heaven but was most noticeable in the fields of flowers. "After seeing all of this, Ronnie for the first time during this experience, heard a voice speaking directly to him saying, 'Son, look over here.' Ronnie then saw a long series of horse stables as far as he could see to the right and to the left made up of individual horse stalls. Each stall contained a magnificent white horse with angels standing with the horses as caretakers. (One angel per about 20 horses). The Lord told Ronnie that after He removes His people from the earth, Jesus will remain with

them in heaven a short time and then lead them back to the earth riding these white horses. He said Jesus will put an end to all who oppose Him and will establish His kingdom in the earth. "As the vision concluded, the voice of God continued to speak to Ronnie. The Lord told Ronnie not to listen to the devil any longer. He said that the devil had been condemning Ronnie with lies trying to make him believe that Ronnie was worthless, helpless, without value, and on his way to hell. God told Ronnie that Ronnie is His child, 'a child of God,' and that He was well pleased with him. "Next the Lord told Ronnie to stop grieving over being 18 years old and not being able to drive a car as Ronnie had driven himself almost crazy with disappointment over this. The Lord said to Ronnie, 'I AM COMING SO SOON FOR YOU AND MY PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NOT TIME FOR YOU TO DRIVE ENOUGH TO JUSTIFY LEARNING' . Ronnie had been upset by a friend who believes Jesus has no father. The Lord said that teaching was false. There is one God in three portions, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He also told Ronnie that His fury was at a maximum over the way that His people Israel are being persecuted. "The last thing He spoke to Ronnie was a request. He told Ronnie to comfort his dad and to tell him to continue the radio and television broadcasting. He said to keep preaching the soon call of Jesus for His people to come up to heaven. He also said that He was pleased with Brother Mike Yocum and all the help he was to the ministry. Ronnie told the Lord that there was only one other thing bothering him. He was heart-broken at the thought of going to heaven and leaving Sandy behind (Sandy is Ronnie's dog). The Lord told Ronnie not to worry because she is coming with us. I love animals and people (not in quotes, but presumably said by the Lord). "Ronnie wanted to distribute this to as many people as possible, especially his family so that he can warn them to give their lives completely to Jesus Christ and won't have to be left behind when the Lord calls His people home." Updated Rev. Patterson, Ronnie's dad, say's " that Ronnie's experience with the Lord in September 2000 was so real and so totally life-changing that Ronnie's zeal and expectation of the rapture has not waned one bit and in fact grows every day. He says that Ronnie is a totally different person. He is not interested in girls, cars or anything else -- only Jesus and the soon rapture. For example, when Ron takes him to a sporting event, all Ronnie does is to go and approach strangers, telling them that Jesus is coming soon, and to be ready. Ronnie does not even pay attention to who is winning and does not care. He approaches strangers everywhere with the same message. He is consumed with the reality of what Jesus showed him and said to him in September 2000". He told his dad, "If you had experienced what I experienced, you would understand why I think and act the way I do.".


James McNichol Middle-East war to begin 31 July 2001 My children, I will confirm to you what many of our chosen have already been given to say to you. The war to end all wars is very close on the horizon and will begin soon! It will begin in the Middle East as I have many times said through so many of our chosen ones. There is an insidious dark form of religion that has spread throughout every corner of this land and who are being incited and seduced by the dark forces of evil into what will be termed and called a Holy War! However, it comes from the depths and bowels of darkness and complete evil! Jews and Christians alike will be persecuted! The incarnation of a man, a demon from hell in the flesh, will come forth from the land of Egypt, inciting and leading these people into war! No continent or country will be left untouched! There will be protests, violence, and fighting seen in the streets of every country throughout the world! Blood will flow like a river in the streets! There will be revolutions in many of the countries of Europe! The red forces will march into these countries to insure the success of these revolutions, to concur and take control of them! Pray much for your country and your president. Your country has been eyed with great envy for many years and it has not escaped their watchful eye and evil plans! All the major countries of the world will be drawn into this conflict. The bombs of retaliation will later fall and devastate many counties and cities; many countries will be wiped off the face of the map in the blink of an eye! Look to the heavens for a celestial event soon to come. There will be great earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and severe storms bringing much destruction everywhere in every country! The land continually being strickened by these calamities coupled with pestilence, will increasingly produce little, which will soon lead to great shortages of food! So much sadness, if only more children would have come to me, their Mother as I have so many times pleaded in so many places! My children, pray like you have never prayed before, continually, and non-stop! The hour is upon you and draws neigh; at the very door! I can no longer hold back what must now come to pass, and be fulfilled through the prophecies! Your non-stop prayers are desperately needed. It will determine to what degree if any, what will, and can be, mitigated!


The Horses....reoccuring dream

MCYoung October 24, 2001

First dreamt this on July,30 2000...and again on July 7,2001...again yesterday Oct.23,2001....I am standing upon a vast prairie with mountains in the distance...I see FOUR HORSES (riderless) running toward me with a flaming prairie fire behind them and I am very astonished. This then SHIFTS and now I am standing before a large window looking out upon the world and I see FOUR events "MARKERS IN TIME" I hear a voice say,"representing the very near future". It was like watching a movie with no sound. Here is what I saw: (1) Bill Clinton in some kind of world leader role (not pres.)...the USA seemed to be under some other kind of government and Clinton was still a major world player. (2) I saw a war being waged in a desert and rolling hills-I believe this to be somewhere in the middle east; thinking Turkey and surrounding was a BIO-NUCLEAR war. (3) I saw ANARCHY and TERRORISM in the U.S.,Canada, and Mexico-Violence and Biological terrorism- Soldiers in the city streets with tanks and other military vehicles. (4) I saw massive earthquakes worldwide but particularly on the WEST COAST of U.S. and ALASKA...then in other regions of U.S. and Mexico. My mother is laying in a bed next to where I'm watching through this window and another person (the VOICE) is standing beside me. I ask "Mama do you see all these things about to happen?" She answers "Yes, I know." Then I turn to the person beside me and ask "WHEN will these things be?" He/She(cannot recall if this was man or woman)replied "These four things are already beginning and will become more apparent over the next four the children as they will have to endure the terrible times ahead, LOVE THE CHILDREN." Then I was suddenly back upon the prairie watching the FOUR RIDERLESS HORSES running toward me with a prairiefire blazing behind them. A Howling WIND began to blow and I became VERY FRIGHTENED yelling "THE HORSES!!! THE HORSES!!!" This is where I wake dripping with perspiration...very disturbing dream and since the recurring ones I've had usually come to pass I decided to post this...would appreciate comments...I'm relatively new to these boards and am greatful to have a place to share these "doomsday" dreams that I seem to be cursed with since friends don't like hearing about them and tell me I'm "scary"...anyway thanks you all. MCYoung in Texas

Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah December 19, 2001 I had a vivid dream on Dec. 19, 2001 the only reason I share it with you is not to cause fear, but

rather to ask your prayers that this dream will NOT come to pass! GOD YAHWEH speaks to us in visions dreams and revelations as well as prophetically. Only the fervent prayers of the righteous will stop this dream from becoming a nightmare. I was standing outside looking at a beautiful blue sky, all was peaceful . As I looked up I saw 4 circles in the sky being drawn as if the finger of GOD YAHWEH was drawing them slowly. When the 4th circle was drawn, I heard a loud roaring noise, went inside the house, a HUGE wind came destroying and killing it was as if a nuclear blast from the effects of a nuclear bomb ! I watched in horror and the death and destruction. Inside my house I saw a woman with a tiny baby in her arms, I looked at it and the baby appeared to be dead and so undernourished. I said why didn't you feed the baby? She coldly looked at me and said " because the baby was fasting " Then before I could take the baby from her she opened the window and threw if down this is a 2nd story house. I ran outside in the radiation and the destroying wind, and caught the baby in my arms, it started breathing again ! As I stood there a man came to me his face was burnt so badly from radiation, and it was red and with 3rd degree burns, he never said a word just walked past me. I went back into my house, fully protected from radiation, and I knew nothing could hurt me along with the baby and fed it milk from a bottle. After a while the destroying winds stopped . All appeared peaceful, I then looked at the sky again, and I saw the first circle starting, I started shouting REPENT and turn your hearts to YAHSHUA (Jesus) for again judgment has come ! So few listened! I saw the other 3 circles all in a row 4 in all, then the sound of a roar that I am unable to describe, and then the destroying wind again, as if another nuclear blast went off!

"A Prophetic Dream of Rapture" Armin A. Wolff (February 15,1993) Last night I had an extremely exciting and vivid dream-vision concerning the return of our LORD Jesus. I normally never remember anything I dream, but this was so gripping and vivid, and I have been thinking about it all day today. I would like to share it with you and hereby also have a written record. I found myself in a meeting with a number of believers. The meeting hall looked like some kind of a warehouse and there were fewer than 100 assembled. The talk seemed to center on the increasing persecution they were experiencing. All of a sudden Jesus appeared and most, but not all, were instantly transformed from mortal beings into Immortal. Also, at the same instant, some other Holy Ones appeared who had walked with God in ages past, both in New and Old Testament times. All of the ones who had, in an instant of time, received their new bodies were able to recognize and converse with the Holy Ones from times past. I heard someone exclaim: "I thought You are coming in the clouds to take us away." The reply was: "I am coming in the clouds and... My reward is with Me Behold, here they are, My Holy Ones of all time, My faithful witnesses, those who loved not their life, and thus received it. They are the clouds and my reward, My reward for what I endured on the cross for all." I heard another question asked of the LORD, by one of the Transformed Persons, whether He would now take them with Him out of the tribulation they were experiencing. He replied: "No, you must remain here for another 40 days and nights, just as I was on Earth for another 40 days after My resurrection and minister with Me to those who were not ready. After the 40 days and nights you will come with Me into the skies above

Jerusalem and we will leave from there to have a celebration, a banquet in My Father's house, a feast that has been planned before the worlds were made." The ones in the assembly, who had remained in their mortal bodies, lamented and cried to the Transformed Ones to help them, but were told: "It is now too late. The Bridegroom has come for us and there is nothing we can do for you, in this regard. However, if you will not love your own life, not bow to the will of the sin-man and take that seal of his, you will join us after the celebration. You will be sealed by your death and kept in the throne room for the LORD." In what seemed a moment later, I was in another similar assembly in (maybe) another country. There also, the instant transformation had taken place of many. I was told that this same event had happened all over the Earth and all born again, Spirit filled followers of Jesus had been thus transformed, at whatever spot they happened to be in that instant, and were joined by many of God's Holy Ones, from the dawn of creation up to the present time. Just then, some heavily armed police, or soldiers, burst into the meeting and proceeded to beat, shoot, and arrest the believers. A little blonde Transformed lady stood-up to one of the large men, and refused to move when told she was under arrest. Five or six huge men tried to drag her away, but could not move her any further than they could have moved an ancient redwood or oak tree. This infuriated the police and they started to beat her, and to start shooting their weapons. The bullets went right through the Transformed Believers and made holes in the walls, or in some cases, struck and killed some of the mortals standing behind them. The blows seemed to go through also and have no effect whatsoever on the new resurrection bodies. The remaining mortals were dragged off to prison, along with some of the Transformed Ones who chose to go along. There was no sure way to tell at first glance, who was mortal and who lived in a transcendent resurrection body. I was then also in a prison, and saw how the Immortals were comforting the anguished souls who were to be executed unless they denounced the name of Jesus. The guards and all governmental authorities were furious that they could do absolutely nothing to prevent the Glorified Believers from coming and going and ministering anywhere on Earth, wherever Jesus told them to go. No wall could hem them in, and no weapon, or human force, could oppose or harm them. One of the Transformed Saints who had lived ages ago on Earth spoke: "Within forty days, all who refuse to accept the seal of the evil one will be killed and kept safe by the Father, personally, in the throne room. Those who give in, will suffer in the Terrible Wrath beginning after the last saint is murdered. This Wrath is the LORD's Last Effort to get rebellious mankind to repent." At this point, I awoke and as you can imagine, was quite agitated. In fact, my heart rate was considerably above the normal resting level. The clock said 5:05am. Needless to say, I could not go back to sleep. Over time, I may forget the details of this dream, or vision, but one thing I'll never forget is the anguish, wailing, and heart-rending lamentations of those who had to remain here. I do not know how many of these chose to be killed rather than take the seal of the antichrist. Scripture does speak of a group coming out of the Great Tribulation, but whether some are from those who were left behind, or not, was not made clear to me in this vision. [The conclusion of Armin A. Wolff's dream and postscript remarks.]

America will Burn A vision of Dumitru Duduman September, 1984 Late one night, I could not sleep, The children were sleeping on the luggage. My wife and daughter were crying, I went outside and walked around. I didn't want them to see me cry. I walked around the building, crying and saying, "God! Whey did you punish me? Why did you bring me into this country? I can't understand anybody. If I try to ask anybody anything, all I hear is, "I don't know." I stopped in front of the apartment and sat on a large rock. Suddenly a bright light came toward me. I jumped to my feet because it looked as if a car was coming directly at me, attempting to run me down! I thought the Romanian Secret Police had tracked me to America, and now they were trying to kill me. But it wasn't a car at all. As the light approached, it surrounded me. From the light I heard the same voice that I had heard so many times in prison. He said "Dumitru, why are you so despaired?" I said, "Why did you punish me? Why did you bring me to this country? I have nowhere to lay my head down. I can't understand anybody." He said, "Dumitru, didn't I tell you I am here with you, also? I brought you to this country because this country will burn." I said, 'then why did you bring me here to burn? Why didn't you let me die in my own country? You should have let me die in jail in Romania! He said, "Dumitru, have patience so I can tell you. Get on this." I got on something next to him. I don't know what it was. I also know that I was not asleep. It was not a dream. It was not a vision. I was awake just as I am now. He showed me all of California and said, "This is Sodom and Gomorrah! All of this, in one day it will burn! Its sin has reached the Holy One." Then he took me to Las Vegas. "This is Sodom and Gomorrah. In one day it will burn." Then he showed me the state of New York. "Do you know what this is?" he asked. I said, "No." He said "This is New York. This is Sodom and Gomorrah! In one day it will burn." Then he showed me all of Florida, "This is Florida." he said. "This is Sodom and Gomorrah! In one day it will burn." Then he took me back home to the rock where we had begun. "IN ONE DAY IT WILL BURN! All of this I have shown you" - I said, "How will it burn?" He said, "Remember what I am telling you, because you will go on television, on the radio and in churches. You must yell with a loud voice. Do not be afraid, because I will be with you." I said, "How will I be able to go? Who knows me here in America? I don't know anybody here." He said, "Don't worry yourself. I will go before you. I will do a lot of healing in the American churches and I will open the doors for you. But do not say anything else besides what I tell you. This country will burn!" I said, "What will you do with the church?" He said, "I want to save the church, but the churches have forsaken me." I said, "How did they forsake you?" He said, "The people praise themselves. The honor that the people are supposed to give Jesus Christ, they take upon themselves. In the churches there are divorces. There is adultery in the churches. There are homosexuals in the churches. There is abortion in the churches and all other sins that are possible. Because of all the sin, I have left some of the churches. You must yell in a loud voice that they must put an end to their sinning. They must turn toward the Lord. The Lord never gets tired of forgiving. They must draw close to the Lord, and live a clean life. If they have sinned until now, they must put an end to it, and start a new life as the Bible tells them to live." I said, "How will America burn?" America is the most powerful country in this world. Why did you bring us here to burn? Why didn't you at least let us die where ALL the Dudumans have died?" He said, "Remember this, Dumitru. The Russian spies have discovered where the nuclear warehouses are in America. When the Americans will think that it is peace and safety - from the middle of the country, some of the people will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then from the ocean, from Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico,,.." (He told me two other countries, but I didn't remember what they were.) "...they will bomb the nuclear warehouses. When they explode, America will burn!" "What will you do with the Church of the Lord? How will you save the ones that will turn toward you?" I asked. He said, "Tell them this: how I saved the three young ones from the furnace of fire, and how I saved Daniel in the lions den, is the same way I will save them." The angel of the Lord also told me, "I have blessed this country because of the Jewish people who are in this

country. I have seven million Jews in this country, but they do not want to recognize the Lord. They didn't want to thank God for the blessing they received in this country." "Israel doesn't want to recognize Jesus Christ. They put their faith in the Jewish people in America. But, when America burns, the Lord will raise China, Japan, and other nations to go against the Russians. They will beat the Russians and push them all the way to the gates of Paris. Over there they will make a treaty, and appoint the Russians as their leaders. They will then unite against Israel." "When Israel realizes she does not have the strength of America behind her, she will be frightened. That's when she will turn to the Messiah for deliverance. That's when the Messiah will come. Then, the church will meet Jesus in the air, and he will bring them back with Him to the Mount of Olives. At that time, the battle of Armageddon will be fought." When I heard all of this I said, "if you are truly the angel of the Lord, and everything you have told me is true, then all you have said must be written in the Bible." He said, "Tell everyone to read from Jeremiah 51:8-15, Revelation chapter 18, and Zechariah chapter 14, where Christ fights against those who possess the earth. After His victory," the angel said, "there will be one flock and one Shepherd. There will be no need for light. The Lamb of God will be the Light. There will be no sickness, no tears, and no deaths. There will only be eternal joy and God will be the ruler. There will be only one language. Only one song. And no need for a translator! .... And, Dumitru," he continued, "a word of warning. If you keep anything from the American people that you are told, I will punish you severely." "How will I know that this is for real -that it will really happen?" I asked. "As a sign that I have spoken to you, tomorrow before you wake, I will send someone to bring you a bed, and at noon I will send you a car and a bucket of honey. After which I will send someone to pay your rent." Then the angel left. GOD'S PROMISES TO AMERICANS A vision of Dumitru Duduman "The pure in heart will not be punished...Those who are faithful and true, will hear the trumpet of God and the voice of God's angel crying WAKE UP! They will be told where to go."...l looked down and saw beautiful cities... "This is your refuge when the times of tribulation fall upon California. Your family and all those who hear the voice of the Lord will understand the message of God's mighty trumpet. "Only the righteous will I save, some out of the midst of the fire." "I the Lord will work in ways that you cannot imagine, but be Holy." A great army, well armed and dressed in white, appeared before me. "This army will go to battle to save my chosen ones." "At the appointed time, I will speak to them like I speak to you as to what they must do." "I will send a chariot of salvation and take each one out in his appointed time." "All those who repent and turn back to God will be saved from the day of trouble."

George Washingtons Remarkable Vision NOTE: The following was originally published by Wesley Bradshaw in the National Review, Vol. 4, No. 12, December 1880 (and handed down to me by my grandmother). The last time I ever saw Anthony Sherman was on July 4, 1859, in Independence Square. He was then 99 years old, and becoming very feeble. But though so old, his dimming eyes rekindled as he gazed upon Independence Hall, which he came to visit once more. Let us go into the hall, he said. I want to tell you an incident of Washingtons life - one which no one alive knows of except myself; and, if you live, you will before long, see it verified. From the opening of the Revolution we experienced all phases of fortune, now good and now ill; one time victorious and another conquered. The darkest period we had, I think, was when Washington, after several reverses, retreated to Valley Forge, where he resolved to spend the winter of 1777. Ah! I have often seen our dear commanders care-worn cheeks, as he would be conversing with a confidential officer about the condition of his poor soldiers. You have doubtless heard the story of Washingtons going to the thicket to pray. Well, it was not only true, but he used often to pray in secret for aid and comfort from God, the interposition of whose Divine Providence brought us safely through the darkest days of tribulation. One day, I remember well, the chilly winds whistled through the leafless trees, though the sky was cloudless and the sun shone brightly, he remained in his quarters nearly all the afternoon alone. When he came out, I noticed that his face was a shade paler than usual, and there seemed to be something on his mind of more than ordinary importance. Returning just after dusk, he dispatched an orderly to the quarters of the officer I mention who was presently in attendance. After a preliminary conversation of about half an hour, Washington, gazing

upon his companion with that strange look of dignity which he alone could command said to the latter: I do not know whether it is owing to anxiety of my mind, or what, but this afternoon, as I was sitting at this table engaged in preparing a dispatch, something seemed to disturb me. Looking up, I beheld standing opposite me a singularly beautiful female. So astonished was I, for I had given strict orders not to be disturbed, that it was some moments before I found language to inquire the cause of her presence. A second, a third, and even a fourth time did I repeat my question, but received no answer from my mysterious visitor except a slight raising of her eyes. Presently I heard a voice saying, Son of the Republic, look and learn, while at the same time my visitor extended her arm eastwardly. I now beheld a heavy white vapor at some distance rising fold upon fold. This gradually dissipated,and I looked upon a strange scene. Before me lay spread out in one vast plain all the countries of the world---Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. I saw rolling and tossing, between Europe and America, the billows of the Atlantic, and between Asia and America lay the Pacific. Son of the Republic, said the same mysterious voice as before, look and learn. At that moment I beheld a dark, shadowy being, like an angel, standing, or rather floating, in the hollow air, between Europe and America. Dipping water out of the ocean in the hollow of each hand, he sprinkled some upon America with his right hand while with his left hand he cast some on Europe. Immediately a cloud raised from these countries and joined in mid-ocean. For a while it remained stationary, and then moved slowly westward, until it enveloped America in its murky folds. Sharp flashes of lightning gleamed through it at intervals, and I heard the smothered groans and cries of the American people. A second time the angel dipped water from the ocean, and sprinkled it out as before. The dark cloud was then drawn back to the ocean, in whose heaving billows it sank from view. A third time I heard the mysterious voice saying, Son of the Republic, look and learn. I cast my eyes upon America and beheld villages and towns and cities springing up one after another until the whole land, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, was dotted with them. Again I head the mysterious voice say, Son of the Republic, the end of the century cometh, look and learn. At this the dark shadowy angel turned his face southward, and from Africa I saw an ill-omened spectre approach our land. It flitted slowly over every town and city of the latter. The inhabitants presently set themselves in battle array against each other. As I continued looking, I saw a bright angel, on whose brow rested a crown of light, on which was traced the word Union, bearing the American flag which he placed between the divided nation, and said, Remember ye are brethren. Instantly, the inhabitants casting from them their weapons became friends once more, and united around the National Standard. And again I heard the mysterious voice saying, Son of the Republic, look and learn. At this, the dark,shadowy angel placed a trumpet to his mouth and blew three distinct blasts; and taking water from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon Europe, Asia, and Africa. Then my eyes beheld a fearful scene. From each of these countries arose thick, black clouds that were soon joined into one. And throughout this mass, there gleamed a dark red light by which I saw hordes of armed men, who, moving with the cloud, marched by land and sailed by sea to America, which country was enveloped in the volume of cloud. And I dimly saw these vast armies devastate the whole country, and burn the villages, towns and cities that I beheld springing up. As my ears listened to the thundering of the cannon, clashing of swords, and the shouts and cries of millions in mortal combat., I again heard the mysterious voice saying, Son of the Republic, look and learn. When the voice had ceased, the dark shadowy angel placed his trumpet once more to his mouth, and blew a long and fearful blast. Instantly a light as of a thousand suns shone down from above me, and pierced and broke into fragments the dark cloud which enveloped America. At the same moment the angel upon whose head still shone the word Union, and who bore our national flag in one hand and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens attended by legions of white spirits. These immediately joined the inhabitants of America, who I perceived were well-nigh overcome, but who immediately taking courage again closed up their broken ranks and renewed the battle. Again, amid the fearful noise of the conflict, I heard the mysterious voice saying, Son of the Republic, look and learn. As the voice ceased, the shadowy angel for the last time dipped water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly the dark cloud rolled back, together with the armies it had brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land victorious. Then once more I beheld the villages, towns and cities, springing up where I had seen them before, while the bright angel, plating the azure standard he had brought in the midst of them, cried with a loud voice: While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the Union last. And taking from his brow the crown on which was blazoned the word Union, he placed it upon the Standard, while the people, kneeling down, said Amen. The scene instantly began to fade and dissolve, and I at last saw nothing but the rising, curling vapor I at first beheld. This also disappearing, I found myself once more gazing upon the mysterious visitor, who in the same voice I had heard before, said, Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus interpreted. Three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful is the third. (The comment on his word third is: The help against the THIRD peril comes in the shape of Divine assistance; passing which, the whole world united shall not prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and Union.) With these words the vision vanished, and I started from my seat and felt that I had seen a vision wherein had been shown me the birth, progress, and destiny of the UNITED STATES. Such, my friends, concluded the venerable narrator, were the words I heard from Washingtons own lips, and America will do well to profit by them.


MY VISION OF THE DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA by A. A. Allen. July 4, 1954 The following vision was received by Evangelist A.A. Allen on July 4, 1954. As I stood atop the Empire State Building, I could see the Statue of Liberty, illuminating the gateway to the new world. Here, spread before me like an animated map, is an area sixty or eighty miles in diameter. I was amazed that the Spirit of the Lord should so move me, there atop the Empire State Building. Why should I feel such a surge of His Spirit and power there? Suddenly I heard the voice of the Lord. It was as clear and as distinct as a voice could be. It seemed to come from the very midst of the giant telescope. But when I looked at the telescope, I knew it hadn't come from there, but directly from heaven. The voice said, "The eyes of the lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him. Herein you have done foolishly. Therefore, from henceforth, you shall have wars." Immediately when I heard the voice of God, I knew this was a quotation of Scripture. But never before had a thing come to me so forcibly by the power of the Spirit. The ticking of the telescope stopped. The man before me had used up his dimes worth. As he stepped away I knew that I was next. As I stepped to the telescope and dropped in my dime, immediately the ticking started again. This ticking was an automatic clock which would allow me to use the telescope for a definitely limited time only. As I swung the telescope to the North, suddenly the Spirit of God came upon me in a way that I had never thought of before. Seemingly in the spirit I was entirely caught away. I knew that the telescope itself had nothing to do with the distance which I was suddenlyenabled to see, for I seemed to see things far beyond the range of the telescope, even on a bright clear day. It was simply that God had chosen this time to reveal these things to me, for as I looked through the telescope, it was not Manhattan Island that I saw, but a far larger view. That morning, much of the view was impaired by fog. But suddenly as the Spirit of the Lord came upon me the fog seemed to clear, until itseemed that I could see for thousands of miles. But that which I was looking upon was not Manhattan island, it was all of the North American Continent spread out before me as a map is spread upon a table, it was not the East River and the Hudson River that I saw on either side, but the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. And instead of the Statue of Liberty standing there in the bay on her small island I saw her standing far out in the Gulf of Mexico. She was between me and the United States. I suddenly realized that the telescope had nothing to do with what I was seeing, but that it was a vision coming directly from God. And to prove this to myself I took my eyes away from the telescope, so that I was no longer looking through the lens, but the same scene remainedbefore me. There, clear and distinct, lay all the North American Continent, with all it's great cities. To the North lay the Great Lakes. Far to the Northeast was New York City. I could see Seattle and Portland far to the Northwest. Down the West Coast, there were San Francisco and Los Angeles. Closer in the foreground, there lay New Orleans, at the center of the Gulf Coast area. I could see the great towering ranges of the Rocky Mountains, and trace with my eye the Continental Divide. All this and more, I could see spread out before me as a great map,upon a table. And as l looked, suddenly from the sky I saw a giant hand reach down. That gigantic hand was reaching out toward the Statue of Liberty. In amoment her gleaming torch was torn from her hand, and in it instead was placed a cup. And I saw protruding from that great cup, a giant sword, shining as if a great light had been turned upon its glistening edge. Never before had I seen such a sharp, glistening, dangerous sword. lt seemed to threaten all the world. As the great cup was placed in the hand of the Statue of Liberty, I heard these words,"Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Drink ye and be drunken, spue and fall, and rise no more, because of the sword which I will send" As I heard these words, I recognized them as a quotation from Jeremiah 25:7. I was amazed to hear the Statue of Liberty speak out in reply, "I WILL NOT DRINK!" Then as the voice of the thunder, I heard again the voice of the Lord, saying, "Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, YE SHALL CERTAINLY DRINK." (Jer.25:28) Then suddenly the giant hand forced the cup to the lips of the Statue of Liberty, and she became powerless to defend herself. The mighty hand of God forced her to drink every dropfrom the cup. As she drank the bitter dregs, these were the words that I heard, "Should you be utterly unpunished? You shall not be unpunished: for I will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth, saith the Lord of Hosts." (Jer.25:29) When the cup was withdrawn from the lips of the Statue of Liberty, I noticed the sword was missing from the cup, which couldmean but one thing. THE CONTENTS OF THE CUP HAD BEEN COMPLETELY CONSUMED! I knew that the sword merely typified war, death, and destruction, which is no doubt on the way. Then as one drunken on too much wine, I saw the Statue of Libertybecome unsteady on her feet and begin to stagger, and to lose her balance. I saw her splashing in the Gulf, trying to regain her balance. I saw her stagger again and again, and fall to her knees. As I saw herdesperate attempts to regain her balance, and rise to her feet again,my heart was moved as never before with compassion for her struggles. But as she staggered there in the gulf, once again I heard these words, "Ye shall drink and be drunken, and spue, and fall, and rise no more because of the sword that I shall send among you." As I watched, I wondered if the Statue of Liberty would ever be ableto regain her feet - if she would ever stand again. And as I watched, it seemed that with all her power she struggled to rise, and finallystaggered to her feet again, and stood there swaying drunkenly. Ifelt sure that at any moment she would fall again - possibly never to rise. I seemed overwhelmed with a desire to reach out my hand to keepher head above water, for I knew that if she ever fell again she would drown there in the Gulf."Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night, nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness, nor for the

destruction that wastes at noonday." Psalms 91:5,6. Then as I watched, another amazing thing was taking place. Far to the Northwest, just out over Alaska, a huge, black cloud was arising. As it rose, it was as black as night. It seemed to be in the shape of a man's head. As it continued to arise, I observed two light spots in the black cloud. It rose further, and a gaping hole appeared. I could see that the black cloud was taking the shape of a skull, for now the huge, white, gaping mouth was plainly visible. Finally the head was complete. Then the shoulders began to appear and on either side long, black arms. It seemed that what I saw was the entire North American Continent, spread out like a map upon a table with this terrible skeleton-formed cloud arising from behind the table. It rose steadily until the form was visible down to the waist. At the waist, the skeleton seemed to bend towards the United States, stretching forth a hand toward the East and one toward the West - one toward New York and one towardSeattle. As the awful form stretched forward, I could see that the entire attention seemed to be focused upon the U.S., overlooking Canada at least for the time being. As I saw the horrible black cloud in the form of a skeleton bending towards America, bending from the waist over, reaching down toward Chicago and out towards both coasts, I knew it's one interest was to destroy the multitudes. As I watched in horror, the great black cloud stopped just above the great lakes region, and turned it's face towards New York City. Then out of the horrible, great gaping mouth began to appear wisps of white vapor which looked like smoke, as a cigarette smoker would blow puffs of smoke from his mouth. These whitish vapors were being blown toward New York City. The smoke began to spread, until it had covered all the eastern part of the United States. Then the skeleton turned to the West, and out of the horrible mouth and nostrils came another great puff of white smoke. This time it was blown in the direction of the West Coast. In a few moments time, the entire West Coast and L.A. area was covered with it's vapors then towards the center came a third great puff. As I watched, St. Louis and Kansas City were enveloped in its white vapors. Then on it came towards New Orleans. Then on they swept until they reached the Statue of Liberty where she stood staggering drunkenly in The bluewaters of The Gulf. As the white vapors began to spread around The head of the statue, she took in but one gasping breath, and then began to cough as though to rid her lungs of the horrible vapors she had inhaled. One could readily discern by the coughing that those white vapors had seared her lungs. What were these white vapors? Could they signify bacteriological warfare or nerve gas that could destroy multitudes of people in a few moments time? Then I heard the voice of God, as He spoke again: "Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof,. And it shall be, as with the people. so with The priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the buyer, so with the seller, as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled : for The Lord has spoken this word. The earth mourneth and fadeth away, The world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish. The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore has the curse devoured the earth and they that dwell therein are desolate; therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men are left."(Isa.24:1-6) As I watched, the coughing grew worse. It sounded like a personwas about to cough out his lungs. The Statue was moaning and groaning. She was in mortal agony. The pain must have been terrific, as again and again, she tried to clear her lungs of those horrible white vapors. I watched her there in the Gulf, as she staggered, clutching her lungs and her breast with her hands. Then she fell to her knees. In a moment, she gave one final cough, and made a last desperate effort to rise from her knees, and then fell face forward into the waters of The Gulf and lay still as death. Tears ran down my face as I realized that she was dead! Only The lapping of The waves,splashing over her body, which was partly under the water, and partly out of water, broke the silence."A fire devoureth before them, and behind them a flame burneth; the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them, a desolate wilderness." Joel 2:3 Suddenly the silence was shattered by the screaming of sirens. The sirens seemed to scream,"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Never before had I heard such shrill, screaming sirens. They seemed to be everywhere - to the North, South, the East and the West. There seemed to be multitudes of sirens. And as I looked, I saw people everywhere running. But it seemed none of them ran more than a few paces, and then they fell. And even as I had seen the Statue struggling to regain her poise and balance, and finally falling to die on her face,I now saw millions of people falling in the streets,on the sidewalks,struggling. I heard their screams for mercy and help. I heard their horrible coughing as though their lungs had been searedwith fire. I heard the moanings and groanings of the doomed and the dying. As I watched, a few finally reached shelters, and above the moaning and groanings, I heard these words: "A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth for the Lord has a controversy with the nations. He will plead with all flesh; He will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the Lord. Behold evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of The earth. And The slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even onto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented neither gathered nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground. " (Jer. 25:31-33) Then suddenly I saw from the Atlantic and from the Pacific, and out of the Gulf, rocket-like objects that seemed to come up like fish leaping out of the water . High into the air they leaped, each headed in a different direction, but every one towards The U.S. On The ground, the sirens screamed louder. And up from the ground I saw similar rockets begin to ascend. To me, these appeared to be interceptor rockets although they arose from different points all over the U.S. However, none of them seemed to be successful in intercepting the rockets that had risen from the ocean on every side. These rockets finally reached their maximum height, slowly turned over, and fell back toward the earth in defeat. Them suddenly, the rockets

which had leaped out of the ocean like fish all exploded at once. The explosion was ear- splitting. The next thing which I saw was a huge ball of fire. The only thing I have ever seen which resembled the thing I saw in my vision was the picture of the explosion of the H-bomb in the South Pacific. In my vision, it was so real I seemed to fell a searing heat from it. As the vision spread before my eyes, and I viewed the widespread desolation brought about by the terrific explosions, I could not help thinking, " While the defenders of our nation have quibbled over what means of defense to use, and neglected the only true means of defense, faith and dependence upon the true and living God, the thing which she greatly feared has come unto her! How true it has proven that "Exceptthe Lord keep The city, The watchman watches but in vain." Then as the noise of the battle subsided, to my ears came this quotation from Joel, the second chapter, "Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand; A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations. A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them. The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run..." (Joel 2:4).

The Vision of General George McClellan Closely related to George Washington's Vision, but not as well known is a vision given to General George B. McClellan, one of the generals who took part in the second peril against America ( see George Washington's Vision. ) The only source I know concerning this Vision is the Evening Courier of Portland, Maine. It carries a lengthy account of a vision purporting to be the General's own words. The General was alive at the time and could have reputed the account and demanded an immediate retraction if it were false! General McClellan is not as well known as other military leaders, in America, but he did serve his country well, despite his faults and his disagreements with President Lincoln which eventually led to his removal from his Command. At the time of this vision, McClellan had gone to Washington, D.C. to take over the command of the United States Army. This being the third day since his arrival, he was working, at two o'clock at night, over the reports of scouts and checking his maps. Being weary from work he leaned his head on his arms on the table and fell asleep. In about ten minutes the locked door suddenly opened, and in strode someone right up to him and in a voice of authority said: "General McClellan, do you sleep at your post? Rouse you, or ere it can be prevented, the foe will be in Washington. The General then gives some details of his strange feelings. Seemingly suspended in infinite space from a hollow distance above him, he heard a voice. He started up - not really knowing whether he was awake or not. The walls of the room, with its furniture and other objects were no longer visible, but the maps covering the table were still before him. Then, he was gazing upon a living map of America from the Mississippi river to the Atlantic Ocean. The General was unable to identify the being standing before him, only a vapor having the general outline of a man. Then he looked at the mysterious map before him and was amazed to see the movements of the various troops and had a complete picture of the enemy's lines and distribution of forces. Being greatly elated, he felt he now knew what strategy to use to end the way speedily and victoriously. But then the elation gave way to great apprehension, because on this moving map, he saw the enemy's soldiers moving to the very position he had intended to occupy in a few days. He then knew that the enemy was aware of his plan of attack. Then the voice spoke again, "General McClellan, you have been betrayed. And had not God willed otherwise, ere the sun had set the Confederate flag would have waved above the Capitol and your own grave. But note what you see. Your time is short." Noting the movement of troops of on the living map- he took his pencil and transferred their position to the paper map on his desk. Then McClellen was aware of the figure near becoming luminous with light and glory, bright as the noonday sun. Then raising his view he looked into the face of George Washington. Sublime and dignified our first President looked upon the bewildered General and spoke the following: "General McClellan, while yet in the flesh, I beheld the birth of the American Republic. It was indeed a hard and bloody one, but God's blessing was upon the nation and therefore, though this, her first great struggle for existence, He sustained her and with His mighty had brought her out triumphantly. A century has not passed since then, and yet the child Republic has taken her position of peer with nations whose pages of history extend for ages into the past. She has, since those dark days, by the favor of God, greatly prospered. And how, by very reason of this prosperity, has been brought to her second great struggle. This if by far the most perilous ordeal she has; passing as she is from childhood to opening maturity, she is called on to accomplish that vast result, self-control, self rule, that in the future will place her in the van of power and civilization... "But her mission will not then be finished for ere another century shall have gone by, the oppressors of the whole earth, hating and envying her exaltation, shall join themselves together and raise up their hands against her. But if she shall be found worthy of her high calling they shall surely be discomfited, and then will be ended her third and last great struggle for existence.

