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MAT 617 - Measure and Integration Theory

Notes for (January 17, 2012)

Matthew Niemerg

Discussed binary expansions and how every nite binary expansion corresponds to a subset of the the NATURAL numbers. One can then conclude that the cardinality of the real numbers is 20 . Countable innity or a sequence is easy to handle. main secret: use sequences a lot! Recall: a proposition in Math 317/517: a function f (x) has a limit L at point a : limxa f (x) = L if and only if (IFF) limn f (xn ) = L for any sequence xn a. Remember: We have to think of limits coming into a point from ALL possible directions/possibilities/sequences. PARTITIONS and COVERINGS Heine-Borel - nite covering theorem: If you have a compact set K on the real line and is covered by a union of open intervals, then there exists a nite subset of the open intervals that covers the compact set K.

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