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Prepaired by suresh k its might be usefull others Interview questions Accenture 1)Tell me about your self?

Or Run your profile? 2)What is diff between copy stage & Transformer stage? 3)What is erwin tool? 4)How to impliment your project? 5)What is DWH? 6)What is DWH Architecture? 7)What is logical & physical data model? 8)What is lookup stage? 9)What is diff between lookup,merge & join stages? 10)How many dimention tables are available in your project? 11)How many fact table are contain in your project? 12)How to remove the duplictes in your project? POLORIES 1)Tell me about your self? 2)What is diff between views & materialized views? 3)If i have one text file its having 1000 records then 1st record move to 1st ta rget, 2 nd record moves to second target and 3 record moves to 3rd target table simultainusly so what to do? 4)what is funnel stage? 5)What is relative & Absulte path? 6)How many dimentional tables & fact table in your project? 7)Which type of database used in your project? IBM 1)Tell me about your self? 2)What is config files ? What they properties? 3)What is seq file? 4)How to read .xls file the data from datastage? 5)What is datamart & dwh? 6)Wht is subject are? 7)What is extention of sequential file? 8)We ahte to delemeted text file then ow to read it? 9)Diff between data mart and dwh? 10)What is datset file? 11)If we hae firstname_lastname then i want to move the records as firstname goe s to first target and latsname moves to second target table what to do? 12) Types of DWH? 13)What is staging area? 14)How to implement your job? 15)What is change capture stage? 16)What is remove duplicate stage? 17)How delete a row from oracle tables? 18)How to remove a duplicate record from sql & write a quarey? 19)What is sequence generater? 20)How to sort the data in oralce? Techno soft 1)what is type1? 2)What is type2? 3)How to kill a job?

4)How to find out process id? 5)What is node? 6)If i develop a job that willl run by 4 nodes but i will be changes to 8 nodes what s happen? 7)Hwo to fix a bugs? 8)How to run a reports on job 9)if have to working on projuction support then ofter 5 months i want ot run 5 s tatistic report wht to do? IBM 1)WHAT IS PARLLEL JOBS? HOW IT works? 2)If i have a job that run on 2 nodes so then i you run th job on 4 nodes palel ly then how it works? 3)Wht is entaire partition & who it process the deata ? 4)What i sround rpbin partition techniques ? How it impliment? 5)If i have 1 source file the data as 3,3,2,2,2,1 so i want to move dupicates re cords moves to one target & unique records will move to one target table? 6)What is config file? 7)apt_config is where you impliment? 8)What is the main diff between dataset & seqfile? 9)Using with lookup in source file conatin 1 record & refferance file conain 10 more record but that the soruce record doesnt match with reff link than what hap pen? 10)The above sinario but record are moving to targe table or not? 11)Lookup condition types? 12)What is aut partition techniques hwo it impliment? 13)In source contain 10 columns 100 records but i want to applay trim function o n contacts in contacts having some nullability but if you are applaying trim fun ction on contacts what happens? 14)Tell me about your self? TCS 1)Tell em about your self with your project? 2)what is lookup? 3)In source file conatin 100 recors in refferance link conatin 6 recods conain t hen how many records move to target tabel? 4)In source contain 1 records & reffaence link contain 1 records than how many r ecord move to target using join & lookup? 5)What is diff between data set & seqfile? 6)What is diff between server & parllel job? 7)What is diff between funnel & join stage? 8)One record contain source file abut dont have key column than how many record move to target? 9)Hwo to get data sources ? Source file? 10)How to impliment the job & how to process the data into targe table? 11)Can you chang ethe date function in sequnetial file? 12)Can you write a quary for 3 heigest salary records ? 13)I want to display lowest 3 records? 14)How copy the data form one file to another file unix? 15)In source file contain 3 columns of data but i want to display peticular coul umn detials how to write a quarey in unix? 16)We have to developing a job than ofter run the job but the data can be load v ery slow means actually the data can be process in 5 minutes but the data will b e load 1 hour more than contineous while what you are doing? 17)What is apt_ combined file? 18)What is stable sort? 19)How to change the date format in sequ file?

NESS TECHNOLGIES 1)wht is the diff between snowflack schema and star schema? 2)How to implement your project? 3)Hwot to impliment type1? 4)Explain about your project architecture? 5)Can you change the value instead of null value ? 6)Can you change date format & how is it ? How many ways you have to change? 7)I have a source file it contain date column as a mm:dd:yyyy then i want to dis play dd:mm:yyyy how to implement tell me? 8)If a source conatin date column as different date format dd:mm:yyyy= 35:13:200 0 like these casees how can you identified & reject like those data? 9)In source conatin empno, ename , office, std code like these but i want ot che ck the std code if the data has been correct or not how to find out ? 10)How to implement hash partition? 11)What is precondidtion in join stage? 12)What i s confirmation dimention? 13)What is sequencers? 14)What is sequental jobs? 15)Did you work on cleansing? TELEPHONIC DISSCUSSION QUESTIONS 1)WHAT ARE THE LOCK? 2)What is parlle extender? 3)Can you explain your project implimentaions? 4)Which daabase is used in yur project? 5)Explain your project architeture? 6)What is the diff between junk & dirty dimentions? 7)What i s union all? 8)Diff between union all & full outer jin ? 9)Suppose if we have 1 source file and 3 target file atable first rec load into 1st table , 2nd file load into 2 nd target simultaniously what to do? 10)What i srelative & absoulte path? 11)In a sourc contain two tex t & datatypes are changes how can you move the da ta to target table? 12)What is complex vies & materialized viess? 13)Whati is modeling ? What are they? 14)You working on which domain? 15)How many fact table conatin your project? 16)What is the diff between ods &staging area? 17)How many di;mention conatin your project? 18)How much of data of data can be receive or load in to target or database size ? 19)What is confirmation dimention? 20)What is rownum & row id? 21)What is granularity? 22)What is quality stage? 23)What is datastge? 24)What is now flack schema & starschema? 25)What is scrubbing? 26)What is cleansing? 27)What is difference between file set & seq file & data set fils? 28)What is diff between swithc fileter stages? 29)What is befor run a job & after run job? 30)How many types of dimentions tables are their 31)what are fact tables ?what are they? 32)What are partition techniques?

TERADATA 1)WHAT IS THE difference between datastage 7.5 & 8.0 ? 2)what is the disadavantage with rcp? 3)Why want ot be use user name & pass word while running the job? 4)What is the advantages using with join in oracle ? 5)In oracle 8i we had create a table than how to import the data using data stag e? 6)How to removing a dataset file name? 7)How retrive the 5th heigest salary in tbale ? 8)If we have binary data than how to view the data in datastage? 9)What is the use of parameters? 10)What is the use of shared conatiners and loacle containers? 11)What is job score?

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