Thenceforth shall the Republic go on, increasing in power and goodness, until he borders shall end only in the remotest corners of the earth, and the whole earth shall beneath her shadowing wing become a Universal Republic. Let her in her prosperity, however remember the Lord her God, her trust be always in him, and she shall never be confounded." After this, Washington raised his hand over the General's Head in blessing and immediately a peal of thunder rumbled through space. McClellan awoke with a start and found himself in his room and spread out before him on the table were his maps. In viewing the maps, he noticed a difference, for they were covered with marks, signs, and figures which he had made during the vision. The General had to walk around the room to realize he was actually awake. Then, taking another look at the maps he found the markings still there. Realizing this experience was Divinely given, he ordered his horse saddled and went from camp to camp ordering changes to be made, which were necessary to frustrate the enemy's planned offensive. The strategy was successful and prevented the City of Washington from being captured. The Confederate Army, at that time was so close that Abraham Lincoln sitting in the White House could hear the roar of Confederate artillery. Thus the Union was saved and General McClellan concludes his account of his Vision with these words.: "Our beloved, glorious Washington shall again rest quietly, sweetly in his tomb, until perhaps the end of the Prophetic Century approaches that is to bring the Republic to a third and final struggle, when he may once more laying aside the cements of Mount Vernon, become a Messenger of Succor and Peace from the Great Ruler, who has all Nations of this Earth in His keeping. "But the future is too vast for our comprehension; we are children of the present. When peace shall have folded her bright wings and settled our land the strange, unearthly map marked while the Spirit eyes of Washington looked down, shall be preserved among American Archives as a precious reminder to the American nation what in their second great struggle for existence, they owe to God and the Glorified Spirit of Washington. Verily the works of God are above the understanding of man!"



C.Alan Martin updated 6/1/97 In 1971, I received a vision of the night in which I was shown a row of houses. It was not until 23 years later that the Spirit gave me a dream which held the key to the meaning of these houses. They represent presidential administrations, starting with Truman in 1953, and extend-ing into the future for two more presidents (beyond Clinton).

This dream relates to the believer in these last days. Christians need to arm themselves for the battle and God is able and willing to impart on each of us the unique spiritual weapon designed to do the task.-TP Months ago I was struck with a sudden illness and for a time thought that it would take my life before it was done. During that time, the Lord granted me this dream, and then granted me several short visions to clarify it. It's now time to share it with the rest of you. Cliff Hursey Crossbow Date unknown THE DREAM I found myself traveling down a highway, with bumper to bumper traffic going at a high rate of speed. It was a dark cloudy day, and mud seemed to be splashing and covering everything. I however was not in a car, but on a bicycle. I was having no trouble keeping up with the traffic flow. But then, I heard what seemed like a large truck bearing down on me from behind. I tried to go faster, to escape from it, but could not. Then, just as it seemed it would strike me from behind and kill me on the spot, it swerved around me and. had not

even been a truck, just an old car. But as a result of this, I myself was run off the road, into a ditch. I fell When things settled down, I found that I was on my knees in the bottom of a ravine; this was about 12 feet deep and covered by underbrush above. The bottom of the ditch was deep in mud, and there were things in the mud. I began feeling around to see what they were. They were knives, swords, crossbows, rods, all kinds of weapons, and all broken and unusable. And there was someone else there too. An angel. I could not describe the appearance of that one, but I just knew that is what it was. The feeling of it being God's servant was strong, and firm. I was told that these weapons in the ditch were weapons for use by Christians, but they had been discarded and broken. I felt regret, for there were so many of them. "Which one would you like?" the angel said. "This is why you are here." "A cross bow, of course." It seemed so obvious, why would anyone want anything different? It was as if a crossbow was the natural choice for me. But every one in the mud was broken, and in a sad state. The angel reached down at my feet, and plucked a broken crossbow from the mud. It was as if the crossbow suddenly strung itself, cleaned itself up, and became new again. It was bright and shiny, golden in color, particularly bright in the still gloomy light. And the shape was VERY odd, it was like no other crossbow I had ever seen. He reached out and handed it to me, and I found it hard to grasp. There did not appear to be any sort of handle on it. At one end was a large bow, as you would expect, but at the other end were seven smaller bows pointing the opposite way. And beneath, no place to grip it. I was baffled. "I have no idea how to use this!" I said. "Be at peace, when the time comes, you will be shown how." When these words were spoken, they had the force of truth to them. I was confident to the depths of my soul that this would indeed be the case. "Now, there is more for you to see." He led me up the side of the ravine, the side away from the road. There was a lot of overgrowth there, enough to block the view of the ravine and what was beyond from the road. I could still hear traffic behind me. We emerged into what would have been the road median, but it was a large clear area surrounded by trees, and full of big white equipment trailers. The sky above was still cloudy and dark, and would remain so. He took me to one of the trailers. He opened the door, and I was let inside. I found myself in a small place, packed with yet MORE weapons. Spears, shields, pikes, swords, everything conceivable. (Note, there were no firearms of any sort in evidence.) There was another odd thing too, a rack that held bottles, like a wine rack, but it instead had bottles that I knew were for oil, like anointing oil. These bottles were dusty and empty, but I knew that soon they would be filled and ready for someone to use. For what I had no idea, but I felt they would be very powerful indeed. In fact, each weapon in this place was waiting to be claimed by its rightful owner. I had a feeling of tremendous age, these weapons had been waiting a LONG time. But the time for them to be claimed was very, very near. Not quite yet, at least at that point, but extremely close. When I came out of the trailer, I noted that there were hundreds of these trailers. Moreover, I knew that all of them were full of these weapons. I was then taken beyond the equipment trailers, and what I saw stunned me. Hundreds and hundreds of white RV's, Winnebagos or something. There was a huge parking lot, and all of them were just sitting there. Every single one was already idling, waiting to leave when the time came. I knew that these represented shelter and safety for the saints, but at the same time would allow them to go where they needed to go. It was a huge caravan of these vehicles, and the feeling was that departure of this caravan was imminent. As I awoke, I was running exuberantly to find the one that I knew my Father had prepared for me. Still, I was baffled as to how to use the crossbow. MY INTERPRETATION OF THE DREAM The first portion of the dream is personal, and sets the stage for the second, which is general. I was traveling down the highway in a bicycle (under my own power), the sky was cloudy and conditions muddy (the state of today's world). I felt the truck coming from behind to kill me (my illness) which turned into something far more harmless and missed me altogether (pretty much describes what happened in my illness. It was frightening, but I survived with no harm to me.) The ravine represents that place where the Lord eventually brings us all, that place where we are at the absolute bottom, and can hear his voice the best. This is when the dream turns into a more general message, although I think that many other's bicycles have been run off the road recently too. The broken weapons in the mud represent ministries that were abandoned. Many of these will be picked up by new people, who will carry on with the ministry as it was supposed to be in the first place. Two months after this dream, I "inherited" a ministry that had been suddenly cast aside. There are a LOT of these ministries out there. And when the reins are passed, the ministry regains its original blessing, becomes as if it were new again. Climbing out of the ravine represents rising from that place of helplessness. The angel helped me out, through the underbrush. The Lord will not abandon us in our place of helplessness, but will make sure that we have every resource necessary to regain our footing afterwards. The old weapons in the equipment trailers represent gifts that the Lord has for us to use in His service. They have been waiting for us to pick them up for a LONG time. I had the feeling that they were fashioned for us before we were born. The anointing oil was at that time unfilled, and there were many bottles (vessels?) that appeared to have been waiting for quite a while for the oil. This says that there is to be an anointing poured out, and the recipients of that anointing have been prepared and waiting for a very long time. The Winnebagos represented a place of relative safety from which we could minister, but a place that would move with us. I had a strong feeling that they would all move together, and none had moved as of yet. They were all gassed up and idling, ready to depart, but not all of them were manned yet. God has already prepared these places and plans for us. I had a strong feeling of victory associated with seeing these things. THE FIRST VISION That day, I came across a friend of mine on the Internet that is gifted in prophecy. I explained my dilemma,

that I had what I was sure was a wondrous weapon against the enemy but had no idea how to use it. "That is because I have the next part," he told me. We arranged to meet that evening via the web and do some "spiritual warfare." Well, to be honest, although I had been involved in spiritual warfare before, I was unprepared for this experience. This was to be a type of warfare I had never known before, or even known existed. I will explain this as best I can, please pardon me if it sounds a bit strange! We began to pray together, and each of us was 1,000 miles from the other. We began, in the spirit, to walk through my home. And it was as if I could SEE the servants of the enemy all around it. In each room, in the yard, wherever I looked. It was a most unsettling experience. It was more of a feeling than actual sight, although at times I had clear visual images. So, faced with this, in the spirit, I lifted the crossbow. And I still had no idea how to use it. So, I prayed, "Lord, You must teach me to do this, because I am helpless here. This is beyond me." At that moment, it seemed as if the crossbow fired by itself. Bolts flew. I could tell they struck the evil spirits I felt around me. And yet, I had spiritually or mentally touched no trigger, and did not even know how it had happened. The bolts hit four of the spirits, it felt like. "You hit four," my friend said over the net. Which, considering I had not told him that, confirmed it for me. This was not just imagination. Something was happening here in the spiritual realm, and we were privy to it. 1,000 miles apart, we were both "seeing" it. So, we walked, in the spirit, through the rest of my home. It was an amazing experience, as both of us "saw" the same things. In each room, I found that only when I released control of the crossbow would it work. Otherwise, if I tried to use it myself, it was useless. Only when I was humbled and admitted that I had no control or ability myself would it fire. That was the first secret of using the crossbow. I had to be utterly submitted, utterly without any action on my part, to use it at all. COMPLETE selflessness. When I did so, the single bow at the one end would fire at the Lord's command. My own commands would never operate it. Yes, this was a strange experience, but VERY instructive. I began to know that the crossbow was a teaching tool for me, to help me remove my own pride from my service to the Lord. Yet, there were those other seven bows, clustered on the other end of the bow. They had yet to be fired at all. THE SECOND VISION About three weeks after that, in church, the Lord taught me in a split second all I needed to know about those other seven bows, and it is a lesson I will never forget. We were praising the Lord, a wonderful time of praise. I was in the back of the church, and was lifting my hands in praise to the Lord. My hands were outstretched, lifted high. Suddenly, it was as if the crossbow was in my hands. But I was holding it, pointing TOWARDS ME, holding it BY THE BOW. It had a natural grip here it seemed, and fit my hands perfectly at this strange angle, backwards. The bolt was aimed straight at my own heart. I knew in an instant that THIS was how it had been designed to be held. Because, by doing this, the other SEVEN bows were now aimed so that they could be used. "If you are willing to sacrifice your old carnal man to Me, then I can use you in a far more powerful way," I felt the Lord say. "You can use my gifts in a small way, even as you are, but to use them in power, you must allow Me to remove all your pride and all that is not of Me from your life. Thus, when you use the bow, there is one arrow pointing at your own heart. That arrow is mine." I had tears running down my face. Now I knew! Since that time, my intercessory prayer has been much stronger. I have been much more attuned to eliminating every dark place from my own life, to make myself a better servant. Until this is done, God cannot use us to the fullest. When we allow ourselves to be purged, THEN we are able to be what God created us to be. And somewhere out there may be a weapon for you, one that only you can wield for the Lord. It awaits you. In the ditch.


Selected Prophecies and Visions Of Raymond Aguilera

Visions given to Raymond Aguilera on 18 July 1990. 2. I see a white Light moving down from the sky between the clouds . I could sense the Presence of God, the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit .The next image was of an enormous black cloud moving from left to right. Then a massive White Cloud appeared moving from right to left . These two clouds met in the middle and the White Cloud wallowed the black cloud .The next image startled me for I was out in outer space and I could see the planet Earth . Out of nowhere a large hot rock appeared . I could see the black outer surface with its red inner core glowing bright red . As the black rock hit the planet Earth it bounced on the countries , continents, and the state of Texas that I had seen earlier in the visoin. In the next image, I could see the Earth as you see it from outer space. It looked so beautiful with its white clouds and blue green water , I could even see the weather patterns . I don't know from where Jesus Christ came from, but He was standing next to me as I watched the planet Earth. Then all of a sudden the planet disappeared and all I could see was black space . I remember I argued with Christ because the planet just vanished into nothing. He showed me the planet two more times and each time it disappeared into nothing . This really upset me for I kept arguing with Him.Then out of nowhere a new planet appeared, but this planet was three to four times bigger than the planet Earth. It had a bright white light on the outside of it with a dark center . December 2, 1990, will be the beginning of the Great War in Heaven, and on Earth . The beginning of the end is at hand . Now Satan is the devil of the sky . For he now has nowhere to lay his head ." 24. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera 15 December 1990 through the 1 January 1991 in English.

Look to the sky. Look to the sky. See the Wonders. See the Wonders , that I am going to show you. The Wonders, that I am going to show you are beyond belief, are beyond belief . 31. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 14 January 91 in tongues, Spanish Hear Me, My Sons and My Daughters. This is your God. This is your God. He is going to burn the world with a star , with a piece, with a piece of a star . It is going to burn the world in a thousand, in a thousand, in a thousand and so many years. Hear Me! Hear Me! Hear Me!, in a thousand, and so many years, in a thousand, and so many years, with a piece, with a piece of a star of the sky, of the sky. It is going to come. It is going to come. For it is in the Bible , in the Bible, in the Bible. Read the Bible, and you are going to be frightened . You are going to be frightened . There are going to be many earthquakes, many storms , many signs , many signs, the ocean, the ocean is going to move up and down , up and down . Look at the ocean. Look at the ocean, and the ice, and the ice of the oceans is going to move. It's going to move , the ice of the ocean, the ice of the North and the South , of the South. The ice is going to move because I said the signs, the signs are going to be. Because I am your God, I am your God, and what I say is going to be . Because I am your Father. I am your Father. 33. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 21 January 91 in tongues English. My Son, My Son, My Son is there. He's there with you. He's doing battle now. He is fighting the war . He is fighting the demons. He's fighting Satan .But Listen to Me. Listen to Me. Open those ears. The first battle, the First war has started. December 2 , December 2, 1990 , December 2, December 2, 1990. Implant that in your brain . Implant that in your brain anyway you want to . Tattoo it on your eyelids . I don't care how you do it . That was the beginning, that was the beginning of the First war . The First war, but listen, listen, I started the Second war too. The Second war is on its way, it's on its way . It will be here in a thousand years plus a lot of years, a thousand years plus a lot of years. I can't tell you the exact time . I don't want to tell you the exact time because then you get comfortable. The climates of the planet are going to change . The tides of the ocean are going to go up and down . They are going up and down and not like you've been used to . I mean they're going to go high, higher than mountains and lower than the valleys that you have on the planet . The ocean is going to rise, it's going to go down. All the ice in the North and the South are going to move . They're not just going to move slowly . I mean they're going to ram. They are going to ram continents . They are going to ram continents with such force you'd never believe such things could happen . But remember, remember the violent things that are going to happen to this planet Open your eyes. Open your ears. Winter will not be winter. Summer will not be summer . Fall will not be fall. From all the corners of the earth , from the North, from the South, from the East, from the West, everything will be turned upside down . Then you will know that I am your God. Then you will know I am your God. Your God of Heaven and Earth. Of all that is and will be from the Universe to Universe, from the Heavens, from the Heavens . Yes. Yes. Yes. You'll know. Your heart is going to know. Well, My Children, pray. Get in your room, close the door for the weather is going to change . The climates are going to change . Some of you are not going to have houses because of that climate ...the weather...the storms . The hurricanes, tornadoes, you name it. You'll have it . 42. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 30 April 1992 at 4:30 AM. in tongues, English. There is going to be a time of famine on the Planet Earth. All the things that I said will come to be. The Cross of Heaven is coming down to Earth like I stated, watch, listen, and learn, Ray . The Cross of Heaven is coming to Earth, for what I said is going be. 45. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 5 May 1992 at 7:12 AM. Tuesday in tongues in English, Non-understandable tongue. Come, come, the time of the Earth is finished . For Heaven is the place for My Children, your Heavenly Father, your King of Kings , your Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit welcome you , for there will

be no Peace on the Planet . And I will take My Lambs, My Sheep, to Heaven before the Tribulation, before the slaughter , before I lay My Wrath upon the earth . But only the good Ones, the Righteous, the Spotless, the Ones who Repent. The Ones who love Me with their Heart, not their Lips. From their Heart is what I see, everything else means nothing. (highlight-TP) 49. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 12 May 1992, Tuesday at 9:13 AM. in tongues, English. The Hour is almost here. The day and the hour has been picked. The day of Mecca , the day of Deliverance, the day of Glory , the day that the Universe has been waiting for , is rapidly approaching . Tell your friends, tell your brothers, tell your sisters, tell your neighbors . Stand on the mountain tops and scream it with every breath that you have, as loud as you can. For it will come like the day, in Noah's time . Suddenly without warning , like a thief in the night , but it will be Wondrous. It will be Glorious for the saints , for the saints of Christ, like I told you earlier. The players have their roles , the stage has been set , the hour has been appointed. (highlight-TP) 52. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 16 May 1992 in English. The moon, the moon will turn red. The moon will turn red, and the stars will fall , for so it is written . The sky, the sky is at War . The Angels, the Angels of Jesus Christ are fighting, and are winning . 56. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 19 May 1992 at 1:15 PM Tuesday in tongues, English, There is going to be a three-piece army which will invade the Holy Land from the East , from the North, and from the South . The invasion will take place in the time of the wolf, for the wolf is a cunning Animal. Arm yourselves , arm yourselves: Be prepared , for the wolf and the Lamb will meet at the appointed time . 58. Prophecy and Vision given on 24 May 1992 at 12:23 AM. Sunday, in tongues and Spanish. There is going to be a day, that the sky will be filled with fire. The day of the flame, no one is going to live without seeing the flame. Because I am going to stop everything that is Bad in all the world . I don't want you to say, that I didn't tell you , that no one said this, and that. Because right now, the Father is telling you with Clean Lips, that the day of the flame, of the sky , is coming. Hear Me, People of the world , because the sky is going to have a flame that you're going to want to hide from. And you won't be able to , because I know where you are. 61. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on the 25 May 1992 at about 3 PM. I saw a Yellow-Red flame coming down from outer Space and it wrapped around the world . The world looked Yellow-Red all over . I guess like Mars . 69. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 29 May 1992 at 11:11 AM Friday in Tongues, English. The last big War to be fought will happen in your lifetime . So be prepared, be strong, practice the Word of God in your everyday living . Practice the rules, the regulations that are stated in the Bible . Look to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, look to the Holy Spirit to guide you, look to Me to listen to your prayers , for the day of the Beast is here . For the number of the Beast will be implemented on the weak , on the Sinful . DO NOT , I'll repeat it again! DO NOT TAKE THE SIGN OF THE BEAST . For if you do, you will not find Salvation. I'll state it again. DO NOT TAKE THE SIGN OF THE BEAST . No matter how hard it gets , No matter how easy it gets, if you value, and I mean, if you value your future , DO NOT TAKE THE SIGN OF THE BEAST , for you will be condemned to the VALLEY OF DEATH FOR ETERNITY . This is the most BLASPHEMOUS thing you could do ever to your Lord Jehovah , and I WILL NOT FORGIVE YOU. When the sign of the Beast is issued , you run and you hide, do whatever you have to do, but DO NOT TAKE THE SIGN OF THE BEAST. I think I have stated it enough. I think I have made it simple, clear, and direct. I'll repeat it one more time, DO NOT TAKE THE SIGN OF THE BEAST, for you will find the VALLEY OF DEATH FOR ETERNITY . 70. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 30 May 1992 Saturday at 3:23 AM. in tongues in Spanish and All of Germany will unite. Russia will reassemble, reorganize . The False Prophet will be risen from the Middle East, and he will unite with the Beast at the appointed hour in time . This False Prophet from the Mid East, Middle East, is going to use the Power of Satan to deceive. He is going to create Miracles . He is going to do things that you're going to consider wondrous, great . 71. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 1 June 1992 at 1:22 AM. in English. Well, the Ark of the Covenant will be established . That's right, I said the Ark of the Covenant will be brought fourth from its hiding place and established in My Temple ; The new, the last , and the final Temple that will be constructed by man . The Ark will be placed in the designated area for the establishment of My Word. That was given before through the Prophets, through the Apostles 73. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 4 June 1992 at 1:48 AM. Thursday in tongues, Spanish, English, Hear Me! What I mentioned earlier of the World, of the Star, of the Sky, of the world is going to start, the 30th of July in the New Year, but the year of God, of Christ, I cannot tell you . But the 30th of July is going to start the date of the war with the Pig . And you can mark that date on your Calendar on July 30th , of July . What a shame of what's going to happen on that date , because they are going to die, many people , you have

to watch the River of Blood because the river is going to get high with the Blood of the War . 74. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 5 June 1992, Friday at 2:45 AM. in tongues, English, and For the development of the Money , of the Economic Conditions of the World will befall upon the Beast , who will decide who will survive the financial collapses of the Monetary System . For the Power of Wealth , the Power of Arms , the Power of Political Movement will all fall into place with the collapse of the Monetary System , which will bring into Power the Beast and his followers . for the collapse of the Monetary System will happen. For the first coming of the world will be done when the Oil and the Commerce Control the World listen to the Prophet, listen to the Prophecies , for the Plane that arrives and lands at the end of the airport will become the focal point of a disaster in the Heart of a City . With the Blossoms that occur when the Rays of the Sun Shine on the ground in Mid-Summer . The destruction of the Plane will occur when the Beast accuses the Chancellor of not obeying his law . For the Chancellor will oppose the Beast , 75. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on the 6 June 1992 at 12:50 AM Saturday, in tongues Spanish, and For the Body of Christ needs to know the formulation of its enemy for the War is going to engulf the World The Hornet will increase in strength in Japan, when it develops Nuclear Weapons . 77. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 June 1992 at 3:16 PM Saturday in tongues Spanish and English. And the Hail from Heaven will fall without Mercy. The Hail of Heaven will Destroy . The Hail of Heaven will Annihilate . The Hail of Heaven will Purify the Evil . The Hail of Heaven is upon you this very hour that will reveal the coming of Christ 79. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 7 June 1992 at 12:54 Am Sunday in tongues English and When the Hand Strikes two in the valley. In the valley, where the Archers Bows are strung tight, will be the Battleground here the Beast the Beast will come back to the valley . The valley of his destiny, which will close the trap on the fate of him That was destined at a time many years passed . When the Battle of the valley will come to a close , for the armies of Good and Evil will confront each other . For your Heavenly Father so mentioned it many years before it happened, the time, the day, the hour of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. When you see the Horse, with the Rider, with the Bow and Arrow stretched out and pointing to the left, that will be the time , the moment of the destruction of the antichrist . 85. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 11 June 1992 at 2:35 AM. in tongues, Spanish and English. The Boat is going to enter through the San Francisco Bridge . Look at the Boat because the Hour and the Time has been set . Look at it with sharp eyes because it's going to frighten you , the Boat under the San Francisco Bridge . It is going to come now with its Dirty, with its Tears , with its Valiant Dogs . The Dogs, the Bad Dogs , the Dirty Dogs are going to come in the Boat to San Francisco , watch them with sharp eyes, because you're going to be frightened . 90. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 12 June 1992 at 12:55 AM. in English. Let Me tell you a little bit about the War, the War of the future . The Saber tooth Tiger will be conquered but the Beast and the Boar will use a series of spies and counterspies to manipulate Governments. When he gets control of the oil and the finances he will use this leverage and this blackmail . He will use anything that he can to get his way and he will get his way . There are going to be explosions in the Big Capitals, in the Big Cities, all over the World . There is going to be a Police Force that will have no law. Only the law of the Antichrist , which is the law of Satan .Then he is going to implement the Seal which is going to be placed on the foreheads of his puppets ; which He'll control and manipulate to do his bidding . 103. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 22 June 1992 at 1:27 AM. Monday in English. The Owl will come to its tree in mid-November . The Owl will fall fast. The Owl will meet the Hornet . The Hornet will execute the Owl for the Beast only wants those who are obedient to him 104. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 22 June 1992 at 9:15 AM. in English. So My Sheep, My Lambs, make yourselves strong, stronger than you ever have. For this World, this Planet of yours is going to be shaken beyond belief . The climates will change, the mood of the people will change , there will be a War beyond comprehension. All these things will happen as it was stated in the Bible. Then I will close the book on this Planet , and then We will have a New World, a New Heaven, a New Beginning , and Children will live the way they were designed to live with Peace, Harmony, Jubilation, Joy, beyond your wildest Dreams . 108. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 24 June 1992 at 1:27 AM. in Spanish and non-understandable tongues. Yes Ray, the hour will come when the monarch is assassinated in the streets of London . On the Day that will mark his Coronation . For the Beast has planned , and executed this assassination from the beginning 110. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 25 June 1992 at 10:34 AM. Thursday in English. The Star will arrive at the appointed time, for the Star is on its way. The time for it to come will amaze and astonish the whole world . For the Heavenly Host will be appearing when the Commerce and Oil Finances of the World will be at its peak . The sound of the trumpet will sound in the Heavens and on Earth . For the closing of the trap on the devil will be complete. The Saints that Preserve and that stay Clean and Righteous will meet My Son in the Cloud . 114. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 June 1992 at 11:02 AM. in English. When the crow crows in the morning, will be the time of the first tribulation on this Planet. In the country of the far east when the false prophet uses the false word that the devil gave him to defame and to Blaspheme against the Almighty Jehovah .

117. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 June 1992 at 4:02 PM. in English. The King of the world is going to arrive at the Valley, the Bloody Valley that was stated in the Bible. For His Angels will clean up , bind, and deposit everything that is not clean in Gehenna . Then will begin the final cleansing of the Saints that survived the Great Battle with the devil. 118. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 June 1992 at 9:32 PM. English. For I am going to shake this Planet off its axis . I am going to turn it upside down and inside out . This Planet is going to be shook up beyond your belief , and see if your god can save you. 133. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 4 July 1992 at 9:30 AM. In this vision I saw the Planet Earth from outer space from the point of view I had. The Planet's Axis shifted to a more slanted position than before. 158. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 16 July 1992 at 11:54 PM. in Spanish. Chew with teeth. I'll chew with teeth. With teeth I'll chew all that is not clean . I'll chew it with teeth when the earthquake hits California . I am going to chew everything that is evil . For all I want is what is Good and Clean . The earthquake is going to hit Southern California . It's going to hit Southern California because I am going to eat everything that is revolting in Southern California. The earthquake is going to hit Northern California for everything in Northern California is dirty also . 166. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 July 1992 at 12:15 PM. in English. Beware of Africa, for it will explode with violence and tribulations. Beware of the continent of Africa for the violence of that continent will spread like a wild fire from the North to the South, from the East to the West . Violence and terror that the World has never seen or heard of before the hour will begin when the bear and the owl go to fight in Egypt . 167. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 July 1992 at 7:42 AM. in Spanish. The boat is going to come on the sixth in the year of the Ram For its going to come with force and the force is going to scare the World, in the year of the Ram, on the sixth day . 185. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 13 August 1992 at 8:14 AM. in English. Vision: I just saw a sail boat. Prophecy: The Lord said, "The sail boat is coming to the San Francisco Bridge . Sail boat." Prophesy over San Francisco. Tell San Francisco to Repent . To Repent or Die . This is the Word of Jehovah. Repent or Die. This is the Word of God Jehovah, the Creator , the Maker, the Breaker of the Universe . For I will not spare, I will not save the City of San Francisco unless it "TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY REPENTS AND CLEANS ITS WAYS." "For it's abomination is disgusting, it's revolting, and I will vomit everything that is evil in San Francisco ." For those who Love their lives, their Children , their Families and Friends, leave the City. "LEAVE THE CITY TODAY!" For My Hand will fall on San Francisco with vengeance, without mercy 204. Prophecy, Dream, and Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 5 September 1992 at 7:19 AM. English. "Remember the Dream!" Implant it into your mind . "Remember their faces ." For the day will come when the people in the large cities , the Children , will live like you see in your dream . It was not England . It will happen in the future , in the large cities , in the cities where the Beast will devour the Body. Groups of Children will band together to try to survive , for the times ahead for the Body of Christ, for the world, will be severe . 207. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 11 September 1992 at 7:10 AM. in English. Then the Lord said: "The beginning of the end will begin when the oil stops ." 210. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 16 September 1992 at 8:25 AM. in English. Open your faucet and it will be dry . Open your faucet and it will be dry. For there will be a day..., for when your rivers will dry up ..., for when the valleys will be scorched . The ground will crack for the lack of water . Your throat will blister. Your lips will blister for the lack of water . I will dry up the rivers. I will dry up the streams . I will dry up your lips . I will dry up your throat . For I am sending My Word and you cover your ears and you cover your eyes and you bury your head under the sand. So on different parts of the Planet there are going to be severe droughts beyond what you experienced in the past . For you denied your God . You denied your King of Kings, your Lord of Lords . 220. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 2 October 1992 at 9:40 PM. in English. The ice of the north will begin to move which will cause the water of the oceans to shift. The land that's near the water will be under water. For the waves that will hit the continent are going to be larger than the mountains you have on the Planet. Look at the water! Look at the wonders and signs that are going to befall this Planet. Look at the ice of the north. For it will begin to move as the axis of the Earth shifts. When the temperature of the Planet rises, the ice of the north will melt and will begin to move The Planet will be Shaken, will be turned upside down and inside out. 229. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 28 October 1992 at 8:52 PM in English. The coronation of the devil will take place at high noon, when the Bells of Saint Peter ring. The devil will take charge of his army, of his demons, and invade the Holy Land. 230. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 8 November 1992 at 9:32 AM. The Lord said, "Holland will be the first of the Beast" 231. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 11 November 1992 at 7:22 PM. The Lord said, "Texas will be the second of the Beast."

254. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 17 December 1992 at 9:59 AM. in English and Non-understandable Tongues. I am having a vision of someone signing a paper and they're using a golden pen. I don't know what they're signing, but I think it's political. I believe it has to do with power. I believe its the White House in Washington, DC.I see a circle with the U.S. Eagle with the stars around the circle. Then it changes into a Satanic pentagram. Now I see a six pointed star. I keep sensing the name of Israel, Israel, Israel, Israel. I hear and I see sirens like you would hear in an air raid. I see an enormous, enormous nuclear blast. I see the ground shaking. I see buildings and roofs flying all over the place. There is this enormous flash, the sound is incredible. My God it's enormous! 256. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 20 December 1992 at 7:15 PM. I see a nuclear explosion go off in front of the Eiffel Tower and the Tower melted like a candle. 261. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 10 January 1993 at 9:26 AM. During prayer in church I saw the Golden Gate Bridge and a nuclear explosion went off near the Bridge. 262. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 13 January 1993 at 9:22 AM. in Spanish. There is going to be the War of the United States. The War of the World. The War of the United States with the World has arrived.For the War of the United States with the World has arrived with the Blood, It has arrived, the bullets, the bombs, the airplanes, the boats, the soldiers, with the force of the United States, with the force of the devil, with the force of everything that is filthy. 264. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 14 January 1993 at 4:21 PM. in Spanish. The day is coming that the sky will become black. You won't be able to see a thing for days. For the sky is going to become black with all the filth that's in the World. You won't be able to see the clouds. You won't be able to see the moon. The whole sky will become dark. 287. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 February 1993 at 846 PM. in English and non-understandable Islam, Islam will be the way of the future. The antichrist, the false prophet will eat Islam, will digest it, adore it, will live it. Remember My Words. Islam will be the way of the devil, will be the way of the antichrist. Islam. Remember the Star of David. The Star of David will appear, when the false prophet becomes the head of the church of Islam. 304. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 March 1993 at 9 PM. in Spanish. You have to tell people to buy food, and save water. For here comes the whirlwind. The whirlwind is going to come, and hit the United States. It is going to hit with the force of the devil, and if they don't listen to you they are going to die, with the force of the devil. Mark, mark the date. It is going to hit the United States this year, the whirlwind of the sky. The whirlwind of the sky is going to hit the United States this year. (1993) 311. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 March 1993 at 10:09 PM. in English. For the blood bath of the world will begin when the Elephant eats the straw. Remember, when the Elephant eats the straw will be the beginning of the blood bath. 337. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 27 July 1993 at 9:10 PM. in Spanish. Make yourself Strong for here comes the day of persecution of all that are going to suffer. I want you to go and buy more food, and store it. For you are going to need it. For here comes the day you won't be able to buy food, or anything. For there won't be a thing to buy. I want you to buy food, and things to drink, and wait for the Hammer from Heaven, the Flames from Heaven. 368. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 29 September 1993 at 8:23 AM. in Spanish. Here comes the day that the world is going to be frightened, and the world is going to get mad with all the Christians and they are going to want to kill all that is good, all that is of your God, all that is of Heaven, of My Son, of the Holy Spirit. 424. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 30 March 1994 at 7:45 AM. I had the same vision I received about two years ago: Where these mountains of water hit a valley filled with suburban houses and totally destroyed everything. I can still see these mountains of water as if it was yesterday. This vivid vision did not have a location, but today the Lord revealed that it was the San Francisco Bay Area. The massive water hit Concord, California, in the county of Contra Costa, all the way to the town of Byron, some sixty miles inland. All that could be seen afterwards were the mountain peaks of Mt. Diablo and Mt. Tamalpais. They looked like two islands in the middle of the ocean. 426. Visions given to Raymond Aguilera on 5 April 1994. I saw a silver looking cord or pipe, about 5 inches in diameter, that extended from a place near the peak of Mt. Tamalpais to a place near the peak of Mt. Diablo. This cord formed a perfectly straight and level line, between the two mountain peaks, with the bay and the land in between the two mountains. 471. Vision: I see a planet with rings around it, but somehow the planet stays stationary and the rings lift up and off the planet. The rings just left (up and away) into outer space. 495. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 29 June 1994 at 7:15 PM. in Spanish. Yes, Reymundo, he is the older man, the bad, the bad man with the gun. He is going to want to shoot a bullet at the Elder man. But tell the Elder man not to worry for I am going to protect him with My Hand, with My Angels, and nothing is going to hit him.There is going to be a day that the Elder man is going to speak with many people and the virgin man with the gun is going to be there with his ears, with his wide eyes looking for a chance to shoot his bullet at the Elder man. The Elder, the Elder is the Pope. The Elder is the Pope that the virgin man wants to kill. The Elder is the Pope. Tell the Pope to protect himself for here comes the virgin man with the gun with the teeth of the devil. Yes, the day of the Fiesta of the Moon in October, in October,

in October. Tell the Pope, tell the Pope that he has to pray, and seek his God in the manner of Christ. 503. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 20 July 1994 at 4:28 PM. in Spanish. It fell, France fell with the hand of the devil. She fell with all the people that believe in the devil The moon will become dark in the day of March because the devil made his finger hard in the people of France. Did you hear Me people of the world? Did you hear Me blind and deaf people. Look at the moon. It will become dark in the day of March with the force of the devil, because France made herself blind and deaf to the Word of God. 509. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 July 1994 at 3:58 PM. in Spanish. I want you to run and hide yourself, with your family, with your friends in the day that everything stops. In that way you will have a chance; but I want you to pray, with all of your tears, with all of your nerve, with all that you have, with all of the family of the Body of My Son. 512. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 28 July 1994 at 8:02 AM. in Spanish. The day of the money." But I am going to stop the money of the world, the money of the United States. I am going to stop it in the manner of God. 523. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 9 August 1994 at 6:31 AM. in Spanish. It has arrived, My Reymundo, it has arrived the time of cold. Yes, the time of cold has arrived. It has arrived all the suffering of the cold. Yes! Yes, the things of the world will become cold. Buy yourself blankets. Buy yourself firewood. The places that were hot are going to become cold, I tell you direct and to the point. Everything is going to change, nothing is going to stay the same. Everything is going to become different, all the climate of the world is going to change. 546. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 September 1994 at 3:08 PM. in Spanish. Korea's eyes are going to radiate, the Korea of the Chinese. The country of Korea, it's going to radiate with all that there is of the devil. Then all that you believed of the wars is going to begin in North Korea. Remember that I told you about the bomb of North Korea. For they are very wise, and they are very pointed to the things of the devil. Yes! It has arrived, the point of the bomb, of North Korea. For they are going to move toward the south. Yes! They are going to move with hunger, with the hunger of the force that they have. For they have arrived at the point that they want to do something, with their power, with their soldiers, with all that is of the devil. Look at North Korea for many people are going to die in the south, and in the north. For the men that run the north want the power. They want all that is filthy, and they don't care how many die for all that they want is power. Yes!, mark it on your calendar. Here comes North Korea. It coming to the south, and South Korea won't be able to stop the north. For the south of Korea have their eyes pointed in the money, in the things of the world. They don't care for anything of God, Watch yourself of North Korea for they are on the loose, the pigs of the devil, with the force of the demons. They are going to begin to move to the south. Yes! For they are hungry for the blood. Yes! It has arrived the day of the war of Korea. 549. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 September 1994 at 5:15 PM. in Spanish. May, the month of May is going to be the day of the Fiesta. The Fiesta of October is going to happen in May. You think, what I am saying is funny? Put it on your calendar. The October Fiesta is going to be in May. All the things of the calendar are gong to change in the manner of the devil. For the calendar that you have now; isn't going to be. Yes! The devil is going to change it, with the man that thinks he knows it all. He is going to choose names that he likes. He is going to choose: he is going to change; 552. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 8 September 1994 at 6:14 AM. in Spanish. But things are also going to start in Thailand. Watch Thailand! For the fever of Thailand is going to start. Yes! Yes! The match is going to start in South America, in Argentina. For the devil is going to want to stop God in Argentina, with the bullet, with the word. 578. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 20 September 1994 at 8:18 AM. Thousands upon thousands of people behind this fence. I can see a road with a wire fence separating two sections or groups of people. It looks like it's somewhere in the country for I don't see any buildings. There are so many people that there isn't a place to sit down. There are large open fires spaced about every fifty feet. The people are standing in an elliptical circle around these fires. There are so many people that they look like standing sticks. 590. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 28 September 1994 at 11:32 AM. in Spanish. The country of Nicaragua is going to start again. The flame, the flame of fighting, the political flame. All the things that are of the devil are going to start in Nicaragua. Yes, Reymundo! The things I am telling you are exact and to the point. Nicaragua is going to start to fight with everyone that is political. For they are going to want the power to eat the countries on each side. 591. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 28 September 1994 at 11:41 AM. in Spanish. The Elder, the Elder of God is going to fall rapidly and to the point with the bullet. He is going to fall rapidly and to the point. Yes!, with the bullet. 592. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 28 September 1994 at 12:08 PM. in English. Show Me Moscow and I will show you the pit of hell. For the things in Moscow are going to change for the worse. For the reorganization of Russia will begin. It will be violent. It will be complete. For the devil is going to come from underneath all the rocks, from the sewers, from the alleys, and he is going to create an uprising. For the hammer and the sickle will be used on the people. 593. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 28 September 1994 at 5:15 PM. in Spanish. Yes! Look at the Missal. Read the Word of God. The Missal of the Month of October. Read the Word of your God of the Catholic Church. Read it!, in the Month of October. Read the Word of God.

682. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera 6 February 1995 at 6:30. During prayer I had a vision of water rising over the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge and totally covering it. I couldn't tell if the Golden Gate Bridge was sinking or if the water was rising over it, but as I watched, it disappeared and went under the water. The water covered the Golden Gate Bridge slowly almost like it sank into the San Francisco Bay. I couldn't see a large wave or any great disturbance in the water. It just slowly went under the water. (over) 689. Dream given to Raymond Aguilera on 17 February 1995 at 6:47 AM. I had a dream about the City of Oakland. For some reason I had to go to downtown Oakland. I was driving on San Pablo Ave. toward Oakland when I noticed the street was cut in half with a cyclone fence. The four lanes was divided into two lanes. I guess the city was running out of street money so it cut the four traffic lanes into two lanes. As I changed over to the single lane, I noticed that it had outside speakers telling people not to desert the city and to patronize the local shops. Because if people kept leaving the city, they would have to close down the schools or the sixth grade. That the sixth grade wouldn't be taught anymore in the elementary schools. As I got into the main part of the city I could see all kinds of people around this one area, and you couldn't go into this area unless you had some sort of ticket. The old kind of ticket you used to use to get into the movies. I guess all of this reorganization had just started. For people were leaving the city very upset. But I remembered that I had to return this unusual umbrella. So I went back into the mall where I over-heard a councilman say that they had to keep the city together and could not let the people leave. For people were deserting the city in great numbers. 711. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 April 1995 at 9 PM. in Spanish. The earthquake that is going to hit the United States and the earthquake of California . It has arrived, the Force of God. It has arrived, "The End of everything that is filthy in California ."But you are getting frightened. You don't know what it is to be frightened, until I hit California and the United States. 776. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 15 July 1995 at 7:48 AM. in Spanish. Shasta Shasta The earthquake is going to begin at Mt. Shasta. Look at it for everything is in it's place (ready). Mt. Shasta, where it's going to start. (over) 778. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 18 July 1995 at 1:46 PM. in English. The Lord showed me a line from Mt. Shasta to the end of the State of California . Then the Lord said, "Draw an arc. Everything within this arc I will destroy for the disobedience of the United States and for the following of Satan. I will destroy this area." (over) 812. Prophecy, Vision, and Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 October 1995 at 8:30 PM. During worship at the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International I had a vision of nine figures surrounding Uncle Sam, the man with the top hat with the outfit of the American colors, and the nine figures knocked Uncle Sam down to the ground, and he stayed there. 825. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 November 1995 in English. Shasta, Shasta, the wind of Shasta, the air of Shasta will cover the world; will suffocate it with the force of the devil. Be prepared, be wise, be fruitful. The wind and the air of Shasta will choke you, will make you want to go hide, but there won't be any place to hide. Tell all the nursing mothers to be careful of the milk that they carry. This is the Word of Jehovah. This is the Word of Jesus Christ. This is the Word of the Holy Spirit. (over) 876. Vision and Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 14 March 1996 at 3 AM. Then the Lord said, "Japan is one of the ten horns (kingdoms) of the Antichrist from the Book of Revelations. Japan will unite with the other nine and attack Babylon in one hour. (over) 883. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 25 March 1996 at 12:44 AM. in Spanish. The earthquake is going to arrive- the earthquake of the world. Yes, the earthquake is going to arrive. Everything is going to fall, and the water is going to rise. The large cities are going to fall because the earthquake is going to be VERY BIG. The whole world is going to be frightened. They are going to be frightened because they are going to know the God of Heaven, the One who made everything, with His Word, with the Holy Spirit. That He is the God of God's. He is the King of Kings. 900. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 25 April 1996 at 3:55 PM. in Spanish. The climate, of the United States, is going to change, to the point, with water, with storms, with earthquake s, for We have arrived at the end; People are going to want to die, for everything is going to go very bad. And they are going to be sad because they were born; and they are going to cry, "why was I born?" "Why was I born, for I have to eat my son and daughter, like I eat the meat of a cow!" Did you hear what I have said? It has arrived, the day that you eat your son and daughter with the lips of the devil, for you are hungry. 923. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 July 1996 at 1:30 AM. in Spanish. Here comes the day that they are going to kill the old people too. Mark it on your calendar, for here it comes: the day that the old people won't have a chance either - and the sick ones and the ones who study the Bible. All of them, they are going to gather and they are going to kill them, like they do animals. 928. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 15 July 1996 at 10:30 AM. in English. The last Train will leave at 7 AM. Did you hear what I have said? "The last Train will leave at 7 AM." The Wheels on the last Train are being oiled now. The Body of Christ will be fully protected, but they will see much blood, to the right, to the left, behind, and the hardest in front. 948. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 30 August 1996 at 6:48 PM. The Lord showed me a windmill. Then I saw a large knife rise up and cut the windmill in two pieces. Prophecy: Then the Lord said, "The windmill represents Holland , and it will be split in two pieces" (over)

959. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 September 1996 at 4:30 PM. I saw a dam filled with water - then the dam burst. The Lord led me to believe that it was going to happen in the southwestern part of the United States by showing me the word "Colorado" and showing me a dam - and it looked like the Hoover Dam in Arizona. 962. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 9 September 1996 at 8:12 PM. in Spanish. The day has arrived - that your scalp is going to be very important. Yes, your scalp is going to be very important, for the man with the hand of iron is going to want your scalp. Yes, he is going to collect them. And your scalp is going to be money in the pockets of their soldiers. They are going to pay them - for every scalp they get with their knives. And they are going to place all of them on a wire so they will dry. The day of the scalp has arrived! 965. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 18 September 1996 at 4:10 PM. A vision of a tall monument with four pools around it. Prophecy: Then the Lord said: The four pools represent four invasions. The first will be fast and quick. The second will be to take control. The third one will be to organize. And the fourth one is to completely control the world with the power of Satan 995. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 12 December 1996 at 7:15 PM. the Lord showed me a room with people praising and worshipping the Lord. While they were praising the front door was kicked in; and policemen wearing head and riot gear surround the worshippers. 1028. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 10 April 1997 at 12:27 AM. in Spanish. For people are going to eat rats, dogs, and cats. And they are going to eat everything that is filthy. 1061. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 14 June 1997. I see a vision, but I do not know how to explain it, but the Lord is showing me a virus. I starts off with the shape of a flower, and the Lord is telling me that it is going to go all over the world. 1120. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 November 1997 at 9:15 AM. As my prayer proceeded from Occurrence #1119, the Lord said, "When Bill Gates falls, will begin the beginning of the end." (over) 1131. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 December 1997 at 11:30 PM. Saddam Hussain will fall with a vengeance because, he did not keep his agreement with the terrorist. This is the whole Truth, so saith Jehovah. It will happen like a person, who makes butter from milk. Remember the vision of a ship within a ship. (over) 1158. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 17 March 1998 at 3:34 PM. the Lord said, "The tiger and the woman will clash and fight until the end. And the determination of the fight will be determined by the sitting sun. 1171. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 28 May 98 at 8:00 PM. The Lord said, "Ishmael will come from the north." Vision: Then I had a vision of an army of tanks in the desert. 1188. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 August 1998 at 8:00 PM The Lord gave me a vision of a satellite. Then the Lord said that the satellite would be a sign in the sky. Vision: Then I saw this same satellite, but it had branched out and it had six other satellites extending from it. It reminded me of a insect for it had three satellites attached on each side. 1210. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 Oct 1998 at 6:00 PM. in Spanish. Look! In one part of one ocean there is going to be a war with many flames, with many bullets. And this war is going to start another war, and this other war is going be in the land of the Japanese. 1225. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 2 January 1999 at 9:30 AM I saw a vision of rocks from the sky or some thing that was really hot come down and hit each of the two eyes of the Egyptian Sphinx and others bombarded the old Egyptian statues. (over) 1234. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 12 February 1999 at 10:00 PM. Neighbor will betray neighbor. Mother will betray child. Parents will eat their children for food. Some of you will wish that you were dead, but I will not let you die. Vision: The first vision was of people being burned alive. Vision: Then the next vision was of a hand held electric drill which was being used to drill out someone's left eye. 1289. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 25 March 1999 at 11:45 PM. in Spanish. Here comes the boat with the soldiers.And the soldiers are going to plant a bomb, and the bomb is going to release (gas),And the river of blood is going to run rapidly. They are going to kill the old men and women. And all the ones who are sick, they are going to kill. The ones who are sick in the mind. The ones who are sick in the body. The ones who are blind, they are going to kill them for they are sick. 1329. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 13 May 1999 at 1:30 AM. The heartland of Europe will be destroyed beyond repair. The owl will fly north - then the war will begin. 1335. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 15 May 1999 at 4:03 PM. in Spanish. Here comes a Date and on this Date, I am going to do a Miracle. Yes, Reymundo a Miracle! I can do Miracles whenever I want, but this Miracle that I am going to do, the whole world is going to see it. And some are

going to be frightened, for they are going to know - That these things can only come from God! The Miracle of your Father, the Miracle of the My Son, the Miracle of the Holy Spirit. I do not want to tell you the Date or the Time. For I want you to see it at the same time as the others.


Dreams & Visions III

Newt's Page

February 16, 2011

Black and white printable version of this page Storyline Dreams II

Eschatology and Theology in Poetry

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Page Links Updated : 08/28/10 The Vietnam Quatrain Joe Brandt's Vision Beginning 07/30/04 additional dreams and visions presented on this web page will be in text - file format and must be uploaded to be viewed as below. VISION BY A.C. VALDEZ


The Vision
Nita Johnson Excerpt from "Prepare For The Winds Of Change II." On January 27, 1989, I had been in a spirit of prayer all night and was finally just starting to dose off to sleep. Suddenly, I was fully awakened by a vision of a map of the United States. It was not a vision in my head but was what some call an open vision out in front of me. The map was in a silvery light and was completely sectioned off into states. just as suddenly as it had appeared, I heard a voice, as robust as the sound of many waters yet with great intensity, begin to give directions. Starting with the West Coast, the voice would speak and that same silvery light would shoot down from the direction of heaven like a laser beam onto the map. The light would follow the path directed by the voice and then effects would follow as I will explain. First, the voice cried out: 'The West Coast, California, Oregon and Washington, starting from the southern most tip all the way up to Seattle, will suffer natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods and fire, and enemy attack. "The line shot up the map taking most of California and leaving only a small section that bordered on Arizona and Nevada. It went up through Oregon taking about half of that state and then on up through Washington, taking about one-third of that state, then moving out toward the ocean through Seattle. The minute the line touched Seattle, everything west of the line disappeared, The voice then cried out, "Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois will suffer natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes and tornadoes, and enemy attack. immediately, this line started at about where Lansing, Michigan, is and fanned down in what became two lines going south first. Then one line swung back up easterly through Ohio, going out over the Great Lake Erie through Cleveland. The other line swung down through Indiana and then headed back up northwesterly and went out into the Great Lake Michigan up by the way of the northeast corner of Illinois and out through Chicago. When it was done, it looked like two "u"s side by side. This affected areas all through the region, for instance, as far east as Detroit and easterly in Michigan tothe Great Lake itself on the west. The whole southern part of the glove experienced cataclysmic results.

Next, the voice called out, "Most of Louisiana and all of Texas will suffer natural disasters, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and enemy attack. " The line shot up through New Orleans east of Baton Rouge, up through Shreveport in a kind of wiggly way then cut off all of Texas. Texas disappeared. Louisiana experienced devastation but didn't disappear. I was ready for this to end, yet the Lord continued.- New York down through Pennsylvania, the Virginias, the eastern Part of Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida will suffer natural disasters of every kind, hurricanes, flooding, earthquakes, etc. and enemy attack. "Then everything that was east of the line disappeared. The Lord continued, "The Grand Canyon will suffer natural disasters. " The line seemed to start at the bottom of the Grand Canyon heading northerly straight up to Montana through Yellowstone. This was also accompanied by cataclysmic disasters like floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, and fires. This affected a substantial area, including Arizona, Utah, western parts of Wyoming, the eastern tip of Idaho and southwestern part of Montana, The regions did not disappear, but experienced utter catastrophe. Then Missouri, Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, West Tennessee, Kentucky, and on it went. There were severe heat waves, hailstorms, energy blackouts, severe snow and ice storms as well as extreme arctic cold spells to the loss of many lives. I saw it so often occur in some the least likely areas, famines, pestilence, plagues, and more. Nevada and Utah were all but destroyed through natural disasters of every kind and ultimately enemy attack. They did, however, remain on the map (Please note that I am not declaring that the states that disappeared fell off into the sea. I don't know why they disappeared, only that they did. Consequently, I am merely relating what I saw, not trying to interpret.) I was so dumbstruck that I felt numb, even bruised. It was hard for me to pull it all together in my mind. I just sat there in shock. Finally, I realized if I didn't write it down, I'd lose a lot of it as there was so much detail. So I wrote what I could remember Some states, such as New Mexico, were lost from my memory. I couldn't remember what happened to them, so I didn't record it. I distinctly remember, however, that the only part of the US. that was not devastated was the Central United States, a region basically west of the Missouri River, as I have indicated on the map. I also realized that many of the things that would begin happening immediately would be of an unusual nature, such as natural disasters that would seem improbable or even impossible, at least for that particular geographical area, I was instructed that this sequence of events would start immediately, picking up momentum with time until eventually the succession would be happening with gunshot rapidity, until all was fulfilled. It's important to understand that the natural disasters did not specifically follow "the lines", but the lines seemed to indicate

the borders of the severely affected areas. The only one exception was the line that went up through the Grand Canyon north to Montana. In that case, the line seemed to symbolize the central core of action with a radiating aftermath both to the east and west. I saw natural disasters in Alaska and the Hawaiian Islands followed by warheads. Finally, I saw a severe diminishing of our nation's military. Officers, and enlisted men, as well as the closing of many critical bases were part of the scenario. Our ability to defend ourselves was critically reduced, to a point of near ineffectiveness. (The Military cut down was not incorporated in this vision, but was seen many years ago.) These disasters have already begun, just as He said they would. Since that vision, there have been two earthquakes in California, terrible fires, a hurricane on the East Coast that did what all the meteorologists said could never happen. The storm entered inland through Charleston, South Carolina, went north and headed back into the ocean through New York. Flooding for the first time in history was recorded in a community in northern Ohio resulting in unusual deaths. Most recently, there was an earthquake near the southern border of Missouri, and floods in the plains, and terrible disaster in Florida from tornadoes. Those are just a few instances, but hopefully, they're enough to drive the point home. These things are neither freak accidents, as some would have you believe, nor are they just satanic humor on mankind. Church, please realize that the Lord commanded everything that I saw hit the map. He also told me it was part of the sequential calamities which are warnings ultimately leading to full judgment assigned to this country. They are like blinking red lights along the path of judgment. Go back! Stop! Repent! The end is at hand! Will you hear? Will you pray? How in His great mercy would He gladly stop or minimize catastrophe for His praying church! As I said earlier, the church will be here through much of it, but not the worst of it. At that, some will utter a sigh of deep relief, but I can't. I don't want people I love left behind to experience that. I saw the devastation. Never again will the people be able to sing, "Oh, beautiful for spacious skies, with amber waves of grain, for purple mountain majesty above the fruited plain. America, America, God shed His grace on thee, and crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea." It will no longer be true. One better to quote will be Jeremiah: Oh, that my head were waters, and my eyes a reservoir of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people! (Jer. 9:1 Amp.) The Lord does not delight in the announcements He has made. He has waited this long time that we, as a people, might repent. Some foolishly say, "God is love. He wouldn't do that." My friends, God is also holy and for that reason He must let this nation who is so steeped in the love of sin and idolatry drink the whole cup of wrath that it has been storing up for two hundred years. If God judged Israel even one time for the sin of the nation, then He must unleash that same righteous judgment against America. Last, but not least, it doesn't really matter if we believe all, part, or any of what has been written in these pages. If our response is continued apathy, it will all come to pass, most of it before our eyes, as the Lord will fulfill His purpose. The motivating factor, which will cause Him to purge the land by fire, is the sin that has and will continue to rise up before His throne day and night. Canada will experience as much devastation through various forms of natural disaster, as America. As I shared in an earlier chapter, it will be for the same reasons. Both will experience the purging fire of judgment. The Lord weeps over the souls of men who have and will suffer through these calamities. He weeps, for His heart breaks over our pain. Fear and unbelief blinds our eyes. Jesus longs to give His light and faith, and bring the sinner to repentance. The things that have moved Him to withhold His judgments up to this point are His intense love for His church and His now over extended mercy for the unrepentant.

Nita Johnson

Note this map of the area: Can you see the miracle that God some-how manipulated the houses, events, and even street names so as to coincide with this vision of the night!!!! This in an undeniable, verifiable miracle where God used (and is using) an existing neighbor-hood to lay out His plan for America and the manifestation of the Antichrist. We are in house #10 now. Hold onto your hats, because the next dozen or so years are going to be a roller coaster ride!!!

Dreams and Visions Pages:

*New: The Second Coming Verses Muslims Encountering Christ in Unusual Dreams

Linear Recounting of the Vision of the Night: "We were fleeing the persecution and calamity of the day. A brother was fleeing with me. He fell and I paused to help him up. We prayed "Lord Have Mercy". My friend vanished, and I looked around to see that I was at the top of a hill overlooking 12 houses. As I looked to the west, I noticed dark and ominous clouds gathering over one house (#10) and proceeding through to the last house (#12). I looked into the sky over #12, and saw an arc of what appeared to be 6 stars in the sky. One of the stars fell to the earth like a fig that was shaken off a limb. A voice came to me and said "look to the east!". I began to turn to the east, fully expecting to see the Lord coming in the clouds. The dark clouds opened up in two places and I saw the sun darkened and the moon turned to blood. As I looked to the east,instead of seeing the Lord in the sky, I saw an army. This army was made up of ancient armiments such as battering rams, catapults and siege ramps. I ran down and joined the army at house #5. Instantly I was transported into the future, and found myself before what I can only call a "temple fortress". The city was gray, in ruins, and desolate. A man had just emerged from the huge double doors of the temple fortress. He was dressed in a suit. A voice said to me "he says he is god, but he is of devil". The vision ended. Significant events indicated in the vision: 6th star falls to the earth. Understood to mean the fall of a ruler (or president). I do not believe this to be actual stars or a comet or any other such object. The stars appeared to be within the atmosphere of the earth, and there was not a huge explosion or calamity when the red "star"fell to the earth. The blood moon and lightless sun. More imagry that

represents the fall of nations and change in the ages. The fall of a president is not enough to bring about changes on this scale. There will be great changes in the earth and alignment of nations. A wave ancient weapons of war, which I believe to represent the restoration the sign gifts: "SIGNS WONDERS AND MIGHTY DEEDS" I waited for 23 years to receive a clue as to the meaning of these houses. In another dream in 1995, I was in the back yard of house #3. I looked down at my feet and saw a LIFE magazine, with a picture of JFK on the cover, and the words "In Memory of Dead Presidents". House number three is the house that represents the term of John Kennedy. The Houses : As Stated above, each house represents a presidential adminis-tration. House 1 Truman: Nothing significant revealed about this house. House 2 Eisenhour: In a related dream, a model rocket was launched into the air and was drifting down into yard of this house. The rocket then turned into a glider and glided into the yard. My aunt used to refer to me as her "rocket boy" because of my early interest with model rocketry. It was in the Eisenhower Administration that I was born. (1954). It was during this dream that I ran through the back yard of house #3 (to retrieve the falling rocket) and was shown the Life Magazine with Kennedy on the cover. It was then that I knew that these houses represented presidential administrations. House 3 Kennedy: The yard in which I was shown the key to the meaning of the houses. The Life Magazine with JFKs face on it with a caption stating "In Memory of Dead Presidents" was in this yard. It has been suggested that all the presidents on this "street" must pass away before the events discussed in the remaining revelation can occur. This would mean all presidents up to Carter and maybe Reagan (his house is on a corner lot). House 4 Johnson: This house was occupied by a family of Jews named Levine. It was during the administration of LBJ that Jerusalem was returned to Israel during the 1967 Arab Israel war. Levine is a long form of Levite. This is a very significant event in the history of the world. With the retaking of Jerusalem, the temple can be rebuild and the stage set for both the setting up of the anti-christ and the return of Jesus Christ. House 5 Nixon: It was into the yard of this house that I ran down and joined the army of God which was marching forward through time (the backyards of these houses). It was also in the Nixon administration that I was saved, filled with the Spirit, and had the vision I am now describing. Everything up to this point had already happened in time. However, everything recorded in the remaining houses had not yet happened. It is significant to remember this president, since it will be (according to the falling star and darkened house #10) the 6th administration after Nixon that will endure the beginning of judgment on America, including the fall of that 10th president. House 6 Ford: Nothing significant House 7 Carter: Nothing significant House 8 Reagan: A Major shift occurs in the time of this president. The house sits on a corner lot, and the row of houses changes direction TO THE RIGHT. It can be noted that the nations' politics took a sharp turn to the right during the Reagan administration. Right or wrong, This shift undoubtedly was in the plan of God for the series of events leading up to the last presidents and the fate of the nation. House 9 Bush: Nothing significant in this administration. House 10 Clinton: It is this administration that is the main focus of the vision of the night. Over the house was a very dark cloud, so dark that it seemed like night. The cloud was very low so as to almost touch the rooftop. There was something very significant about the "back door" of this house that may have some meaning. The lights were on in the house and they stood out brightly in the darkness created by the cloud. As I looked at this cloud hanging low over the 10th house, I ;also saw an arch of 6 stars in the sky to the west. The stars were of different colors, and the last (sixth from Nixon) of them fell to earth like a fig that was shaken loose from a limb. I have taken this to mean that this administration will preside over some very bad times in the USA, and that this administration will "fall". House 11 President: (Gore?) If my understanding of house 10 and the six stars is correct, then Gore is in line to succeed Clinton as president. Assuming some tragedy does not strike them both down. In the yard of this house is a large weeping willow tree. This tree represents mourning and sorrow. But under the draping limbs of this tree are children playing. SOME HAVE SUGGESTED THAT THE PICTURE OF THE MAN WHO WAS SHOWN TO ME AT THE END OF THIS VISION OF THE NIGHT IS ACTUALLY V.P. GORE!! House 12 President: ? This is the last house that I saw in this vision of the night. After this house was a dirt path that lead toward a collection of boulders arraigned in a semi circle which reminded me of a place where a trial was held and judgment rendered. In another dream which took place during the millennial age, I was standing among these rock looking at the ruins of a world rocked by the tribulation. In the ruins of these boulders I found a witch doll. I ;knew immediately that on of the reasons that the USA was judged was because she had gone after the occult and witchcraft.

Across from the path after house #12 was a new row of houses stretching off into the distance. These I believe are the rulers of the land that Jesus will set up during the millennium. In the vision of the night (after I saw the) coming in the clouds. As I turned I saw the clouds part and I saw the blood moon and the dark sun. Both of these are symbolic of judgment being levied on a nation and the fall of a nation. I continued turning to the east and saw the ancient army approaching from the east through the yards of all the houses of the presidents. It was then that I ran down to join this army in the yard of the house of Nixon. This was 1971, the year I was saved. Immediately the scene changed and I was in the middle of a city in gray ruins. I saw a man emerge from what I perceived to be a "temple fortress" who was dressed in a diplomatic suit and carrying a briefcase. A voice said "He claims to be God, but is of devil ". Then the dream ended. Perhaps the greatest miracle concern ing this vision of the night, and the hardest to conceive, is that the neighborhood described is an actual neighborhood from my childhood in Massena New York!!! The street was called "Washington Street" ( for presidents?). The houses are just as I describe them, and were that way long before I had the dream. There really was a family of Jews named "Levi" in house #4. The street did (and still does) take a right turn at house #8. House #11 really does have a weeping willow tree under it, and children did play there... because I was one of them in my early childhood (early 60s).There really is a path leading up from house #12, and there really is a collection of boulders at the end of that path! These facts can be verified with little effort, as the streets and houses exist today as they did 25 years ago.

Eschatology and Theology in Poetry

Terry Presgrove Name: "Apart from the Scriptures - we have no sure philosophy; apart from Jesus Christ - we have no true knowledge of God; apart from the inliving Spirit - we have no ability to live lives morally pleasing to God! "-Tozer copyright 2002 - 2007 Terry Presgrove All Rights Reserved

Focusing on these last days and the fundamental tenets of our faith through the vehicle of poetry.
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Welcome to my site! Any suggestion relating to the material presented or site layout are appreciated. I have come to appreciate the difficulties in placing these poems into certain categories. Every man's box has a certain quality and size, but the limitations of placing anything of this nature into a specific classification can be and often is quite daunting. And of course many of these poems may very well span any number of labels. Nevertheless the effort has been made to place these page links into something resembling an organized presentation of material.

Beans And Rice Again?

The wind was to our back, Jesus Christ reigned, and strangers waved, as they passed on the lane. We did our ABC's in a three room school house; people seemed to really care, charity was a frequent dare, and Sundays were an all day affair: Morning, noon and night the Word was shared. There were tent revivals in summer time, which kept the fans busy, and nobody misunderstood when the preaching was on sin. But the Times said: God is dead, and moral relativism set in. We ate beans and rice one year for nine months, they call that a recession these days, but we all made it through just fine. TV was the craze, adored those Three Stooges, the Little Rascals, Spanky and Alfalfa. Sister tattletaled often, and learned a hard lesson; spankings galore, deserved and needed more. Mom and dad quarreled often, but they stuck it out through hard times, and you didn't have to worry about there being many crimes. Life was good, there was no need for a legal finding, as a man's word was binding. Then the Jones moved next door, the priorities changed, even mom went to chore; we all wanted more, a piece of the pie, the American dream, but what fantasy was that? When men put women to toil outside the home, the family nucleus began to unravel, with latchkey kids left alone to their own devise. Did the material things become our god, or where did we really go poor? Don't get me wrong, generations need modulation, but the pendulum swinging beyond the blue-yonder? Longing for the much simpler black and white; not the overwhelming gray that we see today, but humanity has evolved, godlike commission, there's talk of a new creation, with prosperous motives, not to mention weapons of mass destruction. But some things are exceptional: folks flying planes into towers, killing distant neighbors by the thousands; MAD seemed to lurk, but a new paradigm is manifestly in the works. There are many faiths called the great religions, but whatever happened to Jesus? God Bless America is in vogue, all the fashion, but there is confusion on authorization. Prayer is judicial in the sanctuary or the drawer, but Christ is offensive to the media crisscrossing. Maybe time has past me by, but I don't like this new god, devised by the politically correct, hallowed ground crowd; longing for the former things, hard times ahead, maybe beans and rice again?

This Time

Page Links

The Promises

Just A Sliver The Gospel Fulfilled

The Gospel Fulfilled

The albatross, at last, is strangled;. No longer is the Body entangled. Rising like a hot air balloon, Lighter than a sniffed whiff, Spiraling free of gravity's cocoon, Far above any earthly cliff; Agape's breeze blows, Carrying God's promised gift; Liberating the bursting alive inside, Creating Joy beyond proportion, And a smile that is miles-wide, Licking the trickling final-tear As rejoicing reaches high tide, Eradicating all the old fear The former life waves goodbye! . Endorphins bind to opiate receptors, Goose bumps doing handstands Become electrical connectors; Liberated thoughts dance in soaring flight, As the mast fills with gusting breaths of life. Saved hands are raised high; The blind man now sees, A plain young women's beauty exceeds; The prophetic crystalline sea is achieved, Superluminal thinking - unleashed. A celestial trumpet loudly blasts; Angelic tunes open heaven's gates Where countless paragons are singing, And the Gospel fulfilled - reverberates Throughout every cell of being!

Beans and Rice

Black and White

Shades of gray, not black or white, varying degrees of clouded light; remembering when a spade was called a spade, a candy bar cost a dime, and bright white would hurt your eyes. The thin ashen line was rarely perceived, even less deceived, but today clarity changes to a vapor like a sheet of burning paper. The diverse creed jades, that way "in Jesus name"can be blamed. The enlightened say black and white thinking, as if it was simple mindedness to relate such things to basic precepts of synthesis. But nothing else is felonious; all Christian concerns evanesce to a dull skew, i.e. " if it feels good do it, eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die, who cares what happens between two consenting adults," are merely tokens of the philosophy that has seized this apostate country. Modern man is so smart that he sees through sound thinking, and widens the dreary from sea to shining sea. Look what we have achieved! See how our kids are better educated, how much safer the schools, stabler the family core, securer the fabric of society; no opium of the masses here. Elevated to the plateau of the new god's imagination, "there are no moral imperatives," such human brilliance has brought western civilized man to the pinnacle of godlike imaginary capabilities. The smarter the dude the more likely to undo what a child can conclude. Fool heartiness, chest thumping, throne lusting, ego seducing, is there any guessing as to who gives last rights to the natural evolution of such a disposition? They laugh at the decade of the 50's, but I don't recall mass executions, kids going bonkers, moms and dads rolling the dice with their children's lives. The 60's brought the sexual revolution, men putting women to task, and today even children get to vote in this time out. Adultery is on a massive scale, there's no one that can deny that tale. America ate the fruit, the Jones scam worked. Sure the pendent needs to move, but gee whiz to the moon? After all, who are we to assume or challenge the communication boom? Everything is fine, anything goes, unless you actually believe in Christ, then you get the ice. Everybody is out of the closet these days, except the assembly with the fish sign. Each time we stick our head out and try to take a stand, or even quote a bible verse, get ready for the mediaelite slam. They will chew you up and spit you out, just like they did the pro-life fans. They changed the movement name to anti-abortion, smart foes the newsman, they know how to play the game, turn thinking in on it's head, upside down. Ever notice how the pro-choice clan is always postured in the most emotionally positive plight, while the antiabortion folks are cast into darkness of night, cruel hearted and uncaring; talk about slanting the news! Those media persons know how to frame their

Top Black & White Top

Politically correct diversity is king, it's not important what you believe, proclaim the powers that be. They laugh at the red letter notion, causing a judicial commotion; Ignorantly blinded by self-deluded plight, chipping away at our precious rights, the traditional believers light. But reality discerns, the truth bursts through, shaken loose from the deceiver's bag: Anything goes, your OK, I'm OK, no virtuous references for man to quarrel, but what we the people determine for ourselves is now the ironic moral rudder for each to follow. Oxymoronic assinine reasoning is reigning. Deep down in the psyche of us all, is the sobering realization that the sum total of every ticking heart that has ever strummed the beat, knows in the rhythm of its very essence that we all fall short of the mark. In fact the glaring historical evidence demands that we are guilty of not always following that which we know to be right by our own self absorbing standards. So if we are not to be trusted for such authorization, then why in the name of integrity and truth telling do we lie to ourselves on such a mass scale? We love our land, the people and the reflection of freedom, the remnant in the churches yearning to see the pouring rain, but will the bridge burning prevent our joining the great out-pouring? Will we remain blinded in the trickster's maze and find in independence our decay or will we rise from narcissistic self indulgent enterprise, chain our souls to Him, cry out the great confession and rise to heights beyond the creature, far above the ether?


1Co 2:9 But, as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has pre-pared for those who love him,"

Top Meddling

Within the rows, two songs, a panned prayer, and pass the offering plate has become sacro-sanct. Also the lyrics better be in the hymnal or else thetraditional sectarian that is glued to the pew will review. Sadly, many churches put God into an eighteenth century communication box, and it is failing miserably to reach the twenty first century lost. The essential truths of the gospel never change, but we must reach out to those in need, not in churchie connotations, flowery teach, or in ancient speech, but in the street language that they speak, with Jesus preached. In some denominational arenas preaching to the choir has reached incestuous proportions, with the stroking of pastoral egos, and compet-ing heroes, creating a stale, suicidal death march, where 'go ye' has been replaced with 'feed me', the pendulum should swing, but never to extremes. It is imperative that we have the courage to free-up the Holy Ghost, breaking the bonds of rigidly formatted worship, and put trust in the Lord. After all, it is His Spirit, His body, His plan, His will; we must take our eyes off of us, and simply line Him up in front!

Top Top

We've lost our integration point with the final reality. Like a ship without a rudder, the masses aimlessly-flailing, courting suicidal drowning. Even many believers have their proverbial head in the grind, and can't see the starry skies for the sand in their eyes. Whatever happened to just passing through? So many in the body need the super-glue removed. The veil between life and death is thinner than the next breath taken, quicker realized than a hummingbird's blinking wings. The portal opening is more assured than the poor's wishful pleading, but we remain clinging as if this earthly shell will never be relinquished. Like the monkey trapped by his supposed need, hand grasping in the bottle with greed, and freedom simply in the release, yet hanging on defiantly frenzied, we simply can't see the King for the glittering nose ring. Passionate possessions on this fleeting, ageing rock that we travel across, declare that our lips and our brain don't line up the same.

Top Clinging Who Will Mourn?

Who Will Mourn?

Cowardly appeasers are in denial: Proclaiming that rhetorical arrows Can stop Mohammed's awful vile. Advanced evolutionary excitement, Propels imaginary puffed-up Triton To an Illusionary quantum enlighten, Deluding the utopian god-like mind: That's scaled the peaks of mankind, And, now, looking down on Mt. Zion, Echoing the quintessential deceiver, Posed and roaring as a mighty lion! The Trojan Horse, laughingly, snorts: Who will mourn democracy's best, When all its grandeur is torn of sorts, And Sharia court is hope's last resort?

Top Signs

The natural branch is back, Although blinded by His Act; Mistrusted and maligned By many western sects; A democratic island In a sea of swords, Surrounded by distant cousins, Hated by Islamic hordes: An eye sore On Mohammed's shore. The Star raised in Forty-eight, Was thought to be An impossible chore, But what was to follow: Has become A billion bitter pills to swallow. Europe listens to the speeches That are made to the West, But wise men hear what's said To those that protest In the language they possess; Never ignoring the blood curdling That atrocity is encouraging. Israel's decision To surrender the land, Proved the true heart's desire Of the Palestinian band: Through evil endeavors, They spoiled the peaceful plan. Monarchs and dictators Come together to collaborate, Whipping up the flames Of hatred and discontent, Deflecting attention away From their own tent. Jihad brings world wide sorrow, Killing thousands in an hour, And in the twinkling of an eye, The world turned sour, As suicidal terrorist attacks, Initiate national identifying pacts. Afghanistan was bombarded, Al Quaeda became disheartened, The Talaban brokenhearted, And Iraq may be parted. North Korea has pulled The nuclear pin, And Iran's heart is full of sin. We are approaching the end Of the principle of MAD, And terrorists seek WMD To do us bad. So what remains to be seen: If the world powers that be, Can live under a new paradigm, Yet to be achieved?


Ramifications of Sin

Ramifications of Sin
People need to understand That sin destroys the soul of man, Strips the red earth, Contaminating the land; Bringing pain, anxiety and misery. Like adultery it dismantles The continuity of the family, Breaking the bonds of trust and unity. Look at single parent homes, So many kids being raised alone, Too many missing fathers, Society hitting on only four cylinders. The 21st century finds man crowning His elite moron head, And about to create His very own identical twin. Having advanced to the summit of ken. Now humanity has its finger On the genetic, biological, & nuclear pin. Such technological advancement In only one century, Does not fair well for humanity; Given that the ancient curse of greed, jealousy, ego and pride has changed So little throughout all our history.

Top If You Should Follow

If You Should Follow

If by chance, I should depart before He arrives, Excited will be my eyes as they truly come alive, Seeing with spiritual clarity for the very first time; Superluminal thinking with my brand new mind, The Heavenly host is beautiful and incredibly kind. Don't weep for me, this is an amazing site, God is awesome and heaven is a fantastic delight; No way do I want to go back to that pale light, Humanity grasping at shadows that are spied, And limited by those two bounded oval eyes! I am astounded at the holy procession of Christ, Marveling at the throng, kneeling before his might; Radiating beauty beyond the hue of mortal sight, Royal priesthood of believers scaling great heights, No more pain, fear or sorrow and death is a lie. Besides did you know that I always wanted to fly? Now, I can soar through the majestic celestial sky. My dear, you may follow over to my side, Where God's design is breathtakingly divine, But I must decline to cross back over that line.

Top Intelligent Design

Intelligent Design
The intellectual elite consider it biblical hype, They deny the essential elements as trivialized, Missing out on the greatest story of history realized. Curiosity prompts interrogation of space and time, The monkey's uncle assumes truth is rooted in the lie. The Word claims Elohim by divine fiat forms the light, Contrarian opinions require a measure of faith to drive. Skeptics strain to recognize, producing a heavenly sigh, But to the body, the marvelous handiwork testifies, As the scarlet thread is manifested through the Israelites; A paradoxical equation then the baby cries. Angelic rulers anxiously oversee high above the skies, Watching the Prince of Peace be betrayed by a spy; Love transcending sense, the spear penetrating the side, Blood dripping from the piercing of the utmost high, Ironically absorbed into the dust from which we abide; Anomalous interaction, perplexing question - Why? That the creature will endlessness radiate with eternal life, A fellowship of interaction, where our sight forever shines. Reality was, is, and shall ever be, designed by Jesus Christ.


Who Was He?

Who Was He?

