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Interpersonal Conflict At Work Scale, ICAWS

Foarte des Once or twice per day Once or twice per week Once or twice per day Several times per day Several times per day Niciodata Destul de des Once or twice per week Once or twice per month

1. Cat de des te certi cu alte persoane la serviciu ? 2. Cat de des tipa la tine alte persoane de la locul de munca? 3. Ct de des ti se intampla ca oamenii sa fie nepoliticosi cu tine la serviciu? 4. Cat de des ti se intampla sa fii victima unor lucruri rautacioase la serviciu?

Organizational Constraints Scale, OCS

Less than once per month or never Once or twice per month Less than once per month or never Cat de des ti se pare dificil sau imposibil sa-ti faci treaba din cauza...?

1. Echipamentelor insuficiente. 2. Regulilor si procedurilor impuse de organizatie. 3. Altor angajati. 4.Supervizorului tau . 5. Lipsa echipamentelor. 6. Training-ului insuficient. 7. Intreruperilor de catre alte persoane. 8. Lack of necessary information about what to do or how to do it. 9. Conflicting job demands. 10. Inadequate help from others. 11. Incorrect instructions.

Quantitative Workload Inventory, QWI

1. How often does your job require you to work very fast? 2. How often does your job require you to work very hard? 3. How often does your job leave you with little time to get things done? 4. How often is there a great deal to be done?



5. How often do you have to do more work than you can do well?

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