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'( NOYEl\t1SER 1.5VOL. 2 NO.8 PRICE N25 U.K.

- Holy Father declares
Sy God'swiIJ Ezeala.
The Sole Spiritual Heap
Leader Olumba 01umba Obu
has declared that Nige.rili\
despite the present
economic, social., and political
problems, the' partial'aod
artificial i ntemationalisoJation
by the self ace/armed lovers
of justice the oorld, over,
Nigeria remains the bride of
all nations and the oond's
New Jerusalem. The Holy
Father Who rnade the
declaration for the umpteen
time' in the wake of 'the
lAOmen's unabated cUriosity
to visit Is(ael questioned. th.e
rationale such visits:
The HOly Spirit
personified,' O. O.
Obuemphasised thus
"Believe me brethren, Nigeria
is the New Jerusalem'.
Nigeria is the Mother of all
the nations' of the oortd.
therefore there is no problem
whatsoever for Nigeria.
Everything is excelleotin

. Nigeria, Very soon you an,
going to see oonder&. This
consciousness has
unfortunately eluded the
entire oond",
The Holy Father warned
the brethren and the entire
wortdto' know that
ancient centreS of pilQfimage
haVce been overtaken by
events as such centres
now spiritually barren. He in
his Wisdom advised the
brethren to address their
minds towards developing the
New Jerusalem.
, While reflecting C)n the
impact of pilgrimages to the
cursed and embattlecf State of
the HQly Father h..-Ped
extensively on th.e irrelevance
af such trips as there is
nefther conc(usive, peaGe In
the Region nor proper
of the ScriptureS
by the Israelis who' Ilre
presently. engrossed 'in
political c:rtsis and age long
feud V1Ath the Palestinians.
.. . D8fails on Page 1(1
Tha"k You Fl.I'IItIr
.. r

THE SOLE Spiritual
He'" of thf!.
hood of the Cross and
SUU:, Leader Olamba
OIumba Obu bas again
wame4 against stagJng
of coups and strllGeS
In tbecountry.. .
He gave the warning
recently at the Pente
costal Hall of the
World Headquarters
of the Brotherhood of
the Cross an9 Star in
Calabar, while addre
ssing His adherents.
. The Holy Father made
it . clear that the April
22, 1990 coup in Nigeria
'failed in order that the
Glory of God might be
revealed people
had refused to heed
"Whether you . stay.
the' surface
of tile earth or up ,there
,the sky or stay in Ithe
bush an9 plot any
coqP. your coup will
fail . you will be
arrested," warned the
In a similar vein
He an those
who have been rebel
ling constituted
authority either in
towns, cities. or coun
tries to desist from doing
so else they would
be arrested an9 pun\
Furthermore, the
Holy Father called
on those whru.e brothers
an9 or sisters are
armed robbers to can
them to order before
such robbers get
apprehended. He said
tl:tat from hence
forth, it was not going
. to be easy for them.
Leader O. O. Obu
recalled His earlier
wamlng again$t coups
anilstrikes -which
was in
volume 4 DllJrtber 14
issue of Herald of the
palX'I. AU8U$tl 1988 and
wondered.. people
should continue to nurse
the idea of staging
Excerpt of the
Sermon which was
titled "Sumbit To
. Your Rulers. It ,
I say this to all in I the
whole world that you
should stop coup
planning. It has brougbt
problems to the whole
world..... do m>t stru
ggle with the govemT
ment because it is
God that placed all of
them in their various
positions. "
The Father stressed
...,.Leader Obu
that every ruler should
rule with love
truth, . adding that
any ruler who did. not
rule with tmth and
distribution of the
n"tion's wealth to the
subjects 'would be re
moved by God an(l nVI
via violence. H.e main God had
designed His strate
gies to show any ruthless
. ruler the way out.
Re also reca"iled' ouf: .
of His
ments in 1969
"I have split Nigeria
to pieces". an9 asked
whether the creation
of Twelve States did
n(lt come to pass.
The Sole Spiritual
Head further warnei:l
that trlbeshoutd
lord it over
tribe for a Long time..
He advised tlle [ultrs
to keep the ruled at
heart an(l also called'
onI the ruled to be
Contd. on JNlJe -I

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