Jesus Christ was not a superstar, He is the one that hung the stars, Jesus Christ was not just a man, He is the incarnate God -Man, Jesus Christ was not just a prophet, He is the one that fulfilled prophecy, Jesus Christ was not just born, He preexisted from time immemorial, Jesus Christ was not just a good man, He lived without sin, the perfect Holy-Man, Jesus Christ was not just a religious figure, He is the one that holds all things together, Jesus Christ was not just one among wise men, He is the storehouse of all ken, Jesus Christ did not come the first time to reign, He came to break the bonds of sway and to persuade, Jesus Christ did not just cry out in pain, He became that which He disdained, Jesus Christ was never a cheat, He hung on a cross between two thieves, Jesus Christ was not just murdered, He came on a mission of eternal purposes, Jesus Christ's body did not remain in that grave, He shook the earth and broke the chains, Jesus Christ did not just conveniently disappear, He walked among the five hundred ministering there, Jesus Christ did not just vanish into thin air, He ascended into heaven while witnesses glared, Jesus Christ did not depart in despair, He left in glory, going away to prepare, Jesus Christ will not forget his heirs, He knows everyone who clings to Him in prayers, And He is coming again to wipe away all their tears.


The Howl of Unbelief

Where was God when the towers fell, Was the loud howl for the story to tell. How could a loving God possibly allow, Echoed throughout the hallowed ground? Forgetting that He had already been disallowed, And the Times declared God dead anyhow; Elevating mankind to heights of self-ordained deity, But calamity reminds humanity, Just how limited is their divinity, A crushing blow to post modernist's sanity, Temporarily passing the buck to a higher authority, Essentially questioning free autonomy, Blaming God, contradicts with dichotomy. And when impropriety restores the throne room theme, The advanced evolutionary creature will have begotten Eve, Pandora's box opened, will bring unimaginable grief, And the cycle will repeat with the flip flop of the seat.

Top The Howl of Unbelief

Newt's Page

The Lamb and the Lion

The Lamb and the Lion

The first time, He came as a servant in disguise, Although the angels announced His arrival, And the babe came to earth divinely titled, There was no mighty army that ensued, Nor the insignia of earthly royalty giving proof. While Jesus gave essential clues to His fulfilling truth, The tribe misunderstood the prophetic crux, Suspending His throne above the world in crucifixion, Giving no visible sign of his glorification; The Lamb crowned with puncturing thorns, Disciples questioning why He had ever been born, The Romans mocked and cast lots for His cloak, Having Nailed him to that foreordained oak, Toasting his kingship by offering bitter herbs; Manifest destiny hanging between heaven and earth. But next time, He will come as the mighty conquering Lord, Having thrown off the garment stained with scorn; His heavenly nature trumpeted, gloriously adorned, The Lion of the tribe of Judah has been restored; Son of Man on a white horse with flaming eyes of torch, Celestial hosts rejoice as He brings with Him His reward, The throng of redeemed return with him in support, Enemies destroyed by the brightness of His sword, Demons retreat in fear of the horror they will absorb. His throne is established and ruled with sovereign accord, Attired in a majesty robe, acknowledged and adored, Honored with a one of kind crown, cheered by the reborn. Unbelief will flee his presence when the King retorts, Every heart that has ever ticked a beat will hit the knee, Acknowledging the savior and creator of the grand scheme; Each and every thought or deed paraded for all to see, Eternal life in the balance, to be, or not to be? Angels celebrate with acclaim, exalting His name, And the saints will forever praise, gain knowledge and reign.

Top Brand New Day

Brand New Day

The dawning brings fresh discovery and exposure, Glittering reflections sparkle with mystery's disclosure. Grassy rolling fields do a beautiful synchronized wave, Trees bunched up together, applaud the morning rays. A new born calf bawling, echoes the brand new day, The bucking colt snorting, decides to rolls in the hay. A proud father shows his young son how to fly a kite, Scissor - Tails make a fuss, putting a Raven to flight, Robin's sing as mother nature mimics an angelic choir, Love squeezes every ounce of joy out of each hour. It makes the vocal cords want to scream and shout! For heaven's sake don't anyone think to pout, Come on now join me in a dance with many sounds. Can't you see the fabulous wonder that surrounds? Give the glory to the divine universe Maker, After all, it is His magnificent little green acre, And He is the one and only God - Creator. There is no one in all eternity who is greater, That is responsible for holding everything together, Thankfully making our burdens light as a feather, The returning Redeemer and our glorious Savior. Is there any question as to Who deserves the measure?

Top Origins

Time plus space plus chance, Equals modern man's take on happenstance. There's pretty much any accepted theory on origins, Except for the most likely which is intelligence. Even probability says that begs penitence, But the faith of the politically correct scientist, Approaches the zeal of the religious fundamentalist; That insistence that Occam's Razor prevents divine guidance, Is an example of evolutionary fraudulence, And relying on the crutch of Hobson's preference, So they don't have to deal with the significance, Which is a challenge to their sacrosanct hypothesis. The truth is, it takes a measure of faith either analysis, And in the end, to a large extent, it depends, On exactly what your world synthesis portends.

Top Resistance Is Futile

~Resistance is Futile~
If roses are red and violets are blue, Offends someone and can get removed, Then the politically correct voodoo, Determines what has become taboo, Makes no difference how big the boo-boo, The collective elite's diverse taste, Will have established the new found faith, And woe to those who should resist such a fate, To have the audacity to actually cause an ache, Heaven help anyone making such a mistake! Top To Be Or Not To Be
The Vietnam Quatrain

Only You Top

Terry Presgrove is a long time bible student, freelance writer and poet. Strangely, he did not begin writing poetry until after 9/11/01 The surprise attack on America jolted him to the depths of his soul. After a near decade long spiritual struggle, the prodigal son returned to his spiritual roots, and began to write poetry for the first time. Since December of 2001 he has written over one hundred and eighty poems.

A Wondrous Thing Top Top Keep On Rock n' That

Praise - Worship Origins Salvation These Last Days

Mystery Heaven Rapture Meddling

The End Of The Age Top Take Dead Aim

~Take Dead Aim~

It is not our place to put the blame Anywhere within His glorious domain Our job is to take dead aim And each day set out to proclaim There is nothing on earth for us to claim We're Just passing through this frame Remember how humble He came We are to do the same Do not seek earthly fame And there will be no shame Let the divine Flame Bring healing in His name Even when we are in pain It is added to our gain And Because He was slain A great host shall reign Abstain from the mundane And He shall sustain the precious rain Pray often to ascertain And refrain from those who feign Some will constantly complain Others try their best to maintain Pastors will preach and explain Pointing the body to the ultimate attain And whether on a plane over Spain Or riding a train through Maine The word remains just as plain His grain runs deep through the vein



God's Pleasure


~ Regardless ~
In the darkness of night Or the brightest daylight Being rich or poor An opened or closed door Flat of your back Or flat out running down the track Solid as a log Or thick as fog Scaling the mountain top Or in the valley at a dead stop Riding a camel in the Sahara desert Or experiencing ice cream for dessert Fighting bulls in Spain Or crossing a meadow in Maine A new born babe Or old uncle Abe Happy or sad Being good or bad Got the flu Or don't have a clue The maker is always there And can be reached through prayer He knows every hair And will set matters square We're just passing through Nothing here to accrue Might as well remove the glue Cause you can't take it with you


~ Wish I'd Listened Then ~

Sitting on the front porch rock n' my chair, Trying to doze off without a care, Just like any other day to compare, Kids making a racket on the stairs. The neighbors are barbecuing with their usual flare, A red kite is sailing high in the air, The wife walks by fidgeting with her hair, Says, "a great day to go to the fair!" Then an unseen, shocking, shattering affair, Suddenly found myself playing solitaire, Completely caught off guard unaware, "Good heavens! Why I am so scared?" There was no warning, not even a blare, The earth didn't move or declare, But allot of vehicles needed repair, And now, I'm in agonizing despair. My family has vanished into thin air, And all that remains is an empty stare, At their clothes on the ground over there, Which is far too much burden to bear. They tried hard to make me aware, Warning me all the time to beware, But all I would do is glare, Or poke fun at them with a dare. And all those crazy folks that went to church on Square, Turned out they had a hold of the glory and are heirs. All I can seem to do is sit in this chair, Reflecting on my terrible err. Of late, I have sought out the covenant pair, Often bowing my head in much prayer, Fighting back those anguishing tears, Wishing I had partaken in the shares. Waiting on the brand, Crying everyday for this land, Knowing I have to take a stand, There is a line drawn in the sand. Though the Homeland defense may demand, I cannot go against God's command, Nothing can thwart His divine plan, Which was destined before time began. These days, there is very little sleeping, But allot of night time pleading, My heart is broken and bleeding, The truth unveiled in Scripture reading. "They're coming for us soon," says the tip, Because we won't take the chip, They want to change our zip, Move us to a new camp down the strip. Some have already been whipped, Others tortured and stripped,

Top Wish I'd Listened Then Happy Versus Joy


God's grace saturates the atmosphere It's in every breath of life giving air That the lungs take in and bear Royally covering the heart of each heir This unmerited favor makes us aware Of just how much he really cares And the cost of this divine affair Jolts with a sobering painful tear His word steadfastly declares Because of His sacrifice we shall share In the glory that He went away to prepare When He returns to set things square There's absolutely nothing that can compare To this divine love that He laid bare Presently sitting in the right hand chair The Royal King to whom the trumpets blare

Top Grace

Hidden On A Shelf Knock At The Door The Lie

~ Hidden On A Shelf ~
In the garden scene the serpent crawled, Adam and Eve were deceived then enthralled. They hid themselves in the trees and bawled, Fearful that their names would be called. Today the advanced evolutionary creature Laughs and pokes fun at the preacher, Returning full circle to the original feature, Boasting equality with the divine teacher. The antediluvian delusion repeating itself, With short term memory truth is hidden on a shelf; Heads high in the clouds blinded by themselves, De facto quantum leaping pays homage to oneself. In a matter of months knowledge is doubling, Humanity's ascension is more than troubling, Out of control science and morally corrupt, This god's reign can only lead us bankrupt.


~ Knock At The Door ~

The starry host above, flickers with a tint, Stretching out across the heavens bent, The immeasurable expanse of God's tent; No telescope can count or make a dent In the infinite numbers they represent. In the beginning by divine fiat came the light, But the grasshopper sees only its nose's plight, So the blade of grass bows to the roll of the dice, And mankind's worth is no more than white rice, According to this advanced evolutionary advice. Amazingly, the extent science will go to ignore The obvious diagnosis that sticks out like a sore. Intelligent design is by far the closest to the core, The most acceptable interpretation of the facts in store, Even the skeptic could hear that knock at the door.


~ The Lie ~
There was a time when no court would dare demand Certainly no one had the courage to command That the Ten Commandments be banned As the Constitution was there for all to understand Today those who wear the royal robes Have sold out the founding fathers for a pose Based merely on the presuppositional suppose Intending to change history with a single blow Spreading the lie that the public square Can without prejudice stay nakedly bare A vacuum exists only in space and it's a grave err To think that neutrality will sit in humanity's chair

Top Introduction Page Links Top Top Love

1Corinthians 13 states that all human knowledge is imperfect, and transient. But Faith, Hope, and Love are Eternal. And the greatest of these is love.

~ Love ~
Love is always patient and kind, When faced with our faults it is blind. Love is never in a jealous bind, Nor does it take on a boasting mind. Love does not insist on its own way, It will not lead astray. Love can never betray, And love will not accept pay. Love is not arrogant or rude, It cannot whine and brood, Neither will love cause a feud, And finds it impossible to exclude. Love is saddened by the wrong of things, But rejoices when goodness springs. Love takes us under her wings, And carries us away as she sings. Through all things love will bear, Refusing to lose hope and despair. Love will forever declare Things that are not as though they are there. Love shall cling to believe, And it will not deceive, Carrying its load daily with each heave, Promising for all eternity never to leave.


~ Faith ~
Everyone trusts on the mountain top height, But what about in the blackest hole of the night? It is there that faith shines its brightest white, Illuminating our path through the painful plight. It is only in the darkness of the tomb's contrite, Where doubt comes face to face with fright, That we are refined in the fiery tests of incite, Brought to a place where the soul can see the light. From the Spirit within comes the ignite, Lifting us up to an unheard of level of excite, Bringing joy beyond our imagination's invite, And the certainty of that future celestial flight. This side of heaven we wait as the bride, Emptying the soul of all the narcissistic pride, Giving the Holy Spirit free reign in our abide, Filled to overflowing every day that we died.

Top Faith
According to Hebrews 11:1 [NIV]

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Revised 03/16/04

~ Fear Not! ~
Jehovah sits on the most high throne, Our shelter in every storm that has blown, Hearing all petitions and the slightest groan, And there is never a time that He leaves us alone. If God be for us, who can stand against the known? What enemy would dare cast a stone Against the Almighty's precious own, Only fools would come against His atoned. Though predators attack their prey all around, There is nothing for us to fear from the sound. We shall trample on the bones of beasts that surround When His holy angels grind them into the ground. Though divisions fall to our front and to the flanks, Thousands upon thousands in our very own ranks, And the enemy is dug in with armor and heavy tanks, Yet not a penny is stolen from our allotted time banks. So give it to the one that is in charge of the hour, He triumphs with omnipotent awesome power, Easily toppling the foe's stronghold towers, The enemy runs away in fear and cowers. The Lord laughs at the traps of His foe, With incredible power he pulls back His sovereign bow, The missile flies straight to the invader's soul, And evil purposes are demolished by the fatal blow. The Ancient of Days carries a mighty powerful sword, And He is the one that has established this accord; When trouble advances, simply call upon the Lord, And you will live a long life and receive your reward. Jehovah God knows those that love Him, And in times of peril He will rescue them. His salvation promises not to condemn; This comes from the word of the great I Am.

Psalm 91 has always been a stalwart chapter of inspiration to lean on for men at war. Here is my meager attempt at putting its principles to rhyme.

Top Fear Not

~ Awesome Wonders ~
Swirling satin sheets of gold, Wrap around the space time fold, Set on stars of twinkling pearl, Watching mysteries unfurl, As ten thousand angels whirl, Stirring galaxies that twirl. The Heavenly choir resounds All across the celestial bounds, And Seraphim's dance around Awesome wonders that surround. Radiant beauty abounds, And the pulsating heart pounds.

Top Top

~ Divine Design ~
The beginning came by the divine, And before there was even time, There existed an unseen design. Humans eye shadowy figurines Of the heavenly - invisible scenes, And what is obviously obscene, Is to think that it's a random machine. The creator of all that is visible, (The universe that is incomprehensible), Stepped out of the mystical - invisible, (The place that is hidden, but indispensable, Where all of God's purposes are indivisible, And existence is eternal and not temporal), Into a manger scene in the visible - Israel. He came to those who were His own, But they looked on Him as unknown, So He became a stumbling stone, For His mission on earth was to atone, Which He fulfilled on the cross alone, But death had no power to postpone, His sitting at the right hand on the throne.


Love - Agape Inspiration Day by Day

Divine Design Awesome Wonders

Faith and Hope

Enlightened Life
Faith is the substance Of things hoped for It is not seen in a glance Nor is it by chance That it opens the door To a glory downpour Faith is not a mere shadow For it sets life aglow It is not less than sight For it shines sparkling bright Above the spectrum of light More brilliant than snow-white Sight can only see The outward bark of the tree The external form of things But faith digs deep into the rings That which is the very core And frees our spirit to soar God loves us far beyond Our ability to comprehend Only through faith can we know That at His feet our volition bends And our gaze ascends It's then that our life transcends The treasure is in the heart Where by faith He imparts His power that gives life To overcome all the strife Because He paid the price Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ


Paradigm Shift
Find a point on a line That the scientific mind Can comprehend in time And start the paradigm Then reverse the ascend And search for the begin What is found will offend The Darwinian Zen Hitting the boundary of rote Discovers random cannot vote Penetrate, circumvent or scale The insurmountable veil Facing the rusty old nail Reason is unwilling to bail Evolution's Holy Grail From the myth in a fantasy tale

Enlightened Life. Paradigm Shift Top

~ This Time ~
He's not coming back To win a Wimbleton Cup Or wear a Super Bowl ring, This time. He's not coming back To compete in a PGA Or to fly out to LA, This time. He's not coming back To give an interview on Nightline Or to get His picture on the cover of Time, This time. He's not coming back As a babe in a manger Or to join the US Rangers, This time. He's not coming back To be hanged on a cross Or to be spit on and bossed, This time.


~ Hang On Boldly ~ In the present race, We cannot by faith Reach face to face, But we can grasp hold Of His magnificent glory, And hang on boldly Till the end of the story.

~ The Promise ~
Blessed beyond the skill to reason, It matters not what the season, His mercy made provision, And the cross was the decision. Once and for all time, He died for all mankind, For those who were once blind, And have accepted the lifeline. I am convinced That neither height nor depth, The present or the future, Life or death, Angel above or darkness below, Will be able to separate us From God's caress, Which is Jesus Christ, The one who sacrificed; At the right hand restored, Our precious Lord, The mighty King Who has redeemed!

Top Top
Scripture reference : Romans 8:37-39 Isaiah 60: 19-20

~ No More Tears ~
Your sun will never set, Or the moon cast a silhouette, For the Lord is the forever light That will wrap us heavenly white, And no tears will ever again bite, Having gone the way of the night.

1 Corinthians 2:9

The Heavenly Promise Eye has not seen No ear has heard Or the mind conceived All the wonderful things That God has perceived For the love that believes

No More Tears The Heavenly Promise The Promise Hang On Boldly

God Cares!
( Psalms 56:8 ) When Heaven's light shines through, And the angels sing what's true, We shall find that He always knew; Keeping track of our every toss And turn through the sleepless nights, Each tear dropped into His bottle, Each ache written in His book.

Top God Cares!

(Psalms 148)

Praise the LORD!

Shout praises to the LORD! Shout the LORD's praises In the outermost edges of the space time ages. All who set in the Counsel of the most high, All the angels, all who serve Him above, And creature below, come and offer praise. Sun and moon, supernova's, white stars, Quasars and all of you bright stars From every galaxy, come and offer praise! Highest heavens, and mysteries beyond Hubble's gaze, come and offer praise. From the great whales of the deep sea To the loftiest magnificent soaring eagles, All creatures come and offer praise! Let nature sing the LORD's praises, Fire and hail, snow and ice, And every stormy wind; All mountains and hills, And nature's breath taking thrills, Every animal, all reptiles and birds, Cattle and herds come praise the LORD! Let every president and ruler, All nations where the sun gives light, Every man, woman, and child, Come praise and give the LORD delight! The LORD as a zealous warrior, Protects those who pursue His call, And the glory of God is greater than all That has been or ever will be seen by man. Shout praises to Adonai, The all sufficient El Shaddai, Let everything that has breath Praise His wondrous name, the mighty king, The LORD of hosts, creator of every thing! The Awesome! And Everlasting Mighty God!

Top Praise The Lord! We Need To Die

~ We Need To Die ~ We need to die And Jesus rise For us to be alive!


Great Truths

~ Great Truths ~
Great truths for all to hear Come from the trickling tears, Not the laughter and cheers. It is pain and deep sorrow That refine the human soul, Test our courage to be bold In the depths of the blackhole; That's where faith grasps a hold!

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Just Like Any Other Day

I'm Cruising along, singing a celebration song, listening to 'Third Day' proclaim with praise. But suddenly there is an ear piercing ringing, the sky is splitting. Is that a horn I am hearing? I must be dreaming? Twisting with a hard pinch, but there is no stinging. Below, my car, is a runaway speeding. In shock, my heart is pleading: what's this? Wow! I can fly? I can fly! I can fly!! Myriads are lifting above me; sweeter tunes have never been exhumed, nor melodies serenaded. Where did I get this robe that's shining white? Life is magnified exponentially by His light; the nearer His presence, the brighter the rainbow, the deeper the hue, the sweeter the sound, the more alluring the aroma. His majestic beauty abounds; osmotic assimilation: the mind becomes a soaking sponge, drinking knowledge in gulps, thinking faster than ever achieved. Glory, glory to the King, who I can see. I can see! I can see!! Angelic creatures prance in the air with dance. Heaven ignites, showering the iris with delight. The sweet savor of bouquet's soaring romance, swims within the quantum senses enhanced; Speed of thought traversing, creates arrival before the notion finishes nursing: In the twinkle of an eye, every hand in Zion can be simultaneously shaken; and the saint's joyful embraces are never mistaken. Indescribable deliciousness, only now can be appreciated by the glorified: even the most sublime chocolate tastes a bit boorish in this realm. Emotional tumultuousness is nonexistent. Celestial communications exceed the old flesh and blood capacity to interrelate. Euphoric exhilaration far transcends the sierra joy of the earthly-corporeal integration. At the Master's glorious feet - nothing else matters; joining with believers whose pardon was received, and participating in the divine forever fellowship as the prophetic agape' oneness is achieved; In unison on our knees, squeezing my set of mansion keys, and awed by the Celestial breeze, yet to still be me, an individual He died for, is enough to keep yours truly busy for all eternity: singing His praises, and soaking in His unbounding expressions of divine love - receiving the never ending comprehension of His essence. The grandeur of all that is made by His hand, simply fades into insignificance beside Him. What started just like any other day, has turned into a wonderful new Way!!

Top Just Like Any Other Day

Does Anyone Remember When?

Does anyone remember back when: Dinner always began with amen, We all relished in the simple rhyme, And life was a jolly, naive, time; A first date kiss was a bit risque', Everyone loved the latest cliche', You could hear the bells on Santa's sleigh, And our heroes would never betray; A time when the thought of being gay, Was a wholesome, cheerful, joyful, way, And when the young children were at play, You never feared they would become prey; Each morning the pledge we would say, Everyone bowed their heads and prayed; Never thought to be a line of gray, There was no seperation per se; Lunch pails were filled by a mother hen, And our family lived in the den; Nobody gave a hoot about Zen, For we knew that Jesus did ascend.

Top Does Anyone Remember

~ To Be Or Not To Be ~
Having reached that dark place Of uttermost anguish, Crying out in the void, Appearing only to languish, Where hope is a forgotten language, And no family or friend Can bring you a crown, Or form a smile from your frown. Tears are overflowing rivers Of tormented hurt That stream down to the starving dirt, Mingling with the red mother earth, Igniting microbe life to sprout and surge, Ironically quenching the seed's thirst With the dynamic energy of a new birth, Signifying the incredible power Of God working in the church. The gut - wrenched weeping Of the repentant broken heart, Focuses the life saving search, And Eternal life is imparted At the foot of the birch. But those who reject the notion Sadly remain totally inert, Deaf to the exploding creative burst, Senses dulled in the narcissistic quirk, Whipsawed by every knee jerk, Missing the greatest historic discovery: That truth lies outside Of self absorbing history, In the one and only person That has fulfilled manifest destiny, Revealing the universe's greatest mystery: The scarlet thread Weaving back through antiquity, Not just another upper story epiphany, But an established litany, Of documented hands on authenticity, Catapulting lives to great heights Within flesh and blood reality; Continuing life changing testimonials In the space time legacy, Culminate in His promised return, And glorious anticipated victory.


Just A Sliver
Where have all the ages gone? Time no longer shakes hands with the dawn, both have danced with the foregone. The celestial sky is always bright, forever energized by Jesus Christ. Heaven perpetually smiles with a fresh greet; an aeon is a single heart beat that has no need to borrow, and the future is never a quarrel; no more worry, pain or sorrow, For God instills His divine viewpoint, So there's never concern for a tomorrow. Forever-Love means so much more, As the sexual will not get in the way of the bonding like before. There will be a new ecstasy that transcends the human frailty to comprehend. It's so much greater than what the man can now endure, that it would be as night and day apart: atop Mount Everest looking down on the great deep, smiling at the difference between the present oneness we keep, and the universal union that all the body will reap. The heavenly experience overwhelms. His human spirit is baptized at the highest realms; Being without the ticking of the clock as true knowledge is being unlocked; a Love shower that is far beyond the man's ability to absorb. Limitations he has in this sphere hinder the legitimacy of the reality, but, nonetheless, it will come to him when the Master imparts immortality. It is just a sliver of what is promised that he tastes this night. There is so much more to come: A majestic river, that flows mysteriously, will pour down on him in waves, and waves that no one can bare in this frail, earthly, frame. But the time is short, and soon he will join with others set aflame, sharing in eternity's timeless heist, where imagination is forever driven by the fueling grace of Jesus Christ.

Updated: 08/26/10

Rapturous Glory

February 16, 2011

The Greatest Mystery

Out of nothing He fashioned the awesome universe Stretching out the galactic canvas that He composed But the greatest mystery that's in the bible verse Is the God of creation wrapped up in swaddling clothes He stepped out of eternity into a manger Unimaginable light drowned in love for strangers Never once giving thought to His own pleasure He became our flesh and blood redeeming exchanger

Top The Greatest Mystery

All the poetry presented here was written by your's truly.

Time is Relative
Time is relative. Time is all encompassing. Time wakes us up, and tucks us in at night. Time tells us when we're hungry, and marches us to work. Time starts our journey, and cries foul when we overstay our welcome. Time marks the first whimper, and bemoans the last groan. Time will never end until the last trumpet's roar, Then, and only then, will time be no more.

Top Time Is Relative Just A Sliver

New: Revised: Revised:

Just Like Any Other Day The Gospel Fulfilled

~ Only You ~
Oceans may separate Politicians will exasperate Ideology can seek to isolate Only You have the power to generate Nothing causes me to cease The quintessential yearning won't release Another can't unlock the peace Only You have access to the keys Not time or space Though others may try to make a case But no one will ever take your place Only You can challenge for the race Neither height nor depth Being rich or in debt Even life or death Only You can give breath

~A Wondrous Thing~
Come on now, put those worries to rest, His love has already surpassed the test, He went away to prepare His glorious best, And the flock awaits the gathering at His bequest. Every mission conceives a crown for each disposition, Our nature sanctified by his omniscient volition, Let His finger point you in the right direction, Providence has a pre-arranged dial-up connection. Whether far away on a foreign battlefield, Or strolling along in a rolling grassy field, Who can extend life one second by self will, Or know if they will make it up the next hill? Residing at home, calmly sleeping in our bed, Or dangling from a cleft, hanging by a thread, We the partakers of the communion bread, Hit our knees, bowing under His divine head. Snuggle, closely, underneath His mighty wings, Who would ever dare come against His offspring? Open wide the spout, let the people shout and sing! It's about time for the golden harps to ring! Glory Hallelujah to the mighty king! To the one that turns icy - winter into spring, And forever flings to hell death's sting, Can anyone truly imagine such a wondrous thing?

Rapturous Glory!
The sun sets on the old man and the Son's rays shine on the new dawn in brand new ways: Adorning with a wonderful praise-knitted shawl of brilliant heavenly glistening, sewn together with sparkling needles of indescribable kinetic-energy; overflowing, flooding sensory perception with pure unadulterated celestial ecstasy. Brilliant colors never before seen, bath in the spectrum lake, and the iris, illuminated, is showered with His majestic countenance. Fragrant bouquets from undiscovered lands raise the olfactory glands to mountainous levels of uncharted realms. The joyous sounds of dancing notes sail to an angelic scale, igniting and exciting the nucleus of our new shell. Emotion is driven beyond the power of locomotion. Goose bumps tiering from volcanic eruptions lift the soul to heights untold; the senses magnified to the umpteenth glorified, and in the midst of the ineffable, there is a peace that transcends the comprehensible.

~ God's Pleasure~
A thunder clap applauds the maker As those feasting toast the baker And the farmer plows the acre So that many can be a partaker The good and the bad share the same air Climbing the identical winding stairs Although at times it may seem unfair God knows the heart that really cares Those who have faith have the right thing They are rich far beyond any earthly king Swimming in the praises that they bring Souls bathing in the eternal spring No man can steal their treasure God has secured the full measure Because the creature gives Him pleasure As it is written in the ledger

~ The End Of The Age ~

The earth will shake, Some will escape, Signs in the heavens, And a series of sevens, Beating hearts will fail, Looking up at the veil, The roaring seas toss and wail, Mankind shutters in travail, Evil springs from hidden wells, Terrorists attack from their cells, Nations align in cartels, Inaugurating the prophetic tells, The man of sin heralded on the stage, Lucifer's hoard released from their cage, Nearing the end of the age, And Satan doth rage, Death on a catastrophic scale, Blood moons prevail, The earth tilts on it's rails, Disrupting the prince of Wales, Every eye shall see His sign in the sky, The remnant anticipates His abide by, As His feet touch down on the mountain high, Lightning flashes thundering a mighty sigh, All the continents are moved, The lion of the tribe of Judah approves, As the adversaries receive their due, And the Messianic reign will debut, The armies come down against Jerusalem, At Megiddo the battle will ensue, But in the twinkling of an eye, they shall all be consumed, When Jesus Christ returns, and the Davidic rule resumes, Then the world will be renewed, Nations shall seek out the Jew, Satan will be subdued, Until a thousand years say adieu.

Attacks on America by China and Russia

( A confederation that may include North Korea, Iran and Cuba )
Updated 08/11/06 The following dreams, visions and prophecies are a selected compendium compiled from the entire Dreams and Visions ( I, II, and III ) for America website. The entire text of these dreams and visions can be found on Dreams and Visions I, II, and III. *Underline emphasize below -TP ____________________________________________________________________

China and Russia Strike

Dumitru Duduman April 22, 1996 Vision I prayed, then went to bed. I was still awake, when suddenly I heard a trumpet sound. A voice cried out to me, "Stand!" In my vision, I was in America. I walked out of my home, and began to look for the one who had spoken to me. As I looked, I saw three men dressed alike. Two of the men carried weapons. One of the armed men came to me. "I woke you to show you what is to come. he said. "Come with me." I didn't know where I was being taken, but when we reached a certain place he said, "stop here!" A pair of binoculars was handed to me, and I was told to look through them. "Stand there, don't move, and look," he continued. "You will see what they are saying, and what they are preparing for America." As I was looking, I saw a great light. A dark cloud appeared over it. I saw the president of Russia, a short, chubby man, who said he was the president of China, and two others. The last two also said where they were from, but I did not understand. However, I gathered they were part of Russian controlled territory. The men stepped out of the cloud. The Russian president began to speak to the Chinese one. "I will give you the land with all the people, but you must free Taiwan of the Americans. Do not fear, we will attack them from behind." A voice said to me, "Watch where the Russians penetrate America."

I saw these words being written: Alaska; Minnesota; Florida. Then, the man spoke again, "When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning." The other two presidents spoke, "We, too, will fight for you." Each had a place already planned as a point of attack. All of them shook hands and hugged. Then they all signed a contract. One of them said, "We're sure that Korea and Cuba will be on our side, too. Without a doubt, together, we can destroy America." The president of Russia began to speak insistently, "Why let ourselves be led by the Americans? Why not rule the world ourselves? They have to be kicked out of Europe, too! Then I could do as I please with Europe!" The man standing beside me asked, "This is what you saw: they act as friends, and say they respect the treaties made together. But everything I've shown you is how it will REALLY happen. You must tell them what is being planned against American. Then, when it comes to pass, the people will remember the words the Lord has spoken." Who are you?" I asked. "I am the protector of America. America's sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a clean heart as they do His work. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people." I As I looked, a great army, well armed and dressed in white, appeared before me. "Do you see that?" the man asked. "This army will go to battle to save My chosen ones. Then, the difference between the Godly and the ungodly will be evident."

America will Burn

A vision of Dumitru Duduman September, 1984 Late one night, I could not sleep, The children were sleeping on the luggage. My wife and daughter were crying, I went outside and walked around. I didn't want them to see me cry. I walked around the building, crying and saying, "God! Whey did you punish me? Why did you bring me into this country? I can't understand anybody. If I try to ask anybody anything, all I hear is, "I don't know."

I stopped in front of the apartment and sat on a large rock. Suddenly a bright light came toward me. I jumped to my feet because it looked as if a car was coming directly at me, attempting to run me down! I thought the Romanian Secret Police had tracked me to America, and now they were trying to kill me. But it wasn't a car at all. As the light approached, it surrounded me. From the light I heard the same voice that I had heard so many times in prison. He said "Dumitru, why are you so despaired?" I said, "Why did you punish me? Why did you bring me to this country? I have nowhere to lay my head down. I can't understand anybody." He said, "Dumitru, didn't I tell you I am here with you, also? I brought you to this country because this country will burn." I said, 'then why did you bring me here to burn? Why didn't you let me die in my own country? You should have let me die in jail in Romania! He said, "Dumitru, have patience so I can tell you. Get on this." I got on something next to him. I don't know what it was. I also know that I was not asleep. It was not a dream. It was not a vision. I was awake just as I am now. He showed me all of California and said, "This is Sodom and Gomorrah! All of this, in one day it will burn! Its sin has reached the Holy One." Then he took me to Las Vegas. "This is Sodom and Gomorrah. In one day it will burn." Then he showed me the state of New York. "Do you know what this is?" he asked. I said, "No." He said "This is New York. This is Sodom and Gomorrah! In one day it will burn." Then he showed me all of Florida, "This is Florida." he said. "This is Sodom and Gomorrah! In one day it will burn." Then he took me back home to the rock where we had begun. "IN ONE DAY IT WILL BURN! All of this I have shown you" - I said, "How will it burn?" He said, "Remember what I am telling you, because you will go on television, on the radio and in churches. You must yell with a loud voice. Do not be afraid, because I will be with you." I said, "How will I be able to go? Who knows me here in America? I don't know anybody here." He said, "Don't worry yourself. I will go before you. I will do a lot of healing in the American churches and I will open the doors for you. But do not say anything else besides what I tell you. This country will burn!" I said, "What will you do with the church?" He said, "I want to save the church, but the churches have forsaken me." I said, "How did they forsake you?" He said, "The people praise themselves. The honor that the people are supposed to give Jesus Christ, they take upon themselves. In the churches there are divorces. There is adultery in the churches. There are homosexuals in the churches. There is abortion in the churches and all other sins that are possible. Because of all the sin, I have left some of the churches. You must yell in a loud voice that they must put an end to their sinning. They must turn toward the Lord. The Lord never gets tired of forgiving. They must draw close to the Lord, and live a clean life. If they have sinned until now, they must put an end to it, and start a new life as the Bible tells them to live."

I said, "How will America burn?" America is the most powerful country in this world. Why did you bring us here to burn? Why didn't you at least let us die where ALL the Dudumans have died?" He said, "Remember this, Dumitru. The Russian spies have discovered where the nuclear warehouses are in America. When the Americans will think that it is peace and safety from the middle of the country, some of the people will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then from the ocean, from Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico,,.." (He told me two other countries, but I didn't remember what they were.) "...they will bomb the nuclear warehouses. When they explode, America will burn!" "What will you do with the Church of the Lord? How will you save the ones that will turn toward you?" I asked. He said, "Tell them this: how I saved the three young ones from the furnace of fire, and how I saved Daniel in the lions den, is the same way I will save them." The angel of the Lord also told me, "I have blessed this country because of the Jewish people who are in this country. I have seven million Jews in this country, but they do not want to recognize the Lord. They didn't want to thank God for the blessing they received in this country." "Israel doesn't want to recognize Jesus Christ. They put their faith in the Jewish people in America. But, when America burns, the Lord will raise China, Japan, and other nations to go against the Russians. They will beat the Russians and push them all the way to the gates of Paris. Over there they will make a treaty, and appoint the Russians as their leaders. They will then unite against Israel." "When Israel realizes she does not have the strength of America behind her, she will be frightened. That's when she will turn to the Messiah for deliverance. That's when the Messiah will come. Then, the church will meet Jesus in the air, and he will bring them back with Him to the Mount of Olives. At that time, the battle of Armageddon will be fought." When I heard all of this I said, "if you are truly the angel of the Lord, and everything you have told me is true, then all you have said must be written in the Bible." He said, "Tell everyone to read from Jeremiah 51:8-15, Revelation chapter 18, and Zechariah chapter 14, where Christ fights against those who possess the earth. After His victory," the angel said, "there will be one flock and one Shepherd. There will be no need for light. The Lamb of God will be the Light. There will be no sickness, no tears, and no deaths. There will only be eternal joy and God will be the ruler. There will be only one language. Only one song. And no need for a translator! .... And, Dumitru," he continued, "a word of warning. If you keep anything from the American people that you are told, I will punish you severely." "How will I know that this is for real -that it will really happen?" I asked. "As a sign that I have spoken to you, tomorrow before you wake, I will send someone to bring you a bed, and at noon I will send you a car and a bucket of honey. After which I will send someone to pay your rent." Then the angel left.

_______________________________________________________________________ _____ I SAW THE RUSSIANS ATTACK THE UNITED STATES! Henry Gruver December 14, 1984 Amos 3:7: "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets ." 2 CH. 20:20 "...Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets. so shall ye prosper ." MAT 18:16, "But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established ." I was in Wales, on December 14, 1985. I went up on top of the Eagle tower in the Caenarvon Castle. It had eight points on it. Each of the points all it were eroded eagles. This castle was built in the 12th century. I was overlooking the Irish Sea toward the North Sea -- Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the tip of Scotland, Greenland, Iceland in that area. All of a sudden I was up above the Earth looking down upon the earth like a globe. As I looked down on the earth, I saw all of these massive amount of all kinds of ships and airplanes. They were coming from up above Norway, out of this inlet. They headed down between the United States and Europe. They literally covered the whole Atlantic. Then I wanted to see what was happening to the United States. I looked over on the globe at the United States. I saw coming out of the United States these radio communication towers. I saw the jagged lines I like they draw to show that communications are coming out. All of a sudden, as I was looking down on them they began to sparkle down on the earth like dust. I thought "Oh no! They are not getting through ! They are not setting through . They don't know what is happening ! They are totally oblivious! " Then I began to see all of these submarines emerging from under the surface. I was surprised at how close they were to our boarders! They were in our territorial waters! Then I saw the missiles come out of them! They hit eastern coastal cities of the United States. I looked over across the country where my family was over in the northwest side, and I saw the submarines. I saw the missiles coming out and hitting the western coastal cities.

I cried out and I said, Oh God! Oh God! When will this be, and what shall be the sign of its coming?" I heard an audible voice speak to me amid say, "When Russia opens her doors and lets the masses go. The free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and feeding and caring for the masses, and will lets down their weapons and cry peace and safety. Then sudden destruction will come. Then is, when it will come." That was December 14, 1985. Glastnost and Parastroika were unheard of at that time! I THESSALONIANS 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety ; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. EZEKIEL 38:10. Thus saith the Lord GOD, It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into the mind. and thou shalt think an evil thought 11. And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest. that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls and having neither bars nor gates . 12. To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited , and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations , which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land 13. Sheba, and Dedan. (Saudi Arabia) and the merchants of Tarshish, (Britain) with all the young lions thereof, (the nations that have come from the British Empire, Canada, et cetera) shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to lake a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil? _______________________________________________________________________ ______

My Vision of the Russian Attack on North America

J. Reg King Late 1940's Vision In the vision I saw things happening, and understood in my mind, as it was revealed to me, as to the location and who they were. The Russian forces were coming out of the area of the Bathurst Inlet. I remember how astonished I was, because they were there undetected. They had a large mobile military attack force, with heavy armour.

