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Transport & Tourism Working Party...Thursday 5th January 2012 (5.

45pm) at Riverside Centre Councillors John Ward, John Hobart, Debbie Dixcey, Shirley Smart, Julie Jones-Evans, Peter Whiteman and Lois Prior This was the first meeting since late September and the Assistant Clerk had prepared a detailed note for Members on the ongoing issues where the Parish Council have a declared interest. The three main traffic related topics debated at the meeting were as follows. Delay in completion of spine road (and St.Georges Roundabout) (Pan Meadows), application submitted by Barretts and proposed application by ASDA. The Highways DC Officer supported (or raised no objection to) the Barretts application that was approved under the delegated procedure. Members of Planning and Licensing Committee, T & T and GL will know that this decision was dealt under the delegated procedure and our detailed objection was overlooked and the matter was not handled correctly amounting to maladministration. Following a Committee meeting on 5/1 the Chairman (SS) has sent a letter expressing our dissatisfaction with what has happened but falling short of a formal complaint. This matter is further complicated by the decision made by the Inspector on the Island Plan that means that this land (former training pitch) is no longer allocated for retail development. Present levels of traffic congestion on south side of town with suggestions for more efficient use of Church Litten (three lanes) and parking controls at Morrisons (and Marks & Spencer). The well documented serious congestion problems in the five/six weeks leading up to Christmas were discussed in considerable detail and focused on the inability (or unwillingness) of the store to adequately control their parking facility and, although there is a solution, comments from IWC to the effect that there are no resources to do the necessary work. The view was that the PC, with the help of the local Ward member, should pursue this matter as the present situation is totally unsatisfactory from an economic and an environmental perspective. Possible information signs on main routes into town with recommended speed limit (20 mph). Members were advised that Kevin Burton (Highways) said hed be happy to support please drive carefully through our historic town but NPC would have to meet the cost of the signs although hed be prepared to organise and fund the installation. His view on the Governments latest edict on 20mph speed limits is that it is no more than an indication of what changes are to be implemented in the next version of the TSRG (traffic signs regulations and general conditions). None of the changes promote the use of 20mph limits on main traffic routes; when the guidance is formalised he will need to consider whether there is scope or a need to draft an amendment to our current local speed limit policy. Members were not overly impressed with this as a response and are keen to see the matter pursued in terms of both the main routes into the town and actually within the town centre as, in their view, the situation has changed and will be supported by the Police. Further to the above Members also agreed that the Assistant Clerk should make investigations and follow up other matters, specifically Absence of any response, to date, on use of Sylvan Drive/Mountbatten Drive. Government advice on charging for town centre parking and the need to reduce those charges to improve the viability of main shopping areas. Suggestions for plaques, signage etc in town/village centre. Current situation in terms of provision of tourism information for Newport and Carisbrooke.


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