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J- Jessie, B-Brian, C- Clown B:Hello, Jessie! J: Hi, Brian! Let's go to the park! B: Good idea! J: Climb a giraffe! And I'll climb a crocodile! B:OK! C: One, two, three Play with me! Five and ten Throw again! Hello! What's your name? J: Jessie! C: And what's your name? B: Brain! J: Yes! Two plus six! I've got eight! C: Good! Here's a clown for you! B: Yeay! Three plus seven! Hooray! I've got ten! C: Ten? Great! Here's a pirate for you! J+B: Thank you! Good-bye! C: Good-bye! J: Look! What's that? Is it a cafe? B: I'd like some pizza and lemonade. J: Wow! Fantastic! Let's go in! B: OK! MILLIE'S STORY M-Millie, K- Kate, G- Garry M: Hello, Kate! K: Hi, Millie! Come in! G: Hello! I am Garry! M: Hello, Garry! I am Millie! K: Have some banana! M: Thank you! And you, Garry? G: No, thank you. I'd like some pizza. M: Sorry, there's no pizza. G: Let's go to Pizza House! K: Yes! Good idea! M: Great! Is this Pizza House? K: I don't know! G:Let's go in! M+K: OK! Let's go in!

UNIT 2 LESSON 1 CARTOON STORY Cat:O-o-o-h! What is this? My book or my exercise-book? That mouse again! M-m-m ... Now The school bag and the ruler M-m-m I like that! Ha-ha! Great! I'll wait for the mouse! Mouse: M-m-m! The school bag! M-m-m! A book, an exercise book! U-h! Hooray! A pencil-case! Cat: A-hah! I got you! Naughty mouse! Mouse: Help! Help! The cat! Oh! I'll get into the pencil-case! That's a good idea! Cat: My book! My pencil-case! Where is the mouse? Mouse: Hi-hi! Silly cat! This is a nice pencil! Cat: My pencil! Oh, no! Miaow! LESSON 2 DIALOGUE LET'S PLAY! G-girl, B-boy B:Let's play! Close your eyes! Listen! What's this? G: A pencil! B:And now What's this? G:It's a It's a B:Try again! What's this? G:Oh! It's a ruler! B:Right! And What's this? G:I know! I know! It's a pencil case! CHANT WHAT'S THIS? ... What's this? It's a pen! A pen? A pen! What's this?

It's a rubber! A rubber? A rubber! What's this? It's a pencil! A pencil? Apencil! LESSON 3 SONG LITTLE PENCILS One little, two little, three little pencils Four little, five little, six little pencils Seven little, eight little, nine little pencils Ten little pencils in my pencil-case! Ten little, nine little, eight little pencils Seven little, six little, five little pencils Four little, threee little, two little pencils One little pencil in your pencil-case! LESSON 4 ACTION STORY A PICTURE FOR A FRIEND Open your exercise-book! Cut out a page! Take a pencil! Draw a picture! Look at the picture! It's great! Write C... A ...T! Give it to your friend!

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