Then the scene changes and I saw Russian and U.S. fighter planes in aerial combat over the Alsask, Alberta area, which is near the Saskatchewan border. The invasion route was in the general area of the Alberta and Saskatchewan border along 110 degrees longitude. I was very amazed that hostile aircraft could get so near to the U.S. border, and not be detected and intercepted before that time. Again the scene changes and I realized the enemy land forces to be just north of the 60th parallel, also as yet undetected, and without any resistance from either Canadian or U.S. forces. The visionary experience was given to me in the late 1940's and I remember my absolute amazement that an enemy could penetrate so far into our beloved Canada and not be detected. Also, lastly, a date was given to me, but not the year, which was January 26, ????. And the enemy was using bacterial or germ warfare. _______________________________________________________________________ ___

Jesus is Coming Soon!

Vincent Aquilino Posted: 9/30/97 Received: A few years ago. I received this dream a few years ago. I cannot tell you with certainty that it was from the Lord. But I can tell you that I still remember it as vividly as the night I received it. I have not shared it to this point, but I now feel that, with worldwide circumstances the way they are, it is appropriate. It is your job to judge this against scripture (be Berean) and to hold on to what is good and to reject what is false. A "Prophetic Dream"

"Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7)
I was downstairs trying to tune in the radio. My father-in-law came down the stairs and asked me what I was doing. I told him that I was trying to find some information about something that had happened. I shook my head and said I didn't understand why I couldn't fnd out anything about what had happened. Whatever it was, it must have happened far enough in the past that it was no longer news. Then I looked out the dining room window. It was snowing. Why was it snowing, I asked? It's summer. It's not supposed to be snowing. I then went over to the thermostat and noted that the heat was on and the furnace was running. Again I shook my head and said, it's not supposed to be snowing; what's going on? What has happened?

Then I spoke with my wife and decided to go out and get some groceries. A friend, whom I did not recognize, came with me. We went outside, but instead of getting into the car, we walked pulling a wagon behind us. We got to the first corner, where there was a menacing crowd. We ran back into the house to get a rifle. We then were able to go down the street. We came to the first store. There was nothing on the shelves. We continued down the street to the next store. There was nothing on the shelves. Then we came to the third store. There were just a very few items on the shelves. Again I wondered, what has happened? I didn't understand. The grocer said: "Well what do you expect, considering what has happened?" "What has happened, I asked?" There was no reply. We returned home and decided to go down to the stadium and hear someone speak, in the hopes we would find out what had happened. We went and sat up in the bleachers and listened to the speaker, but we didn't find out what had happened. We then went home. I sat in the dining room, gazing at the snow, shaking my head and muttering that it was not supposed to be snowing. Finally I called out to the Lord in anguish. Lord, what has happened? The Lord answered me: The Russians had launched a pre-emptive strike against the Missile silos in the MidWest [it was apparently a limited exchange]. They had taken out the missile silos. But our submarines counter-attacked. I was even told the death counts: 6.8 million Americans and 4.6 Million Russians dead. I flashed to my wife. She had developed a rash or something of the sort. She was worried about radiation. But then an angel appeared and said not to worry, that "??????" (it was a technical name that I did not understand) would take care of it. I told the Angel I did not understand the term. The angel said that "Retin-A" would take care of the problem and not to worry. Then I was in the dining room again, looking at the snow coming down in summer, shaking my head and saying that was not supposed to be happening. This was the end of the dream. Considering the nearness of the Ezekiel 38 confrontation and the likelihood of some sort of exchange between Russia and the U.S. (see the previous newsletters on Ezekiel 38), I thought it appropriate to share this at this time. If the dream has no prophetic significance, then all that would have happened is that you did some extra praying and sought the Lord's guidance on how to prepare spiritually, mentally and physically. If it is correct, then the Lord has warned us in accordance with Amos 3:7.

In any case, DO NOT FEAR, but trust Jesus.

Note: 1) The dream had my father-in-law in it, but not my mother-in-law. She went to be with the Lord last February. Note: 2) I was surprised a few months ago to come home and find tubes of "Retin-A" sitting on my wife's dressing table that her Doctor recommended she try for a skin condition. _______________________________________________________________________ _____

A Vision in the Office

Posted: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 - written by jerry golden

It was 2:30 AM and I couldn't sleep, so I decided to go downstairs to my office and see if I could write an article on some things that had been on my mind. My mind however just drew a blank, so I decided to lie for a while on the couch in the office. It was then that I begin to hear from the voice I know so well. But before sharing it with you I should warn you that most of it might sound like an over active imagination of one who stays on top of current events around the world. In fact, God and I have had a serious conversation over if I should say this was a vision. But God has clearly instructed me to tell others what I have seen, so here it is, you are the judge. God spoke to me and said I have found your heart and efforts pleasing but you still have much to learn and I will teach you many things about my Church. The time is very near when panic and chaos will grip the hearts of men and many will die from the fear of what they are seeing. The things you are about to see are for you to tell those who will listen. It was a Mall, where I am not sure but there were dead and wounded bodies scattered over a large area and as soon as I saw this I was in a different place looking down on a large gathering of a sporting event. Many were already dead and others were gasping for their breath and dying even as I looked at them. One man spoke to me, saying they have already destroyed our economy by cutting off the oil, now they want to kill all of us. I thought I'd keep seeing this type of disaster but to my surprise I found myself in a Church, judging from the interior and the looks and sounds I thought it must be a Baptist Church. As I sit there in the presence of God unable to speak I heard the Pastor give a short glib standard salvation message, and I watched the people who were frightened and unable to understand why all this was happening to them. Many were destitute without food and no way to purchase any. One man interrupted the Pastor and said why haven't you prepared us, why haven't you warned us? The Pastor begins to cry and the people got up and left

him standing behind the pulpit. It was then I noticed an amazing thing, the Pastor fell to the floor and he was dead. Then we were in a city center and I watched as people were looting and screaming obscenities at each other. Some were shooting and arm robbing the ones that had just stolen the goods from the store just moments before. I looked at the Bank and it was closed and people were trying to get in but the doors were locked. There were military troops on the streets of the larger cities and they were shooting people with impunity, no one could believe what was happening. As they ran almost aimlessly in pure panic, we followed one man to his home. He greeted his wife and two small children with, I didn't do any good, and I don't know what we are going to do now. He sits and turned on the TV and the news about Israel was on. Israel was under heavy attack and they had already destroyed Damascus. It was believed that many missiles were on the way from Iran. Egypt had launched a full-scale attack and it was feared that Syria had launched missiles with chemical and biological warheads. I turned to God and said you promised that Israel will not be destroyed again, but He reminded me that it wasn't the end of the story and to wait and see His Word come to pass. Looking back at the TV it showed how suicide bombers had killed many all over the country and everyone was frightened to the point of not knowing where to turn for help. It was then God showed me Believers who had bonded together and had a Pastor who had prepared them, their love for each other was obvious and many were coming to them for help. But even more important many were being drawn to them as their love was a witness for Yeshua. I ask God why more Pastors hasn't prepared the Believers, and He told me that they have been desensitized by Y2K and felt they couldn't tell them to prepare again. But those Pastors who knew to prepare their congregations and did not will wish they had never knew Me; I will tell them I never knew them. It was then God said to me, "only those who truly know Me would overcome and witness My great salvation, for all Temporal things will perish but those born of the Spirit will see Eternal Life." I then ask God what would He have me to do? God told me then, that I was to continue on the task set before me and not to look back, that many would be saved. End of Vision ________________________________________________

Veronica Lueken

1968 to 1995.

Nuclear Holocaust
August 21, 1985 "Many countries shall be embroiled in wars, until we have the greatest war ever seen, nor shall ever be seen again, the Third World War, which shall engulf the nations. And many nations shall disappear from the force of the armaments being gathered now throughout Russia."

Russian Deceit
"The word of Russia is not good, for what communism means is liars, and murderers, deceivers straight from the bowels of hell." October 2, 1987 "Do not be deceived, My children, Russia is not free. It is a cosmetic act to delude you. Lenin and Stalin used the same tactics, My children. Why do you not learn from your errors?" June 18, 1992

Russia's Master Plan

April 2, 1977 "O My children, I warned you many years ago, I warned you in Fatima that, unless you prayed and did penance, Russia and the agents of the sickle and the hammer would go throughout the world cutting down nations and bringing death, destruction, and slavery. And you, My country, America the beautiful, you are all-wise but stupid in management, for you have the picture of your coming destruction right before your face and you refuse to look."

More Deception
June 18, 1992 For it is their plan to subdue you, once they get the billions that they need in aid, to bring up the economy and buy more armaments. They have not disposed of their armaments, My child and My children. They store them in other nations. They have the same goals as their forefathers."

China's Manpower
March 26, 1983 "Russia will also utilize the manpower of China as they make their thrust forward."

China: The Wick that sets the Word aflame

1979 Veronica - Now Our Lady is pointing over to Her right side, the left side of the sky. And I see a very large ball forming. It looks like a globe of the world; but strangely it has a, like a wick on the top.

And now coming out of the sky, I see a very comical-looking figure. I think he's comical; then again he's kind of frightening. His face is extremely fat, and his teeth are huge. But he looks like an Oriental of some kind. He's smiling in a very strange way. I notice he has-he's short and has like a stubby type of body. But he's grinning in a very evil-looking way. As he stands with his hands behind him, he's looking about now and it looks as though he's waiting for something. Oh, my goodness! Now he's bringing out from behind his back what appears to be a long tapered candle. And he's reaching up now. The candle has a light on it; it looks like he's about to touch the wick on the bomb. It looks like a bomb, but it looks like the world with a wick sticking out of it. Oh, my goodness! He's a very-don't know who he is; I don't recognize him. But he's an Oriental and has very large teeth; and the grin, even, the way he's grinning makes his teeth very-kind of prominent. But he has-I must say he gives you a feeling of fright because his smile is very evil. Now I can't see him. It's as though a veil is being placed over the scene. Now Our Lady is moving over closer to our left side, Her right side. Our Lady - "My child and My children, I have given you now sight of what is to be soon. You will understand in the near future, My children. And you, My child, will not reveal the writing beneath it. Look now, remember, but do not repeat. [Pause] "Remember, My child: Look, remember, but do not repeat." (July 25, 1979) Veronica - And there he is again, that terrible-looking man. I don't know who he is, but he has an Oriental appearance. I can see now what appears to be a globe, a globe of the world, but you could almost picture it as a bomb because it has a wick on the top of it. Now over-standing next to it, gloatingly, with a most satanic-looking, evil smile on his face, a smile so big that his teeth are extended, and they look very large in his mouth, almost exaggerated-he is a short man, quite husky. He's in some kind of a uniform that I don't recognize. It's-looks like an olive green color. And now he's standing there as though he's gloating over something, and he's taking his hand now from behind his back again and holding out his long tapered candle. He has a very thin, long tapered candle that's lighted, and now he's reaching over again to light the wick, as though-I do believe it must indicate starting perhaps a, a terrible war or something. I get that impression from his uniform and the fact he's lighting the wick upon the world. (August 4, 1979)

China - Dragon & Russia - Bear attack the USA

July 15, 1970 Our Lady - "The eagle is plucked. He will not rise again." Veronica saw in vision an eagle stretched out flat on his stomach, with his head hanging weakly to the side, struggling to get up. His feathers were all about him, plucked out. There were three creatures by him. Two of them were leaving his vanquished form.

These two had the forms of a dragon and a lizard. The lizard had a most unusually long tongue. There was the other creature, the third, that looked like a bear, still beating on the fallen eagle. July 15, 1970 The Bear Rages November 20, 1978 "O My children of the United States, do you not understand what is ahead for you? Your country, the United States, has not known what it is to suffer through destructive forces. My children, you shall not escape the destruction that the Bear of communism has set upon many countries in Europe and the world."

Landing points for the Invasion?

Veronica - There are now areas being like pinpointed upon the map. I see California. It looks like southern California, and there are two dots on that side of the map, two in southern California. Now there is a line developing. It's sort of an area-I can tell that it's a line that's marking out something. It's going directly across the southern part of the United States, and it's stopping just over the left border of Georgia, and there's one point being made there. They're like-seem to be landing points for something going to happen. Now the line continues and it's now swerving upward and it's going into North Carolina. And then, suddenly the line is like-oh, I don't know-taking a fast curve over to the east coast. But then, as it goes along the coast, I see a large question mark. It appears to-that line appears to be heading northward along the east coast, and there's another question mark. I don't know how to explain it. It's a very ominous looking map. Our Lady - "You will understand soon, My child." April 9, 1977 "My child, let the world know that Nicaragua is a center point for the capitulation of the United States of America and Canada. Already there are plans afoot, and in the making, with missiles and all dire instruments of destruction. These plans are being formulated from Nicaragua, to go into Mexico, and thereupon into the United States." June 18, 1987

Red invasion from Nicaragua

June 18, 1987 "My child, let the world know that Nicaragua is a center point for the capitulation of the United States of America and Canada. Already there are plans afoot, and in the making, with missiles and all dire instruments of destruction. These plans are being formulated from Nicaragua, to go into Mexico, and thereupon into the United States."

U.S. Surrounded

"Many warnings are being given to mankind and these will increase in nature. Horrible life-taking forces of nature shall be allowed to come upon you. All this is to take place while the enemy of God and your nation is surrounding you with submarines and planning a missile attack."

Master plan for the takeover . . .

"Do not take lightly the reports of ships out on the sea and submarines. They are there, My child and My children, and they are not out for a joy ride. It is all part of the master plan for the takeover of the United States and Canada." 6-18-92

Not long to exist as free nation . . .

"I know, I heard the voice also, My child, that said that the United States shall be taken over without a shot to ring out. That is not true, My children. Should they advance upon you as they plan, there will be bloodshed in the streets, blood flowing and mothers' hearts breaking in sorrow. Oh, how they will gnash their teeth and cry bitter tears of regret that they did not foresee or listen to the voices from Heaven crying out: Prepare now, for you do not have much longer to exist as a free nation." 4-14-84

Russia submarines off U.S. East Coast . . .

Veronica - The sky is opening up, and I seem to be looking at a body of water. I'm standing over on a hill and looking out, and to my shock, I see something coming out of the water. Oh, it's a submarine! it's a submarine! Now as I said that, it seemed to dive down very fast into the sea. Now Jesus is pointing over, and I'm looking at the skyline of New York as you're coming in from Long Island. I'm looking at the skyline, and there just in front of me is that submarine. Now it's diving, and it's going about-I don't know it's-I don't know where it's heading, but it's very deep. But I noticed the submarine is off the New York skyline, the New York side of the United States. Now Jesus is going like this, and the scene is fading away; it's disintegrating just like it was made of smoke. And the sky has returned to its closed state of darkness. And Jesus is now telling me to look down. I'm looking down, and it appears to be a subway station, but there's no one. I know, I recognize tracks going into a tunnel. There's no one about in this tunnel. I seem to feel that is has been discarded as a major network for the trains. Now, Our Lady and Jesus now are standing at my side. I'm standing with Them on the platform. And Jesus says: "Look, My child, what is coming in..."

Warhead in subway station . . .

Veronica - And there on the tracks-it's made of wheels-there's a carting, some type of a carting-train-like board. And on this-I know, I know it's a bomb, a very large bomb, and

it has a point, like a V-shape upside down, pointed type of nozzle, or whatever you'd call it. I don't know the mechanics of bombs or anything, but I know it's a bomb. And the Jesus touched His lips. He said: "Warhead! A warhead!" It's an underground tunnel that's not being used for transporting the passengers at this time. It's been abandoned. But it has made, said Jesus, an ideal parking place for a major destructive force that man has created-a missile. Our Lady - "My child and My children, there is one fact that must be brought forward to all mankind. I know that many have tried to make up for the void that the bishops of your country and the world have created when they will not go about and consecrate the major offender in this world now, Russia-will not consecrate Russia to the-both the Immaculate Heart. My Son and I, We wish to save you from this destruction. And there is only one way that you can; that's through penance and prayer. You future which is coming to a point of what you call the end of an era, your future is upon you. "The United States of America shall not escape this time the punishments and the desolation of the nation that has gone now throughout the world with Russia as the main force for this evil.

Major invasion of U.S. and Canada . . .

"Man was created to live peacefully. Man was created to know his God, and in this manner to have a world that is not a paradise, but one in which man could live in peace and security. But now all of the leaders of the world run about and they say it is peace, it is security. Their words are like two prongs from the mouth; they say those words, but then they turn their backs and they are busy getting ready for a major invasion of the United States and Canada. "Yes, My child, all who read and listen to the Message must know that there is a plan now for Russia, a plan against the United States and Canada. Your nation and Canada are surrounded!"

Cuba - one offender . . .

Veronica - Oh, oh. Now Jesus is pointing over towards Cuba. I see a whole map of the United States, and Jesus is pointing to Cuba. Jesus - "One offender!"-He says-"One offender among many, stockpiling all manner of destruction for another, their brothers and their sisters. "This is permitted, My child and My children, for one reason: Wars are a punishment for man's sins.

"Many warnings have been given to mankind, minor chastisements, and they go about, like their ears are deafened, their eyes are blind, and they cannot see what is fast coming upon them."

Pacifying the enemy . . .

"You must pray for all of the heads of states. You must pray for the teachers who have been fast defiling the innocence of young children. "This aura of modernism, pacifism-pacifying the enemy-for what? The enemy has come into your country, the United States, while you were asleep. They do not seek to take over by human methods of men. They have taken over by coming through the back door while your leaders were asleep, or their spirits had flown and they were ripe for the infiltration of satan. "My child, the last time We spoke to you, We told you that there was a far greater message to be given to mankind. This is the message: THAT RUSSIA PLANS TO INVADE THE UNITED STATES WITH MISSILES! "There is much that you don't know, My poor children, or perhaps some think it best that you don't know what is happening within your governments. Many of the newspapers and other means of relaying this to you have been silenced. "But I, as your Mother, beg intercession through Jesus to the Eternal Father and the Holy Ghost to spare you these terrible punishments. If there is a need for more victim souls, let them be satisfied to know that they have been warned. "My child, I know this has been a complete shock to you, but this message must go throughout the world. Awaken those who sleep before it is too late." (3-26-83)

Soviet submarines going to Cuba . . .

Veronica - Oh, I don't, I don't know where it's at, but I see a lot of boats. Oh, they're submarines; they're just coming to the surface. And they look like they're off the coast. There's a map; Our Lady's pointing towards the map of the United States. Hmm. I live on Long Island, and that sure looks like they're coming off the Long Island area. Now, as though they have been alerted to something, they're going now down into the water. But they are going now under-I can see; Jesus has me watching them-undersea, and they are going to Cuba. I know it's Cuba. Now what they're doing in Cuba I don't know, but it appears that the Soviets are arming them. Jesus - "Yes, My child, you have spoken well and directed it as I wanted you to. Now this has to be known."

Number of dead will be counted in the millions . . .

Our Lady - "O My children, how I wanted to caress you and tell you good news, for I am not the bearer of bad news always. I am your Mother and must tell you the truth. I repeat again. My child Veronica, you repeat now in your weakened state, again: the Pope, John Paul II, and all the bishops of the world must allot one day on which they will pray for the conversion of Russia. Not one day for the world, but one day for Russia; or else, I tell you now, Russia will go about and annihilate, destroy many countries. Nations shall disappear from the face of the earth in the twinkling of an eye. That is how desperate the situation is now throughout your world, My children. "The word of Russia is not good, for what communism means is liars, and murderers, deceivers straight from the bowels of hell.... "My child and My children, prayer has not become a way of life for many. That is why communism has got such a foothold in your country and in other countries of the world. The prayers given to you in your childhood will be remembered always, I know, My children; but there are those who have not received these prayers in their schools, for prayer has been outlawed in many areas of your country and the world. It took but a few without faith to bring down the flag, for even your country's flag is being defiled, My children. I speak both of the United States and Canada, for when the great Tribulation falls upon them, they will have to hold each other up; for they cannot escape through the waters to get help. They will not escape through the skies, but the number of dead will be counted in the millions." (10-2-87) _______________________________________________________________________ ______ MCYoung/Tx Sunday October 17,2004 8am-noon-4pm(central) 8am Nightmare followed by two more of the same at Noon and 4pm: I saw several people being beheaded in a dungeon-like area...maybe 5-6 in all both men and women. I do not know who they were other than all appeared to be caucasian. The men who beheaded them appeared to be middle eastern except for one who was clearly black. I do not know where they were other than my feeling was either Africa, Mid-east(Afghanistan,Pakistan?) or possibly both. There were some strange symbolic images(I no longer recall what they were) that I thought indicated a coalition of countries that included Egypt, Libya,(other African countries), Syria,Iran, and factions in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan.

It appeared Europe was dividing with some countries aligning with the USA,UK,Israel and the others aligning with Russia. A third alliance was occurring among the eastern countries of Asia. Some aligning with the USA but most aligning with China. RUSSIA: was a "Wild Card" first aligning with the USA,UK but then something happens within their government and a "new" leader emerges. He severs ties with the USA and UK and aligns with Iran, Turkey, and the ' is an Indirect alliance with China. I awoke at 8am and went back to sleep and dreamed these things twice noon and again at 4pm at which time I got up. peace mc MCYoung

The Horses....reoccurring dream

Date: October 24, 2001 First dreamt this on July,30 2000...and again on July 7,2001...again yesterday Oct.23,2001....I am standing upon a vast prairie with mountains in the distance...I see FOUR HORSES (riderless) running toward me with a flaming prairie fire behind them and I am very astonished. This then SHIFTS and now I am standing before a large window looking out upon the world and I see FOUR events "MARKERS IN TIME" I hear a voice say,"representing the very near future". It was like watching a movie with no sound. Here is what I saw: (1) Bill Clinton in some kind of world leader role(not pres.)...the USA seemed to be under some other kind of government and Clinton was still a major world player. (2) I saw a war being waged in a desert and rolling hills-I believe this to be somewhere in the middle east; thinking Turkey and surrounding was a BIO-NUCLEAR war. (3) I saw ANARCHY and TERRORISM in the U.S.,Canada, and Mexico-Violence and Biological terrorism- Soldiers in the city streets with tanks and other military vehicles. (4) I saw massive earthquakes worldwide but particularly on the WEST COAST of U.S. and ALASKA...then in other regions of U.S. and Mexico. My mother is laying in a bed next to where I'm watching through this window and another person (the VOICE) is standing beside me. I ask "Mama do you see all these things about to happen?" She answers "Yes, I know." Then I turn to the person beside me and ask "WHEN will these things be?" He/She(cannot recall if this was man or woman)replied "These four things are already beginning and will become more apparent

over the next four the children as they will have to endure the terrible times ahead, LOVE THE CHILDREN." Then I was suddenly back upon the prairie watching the FOUR RIDERLESS HORSES running toward me with a prairie fire blazing behind them. A Howling WIND began to blow and I became VERY FRIGHTENED yelling "THE HORSES!!! THE HORSES!!!" This is where I wake dripping with perspiration...very disturbing dream and since the recurring ones I've had usually come to pass I decided to post this...would appreciate comments...I'm relatively new to these boards and am greatful to have a place to share these "doomsday" dreams that I seem to be cursed with since friends don't like hearing about them and tell me I'm "scary"...anyway thanks you all. MCYoung in Texas __________________________________

America To Be Destroyed By A Russian Attack of SS18 Nuclear Missiles

Stephen L. Bening Dreams & Prophecies & Visions During 1990, I met a man named Art Cormier. Art was a butcher: a meat cutter in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. God was showing him some incredible things. He was having trouble getting people to pay attention to him, for he was receiving warnings about America's future. His English grammar was not very good, but I quickly saw the importance of what he was receiving and I felt called to help him, so, in a sense, I became his scribe. I began doing prophetic newsletters then, mainly filled with what Art was seeing. God led me to call them the "Gammadim Reports," after Ezekiel 27:11. This was still several years before I became aware of the Internet, yet God knew even then that I would be the only watchman using the name "gammadim" in the whole world in the year 2000 and that anyone, doing a simple search anywhere on the internet, would be able to locate my web site. AMAZING GOD! I recall one event that changed me forever. It was June 18, 1991. I had just visited the location of my previous employer at 666 71st Street. I had been showing a friend that place and laughing about the numerical address. I pulled my car into my office parking lot at 6 P.M.: the 18th hour of the 18th day of the 6th month of 1991---can you see all those sixes. Art Cormier was waiting for me. He handed me a revelation he had received that America was going to be destroyed by a Russian attack of SS18 nuclear missiles. Russia has named these missiles "SS18 Satan". Art had no idea where I had been---he had no idea that I had just come from 666 71st street. He had not even noticed the 18th hour of the day. He had not even noticed that it was 6/18, but I did immediately and I was changed forever. About 1992, Prophetic Word, Earthquake "San Andreas Fault" - Quickly Followed By An Russian Attack

Many prophets have predicted a terrible earthquake along the San Andreas fault line, but God has revealed that this prophesied earthquake will be followed quickly by a "bear attack" against the United States; an attack by Russia against the coastlands of the USA. Late in 1992, I the Lord spoke the word "Alaska" to me as I was thinking about this word. I was prompted in the spirit to do some research regarding the great Alaska earthquake, and as I was gathering that information, the Lord gave me an image in my mind: a quick flash of what will happen on that day. The Lord said the California quake will be like that great Alaska earthquake. After that quake, land on the ocean side of the fault was now up to 50 feet lower than land on the dry side of the fault. That is how it will be in the day of the great San Andreas earthquake. July 24, 1992, Vision, Nuclear Destruction Of Miami On the afternoon, at about 2 P.M. on July 24, 1992, I was walking out of the front door of the home where I was staying on Golden Beach, in North Miami, Florida. As I walked out the front door, and walked west, toward me car, I was startled by a flash in the southern sky. I turned to look south. From where I was standing, I had a relatively unobstructed look at the southern Sky. As I watched, I saw a hydrogen bomb mushroom cloud rise to the south. I began to panic. I thought about the light I saw and the cloud and estimated it's distance at about 40 miles. That meant to me that Homestead Air Force base had just been nuked. I was thinking that if it had been hit by a Russian SS18 missile, which has a blast radius of 100 miles, that the shock wave must be going to reach me in 30 or 40 seconds, at any rate, that was my estimate. I began to look around the yard, seeing if there was any culvert or drainage ditch that I could jump into to get underground. I found nothing. I resolved to just stand there and praise my God until the blast hit. Just as I began to thank the Lord, the mushroom cloud dematerialized in the sky as I was looking at it: it just faded away. It was at this time that I realized that I had not seen a real atomic blast, but I had seen a vision. One month later, on August 24, 1992, Homestead was hit with a direct hit by Hurricane Andrew and the destruction was compared to that which would be caused by an Atomic Blast. Sometime later though, the Lord spoke to me and told me that I was to expect another, later fulfillment of my vision. It is to be fulfilled as I saw it transpire in my vision. VISION- Boxcars were filled with Americans, crossing the American plains. This was a very short vision I had while I was attending a meeting of the Friends of Israel and the International Christian Embassy to Israel. Jan Wilhelm Vanderhoven was speaking. While he was speaking, I had a vision of a train of boxcars. Then, I saw inside one of those boxcars. It was carrying Americans. They were chained and standing. Then, I noticed that the train was traveling across the American plains, crossing land that looked like central Illinois: very flat, with very few trees. This vision has not yet been fulfilled.

October 20, 1999, Dream & Prophecy Word & Vision, 5 Kiloton Nuclear Blast In Los Angeles, California Published October 20, 1999, received 5 A.M.; still awaiting fulfillment. In a dream, I was standing in a room, looking out of a large plate glass window, overlooking a city that had low rise buildings of about 5 stories as an average. I was at a height of about 5 to 10 stories up myself. It was dark outside. All at once, I noticed a group of fighter planes heading my way. Suddenly, they fired a weapon in my direction. The weapon emitted three blue pulses of light. When they hit the area where I was, I had the sense of being exposed to radiation, or so it seemed, because the effect seemed to fade. I now realized that I was having a vision within my dream. I went to gather my wife and my five children. Before I could move much, I saw the flash of a nuclear explosion. A voice accompanied the flash which said, "Los Angeles has just been hit by a 5 Kiloton nuclear explosion." I was frantically trying to gather my family to head downstairs. All at once, I found myself in a building that was familiar to me. It was Bening Square, in Carbondale, Illinois. My father remodeled this office building in 1963. He built a bomb shelter in the basement. I had been in this bomb shelter when I was a child. At any rate, we traversed the stairs, going down into the basement, trying to reach the bomb shelter ahead of the arrival of the blast wave. When I reached the place where the bomb shelter was supposed to be, there was a little room in its place that was a prayer chapel. I discovered that the prayer chapel was operated by Dr. Zach Fomum of Cameroon, and his wife Prisca. Prisca began to pray with my wife Erica. I was concerned that I did not know where my eldest daughter Lorel was. The dream then ended. I looked behind me on the bed and my digital clock was just turning over to 5:00 A.M. and the Lord impressed upon my spirit that the dream had been from Him. [Author's note: Stephen had a visitation of Jesus Christ in person about 4 A.M. on January 16, 1993.] From: Watchman-Prophets-Assembly [WPA], Stephen L. Bening, _______________________________________________________________________ Early 1988, Open Vision, The Coming War And Destruction Of America & The Salvation Of Zion Tom Beem 1988 I had gone out to Lake Jacomo (south of Independence, Missouri) and I was sitting out there and praying about these "last days" and I had asked the Lord, "How will these things work? How will this really happen?" I have read all these scriptures and

prophecies and I would like to know the mechanics of it. How are you going to operationalize this? How are you really going to make it work?" And as I sat there, I was given the closest thing to a vision I've ever had. I saw famine upon this land. It was a famine for food, water, heat and light, warmth, clothing...a want for every needful thing that the people could have. It got so bad that there were riots, race riots, and multitudes of Blacks, Whites, and Hispanics, warring literally against each other for what few resources were there. People would be killed for the clothes on their backs. There were literally companies of vigilantes that had set themselves up to protect their neighborhood. And they went through the neighborhoods with guns to protect their neighborhood from others that would come into their neighborhood and take, and to protect their women and children. And I saw paramilitary troops and there paramilitary troops were the ones who called themselves "survivalists". And they were trying to break up the race riots and they were willing to just kill any body who was not white Anglo-Saxon. As a matter of fact, they were willing to kill any Anglo-Saxon that loved Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, Orientals, or anyone else who wasn't an Anglo-Saxon. And if you were willing to defend them, no matter how white Anglo-Saxon I was, they were willing to kill me because I was not one of them. And I saw war and I saw two nations of this world. I saw China and I saw Russia invade the United States. They both came in through Canada on the north and from both coasts and they came in this way (using a blackboard, drew a map of the U.S.) And they kept working their way in and here is the Center Place right here (Independence, Missouri area). (Background remark..."...Similar to the vision of George Washington?"). I replied that I did not know about George Washington's vision but I could see them coming in and nobody was left alive... NOBODY... not a man, not a woman, not a child, not even animals were left. And every single city was demolished. And no human being and very few domestic animals were left alive... literally. And the paramilitary were in no condition to stand against them and our own defenses were off somewhere else in the world and no one was home to defend this country and there was no way to bring them back. And this whole country was laid to waste. And the invading armies of China and Russia moved right toward this Center Place. Not only did I see war but I saw disease. I don't know whether it was cholera. There was AIDS and all kinds of other disease. Disease was rampant all over the country and death was coming in on every side by every means. The only way for anyone to escape this invading force was to be gathered into this Center Place in Zion. And I saw in this vision the city of San Francisco and the west coast. And I saw the Big Surr National Park and there was a Reunion Ground there. I don't know if I have ever been to that Reunion Ground. And there were a couple of Missionaries there. I don't know whether they were Apostles or Evangelical Ministers of some kind. They had been preaching and teaching the people and sending them to Zion.

And right before the invasion came, they had a vision and the Lord spoke to them and came to them and said, "Gather my people together at this Reunion Grounds". And they immediately went out and gathered all the people together that had been remaining there, strengthening the people and preaching the Gospel and gathering them together. They remained in that place in secret. And these warring forces of Chinese and Russian troops that had come in didn't quite make it in to the coastline as quickly as you might have thought or as I would have thought. The people were thus able to gather and God would lead people to them at the Reunion Grounds. I saw a family of five or six, I can't remember, and it was like a whole company of Chinese soldiers were right in front of them standing there. And they were looking at them and they realized all of a sudden that the soldiers could not see them. There was a father and a mother and her children. They were huddled together and they were looking at these soldiers and the soldiers were looking at them. And they realized that the Commander of those soldiers was looking this way and looking that way as thought he knew they were there but they could not see them. And finally he told his whole Company to go that way and the family just stood there and realized they had not been seen. That Company of men left and they (the family) looked over here to the left and there was someone beckoning them and I realized it was an Angel of the Lord. He was beckoning them and guiding them and saying "Come this way" and they would follow in that direction. If they would stumble and they weren't quite sure which way to go, he would beckon and direct them again. And the Angel was gathering people to this gathering spot of the Reunion Grounds. And when the time came that everyone would be gathered, I'm not talking just about Saints, I'm talking about people who were willing to repent if they heard the Gospel, they were gathered there. When they had all been gathered before this Army came in, these missionaries led them up to Zion ahead of the forces. If ever at any time they were to come under attack, they would pray and a cloud of God would be over them and He would protect them and they would not be destroyed. And then they would move on, going up to Zion. God went before them and God was behind them and God was over top of them and protected them. And that was happening all over this Country for those that God was bringing His Zion. And I had seen these things happening. This was the most real experience I have ever had. I saw prophecies taking place. "Noisome Beats". What I had seen was a multitude of races warring against each other. Companies of vigilantes and running para-military troops. I said, "Lord, those are beasts"...that is what you mean by beasts...what I saw? Is that the noisome beast... noisome... is that wild and deadly...wild and deadly beasts...these companies of vigilantes... multitudes of racial rioters and para-military troops running among the people?" I saw in this vision the border between Kansas and Missouri. This is the Missouri River. This is the North and this is Independence. This invading army came right to here to the banks of the Missouri River. What I noticed and what was completely visible in this was

that when this invading force came, some people fled at the noise of the tumult. They were terrified. The reputation of this army and what had gone on before was well known such that the people who had been fleeing here who were not righteous, that when the Army came up to the banks of the Missouri River and up against the border of Zion, the people who were not righteous continued to flee. They were fleeing from before the Army, these who were not gathered. They had come here and thought they would be safe and that the Army would never come this far. When the Army came this far, these people fled to the south where they thought there would be safety. They thought they could go south and there would still be safety but there was not safety. Everyone who fled out of this area was destroyed. (From audience..."I would like to confirm that my wife had an experience, a prophetic dream in which she was that same thing. The Armies were coming in on the borders of the City and the bulk of the people ran into the arms of the invaders:. Tom stated..."What I saw was that they just ran south and as they ran south, they were closed in upon".) From: . _______________________________________________________________________ _________ Series of Dreams on America's Last Days Given To David Kocurek Sr (DREAMS) "Surprise Attack" the season was fall in my dream, the place was Klamath Falls Oregon apparently we had just bought a peace of property. I looked to the (north) sky and saw a strange sign. I saw 2 posted lightning bolts one on top of the other in the blue sky. like that of a weather man would use but without the clouds. then I saw 3 all white war jets appear, flying 3 abreast from out of the "north" slowly they flew over my head. then suddenly a lightning bolt struck near by. followed by another, only this one was really close. some how, I knew or heard, that the US Air force was destroyed by a "new tactic" so I turned to run and saw another straing thing, I saw 3 all white shelters on my new property. they looked like large dome tents. I got inside one of the shelters with my two youngest children, for protection. this dream was disturbing. I wondered about it? it was powerful and so clear. and mysterious. I thought wow "WAR", and our air forces destroyed by a "New Tactic" wow. but I wondered about the sign of

two lightning bolts? what could they mean? a couple of weeks latter, wile bringing in groceries I glanced at the TV. their to my Amazement on a talk show was a US military person in uniform being interviewed, on his arm patch was the same lightning bolt I saw of the two in the sky in my dreams. I ran to turn up the TV in time for them to say, what is it that you do? what is your specialty? the military guy pointed to his patch and said my specialty is in " tactical nuclear weapons". how many dreams do you have that things you see in your dreams end up as a real thing in real life??? not many. so this really got my attention. now I know what the two lightning bolts in the sky and that struck the ground was. "Tactical nuclear weapons." now it made perfect sense, because in Klamath falls Oregon there is a military Air field, Kingsly field, with 4 fighter wings and the only ICBM missile silo in Oregon . now talk about the lord waking you up, this is the way the lord shows me the truth of many of my dreams. then the lord gave me this dream; I was in an all blue room. in the middle of this room, was a table. at the table sat a top US military guy in uniform. around him were many people from the press corp. they were interviewing him about the latest sex scandal to hit his branch of service. the press corp. was very mean. and full of accusations, going as far as to insinuate even this head military guy himself. but in my heart , I knew they were wrong. so I felt sorry for him and went over to him put my hand on his shoulder and said, it will be ok general. then to my surprise, he turned and gave me a dirty look. it was then that I realized my mistake. because he was not a US general for the Army, but rather a US Admiral for the Navy. they hate that sort of thing. then the seine changed. I found my self with this same Admiral at some US Naval dock. many were running to and from. they seemed in an awful hurry. so I asked the US Admiral, what's going on? he said to me that all our US Navy ships at sea were destroyed. so they were in a hurry to get these old war ships ready for combat. so I offered to help. we went aboard this old air craft carrier. we went down down below wear the boilers were to get them started. it was really badly rusted but I opened the door and grabbed a shovel to stir up the cold ashes. wile I was doing this, I saw a straing thing. under the ashes were several large eggs that were cooked in the ashes? I was puzzled. but then the Admiral came over to me and put his hand on my shoulder and said, its no use son all that we have in reserve is hard boiled.

now this dream speaks for its self. US navy destroyed but I wondered about the fraise the Admiral said "hard boiled" could it mean that our reserve fleet could be hit by a nuclear weapon? or what. then I was given this dream; I dreamed I was on a Russian Navy dock. their were many ships and subs. I watched the busy port with all the Russian Navy personnel going to and from ships coming and going. as if no one could see me. but just then a Russian sailor was waving me over? come. come. he was standing on a sub being loaded with many things. so I went over to him. he met me on the dock by this sub. then the sailor looked around to see if any one was watching then showed me something. I saw a pallet covered by an old tarp. he lifted the tarp and I saw two old (nuclear torpedoes.) old but very much alive. they were loading it aboard this Russian sub. it was a small regular sub. not those big nuclear ICBM types. but the smaller WW2 diesel size type. this dream too speaks for its self, it's plain that the Russian Navy regardless of the post cold war treaties, signed to remove all nuclear weapons. From all Russian and American surface navy ships. to include nuclear tipped torpedoes. with the exception of both and all nuclear ICBM subs. now it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out we Americans are on the take and in big trouble. and our government is blind when it comes to these nuclear treaties. just "one" nuclear torpedo can destroy an entire fleet. so I wondered a surprise attack on America from the "north???" our navy our air force destroyed??? is it possible??? in Jeremiah 50 and 51 this Attack comes from the "north" In the Military Dream... I dreamed I was at some military Academy base. back in the eastern part of America. were they teach and study military doctrine, the ways of warfare and military Tactics. I saw a military student sitting on the curb. so I walked across the street and sat beside him. so I asked him, about this possibility of a massive attack on America. and I asked him if it were possible. he turn and looked at me and said, oh yes, in fact he said that a naval Admiral even wrote about this very thing. and warned the government and wrote something about Americas weak northern Area above America. I got the feeling, this Admiral wrote his sore displeasure over the fact Americas weakest point was in the north. and this military student was able to look this up in his military library and it was no secret.

