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Dirichlet convolution of an arithmetics

functions and Leibniz-additive functions

arXiv:submit/4609498 [math.GM] 21 Nov 2022

Es-said En-naoui
Faculty Of Science And Technics,University Sultan Moulay Slimane

November 21, 2022

An arithmetic function f is Leibniz-additive if there is a completely
multiplicative function hf , i.e., hf (1) = 1 and hf (mn) = hf (m)hf (n)
for all positive integers m and n, satisfying
f (mn) = f (m)hf (n) + f (n)hf (m)
for all positive integers m and n. A motivation for the present study
is the fact that Leibniz-additive functions are generalizations of the
arithmetic derivative δ; namely, δ is Leibniz-additive with hδ (n) = n.
In this paper, we study the basic properties of Dirichlet convolution of
Leibniz-additive functions f with an arithmetic functions g by using
the extention of L-aaditive function to the set of rational numbers Q
using in (see, e.g., [19]) , and we will give some results of Dirichlet
convolution of arithmetic derivative δ with some classical arithmetic
functions .

1 Introduction
Let n be a positive integer. Its arithmetic derivative is the function δ :
N → N , defined by the rules :
(i) δ(p) = 1 for all primes p,
(ii) δ(mn) = mδ(n)+nδ(m) for all positive integers m and n (the Leibnitz
rule) .

Let n a positive integer , if n = si=1 pαi i is the prime factorization of n,
then the formula for computing the arithmetic derivative of n is (see, e.g.,
[4, 18]) giving by :
X αi Xα
δ(n) = n =n (1)
i=1 i α
p ||n

A brief summary on the history of arithmetic derivative and its generaliza-

tions to other number sets can be found, e.g., in [4, 18, 9].
Similarly, one can define the arithmetic logarithmic derivative [18] as

ld(n) = .
First of all, to cultivate analytic number theory one must acquire a con-
siderable skill for operating with arithmetic functions. We begin with a few
elementary considerations.

Definition 1.1 (arithmetic function). An arithmetic function is a func-

tion f : N −→ C with domain of definition the set of natural numbers N and
range a subset of the set of complex numbers C.

Definition 1.2 (multiplicative function). A function f is called an multi-

plicative function if and only if :

f (nm) = f (n)f (m) (2)

for every pair of coprime integers n,m. In case (13) is satisfied for every pair
of integers n and m , which are not necessarily coprime, then the function f
is called completely multiplicative.

Clearly , if f are a multicative function , then f (n) = f (pα1 1 ) . . . f (pαs s ),

for any positive integer n such that n = pα1 1 . . . pαs s , and if f is completely
multiplicative , so we have : f (n) = f (p1 )α1 . . . f (ps )αs .
The functions defined above are widely studied in the literature, see, e.g.,
[?, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17].

Definition 1.3 (additive function). A function f is called an additive func-

tion if and only if :
f (nm) = f (n) + f (m) (3)
for every pair of coprime integers n,m. In case (3) is satisfied for every pair
of integers n and m , which are not necessarily coprime, then the function f
is called completely additive.

Clearly , if f are a additive function , then f (n) = f (pα1 1 ) + . . . + f (pαs s ),
for any positive integer n such that n = pα1 1 . . . pαs s , and if f is completely
additive , so we have : f (n) = f (p1 )α1 + . . . + f (ps )αs .