I now got the feeling from this dream, that Americas northern door was wide open, and no body is watching this area very well. this is sad. but we know presently that Canada don't want to put any American early warning Radar on Canadian soil. so much for doing much about that. this in my opinion is very dangerous for both Canada and America who share in each others national security. stupidity now theirs a word? now with all this info running thru my mind, one cant stop and think, what next??? what of the obvious land invasion that would sure to fallow??? because you don't just attack a nation like America like that and do nothing ? Dumitru Duduman's prophecies come to mind among others? so I asked the lord and prayed Allot! because this troubled my heart. The Lord then gave me a new series of dreams; "American Invasion" by Russia and China. I'll start with this dream, I was in Montana. I had a job. my job was to ferry troops to and from the front lines of war. west of Missoula to the state capital Helena. for rest and relaxation. these US troops wore civilian clothes. they all were very tired. on the ride, no one said a word. no smiles, no talking nothing. the looks on their faces just reflected the hardships and horrors they experienced on the front lines of this war. then when we got to Helena, we went to a school or something for the men could get a hot shower. even then no one said any thing. no smiles not a word. then a man whispered something, but I cant remember. all I could do was think on how bad this war must really be???. this made me think, war is not a pretty thing. war is hell. In this dream, I found my self standing in a line of men, that went all the way from inside this building out side were I stood at the end. now I knew that I was drafted into the Army and just waiting to be checked in. and to get my gear. then wile looking around, I noticed another line of draftees, only these were boys around 12-13? this surprised me and I thought wow, this war must be real bad if America was drafting little boys? then I wondered where I was and what was this place??? so I tapped the guy on the shoulder in front of me and asked what is this place? where are we? he looked over his shoulder at me and said, Fort Hood Texas.

after waking up, I went to my computer and typed in Fort Hood Texas since I've never bin to Texas I just had to know. then their it was, Fort Hood Texas "a military base". and a very big one at that. its straing how I can dream about a place I've never bin but in reality it does exist. the lord works in mysterious ways. and confirms some of my dreams for me in this way. I think, its his way of removing my own doubts. and showing me the truth. In another dream, I was in the us army with 20 other men in a unit. we wore civilian clothes. yet had M-16 rifles. we were in the Nevada desert walking north up this valley. it was our job to meet and stop the Russian advance in this area. their was little vegetation I was noticing how small the plants and brush and cactus was. because they were only a few inches high. then gun fire erupted! I hit the dirt, and saw the enemy in fox holes about 100 meters apart in front of us, two enemy per fox hole. I opened fire, a full clip. then as I went to change clips, I noticed every one in our unit moving to the right. towards this small hill. for better cover. so I fallowed. by the time we all got to the hill the gun fire had stopped, then the men in my unit thru up cheers that we had finally met up with and stopped the enemy advance. some were so happy in fact, that some decided to moon the Russian troops in the valley below. this made me laugh. now I don't know why civilian clothes are used and not military uniforms but its my guess, that the government of the US military, wont have enough to cloth the millions who will be needed to fight this coming war. because this will be no small military engagement but all out war! world war 3. I wondered who will be on our side to help us? I prayed and wondered? in a dream I heard a voice, it said "Australia and England." and that US special forces will be aloud to train in these two countries, to help repel the invaders. I guess we can forget Europe's help? so much for NATO? or their probably afraid of an invasion in to Europe's main land. or they already at war some were else? I just don't know? to many possibilities. and the lord has not shown me yet. In another dream, I was in my home town of Klamath Falls Oregon I was out side. the towns people were trying to devise a plan to stop the Russian Advance in to Klamath, from Medford. but I saw a man run up to us and told the towns people that the Russians took a different route to Klamath than expected.

now this is alarming for me seeing how I live their. so I asked the lord what should I do? set an ambush or something? fight? what. the lord told me that "no, I cant stop them." he's right, if the lord is the one who is sending this Russian Army because of Americas sin, then who am I to Stop them? and who can? but if this nation will repent and turn back to Jesus, may be then? I wonder what it will take for sinful Americans to turn back to God and Jesus and stop sinning? what about you? every one should ask him or her self this Question. life or death, Jesus or the devil, heaven or hell, save your soul or not to save? Jesus thinks your soul is worth saving, he even died on the cross to save it, to all who would believe in him. John 3-16 John 3-16. In another dream, I was a US guerilla fighter, fighting Russians behind enemy lines. I was in the mountains and forests south of Medford Oregon, as I walked carefully with my rifle thru the Forest. I saw a straing thing. I saw a small steel man hole cover. it had this written on it " OIL Eugene Oregon" I opened it up and could see oil had bin in it. just then I found my self in Eugene Oregon I was in a suburb their. even farther behind enemy lines. the houses where all looted! widows broken the people all gone. evidence of war every were. I grew scared. I went in to one of the looted houses to hide. the place was thrashed to say the least. but on the Floor among the junk I noticed many of those Straps and Belts that Russians wear with their Coats just left on the floor? about 20 or 30 of them? it was as if the evidence of a past and very major costly battle took place their, and the Russians paid a very heavy price in blood and material, not just Americans. I looked out a broken widow and saw a Russian troop trifling around in some ones tool shed in some back yard. fear griped me. being spotted could mean death. I wanted to run and hide. but for some reason I only got closer and closer. so close I could see his face. then I realized he couldn't see me. why I don't know? but as I watched him going thru this tool shed. it seemed he was looking for something? the look on his face was worry. he seemed out of supply? he seemed desperate. I got the feeling the Russian war Machine was winding down which left this troop, to defend for him self. A major battle will take place in Eugene Oregon . Eugene Oregon is the place where the pacific north west gets its Gas. Eugene has a large oilfuel Tanker farm their. perhaps this is why the Russians wanted Eugene so bad. to help keep the Russian war machine fueled up? but what I got from the Russian troop was that the war machine was running out of steam. out of supply and fire power and men food etc...

at this time this will worry Russia. the evidence was written all over the face of the Russian I saw in this dream. and if any one thinks that Americans wont fight heir in the Pacific north west, their wrong. Also, the bible seas they will come to take loot. and looting they did. In another dream, I was in Sacramento California. with a US military unit of twenty men. in civilian clothes. we had m-16's we were patrolling the city. to keep it safe from any enemy from trying to come in. as we were patrolling, we heard a gun shot and saw commotion ahead at a apartment building. so I called in an air strike. but when the jet was about to drop its bombs a an old F-4 Phantom, it suddenly veered off (not) dropping any. as it turned out, it was just some drunk man in a domestic dispute. then our unit was in the foot hills around the city to hunt down Chinese who were hiding in the hills. I was talking to a US commander and he was saying that China had captured one of the Hawaiian islands and some how landed in northern California, thru a small coastal town. and got this far as Sacramento hills. so we went hunting Chinese. so wile driving around in the foot hills with an old world war 2 tank, Sherman tank? we came across many Chinese military vehicles parked hidden in the brush. so we took advantage of the situation and opened fire on the hidden vehicles . destroying many. the man to my right bragged that he got five with one shot from his cannon. armor piercing Round. but no Chinese? latter we found some Chinese on another ridge but a battle had already started. when we got their. wile watching the battle unfold from another ridge. I was talking to an older man. who fought in world war 2. he said to me, our equipment may be old world war 2 stuff but at least it worked well and he smiled real big. then we turned to watch the battle on the other ridge. as I watched I could see 20 or so of US troops try to take a ridge top. the Chinese held the top. as I watch I could see the US troops trying to get up the steep grassy hill. they were pulling out big clumps of tall green grass in their efforts to reach the top. but just when they was about to reach the top, the Chinese opened fire on the US troops. all 20 of the Us troops were shot and killed and rolled back down to the bottom of the hill. this dream tells me a lot of things. About what the US will be left to fight with equipment wise. also About the fact that this war will have a problem with American civilians, caught up in the war. and could be killed easily ether by enemy or by American troops. with civilians being caught in the middle of all the fighting and not realizing the dangers of war and being caught between two fighting Army's. I also learned that

Americans will without a doubt send wave after wave of US troops Against their enemy's. After all, it is our home land. but in doing so, many many US troops will go to their deaths in this war. fighting for their home land. I also learned, that one should never underestimate the power or intelligence of your enemy. nor his will to want to kill you. Americans now think oh Russia, and China, they cant do nothing their weak. why they couldn't possibly, their not smart enough or as good as American troops. it is this thinking by Americans that is going to get Americans in to A lot of trouble. both now and then. Also in this world war millions and millions will die both military and civilian. doesn't the the bible say a third of all man kind would be killed by fire smoke and brimstone? by disease and famine? by today's population standards world wide, that's a third of 6 billion people. that's 2 billion people. yet that's just the beginning. that's why Jesus stated that their will be no other time in mans history as like in the last days. and in fact if he don't cut those days short and Jesus to come back to stop it and fight for Israel in the Battle of Armageddon, that their wont be any left alive. does not the bible tell man that Jesus will return? yes many times. read Revelation 22-7 and 12 and 20. "major US counter Attack" (the map) in this dream I was back east some where? some were east the Mississippi River?. some place hidden. I was in a US war room. their was one US General at a table standing alone, looking At a map of North America. he had many staff working busily around him. I walked over to the table were this General was. I could see a large north American map. on the map, I could see the great plains the Mississippi river the west coast the Rocky mountains. most Canada, Alaska. and All the west coast. I could see Texas and all the plain states. but the East coast of America I could not see???. I saw the battle lines marked in red. and all that was captured by the enemy. the enemy were west of this line. this line stared in the north. it started in the most upper north eastern corner of Alaska at the Artic ocean and at the Canadian Alaska boarder. the line went South into Canada along the Rocky mountains. it went west in a few spots but back again to the Rocky Mountains then all the south to to the border of Canada. and Montana. about where Glacier National Park is. then straight south thru the mountains to Idaho then further south thru the mountains of central Idaho then thru the Valley in Idaho to the Nevada Idaho Boarder, Cutting Idaho in half. then south in to Nevada. then it bulged halfway in to the state in a south western loop then back north all the way to the Oregon

Nevada boarder. it resembled like an up side down button mushroom. then the line went strait west along the Nevada Oregon border to the mountains and the Oregon California boarder. then straight west thru the mountains and hills and forests along the California Oregon boarder to the pacific coast. I was surprised on how much territory the enemy had captured. however The US General devised an Ingenious plan. Bold and Ingenious. he launched his huge counter attack from the Great plains. however for the Sake of the millions of lives and to those who will be fighting in this future battle, so I wont go in to much detail. but this Generals plan worked. "Check Mate." yet the world war continues. now just a hunch, this war will last for about 3 and one half years. "see buffalo and bear dreams below" this dream brings me hope. hope, that America will see her wrong in sin, and forgetting God. I feel this is Americas chance to "turn or burn". to put back God of the bible in our constitution and government, and God back in to the schools, Back in to our courts. remove Pride from our lives and from the symbol of the Flag and humble ourselves. make this one nation under God again. to really mean what we say on the US dollar " In God we Trust " We need to pull together as a nation in righteousness and deed. "Wake Up America, Wake Up" we should be a nation as jealous of our God and bible as the Arabs are for their book the Koran. Remember it is God of the Bible who is in Power. Remember old King Nebuchadnezzar Realized this 7 years after the first fall of Babylon and God gave him Back his kingdom. in Daniel 3 and 4. please America learn the lessons and read the books of the prophets. the bible tells of a time when the "Governors" of Babylon will fight against each other. Civil war. Before destruction Comes. Jeremiah 50 and 51. Also dose Dumitru Duduman's prophecies, but mine seems to end with one. "Civil War" I dreamed I was on a tall mountain in California over looking the deserts of Nevada, and looking east as far as I could see. I was with a beloved man of Jesus who I met years ago. he was standing in front of me. then I saw him do a straing thing. he put a shoulder launched cruise missile to his shoulder, and pointing east he fired it. then said that will reach Chicago in a bout 5-6 hours. I was shocked. why did you do that why would you fire on your own country??? he finally turned with a very serious face and said, Because if we are going to

die fighting, we might as well die fighting heir. as in the home land not abroad. now. this dream has to many variables even to think what would happen. but it is clear that after the Russians and Chinese are pushed out of the main land, that those of federal government will want to continue the world war Abroad. but the feelings of the general public out west will be. if we are going to die fighting then we might as well die fighting heir in America. I can see why they would think this. they feel this way because already millions will be dead. and millions in the west will have had enough of war and occupation and being told what to do from the Russian and Chinese for about 3 and one half years and now even American Government. and by this time all Americans will have many many Guns in their personal armories not to mention what each state government will have by this time shortly after the enemy is pushed out of the main land USA. "3 and one half years?" the great Bear and the great Buffalo fight. years ago I had a powerful dream I dreamed I was in the middle of a forest with many pine trees. when all of a sudden a great bear appeared. he was huge and very powerful. he saw me and ran towards me to attack. I ran to a half fallen tree that was stuck against another. but the bear was very tall and was just about to get me, then out of the forest appeared a great Buffalo he was huge and very powerful. the buffalo attacked the bear before he could devour me. but the bear knocked the buffalo down to the forest floor. and Again the bear charged me, he almost had me but then Again the buffalo attacked the bear before he could devour me. so again the bear knocked the buffalo to the forest floor a second time. but then again the bear came at me again and almost got me, I thought it was the end of me, when the buffalo attacked the bear a third time. my heart was rooting for the buffalo who was defending my life. but again the buffalo fell to the forest floor. the bear came over to me and put its claws on the tree I was on, but both me and the bear was watching to see if the buffalo would get up again? as I was watching the buffalo lying on the forest floor a tear came to the buffalos eye. then the dream ended. Russia the great bear verses the great buffalo America. that's all I have to say about that.

I had a dream. I was in Toronto Ontario Canada. I was at some air port. I was being shown something in the spirit. I entered a small air craft and in the cock pit was a dark evil soul sitting their. I couldn't make out who it was because their was a dark aurora around him. so I focused on the dash. I saw a large cone shaped nuclear war head protruding from the dash. it was if this small air craft was built around this war head. the dash was aluminum. the gages were all new round and had back plastic trim. I looked out the window and could see it was a small single engine air craft like the ones they use as small bush plains in Alaska. made mostly of aluminum. the dash was not painted I saw just raw aluminum. terrorist have the bomb. Wake up America. David Kocurek Sr _______________________________________________________________________ _____ Gail Smith ...U. S. INVADED: Shortly after the second earthquake the United States will be attacked by invading forces. Russia will invade the East coast and China the West coast. The invasion will include missile attacks. She was shown that the invasion would occur when people were eating and drinking which Gail believes to be Thanksgiving, but possibly Christmas. There will be nuclear attacks on both coasts, Las Vegas, and perhaps in Utah. [Note: This is supposed to take place following an October Wall Street economic COLLAPSE, which will be followed by a long-lasting quake 10 days later, and a MAJOR quake that will break many dams 15 days following the first quake. She saw the invasion taking place near or shortly after the second quake. 3 1/2 years after the first two quakes, two more MEGA-QUAKES will hit that will shake the entire planet and will kill millions and literally cause whole mountain ranges to rise and fall]. ...Many, including Isaiah and Gayle, have been shown the invasion of the US by Russia on the east coast and China on the west coast. Isaiah says that the invading forces, after accomplishing great destruction will be stopped by divine intervention and themselves destroyed &/or driven back. One man was told that the invasion would occur after the US ships troops to Korea. [Note: Gail has also stated that she has had dreams/visions of what may be destined to be the greatest military ground battle in the history of the world, which will take place in the Nevada desert between Eastern and Western military forces]. ___________________________________________________________________ Raymond Aguilera 30 May 1992 Saturday at 3:23 AM. in tongues in Spanish and English.

70. All of Germany will unite. Russia will reassemble, reorganize . The False Prophet will be risen from the Middle East, and he will unite with the Beast at the appointed hour in time . This False Prophet from the Mid East, Middle East, is going to use the Power of Satan to deceive. He is going to create Miracles . He is going to do things that you're going to consider wondrous, great 6 September 1994 at 3:08 PM 546. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 September 1994 at 3:08 PM. in Spanish. Korea's eyes are going to radiate, the Korea of the Chinese. The country of Korea, it's going to radiate with all that there is of the devil. Then all that you believed of the wars is going to begin in North Korea. Remember that I told you about the bomb of North Korea. For they are very wise, and they are very pointed to the things of the devil. Yes! It has arrived, the point of the bomb, of North Korea. For they are going to move toward the south. Yes! They are going to move with hunger, with the hunger of the force that they have. For they have arrived at the point that they want to do something, with their power, with their soldiers, with all that is of the devil. Look at North Korea for many people are going to die in the south, and in the north. For the men that run the north want the power. They want all that is filthy, and they don't care how many die for all that they want is power. Yes!, mark it on your calendar. Here comes North Korea. It coming to the south, and South Korea won't be able to stop the north. For the south of Korea have their eyes pointed in the money, in the things of the world. They don't care for anything of God, Watch yourself of North Korea for they are on the loose, the pigs of the devil, with the force of the demons. They are going to begin to move to the south. Yes! For they are hungry for the blood. Yes! It has arrived the day of the war of Korea. 28 September 1994 at 12:08 PM. in English. 592. Show Me Moscow and I will show you the pit of hell. For the things in Moscow are going to change for the worse. For the reorganization of Russia will begin. It will be violent. It will be complete. For the devil is going to come from underneath all the rocks, from the sewers, from the alleys, and he is going to create an uprising. For the hammer and the sickle will be used on the people. ____________________________________________________________________

Sudden Destruction
February 2004 I don't have dreams very often that deal with end time events, that's usually my wife's area. However, this morning I woke up from the most realistic nightmare I

have ever had in my life. It may just be emotional, I understand that there are "signatures" to look for in a God inspired dream. But this dream has affected my whole day today, with me thinking of it constantly, so I decided to go ahead and share it with the group. I live in the New Orleans area of Louisiana. There is a large lake North of the City called Lake Pontchartrain. This lake is crossed by two long bridges. The one the goes across the middle of the Lake is called the Causeway, and is 27 miles long, the longest bridge in the world. The Bridge that crosses the Eastern part of the lake is called the Twin Span. It is 5 miles long. The communities and cities all around The lake are part of the New Orleans Metro area and are intertwined culturally and economically. In my Dream, My family and I were sitting on the south end of the twin span bridge. There were other people in their cars just sitting there with us, like a traffic jam, buses, trucks, campers, etc... There seemed to be a toll gate type of structure in the down position blocking our way from crossing the bridge. There is no such structure in real life. We were actually out of the cars milling around and talking with the other people when suddenly, KABOOM! I looked southwest toward a city called Metairie, which is actually the bedroom community to New Orleans, I saw fire in the heavens in the shape of a burning ball. A pillar of smoke like the Hiroshima and Nagasaki A-bombs, ascended into the Atmosphere. We were all stunned into silence and Horror. Metairie and half of New Orleans was gone. The fireball settled into a reddish ball of churning fire, that looked almost like the setting sun which was a few degrees to the north of the fire ball. I began to think of the intense heat that was going on and how my inlaws, many of whom live there, were faring. I realized they were probably dead. As I was gazing into this hellish sight, KABOOM!, due east another Bomb went off. In my mind I knew it was the Russians and they had planned this. They had destroyed the Causeway to cut off any travel by civilians and Military. By this time I, my stomach began to get upset at the finality of all I was seeing. Withen seconds, KABOOM! another Bomb hit Slidell on the North Shore, another bedroom community where more of our relatives lived and now had perished. KABOOM, Another went off directly north of us destroying a major interstate junction. I-10 and I-12 join at this point. I realized I was witnessing not just a random dropping of bombs, but a calculated and Strategic Strike. The Bombs were not huge H-bombs but more like Tactical nukes. When the one north of us hit people began to panic and jumped into their cars and actually drive North toward the destruction, where their families had just perished. We warned them not to go but many did not listen and drove off breaking through the lowered toll gate. When I figured they were near the end of the bridge on the opposite side, KABOOM! One Hit

Five miles away on the North Shore of the bridge. I ran in terror back to my family and told them to get down, because I knew the Shock wave was coming. No sooner when I turned to yell at them, KABOOM, another one hit to the south of us in a town called Chalmette, the Historic Site of the Battle of New Orleans, and a place loaded with Oil refineries. We were totally cut off and surrounded by these weapons of Destruction. I could see the shock wave coming toward us like a boiling black cloud of debris. At this point all was lost. I thought of my internet friends, Konny and Peg who live in other countries, and wondered if they would see this in the news because I knew it was probably happening all over the USA. I couldn't believe the attack I had read about so much on the internet prophecies had just happened. It was so sudden! So unexpected! We always in our minds think Oh this stuff is "a few years away". Well it just happened! I was caught totally off guard. I dove toward the deck of the bridge and prayed to God, and asked forgiveness of every sin I could think of especially my complacency. I also realized that most didn't have this last minute chance at prayer. They were taken into eternity in a fiery instant. I looked at my little boy and cried as I saw two shockwaves approaching from the north and south. I yelled to him to get down low, and thinking how everything we knew was gone in a matter of a few minutes. When the Shock wave Hit me, I woke up in a sweat, shaking in fear! Thanking God I had a second chance. It was so real. The sharpness of the explosions and the colors, the emotions, sounds, etc.... In fact I was thinking that I wished it was a dream, but knew it couldn't be. That's it. Don't know if it's from God, but it sure made me a little more urgent with my time left on this Earth. _______________________________________________________________________ __

I was in a Submarine
02/09/03 I dreamt I was in a submarine I was in the sub. I was looking in the submarine and there was a child with a see through book bag on his back, he was sitting on the floor. there were tropical fish in his bag, they looked like they were dyeing. I told the Boy to be careful and then I looked at this huge fish take. there were tropical fish there alive, but the water was almost gone I said we must put some water in here before they die! The fish were in the air as if there was water in there, but

there was no water on the fish. Then I had this thing, it was given to me. I took it and I could look threw it like a spyglass to see the ocean out side the sub. I was looking for start fish. there was someone there directing me on how to use this contraption to see out side the sub. I said I found one. It was a starfish. I focused the thing right over the Star fish to get a close up view and said see! There is a star fish it was nice looking and orange. Dream stoped I have found in some of my dreams the Lord is showing me things to pray for. this is one of those dreams, not sure what it's all about, but thought I would share. I started to search on starfish and submarine and this is what I found. these are missiles that come out of subs. from dream I remember right before I focused on the one starfish I saw 5 to 6 from up above, they were black but I knew they were star fish! Missiles. USA Code Name----SS-N-15 Nato Code Name----Starfish Russian Designation---Tsakra Range-----45 Km Design Bureau----Novator Propulsion---Solid Rocket Speed----Subsonic In-service:----yes Notes:Sub Launched Anti Sub like USA SUBROC - Nuclear Warhead Note; Russia has these missiles. The SS-N-15 (Starfish) is a Russian 533 mm calibre anti-ship missile capable of being fitted with a 10-20 kT warhead or a Type 40 torpedo, and has a range of 37-45 kilometers. The SS-N-15 Starfish ASW has a range of 45-50 kilometers. This non strategic weapon was deployed in 1973. It uses the 82R torpedo or 90R nuclear depth charge missile. hard to believe that is a starfish' what do you guys think? Posted reply 02/09/03 But seriously that dovetails very closely with a brief audible vision I had last week. Just three words...* Kittyhawk, March 6th, attack. If that is a Russian manufacture antiship

missile, well the North Koreans most likely have them as they also use Russian submarines. *underline mine-TP __________________________________________________________________

Predicted destruction of a US Navy Carrier Task Force

Alexander B. Cuppett US Army & Action Officer, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Retired) 366 Graves Mill Rd Madison, VA 22727 31 August 2005 TO: General Richard Meyers, Chairman, the Joint Chiefs of Staff INFO: CNO, VJCS; CSA; SMA, CSAF; CMC, CINCEUR-SACEUR; USEUCOM, CINCPAC; CINCPACFLT, CINCLANT, CINCLANTFLT; COMSUBPAC, COMSUBLANT, CINCCENT, CDR-JCSE, CGSOUTHCOM, CGFORSCOM, CGNORTHCOM, CG ALASKAN COMMAND; Senator Allen, and Congressmen Goode and Cantor. Subject: Predicted destruction of a US Navy Carrier Task Force Ref: My Ltr to you, Subj: Soviet Defeat of the USS Kitty Hawk's Radar Surveillance "Screen" in WESTPAC, dtd, 10 Feb 2002 (NOTAL) Ref Ltr was sent to you and fourteen Flag Officers, including nine Members of Congress, conclusively proving that the Soviets now have "spoofing" capabilities which can defeat our best radar technology. The following will inform you of our coming naval defeat as a result of this "pilfered" capability. Moreover, you can thank Bill and Hillary Clinton, for the spoofing technology transfer in 1993-1994. The ref Ltr also details how this transpired; and can be found on page 129-130 of the book, "America Sold Out", published in 2003. ( & General, I have a friend who, during the nine years I have known him, has never been wrong on any "prediction" he has made. This includes, but is not at all limited to, the Dow-Jones Industrial's "bottom-out" on 24 Sept 2002; and the rise of "per-barrel" oil prices, to the very dollar amount(s) this year! The subject prediction, detailed below, concerns the US Navy.

Some days ago my friend was given a Holy Ghost vision of a US Navy Carrier Task Force, consisting of fifteen ships and three subs, being attacked by Chinese (PRC) forces. In the scenario there was a "football-shaped fleet" (see Atach) sailing in formation. There were fourteen surface ships ahead of/or around the flagship, a CVA/CVN. Suddenly the carrier, which was in the center of the formation, was hit on the port side. A huge hole opened and the carrier then "slowed and shuddered to a stop". Before any planes could be launched it rolled 30 degrees to port, casting all aircraft into the ocean. It then rolled to 90 degrees and capsized; all in a matter of a few minutes. (Enemy surface and subsurface elements were also operating.) At that point the entire formation was struck by missiles, each ship being hit; including "two [SSN] submarines", which were operating submerged on the flanks of the CVA. This included the loss of a "rover", fast attack sub, which was also in the Task Force. Subsequently, enemy aircraft over flew the fleet; therefore it must be ascertained the attacking planes were never detected by the radar screen. The ships were sunk by "air-to-surface" missiles, whereas, the subs were sunk with "air-to-subsurface" devices. I suspect the missile which hit CVA had a "nuke tip". I also suspect the recent Sino-Soviet exercises were perfecting their operations plan(s) to attack our WESTPAC units. Be advised the "bait" will be an incident with Taiwan; and the Russians and the North Koreans shall be, in some manner, involved in the scenario. The entire formation was sunk; not one element/unit surviving. The loss of life was great. Be advised, the gentleman having this vision has absolutely no knowledge of US Navy surface or subsurface operations/tactics; to include convoy screening techniques. Have a great day, sir, as you and the other "Chiefs" are going to need a bunch of them -- soon. Very respectfully, yet sorrowfully, with warm regards, Al Cuppett Bronze Star & Purple Heart Medals, et al, RVN, 1970-1971 (1957-1979) Secretary of Defense Civilian Service Medal, the Joint Staff, 1990 Joint Meritorious Unit Award, the Joint Staff, 1984-1990 [Nineteen years "joint service" during my 31-plus years of service to the USA; in over 35 countries.] _______________________________________________________________________ _______

Coming Judgment on America!

Ann * 1994 About eight years ago I had a night vision. A wall in my bedroom lit up like a movie theater, and a dark-cloaked shadow appeared in my doorway. The shadow pointed at the wall and said, "Look, son of man, and listen to what I am going to tell you." I was not scared of the shadow realizing that he meant me no harm, just wanted my attention. On the wall appeared first and up above the rest of the vision the Chinese flag and the Russian sickle, the hammer, that is in the Russian flag was over the head of the Eagle which was at the bottom of the screen. The hammer-type object was beating the Eagle to death, feathers were going everywhere. I reached up and caught a feather. Realizing that this represented America, I began to feel death in my spirit. I started to cry to the Lord and begged Him to remember His promise to us that if My people which are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, then I will heal their land. The shadow spoke at this point and said, "Not this time child. Tell my children I love them, but these things too shall come to pass." I cried so hard and begged continually with great concern. The shadow said. "Child, please hear what I am saying. These things where written long before time began, and they must come to pass soon. Please tell my Children that I love them, they will not understand. They will not see it coming. Tell my Children that I love them." _______________________________________________ Vision #1 Paul Cunningham 1955. I was standing in a travel trailer in a mobile home park, in Riverside California, in 1955, after a time of prayer. The Spirit spoke to me, "Go outside and look up in the air, to your left". I opened the door, stepped outside, and looked up to my left. This happened shortly after noon. As I looked up, I jumped back, very startled by what I saw! It was so vivid, I thought it was "physical"... Standing "in the air" about 100 feet from me, was a Chinese Communist Soldier, in full battle gear, holding a Russian made automatic rifle, "at the ready'". I fully expected to feel the impact of bullets... as he seemed about to fire. I heard the Voice of God saying, "even so shall they stand in this place"...

In the spirit, I knew they would come in, through Mexico. That was the extent of that vision. I have told it to few people as most who have heard it, dismiss it as "ridiculous"... After all, "we live in Christian America, and God would never allow anything like that to happen here". One thing I know, 'WHEN GOD SPEAKS, YOU CAN TAKE IT TO THE BANK"! _______________________________________________________ Kathy 29 May, 1997 I wanted to share what I have been seeing traveling from our home to our church for the past six months. After reading about the different reports coming in I thought this would be the right timing, I have been asking the Lord what this means. I have been seeing (but wasn't revealed the meaning) except it was China taking over different pockets of the USA. My family and I live about 40 miles to our church so we have to drive every Sunday to get there. For the past 6 months or so whenever we get to a certain area I begin to see these soldiers in black pants with red jackets, black boots with some kind of emblem on their lapel. (I cannot see the emblems impression yet I know it plays a significant role in identification and time). Anyway these soldiers are scattered in groups where they have taken over this area (roughly covering an area of about two small cities population). I just see them standing around but sense they are from China and this has been a takeover of this area. There are no Americans in sight but a sense of devastation and imprisonment all about this area of Americans and homes being confiscated. That is all I have but it occurs at the same place every time. We live about 40 miles south of Nashville, Tn and our church is approximately 2 miles from Nashville. The Lord has also confirmed this through my son which is 13. He has dreams of us being in underground caves fighting the Chinese, my husband as well has had dreams of our family being in the mountains fighting gorilla warfare from enemy forces. They are too much to go into but the Lord usually gives the dreams to them out of the blue. Of course my son does not evaluate them, he just wakes up sometimes and tells me Mom let me tell you about my dream, and it is usually prophetic in nature of what the Lord is showing me as well as my husband. We try not to focus on the dreams so that my son will not manufacture them. Actually we do not even talk much about it but listen to what he says in the dream and take it to the Lord later by ourselves. __________________________________________________________________

Hurricanes and Russian attack


I dreamed that I was in my grandmother's house which was totally restored. (It is now abandoned and broken down) Apparently my family was living here now in this wonderfully restored house. I was so happy to be here with feelings of nostalgia running deep. There were other people living here with us that I don't know but in the dream they belonged there with us and I seemed to know them, as we interacted in daily routine chores. Then the dream turned. There was great fear and confusion that seemed to fall upon the house suddenly. A hurricane was aprroaching. It seemed to be Isabel, but I can't be sure. At the same time, We knew we were being attacked by the "Enemy". Now the freaky stuff. Apparently, in my dream world, every household had controls in the kitchen that could launch nuclear missles in retaliation to any aggression from a foreign power. The storm was right on us and we didn't know if we should launch our own missles. I remember seeing my wife with her hand on a key, ready to turn and launch. I was wondering how this beautiful return to my Grandmother's house had become such a nightmare. I was so angry at the Russians for arbitrarily deciding to kill me and my family. I wanted to destroy them back! My little blue eyed blond girl was holding her baby doll looking up at me for comfort and explanation, which tore at my heart even more. Then a voice in the air started to speak. It was like a 1950's radio news anouncer speaking but this was coming from thin air. No radio. He said, "The Russians will be attacking you soon. They will use this Hurricane as a shield to cover their attack by air. The nuclear devastation will be made worse by the hurricane winds and will also be disguised as Natural destruction. You may launch your missles." I realized it was a sneak attack because we would be vulnerable during such a storm. The Russians were behind it. I realized that we had to launch our own missles and that it was the end of our little nostalgic paradise. I suddenly woke up trembling. It seemed so real! I don't know if it was too much internet and weather channel last night or a dream from God, but it certainly made me go give everybody a hug. I felt like I had been given a second chance to live! __________________________________________________________________

Angels Preparing For War

John Fennan Vision 6/30/02

We had a time of worship and suddenly I was pulled up into heaven, though I knew I was still sitting in the chair. Yet all heaven was opened before me and I saw angels standing rank and file with Jesus at their head, but standing to the side. The angels were in ranks, about 7 across, standing shoulder to shoulder, and in units about 7 deep. These units were separated from the units behind them enough that a person could walk between them. Jesus was standing at the front left of the first line, which was to my right. The angels were just normal angels, looking like men, not outfitted with swords or armor or anything. I asked, "Lord, what are all these doing?" He said, "They're preparing for war." I asked, "What war?" He responded, "The battle of the ages". He continued: "There is a battle taking place in the heavenlies, a battle which will be seen in the earth at a later time. Even now preparations are being made in the natural. Troops are training in northern Russia for the invasion of Israel, and also along the southern borders, and elsewhere. (As he spoke I saw a map of Russia. My eyes traced north along the Urals and then a point to my right, which would be east of the Urals, where training is taking place. Then my eyes were directed to scan along the southern borders, even among some of the former Soviet Republics, and again, down into the middle east and north Africa) (He also said, "The US is training for another task as well") Recalling my knowledge of WWII history he said: "Just as Germany built up it's army in relative quiet in preparation for it's invasion of Poland, so are armies being trained in secret today for another invasion. Their tactics have changed; while terrorist attacks will continue sporadically, the thinking now is to prepare behind the scenes for a massive invasion of Israel. They too, have lost confidence in Arafat, and plans to act independently of him are well underway." "Remember what I told you before, that secret talks have been going on between Russia and those in the Middle East who would destroy Israel; these talks have, for the most part concluded, and alliances have been made in fulfillment of what you know already." (Ez 38) "You will see some of these things fairly shortly. But for now other things must take place, but the end is not yet. Watch what will happen in September of this year. Also, next year (2003) will be a very significant year for your country, and for Israel. All things will be shaken, but those who truly know me will not. They are the wise ones who know what is coming, whose ears are attuned to what the Spirit is saying, these cannot be shaken and will rise as lights and beacons in the land. Do not be afraid, but watch, for now is the season for things to be fulfilled, but the end is not yet." ______________________________________________________________________

Strikes on the USA

October 24, 2002 Mike Tucker

Major U.S. Explosion

05/2004 I dreamed the following: I saw a woman talking on a phone. She was wearing pearls around her neck and a Southern style sun-dress. While she was looking out the window, an explosion went off in the distance. Her eyes were filled with terror at what she saw then her skin quickly melted and peeled away from her face (I could not bear to see more of this dream scene, somehow I was able to close my eyes). Then I was taken to where the bomb went off. I stood next to the actual bomb and saw it sputter once (as if it might not go off) but then it fully exploded and formed a thin but high mushroom cloud. All around it, oil refineries and huge storage tanks went up in the explosion and added to the explosion. Then I was taken to a warehouse at a port loading dock. I saw several cargo boxes being loaded at different times. In them, I was made to know that the parts of the above bomb were contained and concealed. And this is how it entered into our land. Then the visual part of the dream ended, but this name was spoken three times with increasing volume and intensity, "Abu Muwahbe... ABU Mu-wah- be... ABU MU-WAH-BE", and the last name was clearly pronounced syllable upon syllable. Then I woke up. Meaning: I believe the bomb was in fact a nuclear device placed near a major oil installation. The mushroom cloud and great care taken to smuggle the bomb in suggests it was not conventional. The woman was clearly in Southern attire and suggests that a Southern port city with oil refineries is the intended target. I beg my Brothers and Sisters in Christ to pray that this event be put back and this Abu Muwahbe be revealed or captured. The Eagle, The Bear, and War 05/1990- I dreamed I was standing near a shelter by a field. I looked out across the field and saw a large eagle perched up high. The eagle had his wings spread out and was surveying the land. He spotted a small prey, glided down and landed upon it. Rather than snatching the rodent in flight and flying off, the eagle stood on the prey, raised his head, stuck its chest out and swept its wings back in a prideful fashion. Immediately, seemingly from nowhere, a huge bear, a goat and a very small animal jumped upon the eagle and began ravaging it. Its wings were tore off and the eagle was so badly damaged that in the great scuffle it mutated into a hideous and pathetic monkey-like creature that began running for its very life. As it ran, the bear lead the way after it until it was cornered. But

just as the creature was cornered and clearly about to die, a great man-like body rose up and I ran to this body and became part of it and we went to defend the dying creature. This dream troubled my spirit much and I intensely prayed to know the meaning of it for several years. I believe the eagle is the USA and while the USA pridefully clutches a lesser conquered nation, we will be attacked by several other powerful nations, probably Russia and its allies. However, though the USA will be severely beaten, we will not be utterly destroyed for God will raise up a body to defend us, after we have been purged and reduced to the truly repentant. To this very day, this dream has been most prominent in my spirit. There is one part of this dream intentionally left out for it is not yet time to be revealed. A Bear 01/1991- I dreamed I saw the face of a bear with the word "Doomsday" written beneath it. I believe God will use Russia to judge the USA. _____________________________________________________________________