Definition 1.4 (L-additive function). We say that an arithmetic function

f is Leibniz-additive (or, L-additive, in short) if there is a completely multi-
plicative function hf such that
f (mn) = f (m)hf (n) + f (n)hf (m) (4)
for all positive integers m and n.
Then f (1) = 0 since hf (1) = 1. The property (4) may be considered
a generalized Leibniz rule. For example, the arithmetic derivative δ is L-
additive with hδ (n) = n, since it satisfies the usual Leibniz rule
δ(mn) = nδ(m) + mδ(n)
for all positive integers m and n, and the function hδ (n) = n is completely
multiplicative. Similarly, the arithmetic partial derivative respect to the
prime p is L-additive with hδp (n) = n. Further, all completely additive
functions f are L-additive with hf (n) = 1. For example, the logarithmic
derivative of n is completely additive since
ld(mn) = ld(m) + ld(n).
The term “L-additive function” seems to be new in the literature, yet
Chawla [5] has defined the concept of completely distributive arithmetic func-
tion meaning the same as we do with an L-additive function. However, this is
a somewhat misleading term since a distributive arithmetic function usually
refers to a property that
f (u ∗ v) = (f u) ∗ (f v), (5)
i.e., the function f distributes over the Dirichlet convolution. This is sat-
isfied by completely multiplicative arithmetic functions, not by completely
distributive functions as Chawla defined them.
Because L-additivity is analogous with generalized additivity and gener-
alized multiplicativity (defined in [8]), we could, alternatively, speak about
generalized complete additivity (and also define the concept of generalized
complete multiplicativity).
In this paper, we consider L-additive functions especially from the view-
point that they are generalizations of the arithmetic derivative. In the next
section, we present their basic properties. In the last section, we study L-
additivity and the arithmetic derivative in terms of the Dirichlet convolution.

Theorem 1.1. Let f be an arithmetic function. If f is L-additive and hf is
nonzero-valued, then f /hf is completely additive.

Proof. If f satisfies (4) and hf is never zero, then

f (mn) f (m)hf (n) + f (n)hf (m) f (m) f (n)

= = + ,
hf (mn) hf (m)hf (n) hf (m) hf (n)

Theorem 1.2. Let n a positive integer , if n = si=1 pαi i is the prime factor-
ization of n and f is L-additive with hf (p1 ), . . . , hf (ps ) 6= 0, then
X αi f (pi )
f (n) = hf (n) .
hf (pi )

Proof. See [16, Proposition 2]

2 Extand the L-additive function to the set

The next step is to extend the L-additive function to the set of rational
numbers Q , We start from the positive rationals.
The shortest way is to use the theorem 1.1 . Namely, if x = si=1 pxi i is a
factorization of a rational number x in prime powers, (where some xi may
be negative) then we put :
X xi f (pi )
f (x) = hf (x) . (6)
hf (pi )

and the same proof as in Theorem 1.1 shows that this definition is still
consistent with the Leibnitz rule for every L-additive function f with hf 6= 0.

Lemma 2.1. Let n a positive integer , if n = si=1 pαi i is the prime factoriza-
tion of n, then and f is L-additive function with hf is nonzero-valued, then
1 −f (n)
f = 2 (7)
n hf (n)

Proof. Let n a positive integer , if n = i=1 pαi i is the prime factorization of
n , then we have by the formula (6) :
   Xs  Xs
1 1 −αi f (pi ) 1 αi f (pi )
f = hf = −hf
n n i=1 hf (pi ) n i=1 hf (pi )
Ps αi f (pi ) Ps αi f (pi ) f (n)
Since f (n) = hf (n) i=1 hf (pi ) then , i=1 hf (pi ) = hf (n)
, so we have :
1 1 f (n) 1 f (n) −f (n)
f = −hf . = −hf (n).hf . 2 = 2
n n hf (n) n hf (n) hf (n)
1 n
because hf is multiplicative and hf (n).hf n
= hf n
= hf (1) = 1 .

Theorem 2.1. Lets n and m two positive integers with m 6= 0. and f is

L-additive function with hf is nonzero-valued, then we have :
n f (n)hf (m) − f (m)hf (n)
f = (8)
m h2f (m)

A L-additive can be well defined for rational numbers using this formula and
this is the only way to define a L-additive over rationals that preserves the
Leibnitz rule.

Proof. If n and m two positive integers with m 6= 0 and hf is never zero,

then :        
n 1 1 1
f = f n. = hf (n)f + hf f (n)
m m m m
Since by the lemma 2.1 we have : f m1 = −f (m) 1 1
h (m)
, and hf m
= hf (m) , then

n f (n) hf (n)f (m) f (n)hf (m) − f (m)hf (n)
f = − 2
m hf (m) hf (m) h2f (m)

for all positive integers n and m , The theorem 2.1 may be considered a
generalized Leibniz rule in the set of rational number Q. This terminology
arises from the observation that the arithmetic derivative is L-additive with
hδ = n ; it satisfies the usual Leibniz rule of quotient :

n δ(n)hδ (m) − δ(m)hδ (n) mδ(n) − nδ(m)

δ( )= =
m h2δ (m) m2

Further, all completely additive functions f are L-additive with hf (n) = 1 ,
then we can extended any completely addtive function to the set of rational
number Q by this formula :
f = f (n) − f (m)
For example, the logarithmic derivative of n is completely additive, then
we have : n
ld = ld(n) − ld(m)
The theorem 2.1 is the only choice that satisfies the Leibnitz rule of L-additive
function in the set of rational number. This proves uniqueness. To prove that
such a definition is well-defined, it is sufficient to see that :

 an  f (an)hf (am) − f (am)hf (an)

f =
am h2f (am)
hf (a)hf (m) hf (a)f (n) + hf (n)f (a) − hf (a)hf (n) hf (a)f (m) + hf (m)f (a)
h2f (a)h2f (m)
hf (m) hf (a)f (n) + hf (n)f (a) − hf (n) hf (a)f (m) + hf (m)f (a)
hf (a)h2f (m)
hf (m)hf (a)f (n) − hf (n)hf (a)f (m)
hf (a)h2f (m)
hf (m)f (n) − hf (n)f (m) n
= = f
h2f (m) m

has the same value

3 L-additive functions in terms of the Dirich-

let convolution
Above we have seen that many fundamental properties of the extanded of
the L-additive function to the set of rational number. We complete this
article by changing our point of view slightly and demonstrate that L-additive
functions can also be studied in terms of the Dirichlet convolutions by using
the theorem 2.1.

Let f and g be arithmetic functions. Their Dirichlet convolution is
X n
X n
(f ∗ g)(n) = f (a)g(b) = f (d)g .

where the sum extends over all positive divisors d of n , or equivalently

over all distinct pairs (a, b) of positive integers whose product is n.
In particular, we have (f ∗ g)(1) = f (1)g(1) ,(f ∗ g)(p) = f (1)g(p) + f (p)g(1)
for any prime p and for any power prime pm we have :
(f ∗ g)(p ) = f (pj )g(pm−j ) (9)

This product occurs naturally in the study of Dirichlet series such as the
Riemann zeta function. It describes the multiplication of two Dirichlet series
in terms of their coefficients:
f ∗ g (n)
X X f (n)  X g(n) 
= (10)
ns n≥1
ns n≥1

with Riemann zeta function or is defined by :

X 1
ζ(s) =

These functions are widely studied in the literature (see, e.g., [3, 6, 7]).

We let f (u ∗ v) denote the product function of f and u ∗ v, i.e.,

(f (u ∗ v))(n) = f (n)(u ∗ v)(n).

Theorem 3.1. An arithmetic function f is completely additive if and only

f (u ∗ v) = (f u) ∗ v + u ∗ (f v)
for all arithmetic functions u and v.

Proof. See [16, Proposition 2].

Next theorems shows the dirichlet convolution of arithmetic function with
L-additive functions.

Theorem 3.2. Let f and g be two arithmetic functions. If f is L-additive
and hf is nonzero-valued, then :
f (n) fg
(f ∗ g)(n) = (hf ∗ g)(n) − hf ∗ (n) (11)
hf (n) hf

Proof. Let f and g be two arithmetic functions. If f is L-additive and hf is


nonzero-valued, then by using the theorem 2.1 about f d we have :
X n X hf (d)f (n) − hf (n)f (d)
(g ∗ f )(n) = g(d)f = g(d)
d h2f (d)
d|n d|n
X f (n) hf (n)f (d)
= g(d) −
hf (d) h2f (d)
X g(d) X f (d)f (d)
= f (n) − hf (n)
hf (d) h2f (d)
d|n d|n
g f.g
= f (n) 1 ∗ (n) − hf (n) 1 ∗ 2 (n)
hf hf
f (n) f.g
= (hf ∗ g) (n) − hf ∗ (n)
hf (n) hf

we can proved this formula by the theorem 3.1 , since the arithmetic
function hff is completely additive by the theorem 1.1 , then we have :
f f f fg
(hf ∗ g) = hf ∗ g + hf ∗ g = (f ∗ g) + hf ∗
hf hf hf hf