Ominous Dream
The night before last (A.M. of 11/18) I had a dream. I saw a huge globe (the table top type but without colors for land, water etc.) that was solid black. It had a large sickle underneath it, with the handle pointing straight up. Then I was in a cove-like area by the ocean and was told by a man (that I didn't see) that Russia had placed or was putting something on the ocean floor a little more than 120 yards out from the shoreline. For some reason whatever it was couldn't be placed out any further than that because then it wouldn't work correctly or at all? Then I saw a man with those flipper-things on his feet and a snorkel over his head walk out into the water to go check on whatever they were placing out there. I too had a snorkel on (no flippers) and started to follow him but woke up when I sucked water in through the snorkel. I'm thinking that the Lord gave me the picture of the 'globe' so that I would know that it was the earth, rather than just a huge black ball or something? My Scripture reading for the day then was Jeremiah 50. I'll let you read it for yourself, but confirmed for me, that the dream was a warning from the Lord. Hope to see you all in the clouds soon, but in the meantime are continuing to fervently pray for those who are not yet born-again, that they too might come to the saving knowledge of Christ before they find they've been left behind. I believe we have no idea the terrors that await those who wait until after the rapture to decide to follow Jesus. We must continue to hold them up in prayer, as I'm sure you're already doing. _________________________________________________________________

Winter Of Destruction
Joyce Chasteen

Prophecy October 25. 2003 Hello, I sent you an email regarding judgement on the church (see Dream - 92 below ). Now, I need your attention to this email. A couple of dear sisters said Jesus told them this winter is going to be a "winter of destruction". China + America will go to war. I've read many dreams/visions and a brother said (this was two decades ago when he had his dream) that he was told on Christmas between midnight & 8 am China would strike. Also, anything Jesus told these prophetess' about, ALWAYS came to pass WHEN He told them. ___________________________________________________________ _____________

A Dark Stain
1979? a dream i had when i was about 8. it was the only one i have had that might be about the future since i remember it quite well 25 years later. i saw a map of the world and a voice said, this is what will happen. a dark stain came out from northern russia arround st petersberg. and another flowed out from the crimea. the northern stain moved to scottland and totaly covered the entire uk. the southern stain moved into the med and a battle took place. the voice said, the reminants will help isreal and i saw a small fleet head to the israeli shore. the to stains met in the atlantic and touched america on the portion of land that bulges out just south of new york. meanwhile in the east another stain cqame out from china and quickly covered the entire pacific. this stain hit the usa at the same time down the entire west coast. both of the stains quickly covered the usa untill they hit the rockies. there they were stoped and the voice said they will be stoped here. it seemed to me that the only state with no land taken was utah. meanwhile in israel another army was invading and they took all of the land untill they crested a hill covered in scragy looking trees. then the hill was split by an entense light that carved the hill in 2. the voice said, they will be stoped here. _________________________________________________________________

Nuclear Holocaust
07/07/04 Dream

A very large dog was running around biting people and tearing up smaller animals at will. He was foaming at the mouth and assumed rabid. No one could get ahold of him and when he was shot he kept on attacking without being fatally wounded. He was becoming more mad and vicious as the raging attack went on. You could tell he was losing his strength yet he became even more vicious. I was watching this happen and this dog bacame a faceless man, the People and animals became various nations. This faceless man was attacking and finally backed into a corner by some red uniformed people. (I assumed them to be Chinese) They were winning in fighting back against him. This man pulled out a remote looking control with a red button, when he pushed it the red uniformed people were vaporized. Many mushroom clouds went up through Russia and China and other places including the USA. Others then came and were torturing the people who did not stop the Mad Dog. I could see a demon looking creature coming into focus in the background of the chaos. He was groing quite large and visible and I woke. ____________________________________________________________________

Russian Overtakers
Pattie Trovato May 2004 Dream given to Pattie Trovato of Baltimore, MD in late May of 2004. I've never had an Endtimes dream before. This poured understanding into me of how easily our country will be taken over, and how foreign military will oversee our country. In my dream there had been a nuclear explosion in the Baltimore-Washington corridor. Quickly I grabbed clothes, a tent, money and a little food, and stuffed them in our car. We traveled the backroads to get out of Maryland. My daughter was in a car behind me with the rest of our kids. My husband was going to meet us at the campground. Driving down a familiar highway in Pennsylvania, we were going to a campsite near Penn State College. The highway was jam-packed in both directions; traffic had come to a total stop due to some small accidents. I got out of our car and climbed up past the boulders under the trees to sit in the cool shade, as it was nice spring weather. The highway was filled with people in panic trying to get to the mountains, while other people in a panic were leaving the mountains to travel down southeast. Everyone was in a panic! Four black helicopters came from over the mountain range. They started buzzing up and down the road. Two left to go south. The third kept circling the area I was in; meanwhile in the fourth, someone using a bull-horn,

announced to all of us that martial law had taken effect and that we were traveling illegally. Everyone was required to return to their homes or face arrest and confiscation of their vehicles. I thought, "How can we go back home? The lanes of traffic on the highway are not moving!" A man in a southbound pickup truck started screaming at the black helicopter. He incited others to throw rocks at it, and even wanted people to turn over vehicles and block the highway to stop people from going home. A military person, dressed in black with dark grey, appeared at the helicopter's door and shot the man and two others to death. Other people in the area were forced to lay the bodies alongside the highway, and move their vehicles onto the shoulder of the highway. This paralyzed the people. No one really understood how different things were going to be. The circling helicopter swooped down, and a young military man jumped down to the road, on the northbound side. He was quite friendly, and gave new orders saying tourists should procede to their destination. We were told we could only visit ten days or less, then we were required to return to our primary residence. He told us we would want to go home anyway, because we would not be able to buy food anywhere except prepackaged food still available in gas stations. All grocery markets were closed. The only people who were to report to work were emergency workers. The gas stations were allowed to remain open in order for people to get home-after that, no one was to leave their home. Then the scene changed. I was back home, which is a twenty-minute drive from Baltimore. My family and I were watching a TV news conference on how people were coping with grocery stores being closed for the last three weeks. A military woman, dressed in the same outfit as the men in the helicopters, came to our front door. She made sure we were home, then put something sticky on our door on which to later afix government papers. They didn't want these papers put in a mailbox. She handed us a large envelope of papers. The contents included a mandatory appointment at the school where we were registered to vote. If you missed the appointment, you delayed getting food for your family. The majority of the people had eaten all their extra food. Absolutely everyone was required to share what they had. Food was the primary problem everyone had on their minds. The government did not want anyone to have any food left in their house. Any person not sharing the food they had stored up would have it all taken away-and go to jail. When I arrived at our place of voting, only a few people were allowed in at a time. Tables were set up the same as when we voted. We had to go to an

alphabetized table, state our name, and provide proof of who we were and how many people lived in our home. They confirmed this information with a computer. Anyone not registered had to go to a sports stadium to do their paperwork in order to get food. No more Wal-Mart food. Each family was issued something similar to WIC checks, and assigned one grocery store in which they could shop. The checks had food items listed, and how many one could buy. For example: Two - 16 oz. cans of vegetables, one - 1 lb. meat, six fruit items (fresh), etc. We could only buy at our assigned store. No one could shop unless they were a registered shopper, and only one person per family could be registered to shop. Each person had one certain day in which to shop. At my assigned store, there were only a few people allowed in at a time. Once the approved people were in, the doors were locked until the maximum time was over and the next group was allowed in. I only had 15 minutes to shop for the listed items on my check order, and only 5 minutes for a clerk to process everything. Each hour only three groups of people were allowed to enter. To ensure appropriate behavior, there were military guards with machine guns at various places in the store. Some people were assigned to shop in the middle of the night. We could choose whatever brand of canned goods or meats we wanted, but the amount was very limited. My grocery cart was only one-third full and it had to last us all week until the next scheduled weekly appointment, when we were given another WIC-type check with a limited amount of food listed to be purchased. Each person's check was commensurate with number of people living at their legal residence. One could buy all the paper goods and cleaners they wanted. As I was paying for my allotted food, another customer became very irate with the little amount of food he was being allowed to get. He started yelling at one of the soldiers. The soldier slowly pointed his gun at him, pushed back his helmet and stared at him a long time. Speaking in a Spanish accent this soldier said, "Don't be so upset. This will not do you any good." He pointed at a military vehicle out in the parking lot and continued, "Look! Your Russian overtakers have had to live like this all of their lives. Now-it is your turn." The dream ended. "Toward the end of the dream I knew the nuclear attack was not a single attack, but actually many 'small' attacks, and was accomplished thru a Russian and Spanish speaking country alliance. "I woke with a very clear knowing of how easily people will cooperate with a new government in order to get a little food. "I saw how voting registration will be used to organize food distribution.

After I spoke with you at Harrisburg during Dr. Renny's meeting, I saw the entire dream again, shockingly crystal clear, just as was given the first time. _____________________________________________________________________ Bob Hickman Visions 1997-2002 Vision In this vision I saw America at war with China, and we where overwhelmed. China and Russia an agreement like NATO that if someone goes to war with one the other will run to the rescue. America will be destroyed when this event takes place. Vision In this vision I saw me saying to a small church group(shortened)you will see China do something to deliberately draw America into war and when we go, Russia will attack us out of the oceans, out of Mexico, out of Nicaragua, out of airplanes. The next major event you will see is that war firing up again in Iraq. You will see Iraq shoot nuclear weapons into Israel. ___________________________________________________________________ Four Planes Posted on a internet site 0703/03 I recently visited Texas to see my daughter and to meet Mr. Lowe, an exemplary brother in Christ in his old age with a lifetime of service to our Lord, especially in the area of prophecy. The Lord has shown him many things some of which have to do with America's downfall because of her sin. In the last few months, the Lord has been more specific as to the nature and the timing of an upcoming event that will probably change this nation forever. Some of us (including you) have a sense that we are on the verge of disaster and the Holy Spirit confirms this in our hearts. When my daughter told me about Mr. Lowe I prayed and felt that I should meet him and likewise, he prayed, and the Lord told him I would go. This meeting finally took place a few weeks ago and we had a wonderful time of fellowship during which at one point we paused to pray. We held hands and Mr. Lowe led us in Thanksgiving and praise; then the Lord began to speak about what was about to happen below is a brief summary which I have doublechecked with him via e-mail before sending it to you: Terrorists are going to fly four small planes at low altitudes (below radars?) over parts of Connecticut (prominent shipping industry area), Washington D.C. (government and armed forces), Maine (some large body of water) and Alabama (important transfer facility for the U.S. Mail system). These planes are loaded with a most lethal biochemical

which will be "fumigated" over these chosen targets killing anyone within its reach and so powerful that its effectiveness will last for three months. Rescue efforts will be useless and bodies will literally rot in the streets. This initial episode of horror will trigger a huge shipping backlog, chaos in our government and armed forces, an extended area of infection through the body of water and its tributaries plus a disruption in our mailing system; all of this will bring down the stock market. These secondary events will in turn cause riots and disturbances in our cities in the weeks and months following the attacks. Finally, during this turmoil, five countries will betray us (China and Russia among them) with nuclear attacks. But the Lord specified that the destruction in their own countries will be five times worse. The Lord said that America has been the second most blessed nation in history after His own Israel but that He was allowing this chastisement because we have turned away from Him and lost our First Love. The remains of America will be a third world nation. ____________________________________________________________________

US Becomes A 3rd World Nation

2000 Vision Back in 2000 A good friend of mine was given a vision where Christ showed her the globe and the future of nations. She saw that the US had become a 3rd world nation due to natural disasters and a war that was about to occur with the middle east. She then saw China start to devour the entire planet. It was spreading through many countries, first asian then europe...bloody takeovers all over. (so your dream can also refer to them as well) They weren't all that interested in us because we were nothing. We had lost all of our power and we were unable to stop any of this bloody takeover from occuring. Americans she said seemed more concerned with basics like food and water. ____________________________________________________________________ Dreamed Sept 9th 2003 I dreamed I was flying without a plane again, and was flying across the sea, past the Middle East, and I was shown a group of islands which looked like Indonesia. I then saw a photo of man float from across the sea. He was wearing a white turban and a white cloth, and the turban was secured with a black headband. He had a thick heavy black beard and he was so hairy I could barely see his eyeballs. Then I saw what I knew to be a nuclear tipped missile flying towards northern Indonesia. The bearded man was shipping it there to his brother. I saw another photo float up from northern Indonesia and he was dressed the same as the other man and he was clean shaven. I knew that when the missile arrived God had confused linguistics somehow, and the terrorists hadn't had a clue on how they would deliver the missile or where to nor how to detonate it. I heard a masculine voice with an Arab accent say, "Because God is with our brothers, this missile will be delayed in going off. God is going to bring a Christian revival to the island." I felt love rising from the people in the northern tip of the island and knew the revival will take place there. I looked on the map on the web and the country I was shown appeared to be Indonesia and the area I was shown was in Midan. My impression was that one of

the terrorists on the receiving end of the missile will convert to Christianity in the revival and since he had the knowledge of where and when, the denotation will be delayed. This dream was followed by a stern warning. I was on the eastern coast on the U.S. and I saw a red book floating in the water. I picked it up and it had black lettering on it. It was a book purported by the author to offer solutions that will solve the crisis in the Middle East, Korea, and the War on Terror. The problem was the man was so unknowledgable, he'd be lucky to find any of the countries on a map. He was American, from a rich family with deep ties to Europe, spoke with an English accent so he can sound aristocratic, and was very full of himself. I felt the voice of the LORD say, "BEWARE! Many people will follow men like him." End. ____________________________________________________________________ i had a dream last night that North Korea had hit us with a nuke , it was on an island , i believe and there war was ready to escalate. something had not gone right with the attack it wasnt as effective as they had hoped. ____________________________________________________________________


Prophetic Words of Judgment Against Gods People

given through Brian Charles
Im grieved with My Church. IM gonna destroy each and every one of them. Because they refuse to obey Me. -to His prophets, His people, and His ministers What are you gonna do when youre rich and wealthy, and cant hear My Spirit? Money brings My prople down. Not many people are willing to obey Me. I will destroy this empire. Ill destroy My empire. My people refuse to obey Me. My people wont obey Me. My people refuse to do My will. My Church wont obey Me. My people dont love Me. I'm gonna destroy My people. I'm gonna destroy My people with sudden force. I'm not useless; My people are. These people won't obey Me. My people refuse to obey Me. These people won't obey Me. These people won't serve Me here.

They won't serve Me. They refuse to do My will. They refuse to obey Me, My son. They won't repent. I'll destroy them. I'll destroy 'em all! My Church has become a den of demons. I'm gonna destroy My people completely. I'm gonna destroy My Church completely. You shall see it. There's a time of an end for everything. The people care more about the world than Me. I must destroy them for that! Ill judge for that! --loving the world My people care more about money than Me. Jesus My people wont obey Me. Look at what they do. They refuse to do My will. I will destroy them. -to those who fight against true spirituality Tell My people Ill destroy them. Destroy My Church, for they refuse to do My will. Destroy My Church. They wont obey Me. Destroy My Church by your prophetic word. I will save who I will save. Did Jeremiah quit when he heard My word? He prophesied the death of his Church age. I blessed the people, but they used it for selfish purposes. Someday this will all turn into desert, because My people refuse to obey Me. These people wont serve Me here. -to the people living in the South My people wont serve Me. Ill judge them for that. Few will obey Me. Im not with My Church. They wont let me. My Church refuses to serve Me. Thats the way My people are. They wont listen. They sing all the right songs, but they dont do My will. Nobodys willing to do that. I must destroy the Church. -concerning preaching the Gospel to every creature It doesnt need finances. Look how they did it in the Roman time. -concerning financing the Kingdom of God I hardened the hearts of people so that I could bring this judgment. Nobody will repent, not even pastors will repent. I hardened their hearts that they may be destroyed. Your heart is still tender. I must do what I have to do. I have given these people time to repent, and they havent responded. Theyll all be gone! Stand against My females. -God told me that all Christian women in America are Jezebels, meaning that they are infected with feminist rebellion. They wont comply. They think they own the whole world. Ill judge them for that. They wont obey Me. Theyre all out chasing their own thing. Thats why you cant get a wife. They arent willing to serve Me. Im gonna destroy My women. Youll see it! I shall destroy them. Youll see. I suffer not a woman to teach still stands. They must be homemakers, wives. Thats why women refuse to serve Me. Because they prefer doing their own thing. prophetic judgments concerning Christian women My people are going to be destroyed. Their sin has risen to Me. Pray for them. This place will be destroyed by My mighty hand. They have refused to obey Me. Ive called many times. Look at what they do. It will all be destroyed in a moment. Im gonna destroy each and every one of em, My people!

Ill destroy this place because they are not doing My will. Warn the Friscoites of their destruction. Go there. Will you go there? Warn My people of their destruction. Will you do My will? Ill drastically change the landscape. Their sin has risen up to Me. -to the people of CA Tell My people of their doom. Tell My people of their destruction. Warn My people of their nuclear destruction. Are you willing to obey? --says Jesus Not many will be saved. -concerning Gods people in America My people wont serve Me. Ill judge them for that. Im gonna destroy My people completely! My Church will be destroyed. My people will be destroyed. Very few will obey Me. Few will obey Jesus Tell the Church theyre going to Hell. I will judge for that! for Christians who have become independent, insulated inside their own shells I will judge for that! it being impossible to pry Christians out of their private isolated worlds, their shells Ill judge for that! --the prophetic word being a reproach to Gods people Ill judge because of that. people rejecting prophecy, prophets Ill judge because of that. people not interested in truth, the prophetic word Ill judge because of that. pastors building their own kingdoms, not Christs Ill judge for that! --society having contempt for families Ill destroy the country because of that. women not being taught to love their husbands Ill judge for that. women putting money before love Its My plan. women being whores in this end time My people love the world. I must destroy them for that. I must. I must destroy My people. They wont listen or obey. I must destroy My people. You will see. I will use the New World Order to accomplish My purposes. Thats why I set up the Top Secret Establishmentto destroy My people. I must destroy it for that. --the world, for being too worldly They wont listen. I must destroy them for that. I must destroy them for that. Gods people for worldliness, social pursuits, for not listening to God They must be destroyed for rejecting the prophetic word. Why dont they accept My word? Ill judge for that. They wont listen. I must judge them. They wont seek Me. They wont obey Me. They must be destroyed. Destroyed by My mighty hand. Im gonna take it away. food All the people care about is themselves. My people wont serve Me. All they care about it themselves. They wont obey Me. I must judge them for that . Youll see. My people wont obey Me. Why wont My people obey Me? Ill judge for that. saying NO to the Lord You know, My people dont accept Me. My church wont serve Me. They wont obey Me. My Church rejects me. Theyll be destroyed for that! Im gonna judge em as sure as day. --prophets, Christian leaders, Christians You know Im gonna destroy My people. Most people have no qualms about disobeying Me. My people dont want to obey Me. All they want is to feel joy. Why dont My people obey me? Ill destroy the world because of that. --covetousness Ill judge for that. nobody wanting to do Gods will My people wont sacrifice. Ill judge for that! Im gonna destroy My Church because it wont witness.

They have refused My love. It will all be destroyed. It must go. Itll all be destroyed by My hand. Thus says the Lord. It all must go they wont serve Me. --Gods people, the Christians and the Jews It all must go they wont obey Me. Thus says the Lord Most High. Amen Leave it all behind its coming under My wrath. They have refused to obey My will. They wont obey Me. Nobody will. I must destroy them for that. They all must go. They wont obey Me. Why wont they obey Me? They wont obey Me. They must be destroyed. They wont witnesss or anything. They love money more than Me. They must be destroyed. They wont obey Me. They must be destroyed. Thus says the Lord. They love stuff more than Me. Youll see with your bare eyes the punishment of the disobedient. Thus says the Lord. You tried to warn the people but they wont listen. They must be destroyed. Itll all happen in short order. Thus says the Lord. Why dont My people listen to Me? My people reject Me. I must judge for that. Ill destroy for that! Gods peoples hearts being set on other things, other loves Let My people go their way. They must learn one way or the other. Release judgment on em. They wont do it My way. Itll turn to war in your country-economic collapse. Im gonna judge because of that. big shopping malls over-commercialization This will be a thing of the past. local businesses They must destroy My people. Theyll be taking civilians left and right. the Military Top Secret Establishment They refuse to obey Me, My son. They refuse to do My will. Ill destroy them. I shall destroy them. Youll see. All this will be a thing of the past, because My people wont obey traffic, commerce, law & order This great civilization MUST be annihilated. I have spoken it by My Own word. New York City Tell them theyll all be blasted away to kingdom come. Itll be blasted out of existence. New York City People love money more than Me. I must destroy them for that. By nuclear fire. Thus says the Lord. I must judge My people. They wont obey Me. It will begin with an economic collapse, then a foreign invasion from the West. All the West shall be destroyed by foreign armies, including Calfornia. It will happen. America collapsed and destroyed Im gonna destroy My empire. They wont listen or obey. They must be destroyed. Thus says the Lord. Destroy My empire. Destroy My empire completely. Wipe it off the face of the Earth! Its all gonna go by My hand. This country will become like Saudi Arabia. Im gonna destroy this empire. They wont serve Me. It will all become desert. The sinners will be saved by revival, not the Church. The Church is ineffectual. They wont obey Me. The world will change drastically. Nothing will be the same. Prepare for it. Thats what Im gonna do. reduce humanity down to the Stone Age, so theyll think of God I will save who I will save. You must go. Warn My people of their destruction.

Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men: Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost. Holy Bible, 1 Thessalonians 2:15-17

"You have forsaken Me," says the Lord, "You have gone backward. Therefore I will stretch out My hand against you and destroy you; I am weary of relenting! And I will winnow them with a winnowing fan in the gates of the land; I will bereave them of children; I will destroy My people, since they do not return from their ways." "I have forsaken My house, I have left My heritage; I have given the dearly beloved of My soul into the hand of her enemies." Jeremiah 15:6-7, 12:7 "The Lord God has sworn by Himself, the Lord God of Hosts says: "I abhor the pride of Jacob, and hate his palaces; therefore I will deliver up the city and all that is in it." "Behold, the eyes of the Lord God are on the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from the face of the earth; yet I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob," says the Lord God." Amos 6:8, 9:8 "O Ephraim, what shall I do to you? O Judah, what shall I do to you? For your faithfulness is like a morning cloud, and like the early dew it goes away. Therefore I have hewn them by the prophets, I have slain them by the words of My mouth; and your judgments are like light that goes forth." "My God will cast them away, because they did not obey Him; and they shall be wanderers among the nations." Hosea 6:4-5, 9:17 "Repent, or else I will come to you quickly and will fight against them with the sword of My mouth." Revelation 2:16 "Thus says God: Why do you transgress the commandments of the Lord, so that you cannot prosper? Because you have forsaken the Lord, He also has forsaken you." 2 Chronicles 24:20 "But if you will not hearken unto Me, and will not do all these commandments; and if you shall despise My statutes, or if your soul abhor My judgments, so that you will not do all My commandments, but that you break My covenant:" Leviticus 26:14-15 "The prophets that have been before me and before you of old prophesied both against many countries, and against great kingdoms, of war, and of evil, and of pestilence." Jeremiah 28:8 "And they come unto you as the people come, and they sit before you as My people, and they hear your words, but they will not do them: for with their mouth they show much love, but their heart goes after their covetousness." Ezekiel 33:31 "For all seek after their own, not the things which are Jesus Christs." Philippians 2:21

"For this you know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things comes the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience." Ephesians 5:5-6 "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the father is not in him." 1 John 2:15 "For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." Revelation 19:10 "He has blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them." John 12:40 "But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 8:12 "Isaiah also cries out concerning Israel: "Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, the remnant will be saved"" Romans 9:27 "The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire." "Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots." Matthew 3:10, 15:13 Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles? Then I will tell them plainly, I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers! Matthew 7:21-23 For though you had smitten the whole army of the Chaldeans that fight against you, and there remained but wounded men among them, yet should they rise up every man in his tent, and burn this city with fire. Jeremiah 37:10 Likewise, you son of man, set your face against the daughters of your people, which prophesy out of their own heart; and prophesy you against them. Ezekiel 13:17 Your children who follow you in later generations and foreigners who come from distant lands will see the calamities that have fallen on the land and the diseases with which the LORD has afflicted it. The whole land will be a burning waste of salt and sulfurnothing planted, nothing sprouting, no

vegetation growing on it. It will be like the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboyim, which the LORD overthrew in fierce anger. All the nations will ask: Why has the LORD done this to this land? Why this fierce, burning anger? And the answer will be: It is because this people abandoned the covenant of the LORD, the God of their ancestors, the covenant he made with them when he brought them out of Egypt. They went off and worshiped other gods and bowed down to them, gods they did not know, gods he had not given them. Therefore the LORDs anger burned against this land, so that he brought on it all the curses written in this book. In furious anger and in great wrath the LORD uprooted them from their land and thrust them into another land, as it is now. Deuteronomy 29:22-28 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of man, set thy face toward Jerusalem, and drop thy word toward the holy places, and prophesy against the land of Israel, And say to the land of Israel, Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I am against thee, and will draw forth my sword out of his sheath, and will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked. Seeing then that I will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked, therefore shall my sword go forth out of his sheath against all flesh from the south to the north: That all flesh may know that I the LORD have drawn forth my sword out of his sheath: it shall not return any more. Sigh therefore, thou son of man, with the breaking of thy loins; and with bitterness sigh before their eyes. And it shall be, when they say unto thee, Wherefore sighest thou? that thou shalt answer, For the tidings; because it cometh: and every heart shall melt, and all hands shall be feeble, and every spirit shall faint, and all knees shall be weak as water: behold, it cometh, and shall be brought to pass, saith the Lord GOD. Again the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of man, prophesy, and say, Thus saith the LORD; Say, A sword, a sword is sharpened, and also furbished: It is sharpened to make a sore slaughter; it is furbished that it may glitter: should we then make mirth? it contemneth the rod of my son, as every tree. And he hath given it to be furbished, that it may be handled: this sword is sharpened, and it is furbished, to give it into the hand of the slayer. Cry and howl, son of man: for it shall be upon my people, it shall be upon all the princes of Israel: terrors by reason of the sword shall be upon my people: smite therefore upon thy thigh. Because it is a trial, and what if the sword contemn even the rod? it shall be no more, saith the Lord GOD. Thou therefore, son of man, prophesy, and smite thine hands together. and let the sword be doubled the third time, the sword of the slain: it is the sword of the great men that are slain, which entereth into their privy chambers. I have set the point of the sword against all their gates, that their heart may faint, and their ruins be multiplied: ah! it is made bright, it is wrapped up for the slaughter. Go thee one way or other, either on the right hand, or on the left, whithersoever thy face is set. I will also smite mine hands together, and I will cause my fury to rest: I the LORD have said it. The word of the LORD came unto me again, saying, Also, thou son of man, appoint thee two ways, that the sword of the king of Babylon may come: both twain shall come forth out of one land: and choose thou a place, choose it at the head of the way to the city. Appoint a way, that the sword may come to Rabbath of the Ammonites, and to Judah in Jerusalem the defenced. For the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination: he made

his arrows bright, he consulted with images, he looked in the liver. At his right hand was the divination for Jerusalem, to appoint captains, to open the mouth in the slaughter, to lift up the voice with shouting, to appoint battering rams against the gates, to cast a mount, and to build a fort. And it shall be unto them as a false divination in their sight, to them that have sworn oaths: but he will call to remembrance the iniquity, that they may be taken. Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Because ye have made your iniquity to be remembered, in that your transgressions are discovered, so that in all your doings your sins do appear; because, I say, that ye are come to remembrance, ye shall be taken with the hand. And thou, profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when iniquity shall have an end, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Remove the diadem, and take off the crown: this shall not be the same: exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high. I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him. Ezekiel 21:1-27

My Bride Is Not Ready

Word of the Lord Pauletta Caylor 12-17-08 The temporal will pass away, but that which is eternal will last forever and not pass away. Being tried as by fire is a testing of faith to bring it forth as pure gold. I then take the pure gold and form it into that which I planned when I created it. Created for a purpose. You are in preparation for your destiny. Come unto Me and I will make you fisher of men, a teacher anointed by the fire of the Holy Spirit to speak the oracles of God with clarity and fervency. Even the smallest child can understand and take My hand. Yes, it is true My Bride is not yet ready. She has been distracted by other loves. She has had fleeting moments of a fervent spirit with the embers breaking forth into a bright flame. But it quickly dies down when the cold, north wind begins to blow harshly upon her fire within. Soon the embers darken and a flicker of the fire is seen occasionally. I wish you were hot or cold, but not lukewarm. The days are coming soon when My Bride will be shaken and run to Me and cling to Me. That which can be shaken will be shaken. Those who do know their God shall remain. They will run unto the hills. The refuge is found in Me for safety. Many hearts will fail them for fear. 9/11 events will not even hold a light up against that which is to come. America will burn once againthe natural and spiritual parallel. My Bride will stir herself up and begin to Walk by faith intensely not knowing what tomorrow holds. But, one thing she knows that she knows her God, mighty to save. Gross darkness shall cover the people, But they who do KNOW their God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords shall be saved. 2009, a year of walking by faith and not by sight Build yourself up on the most holy faith by praying in the Spirit. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing and hearing the Word of God. Faith will grown into water walker faith for miracles of

restoration recreation, revelation, restitution and more. Men will see and KNOW it is GodJehovah Rapha, Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Shalom, Jehovah Sidkenu. My people will be strong and do exploits because they KNOW Me their God. I am not a God of stone, a God of wood or a God that is inanimate. I am a God with all power. I am omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent. I am looking forward to the day I can bring My Bride home to My Son. Heaven Awaits with great anticipation and expectation for that day. Many would be lost because of lukewarmness. I have delayed until all is ready. Not all will hear the clarion call and move closer to me to diligently seek with ALL their heart. But those who are pure and have their lamps trimmed and burning will I remove from the earth. The wise and foolish virgin parable will become a reality. Dare to be disciplined. Hunger and thirst for righteousness and you shall be filled. Selah.

Prophetic Words of Destruction Against New York City

Given through Brian Charles You must leave it all behind, city of My wrath! Leave this place, city of My wrath! Destroyed in an instant, city of My wrath! You must go! Leave the city of My wrath! Itll be destroyed in an instant! Destroyed in an instant by My wrath. --New York City I hate that place. --New York City Itll all be blasted apart in a minute. --New York City, world economy Leave it all behind. You must flee! You must go! You must flee for your life! Flee the city of My wrath! City of My wrath, you must go! Eternal destruction shall be her lot. She has refused to obey Me. Thus says the Lord of Hosts. Itll be a piece of history. Youll see. All the big cities will be nuked. Itll all be gone in an instant. Youll see by nuclear fire. Itll all erupt in nuclear fire! Great is My wrath against this place! --New York City Flee this place! Flee this place for your life! Get out of My country I shall bring destruction upon it. Leave this place. --New York City "I'll destroy this city with a sudden burst. It will all be reduced to piles of rubble." --New York City See them building those buildings taller? I shall bring them flat!

Towers will come down in an instant. -Manhattan "Ill tear it down with My bare hands." --Word of judgment for the Empire State Building This place will be collapsed. --Lincoln Tunnel This place will be collapsed under My hand. --Port Authority Bus Terminal, New York City Not a block will be left on top of another that wont be blasted away. Itll be a thing of the past. --The Statue of Liberty, and what it stands for freedom and liberty The American flag will be a thing of the past, replaced by martial law, New World Order control. New Flag New World Order It all must go they wont serve Me. --Gods people, the Christians and the Jews It all must go they wont obey Me. Thus says the Lord Most High. Amen Leave it all behind its coming under My wrath. They have refused to obey My will. They wont obey Me. Nobody will. I must destroy them for that. All apportioned to destruction. All this will be a thing of the past. --nightlife, culture Its all gonna be gone. --New York, New England All this will be submerged underwater. --NYC, CT Itll all be submerged under the sea. --NJ, New York State, Long Island Im gonna destroy this place. They depend on money too much. They have chased after their idols. --People of NY, NJ Itll all be submerged under the sea. Factories will be silent under My wrath. Itll all go silent. --world economy system Ill destroy the world because of that! --covetousness, greed Im gonna destroy humanity. --because of the sin of covetousness

Read Isaiah chapter 14, and Revelation chapters 17 and 18, Holy Bible Words of Prophetic Judgment Against Los Angeles California
Given through Brian Charles
IM gonna destroy that place with such mighty force that you wont believe it! --LosAngeles I must destroy this place. Its sin has risen before Me. It will be sudden. Flee! --Los Angeles This place will be destroyed suddenly. Millions will die. --Los Angeles You MUST go! Flee the city of My wrath! --Los Angeles You like it because it is nice and sunny. Millions will die. It will all be submerged underwater. --Los Angeles Ill destroy this place suddenly with My mighty hand. They wont obey Me. --L.A. andthe Los Angeles International Airport The city must be destroyed. It wont obey Me, none of em will. See this place willbe destroyed suddenly. --Los Angeles

Im gonna destroy this place suddenly. Few will survive. Millions will die. Repent!I must judge this place. Its sin has come up before Me. This city will be destroyed in a second. Great is My wrath against this place. Its people must repent orelse! --Los Angeles I must destroy this place. Its sin has risen before Me. --Los Angeles All these buildings will be reduced to rubble. Few will survive My wrath! --downtown Los Angeles This will all be destroyed in a second. Great is My wrath against this place. Los Angeles and the Los Angeles International Airport Someday itll be gone. Itll all be destroyed. Itll be destroyed by force someday.Theyll be desolate (the highways). IM gonna destroy it suddenly. Few will survive.Its sin has come before Me. I must destroy this place. Itll all be flattened bynuclear explosion. Itll all be wiped away. Youll seea mighty nuclear explosion.The bombs are already in place. It all must go down. --Los Angeles IM gonna bring it all down. --highway overpasses, buildings All this land will break off into the ocean. --California California will be a thing of the past, swept into the sea. Submerged under the sea. --Cajon Summit Mountains IM gonna destroy this place with a sudden blast! --Claremont Someday this will be a thing of the past, destroyed by My mighty hand. --Los Angeles International Airport Itll all be submerged underwater. It all must go. Its sin has risen before Me. Yes, I MUST destroy this place. You MUST get out of here! --Los Angeles Thats whats gonna be. Nothing will be left remaining. People are too selfish to serve Me here. All they want is the world. I must judge them for that-by nuclearfire! --The Los Angeles megacity totally destroyed I MUST destroy this place. Its sin has risen before Me. Itll be crumbled beneath your feet. Youll seea great nuclear disaster. See what they do? You must go. Greatis My wrath against this place. --UCLA All this will be submerged underwater. Come down in a minute! --UCLA, L.A. All this will be submerged underwater. UCLA, Bel Air, Brentwood, Westwood Village, Los Angeles It will all come down in an instant. --Westwood Gateway Towers People are too selfish to serve Me here. All they want is the world. I must judge them for that-by nuclear fire! Nobody wants to obey Me. They wont listen. Theyllbe all gone. --the people of Los Angeles I have waited for many to repent, for no avail. Many will die, judgment will be great. Someday this will all be underwater. --Los Angeles They wont serve Me. They serve themselves. --the Jewish People Great will be the death in the world, starting with My Church. Few will serve Me My way. Theyve all followed their own way and wont obey. I must judge for that. Amen My people shall be destroyed, for the sin of their mouthsthey talk much but do nothing. They MUST be destroyed. Amen. I will destroy them all. --Gods people, theChurch and the Jewish people Ill judge for that! --people talking about problems but doing nothing I will judge for that. I expect em to help. --Gods people saying I cant help you,when theyve been prospering materially and financially Destroy My people with your prophetic word! Destroy My people. They wont do My will. IM gonna judge My Church because they wont obey Me. IM

gonna judge My people! Youll seeeternal destruction! They wont obey! Destroy My people. They wont do anything about it (Planned Parenthood). They MUST be destroyed! Thats how it will happensuddenly.Few will survive. You must tell. You must send. This land will be destroyed suddenly. Great will be her destruction. Flee for your life, flee! You must go! --Los Angeles & California I will annihilate this race. Few will survive. Amen --The American People America will be destroyed by nuclear bombs, because My Church has forsaken Me! I must destroy this empire. Youll see it before your very eyes. Its sin has come before Me. Thats why IM going to destroy the countrythe people love lust. --The USA This country will become an empty wasteland, full of cactus and tumbleweeds. All this will be empty and waste, because My people dont do My will. --The United States of America Ill judge for both. Ill judge for botha mighty nuclear blast! --America being founded for the propagation of the Gospelthe work left undone, and to grow and ship tobacco back to England You must go. Few will survive. Youll seea great nuclear disaster! It must happen. Its sin has come before Methose high mountains will be submerged under the sea. Allthis place will be sunken. It all must go under the sea. You must get out of here! Itll be all gone! You must go! --Los Angeles and California Even in disaster Ill be with you. I will create a new Church. Ill have mercy on this place because you asked. The judgment will not come immediately. The judgment will not come immediately. Im giving time to repent. I can blast it away. Thats what Ill do. --The Ritz Carlton, downtown Los Angeles I will judge for that! --pastors who sacrifice Truth for numbers and money and popularity Those days will return. --the days of having to ride horses to get out West The Western deserts will flow with blood! Ill judge for that! --women not wanting to depend on a man for their livelihood I will judge for that. --people always looking for a better deal in life Ill judge for that. --the racial segregation of the Church Ill judge for that. --the bias in science against God and Truth in areas of research and study Its all gonna go belly-up. --the economy My Church has deserted Me. I must destroy them for that. By nuclear war. Thus says the Lord of Hosts. Amen

And you, Capernaum, which are exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works, which have been done in you, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day. Matthew 11:23 Trust ye in the LORD forever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength: For

He brings down them that dwell on high; the lofty city, He lays it low; He lays it low, even to the ground; He brings it even to the dust. The foot shall tread it down, even the feet of the poor, and the steps of the needy. Isaiah 26:4-6

Chicago Judgment Prophecies

prophecies given through Brian Charles

It shall come down. Sears Tower I'm gonna destroy this city. I'm gonna destroy this city with sudden force. I'm gonna destroy this place with sudden force. It shall be gone in an instant, My son. It shall be gone in an instant. I'm gonna destroy this city suddenly. I'm gonna destroy this city, My son. It'll be destroyed. It'll all be gone. I'll destroy this place with sudden force because My people won't serve Me. I'll destroy this place with sudden force because My people won't obey Me. I'm gonna destroy My people. I'm gonna destroy My people with sudden force. I'm not useless; My people are. These people won't obey Me. My people refuse to obey Me. These people won't obey Me. These people won't serve Me here. They won't serve Me. They refuse to do My will. They refuse to obey Me, My son. They won't repent. I'll destroy them. I'll destroy 'em all! I'm gonna destroy My people completely. I'm gonna destroy My Church completely. You shall see it. There's a time of an end for everything. Destroy My empire. Destroy this empire. Destroy this country. Ill judge the nation because of that. -street drugs Ill destroy the nation because of that! -abortion I'm gonna destroy this country. I'm gonna destroy this empire. You shall see it.