3.1 Case 1 : Taking f = δ where δ is the derivative

The arithmetic derivative δ is L-additive function with hδ (n) = Id(n) = n ,
then by using the theorem 3.2 we have this corollary :

Corollary 3.1. Given an arithmetic function g, then for every positive in-
teger not null n we have :
δ(n) g.δ
(δ ∗ g)(n) = Id ∗ g (n) − Id ∗ (n) (12)
n Id

Proof. It suffices to notice that hδ = Id.

Now, taking g = Id, the corollary 3.1 becomes

δ(n) Id.δ
(Id ∗ δ)(n) = Id ∗ Id (n) − Id ∗ (n) = δ(n)τ (n) − (Id ∗ δ) (n)
n Id
then we have this formula proved in see [10, Proposition 6] and [16, Propo-
sition 2]
(Id ∗ δ)(n) = τ (n)δ(n) (13)
where τ (n) is the divisor-number-function .
We know that 1 ∗ Id = σ where σ(n) is the sum of the (positive) divisors
of n and 1(n) = 1 for all positive integers n , then by the equality 13 we have
Corollary 3.2. For every integer n not null we have :
σ ∗ δ (n) = 1 ∗ τ.δ (n) (14)
Corollary 3.3. For every positive integer n not null we have :
δ(n) = Id.µ ∗ τ.δ (n) (15)
Proof. Let n a positive integer not null , and µ the Mobius function .
Since (Id ∗ δ) (n) = 21 τ (n)δ(n) , and (Id.µ ∗ Id) (n) = ǫ(n) , then we have :
Id.µ ∗ (Id ∗ δ) (n) = Id.µ ∗ (n)
δ(n) = Id.µ ∗ τ.δ (n) since (ǫ ∗ δ) (n) = δ(n)
where ǫ is the multiplicative identity ǫ(n) = ⌊ n1 ⌋

Corollary 3.4. For every integer n not null we have :

Id ∗ Id.δ (n) = σ(n)δ(n) + Id2 ∗ δ (n)

Proof. For g(n) = 1(n), where 1(n) = 1 for all positive integers n, this reads
by corollary 3.1 :
σ(n)δ(n) − (Id2 ∗ δ)(n)
(1 ∗ δ)(n) =
The corollary 3.4 is satisfied by multiplying the previous equality by id .

3.2 now we takes f as an arithmetic function com-
pletely additive
On the other hand, An arithmetic function f completely additive is L-
additive function with hf (n) = 1(n) = 1 for every integer not null, then
we have this corollary :

Corollary 3.5. Lets f and g be two arithmetic functions. If f is completely

additive, then for every positive integer not null n by using the theorem 2.1
we have :
(f ∗ g)(n) = f (n)(1 ∗ g)(n) − (1 ∗ f g) (n) (17)

as we knows , the derivative arithmetic function ld is completely additive

with hld (n) = 1(n) then , for every arithmetic function f we have this result
(ld ∗ f )(n) = ld(n)(1 ∗ f )(n) − (1 ∗ ld.f ) (n)
in the same way we can give many result about The prime omega function
Ω and the function log .
the aim of this study is to find a relation defined by Dirichlet product
which makes it possible to calculate the series of Dirichlet for derivative
arithmetic function δ.

If we apply the relation 10 on the corollary 3.4 and the equation 13 ,then
for every complex number s we get that :
X δ(n) 1 X δ(n)τ (n)
= (f or Re(s) > 2)
ns 2ζ(s − 1) n≥1 ns

X σ(n)δ(n) X δ(n) X δ(n)

= ζ(s − 1) − ζ(s − 2) (f or Re(s) > 3)
ns n≥1
ns−1 n≥1

The properties of L-additive functions in terms of the Dirichlet convolu-

tion can be solved use the problem of the Dirichlet series of the arithmetic
derivative [16, 13].

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