You know, I can do ANYTHING!

People from many nations will pass by this city and will ask one another, Why has the LORD done such a thing to this great city? 9 And the answer will be: Because they have forsaken the covenant of the LORD their God and have worshiped and served other gods. Jeremiah 22:8-9

San Francisco Judgment Prophecies

Prophetic Word given through Elaine Cook
While waiting on the Lord I heard all the words of a national hymn that is seldom sung any more. I couldnt have remembered them all, but they were all flooding into my mind. Land of hope and glory, Mother of the free, How shall we extol thee who are born of thee? Wider still and wider shall thy bounds be set, He Who made thee mighty, Make thee mightier yet! He Who made thee mighty, Make thee mightier yet! As I waited upon the Lord, He spoke these words to me: The New Land of Liberty to which the persecuted and cast-out fled for refuge, is now a refuge in name only. It is no longer a place of glory and freedom, for My people have used My blessing as a right to do their own thing, as having the right to do whatever the flesh desired. I shall indeed judge for this, or I should have to repent over judging Sodom and Gomorrah . This is a time of setting things right so my Kingdom may be ushered in upon My holy principles. No longer shall thy land bless those who pervert My moral laws and the laws of creativity that I have placed within My creation for its propagation. No longer shall lifeless unions be engaged in with the blessing of the rulers of the land and the toleration of its people, for this is a great uncleanness in My sight. Did I not rain down fire from heaven on those of old times who were taken captive by these spirits? Yea, your heart quakes at My Words, and so it should, for it is a fearful thing to see the judgments of the Lord come down and to see a country brought to its knees and its hope and glory fall in the dust!

Earthquake Warning for San Francisco given through Larry Anderson

I say unto you, declare that it shall be. I have been weighing in My scales of justice the regions of this land and I have found those that are wanting. Do you think I will continue to hold My judgments, that I will continue to show mercy, or is love shown by My judgment of your idolatries? If I continue to delay judgments

you will only continue in your wickedness and draw even more into your harlotries. Know this, it displeases me greatly that honor is not shown to those who I have placed in authority. The disrespect shown by many to the president of this land is a stench to Me. My precepts state clearly, that you are to honor one and another. If you had spent your time in prayer, instead of backbiting, slander and murmuring, this land would not be having the problems it is having. Dan. 5:27 1 Peter 2:17 San Francisco My eyes are upon you, but not for good. You have shunned My mercies, you have flaunted your perversion. Do you realize after New York and New Orleans , that your judgment was to be next? I delayed it because the earthquake that was going to strike you would have caused utter destruction. Unless you repent and turn from your wickedness, soon you will be totally devastated. You plan for a 7 to 7.5 earthquake, I tell you it will be much larger. Have you considered what an 8.6 earthquake will do to your city? O how fearful it is to fall under the judgments of a righteous and holy God. Sodom and Gomorrah call out saying I had no right to judge them, because I have withheld judgment against you. San Francisco I send one more call out to you to repent, I say repent and turn away from that which leads to death. Ezekiel 18:1932 Ezekiel 19

Dream for San Francisco

by Julie Myers:

I was standing right at the edge of the sea again and could see a great shaking. A great shaking will come right down the middle of San Francisco. It will be a city split in two, covered by the mouth of the sea. Therefore God will stir the prophets of the nations to cry out again, Let the wicked turn to God and let the righteous man flee San Francisco for it is a city that will be split right down the middle. Let the wicked turn to God and let the righteous man flee San Francisco for it is a city that will be split right down the middle. Half will fall into the mouth of the great deep, the other will be barren covered by sand and the tides of the sea, no more bridges, no more highways over the ocean. They have been swallowed by the waters of the great deep. Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor coveteous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. Holy Bible, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10

Prophecy Against Los Angeles

As I drive, I see pictures of L.A., razed to the ground. I ask the Lord about the stands of trees. Will they not be left standing.? An occasional trunk may stand but without leaf. I see a devastated wasteland! an empty desert! I listen for the voices of the birds. Even the crows are silent ! Where the city stood and extended, nothing!

Cause 1: Global Exportation of a Malevolent Culture

God is against you, Los Angeles, city of pornography, city of oppression, home of rape and exploitation. You have beamed evil and malevolence, violence and bloodshed, family dislocation and lewdness, pornography and twisted sexuality

across the face of the earth in bold defiance of your God, with your fists raised in challenge to his, saying stop us, God of love. His patience is exhausted. His voice to you has never been silent , from the first preachers on your fields and streets, from the great revivalists to your Jack Hayfords and Lloyd Ogilvies. Every week, your black preachers thunder against your sins, but you do not hear, Los Angeles, and when you do hear a fraction, you cry out that no-one can change these things, let them go on, let them go on...

Cause 2: Global Symbol of Chic Greediness

So excellent in business, so lazy in morals. Such is the greed that has consumed your very being and that of your citizens. Greed and chic. For you love the shows. You love the glitter. Tinseltown will be no more. Supermodels will perish with the lowly. Mansions will be razed just as surely as the hard won homes of the escaping migrant poor of East L.A. Oh, my people, says the Lord, how could you ignore me and bring such ruin on yourselves? How could you be so ignorant of my ways, not willing to fight for truth in the public office, and control of the pornographic machines of Hollywood ? How could you buy into the lie that the free market is good and godly and should never be interfered with, even when daily the evil seeps into your homes through a cable? How could the godly sit and do nothing effective for decades to destroy the core of Hollywood's evil ? Now it is time. It is too late to redeem or convert these structures. It is too late!

Cause 3: City of Incest

It is too late to salvage your honor, so many raped, sexually molested, so that the city seethes with guilt, cries out with mental pains, with images no-one ought to bear. The wounds of immorality lie like great wounds across whole communities, as if a butchers cleaver has carved up your fabric. Houses and homes destroyed into bitterness, violence and incest. And you export this! You talk about it on shows! Shows to show evil? And you call it news! How depraved can a city be? And no Christian effectively raises their voice against such abominations?

Cause 4: City of Perverted Christianity

Except of course in church. I forgot about your churches. So many! So many! So corrupted! So filthy! Greed in the offering basket, oppression and manipulation in the leaderships, tinsel on the stage. But there are some struggling congregations that have not denied my simplicities. Some that seek truth in choosing different pathways of quiet humility. For their sakes I have been trying to speak and have withheld my hand. Tinsel, greed and immorality abound within your walls and reflect in your weekly shows. I cannot abide immorality and worship, injustice and celebrations. An empty Christianity, from liberal to evangelical to Pentecostal to Catholic, there is little difference. Yet there are some who have walked in godly obedience.

Cause 5: A City Symbolizing Perverted Justice

My children, how I would have lead you to become truly a people. But in the name of freedom you have perverted justice. Are there no law courts that cannot be overturned by the wealth of your wicked? Your Rodney Kings, your O.J.s are only the tip of the iceberg of legalized injustice that marks your land. I cannot bear it.

Cause 6: Perversion of Your Gifts to the Nations

I hate you, Los Angeles, with a fury, a vengeful hatred for what you have done to your migrants, those who came seeking new life, new hope, and to them you gave only bonded labor. I hate you, Los Angeles, for what you have done against the nations, the shattering of centuries, shattering of marriages and clans. So much I gave you of creativity, and you turned it into evil. Such a great city of literature and research, of books and ideas. And you perverted them into weapons of evil. Called to be a blessing to the nations, you are known as the scourge of the world. Called to be a light, your media has become a purveyor of darkness. My soul knows nothing but fury. Why should I not release on you all the destruction my hands can muster? Why should I not wipe you out of existence? Give me one reason for allowing you to continue in your pornographic fantasies, in your lust and wine, in your screenplays of barbarity? But you can give me no reason. Yet I wait. Yet I delay. I hesitate. For in this great city there are many who know my name. Why did they not rise up? Why did they not speak out? Why did they not even try to mobilize? Was the technology of evil too strong for them?

Cause 7: Pastors Failing to Seek Justice

How I have loved the pastors of this city, such a bulwark against a collapsing culture, such people of strength when all around is crumbling. There is unity in leadership. But they have not done my will in leading a city into righteousness in its public squares. And there is now insufficient time to redeem. Pastors have played church and failed to organize the workers across the city, across the disciplines into effective strike teams to combat the evil, industry by industry. The pastors wanted the tithe, not the victory outside their churches of societal change for righteousness, loving their own voice, they would not listen to the voices of the workshop, the artisan and the factory worker. So injustice has blossomed and can no longer be cured. Like the bugs on the roots of a dying plant, there is no solution except to root the plant out and burn it. They have loved revival and church growth for it fills their churches. They love events, and even prayer events, but they do not organize for justice. They know nothing of consistent planning to overturn the communal sins. They do not organize to speak to the sins of the city fathers. They do not know the city fathers. They do not know their hidden sins. How is it that to them I have given the gifts of discernment special gifts to see in and beyond the hearts of men? Yet they have not taken them into the streets , the legal dens and the marketplace! The hour glass is near empty. The city will be no more. For these sins, I will destroy it all. It is past my time of warning. This is what the Lord says,

Viv Grigg

Prophetic Words of Judgment Against Oklahoma City and Tulsa

given through Brian Charles

Itll all be destroyed in a moment. Itll all come down in a moment. Itll all be torn down in a moment because My people wont serve me. They wont obey Me. --Oklahoma City My people arent serving Me. Thats why Ill destroy this place. --Oklahoma City My people wont serve Me. Ill blast this place because of that! --Oklahoma City I have forsaken My people. They wont serve Me. Itll be blasted in a moment. The bombs are already in place. In the cities. Yes. Youll see. Itll all be gone. --Oklahoma City, all big American cities All the big cities will be nuked. Its already too late. --judgment is set for national destruction Itll all come down in a moment, every bit of it, because they wont serve Me. --judgment on Oklahoma City because of the disobedient Church there Itll all be gone in a moment. Thats how its all gonna go burnt up. --Oklahoma City Thats how its gonna go. Its all gonna go. --like the electrical car fire I saw spontaneously catching fire next to the Greyhound Bus station. These people have rejected My covenant they wont serve Me. Youll see their destruction, cause you dared to warn them. Someday thisll all be a thing of the past. --colleges, universities, studying for college

Someday itll be a thing of the past. --the Internet Itll all be gone in a moment. Not many will be saved. Theyre all doing their own thing. Itll all be rubble in a moment. Itll all be rubble. Itll come down in a moment. Itll all be torn down in a moment. Itll be gone in a moment. Itll come down in due time. --Devon Tower Itll all be gone in a moment because they wont serve me. They serve their own lusts. Myriad Gardens will be gone in a moment. Itll be torn down. --Bank of Albuquerque They dont worship Me here. They worship their own lusts deep in their hearts. Thats why they wont obey Me. Thats why they wont serve Me, the people of Oklahoma City. You shall see their destruction. Thats why they wont serve Me theyre filled with lust. See that itll be torn down by force. Itll be torn down by force. Dont look up. I shall tear it down. Gone in a moment. Get away from this place. It shall be gone in a moment. Ill tear it down in a moment because My people dont serve Me. --Devon Tower See these buildings? Ill tear them down by force! Because My people dont serve Me. Youll see My hand of judgment on this place. --Tulsa The people care more about the world than Me. I must destroy them for that. Ill judge for that! --loving the world You must judge them they wont obey Me. Send it out. You must send My word. Warn My people of their nuclear destruction. Are you willing to obey? --says Jesus

Prophetic Words of Judgment Against Saint Louis Missouri

Given through Brian Charles
Escape this place, city of My wrath. --St. Louis, MO You see that Arch? It will be torn down violently. My people wont obey Me. It will be no more. It will be replaced by ruthless oppression. I must destroy this place. Their sin has risen to Me. The Arch must go. It symbolizes freedom. My people wont obey Me. Thus says the Lord. My people wont serve Me. All they want is money. I must judge them for that. See what they do? People are too selfish to serve Me. I must destroy them for that! I must destroy this place. Its sin has risen to Me. --St. Louis, MO I must destroy this place. They wont obey Me. I must destroy them for that. St. Louis Itll be destroyed by fire. The people wont serve Me. Youll see. --St. Louis Itll all be blasted away. My people wont serve Me. Youll see. --St. Louis Destroyed by force. --St. Louis International Airport I must destroy this place. They wont obey Me. Youll see. --St, Louis Look back at it. It will be no more. Im gonna destroy this place. It will be no more. Thus says the Lord. --St. Louis, MO Send My prophetic word. Send My word. I must send My wrath! It must be destroyed in a moment. They wont obey Me. See how hard it is for you to obey Me? They wont serve Me. The cost is very high. Repent. Destroy My people with your prophetic word, because they refuse to repent. Leave this place, city of My wrath. It will be destroyed in a moment. Repent, people of Saint Louis. Your God has been talking. Why wont they obey Me? Theyre all gonna be destroyed. --the city populace of St. Louis They wont obey Me. All they care about is money, you know. Itll be destroyed because the people dont serve Me. Itll be blasted away. --St. Louis

My people wont obey My will. Nobodys doing it. They must be destroyed. They wont obey. They all want money. --the Church Why wont My people obey Me? They dont want to serve Me. Thats why you dont find them on the streets. (Evangelists) Satan loves them. Few will obey Me. Few will be saved. Agriculture will be a thing of the past. It will all be dried up, for the disobedience of My people. My people must be destroyed. They wont obey. Thus says the Lord. Crops will be no more. It will be dust and blow away. Fertile fields will be no more. It will all be dust and blow away. Crops will be no more. Theyll all be replaced by blowing dust. This country will be a dusty desert. No more rain. It will be silent and dusty. It will be gone forever. --America Im gonna destroy this empire, for the wickedness of the people. You shall seenuclear destruction. Thus says the Lord.

Minneapolis Judgment Prophecies

propheciesgiven through Brian Charles

All this will be blasted apart by sudden force. downtown Minneapolis All this will stand empty. 3M Corporate Headquarters, St. Paul I'm gonna destroy this place by sudden force. downtown Minneapolis Farms will be a thing of the past. Someday this will all turn into desert, because My people refuse to obey Me. MN I'll destroy all this place. MN All these fields will stand empty. All this will stand empty and dusty. MN, SD My Church will be destroyed. Destroy My Church by your prophetic word. Money brings My people down. My people will be destroyed. Someday it'll be all gone. the farms of SD Someday its all gonna be gone. the farms of America Your children who follow you in later generations and foreigners who come from distant lands will see the calamities that have fallen on the land and the diseases with which the LORD has afflicted it. 23 The whole land will be a burning waste of salt and sulfurnothing planted, nothing sprouting, no vegetation growing on it. It will be like the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboyim, which the

LORD overthrew in fierce anger. 24 All the nations will ask: Why has the LORD done this to this land? Why this fierce, burning anger? And the answer will be: It is because this people abandoned the covenant of the LORD, the God of their ancestors, the covenant he made with them when he brought them out of Egypt. 26 They went off and worshiped other gods and bowed down to them, gods they did not know, gods he had not given them. 27 Therefore the LORDs anger burned against this land, so that he brought on it all the curses written in this book. 28 In furious anger and in great wrath the LORD uprooted them from their land and thrust them into another land, as it is now.

Deuteronomy 29:22-28

Seattle Judgment Prophecies

Prophecies given through Brian Charles

Look around. All this will be gone in an instant. Downtown Seattle Someday it will all be gone, submerged underwater. Im gonna destroy this city in seconds. Seattle It will all be gone in an instant. Downtown Seattle Ill destroy it by force. former Washington Mutual Bank tower, downtown Seattle Someday theyll be shattered down to the ground. I-5 interchange, south of downtown Seattle All this is gonna be gone. Downtown Seattle All this will be gone. Seattle metro area All this will be gone. Seattle metro area, western Washington All these will be swept under the sea. Seattle suburbs All thisll be submerged undersea. Western Washington to Cascade Range Its all gonna be submerged under the ocean. Seattle area, western Washington Its all gonna be gone, submerged under the sea. This land will change drastically. western Washington

This will all stand desolate. The farm fields of eastern Washington My people wont serve Me. My people dont listen. My people dont want to obey Me. All they want is to feel joy. Why dont My people obey Me? Ill destroy the world because of that. covetousness People dont want Me anymore. They want the world. I must destroy it. I must destroy them for that. -the excessive greed of foreign countries Most people have no qualms about disobeying Me. Dont worry about it. I have places of refuge. concerning the New World Order, train containerized guillotines, economic collapse, etc. Flee this place! Flee out of the West! I can do ANYTHING! -statement from Almighty God The hooves of his horses will trample all your streets; he will kill your people with the sword, and your strong pillars will fall to the ground. 12 They will plunder your wealth and loot your merchandise; they will break down your walls and demolish your fine houses and throw your stones, timber and rubble into the sea. 13 I will put an end to your noisy songs, and the music of your harps will be heard no more. 19 This is what the Sovereign LORD says: When I make you a desolate city, like cities no longer inhabited, and when I bring the ocean depths over you and its vast waters cover you, Ezekiel 26: 11-13, 19

Seattle Judgment Prophecies

Prophecies given through Brian Charles

Look around. All this will be gone in an instant. Downtown Seattle Someday it will all be gone, submerged underwater. Im gonna destroy this city in seconds. Seattle It will all be gone in an instant. Downtown Seattle Ill destroy it by force. former Washington Mutual Bank tower, downtown Seattle Someday theyll be shattered down to the ground. I-5 interchange, south of downtown Seattle All this is gonna be gone. Downtown Seattle All this will be gone. Seattle metro area All this will be gone. Seattle metro area, western Washington

All these will be swept under the sea. Seattle suburbs All thisll be submerged undersea. Western Washington to Cascade Range Its all gonna be submerged under the ocean. Seattle area, western Washington Its all gonna be gone, submerged under the sea. This land will change drastically. western Washington This will all stand desolate. The farm fields of eastern Washington My people wont serve Me. My people dont listen. My people dont want to obey Me. All they want is to feel joy. Why dont My people obey Me? Ill destroy the world because of that. covetousness People dont want Me anymore. They want the world. I must destroy it. I must destroy them for that. -the excessive greed of foreign countries Most people have no qualms about disobeying Me. Dont worry about it. I have places of refuge. concerning the New World Order, train containerized guillotines, economic collapse, etc. Flee this place! Flee out of the West! I can do ANYTHING! -statement from Almighty God The hooves of his horses will trample all your streets; he will kill your people with the sword, and your strong pillars will fall to the ground. 12 They will plunder your wealth and loot your merchandise; they will break down your walls and demolish your fine houses and throw your stones, timber and rubble into the sea. 13 I will put an end to your noisy songs, and the music of your harps will be heard no more. 19 This is what the Sovereign LORD says: When I make you a desolate city, like cities no longer inhabited, and when I bring the ocean depths over you and its vast waters cover you, Ezekiel 26: 11-13, 19

Prophetic Words of Judgment Against Harvard University

Given through Brian Charles
This will all be history, covered by the sands of time. They have refused to obey Me. --Harvard Univ,, Cambridge, Boston

This place will be razed by My hand. They have refused to serve Me. They love money more than Me. Im gonna destroy that place with My bare hands. They have refused My love. They wanted the world. You know Im gonna destroy that place in a second? Its sin has risen up to Me. It must be destroyed. Thus says the Lord. --Harvard University The word Yankee will be a thing of the past. All this will be blasted away by nuclear fire. --Boston All this will be blasted away in a split second. --Boston All this will be blasted away by the fire of My fury! --Boston, Cambridge, Harvard University Boston shall be destroyed by My mighty hand. They have refused to obey Me. My wrath is great. Thus says the Lord of hosts. Theyre partying and dont know that sudden destruction will come upon them! My patriots were here. Nobody serves Me anymore. They all serve themselves. I shall judge for that. Youll see. With nuclear fire! Great is My wrath against this place! Itll all be burnt to the ground. My people have refused to serve Me. My wrath against this place is great! Massachusetts will be a piece of history, destroyed by My hand! Itll all come down in an instant. --buildings of Boston Thisll be torn down by My hand. They have refused Me. You shall see it. --Harvard campus buildings They have rejected Me. --the people of Cambridge, Boston My Church has become a den of demons. What are you gonna do when tanks are rolling down the street? Ill be with you. It will all go total anarchy when the economy collapses. They have loved money more than Me. They must be destroyed. I will do it by My hand. They have refused Me far enough. Partying will be replaced by rioting. Thisll be destroyed by My hand. --Harvard University This will all be torn down by My hand. And I AM A Consuming Fire. My wrath against this place is great! --Harvard University buildings It is a stench in My sight. They have refused My love. It must be destroyed. --Harvard I will destroy it by My hand. It must go. It has dominated for far too long. It must be torn down by My hand. It must go. I have repented for far too long. It must go. It is a stench in My sight. Harvard must go. It has refused My love for far too long. It must be destroyed. They must be destroyed. They have refused Me. They have refused My love. Thus says the Lord. Amen. Brian, I love this place, but they have refused My love. It must be destroyed. They have refused My love. It will all be destroyed. It must go. Itll all be destroyed by My hand. Thus says the Lord. They all must go. They wont obey Me. Why wont they obey Me? They wont obey Me. They must be destroyed. They wont witnesss or anything. They love money more than Me. They must be destroyed. They wont obey Me. They must be destroyed. Thus says the Lord. Youll see with your bare eyes the punishment of the disobedient. Thus says the Lord. You tried to warn the people but they wont listen. They must be destroyed. Itll all happen in short order. Thus says the Lord. Im gonna destroy this empire. They wont serve Me. It will all become desert. Im gonna destroy humanity. --because of the sin of covetousness Ill destroy the world because of that! --covetousness Few will serve Me. Theyre all going to Hell. Few will be saved.

Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. Psalm 98:1

Stern Words From Almighty God for the Church

Given through Brian Charles 2008-2010
"I AM going to destroy My Church." "I AM going to destroy My Temple." "I AM going to destroy My people." "I AM going to destroy My temple of the Holy Spirit." "I AM going to destroy My people because they do not obey Me." "My people wont obey Me!" "My people refuse to follow Me." "My people refuse to serve Me." "My people wont repent!" "My people wont listen!" "My people don't accept Me" --Jesus (word to Church people) "My people have forsaken Me. I must destroy them for that." "I have forsaken My people." "Tell My people how I'll destroy them." "I'M gonna destroy My people completely." (To the pastors that dont want Jesus around)-- "I AM going to destroy their churches. IM gonna destroy them and their churches." "You know Im gonna destroy your society?" "I AM going to destroy your empire." (meaning America) "I AM going to destroy My empire." (meaning America) "I AM going to destroy your country." (meaning America) "IM gonna destroy this country from top to bottom." "Ive done enough blessing." "IM gonna destroy this country from inside and out." "IM gonna blast this country apart into little pieces! " "I AM gonna destroy that state." (meaning California) "What are you going to do during the Great Depression?" "Depart from the city of My wrath." (meaning San Francisco) "Leave this place, city of My wrath." (meaning Mesa-Phoenix) "Depart from the city of My wrath." (meaning Los Angeles) "Las Vegas will stand as an empty monument to greed." "IM gonna destroy that place." (meaning San Diego) "I'll destroy this city with a sudden burst. It will all be reduced to piles of rubble." (word of prophetic judgment concerning New York City) "Im gonna destroy it." (meaning Denver) "City of My grief." (meaning Nashville) "Nashville will be destroyed by a mighty wind." "I will destroy this place. It is a stench before Me." (word for Wenatchee, WA) "I'M gonna destroy the oil industry." "I'll destroy it." (meaning Harvard University) "It will be blown away." (Word of judgment for the J.P. Morgan Chase Bank tower in Houston) "Ill tear it down with My bare hands." (Word of judgment for the Empire State Building)

"Ill wash it away. Ill sweep it away." (concerning Black Beach nude beach in Oceanside, CA) "IM gonna judge him. IM going to destroy the empire of Hugh Hefner." "Don't be mad at these people. Let Me judge them. I told you that I made them hard-hearted so that I could destroy them. These people won't serve Me. I will judge each and every one of those who passes you by. You shall see the wrath of God." (concerning the people of GA) "You dont know the damage, destruction I can cause." "I will help you during the days of depression. I will be with you." "You have no need to fear for I AM with you. Fear not, for I have not forsaken you." "Destroy My people with your prophetic word, because they refuse to obey Me." (Words of the Lord to me.) "I AM a God of wrath to those who do not obey Me." "Why wont My people obey Me? Its because they dont love Me." "Few will." (obey Jesus) "You have forsaken Me," says the Lord, "You have gone backward. Therefore I will stretch out My hand against you and destroy you; I am weary of relenting! And I will winnow them with a winnowing fan in the gates of the land; I will bereave them of children; I will destroy My people, since they do not return from their ways." "I have forsaken My house, I have left My heritage; I have given the dearly beloved of My soul into the hand of her enemies." Jeremiah 15:6-7, 12:7 "The Lord God has sworn by Himself, the Lord God of Hosts says: "I abhor the pride of Jacob, and hate his palaces; therefore I will deliver up the city and all that is in it." "Behold, the eyes of the Lord God are on the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from the face of the earth; yet I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob," says the Lord God." Amos 6:8, 9:8 "O Ephraim, what shall I do to you? O Judah, what shall I do to you? For your faithfulness is like a morning cloud, and like the early dew it goes away. Therefore I have hewn them by the prophets, I have slain them by the words of My mouth; and your judgments are like light that goes forth." "My God will cast them away, because they did not obey Him; and they shall be wanderers among the nations." Hosea 6:4-5, 9:17 "Repent, or else I will come to you quickly and will fight against them with the sword of My mouth." Revelation 2:16 "Thus says God: Why do you transgress the commandments of the Lord, so that you cannot prosper? Because you have forsaken the Lord, He also has forsaken you." 2 Chronicles 24:20 "But if you will not hearken unto Me, and will not do all these commandments; and if you shall despise My statutes, or if your soul abhor My judgments, so that you will not do all My commandments, but that you break My covenant:" Leviticus 26:14-15 "The prophets that have been before me and before you of old prophesied both against many countries, and against great kingdoms, of war, and of evil, and of pestilence." Jeremiah 28:8 "And they come unto you as the people come, and they sit before you as My people, and they hear your words, but they will not do them: for with their

mouth they show much love, but their heart goes after their covetousness." Ezekiel 33:31 "For all seek after their own, not the things which are Jesus Christs." Philippians 2:21 "For this you know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things comes the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience." Ephesians 5:5-6 "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the father is not in him." 1 John 2:15 "For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." Revelation 19:10 "He has blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them." John 12:40 "But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 8:12 "Isaiah also cries out concerning Israel: "Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, the remnant will be saved"" Romans 9:27

Miscellaneous Prophetic Words

Given through Brian Charles

Itll be blasted out of existence. --New York City Im going to tear it down with My bare hands! --The Empire State Building in New York City (remember that God Is A Consuming Fire!) Itll all be destroyed. --Seattle and Nevada Soon this country will be shaken. It will be destroyed. --Nevada Someday it will be gone, submerged under the sea. --Japan Theyre not willing to do My will. Theyre doing it their way. Send My stern word.

Im gonna judge em for that! You can count on that! --RHEMA HQ for stripping the RHEMA affiliation from that one pastor that took a stand against abortion Ill judge em for that! --prophetic words being thrown away by church receptionists, secretaries Ill destroy em for that! Ill judge em for that! --gambling in casinos Its My land. --Wyoming means in Indian language land of evil spirits It doesnt need finances. Look how they did it in the Roman time. --concerning financing the building of His Kingdom Someday thatll be a reality. You can be a part of it. --antigravity-propelled semi trucks You dont need a machine to take you. You need Me. Even in the Great Depression I can take you places. Dont ask. I do things My way. --asking if someone has an M-Div Dont worry about it. Trust Me. --about serious end-of-theworld situations Dont concentrate on your problems. Concentrate on Me. Leave the world of the wealthy. --Sun City West Im gonna judge em for that! --Ohio residents making life impossible in that fertile, productive land Ill be with you to pick up the pieces. --when to do when its all over You know Im gonna destroy your society? Thats what IM gonna do to your country. --like kicking open a Fire Ant anthill IM gonna destroy My land completely. Some will be sunk under the ocean. --the USA Ill destroy My empire. Itll be destroyed in a moment. Ill destroy the country because of that. --pornography You know Im gonna destroy your society? Destroy My empire. Im gonna destroy My land completely, My son. Im gonna blast this country apart into little pieces! IM gonna destroy it. --the CIA and the NSA too. They wont obey Me. --Ohioans

Im gonna blast this land apart into little pieces! --Ohio This is all gonna be gone. Im gonna destroy this land. Im gonna destroy all this land completely. --Ohio Itll be destroyed instantly. --Columbus Ill destroy this place instantly. --Columbus Theyre partying and dont know that sudden destruction will come upon them. --OSU fans Someday itll be gone. --money and stuff These things will disappear. --merchandise for sale in the OSU Student Union Someday itll be gone, smashed to bits. --OSU Main Library This will be a desolate waste. --OSU campus, Columbus Itll be torn down by pieces. --downtown Columbus buildings Someday thisll be burned by fire. --OSU, Columbus the whole city Someday itll be rubble, submerged under the sea. --old Federal building, Columbus I hate this place. These people wont listen to Me. It will all be submerged underwater. --Columbus Im gonna destroy My Church completely. You shall see it. Judge the false prophets. Did Jeremiah quit when he heard My word? He prophesied the death of his Church age. My people wont obey Me. --The Jewish people, and the Christians Destroy My Church, for they refuse to do My will. My people wont sacrifice. Ill judge because of that! Ill judge for that. --lazy, lukewarm, careless Christians Im gonna destroy My people completely! Very few will obey Me. Few will obey Jesus Few will serve Me. Theyre all going to Hell. Why wont My people obey Me? I will save Who I will save. --from the Church Speak death. Tell the Church theyre going to Hell. Tell My people Ill destroy them.

Ill be with you forever! I will provide for you always. I have set you apart for Myself. You MUST send out the word!!! Each one will be judged by what you say. I have not forgotten or forsaken. I will provide. Dont depend on your money. It will be gone. Dont look down on them, theyre My people. --prison inmates, those who have been accused and condemned by society IM gonna destroy it. --The new all-glass Bank of America tower in Charlotte Someday thisll be toppled by force. --downtown Charlotte You know, Im going to bring em down flat! --downtown Charlotte Ill destroy this city in a second, city of My wrath. --Charlotte, North Carolina All this will be gone in a flash. --Carolina Place Mall It shall go down. Im gonna destroy this place with sudden force. Because the people wont obey Me. Im gonna destroy this place. My people wont obey Me. Itll be gone. Its going down. Itll all be destroyed. --Charleston, WV They refuse to obey Me, My son. They refuse to do My will. Ill destroy them. Someday itll be gone. It will all be destroyed. Charleston and all of West Virginia They wont obey Me. I shall destroy them. Youll see. --Christian women IM gonna destroy My women. Youll see it! I suffer not a woman to teach still stands. They must be homemakers, wives. They wont obey Me. Theyre all out chasing their own thing. Thats why women refuse to serve Me. Because they prefer doing their own thing. They wont obey Me. Thats why you cant get a wife. They arent willing to serve Me. They wont comply. They think they own the whole world. Ill judge them for that. They wont obey Me. I shall destroy them. Youll see. --about Christian women Someday its all gonna be gone. --the farms of America Its all gonna be gone. --Indiana

Me! --trying to figure out for the longest time just what its all about Im gonna destroy it. --Hong Kong Ill destroy that church. They wont obey Me. Portsmouth, NH big church Hartford will be destroyed. --Hartford, CT Leave this state of wickedness. It will be destroyed in short order, by nuclear fire. Thus says the Lord of Hosts. --New Hampshire It will be a pile of ruins. --concerning the Southern Evangelical Seminary Im going to destroy this town. --Matthews, NC Im going to tear it down. St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church, Charlotte Ill destroy the them for that. --the Swiss for their financial self-sufficiency All this must be destroyed. --Phoenix churches and ministries Release judgment on em. They wont do it My way. They love stuff more than Me. --ministers, ministries It will be blown away. --J.P. Morgan Chase Bank tower in Houston Dont sing about Houston. Sing about Me. Ill judge it with a mighty burst. Miami will be swept into the sea. It will be blasted to pieces! --Comerica Bank tower in Dallas Someday electricity will be a thing of the past. I must judge My people. They wont obey Me. It will begin with an economic collapse, then a foreign invasion from the West. All the West shall be destroyed by foreign armies, including California. Ill destroy them for that! --wealthy, successful, highlyeducated people gambling in the Las Vegas casinos Ill sweep it away. Ill wash it away. Black Beach in Oceanside, California Im going to destroy the empire of Hugh Hefner.

Ill bring a great worldwide disaster, because My people arent doing My will. Ill bring a great disaster because of that. --Christian nations are not sending out missionaries, evangelists Ill bring a great disaster. --worldwide economic collapse See this? Itll all crumble in a minute. --Old Main, University of Arizona Im gonna judge them for that. --Christians not bothering to do anything anymore Ill judge for that. --young women not liking men Ill destroy for that! --all the people, even the poor, being too wealthy and interested in the world to serve Jesus His way nowadays Ill destroy for that! --people chasing the almighty dollar I AM the 1%. The 99% wont serve Me. Thats why theyre losing all their money. Ill judge for that. --the Church being all talk, and nobody will do anything Ill judge for that. --women holding out for lots of money Ill judge for that. Youll see. --golddiggers Ill judge for that too. Thats not the way its supposed to be. --house husbands Im gonna take it away. --food Theyll be destroyed by My fire. --Orthodox & Catholic churches My people wont obey Me. My people refuse to serve me. All they care about is themselves. Why wont My people obey Me? Ill destroy the world because of that! --covetousness I must destroy this place. --Tucson Mall Ill be with you when the end comes. Ill judge for that. --unauthorized medical operations, back-alley abortions They wont obey Me. (women) Thats why I give them breast cancer. They wont obey Me. I must give them breast cancerusing them for lust. My people wont do My will. I gave them everything they need. Ill take it all away.

Someday itll be blasted out of place! --The Dalles Dam, The Dalles, OR IM gonna destroy it. --Pride Transport trucking company Ill destroy this place with My hand. You will see it. Because they are not doing My will. Its gonna be destroyed. --Vineyard Christian Community Church, Tucson Dont rejoice over your enemys death. (Osama bin Laden) Someday your land will be flooded with enemies. --concerning Osama bin Ladens violent death and the Chinese & Russian Army invasion of America Find where the prophets are. And share your word. Itll be torn down. --Bank of Albuquerque Pahrump will become a ghost town. --word for Pahrump, NV Ill destroy them places. Ill destroy them bases. --Deep Underground Military Bases D.U.M.B.s Crushed in an instant. Pioneer Place Mall, Portland My people refuse to obey Me. Itll all be swept away. You know, I can do all things. All this will be gone. --Portland, OR Leave this place, city of My wrath. --Portland, OR Let them do their thing. (career climbers) Ill have fun throwing nuclear bombs at them! Dont tell of other peoples sins. Youll be left alone. I can do ANYTHING! IM gonna judge for that! --for people refusing to stand for whats right Its gonna blow too! --the big volcano in southern British Columbia Few people are willing to do it My way. --true ministry I hate it. I hate that structure. --Stratosphere Tower in Las Vegas Ill destroy em for that! --the Las Vegas economy being mainly based on gambling games I will judge for that. --people being too interested in the world, and in getting enough money Im gonna destroy My empire. Ill destroy the nation because of that. --abortion

It will all go total anarchy when the economy collapses. They have loved money more than Me. They must be destroyed. I will do it by My hand. They have refused Me far enough. They wont listen. I must destroy them for that. Let the government do its job- a vessel of dishonor. I must destroy My people. You will see. I will use the New World Order to accomplish My purposes. Thats why I set up the Top Secret Establishment to destroy My people. They must destroy My people. Ill be with you then. Ill protect you through it all, because you dare trust in Me. --during the years of anarchy after the US economy collapses Destroy My people with your prophetic word, because they refuse to repent. All the big cities will be nuked. The bombs are already in place. In the cities. Yes. Youll see. Itll all be gone. Its already too late. --judgment is set for national destruction Warn My people of their nuclear destruction. Are you willing to obey Me? --says Jesus Ill be with you forever! I AM with you!

Hell, thats what awaits the sinners. Horrors unimaginable!!! They dont know it. You must tell. Their eternal destiny rests upon it! --prophetic word from Almighty God to YOU!!!

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